BRIDEGROOM‘S WEDDING PARTY HAS SAD ENDING There Man an unfortunate ending to a wedding party Saturday after- noon when F. March, a bridegroom of only a few hours, was locked in "ir on a drunk charge. He was a Huger_ in " curnslrivep by , J. Krawchinski of Waterloo, who was drunk, which collided with a (nr driven by R H. Weseloh of Waterloo and a parked car owned by Wilbert Melitzer of West Mom "use. Bail was arranged for March and he was allowed to finish his wedding celebration. Reg. Edmund H, Oliver. tourth moderator of the l'nitr-d Church ot Canada presented the challenge 0! the (hurt!) ul the men‘s banquet held at Trinity United Church. Kit- rhener on Thumday at noon In: Oliver, who is weintndhat in the Western provinces Is an exponent ot Canadian problems and a student ot Canadian binary and national at- taios, The lunthmm which was attended by a very representative group of men ot the Twin City and surround- ing dustrict, was presided over by Rev. W. D. Spent-e. minister of Triu- ity United, Church, Rev. Finlay Mathew“ or Waterloo. introduced Rev. Dr. Oliver, STRESSED NEEDS OF MISSlONS McCOY'S lie only took one box and besides gulnlng 4 pounds he writes. "I am much stronger and have more pop and seem to take a new interest m lift-It’s the but medicine for a "ev" tem builder I have ever used." when you need more weight Just any. "I want McCrry'tC-60 sugar rotted tablets for 60 cents at any drugxlst anywh-re--otst ask tor Me cork “may..- a-is-a-o-tlf-ies h a. gun-I In. a-,',1"a=m"fa'hffl'l1' b dial-l . 'gatrtitgffe.SthW,',." _ ,"atnaro.boredeobtNbme a; GaGUdGau7Gd - --- _ {id-inn "h". nub. 't"2:gtmTA'", and-Id!†_ Special Leatherette Folder and I x 6 Photo, one dozen for 163 King St. w., Una-in Phones 2592 and "turl KITCHENER Pmports and Licenses finished same day. One Skinny Man Gained 4 Pounds With One Box BENTON STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHS LIVE FOREV ER Cod Liver Eur-ct T-bleu Trusses Hull. for my kind " mum. haunt you:- hom tenure all bt I - tit you. 0 have 0 knowledge Ind We! to It you mmn. Prevent yout- hom tenure all bt I - ll you. 0 have 0 knowledge and W to It you hit- A. Bohemians Amman-ta Immun- Er! UPTURE Expert if“ It. $3.50 at {Er-7.76581}. 1 how that u hi mod the conclusion that â€and mount“. - ‘0er God'. Blin.’ " Ilhw‘d. “Ion don't mean to an no that uncle put a... ennui-‘3 In hon; tttat-tur-_-tUU."' "tt look- uko that." “Thu ho In " Cour." Milbrath hid In: In“ In In. loMI' “And t don't tut to drop It. 1 ed arm- on we couch and " " 'set't drop It not" frame “took with emotion. Protonbl :lllbnth I‘ll ulloltt tor I brlot ly he lifted his chin. to " buds. some. When he woke Mu voice up his elbow: resting on the couch. and ‘pallod. an“: stared " Into â€ace. He col "WUs," he 11ch “You've been my pen-ed to be thinklna deeply. 'Then lrlend in need and I hope that you he at upright and his bee I’ll In not going but on met" colorless I “Never!" "Yes." he sold. .. l see It now-why "Then will it who my allot-once ‘gmnddad licCluro “inched u the In your present dotermlmtlon to ‘0 name ot Bugnmertield, why he could on It t tell you that it would only Inot talk-why Arm. nmlnod here In doubling my trouble tor you to kno long. and why he ttarborqd--1isturcoedt I believe ttte would be an- iicurCiiuiGiuriiar%Gi. He know‘becnble tonne it you expound tint "Yes." he aid. .. i see it "ow-artsy' grandam: McClure “inched " the name at Summerfield. why he could not leli~why Am- nmined here so long. and why he ttarbor-r-la' cour---Sumtmrrturid-Mm'. He knew \eomelhing which we have yet to' ‘learn. something that we have prob-D ably not dreamed of yart. And it we: "tte other. the reel Butnmorfteid, who hey out there with uncle's ring upon. his finger and tooled the world! Yes. (yes. I see " new." I "Can It be that the comma M tween uncle And Butntnertusid was that Summerfield was to die?" I disuented wlth energy. "Ot what earthly use would a tor- tune ot thirty thousand dollars be to a dead man without friends?" I naked, “Moreover, the contract stur Muted that the Impersonation was to be tor a year. If Mr. Summers do: sired." Milbratlt gunned. “So it did. I dtdn't credit the pos- sibility. myself. [Alhlnkal was only tryiug to find an explanation that doesn't made the truth so httteouss. i i made no “newer. and utter a [no men: Milbrath continued: 1 I had long since reached the com "lttsion that Peter Samuel's had not lived the life of an upright man. but ii; was useless, without proof. to up- 'sel Milbrath's beautiful faith in Mn Fiidr, lutegrljy. “I don't believe this Is all new to me." he went on after a alight pause, "Halt a dozen times; I've been on the point or asking you whether the eyes of the man called t',ummerrteid. whom we've both seen, were no! more like tutcte's than Summertlald‘s ot the picture. So. I'Ve been pretty near the brink of a revelation. you see. But. Bliss. how can It he Just as it looks now? Uncle would never kill. Why. he was not "en a sports- man because he could not an blood ohett. It must have been an accident l, the death ot Summerfield. as you 'proved that of Arms to be." e I wished with all my heart that 1 rank] encourage Milbrath. '"imat when! he." I answered. “but Ilka mason for letting the body be found as it was-ot permitting it to be mistaken for his-and tor letting you hear the responsibility for the--- l "You've been a good friend to m9.| .Illins. and l apreciale your ettortts ot the lad! weeks. I'd give everylhlnx I own lo change the past tor hlm: lull 'since it is unalienable. I suppose ‘11 is tretter that I should know the (tacts and make the best of them. or Iruursw. this last discovery changes 'tlw amped of everything. We can [no longer go on In our elforh; to bring him to Justice Yon under- Jalaud?" accident 111mm?" "Ho is the only one who can an- nwur [hose questions." he said [new willy. “But there is sump terrible mistake still to be explained. or Uncle Peter was nut the man I " wau believed hinc" Miibrath gazed at me silently, and the light that had sprung to his Pres flickered out. “It you will (Item-u- me I think I will k" to my room now," he salt]. and as he passed me he laid a hand upun my slmulder. There was}; long pauue. Then Mum-nth rose weartly. muysowupmum "I know what you mum, But you forget that the police are after Ln Crrur. and ll ls only a matter of time when he will lw brought to Beverly to explain his connection with the All-H lmgvdy. It's up to him to make xuou then. and I believe he'll do in for than case, But the other! In the circumstances would " not be wiser tor us to write to him or aw him it we canrrand let jtiiii know that we know who he In?" MMrath considered the question tor a moment; thn Ite "ignitied hlu acquieucance. I followed Milbmth oat of the III- ti" room, but panned In the library to write a short letter which I " drmsed to "l’hllnnder Butttmertield." Then I went oat to the portion and endeavored to turn my lhoughm from the revelations of the evening Hum pleasant manuals. But no sooner came a moment‘s diver-lion lhan the muffled aonnrl at [cottall's J" Milbralh‘n mom brought me back with a whorl! to the remnmeless prpsent “will you write? Tell hlm that I hear no ill will against hlm." Mllhralh'a have had aged vusttrly when wp met at the Irreakmst table Mere" hours laler, I wonderrd whe- er he had found any rent. tor, tttV :11 dawn 1 had heard htm mnvlnn abont his room. which was nut to mine When I had given Gaspard orders to he ready to arm ml to the Bever- ly simian at {an o'ciock and the man [Mt the room. Mum-nth turned to me In ttttrtrtiorr How do you explain those THE WEB I “You will nee things In a diluent light some time. Two wrongs - made tt rtttht, remember." l Mill-nth hesitated. "Once I altered to double Summer- â€with reward it you found the per min will) killed uncle. Wlll you ho move that I know my mlnd u. this moment tt I agree to treble the sum I Treble the sum! That would mean sixty thousand dollars! And " I declined this proposition what what could I hope to gain from my summonâ€: work? Nothing; alumna» ty nothing. I could no louder chin: 1sumyyerfitrd's reward, nor Mil- .brath's it I went an now against his wUhes. "Yo-E "(an to so with Iâ€. you know." "That In "Btnedar, Bit; 1. can't go on Aturttrw I}. dorm. to imply can. " a. polic- [u ll- tor the Arm at", out not). nutter and In can try to Mt tum out of It without bur-yin. him. But tttis In Miami. I’m the on. no is not! conconod 30'. you one. “a t In: to drop an cue.“ (" “And I don't run to drop It. I " can't drop it-cal drop It." I deelared with reiterated obtsthutcy. "I'm you friend. yes; and it Is by duty. If more were no other reason. to keep you trom taking a step that will only add In your unhappiness In the long ruu. But this much I will promise. Milbrath. By no unset-Inca that I am responsible tor. shall he bo arreuted or hls case made public '--or until you give the word. What " want Is to talk with mm. mun to luau. Perhaps then we may ttnd a “my wholly to vindicate you while loom-paling the awkward truth" old " you wlll droi) the use As It stands now? This is an expression cf my wishes; it Is not a bribe." Perhaps it was that I wanted the glory wt tsavlntr won, at having solved a riddle wrongly answered by some of the u-leveresl detective all“. In the rotuttry. I do not know. But: certain " is that my Indiclslon was tor a moment only. I “Give me your hand an that." suit] Mi1brath. And we shook. "New I wlll go with you anywhere. and do your bidding as before. Ten oitock WP are to leave here. did you any?" "Yes: that will give me a mom- ent‘s lalk at the station wlth the Plngree Agency man who " due here about that lime." "A tieteetire down here'. At Over- Int-k?" "To Join furl-es t3W,iet.ea'.1i; I catt"t leave him here ulnne while Summation] is at large. Improbable as it is that he will ever return." MIlhrallI otrered no comment to this explanation; and we each smoked a cigar In um shade of the morning-glory vines on the aide porch with the passing ot namely a ward until Cunard drew rem before us in the dogcart and thus re- minded us that the time had arrived for us to depart. I When It neenm dec,irabie In have number coarertence with you I shall 'uguln communicate with you. Yours with respect, . Philander Summerfield. "Jose! Tharp} finishpd Vlllalny tor you†I exclalmml to Mllhmlh. "WHY we'll Nee whether our next "onteronee swans mum Mr. Summer- lu-M's time! By tho way, do you " Rerre how this letter la whitened? Not to Winton, trom where my com'- munlcatIons to hlm have been dated. hm here - to this hotel'." ('IIAI’TBR XXXV Run To Earth _ When We reached Boston there was a letter awaiting me at the Parker House. It had been mulled from Station C in Boston on the pre- vious day and consisted of one piece of paper. On it was written: Dear Young Malt A free conscience ham no need tor hum-y. Being innocent of the crime against the man Arms I find no rea- mm to surrender mmoit for Hamlin-- ltlon. as you suggest. We had bran in Boston tor three day» before anything of none oc- "urred. During that time um were in daily mmmnnicallon with tho men on the vase and were led Into fullowing up one or two talus vines. But even that mm just as well, ner- haw. tor arlivlly with duappohttintt rennin was better tor m at that time ‘uun idietteew. In ovary morning's mall came a report trom ['randnll. the detective stationed at Overlook. but there had bran no new m any one of them. On Monday morning an envelope puntmnrked "Richmond, Va.." lay 61mort» the letters awnltlnx me in the hotel oftiee I found that lrvms slum-II by “Herbs-rt Martin," and In otheuance mm as follows My attention hm, been attracted Amorerlrtg your Inquiry as to Mr by your leraordlnlry advertisement mtmttterrield's family connections, I In the Richmond Times ot (way. regret that I can [In you little In A I'Mhmln Summprrlold m An formation on the polnL That he had lnnlrurlor In hitrtory in the Unlver- no Immedlue rel-then I am eertain, wity ot Virgina tor hm yearn, 18- for l ramombcr that ht tritmted to to " _ Hrs, wsw a man ot ntrtlttr, bul'lha In! on never-l occulnm: wasted Ma bent energies In drum (To he tNmttttued) m “but. at. tho - and. to M -tttoes In mamummhu-um “I. m â€but. Im In. at a. Volga-loo My 11m ud hum- Aaatte%titte moths. I“ " luck-al- may. " tho I“ _eoIqrtitiy"t_irt I orncsns INSTALLED " ustantsuou ot otricer.q at the Ger- muum lodge No. IM, LOOF. Wa- Iterlou, was In charge or Dlstrlcl De puty Brown of Elma. Those Install- 'ed in oll'lce were: Noble Grand. Thus, Garner. vlce grand. Trueman 'Suyder. recording secretary. J. ‘Imhie. [manual 'secretary. Wm. Iii2iiia' treasurer, Fred Kudoba. Aa mm GTikFat chili who by the stock Itet,t competitions held at the various " ooh this fall. The winnin team wu S. S. No. Ir, Fulani. Kitchener- German Hills road. he team anytime! Eldon Weber, cppch. Ipd__ "tery Bear- inset. Snider and Einwaechter. Mn. TM. Luna. Mrs. Tweed, who was one of a I1"r,t/ of M Canadian women, mem- rs of the Nntionul Council of Women who visited Austria, spoke interestingly of conditions in that country. CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY An enjoynble birthday party for Mrs. Corn Snider. 84 Mansion St., Kitchener, took the form of a chicken supper on Sunday night. Among the guests present were Mr. and Mrs. William Hem. Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Snyder and daughter of Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lehmln and damn hter of Breslnu. Miss Florence gin and Philip Kruse of Kitchener and Mrs. Bert Lehman of New Germany. A social hour was spent in cards Inlluwed by a splendid lunch. YOUTHS STEAL BEER Thirteen youths who (owed an entrance into the Kiss Beverage Co., plant at Kitchener recently. stealing aver 100 bottles at 4.4 beer appear- ed in polite court on Saturday. Five vi the lads over " years of mu» pleaded guilty and were remanded to jail The other eight lads were ot Juvenile age and allowed to so in custody of their parents. of things that he never accum winked _ _ I was an Mammal in the anivers sity at the time of his tmstructorship there and name to know him well He was u man of forty. or there. abouts. I should judge. ot medium heuutt. and wllh dark brown hair‘ and a mustache of tho can]? color. He was inclined to sump. and was somewhat negligent In his dress. His eyes were his moat remarkatrts feature. light blue-gray with heavy white lids which betrayed his ten- Idumy to the impractical. l He Ielt Charlottesville to accept in “tuition as tutor to the mm or u wealthy New Yorker, and the last that I heard ot him-ahout three years Inlet he was still with the young man and traveling in Europe. I " here is any further information that I ran give you about Mr. Sum- mertield. please call "e" mf. _ "Theréf' I said, tnsélng the letter to Mllhrath. “what do ynu think of that?" Milbrath read the irstter through and handed it hack to mp. ( "I cannot see that we have named much." he said thoughtfully. "Whtsther, tor instant-9. he left any near relatives. Yer, I know that he told Mr. Grayson that he had no livlug "rlati--but he may have had. and it we can do anylhlug tor them -" "Yes: well. will you vnnw with me?" I said. nun-ting up. “Where?" "To a photogmwwr, the first who man do some copying this morning." “You mean to have the picture of uncle copied?" "Yen. with Four permission. and the other. We shall so? what‘hvr Mr. Hertttrrt Harris recognizes hue of them as the Phllander Summorfleld he knew." We were not long In finding a Pho- lographor who mum copy. develop and print the pictures tor us, and Hunt alternoon a upecinl delivery In!- ter left the Boston post oirire for Mr. "ertyert Harris. Richmond, Virginia Although considerably axed tsitter' I last saw him. (he nrlnt that I lmvo marked with a cross Is without doubt ot Mr. Rummerrield. The expresslnn of the t-ye-s ls ttntttutttkablo. The other print. while very “lu- htm. must be M another man. The mmwrr was In prompl. and reached mo three days later In an hour of exnltement. Mr Harris knew his man. unqnes tiomstrty, _ _ - PUBLIC MAKING w Ail-flu. " CHAMPIONS IN l GOLF COMPETITION , PRESENTED WITH PRIZES ulna up too and mm ---- yau Inn has qotna an “I ahead without. - Ibo Inna. l Nano- that in. has. vain- ed And that“ tttroi, Mor'ogt a: you was or your unvoua WY? 1 viii-M -e_" ___ iraiiiiAtid - his; taMiitrnaatt+teattrrtitt It or worry need -ruh-rt--tt. Went m mu. red blood. Good LIt"'S, the nerves no the. their: smut " m and m. No other medicine I. been no no ennui in truth; â€no“ that.“ a have Dr. Willie-s PM mu Their Me duty In to enrich And r9 new the tttood. That is why they ore the ideal nerve tome, They are loll try medicine dealers or by matl It " cent: a box trom The Dr. Wuhan- Medicine Cu, Bmchvme. Ont. An enjoyable event at the Grand River Country Club Frid-y night In the annual closing dinner given try the tallied with about fifty present. t Following the dinner the prime end I trophies won during the year were presented by Mrs. D. S. Bowlhy. the president ot the Ladies’ Committee 1 and Mrs. D. T, Croal, the captnin. The championship trophy was won . by Miss Gladys Becker with Miss Babe Rohlender as runnerup Ind Mrs, Adams the winner ot the com I solution award with Mrs. Norswor- i thy as runnerup. The winner ot the .niue hole championship award went in Miss Millicent Clemens with Mrs lArthur Haeltuergtsrd as runner up iand the consolation award in this idivision went to Mrs. Craneon Shiv _ leer. Murr, Babe ltohleder was the winner of the Lang cup with Miss Gladys Becker as runnerup and Mrs. August [ding Jr. won the consolation award. The Lang cup in the nine hulk-rt; division was won by Mm. M. C. Hall with Mrs. W. D. Euler an runnerup. The Seagram handicap cup went to Mrs. August Lang Jr, with Mm. Oscar Rumpel as runner- up and the Sengrani handicap cup tor nine holers was won by Mrs. w. " Euler with Mrs. M. C. Hull as run- Iuerup. Mrs. Frank Hodgius was the ‘wiuner of the captain's cup and the captain's run for nine hoiers went to Mrs. Bowman, The ladies' com. mittee cup went to Miss Gladys "mixer and “his Becker also carried all the Martha Breithnnpt héndlcap cup. Miss Kumpman won the prize awarded for lowering handicap from Mi to " in the first year or play. Tim Canadian Ladies' Gull Union spoon, alive)" division. wnn' won by Mrs. D. T. Croat and bronze division spoon has won by Miss Florence Clement. Prizes tor ringer scores in May. June and July went to Miss Gladys Becker first and Mrs. G. L. Llppert seroud. Ringer seared award tor nine holers “36 won " Mrs, M. C. Hall. Prlzes [ tor ringer stores in August. Septem- her and October went to Miss Ksiuur man first. and Miss B. Rolileder nevi ond Mrs, Wear-nit and Mrs. Allan J Mere the winners at the. two ball foursome prize tor " holers and l Mn: " S. liowlhy and Mrs. E. K. lion-mun won the two ball foursome , prize for himI heir-m. During the ..e\rcnlitg Mrs. Rixun on behalf ot the _'l.adies' ('ummitlee presented the ',rtrteiitlent, Mrs, D. S. Bowlby with a rl',',::':,',',',,"?,', bouquet of Chrysanthe- mens and Miss Gladys Becker pre- t Rented Mrs. t'roal with a bouquet of li,':?,',)')':"':',:?'),?":'.'?, and roam. At this , limo Mrs. lluwlhy on behalf of the _ lndias' committee presented Mm. 1' (‘runl with a handsome sliver platter _ in token or the appreciation felt by _ lilie rummitte tor Mrs. Croal'ts work r for the organization. Enjoy-bl. Ant-I Din-or Hold at Club Home on Friday Evening. ppgougoqummw PRIZE WINNERS ANNOUNCED BY CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE Tlt" folk-wing aim tho prize win- m-m in Hte, recent prize drawing hold recently under the Kittmener Catholic Women's League: A turs fur. Peter Gran. London; $20 in gold. Gerald 1'aeanttttxit; $10 tn 20M. Ylt's, M Kumz. bull! or Kitch- ener; $5. in :0ch Rev. Joseph h'chwoiiter. Waterloo: upholstered chair, Miss Amu- Mitte1holtg; else- tric (mailer. Mrs L Welter; writing {huh- the Knights or (‘olumbuang. Alex DlNI'it-h; linen centre. Mrs. J. llplllnl: pictures, Mrs. L. WeUheus6r. all of Kllchmwr; centre were. Mm. ll, Brnxor. Toronto: ttttilt, Mrs. K, lMemmmz; pillow cases, Mm, M PoKin; rug, Mke K. Wondllng: set at duties. Mrs. L, l.lenhardl; oval rue. Mrs. Joseph Wagnor; passes to (,‘apllnl theatre, Mrs. W, o. Winter, halt all of Kllvhoner; basket or How am. Mrs M. Guenther, Waterloo; doll and ctyuile. Miss Itlive Freilmr» wr. gull! "le mul lmwl. Miss V. Wiuterhalt: hum-t m-l. Mrs Camer- m, t-nhunru tickets mm try ticket munln-r 2210 "LEFTY" JAMES HILL FREED ON 8l0.000 BAIL After being confined at the court- ty jail since June an n manslaugh- ter rhnrgl- arising out of a motor nnl "ccidcnt, James "Lefty" Hill, we" known rugby and baseball plnyrr, was gnu-n his libvrty this “cu-k when hail of 810,000 was posted, $5.000 by himself and $5,000 by u friend, Hill's tutu- will ht' heard Nov. huh. Univ Mae, turur )0nra old, when [old that a noise from the collar w" .I burglar. ropHI-d, "0h. hm I don't hrliovn in hurzlnm" mi in. In. W I.“ ASSET! OVII MM.“ Govern-out Doped! . . ‘10.†“can tad Noam I.. W. 'MUN - _ - PW! W. G. “ICHIL _ Via-fwc J. w “up... o.- [M Ford s. - “at: B.- J00. Stu-Io: W. R. “do: ARTHUR FOSTER. - limo} 5-4 Smut, F. M. "OMR - Au'l Snub" JOHN A. FISCHER - Inspector C. A. BORN" INSURANCE AGENCIES LIMITED Bionic: Agent. ROUTINE BUSINESS TRANSACTED BY wtuMyr TP. COUNCIL l 7mm minutes ot the September so:- ‘aton were read and approved. - - Wilmot Council met at the Town- ship hall. Baden. on Monday, Oct 20. man. All members In attendance. Reeve Valenune H. Zoeller presid- lug Moved by E. B. Hallman and M. A. Schryldt that the (allowing ac- counts be passed and that the Reeve lune his orders on the Treasurer In payment of some: A. B. Christner. Chas. Jacobs. J. K Schmidt. V. H. Zueiier. C. Helpel, selecting Jurqru. $5.00 each; Simeon C'riw,ssman. To. portion of Premium drain. 844.00; Dominion Bank, 4 special Tp. checks. $19.19; Secretary Wilmot Agricultural Society. 1930 grant. $27500: Secertnry Wellesley and N. K. H. Agricultural Society, 1930 gram, $50 oo; Secretary Wilmot Townehip School Fair, 1930 gram. 825.00; Secerlary local Board ot Health otricerrt, Salaries and mite age, 8339.40: Payment voucher. No. 26. 8182,56; Payment voucher. No. l'.? 8243 40; Payment voucher. No. 23. $540.30; Payment voucher. No. 29, $201.16. Payment voucher, No, 30. $361.73: Payment voucher. No. 31. 13124.54; Payment voucher, No. 33. tt3t.00; Payment voucher. No. 33, $192.14: Total payments. 82958.02. Moved try Simon llltner and All. E Kerr that this council do now adjourn to meet again on Monday lNovemher. 17, 1930. _ Rash»): “I 'spacks they mm men! tor me, sun" A colored woman comulted the Til Iago lawyer" "That niggers' done Kane and got religion and we ain't seen chicken on de table toh two months." "Ah wants to divorce man hus. band." "he said. "What's the trouble?" asked the lawyer. Words. Wordu. Words The teacher was putting questions to the rlasu. "What do we null a man." he askml. "who keeps an talle ing and talking when people are no longer Interested?" "Please. sir," replied a buy. "a loan-her." When 'Til Folly to be Wine Puessitrte Employer “Hut youve asking for a rather high wago. see- Ink that full knuw Imlhing about the work" Applicant "But. you 'Mi, not knowin’ thet work makes " an much harder tor me." Enough for Cats and Dog- Weather Matt--") down rain for a certainty this afternoon. Assistant -"Are you positive. sir?" Weather Man ~"Ym. Indeed I've lost my umbrella. I'm planning to play golf, and my wlro'a living a lawn-party." 'u.urir; -oGu"soG" - Liar-1 Dru. Shire Tirol“: Exucutive An old Srcuish woman, who: bad nvvor been known to say an m word nlmnt anyhody. was nm- day nun-n lo Insk by hm husband "danvt." he null! impatiently. "I d" lie-"mm ye'ul any a gum words tor' H19 de'11 ItlttweiC" "Ah. weal.“ was the reply. "he may In: he an? gum as he micht be, but his a very lmluatrkms body." An active In“ that - din-no gum-“.3 “a?! Tllt o M. It t.Mgt'r,.',l,"'aif2l i.miinat:tttr-uitr-v, “mm-HIM Raw EDD for acne and menu . o J†C. won. um Mutual Fire may, um Hanan Insurance tttTSti22thtdt was. Company cL.Pfz,0d,aePr2e1"F.S?Pf, Smiles Waterloo Chas. Hamel. Clerk ill - a BIY’HI. lord-taw- cimn, New Fatigue. , to Ion. Gem arohqq. on... " Queen Steam mm. Ont. A. L. sum, in†J. M. Bmrth, EA. D. B. BOWLBY, B.A., LLD., Burb- ter, Solicitor, Notary Public. Con- !qancel: and Ilyoy.r.t Augmy. DR. J. E. HETT. SPECIALTY. Ilium: of the Ear, Throat and Nose. King St. East, Kitchener. DR. L. L. STAUFFER. 180 Erb St. West, Waterloo; Phone 1018. DR. s. H. EQKEL. Deans, ogee in DR. G. Al HARPER, napping! om_ce DR. J. W. HAGEY, Dentist, Room 110 Weber Chambers, King St. W., Kitchener. Phone 1756. DR. W. J. SCHMIDT, Denugths King St. E., next td Post oltue. Kitchener, Ont. " W. R. WiLKiNi0N.I1erstn1 FIRST MORTGAGES on city 1nd farm property. Reasonable inter- est. Fire Insurance, Economical and North Waterloo Farmers' Mutual, at the lowest premiums in the city. G. F. Luckner, Atrt.. I7oNueen St. N., Phone “KHZ. run". II. “T. - OI ml W: m Eat. Kink-nor. Photo MI'. iiihU-r-couuir Building; "toiin St. N., Phone 720, Kitchancr.0nt. iidU -or Montrieai Bldg... Water- loo. Phone 174. in Oddrenows Blo'ck, 32 King St. South, Waterloo. Phone 349. Surgeon, Phila. and Tor. ome- 23 Queen St. North, Kitchener. Evening hours Mom, Wed. and Friday, 7-9. Phone 152. Kitchdner, E. G. FRY CHIROPRACTOR Ollie. 44 William St., Waterloo Phone $4M " King St. N. _ Waterloo Shoe Repairing A Specialty. Expert workmanship. prompt service and prices reasonable. Min Anna R. Bonn Teacher of Piano, Singing, and Theory. Private and class in- struction. Studios " Roy St., Phorur HUM. Kitchener. Money Loaned on Your Car Pay back III l?. monthly pay- munts whilc driving, present puyIm-nts reduced, private sales financed. All dettlirttts confide"- tinl. Open n-u-ninzs. Motor Loan: & Diuonnls Ltd. 129 King St. W.. Kitclunor. Phone 4l16 D. T. Brown - Branch Mgr. Rehinding Books Ruhlm. Hymn and Prnyorhooks a specialty“ Add more books to ynur home Iihrnry by hnvintt your favorite magazine hound into hooks. htitinlimt Club “my. Suitcases, Mr, Prices reasonable, J , c. Lehmann Bookbinder " ann St. N. Phone I“. Kink-nor Good" culled for and delivered Expert Shoe chuiror at " Ed) St. W.. Waterloo Next door to Mnuey-H‘rriu Shop. C A BOEHM INSURANCE AGENCIES LIMITID MONEY TO [JOAN WILHELM'b' CHIROPRACTIC SHOEMAKING MEDICINAL District Ago-h. Phonon 100 ned "DI Wat-rho. Olhrio DENTAL E. HOUSE Music a;