Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 11 Aug 1927, p. 8

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lam-summit- 'yt9ertirth,erer..tt?yr, at}. 'M‘Mm wail. At 6 . iik,'iiUi?h!i i"lat.er 10engtd26boerr_ --- If Back Hurts When your - hurt end your beck reel: eore. dott't get scared end proceed to loud your mom with a lot pt drug that excite the kid- ney: end irritate the entire winery tmet. Keep your hidneyl cleen like you keep your bowels clean, hy tin-hing them with e mild. mm- all: which help to remove the body'l urluque wuete an! stimulate than to their normal ectiviiy. 'orlnk ley We.» and nun/onu- of can. More Druid“! i Occasionally. The function ot the kidneys In to filter the blood. In 24 hop" they 1min from it 600 gun: at iutid and cute. so we can really nndontnud ts, vital importance ot keeping the kidneys mute. q . Drink Iota of good watfrr--roul can’t drink too much; the get from my plummet-t about tour ounce. of Jed Sens. Toke I ubiupoontul in n glue or water baton-e brxsattaat' each morning for a few days end you kidney: my then act line. This Inm- uite in made tron: the new of - md union 1am, combined with “this. and he. been used tor Hutu: help clean dd Itixnnlete cloned lichen: nho to neumliu the with in the ”Item no they are no longer I source ot irritation, the often relieving bladder wonk- neu. Jed sun is inexpeneive; cannot injure; mu 3 delightful aler- veeoent lithln-weter drink which everyone should take new and then to help keep their kidney: clenn nnd ecu". Try this; also keep up the water drinking, end no doubt you will wonder whet became of your kidney trouble and becknche. For com! and bunIona use Mlnnrd'a Mammal. n in. the - doncto‘u SQWJ ier a. L)'lUEg JtrutG1'dl'd Provedsafe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis' Lmnbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism aqpru-a.r-o-et.o-tre--e-ertsqG-w tt'.t"at.UdMi'."gr,'tMtu1N'utltu".uu'i'ili r"?,1'UUtl'g.'Wat "n-m-Wm-men-to-tot-ei-htm..-.."-".--" _/tttint (iiji'iiiiiiiiiii"j'i'iiifiiihi rooEs NOT AFFECT 'riri:iai:AR'in [ You an an Ntttitt IB. , "-v'" "s, mm mo w mu mu t wanna. m. M? tttrotTANC' 1mm“: mm. an; I we?» " an: as IS u mm com SAN, x: “In! an a m m Td', W, some was macaw ARR Mtttrtt At18t , 1... gym Flush Kidneys Z: A .YEF - Rl,,,, Accent tttlil "Baler" Bung; ,7ttEti (:on proven dim-lions. and "Barr" but at " can A]. Ldllt " u a! "th-atm- I "Oh, yea, I have!" protested the Inn. "But it turned red and I n- Ifnld I'd cooked it too long. no I Imam“ it."'- - Fro». Colon A . Mrs. Martin was very planed with herself. Her cook Ind lot! in the morning and she had found th new one, before dinner. The new cook came from Wales. _ .. ' "Now, Molly." ukl uh. Martin. “hero I: I lobster. Be sure roit don't cook It too long or the color will be spoilt." Anna, boil-annual mraq.tar-dttrtt".rttttuatrt mimeti- When the mteook produced the freshly colored lobster it wu "t Mick. I ‘ I'm-mum ts-sera-tot-ttart Inca-chum. "ah." ht aim-u. “In. you has?! him my "not. can glues I In: hero bu?” Duhlede . " In I genre! mileage test. "Who In. the em Mor- Ktna of England?" asked the manner. “Willi-n the Conqueror." ”Correct. Who In the towed?” “William the Second.” There we: . mule. -. "He’l doing all right." whispered the mend enmlner. “Auk him who the third in." "I'm not so sure.” retort“ a. questioner. “who the third wu my- self." . r “M. at.” m a“ ”may. "tm this the neon - to the In!!!" "You." III. laid sweetly. "M m whistle he will has; your Int." "Good havens? cried her mil- treu. “You haven’t cooked it " you were told?” The um sin A man. seeing u hat tor trts1rr in 1 shop” window marked tuuf-treroms, went in to purchase it. Whaling got Inside he asked tbs salesman If he could ture the hat in the win- dow. _ The salesman answered: "We don't take the goods out ot the window. I have one hen the same size and the lame all-p0. only a dit- terent color.” After I little "suing the man de. cided to In") the hit. so he kid I penny on the counter. The “hunt looked " the penny, but the pure not aid: "It's all right. The um size, the sum shape, Only u different color." Smiles all can-nod. I‘Wuwuh ammmgmvnd mumuum.m. - or twt-ho'. the cult ml man-muvmmw 1401an not cr, In “'10“thqu in MV. - mu. (Ink-hi a. not In: , “no! In. but "e “combination-”uh truth. hummus“..- nun.“lm-pchlluhuW' Ho cm . W mutual-golden... "B.tir_s"h-tem.trww mommmwm'tm tttrt-to-ttnb-ttoat - “manually"? will] Inch!” "No." H. itt " chm“. and "Edit It with “101ml will. Duo plied. summon“ up he: come. Ptttatty Q0 words (an. In I rut. " "Mr, mm, I'm [out to on something all" brutal. PM don‘t mind. I'm 'r-tr-d-I Yonulhnpontohoeomodto the eanhier, lack rBBtur----" . “I up! And ho'l but It!" . Duh blazed with gamma. “He has not! I'll an. to tell you tsomething-b" "r-ttw-tgt this hook" no continued. ttdrttr, on hot delenu‘s thrown slide. "Mr not think.- ttgh 'I new gun-donor. He Is here/Mr. Fleming, bacon-o he known he didn't at. the m0rMrr- nnd the only per-on who could have done It 'rNt--WMtr uncle!" Dick Flaming dropped his cigar- ette In a convonlent Ash-tray Ind crushed It out there, at-tir, not seeming to notice whether It more]:- ed his fingers or not. He rose and .ook a turn About the room. . The be camo back to Due. "rttat'tr t pretty strong Indictment to bring against c dead man," he all slowly. neriously. “It’s true'." Dale Induce! stubborn- ly. giving him glance for glance. Fleming nodded. "AU right." .He smiled-t smile that Dale didn't like. She went Iwitlly over- to the hall- door and listened. tonsoly, tor an in: sum. Then she came back to Flem- Ins. "Suppose It's true-where do I wine in r' he and. “You don't think I now where the money In?" "No," ulmmed Dale. "but I think you might help to and it." , "Do you know anything about 1 Hidden Room, In thin house?” she and. "It mybody comes irt--rou're just come to get something ot your," aha nld, in a low voice. He nodded. ut1derstamiinttlr. She dropped her voice still lower. Dick Fleming stared at her tor a moment. Then ho hum Into laugh- ter. F "A hldden roam-thath rich!" he said. at" hustling. “Never heard ot It! Now, let me got this straight. The Idol IB--a Hiddpa Rooi-and the money I: In It---" am it?" Duo nodded I “Yes." we architect who built this house told Jnck Bailey thlt he Ind built 1 Hidden Room in It," she-por- Illted. Por 3 moment Dick Fleming lured _ at her u it he could not bellovo tos' can. Then. slowly, his expression chased. Beneath the well-ted, do homil- on“ of tho etuttmatmtttottt- town. other lines .ppenresd---ttrsms of union Ind caimtuthon--orotf-rnrrru, bowkonink m craft and _ potty rulhlonnou ot the null Ioul with. in the qaratiortantr shell. Ria oyol took on I shifty. unocmin "are-- they no longer looked " Ihue-utqtr nu loomed turned. lama. bachelo- in[ l visionod "an". o [littering pile of (old. And yet. the clung. in " look wu not no Protto.ttoed " ‘io (in Dole ---tmt it would move ' o 3)"on nad long-or ’porioneod won-n ot tho world to road tho mm behind mount. on. " In: -so-aQtd Duo. to: ntl hot cont-cont! common an... m o yam Ind indium; girl. Bh¢vutchol Mn. Mod, wonder- in why he - no comment on - Int Molt. mi-i-ru-it- I - In - no con-out on uatve, it to the amuhh‘ a lot If not we. him larch.” she was. "Do you how whm more no "A rhteetiot" add mm. ”mm" kiGiaaan +,... , . ' AVERY WOOD _ ' "t 'ent all-Oahu, -' _.- , autumn-unnu- 1ttf.Fetrrna_t. "I "t+--9ohMdtt-dft.9m. no new no: In". tho mm. a “at In“. on " bet. As soon a an. Ind aloud a. &toe hound her. his “not In!!!“ Iron httgr- hr been; . httatg6-a ""r'ro"e In; Gr In my. Hon- Ichtlty luv over to tho but” by In lullv door-a mo-tu i-tion-ho shook his hood. Perils». the other' hookeuo not! the bunch than" --rto-it wasn't than. Ah. the book use our we W! Ho fauna bond now! Ho and. tor It. Manly swept the hook: troll tho top nun. reach“ groping men into ther, apnea behind the ”and 'row ot books. fibers! A duty roll ot tum Hummus! Ho nnmlkd than burg riodly. and trio! to links out the white traeintm by tho "(it of ttut, tir-Fc-tsetter an than our to the and}. on the can I wan-dill.” “mmrmum and. “who... snowman-mum 'at than"! ly'luelouodu "e.a3t9ttetaete_tHeo."h. mumu’mwmm W. In“. yd .m Wuhan-cumin..." mlu'mmkouu Yrrh-t""r. “In.” ”In.“ t.ttA."homH. - mghkrdbuucnymr "OK, "e---"." but. bttMed to-rrtAt_rtA_heo. in In! hurt. “Oh. I «I badly Minimum?” blotch. could "on "otr,aVhutaHttho key and m mural-l tonal the Wow. He peered " them huhxrily in the little spot ot light thrown by the candle. The lint 1trMr--ft0-Htor the Beeottd-- but the tthd-ttter bottom ttmr-good have”! He took in the “gamma; of the blurred whttar. lines with steady 'trea-hier lips opened in I silent exclunntion ot triumph. Then he pondered for en imttagtt--the blue-print heel! was en “thud yuo-etrmtmrtur-=ood, he had it'. He awfully tore e smell portion trom the third blue-print uni was about to Btutt it tn the inside pocket of " dinner-inlet. when Dole. returning, count him before he had time to conceal " and. She took in the dilution nt once. “Oh. you found It!" she aid in tones of rejoicing giving Mm back the key to the secretary. Then. es be all)! mule no move to tun-fer the sent of blue paper to her. “Plane lot me hue It, Mr. Flemlng. I know unit". It." m Dick Fleming's line set in a thln line. "Just 3 moment." he said. put. ting the time between them with a "rite movement. Once more he Hole a ghnee at the ecnp of new In his hand by the flickering light of the candle. Then he heed Dale Boldly. "Do you IWWIO. tt that money is actually here. that I out simply (urn thin over And let you give It to Bailey!” he “Id. "Every mu: has his price-how do I know that Bllley'c Isn't n millon dollar-I." in]? felt u tt ho had dulled cold In" In her use. "What do you mean to do with It, then t" aha a“. Flemlng turned the blue-print our in his bad. “I doth knot" he um. than, ten- tatively. "What I: it you want no to dot" But by now Dlle'l vague til-trout In him but grown wry definite. He put her at 'Wil In" to think about that." 7 "Aren't you going to (Ive t.t to mo?“ . Rt looked at the binomial um. "Bo the Ilium an!" II In this homo, ”In: u . gird-nor?” ho ma, with a - " " tones. Dnlo'l temper an filing. 4 "It you won‘t [Ive It to - unro'l . detoette. tn an. homo,” aha um, with a "any ot her foot. It. and. n mover-out u If to all Artdtrr.mt-Ahart, maria; Juk. turned back to Ila-Inc. lw‘mfm lnl and. [him- 'rttr_.yetete6yqrAa'ihi, 1it'2'ltttWdr2n'gt2it' lino-Io“ ‘ulw a_t_e0tstgBlk"tab Lhchuuwhth-Inhc‘u [Mlmtwuum I). m- to I“ W It. t 'C."',S"etf,t:,x,heae2 lat-0min. [unto-dill. human-1m hMuMIotnmh-ouny ‘euoulm'odlohmvo-ou \nmmmmn-nuuhru _uiairirti;rivG'i.Guiii"iiGii"i stun-clad. “mum a dMn‘dolu Round " tmeh-wma " I nu of air that moved themt-tho douhlo doom of the alcove sun; oben Just I each. Wu a Intonorvemuchod bo- hind tho-e door-or "I It only I trick of carpentry-a gesture of chance? Tho mnak ot the elm dropped trom Flaming completely. m. up draw back from MI teeth In an mu ot I predator, "tttttat that cum to In prey " the colt of lite or death. mutual-mum. “Imus-MM midi-Olmmlm mMra-rrrttta-xm_aad luv-“munllovu than." Jr. Willa-5' Plat Pith Both Go. My. Sold by " W. “In. or trrrrtan,etrmM,st"e-tiorr from The Dr. wulhm' Idaho Co, Blockvllh. put. " here t" “not it in here," he mutated to him". _ He need her nero" the itreimem " dry manor come back to him Just mouth to add u amnion] ‘touch pt the sinister to the cold sell- ;revohtlon of his words. Dr. Wilbur Plat Pill: do no I,'.',":,'-',",,,":.',':, Thaw ap, Hit-mu.“ srrd'otVbgottd-t-. 'odr,-1t_atoltttro - Rotterdam-Myra"... amend ”poms. hero-nod vb: --ailth-omustr.roursttrtnht" People [an boon trying to hm In." "What monk?" "I don’t know." _ new; and out bayou! mm Into the night. Before Dnlo could stop him. In; picked up the W011 blueprints and thaw than: on the itre--eqU%. ing only the preclom map tn his hand. The rot blackened and hunt Into Hume. He watched it, milling. 'Wm not going to give [his to my detective." he and quietly. tuning the piece of paper In his hand. Dale's hang pounded sickening”. but she kept bar com-use up. _ "What do you mean?" the aid Boreetr. "What us rou.trohstt to dot" “Let us auppoae u rev tinny. “In Ogden," he said. “Salmon my price ia . mimon damn. mumoie I need money very badly and my uncle tat left me a house conulnlng that amount In cash. Suppose I cm to consider that that 'tioner in mine -thtttt it wouldn’t he ithrd to sup- poae, would it. that I'd who 1 pretty ysineere attempt to get away with Att" m Dale summoned nll her fortitude. "It you so m" ot this room with that nape: I'll ocrum for help!" she and dtrtuntlr. _ Fleming and» A little mock-how of county. Ho smiled. "To carry on our little guns at suppollng," In am “my. “anyone more In I dolocuvo In all: tto-r- md that, If I were cornered. I should tell him when to In his hand- on not Bailey. Do you suppose you would tarot-Y" Dale. bond: dropped, nonrleu, at he! olden. It only duo hadn't told hhgr--too 1Bt.r.--ettq, an: holplou. She could not all no detqetie. without ruining "eh-au mt, it Naming "eapad' with the "oder- how could Jack our prove his Inno- can”? Flaming watched her for m In- Iunt. Inning. non. min: the nude no no". he and hut“! town! the double door. ot the " eovo. than thou own, no.“ shout to and: up no “can skin. The light ot him nae-pins with the only ext-HI; clue to cl. kudo- room's-l- nnlud on. like action. at. to? lowed him, union] matching up icn-aww " "'- r.wlh~rumnam w: "urn-I‘m r?iltie?it?i'itt,a:'?i"r',?yEl1'fft witch-Mu. 'm.-..-.-.. Af?f'i's I-I In. M14 // in to In - In a“ “In. If“. your“ b .‘ yt" WATIILOO WWW WORK. " Kb. Q. m . um ARTHUR row“ ....... nun-g» . I. ucuuu. gtrtd w. a. nick“ """'", IWN' c. A. IOIHI "annual Autumn umm alarm Acorn: . allur- and Unabr- L. W. MUN .....-.-.... Frail-It w. a. VISION“. ... Vito-W J. Howard “up” - Hun-pol 'tiehnrd Mann - - mm 1.8 - mm OVIR “m L OOVIINHINT DWI? 01m ' FBI-I. um t Good! and an Ideollur-d. hull Couldn't tucker from the tabla u she did m, In t In! gesture ot duration. N m? "Noi, Not and n to me! any. it to no!" and the spun; titer him, clutching the revolver. Ho waited [or he! on the bottom Step of all awn. the until! mile still on huh hen. t?tt,'o"dt':'tt,'e In tho darkness ot tho aloov Bttort, furiot-Khr-- he Ind mind the revolver any from her. but tn doing no had un- nudod the Mn ttht-print-tttte mtchod at R, desperately. - moot ot It any, hum only . COP. nor _In his Mud. H. tororo--triqd to got It "eh-gh. jerked buy. I.) am. Llama: In the mils. . Relaunch: hook- Blblu. Hymn and Pantheon n ”malty. Add more books to to" home - by hula; your Invent. “I“. bound into boob. BENTON PHOTOS Connor“ PM mrtmtt "' King W. Uuuln. Klan-nor . “that m Km. " W. PM u Kitchen», om. “mu-N- . m Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company G A. IOIHM INOURANCE AOINOIII. LIMITED Played now- “no day. Mania-01b0- J. c. Lehman [valu- by "nominal. limes: and alarm mam. Phono- no Ind 101 thmero, 9w: Tel. (To to mum-0d) mm Club " 'iuartutr'i' EiiFi7i7iiiair,riiiiiiGriri, Mwmm a.---- n;nomr.'uu.n.m 'ob.ttntsttorre6tstqrmaaatt- "yuan: and Grow- m. ---0tmntvrhntetetya. tKte. "mutate-mm». on. w. J. SCHMIDT. Dentist. ii King Bt. E., next .0 Post all”. - Kitchener. od DR. L. comma. Danni mm to Dr: J. Schmidt. " King St. I. our Dominion But, two door- tron Thtstodtreo, Kitchonc. Phonon 011150 454; residence. ""w. DR. A. a BROWN, Dontlig Bum Ior to Dr.W. 3. shun. Grant. of Bolton. Hoqttak Now Yogi. Speck] Attention Paid to utmo- thm and children's all-ml. one. as King St. “mum-or. Phone 444. FIRST MORTGAGES on any at an property. Mum. hut- ut. PSrq Ilium“, Icon-nu! and North " erloo . "rtttege Milul; a the lawn! min- In the any. a. P. Luella, A“. m QIIOOI at. it. no“ um, Kitchen-r. u. a... an. pun-u] rtoB8Nalrt.na. mmts-itri www.mm Pe."'-"'-'-. If“. gum-mm“ “awn“ n. 1. I. Rm. arm", nu- man. .116... n... 'Lr.emmrmttmaitt.t.- {ff-mmumwum... Mu: one. iso, " -iiii, 'Lio.mrrarusr.attst.oateot. B.uor_etastmetmes.waune= . My”. . a. G. . sukiar.'"LT,GT, one. In mam;- Block. a mu a. South. Wlul'loo.{ not” w. R. stir. srkGEGiTatTii no Weber Chamber-n, Km; at. Kllchonor. Aon. rm. B. a M. “mum. Donn-t. one. a King Bt. w.. mm; A. HOLM CHIROPRAGTOR and I ELECTROTHERAP- 8 Helm Annamaria. Young " Plum-s: om:- 18231. mmw. 01m. 44 William It. Want-loo. Phone “I. "J. I. JOHNSON erlnary “new Sum-nor to tho In“ Dr. W. I. 3mm 0mm: " In: at I. Waurltto. Phonon: Ollie. at; Wt 001 CUT FLOWER. AND PLANT. Ara-u. Floral Doolonl _ a mud A. loan. rm "our Btqro--1" III: - drunken“. - m III: m Tamothmm - mm- on an. . 'tr-tMa. mm a at. 1...“va WM”. "Ott-Waterloo It! at "I WAnnLoo H0810 co. in King it. . Incl. and In“ Immin- m- Ann I. I." 'm. [an L. In». a?“ MONEY T0 LOAN CHIROPRACTIC 305W. MEDICINAL CH I ROPRAOTOR ' um. Mm . DENTAL FLORIST Music

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