“all!!! and m m - ll- Wib an: Helm. who has has Mn: a crunchy. in man» " to N0! York cur. A Riffs; ii an") ' Me. and In. "VIM Dunk“ of “isâ€. “and“ tho voddlu at their can. Mr. John m DanH1t to Mu. Psalm. than. which took plus n tho hono ot the ttride'. w Gnu. Mr. amt In. Chum. Hahn on Sunday. - _ " _ -iiFf'Go Mrs, Cannon ot name Crook. Mich, were (new: ot Mr. tad In. George, Jac?tr, - Mignon". _ -iir. andvlln. C. M. Bowman hive returned to Kitchener from A (aw week-5' trip to tht Gunmen Trt Mr, ma Mn Henry Oswald un- nounce the enguemonv. of their only daughter. Marguerite Chm. to Mr. Dough: McEInn Brickor. ot To- ronto. son of Mr. 1nd Mm. Lorne D. Bricker, Kitchener. the marriage to take place next monghz Mm Harrington Hollingswortb ot Tarrrtowu on tho Hudson. New York, were recent visitors In Water- loo visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Addlson Taylor, Waterloo. Mrs. A. R. Gouda and Mr. Stuart Goudie. ot Kitchener, spent the weekend in Toronto as guests ot Miss Hope Candie who is attending the school ot Household Economic: an. Toronto Unlverslty. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Schneider Ind Miss Lillian Danlels left, on Samh day by motor for Chicago to visit Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Daniels. Mrs. Hilda Shelley entertained at her home. Hilda place. Kltchener, re really at a party ln honor of the 78th birthday or her mother. Mrs. Reuben Bowman. Miss Olive Snyder, who recently returned from Europe. has gone to New York City. to mks up special course in social service work. Miss H. M. Hang. dean of Women or Waterloo College. was the hostess of a ma at her home recently, The members of the Atheuaeum society at Waterloo College held an oujuyahle Halloween party at the Calla-9 Thursday night. The pro- gram im-lmled humorous readings. musical selections and a one act play. "Action" by members ot the freshman class. Mia-i Clara Kinzie, whose marriage took mace this week, was the guest ot honor at a gathering held at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Ira Kinzie, Kitchener. Thursday night with Miss Laurette Kinzle and Miss Grace Say. der the whites-sea Mists Clara Kinzie was presented with some lovely gifts. Games and music were elk Joyed by all. An interesting meeting ot the Patricia Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star was held Thursday night at which Mm. George Hodg- kins. matron, presided. A splendid playette was presented. directed by Dr. Mary Heist and given by Misses Ruth McGeach. Ella McGeach, Lil- lian and Pearl Mitchell. Elsie Walker, Kay Sumter and Iran Slauffer. Cards were also played after which refreshments were served. Mr. and Mus, Philip Gian; hare t'te turned to Kitchener attBr a holiday spent in Montreal and Ottawa, Mrs. W. H. Breithaupt entertain, ed the members ot the Kitchener Victorian Order board at her home on Thursday. Miss Cryderman ot the Dominion stair gave a brief ad- dress on "Victorian Order Work." Mrs. Frank Hodglns. Waterloo, en- tertained at a truttet supper Tuesday evening Why not arrange to have your party refresh-. ments here after your' Hallowe'en Frolic? It will just make your party the jolliest event you have had yet. At Kill St. N. - Waterloo Steak has its friends. Hut when it comes to a meat dish that suits everybody. thore's noth- ingjike_ l tagger savory BEEF Carved in thin, tempting slices . . . Sly, ut it's good! Let us roll {on one from our choice Prime Beef. W0 Deliver Alyvlnn. Delivery to tut.'" d “I'M tr. BEEF ROAST, RENDEZ - VOUS The Leading Meat Market Hallowe'en E. J. Fischer Tea Room MNQlIAlLANDPEllGONAL mmWIMyIWO WI Isuzu! "- - W! H. . . I. - o'lltdlTh'f=/."'lr1"l."i'tiriMerl19r?, “Button now." way" umz. val “050mm BY scaooL ltertoo, 0- hm! in - " Irybofl PITPIIR um "new to" can: including, In I " Sutherland. In. Goon. Watt, in In. labor! Dune-a. Mutton]; In. Goon-u no... Baylor; In. nun. Howler and It“ “not Mm. Mr. uni In. Jams Jaintqt and In R. N. Mon-m. won in Toronto recently any)!“ l day with Charlo- 9aimet and John Hon-m and It†Helen Merritt, student. n Toronto Varsity. Mrs. It D. Cunningham Waterloo, was in Barrie tor a week. an guest of her parents. Mr and Mrs. Alfred Rayner - " . "'Si}f]3rin"12 setuGtr, alumni-d avenue. Kitchener. is seriously Ill at St. Mtsry'ts boqplul, --- _ was Kathleen Loin unmanned at her home Ptida, night at I hrldso in honor at Mine Alma Portoous. whose marriage allegiance shortly. -- . . _ n,..~_._ ..-_._,_. Mm Reinhold Lang. Waterloo was in Albany and Now York City, as a guest ot her parents Mr. and mu George t Kelly. Miss H. M. Hang. dam of woman at Waterloo College. Waterloo, Ml" B. Mabel Dunham and Miss Eleanor Doherty. [members of the faculty. Mrs W. D. Spence entertained the members of her Sunday School class of Trinity Church, Kitchener, recently, at a Hallowe'eu party. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. J. Jaimet, Mrs. Finlay Matheson and Mrs. Crawshaw. - __ -- Misses Emma and Rhea Klara, accompanied by Mrs. M. Haight and Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Steiner, all of Waterloo, visited friends in Mildmay and Hanover on Sunday. Mrs. Haight represented the W0- men's Missionary Society and gave an address in the Mildmay Evan- gelical Church. I The hate Mrs. Marie Holtzworlh was burn tn Germany, May 12, 1831 and arrived in Canada in 1856. She married Conrad HolCzworth and their union was blessed with eight children. five daughters. and three sons, six ot whom survive. namely: Mrs. John D. Schaefer, Waterloo. Mrs. Henry Snyds-r. Heidelberg. Mm. Herb. Smith, Gait, and Mrs. Faber, Toronto. two sons. John and George Holtzworth. both ot Rochester. 'NY. also 20 grandchildren and 15 great- grandchildren and one great-great- grandchild. Her husband. one son {Pom-ad. and a daughter Mary pre- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Buddell have returned to Waterloo trom England where they spent several months with relatives. Misses Caroline Smith and Jean Anderson of Cleveland were recent guesls or Mrs, A. B. Learn at Water- loo, deceased her. AGED WATERLOO LADY DIES FROM A BROKEN HIP Frienda in Waterloo and district were grieved to learn of the death of one ot the oldest residents. In the person or Mrs. Marie Holtzwonh tn her 93rd year. which occurred at the Wellesley hospital, Toronto, Oct. 23rd. Her death was the result of a fall at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Wm. Faber at Toronto where she visited the past three months. Mrs. Hollzworth resided at the corner or Snider and Spring Sts., Waterloo until the death of her daughter. Miss Mary Hohworth last year. The aged lady suffered a broken hip on Sunday and was removed to the hospital. The funeral took place on Satur- day afternoon at Waterloo. Service wad held at the home of Mrs. John D. Schaefer. 146 North King St., a daughter. [allowed by interment in Mount Hope cemetery. Rev. C. S. Roberts. pastor of St. John's Lnther- an church ot which the deceased was a member conducted the service. Canada has 13.? telephunas per 100 population. It Is second in the world in telephone density It is doubtful whether the habit of call- ing out-olltown friends is as pre- valent anywhere as in Ontario and Quebec. Daily long distance calls halal more than 'i0,000. I Mrs. Marie Hollzworth Dion at Toronto Houpitll in Her 93rd Year. A Popular Feature m, 2h% :a n PM“ vii M " Poo-n. Ill. ch... “DIM Give Hot Lovely Silver Mot. , mu luau Nichol. ion-or “dew er of the Junior mom of the loci Public School V†tendered nun] suturin- tut week More he! do pen-tare tor her, home " London. The people ot thin dbtrict were in~ deed sorry w hear ot her mum» ttou, on account ot her mother? serioul illness. Miss Nichol has inithlully carried on her duties In teacher hero for the nut seven yum and two month: end the will be greatly mined by ell. She '"" much loved by her school pupils. and her congeniulity had won tor her many friends in the community l Messrs. Lackner and Grinsbach of Guelph. Creamery Inspectors. paid an omcial visit to the New Dundee Warmers“ Co-operatives Creamery. Hut .Thursday.’ _ but Thursday evening the mem- bers and friends ot the United Broth-' ten Church pleasantly surprised Miss Nichol It the home of Mr. end Mrs, Josiah Hellman During the) evening she was mounted with an address and a large sliver tlower basket tmed with reset After a short program dainty refreshments were served. I On Friday afternoon Miss Michel's pupils presented her with a tew of Edgar Guest's books of poems. and ‘on Friday evening the parents. school children and other trienda in ‘the community gathered at the school and spent a gods] Mme to- gether. During the evening Miss ‘Nichol was presented with an ad- ‘dress andgs large framed picture by mer former pupils. A program which (consisted of recitationâ€. special Lmuslc and speeches was also given. I Mr. and Mrs. George Coleman mo- tored to St. Thomas last Thursday. after wh served. Personal; 'sir'irii;iiii"Kattsnehscu ot Brown City, Mieh, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Path. _ ma and Marjory. Miss Mabel Zinn and Mr. Ervin Huehscher of Vine. land and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Spaetzel and family of Kitchener. â€Enid“ visitors at the home of Mrs. W. Spactzel were: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spaetzel and daughgex: 13301. Rh: and Mrs. Ross Bingeman or llamiltun visited at the home of Mr. Earl Coleman on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Hallman and HOU Hugh visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shana at Pinehlll on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McDermott and Mr. Kenneth MrDermott ot Travers City. Mictc. and Mm. Cox- sun of Kalmskn. Mich.. spent a few days of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilborn. â€,1“th Aaron Toman spént the week. end at Waterloo and Conestoga. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Waterman and sons Charles and Walter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garner at Galt on Sunday. Shim}: Mrs. Stanley Hilborn and fumlly or Hoseville visited with Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Hallman on Sumter. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bass of Blenheim, Miss Mildred Whiting of Preston and Mr. Kenneth Hohcroft or Galt visited with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Zinn on Sunday. â€Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Paige and daughter Ellen spent the week-end at Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ludwig and family and Miss [Aura Miller of Preston visited at the home or Mr. Wesley Erh on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Backtrorough at Vanessa. and Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens of Grlmsby spent a few days of last week with Rev. and Mrs. C W, Backus. Mr. and Mm. Norman Weber and MP. Clifford Weber visited with Mr, and Mrs, John Weber at Guelph nu Sunday. __ VllEVaVnd Mm. Josiah Camel visited at the home of Mr. and Mm. P. S. Hallman near Plattsville last Friday. Mrs. William Stelnkopl and Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Poster. Miss Thel- ma Foster and Mr. Lee Foster of Brown City. Mich., spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Path. - Mr, Gordon B. Haliman and tam- " of Rosebank visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hllhm-n on Sunday.- - WM}. Welling-tun Book or Wetland won! the week-end at tho home of Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Brown, - PUPILS AN D “KEN“ which refreshments were NEW DUNDEE E Mrs. Elizabeth Rosenberxer. Mr. and Mrs. .Iushua Shuts. Ree. 5nd and Mrs. M. H, Shani: and umlly. and Miss Vera Human Attended the nixuelh anniversary servlces u the .eBan's Mennonlte Church near Haysvllle on Sunday. WORK or SCHOOL Mammal†ln~ â€HIM-“Tm WHO-IN“. Impact ll, K. Hills ct Toronto visit-d the local Continuan- School on Monday. Jill an “can“! u port slated that the who“ but"! um to be corutrBtuintad on thug-plan- did :ccommodauol provided me m puplk ut thi- community. 1110 p» - made In the variou- subject. on the volume 01 study vu my Homily sumac-wry. coup-flu ts vorably nth any at the â€book In iOntttrfu, The community my met 'proud or their camblo and voll- iqualmed madman. I Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Toma and (amin visited with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hollman at Kitchener on Sunday Mrs. A, Hilhorn_ the Misses [mun islerner, Mary Hilboru and Mary II-‘rancis and Mr. Clare Hilborn mow tured to London last Saturday, - Don't an to attend the special re vlvnl eon/Ices being held tn the Bay list Church. with Ree. Mound“ Torrie. WA., ot Toronto on snugl- iest. The cloning night ot the meet Inga will be Prion, evening, Nov. T. Ar. and Mrs. Chi-mun Cream“: ot near Platwvllle visited with Mr. and Mrs. Titus Bingeman on Ban. day. Rev. J. E. Harwood of Huntington. Irur. and Rev. G. B. Selpe ot Kitch- ener called on tritrttdty In the village on Monday. Mrs. L G, Saddles and family and Bean's Mennoulte Church near vis,ited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waterman on Sunday. Sunday visitors aethe home of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Tainan were: Mr. and Mrs. Hamel ot Wellesley. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Tomar1 of Kitchener, and Mr, and Mrs. Florin Tainan of Waterloo. - Mies G. Gibbs ot Gait commenced her dutim as teacher of the Junior mum ot the Public School last Mon- day. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mm. Fred Path were: Mr. and Mrs. August Mildbmndl. Mr. and Mrs. Cliiyton Falk and children of Welltrilr-y and Mr. and Mrs. William Mabel and Miss Gladys Path ot Kit. chi-mar. Mini; Inna Meyers of Kitchener spout the week-end with her friend, Rhita (‘rossmam iiot,tor--sarine? I'll meet you. I'll target the other halt." Duel of Generosity Merchant -"Look here. you've been owing me this blll for I. year. CII meet you halfway. I'm ready to forget hall that you owe." - Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Herner and Him Sallie Herner of Kitchener call- ed at the homo ot'Mr. and Mrs. Ivan â€(morn on Sunday. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Henry F'e.ick were, Mr. and Mn»: Ed. Pvlck and lamlly ot [war F'lattsvitle. Mr. and Mrs. Herb l-‘v‘lrk and family and Milton Felck and Mias Annie Hall ot Kitchener. Messrs. Harold Srh’ledel and Del- wn S'chmin. and the Misses Edna Schmitt and BuelthVeber vislted with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Felck last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allio Pollnski have moved to the farm formerly occupied by Alien Weber. Revival services are being con- ducted in the Baptist Church to mutinue for 10 days. Rev. A. Torrie of Turonlu, Evangelist. Lan- tern slide pictures on the Life of Christ are shown every evening for 15 minutes. Hour for service 7.45 p.m, Special music. Rer, tll Mrs. Simon Martin and family haw moved trom Selkirk to mu vicinity on the farm recently oc- cupiql by Allie Rolinakl. itr.%dorxe Liehty, John Phanner. Sam Schultz ot Wellesley spent a row an; In our burg last week, M r. and Mrs. Nathaniel Snider spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clif- rurd' Snider or St. Agatha, EXCEPI‘IONALLY GOOD STRASSBURG . JI-WI gum-.04 Jti'i.'t'i'tii,e',,ai2iiii5e a W umh-o I . Wold. h'thu"a"rl'2 “not!“ at In, Willow's; li- Vioh Emu sud friend of Linwood vim li- liclcn Inna". It. nu] In. Clayton Haggard and {any of Elwin at has. Rayburn; -- _ _ .-- _ it. Ind In. Adam Bigam and son Clarence ot Tuna“: viallod " the home of the, former’n brother Angrcy iy Gatt 9n leur, lulu. Tug. “in: tllurha1tt,,lTNA'.tll't Don't fort the Hnllovc'en no- ch! in the att?. Hall on PH, dnrdveuing, Oct. 8 . A good pro- gram and lunch, under the magic“ of the young people of yd Church. Mr. and In. Aston Glenna of Irittireer tugged " Thou. Phy- lord’s Inst Fridi; "tituriuiii,"ziiute, is coniGed to hit bed for several days. We hope he will Icon be about "afut. Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Sink-r and Mr. and In. Peter G. Martin. ll]! of Hawkuville, spent Sunday with, Mr,_and yrs. WIP, Martin. _ l Miss Esther Martin spent the week-end with her grandparent; Mr. And Mrs. David nemer near the -Three.Bridtres., -- -- ._ The Sacrament of the Lord's tlup- per was dispensed in the Presby- terian Church here on Sunday. mo_r_ning_._ _ - _ ___ Mr. and It; Sheldon Melitzer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jtt.Laptrdors. _ _ - __ _ Mr. Hugh Lan don and Min Ethel Duly of “Wiener visited on Sunday with the farmer's parents, Mr, an_d Mrs, Jas., Lingglon. On Friday evening I large num- ber of the young people of this community were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burnett to a dance in aid of the skating rink which is to be built in the village in the near future. The eve- ning was spent in dancing and card playing. Lunch was served at midnight and everyone reported an oniogabte.tiyys. -- M ._ . Modern granddaughter - "But Grandmother. In your days the girls used to not their caps tor meat" Mr. and Mrs. Harry 8herritts of Kitchener spent Sunday with the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sherritrs. _ A number from around here It- tended a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bruder near West Montrose last Wednesday eyeningz Barn Showman _ "But. darling, It your ear ache u better, why do you keetfy_r effing?" “'lm whlumi tor jhDaddy to c-come home. He's never a-Been me with an ear-ache!" Mr. and Mrs Robert Laidlaw of Mosboro spent last Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sherrifrs. __ F- _ V iirkndarther-'aso, dearie. may- be so. but certainly not their knee. cam" . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bosmnworth of near Harden spent Sunday with the latter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pirie. Mr. ' CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORES Whatever price your budget permits, you can make it purchase bigger value at the CDS. Cjir45frl-r-rr.llili)l.f.e.. 2950 l i 'is-si" BSoo Burly blue chinchillas take the lead in overcoat cloths this season with an extensive range of browns in all the newest shades showing mild overeheek pat- terns In various tones and combinations. Belted. plain and “Guard" models sway the trend with double breasted fronts more popular than ever. Men will choose with pleasure and satisfaction from these splen- did collections at the C.D.S. Sizes for men and young men: 36 to M. LOOK OVER THESE PRICE RANGES WINTERBOURNE What Price Your New Dvrecoat? F Whether tdr "drenn up" or roller“. wear the older tad will ttnd all that is "II-rt and urnblo in these well tailored units. An immense unortmont of are M, browns Ind Mun in ingle and doutrtr-trre.sted T,T,' with put lupus. Silo: " to " 4 pieces _ Our Popular 15.00 Range of Boy's 4 Pc. Suits {gob an!» of Coat, Volt and Two Pair Long Panto B3 KING ST. WEST, KITCHENER 25th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATED BY REV. WM. BECKER 0n Hominy Rev. Wat. Bocker,‘ P:P.. celebnted his 25th anniversary ot priesthood. At 10 o'clock I Solemn High Mass was sung. Rev. Wm. Becker celebrant. Rev. 31.4 Weidner, Waterdown. and Rev. W. Kloepher Ga.. Kitchener. acting on} deacon um! subducon. Rev. M. Hineperger, muster or ceremonies. Among others in the “unwary were, I Rt. Rev. Bishop J. T. Mchiiy. Rev.' Joe. Englert. Hamilton. Very Rev. Mum. W. Gehl. V. 0.. Dundee. Very Rev. Dean Helm. Freshen. Very Rev. mean Joe. E. Way. New Germany. Rev. Wiiber Mayer. CR., Rev. C. Schweitzer C.R.. Waterloo, Rev. (Robert Denier. CK. Rev. Chas. Meyer. CR., Rev. Chas. L. Kieifer. it? R., Kitchener, Rev. P. Arnold cat., London Rev. John Arnold. Elmira. Rev. Vincent Morgan, Macton. Rev. Jonas Lenhard, Kenilworth. Rev. A. 'Monmg. Mlldmy. Rev. R. Holler. Kitchener. Rev. Paul J. Meyer, Fret ton. Rev. Joe. Englert gave on im- pressive oration. “As the Father has sent me I will Bead you." After high more benediction was given. At one o'clock a banquet was tendered Rev. Wm. Becker and his friends by the Christian Mothers Society. lupin-iv. Suvim Held at Local R. C. ch-u.---"..' Add“... Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Schutz and family from Elmira visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bruder on Sunday. Mrs. Manna Hackedorn trom Bridgeport about Sunday at the lame at H. Snider. “it!†iurtfssoidr visited with her friend, Miss Violet Wltmer at Kit- chener. 7 ___ _ _ ""iirr'ao Mus. Alvin Weber and lamily trom Waterloo were tho Sun- _ 1iGriiiiGhriouiruwr 'lrom Kitch- ener spent Sugdgay wllh_his parents panama “Sign, iidrd Sch‘wann trom" Water- loo spent lam Monday in St Charm Fills. "Mr Clarence lie-Hog from Kitch- mm: was a Sunday visitor with his SATURDAY OCT'. 28th1 Mnnr-tine.hav0eeroddodto9-drtd" tint at in 1-H- club“ A.“ th- b: um Illlllo umwm - “mu. 1. n- H. Awu9!i,rctr,yol GERMAN MILLS Phone 2600 ST. CLEMENTS I soo On Tuesday mornlng Dlvlno PgoqS. dence culled the lite of one " our oldest msldenta. Adam sauna. aged M, although mu in good hull]: In the morning he “one and chord! alter collapsed and was pronounced dead on the doctor's lrrlvnl. It. tichetrtser, who resided In thls community all his lite ls roll known throughout the entire county. Desplte hls advanced years he weekly supplied residents In the Twin City with ttour and veto tables. He leaves to mourn. ttia tite, Jon-a trom Humbug and An. drew at home and tour daughterl, Sister Clementine, School Slater of Nana Dame. Milwaukee. Mrs, Wm. Thomas. Detroit. Mrs. Jno. Premar- ger and Mrs, Andrew Bender from St, Clements. The funeral wu held Thursday mornlng at 9.30, Inter Hnent was made at the local ceme- tery. ADAM scuzrmnn PASSES, AWAY; AGED so YEARS wut and Fuvotably Know- cor"r'r.--otker Interesting New: Notes. Ar. and Mrs. Paul Martin from Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Noah Hmringer or Elmira visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Bearinger on Saturday. Mr. Hy. Raw. who underwent an operation last Tuesday In mu under the nurse's care. His many friend: wish him a speedy recovery. Messrs. 11eo. Form-ell and J. Hum and Miss Marcella Form-en from Zurich spent Sunday with renun- and friends. Mlnard's L'lmment has a hundred uses. day guests at the home of E: wer, Mrs. P. P. Schummer returned lmme tafter spending I. few days In Grand Rapids with friends and me dives. Mr. Carl Alzemang and Miss Ger- trude Allemang spent last Friday In Dashwood with their sister, was Marie Allemang, Mrs. Scebuch tron; Kitchener visit- ed mm Mrs. Wm. Klein on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Alvin Weber and family of Heidelberg. Miss Olive (‘ressman were the Sunday gueBUr at the home of Geo. Weber. UNITED