Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 11 Aug 1927, p. 5

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an. If V ‘2‘ , ( “a? man! - Adam nglln Death ewe with startling sudden- nus to Adam Huegun, who died M. his home at Waterloo on Tuesday, Align-t Mui, In " 64th year. The [anon] took phce on Friday mor- noon from Milne home. Interment was made In Mount Hope cemetery. \Deceeeed‘wu born In Kitchens“ and In the eldest eon of the late Ferdinand Hueglln, He was I vnlued member of the Waterloo Band for] " years and we. employed u palm‘ ter " the Kuntz Brewery. There! survive I wife, one hunter, In. Joe. Hanneberg of Devon, three no- can, In. Ed. Putt, New Hamburg.‘ Hm Tone and In. P. ,McAvoy or', Waterloo; use tom More. Jacob nad MM ot Detroit. WW or we. N.Y.. end Prod ot Waterloo. The Meat battery that' puts the power of Niagara in your car or radio. All mute: of batteries re- chuged and repaired. Vary but make. of Radio. handled a prion to sun all pun“. Demonstration-h-tull, given. Call or phone 333. ram 'i"'ettt4 Inca-on to 1'3:qu lit-(lo A SKI-l 00.. Urtgtted JARS“ OPTICAL CO. has“ V. A ' Yg,tSi'nut"a'r."= mum-nun“: to! Ila-INN“! Nt,t'it2St'pt'dtiU't" "VII. - Inn - who I.“ un- 'r',U.rN'AlrthtPat 2tr2"'""' “to!" m It doc-INN to, h 'kdt"g.u'tt't,Cr'1ta't utmmm-mt W. up (any com! to mmmumotmm Triuttt"ttPg'ftet8t. shaft-acorn". ' hung-woven“ _ kiwi-Aha“ ”WC.“ tot" Mother knows from ex- perience the heaithhuiid. ing value of vitaminaich «mu. Phat-I KM - Schweitzer Electric Scott’s Emulsion teoeierieJi1t.e.oi't, “KI-mu. . I WATIILOO '/rGiiiiiiiEu" -"e -aGaamuG'ita.h= INSIDE WORK I. Always Hard on Eyes. tero.ar.sr"--"R-MHnrle.eprmtoi. mould-autumnal”... 'ts-tre-tth ulvhnbb to war - for ”It 'rtgtr-trtet to roll-v. In .trutrt'-ttratqmrr-taterttto.-e Mull“: ttr-ter-ttio-eos-tterm--- 'orsm.rmtren--eo--tts.a.tseette.-dhtr-t. MmteMmtiogtg_ . ‘ _ ' REFER“ - - 10. and an 'd".'J,RWJorl.1'UJ'Au"l'. 10¢me Smock Well Watered, m.”- OBITUARY ADVICE KW. Loam 'tro-tret I KIM W. . It... “I PM». on Riet'rt',S an!“ Robert- portorlnod ' m. m sue-duh we. Ik- - ee that ot In kilo, and [than Cook or Mitten. (in n. '0“!!! march wu plum by Ulla Mt-ttt may": at Gum [allowing I wedding dinner, Mr. and In. Pull- an on honeymoon trip to Wang: Beach Ind othor_polnu. The will rend; In Wntorloo. i3tt I . “mama; a! , M/ r fit "let fd" "', Fe, _ "aea8t't In“: Lib an 0-";1 'yttr.,j%r'Ci' macadamia-I2 u- n- a - my tho otr.eqtt a UN cam.“ plan by. In! to]: m 1.6 mu II. I!“ mr..'..' Lst-hom-et-aa.. WM '5+reitseree-t_' www.mhuuundm mainlan- 51¢.me ty veddod couple - an . mtttgte triPtouto Hutch his: Oath-ll nun Mr. And In. loll-mm on vietorsatroot,tht- lulu-Ln: A may rm - M on wanna: "u-. Ann-V3. ammuooxur.qumm_ has. Waterloo. m an: - ur. Him Inna, urn“ blob .0903 to - lwud. on of In. George m a". c. 8. Raun- paternal 3h. m. l, sum. . KlrdI-nokl e l, The minus took place " th'o puma-u: par-om. on “and". 1am Rev. C. B. nouns ulna In marriage All“ H. Ell-huh of Ei- mira to Albert, IOII of It. and In. Pull Bunnie. All) ot “In. Drover ls Arrested ht Beeton Inquest “Hid you’aoon the dead mu: tore?” "Not to my knowledge.” mined by Mr: sum. Himmu an! it vu’qulto “a! tor drown to my in cub. bought the cams," Wltneu added that there would have been . he"! gate to open and two culverts to crou. He would not Ivar positive- ly that Hodge Ind than previously been paid by champ. _ A _ don"t-bio Dan Wntnon. who found Real Bargain Centrally hand In Kitch- "tttr-tt good coulorublo home of II: room. wlth mostly u! convonloncoo. Thu, house In In good shape sud is well situated: low at“; 3 good homo for someone u a low price Ind on any 'gl',','; Y.,,','"' about this. . on c on 0 price In ret.............".. $3000 "oo can. lad-poo like not. . Homa- ln Kitchener and Wat. crloo [or all. to "It nil ovum. Furl-I For "to--A Large “It to In! W. up! Auction" " PM.“ It. at". .64. l (Continued from Pm I) choc-o Iron. E J. SHANTZ thehFt%Mtdirt. uncanny: he of special Annivemry -.---m. hurl Luther-ll Church. Erbevllle, will cola-hue the "ttt waiver-try of it- dedicelion on Am“ " and 15. On Sunday, Aug. 14th, " 10.30 LIL, Rev. Gallium of Brent. will preach and the Erbeville church choir will nag. At 7.30 m Rev. Séhnelhe ot Kitchener. 1 former pastor here. will preach in Gem and Rev. C. B. Roberts ot Waterloo will preach in English. St. John's Lutheran church choir end St. John's We choir will render .07“ selections at this lor- "Vi'ce. There wii be “other specie] service on Honduy evenhg at Tao. Rev. Moll; of New Hamburg will speak in Germ-n while Rev. Geol- hnr of Listowel, Ibo I former pu- ‘ior. will speak in English. The New Hamburg Lutheran choir will “all! Mr. and In. Wlllhnu ma bully of Toronto no visiting the lam". parents, Mr. Ind Mrs. Henry V0301. Local and Puma-l. Mr. and Mra..Retnhardt Prom spent 8m: with Mrs. George PM“. Waurjm. 'mtrrov-u.--rtut old porch at the Lumen-u church up has re- phced by u now one which to quite In Improvement‘to tie‘buuqtng. The Blur and chaos! dtgeorntUgt. hue also been 1'on by new onus: at (his service. Former readout: and Men-jg no cordially Invited to attend the“ aervlcu. Mr. and Mm. R. Schmidt anit Mm Vera “sited on Sunday " the hang at Mr. Ind Mo. John Rum. Water. Mn Cronin of Gait In visiting [fiends in this vicinity. Miss Winn-ad Truma- of Hull- vllla, Muskoku. In visiting with Mr. and In. J. Findley. Mrs. Winglum and Hm sin Jamiooon of Hanover spout but Thursday with Mm. E. Devin. - Min Ethel Kinda is spending seven! weeks with friend's In Pair ter. Mr. Joe Stanley visited with his brother at Wood-tack. Mr. D. K. Devm. about pour]! any. with MI brother In 3min. Mm. W. uuumhhgor, In. A. Bullock Ind children and Mr. Olen Sign!" ttpettt Sunny with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Devin. Limo Khan: la spending novel-d an In Kitchener. Mrs. Henry Becker II will!!!" I low do” with not than itt_Wate Mr. and In. no!" ist Ilium spam Bulky with Mr. ad In. 1. Brandy. Mr. Funk Gallium of Baltic vl-ltod with In Docket op and”. We no tom to town tho illne- . revolved In deceeeed'l about! pocket. end tot, manly In level Beet. bills. and eevenl tinge end other :11ch on " pence. eleo produced I chine] which. he eeld, wee Mn: beelde the body In Me’- heuee. When he III-peeled the home tt we: "nude down." " eeld: the kitchen Oehle Add chem were covered mm blood, end the wove m broken. 31'» deed Inn qraairt.atmnroN_rst)9ttod," - neee nu. He Kqtttthd fame he I In - than three week In '4lllllu"fh"a Beebe. Hee- tiled e m m ee eee nel- ‘m- " hue. 0- that nee-nio- Ir, Mud e In In," heeled-1hr to one lend cg leaned. the 9H, m lawymhdthu an in moan-on by no In! wh- or-Bttodaeodttrettttha.6ttrtr.t m mac‘- an VII-cu ummtmmmm. mvmmnomnm - tho-- " Jon-III an no- -eqdtteeeeatNeftr'rermn -'qi. " no - ho chm-cod king-ovi- (Ilium bou- In “rm... 3...... - arm ”in; humu- at 'aiti'irqrelli', will” . " "rta_dNetars. .tottr-emollteeF9. any a no“ Ne "WWII, hunt you no not iiriGiGGTt, cine-I- 'f,,ttg,tdr,e.'gt'. z'd,"2'ttt V eee%gttt 1"fatijgt his t h 'at,", t"rd as: level. otiiUKiR from-lb? - T Him-iii: I“? Mis"," Goa on. I Put. ..._ Poct'u Bun "at”. WE'- Bran ma. , plan. ......... 1%tth What. pk; Wilt-1°09! EnquLE Cereals MANNHEIM IN of In. Minnie atolls end wish her I speedy recovery. _ The many (Honda ot Wu be“: Shunt: no lorry to Inn: ot he; lud- den ulna-I uni how she will we: be on mo '3, to than”. ,Qulelly W-tttmf.,--- A ttaut In". pretty’weddm m ”lentil-ed at the home ot Mr. end Mm. Begin when their dnuhter Once In happily wedded to Mr. Welter Bow- mm ot our burg. The - couple left on a. honeymoon trip to Buffalo and other point- east end on their return will reside on the Broom's term here. Death of Mary Potrelttgt.i-. The1 death occurred on Tunney. Mg. 1. of Mill Herr Povelko, second aide-t daughter ot Mr. and In. lichen] Povelko, It the M. Men's J1otrpita1. 'Kltchener. The deceased. who wu In her and your. had been In poor ‘heelth tor some “the. ,. Killed ’Unweieeme Vieiter. - liter in; e thMr hen tron his poultry 'ii? recently. B: W.Hritsrmus decided to inveeti'ete. in looking under the! hen-house he new whet looked like a black end white kitten. it. how- ever. moved to he e skunk whigh Mr. than: killed with e shotgun, elong with tr. nest ot ttre, little ekunke. The mother eknnk hell teken the mining chicken to in hit, the remun- at which were found. The 'sstptttrhmM ie [nut-lee Mr. mom hr mu; the dietrici. or thin nuieence. it. however. eoet him In and unit ot ciothee. an “may“. ”000W. “diam. 81b. .. ttrl till nr WHEN Elif Illlill Mb. Jar it,','.) “a: “war: on up- mherdheinthat'Tif S.tthqatt,L"i',,ltu'mhtf. 1tet,2'Mrg'att'R ir." 't.'1qamr-etr.k_. with: i'tih'r,'i's'ii' like ur, " If I u. in J,'ltr,'u'rc,Tu'a 'ttttlg,,',',,','."',",,,',""',',,',,.,',",",' -oitrrfeetipd-toortttrtirs Ati-ubrtrattoxof"Tiifat trfai,nditt'r',',',g"gat't', - Hm! you!“ 1'ed'tl.,tiMtM'dL'tSr" BARRIER WIFE Til BED MudSo Sh. Could Not Walk. R-tneed to Health 'egitntle Compound 'eh-h, atGiiis--irm rdlrlJl'ltrlilll I AiiiilfllldWi Eli Emu-n7" W03 ii.tarqiiiiiiiiriK.iii Nt.ec.'t'rfi, “drumm- 2"gttth'2t't Jinn lit C moths. 2',f/r'tttlltlfte. WmNMlmHho naval. Pg,VggMIWg",tsr, 'irtriri-ar-efrg.l who any“ “bl d tthr In. Win-Immunizatio- riut9jt.ry..Ntittte.rh.ed . "1.....- 0...-.." -____eH tlgMfdt'gtfl'd'ft"rl'at'hTy'ht. CiirhFtAimeetttlttttr, iuiiidWd6it-irti-d. [tinny iit,i.ijte,fi'i't"f,,'r,Yt1,tgt9, 'l?i!llll2tit'tii'r,h?,iefii' um. {hale-lb - 'git2'ttwfldlll4llA'ih" iiiri% ._ "-h; id." - In. Run. 't'ir.rii, Si) 1, luau. Ont-Ia at at "an? a,“ I". [fl'??]"??-',')'?,,!",':?,'!.','?,,":?:, fimkéa has -, __-_, 532-! Raspberry Suhyohhoi t " PRESTON 43c tulltllt0ll,1.'8 It.” " IMONII. In. Hm M6: in mutual ham mu Imam . west with nor m. Mr. sad In. Austin Tum at Dunn. _ Inter: Gordon and has Gonna or near “have! went I mph of any: It Mr. 090. engulfs. Mitts Harlan Cosh": vUited with friend- at Wintorbonno in! M Mr. Eula Freeborn sud Ion. Dou- ml and Douglas ot Club-I an Imam their holiday- with Mr. and Mn. W. B. Whom. Mr. all Mm. Bert. Way and chil- dren spent the reek-9nd " Mr. In. Bruce's It Harri-um: Mr. And Mrs. John Holmium and Mr. and In. Tolford Immu- ery. Mr. um Mrs. Wm. Ferguson and daughters nnd Mrs. Fem-m Br. of Orange Hill vhltod In. [Auto lo- Koo vhue naming the tuners! of the late Thom Kendall: hare on Sand-y. Quite I numb" ot (mud: from have attended the fun-ml of the like Thou. Mchddln " Buford on Sul- any. Mll- Sana Hammond ot Toronto If "slung Iii-Iona hero. Dr. and Mm. John mum ot Pul- merrrtottUtttsnt Sunday with friends. Min Ell- Freeborn ot Wallaby spent t day In: week with Mrs. Roy Muluhy. IMHO-Dunn. " W. I h s. WW W - In t. ........-.. II- DRUM a! M " ......:......_....... - CODA unsung. Tim or Moria-‘1. DI? tE 1.- AMt0WRo4rr--Y- n:- ar-rut 310 PORK AND "AN.-arr "MHEYTr---Hrrtrtr. and! u- .e...t0-te.H-e.t.._. no Miss E. Crookshnnh spent [at week with her niece. Mn. Albert Hacks“. neu- Linwood and with Rev. and Mn. R. H. lullaby It myth. mu Olive Freehorn of Dacron ll spending a couple of teen with her parents. “mm Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Coghlin. in. Marion an)“. Ind Mr.-t B. Hamil- ton “tended the Hamilton mnlon picnic st Kitchener on Thur-day of but week. Miss alum Tumor I. visiting her friend, Mrs. Wm. Burial)” at Fordwlch. Miss Olin bowl-10 and friend. Mr. Chm. Home: ot Guelph, visited st Mrs. In. bowl-w: recently. Mr. Edwudn um damna- Inn. spent Sand-y with (Hand. It unver- ton. . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Comm upon! Sunday with Mr. 1nd Mm. In” " Cnnbmok. . Mr. Donald Ron will! but weak ln om". - Mr. and In. A. Holmyor ot Min. Mat and It. and In. Hath Mott. myor of Clout-Ind “and“ the Belmont reunion u Btmtford on Build-y. Min Marg-rt J. Km - I ttrw any: Int week with In and Mm. H. Ballad " Imam . V m.- sin-an Lonrr% of Tom-m I. “In!“ her mother. Ir}. I. We. in” Joyc- - - n low can "rith friend- a Holman. Mr. Goo. Bruce of Winnipeg ”on! In! vat with Mr. and In. Ban Way. In. T. Wm of - I. mum he! alga, In. Alt. - Mr. and In. Non - " Wu.- uloo - and” u no Inn. - tttMr can, Mr. M. an". Illu- In“ an In, liming-- molItnMu-tnmmn with that “and". In. I. mull. '0me Mr, In. Ya“! “I m of MB. nnon at In. can: u no- Dan ot mm m m at Mr. C. actor. on may. In.“ In. WI. rm and “mutantm Imbdhlu’ofnunuh nmmmtmmlu In. "rd In I. o. with. It», III Mr. "an Wad. omn- nlhl Mr. and In. m M I! m " am h m 'ttte a - Sixty-Nine Sto‘res ' "- 27c Inn! HILL-AMI! GROWILL PK Ii; O, not: but!” with that In: New Mr. John Ssmnlo of BM 8511-. m. and In. but. at Tom-u an ”nah; men] an it an - ot In. A. hum. Mr. and In. (bell 'Mg%tqtr - Sunny with tho has?! motto: In out. _ and Bounce who: unaided the ztoghr’nthorin; hold an Strolchor’s m. Wells-15y; on and”. _ Aux. Gordon uni My [chunk and maul luul and 1-!qu _ " of WUktatBtqtgt an“: and.” It their grandmother'.. Mn. M. Birm- indium. liar Rachel But returned trome' from Waterloo when she in been employed for - um. Henry Stolnuckor. John “that and Jamil malnxhun motored to Grand Bond on Sunday. Mr. Ind Mn. Alba China]- and - and In. Peter no“ um (hunter vilhod friends In like!» ton on sunny. - It you {we any man" of trund- or If you intend Botng nny Juli phones the Crouhlll penance. Tun!- oreqttatrstarsmm like to know. In. If. Foster. Ilka “an and Mr. Ind In. Lorna mm fund It tho homo ot In. he. backed on Sunday. V . More Arrests In Baotou Crime Wave (Continued m Page 1) years. I tumor ot Lot 4, Concession 14, Wool Gwllumbury. nd the to novel-y. polio. chin. ot . large amount of stolen property. DOW-Ania. - Mi- um] “(I unu- Mach? "t,telltt,l 'tash-tuh., 33196:. "age" A - NEW REF INEMENTS AND COLORS pom GARAGE a MC co., um and m. Ont. tiiii"iiiiiiiiijii"iriiiii ELDOM do the line. and color har.. monies of the comic“ can attain euch Teh", artistry is than of the Jubilee etien Oldsmobile SiL’Seldom do the fittest of custom-built erection- preoem more evidences of mantle“ and Mnenent than the luxurious interior of this latest Oldsmobile, with its rich mo- hait trholetery, its wahuet-tinutt panel. and t m, its deeply cushioned seen. in "'iver-tinistt hardware, its dome lighting. est, ttfl,'."'.'), qt?“ fn', 2'l,U . I f 0 I t1rfll y...“ mas. tgA'lftu'lrtfht iiiak - -r-ar him 'iiiiaifiiuirargo-utt-' -1.m firrg,T'd.%ea - . _ I” Data-08m Chap-cl” mnMMWTh-nlm What. um and -t"r-- - tho i'l,'lr.USl but" and any “will AT NEW LOW PR!CES r-tran".'"--., IOKlIISt. £1,449? SERIES I Just after the In“! ot the father word came from Barrio that " 8- ' year-old mum", lam had we imam to mum. mound In tho 'oxplonon‘u :kno W. The I“ |chlld 131ml in Ban-lo How-l. -- Bufor- cum “'0. which van on unmigrnpud for two nu: or more. was ”new”; lot 1.5m daathtr--tMrttyt mm. a. - under win “new ts-tie' Hodge, and two an!“ of Sumo! News. amt. and m - to I third child. The In children In” ttrr m d The. and}... died and the and m Injured " exploding dun-Ito up but! tn the but: at their father on In. " but it m not null Tush! "an; that no tragic an: on the Nail- term vu clan-d up to principal- lu the Boston crime wave. - In I tenement full at unulonnl deal]: obtained by the Ontario Pro- vincial PollaJroln one 9! the are; men cursed with out}. not!!!“ or other alum. the charge In and. that the explosive nu in up Inn m the Nov“: hm wa- pheod than by Daniel Forum, the deal - mdor. and m to be and In “to blowing operations In the Baotou “strict. _ Explain Placed by Forum. wmmn Langley, Mraterr, In. the seventh men “rested. He "I taken on Me (em in Am Town- ship end charged, “on; with Semuel Nevile. with the the“ of the ten head of cattle from the 'arm of John Del-mu. " wee eleo er- mted utter Sumo! New“; had mule " statement to the police. Lune: protested hie arrest, chiming the! hi: crop: would be mined‘nnleu taken oft M. once. He "I. however. induced to eccompeny the olicere to Barrie "ti. At""tHtA--M. 0. "aAit-A3tgrer. cumvu‘ot'oi um: pun: LWtb-AhqtN tttt . gum LVI. th. n. In on», m' jaw...“ TOILIT "1"'6--ot- "gtqgiithxuauetr, Bull. bh all 'rtF.eF" Bae-hr apotH" Ann-Ills..- "-.,rit0-, WW“ Jar .- Pineapple Jelly 'MI? can. " - 1h II- no

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