Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 Mar 1935, p. 1

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_.,"', "iii/iii/it Arms Edict Angers Volume of Impendihg l Legislation Growing In House of Commons is -. _’....__ _ P down to serious basins“. a __ w.) mu w "R._._._- -- Home named on Veda " the members wen In theme- I-eedy to proud, and bitter perm ttgtg broke out at times were. bror of the Home. The deb-u on Wednesday wee in the form of I bombehell in that the Liberal Perky, which has at but nines Perlielnent opened. moved en madman! to Premier ”new! unemployment relief IS: “ --xX-- _-..- n- ”In!“ I uncanny, an..- - “v, e - the Conan-the party for inaction on their much ulked about plum. The Conservatives accused the Oprosltion of doing nothing for the we tare of their county but ob- structing the government (meet in their econ: to emt relief legib- tion. Mr. Woods-oral. C.C.P. leader, joined force. with the ”hen! party in the we and keen debate. The amendment submittinc n de- ttnite plus m dole-ted just nt the clue of the‘WedneodIy "anion by u might party vote of}? to 69, a ,- :__:5.. A A I ml‘llt - I": - e government mum; of 24. _ ”are Peniu-tilry Probe Leone. in; for " copy of nit papers, com-pondences, and reports of in- pectionl nude of the Kingston peni- _ -‘ 1“ ...--...- nun-an Ind pennan- - u: aw “anew". r - tot-tier! by hegemor Dew-on and interviews by h with' inmates of the institution between Fain-um 1 end July 1, 1934", Min Ashen Co M hale-cud into the chamber a feeling t she my meal seeming intonation gained tea her re- cent visits to the petulant. 17. The motion for the 'f,,".' to - of the“ copies we: loved to mad until the Minister of Justice, Mr. Cathie, returns to his seat In the AAtuttt iiGrlsei, Sir George Perky has been Ico- ing Prime Minister in the Home for woman days dudng the absence of ier Bennett, who has been corsttrsr, to his htp1. - 4 '"""""iiUG __,-, i- In the Home of . mud-y. Fri-32 PP.' Thur“, r...“ _.....-_. - - ter, notice that he will tun-aim 'uthtioes to ambush a bead to be known as the Canadian Gnin Baud wlth power to purchase, receive and take delivery of when, oats, lux- TOWN POLICE MATTERS AIRED "iiiaaaii it to Bennett M Mt... knits-“Ir! It' Action LT-t Accident Sub. - . ---_- a.l..u.l MARKET mugs Criticiam was voiced " the town council meeting on Mondey night in tern! to the conduct of the local po ice force in an accident " the corner of William and 51,'X'thtl', early last Sunday morning which Ted Slabs“ of Kilnhenot was in- Fred. Ald. Frickey scored the po- ice committee for the action of the constable on duty allowing the in- jured man to lie on the ice while the driver of the car waaxbeing Md. "The eongtahle might at - " - --"-""" ject u 'cairG-r--s_ehrt Board Rinses lo Cyf‘l‘lrte 'lllltTi; ,"iaurriCiii, " n,1 on a “his! or cum medial dd arrived." he _ 'ttr, warm: I'.te, on I was» an "Pe--'--" medical all arrived." he um. Dep- uty Reeve Albert Beer explained that the man on duty was new and val relieving the regular night cantahle Korean who was ill. _ The eomteil declined to and the loeal night constable to Toronto for the spec I " weeks Training School Course for roll“ oateers, several members beieving that the total outlay would run clone to ”on --- "» --" --.. m mm; m: -......... -- 7 - Course for relics once“, mm] ment members beieving tint the totat Mr.T outlay would run clone to ”on Re , while the council was not .101er " that utter sanding this money the at. con-able w beiUftted would 'o- Phih mm with the town. wrm-ait-- " nun-lar- In “I. Ml! while we com-cu - ..v- w." __‘_W_ that utter twain; this money the bnurlo con-able v beiiUted would to. Phitpott. min with the mu. - Criticism of radon In the 0mm , was the voiced AM. Bum. - - "n-__-h The I FAIR GRANTS ARE INCREASED ao $5.000 - - um...- -. -_.v _ ”-LIV'W 1 A Ivy-luv VII changed by tho council which will Allen! I Ioeat to- bacco the” ennui!!- 'gee 33m " mco nut: w Wm...-- v,~" pan. “all Mr“ trmtaad of ths PTO’ vim " ok och rate. Chin clung Tii%aiiGiitrirett.ou's, . ., . - - n.-. Ln-‘h- Cttq Home ot oeee BY COUNCIL “w- , Tiirardi Commons on Prime linker)???“ maim- Ill. Parley has keen 7iiiiiii- (ilétenth V Griq has at ia os-d, of Praia In 'asiief bill. " party for do ted about th I seemed lee DUI” for ch t, but ob- c. (was in " of lock“- th u C.C.P. N with the anndkoon m u de- a min; In wmcn f . honor - in- Before en audience of over 1000 , .eorad the po- pereone. Mr. Jemes S. Woodeworth. l 0 "tion of '?" federel C.C.F. leader, smoking on , l1owfng the in- "Applied Christianity” in the Copi- I the teet while tot Theatre on Sunday. steted that 3” WK being he didn't “see that we would Ippro- Mbl. 'lf',', " priute wealth, but I think whet we W 2t,T, men would went to do is to take over I: - “tn things that ere needed to produce . he "etd. DOP- more wealth." Beer expleined Mr. Wadsworth was of the ty W” new and opinion tint huge fortunes should regular night heve Inge income tiles and very ho W ill. Inge inheritance men. He would nod to lend the elm favour the government ownerJ no Toronto for an of .11 auntie! indultrlee. Trahthtg ttehoot L for no the present govern- oateers, were] menu propose]- were concerned, tint the totat Mr. Wordsworth we: non-committal. clone to "to, Re refused to note egy‘thins "lt, .. ___-_ .1--- m. n g Into - need and rye or any one or more of such grains Nanchang, and to all. store. transport m whet such gains. and to provide for the creation of .u notes-Irv minnow. AH Joe Far-or. The greater portion, of the do. baton in the House in the past week have centered about the tending! of the new Fee" Creditors ftee: In! new rum-u- v-_..-.-VV - _ ment Art. The government (one. t of the House ere enduvorin‘ to have farmers' debts reduced end l else the rates of interest on then ‘ debu. to enable the farmer to enjoy the necessities of life. Forecast of legislation to help the farmer in- clude: the establishment of the caas.ttlan Grain Board. better freight shipping pricee on min, and the cmtion of livestock markets for the Western fume". Fell Fair Gee-u lune-OJ. Increased grunts to fell “in throughout Cumin was (uncut in I the hated-y union by Hon. ', Robert Weir, Minister of Agricul-‘ tare. Class A full fairs will receive , grunts as high as $5000, end Clue B fairs as high as $3000. The re.- . son for the increase is given a I being the desire to ie.r.tt.'e', pet: ' ___-- I.. - -n ma Sodom try Mom Ia-tie----"'"" Mephntt gym Fair Trade Commission The establishment of e Fair Trade Commission will be recommended to the House by the Price Spreads Commission to resolute domestic trade. and protect the consumer [from exploitation. short-weights and purchase of misrepresented erticlee in advertising. Ontario Payroll " l Cut by $1,557,664 Since the Government ot Pro mler Mitchell F. Hepburn has come to power in Ontario it has reduced _ personnel in the Government new Tiee thy 1.149 and achieved usury economies or tt.6213M, the prem- lor revealed recently. Forty-eight addltlonn to personnel hare been made. 36 in the Department of Noe thern Development and 12 in the Department ot Munlclpal Alum; net reduction In personnel, there tore, was 1.100 and net minty anv- l Ing was tt,667,664. Tax Large Fortunes i Says Woodsworth The swollen “latrines of the Grand River has turned 'iii?) ly despite the Net t It con-l er- uble rain has {ellen recently. Ice ll reported to be bulging from the banks in keg: we: Ind some of it b said to " shifted during the M In dag.. " kTaial 0. 5-34.!- LIWM I au we f ion . . ." “all conscript Am ,aoldim. e,', ould ban '20Il His plln Ti! , pny for rid i lion me " Trude rm nendedto ot y Spreads Pr domestic ot consumer PX eight: and th ed snide: vi --------- at M Ill _ 91 Tr 57,664 g - a a ot Pre , Hum come . a. reduced ' nment ser- t wed sntBrr '. arty month. chm pan-em PW'"' tttr S. Jrh'rlliflul0 I LIBERALS H011) E. BJhllman. Prominent Men» her of South Waterloo Liberal Association, Elected Piesi- deett.--Rem. y. o. Hive] S. C. GERMAN 1r1tt.---E. B. mum, ex-nrden ot Waterloo County was honored tm the Liberals ot South Wntofloo gt their annual meeting om Sum” here, when they elected him pres!- (‘mm or the South Waterloo Lfberm Associations Mr, Hanna-n is . rear dent of New Dundee and " well and 300 pelwns tram all puts or the widely known In an; district, Over riding attended. - .., --A.- tha. “will; at“..._-_. As a part or the pmodnre. the members ot the convention passed resolution approving {he Ridership -., q_-a.I. a- 6L. I'm-nun”: --- __ - or the Liberal puma both in the Provincial and In tho Mn! Home: ot Parliament. Congratulation not. extended to Hon. Mr. N. o. 111901. the newly otoeted maker of the pro- vincial house. In his brief speak which followed of his. constituency would not on!" Mr. Hum stated that the business . - .mpll‘ll. Mr. nlyrl sun-.. ._.._V "H since he had arranged with various“ members of the party to take his share or the debate. when he not! ‘acting as the speaker. He intro , mced the speaker tor the occasion. , 'Mr. J. C. M. German, K.c.. of To 1 mum who spoke ehlorV concerning the pokitioal aspects of the situation confronting the Federal Home and also in the yrovinctal house. He pm pinched a liberal victory in the com- ing elections and stated that Mr. Bennett m responsible for the mil. lions ot dollars of increase in the national debt since his coming into power. onicero of the association are: vieeerestdent. J. Campbell. Gait; secretary‘irmurer. D. M. Charlton. Gait; executive. Gait. Dr. J. Me, W - -__-_=-- n " a“ ORGANIZATION nan. nun".-. __ e Queen, Dr. E. E. Mot. R. K. Sch visa, A. W. Hilborn. W. R. Roelllflon, J. Ritchie. N. D. Mackenzie. - Bawtenmemen. and Mrs. G. Apple yard; Preston. F. o. Pelz, C. Insane. C. B. Shanta. W. P. Beckett: Hea- peter. o, Rude“. P. J. Flynn. D. B. Jackson: Now Hamburg, W, Hot Hotter. H. Nailrgung; Arr, It. t Comm, Dr. A. R. Robertson; Wilet- __ --- ' n- "-4..- A 56381 SPEAKER iFiTGaaaai-sset, 1lnmillulo m t was“ It "ua,nii"i'i'ririiiiiareui. “whim” 1:84 km. $3,000 1703 m VAULT um) ovum you 1930 spend In": sum am your, an. building of the much-blind of 33,000 m unit for the an clerk's on» we luv. t. In hold ever for amnion man was. In m the a.“ " " mills. which in oioaatt am this! than the 1988 tax mu. the council and. no provilion for relic! mum the and amount tr,"tuT "In! from mugging”: Fund w in and. I u» m r. , tere.!, was Weurloo citizens end III-1.. wane the Relief Fund centen- b not new: in; with as much succe- u it last in the pest few - contributions are expected to we“ the [and but in the yeer. One enema declared the: unleee severe! mama! am. lend others contribute their III-re to the Welfare lined, tle hee, will sill the Weuue rune, - m..- ___- ask the council to take the mung necemry by taaation and then t tympani-a will he eompetled to give their- pioper Iti'mrl?ltmllli0i l l CONTRACT IS 01TAWA POWER Ontario Has No Right to EM“ Inter-Provincial Power Coll- tracts. Says Attorney l General PRICE CLAIMS LIBERALS SUPPRESSING DOCUMENTS 1orv0ee-'""r. --- _---" Attorney-General of Ontario, led the Liberahpnrty of Ontario in an and: on the former Henry govern- ment in the Ontario Legislature the past week. Mr. Roebuck broke all records for one speech. speaking more than ten hours on the Hydro question: I The former Henry government .came in for several days of criticism from Mr. Roebuck on their dealing- with Hydro. centering about the purchase by Ontario of Hydro bonds and hydro corpontione. The main source of Ontario r"ggsNt; ,,4_.=__ A -. n mun stunt: VI u.._.... r,, - _ gun. had tn operating detteit in 1934 of almost three million dolkrs, Mr. Rogbuck aid. q I. n -- " “,5, 11-....- * " n Mr. noenucn cum. “I submit to this Home that all three of these contacts are not only outrageous and inequitable. but ii.. legal and GrarTGGtr1ts--e-hyrtnd. the legal capacities of. Ontario and Quebec." Hydro's $300,000.000 Eaten Ell,',"; contacts with Guinean. eauhnrnois and -aren-quebee were denounced in these harm: on the floor of the Ontario Legisllture. The Attqmey-Genenl of Oattario, - .___E. --. an In. Toro,sto,-iiG, A'tter Rrbufl iiith mus Ills: "%erF..."ruF _-.,-,, Hon. Arthur Roebuck, went on re- cord with an opinion that they were illegal. "They involve." ran his main reason. "the construction of works and undertakings which connect one Province with another or extend beyond the limits of a Province." This, he held, was a Dominion jurisdiction. The contracting com- panies Ind Hydro were Provincial Caationsr--"ttnd the creatures of Provinciol authority connot do what the Legislature: themselves cannot 1m: Vullocl a”..- r," heated deninle answered Mr. Ito- buck throughout his long speech, Col. W. H. Price. Attorney-Genernl in the Henry government, lashed heck " Mr. Roebuck in tTe session with n chase that 0 Government had more-led the reading of minutes of n Hydro Com- million mttd,"g In 1926 when the ao-celled mg dul- were com- pleted. Mt. ce charged that the initintlve of the porch-3e of then commotion: m token in 1925 by _ the late Mr Aden Beck, founder n of Hydro. and was completed by the I following government. coins. 30"" and crown. r'r"ru"i'r;;iiiAfiliiEeao BE TRIED AT Gunman Germany; Parlay gang! . annual-nun- a, -_-'"" _ t,t,u,',titr,l'e' with one exception, Mr. and Mrs. ; these terms on Thomas L. Hilliard celebrated their 1 trio Legislnture. 69th wedding anniversary on Satur- ' rut of Onurio, day. The ocouion took the form ot l ck, went on re. ll wedding dinner nt the Good Com- ( a tint they were panions’ Tannin. in Waterloo. Both the bride and Mr. Hillard are in nn his min comparatively good heaith, the inner notion of works expecting to observe his 94th birth- hich connect on. any in April, while his bride is live ther or. extant! years his junior. who wgs Miss Cath- f . Pronnce. . erine Sender before her marriage. "5 . Dominion This proud distinction which in no :ontractmg com- aeidom attained by nnyone, goes to JT, 2ttrtl a Waterloo couple who received e ggn'r,'c't' many evidences of the love and high Let'l'l,','li UTI,', deem in which mayhem held by .helr fellow citizen. of Waterloo. _ Mr. Hilliard came from [round retell Ir,. ae with his parents when he “I dz his long speech. your: or use. He is “wrenching 9r, Attomcy-Genml Mm Hilliard will shortly be 89. She ---. Inn.“ was Catherine Sunder. at south We. or extend your! 'teine.'.' erlno I Dominion Th nctinz com- "e'dt1 2 Provincial a lh natures of man: mot dowhlt cttyt alvea cunnot melt MI with " ale 3.. non- let long qreeeh: Ut'. tihl61Ma'tliilt, COUNT FACES “lanai-mum's}! 1106th t,dgttg'Tiriift' e crumb“ Jana: ter out o . en TEG, Rouge] of Heidelbetg.‘ Edgar Beldel. t. Clements, m committed for trial " the next. Aldus. Death was (In. to an 111-! (action which set in following the fracturing of the woman's skull. BMI we: let at 32.000 and upon hie eommittel In nhed to $4.000. Inn-u: Bray, of the tlrm Brag and Buy, in the examination of the witness n; the IGiiiteriehteelf, out the fact that the machine he) I defective narle which nude it an cult for the penal! unused to it to [keep the cel- on the road. cumin- News“ Colin to magma. WATER CAUSES DISCOIIFORT kitettener.-Pedmtrie heed one of the dreary daya of the only tqrrirttt when the sun caused the Indden thawinf out of ice and new with the rent that gutter: over- flowed ea the water attempted to rush " the slopes of the streets. Almost every intersection was one} vast pool of wster---dast waiting to soak the feet of the naval. Mirth- en were especially irate en their children from the schools wandered home with the lower limb soaked to the skin. . For COW; Pay- 35c Exchange was Tums Tom. ammo j kitets-r.---A totat of prep, menu GiiGetstttf1??eyu'.t'l menu annual-u... v- v- _ fl. - - announced bl Went Com- missioner Al recht on Tuned-y. The system-tic peymente have Btrw.. ed in since the opening of the pro. payment umpdign on Jenner! let. he said. It is of interest to note that this is the Ingest sum in the history of the city to be in the bank: to its credit at this time of the year. EDGAR REIDEL SPRING ASSIZES the nan um... to an In.‘ (“no [0.1" the truck " skull. twee and upon Ma to $4.000. lusts u Buy and our I on hot the Galt, es. "WI t nun i'i'?ii'ltl w a m to it to ehar d. 28 I COMFORT Is heed one r the curly TR caused tho Ath " Ind new and an“! ovm 'ol' net-mud to ttt ' the sheets. . Ion WI! one] , . 7-:A:__ L- haw u, a w..._ __ Norma Rodden, 23, 3nd Rubin Hunter. SI. both ot Toronto, won In- aunlly killed on saturd‘y nun: when u our In which any war. re turning to Toronto Iron . but.“ "r"'"' In Gnu collided with n swoop-d -. -.---..- inch-nu " gnu-o u- T..-.'. 7-.., __ truck on the Toronto bunny tween shallow aid Rectum. Hum ".6%F.."m'"' ..-_ _'" Mabel slurp. 15, ot Dnndu, wagrl instantly killed when ntruci. by . our driven by Anchle Paternal: ot Gall. as she was walking along the nlrm PrestotvGait highway, Peter- - - _-.T-.-N'a- llll'm rluulvu'u_-. .0“, _ man was arrested on I munllangbtor charge. k 28 mis PERISH AS _ SHIP sums AT BEA Wireless messages from mid- Atlnntic on Thursday told of the and of the British (nights: Blur- trowrio and her crew of twenty-eight in ll! oea.n hurric-ue. K Bun-nil for Don. I While mucking ships that must hive been dmost within sight of her crisscrossed a Welter of wind-lashed sea. the 3,259-ton ate-men tsatterod for days bx a storm that left he!" helpless In water-filled, sank 1,000 miles off Newfoundland, in the min North Atlantic shipping has. was cums run UNITE Livestock sullen-x m u...- Windsor.----' of identity.which Feet of Water tte-ed would result in many cue. in the “a 1.10;; of good-will with; with in- me Sta Ill ties, was one o e princi Early Mom . 21"l"lll “use?! by J, 'iiiii'i'!iii in: e egntion e ore e oughl . Boyd Commission for the “If: ROAD UNDER WATER, opposition to merging with Windlot.‘ TRAFFIC STOW“ __ _ ....,,,__ “a .nA-ric‘L Tho - 'il5ii'i'd munmon _ ' to Tull 1914 . AtIttkita.itiaote. “Which. 1 ummh‘ amen rum nu, awn “may -.e_r"""""'""'--%CTi" 'iTriiivGiar+ on -..'"."-"tt---" Myth (3...“ island "can a“ b- cmmi-MQ-uvy‘r b "q-tBe. - _...-.-" W urn-n.3th out uemun nun-u.-." --"""- --- futon min: it “no longer .10” to put " unions! expand“. on defenses. left no doubt in the minds of observers the two were directly related. av £09me 'ttttttoh. ' . Mutupmen thin-o In and: ray-nun - iriiiaararei_tt.ettlt.'.f ‘W Th. Diva“ on. i;iiiiiirGukatiftetttff 'iirraurto-amtyofft8tfP, mAnu-onoo-mm ammtmmvi “may. a

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