'th 'fda' I sg£3 TM Inn-n1 will I). hold Frid- ge g nlemg the long of): bioMfii'imB' max; Inca-nun: will in and. in m Pale-tttt mm. T Jl'iiielu7iiihirrrji7?gttttrg " n c a n We?†'dl'T, 'lllMh by one Mu. I like. and a nophaw. _ Aty fnnupl will. trqhelit May TtGtif iiGafGTGd m t tlGl'ii'tli'."d"r"l2 3..“ Jontt 5'l'Jlfl'l came an re- n o e , rope u con'l " chi-district only wan-day mom-â€rain the fractured rib whlch flag, Nov. 22nd, in the person of he mttreNdorUrt leaving the blunt Carma! ',,t.ee.e.er,g led " you»! " ftltytmtn thy your, Ho Igu- Dani of ttf, CM)... - Depth cl: med 3n um School was cloned on blond†atumoon for mother ttalt any of tewhon' convention. The children ir""'" the bonny by this]: rid- " Mr. and Mm. Henry Kenyon and Mr. ad Mm. Albert Elnwochtor ot Plathvme spent Scum!" at the home of Mr. and Mm. AMI: We}. Mus Arnhem Snider returned to her home on Friday after spending come time with her utter. Mm. Edgar Malcolm“ and Mr. Manchu-n of Grynybyf. _. $333 Mr. loam: Crmlhihricoompmied Mr. David Boning“ of German W. on 3 business trfp to (Mummy on - dar, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bohlodol were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Prod “munch. Recent canons at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. halal: Crouman were: Minus Rath Fetch, Lorraine and Dorothy Schlodel and Mr. Allan Block. Rev. and Mrs. Simon Martin spent Tuesday at the home ot the formal“. yawn", Mr. and Mrs. mm; Martin ot Bt. Jacobs. Mr. and Mus. Alvin Schiedel and daughter Gladys called on friends In Humor and Kitchener on Monday afternoon. Sunday vmwrs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Snider were Mr. and Mn Herb Winner and daughter, Kathleen ot noon and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mmolman and chil- dren, Helen, Elmer, Nelda and Ar- leo_n of Grtmsby. A robin, which we believe is the tirsrt harbinger ot spring was seen here on Monday morning, try Mr. D. M. Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bowman and daughters vlsited‘ with Mr. and Mm. Anson Martin on Sunday. Miss Leah Horst ot North Wool- wlch, Mice Lydian Gingrich and Messrs. Noah and Sydney Gingrich or Winfield, Mr. and Mm. Lori Bow. man, was Evelyn Bowman, Means. Dan and Owen Bowman were Bun. day guests of Mr. and Mm. Henry Gingrich. Mr. and Mm. Walter Campbell of Guelph visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mm. Israel Manama. Miss Gertrude ou was a Sunday visitor with Miss Laura Schutz, Wa, terloo. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'DOnnol ot Moortsti6id, Mr, and Mn. Noah Mars tut, Mr. and Mrs. Dov! Gingrich were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mm. Josiah Gingrich. Mr. Hy. lilix and daughter. Miss Hilda 0t Elmira. Mr, Mllwh Eu, Mm. Milton Snyder mid Mrs. Alfred Rit- ter Ian on Tuesday morning tor Pttt. morq, N.Y, where they will visit, Mr. and Mm. Solomon Sou). Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Shantz and Mr. and Mm. Sylvan Shanta were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Buy: der. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller were Sun. day visitors with Mr. and Mm. Otto Miller, North Woolwlch. The missionary program given tit the Mennonite Church on Sunday afternoon was well attended. Mrs. Sydey Banana ot London ia visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. “an": In on: yum-until. lulu unu- ashintr, boating, tennis and other normal manner sports are all round pin-suite at the coast. Thia'is the second Winter that the Canadian Railroads have introduced such favorable rates. Responding to the growing de- mand for “Canada mt" travel, both railways are this winter offer. ing return tickets from Eastern Connie to the PtMsitle Coast " the some low rates that were in force during the past summer for season limit summer tourist tickets. The totes will be approximately two- third of the ordinary return fares. in making the announcement, C. P. Ridden, Chairman of the Canadian Passenger Association states that: these ckets will be {in sale until1 February 28 with return {cordon good until April 80. Mr. iddell point out that Vancouver and View tori: possess some of the best ttolf goggles in the Dominion. and that SPECIAL LOW RATES FOR TRIP - "CANADA WRST" l "ri'k"altriN'l'l'i' on and. sum _. Waterloo - - Ontario You Never 8" I Low-1hr Lot and at prim thrwm appept. See ‘them " . _ o ttgm $4.50 85.50 $6.96 $7.50 . , n. A. Germann my?! Gui-hm forâ€. lot Us like“ an _ " tht-tto. Tltaari-. 9th may. Blankets STRAGBURG IADIN F LORADALE ' lot 1 Hon. W. D. Euler end Mm. Euler, Queen street north Kitchener, were in Toronto on Butnrdny. Hon. Mr. _ Euler addressed the Twentieth Con- tury Liner-i club at their tunnel din- ner at the Roral Ydrk hotel that evening. I Mm. L. Doering of human; and (Min Emilie Doerin; ot Phllipebnrg were vieitom in Kitchener recently. [spending a week‘s nation. the waste of Mm. Roe: Good, Lydia "tret, Kitghener. ..vuuvu mun-u: u ulluml w nil [ more: an emu ifGi7eflur5 may»: 'Gll'clu'llt _ Whom Wm. min of Snnnyaido swarm. - ' l lost control ot M. w on Bunch, ttrmmmittatiomt were rad and 1 at A We“: mar-action. it 00- Med, A dimmlon followed to an "M 11tttr,gtt,N.'dlhgi't. tgt,tttt ' m: ttthtm I " In on T 0 1tlP4"dl h tdt in am 'ti"'""'""")" on Dee. "tlo mud to return to tiiiaitG- u-tea. any. Mr.Atr. P. Kraut. manor ot the Wtturhttt plant of the John Forum ye!ur1u1s rayon†e cogniugjn; Mr. E. B. ack of Bunnie Wu a vidtor in Waterloo rec-nay. On his town: he Watt 'gfi,t',ril,td, I? Mr. Clan!“ W. O'Donnel ' John t. E., 3kg is spending have"! weeks in Haida. I: Mrs. J. H. Tweed has, returned to her home in Russel after spending a week in Waterloo, the guest 0 her daughter, Miss Jean Tweed. Parkview Apartments, and of Mr. anti HEELS: C. Twegd, Willow St. Mrs, Finlay Matheson and Mrs. James Valentine of Waterloo and Mrs. Amos Musselman and Mrs. A. Mann of Kitchener on Tuesday air tended a meeting of the executive of the Guelph Presbyterinl Women's 8t,"t,',rq fte2 of the United Church. he sees ans were held at the S',,'.'R, Y.W.C.A. _ Mrs. l ev.{)Mather of Chealey is the guest of r. W. L. Hilllnrd and Mrs. Hilliard at their home, "ia) street. Waterloo. The members of the Equitable Life Insurance Company staff arranged a much enjgred skating party on Wednesday, ov. 15th at the Granite Club. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Berlett of Toronto spent the week-end in Kitchener, the glues“ of their par- ents, Mr. and rs. v. M. Berlett, Lancaster meet, and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Betzner, King M. East. Kitchener. Mitre, Pegs! Snyder, atudtmt-ltt.re, Mdertce at "Ovenden", Barrie spent the week-end at the home of her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Snyder, Willow street, Waterloo. _ A highly successful “waffle tea" was given by the members ot the Gleaners’ Class ot Emmanuel Evan- gelical Sunday School. Waterloo, on Saturday. Mrs. H. A. Kellerman. Mm. A. K, Creeunan, the teacher ot the class. and Miss Kathleen Reese. the president ot the clue received the guests. Miss Margaret Brturtps- men had charge at the teamem. Mice Margaret Bowman convened the bak. ing sale. Mine Coeette Holman the candy, and Miss Marie Grumman was the general oonvener. A iltte Bum was netted. The home ot Mr. and Mrs. Israel Snider, Manna street, Waterloo, was the scene of an interesting event Saturday night when they enter- tained the memhens of the St. John'e Horseshoe League. the winnem in the Inter-county play, at a rabbit supper party. Miss Louise Germann, Waterloo, and Miss Dorothy Bernhardt ot Pres. ton ttrttertattted at a tea and shower at the farmer's heme. Duke St... Wa- terloo, in honor ot Miss Margaret Voelkér, whose marriage to Dr. J. N. McEachren of Fairport, NN., In an- nounced this week. Mm. Oscar W. Barrett, formerly Miss Evelyn P. Hottrtrrtter, received tor the tirtrt-time since her marriage at her home, 18.9 Wilmot street. Kit. charger, 911 Saturday. week-end the truatrt ot Mm. B. Ey A number from here attended a Johnston, the Ontario president ot lecture in the Wellesley Town Hall the Twentieth Century Liberal Wo. on Thursday when' Mr. Walter men’s club. While in Toronto Mine Schultz, on urloplh from mrin, \Woener attended the annual meet- Africa. ewe an Interesting on in; and dinner of the Ontario Twen- that new Mission Field. Mi. Ichultz tleth Century Liberal Women's Club In a nativeqf this district. He en- at the Royal York hotel. tered the mission field some years Leaving this, week tor chum-ma ago and returned this fail after 8% are the Mines Delphine Cole, R.N., ears spent in the African Wilde. and Rita Cole ot the Dominion Margie disgleyed a great collection of atatt, Waterloo. The tormer my ' hose lack nativea' tools, imple- spend the winter months, and Mid ments, weapons. wearing apparel, Rita Cole will spend a month's hoii- etc., as Well as some souvenirs such day. Members of the Dominion we as snake skins and wild animal hides gum and of the K.-W. hospital nurs- and the like. One of his snake skins ing school alumnae assembled ,3; measured 18 feet. Mr. Schultz hopes the home or the Misses Cole recentr to come to Wellesley again in ly to wish them hon voyage and mm January. ing the evening tendered them al r--------------- shower ttt handsome travelling gifts. it ----trrirCTtr--------- ' 1 Miss Meta WoelIer unmanned to her home. King street. Waterloo, from Toronto where she spent the week-end the guest ot Mm. B. K. Johnston. the Ontario proudth ot the Twentieth Century Liberal Wo. men’s club. While in Toronto Mk6 Woeller attended the annual meet- ing and dinner of the Ontario Twen- tieth Century Liberal Women's Club at the Royal York hotel. . Hostess†who entertained mt weak in honor ot my Munro! Welter, pomtur brtdoolect Includ- ed Mrs. 1L Bmrithauttrt who (up a charmingly blunted cup and saucer shower at her home, Albert urea}, Wuterloo. and MH- Jun Form-on. who automated for If.ut, Vodka! st the home ot Dr. H. . Lunar 3nd Mm. Lackner at a guest towel shower. The Hours; Albert Bottom, Prod mailman and water M or Wdluloy â€out who week-end In the' Ttrftt any. V MU'. mun» Mueller has tourin- gut no: tyttrtt, Torn, arm. WM.» a. dock. m. in would] two-rpm olur. win ho Meaed to out an In Kt-tttsatis it 't,t'ttlg, m can Mud rumor: or ' gag-non. nt the x-w. 8mm on ed to not home. 2Nif,N; WM.» _to'h/tt.mts neutral or. to â€on: Itt, a: trtt2tt 'il'c'i"htll1't'af'llleti52t council, mugs): unable to help Ila-newly, N gag! whole-hearted I ' - _""8'll,'t'aLo,,. won rand and A delegation compound of o. C. Kramer A. Ernst And F. L. Ernst uppured Ind Inked lid in {ho start» in: of n shingle tpetory. They in- formed the council that a me had been chosen and $6,000 eapitttl ob- tained. In order to start next year thy wished to sell 85.000 mot. of preferred stock In the village. Them would "1:510: about so men. The gtttth, thoygh putrid to hplgl tt't,',rtgt questions were dealt with y the New Hamburg eouncil which met on Mandy. n mem- ben were pnsent In Reeve J. E. Imyren presided. Buoy Senio- of Vllllgo Canoe“. Mia. Dave Boshu-t culled on Mrs. Noah Boihart of Wilmot Centre on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Zehr and family Upon: a few days with Mr. 'ef, Mrs. Allan Jantzl and Mrs. J. a r. l Mr. Gideon Hamacher has re- 'turned home after a few weeks' hunting trip up north, Mrs. Snyder' of Kitchener who spent a few weeks with her Jaugh- ter, Mrs. Gideon Hnmncher, has re- turned home. Mi. thiiiGe letter agent Sunday me: Mr. and Mrs. C. . Swnrtzcn- tru r. on thsriday' 99988; GiGrv%Triiiiv" attended. the annual rally day mgram helq by_the Wilmot Centre E.L.C.E. Our" local "tttrdsiiGrrrir' Albert Kurt, completed the season's work on Monday. Mr. and Mm. Albert Kurt and chil- dren. Reta and Cllttord, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kurt and Mr. Arno Noah spent Sunday at the home ot Mr. and Mm. Harry Kurt near Elmira. vuuuun ul way“ spent allmlly Willi Harry Kurt 'war Elmira. H". and Mrs. Frank Pehmrmaetr. Mr. Ruesel Salzbury ot Now Dun. Sim. John Halter called on her grazing: 2ttor'tg','gu'.'th ttia lbmther. Mr. Joseph Mayor " St. To. ar' local thrower. Mr. Ais,rtIse?lt.'tl 1fPsrr?italNeiptt, Sumny. 'Mr. uk"iiUOiiiiri'iiGimit and t funny spent Sunday evening at the] home ot Mr. and Mm. Addison Rick. ort. C l “Opportunities on the Rural Field" was ably discussed by Mr. Lorne Schmidt while Mr. Milton Weber ot Waterloo spoke on "Mr Duty and Re. eponaibimy as an individual." A missionary and children's pro- gram was held at the Lutachar Mon- nonlte Church on Sunday. Miss Be lean Shana gave a splendid - on “Glimpseq ot our Mission Work." Miss Miriam Creaaman spent Thumduy evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Snider. splendid Topic. on Walnut. Mr. and Mrs. Leone Winner and daughter, June and Mr. Bert Mort ot Nine Pines spent Sunday at the heme ot Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Bach. ert. spent Sunday at mGGGiriirriiiii Mrs. T. Hownld. ,lhose wa natives' tools, imple- ments, weapons, wearing apparel, etc., as Well as some souvenirs such as snake skins and wild animal hides and the like. One of his snake skins measured 18 feet. Mr. Schultz hopes to come to Wellesley again in January. Miss Beatrice Rickert visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. t How, axc_l_on AuMay. . - Mr. Meiviifinuahardt spent mni. day, at his home In Waterloo. Miss Miriam Cressman was a re- cent guest at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Devin. Mr. Walter Rickert spent Sunday a! the home of Mr. and Mm. Milton Weber. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hallman were Mr. and Muslim. Hallqu and Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Eby and children, And- rey and Nyle ot Williama'burg. _ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mommy and son Donald spent Sunday at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rap. pel at Kitchener. . Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Mancini“: and children of Preston spent Sun- day with the inner: sister. Mm. Milne and Mr. Geo. Milne. Ite 1True?.. rally, M may; . .7“ -"e-.ret -_._. .. --. , Mr. and In. ttirhi,idiii:tirhtr ind t,trhfg, Elmer paid a v t to Mr, In ' In. Clarence Becker in New Hamburg on Sunday. J Mrs. Annie Albrecht ot unver- ton spent several days with her daughter last wank. Talk on Minion. you no, "“on V and an ttttt __ ft2'2lstfiQ'ilfti1it, V f and no :u% Mf 'etttisst It": stliii mo! W,trs, _"ttl'i3tt,tAt,tiiht',t Moll! _ " _ V _ , atr'i'rr't omit; uc ltriste â€MUM: you“ last rock, Other- mrttet having (“not mum to on,†any - robin and em: and on ro- man tron Wilda . Mum on: to hove noon a mu you): of , Mr. and In. - no!†" (!iFi'iriit?ir lull bloom Ina-vamp, tt "BIO-ole can" um - In; n~ocay. '. .on. s' ', ' ,‘ Mr. Ind Mn. Grant Hart“ Ind In hm VI It. ' ' son. Mr. and In. Herbert 'tlug,', 'll',' 'ld I,',",',.",'-,,, whim and Mr. and Hts. mam Wigner Mr lid â€in Ir.', um in†n.- tf "will; till','!,',',?) ,"tlth, visits: Giit (not: 'GG Ttmmto with Mr. era vex-n we Am or en 'r'ld.l,"'(fftt an. Quid mega /""?Pef??1ettpe -7 . Mr. ylngent _Hyt1lsrb of Kitchener NEW HAMBURG PINE HILL MANNHEIM '4'i'i'if,i1rts,i,'i,i iii": up; and an sin I Our School chlldron m I lull holiday on Wannaâ€. wan. II- 0am. Walker. our local tucker. wont tho mm observing " the Brain: School. The young Mb In "It Ohm hold a mom at the when] 'ttt 1tt141V, to , 'r"'teeaN'tt. for Mn; mi. "iruiiGiG%iriiritiie name time with Mr. Ind Mm. Hor. tet Kroger. , A 1toriiLyiioV, fun, to Mr. and Mn Hgbon_l§ulpr,_ goon. Smithy visitor: with Mr. and In. Ignaz Wonor wore Mr, and Mn... Leander Hunt! and daught6rs In- no and Donna ot Kitchonor. Mr. and Mm. Amen Waller of Waurttto, Mr. 2'iftJ, Hamel. Mrs. 10.. my Imd oh “you ot homo. Mr. and Mm. 011.. Home" upon: Sugday Irtttt relative. in laminar. _ Mis- Edlth hair»: Gi"iiiTeiisner 'oyt Quad†with hot mother. - MI!- c, v.' iiitaiGra, I nook-end y18_1_tpr ttMr Mme in nonwood. went Sunday winnin- "tL/tilu-ii-ru. my: qulgo at hon. Miss Emmi Halter ot Toronto spent the week-end with Mrs. John Halter. The card party held in the school hull last Thursday was gt sumo-o. firtrt prize: wont to may our: Schuen mad Mr. Walter Brahman and con-outlet: to Mr. Joseph Schell and Min Florence Zonal. mu Norah iruriGiUeiGiGUmst some time In Kitchener ume home 1att ‘Wodge-dny. . Frlendg ot sihr,uriri;ri%iiiarr"au be sorry to hear she ls seriously In at her home. Mau Tack): Halter returned home after a Ewtvzgok; y.?" _|n__0uelph._ _ Mr. George Hanoi and Miss A, Hamel and Mr. Wilma Hung} ot Guelph and Mr. and Mrs. John Bol- fried and family were Sunduy "gi. tons at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Henry Relnhart. Mr. deorge Brahman. who spent some time tn the Canadian North Tet it..in our 5mm 'gain, V Mien 01min miinGri aGGTGinimt Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zinger to Bun-lo Sunnis}. Mm. Brenton and Miss Jean Fahr- ggpach .ot 911th 'Tet 'Indtbr with Mr. Oiusar kunii'imd children ot Detroit spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scherrer. Rev. Joseph titdriiiG" spent last ThAtrmtt3sr itt Toronto, Mirr, Hglen Wiobo of mummi- Meme. Aruijii) FEE} and June: Clancey attended a surprise party " Prgston Jturt Wagneaday. Earlier in silver raiment during the gorgeous hour ot eventide. and later in golden livery u the arching dome of heaven deepened, radiant Venue and the crescent moon pre- sented en arresting Monday evening spectacle as they travelled sunset wa‘y together across the southern ek est Mr. Wm. Bruder ot Guelph visited l’ehtlves here last week. November "ruiiorriLiiow in pro- gress along the "ttott"5raltertatein highway. Mr. Menno Hoover Ia constructing a camp for lieg, wood-cutting on we} woodlot use Cronin". At the Martin Meeting House um Sunday morning, bums were pro- claimed for Miss Amanda' Martin ot 'el,'.';,',','.""') ad Mr. Noah Lichty ot Wa. ter oo. Hatr hidden in m hunt tor tender tallwheat blades under the toot-deep fleecy snow, on Saturday afternoon hare bore a striking resemblance to a woodchuok in Its sombentramce halt to a hillside burrow. Three Bridges and North Wool. wlch will be the two centres ot Matt. nonlte Church worship next Sunday morning. Mr. Enoch Batman ot the “Molly Lackner" tum has fared m thts ran with the loss of a cow recently and that It , ty?rse a tow_wogks ago. 7 A real opportunity to tiny I new suit or overcoat at I saving or dot. tam " End's {lat Anniversary Sale now on " Kitchener. Wuhan-coin New. NM“. imam "tttttttom visited the home ot Mr. John Behluoter on Mon. day afternoon. ' An swam} star since April n. Venus wlll have its greats". eastern elongation 'y'Et Saturday, _Nov. 35. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ll. Tunnel: were weekend guests with Mr. Charles E. Matthews and (willy. Mr. Amos -B, me And outer Sarah spent Sunday with Emir: friends. Mm. L. A. magnum.» “a? daughter a accentuated It. and' Mrs. B. Frey in a and†men 1 noon vial: at the Upper Woolwlch hope ot Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glu- rich Mr. and Mn. 0.17 Kenn and Mr. and Mm. B. C. Damien mu IN. mlfg bugle-1 "tyt oy #ondar. _ Mr. and Mia. 1am. P. Dom won Kitchen“ tin-Inco- ".ttom an Thursday. - I m.. Dairy Rutherford Is much: a. month's colourn at the Burke-Nine home ot Mrs. J. R. roman. Mr. w, ia.uaiGCe. Bitten. backer or. recent 11mm; with ttlttfsndtr nou- Waterloo. 41st ANNIVERSARY SALE |HANTZ ITATION NEW GIRMANY ai C') mm». mm; t,jiPji,5iii2fii,-' fttrtr'ne" Omani! on Monday afternoon‘s ' .. .,.m 'fl"gttg " 'lr'tt m I T one ttttttttct a!!!“ “PM Mr. Fred Bin-churn: of St. Clomcnu visited on “and†" the ‘homo of Ir. and In. John Milur. Mr. Henry aroma of Want-loo ,',lit'e I few days with friends in the v lure. Mr. Robert Hintchberur "turn- ed to his homo hon “tor ttttt the put nine months In rm.- Corncr. _ was . bustnduHiiita' Grial" nuduy. Mrs. L. M. Echo!" manna}; her home “at mndlnc a week with friends in Ruthie. Minn- At, “a Eda. Miller And Mr, Elmer In†Mud with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mum-er on Mm.. my. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bird and'hm- Hy nt Bunny evening with Mr. "admin. Edmund Schwindt. Meson. Gordon Wmer and Kenneth Schwindt were recent visit. on with (Hemi- P. Tnvlltock. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schmidt and none saw-m and Frederick end Moe-n. Gordon end Edmund Bonn of Waterloo were Sunday visitor, with Mr. and Mn. Philip Bun. I Miss octane Mohr of North East» hope spent A week with her Liner. Mm. Edwin Bender and Mr. Bender recently. Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Miller of Elmira visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lapin Miller on Sundny. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Underwood and daughter Cure! of Kitchener were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Maura Miss Marie Mlller. who spent the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Snyder at Heidelberg. bu returned to the home of her ptsrenta, Mr. and Mm, John A. Miller. Mr. Gd -ffrir"Eirri)iiusr of Floradnle were Sunday visitor: with Mtu.and_Mry. fltto Miller. . T “M‘Mlllf P. "no mum gunman-u 'tl'llt1'ltaWtau't'?tttt Styynt!.ittren Pm. Mud-gm Miss Ruby Moldenhauer, R.N., of Dunnville a at the week-end " the home or her parents, Mr. and Me, Julius, My?ldent1auer. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dnnlel Horst were: Mr. and Mrs. Amos Weber and family of Peel, Mr. Simeon W. Horst of Kitchener, Mr. Joseph Bowman of Elmira, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Horst and family Mr. and Mrs. Sam Horst and family. and Mr. Daniel w, Horst. l Mr. t G. Byrte yd “whine; Mrs. J. Battier Is staying with her sister, Mm. C. Callahan at pres- ent. Miss Susie Bettachen ot Washing- ton spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. P. Bettachon. ily, Mr. and aim. Iimtondgtimut and daughter Marie of can spent last Thursday with G. A. Miller and tam. A very enjoyable evening was spent in the Heynvlue Hall on Mon- day evening. when the LY.P.A. held a euchre party. Pint. prize was a goose, domwdhy Mr. Gordon Daub. The winner ot the goose Wu Mr. Percy Weicker. The consolation prize went to Jack Weatoott. Re- freshments were served " the close ot the party. Mr. iack’Tye apettt the week-end at the 'home ot his wants. Dr. and My; P. L. Tye at Mllvorton. Mr. and Mrs. sun. mam and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. P, Ellis and Mm. Head, all of Kitehtrnerspeat Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mm. Gordon Daub. Mrs. W. J. Nelson has returned to her home In Toronto an" spending the past couple ot weeks with. Mitts, C. K. Brown at Mth Grove. Mr. and Mm. wm.Uuraans, and family spent. Sunday with relatives near Rowvme. Mr. Alfred Dealer spent a few days last week with " ulster tn Kiy_sttmter., __ - Mr. and Mm.' cum. -Brennomn ando - ot Men opent Sunday with the (oi-Inert mother. Mu. Jan. Brennomnn and usually. Minus B. Anselm: and Reta Shunt: spent the week-end with frlpnds in, New H_ettntttr, Mr. and Mm, Emmanuel miner and Mr. Milton Anlnnn ot Kitchener and Mr. M. G. Winn of 1mm attend- ed the [non] of the late Mr. Pred Lacknor on Thu-my. mu Lyman may?» returned home after mu â€In. than with friends In the north you. A number clamor. from this-oo- tion amended the auction “I. at Mr. Andrew Phytord'a or Crank/lg! 't Tuscan: “unwell. Mr. Ind Mrs. Sidney Event! and miniir of Waterloo an â€ending some time with the former": wants, Mr. and Mm. John moan. . f I} 7 IV , it ii .‘ m. m run-notion. 'al'21,ttitr an in!» thyF that w _ W' “in: tttAirA't99tett an aim-W /"it'."'ttt um r Wilda-n r. m ' _ . upâ€; - du- wm " mgr. mm. Ann-n with; , mu Evelyn AM" and Mr. boob Sandor 'tuw a the Omaha! ‘publlc on». ' " l we. Noah Prey use Mr. mm, Home: use mulls nun! "our on Mr. Honor- farm neu- Clo-shall cutting wood. l Mr, and In. Cuba: “we: T/ turned to their home in Windsor utter numb; the on] ot.tho‘ tottryrr'etrtttutr, Lg," od minor. l Grit Eiiig ii," NORTH WOOLWIGH HAVSVILLI :2 i'i't't Mr. and Mrs. David MacDonald ma non Camemn were guests of Mr. and Mm. 13mm Welch at Ayr on Sunday. _ Mr. md Mm. Lawn Rent and children Elaine and Elmer ot Pro:- PY visited with Mr. and Mm. L. K." Binxoman ,0" tiGiilr, spent Sunday at the tsoinekiirU, Lev! Harms Mr. and Mm. Jacob Tommi an! son Douglas of Kitchener visited with Mr. Ind Mrs. Money Town: on Sun- day. Dr. K. il. Brown. Maseru. Clittord Waterman. Jack Schmidt and Dave Mitchell spent two days ot last week in the Niagara Peninsula on a phea- sant hunting expedition. and were successful in bugging thirteen birds. For-aunts. The students ot the New Dundee baby "Bernice and Mm Bone Hath. Continuation School will preeent the I man motored to Lottdottr on MOM!!- play, "Chintz Cottages", In Kavel-l Mm. G. Tuchllnakl and daughter man's hall on Friday evening, Dec. Betty visited with "lends at Wtett. Mt. e loner and Waterloo over the week. Dr. K. il. Brown. Maseru. Clittord,end. A. McKeeock. utter which a splendid paper on "The History and Mannhe- ture ot Chocolate" was given by Mm. F. E. Page. A vocal trio was then rendered by Mrs. M. Bechtel, Mm. A. Fume!- and Mrs. A, Mc‘Keesocir who were dressed in ohrtttahiontrd cw mines. Miss Mary French; gave an interesting paper on the subject. "What The Kernel of Com In and What it Gives", alter which there was an exhibit ot corn products made " the Canada starch Company. The [allowing prizes were then awarded in the Chocolate Fudge Con- .teet: First. Mrs. E. fr. Brown; sec- 'ond, Mm. W. B. Foote: third, Mrs. P. E. Page. Following the 'rrmrram: dainty refreshments were served. I l 4Ut ANNIVERSARY SALE ‘ I A real opportunity to buy a new “suit or overcoat at a saving ot doi- _ tam at Emt'e 41at Anniversary sale now on at Kitchener. Don't forgot the three-act may on»! titled. "A Poor Married Man", which _ will be presented by the yonnx.peo-| ple of the RosobMIk School section In the Roeebank School on Friday evening, Nov. 24th. I Andrew Bean gave an address on "Credentials of Revelations". at the N.D.C.8. Christian Felbmhlp meet. ing _which_ was_h_eld last Friday. l he Public School Christi} En, tertttltttnent will be held at the sellool_og Friday evgnlng, Dec. 22nd. IIIIIIllIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIllI'llâ€IllllII"IllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllflllllllllllllIllllllllllg A meeting ot the local branch ot the Upper Canada Bible Society will be held la the Baptist Church on Tuesday evenlng. Nov. 28th, at 8 o"ciock. Rev. B. G. Plnnock of To romp. tittld secretary, will be the speaker tor the meeting. New Dundee Nqu of Interest. The closing services otufttmse weeks' revival campaign at the M. BS., faurtlt were held on Iundar. Sum-day Special ....... With awry Me PURCHASE on gteup, m . 25. Quinlan _._.._Llrtttl_?tr1ttttArttitq “In. , "I?! ltr,, - _:r_1, _ ' C 11ttrePytmytthi.PAr.,tpyt their enm~me~ nude; at the ‘ aural lab “and†evening. um View Diner Med at! the culp- gulls...†Rah. 10:10-85 m "M, . ' " ttrt' m 'U"t'tgts on on. topic, "How Can We lute Our Meetings Better," were [Inn by Mr. Elmer Path. mu my Bechtel, In. Em “Hammer and In“ ,Dorle Bechtel. like Lily .. [Amen- 'ustttntmr and Mm. L. union render- led a vow am. owned "mum: :Mercy". The 10110171»; other. were: ttttms elected tor the slum you: 'presldent. mu mum m; new ; president. Mr. Anson Dent: necro- tary-treuurer, Mr.’Weaou Bel-am: . Comma-Ion Laden. Mlle an": t Bock. Mk6 Ruby Bechtel. Mk: Greta Buck and Mr. Wilfred Wrong. 8""an Ivangelmle Magda... l The second week of amniotic meetjnu are new In was at the ‘Untted Brethren church. The eer- vlcee which are conducted by the pastor. Rev. G. D. Flemln; ere being lucid each week night, except, Satur- '.day at 8 o'clock and on Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock. Mlps_ Maple tnttsrk ot Movllle interacting Topics. The November meeting of the Wo. men’s Institute was held at the home ot Mrs. Margin Bechtel lat Wednes- day evening with the president. Mina Sylvia Bock occupying the chair. An endoyebie sing-sous 'pttrPd by Me. Just received un- other lot of tttore Pulls. Special for Suturdny .....rr... It: Informative Talks On " King st. gouth MR. Hm HMS. In my run eon-uni with the "A!â€de betote.. In Wanda, In - n m. “or. had will be "and no urn r"'. “THE NEW HARDWARE†75561:? Top}. A good 5 tits Broom, Red inn 0. LANTERN Gnomes IN GAIN. lump 'i',rr:?j':,?,rr"i'il,rr.',8.' â€lift": "rr/ry, "i . r.--,_.V P is; the. (e,tts:siirtkii, ' F', i Short or Long Globes. 1 foe Me Tune in on CKCR why (even? J EEVEN O’CLOCK and (#19119 the Wilhelm [layman Radio Program. BROOMS H. K. Wilhelm FREE 1 NEW DUNDEE Phone 408 - __ WKTERLoo A Real Broom] in a Lam an; Emma led Double Rout- in In. Reg. price 81.26. M, 40 and 80 Watt © " Ind too Watt 4P ..r 160 Watt © _....."..'..."' 200 Watt © 'F__....m.._..'. I Evidence was heard as the trial of Nathan Tuaher of Toronto on a charge of stealing copper wire valued at “25.00 W“ . begun. Tusher pleaded not guilty and was allowed out on 31000 ball. We carry a complete stock of Inside Frosted Lamps in Hundreds ot people are mung ad- vantage ot the great values in men's and boys' clothing at Ernst's “at an. nivemry sale [ Spud-I q Me for gummy. REAL VALUES AT ERNST’B BALE Miss Ruby Koehler ot PWutrvit1e spent Sunday " the home of her 9ary ems, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Koehler. Mr. A. W. Htlborn of Cult called on his brother, Mr. A. Hilborn on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. ArthttHallrmo and baby "Bernice and Miss Bone Hath Mr. and Mm. Florin Tainan and non Donald ot Waterloo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Toman on Mon- day, Miss Myrtle Becker ot Perry's Gor- ners spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wanner. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Weber and Mr. Garfield Weber visited with Mm. wryney It Kitchener on Sunday. Mr. Irvin Brown ot qirrutdimsnt the week-end with his parents. Rev. and Mm. W. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brady Md daughter Barbara or Brantford and Mm, V. Dumb of Pork, visited with Rev. and Mrs. C. w. Backus on Sat. urday. ' Mi. Earl Rickert of Kitchener was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Duench. Mr. Norman Hilt, teacher at the Rosebank School. spent Tuesday afternoon observing at the William Centre Public School. DOUBLE ROASTERS Miss Goldie Gibb and Mr. R. R. Baility, teachers ot the local PuMIc School. spent Monday afternoon at New Hamburg, observing the teach- ing methods of the public school teachers there. The Misses Mabel Bechthozd and Hilda Knlpfel and Mr. Carl Becht- hold ot Pelemburg visited with Mr. and 'Mrs. 1itt!on Weber on Sunday. Mr. Ronald Bock ot McMnater Uni- versity, Hamilton. spent the weak- end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Bock. Miss Marjorie Good and Mr. Hamid Smith ot Kitchener were new ot Rev. and Mrs. G. R. Schultz last Wednesdan, - _ Mr. Herman Kavelman was a bum. new visitor to Guelph on Monday. Miss Lillian Difenhacher of PM ton visited with Mr. and Mm; Eli Dttrytstyyshtsr pn Sunday. Mr.'and Mm. W. o.Mflctt6ll ot Kit- chener ma Mr. J. E Shoemaker ot Carzwell were Sunday visitors with Miss E. Shoemaker. Mr. and Mrs. wilned Wanner (in! daughter Dorothy and Mr. Wyn! Booker visited with Mr. 'ttd MN. Ephraim Fried at Rosevine on thtm day. C . , Mr. Elma Tannin ot Bhir spank Sunday at the home ot his â€rents, Mr, and Mae. L H. Toman. _ _ "NWT Nee-e -re. . Among those from a distance, who attended the funeral at the late Mm. J. w. wnlner last Wedttotsdttarem.. Rev. and Mrs. Dnvld Hebe, Mr. dpd Mm Allan Helge and Mrs. Brilllngor or Gonnquy and Mr. Ward Koch pt Bt. Catharina. ". Mr. and infirm? iiiGiirr'Gi Kitchonor visited " the Maj,“ Mm. Bunyan: 995mm}? sum. yrs: 8.), my, up: dag; .1; Harry mtiuttter my JlliArir'l'lt, row end-Dyan Himmler“ Nev- 'ytrtttrttrg "sited with In. 'ef,. Team on Sum}. _ . ,. , x3 'C/tsi, Rev. M. H. Shut: end may: other: Betsey, tNnat Hulda att6) Esu Beer tttt 1.41 “an: conference my!“ the 0 â€It; Iguana-gonna Church, an! In“ on: n y. _ m-. I _ Mile Arlene Weber ot Mndon m the cues! ot Mr. end In. Arthur Hellman tor the pug two weeks. 's Mr, end has. George Vines or Fordw‘lch spent I tow shy- of but week with Mr, and Mm. A. Elnora. . q Mr and Mm Vin“... uA--p..--;_. FREE t ELECTRIC LIGHT LAMPS PLEADS NOT GUILTY (ltfi! "" ibh fr) $59122: 's'i if? i'it'ig T A 'T: