Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 11 Aug 1927, p. 4

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ttstu--.'- set-r-et- g.- “putting-inn -,tC.s.-4t-lr, lino-j wbmhhm ”Ir.mInLW.PO-m°‘ “transactions.“ dawn-1y W, hut M- "In to Mr. Jane- D. W. "tSutter.-'".."'-'?- has. an lam-:0 to ul- We. on. month. ter.a-.3.Gord" M I". MWMIAWW” um Bt-temaarAMtristra. N. y,mvmnooo-unlod-hru Due-by 'eiaommaBoBoet9m"N'ho b lath; aunt'- will! at Beat ati,utVtsinad. In. umam at was: In I visitor n a. bone ot Mr. and In. W. Moore, Watch». In. Mal-ho lorlock mum the mm! ot her oldest huh- ter, lot: Mar. to Harbor! H. Rocks Bo. ot an. ad Mri. PM Back". Waterloo, the marriages to an Nieo this month. Mator ud'MrI. G. A. Humor ot Kitchener ma the Hon. Horne. Aubert of Knitrtttabrtdqe, tandem, mum. who no unending tho Poultry Congress. were "no“ the can“ " the garden puny " Gov. "that Home [Ivan by their " cellenclea tho GovesrtsorA1eeusral Ind Vino-untes- Wllllnsdon. to meet their Royal Highness“ the Prince ot Wales and Prince George. A line circle of friend: will be planned to learn that Mrs. David B. aluminum in much improved in has"): following a serious operation she underwent " the Regina Gener- nl Hospital and is at present com vnlencsing nicely at her home in Lockwood. Snail. w Social! and Scottish Song: Feature Seldom has the Pompeinu Room of the King Edward Hotel runs with more lusty cheers, sweeter songs or snyer ladghter than were heard In! Wednesday afternoon. when the To. ronto Deughters ot scothnd enter- tained at supper over 200 represen- tatives ot the Women‘s 09nd of Eln- ptre, Scotland. Miss Amy Robsart Jatrrtsr has re- turned to town after an absence ot two yms abroad and In with Miss Bengough. 58 St. Mary Street. Miss Jammy. who spent much ot her ulna on the Rivera. was in London for B month before her return. . RAMsAY's 'gigte1t""',rpgtt',r' AUG. aotttf $151: i-.oei-a-eu_-r.--'_ “mun. rs-m-r-ie"-.'- " PT. Tttt é’ANAmAN ‘PACIFLQ "ll!!,)" Travel GROSZ & SEHL Water-ho. OM. For-8.10 Br To tiitTtWtPtta 1Nau',tiatgtAtrttg'.,""'"' Mn t'"Ntt'tattegttAerttl *mew ' an: mm: 2't rgzaNattrhsut t,'.Ud','td."lUS"l'd'd .m‘nww. "we"-'"""""" -. a I IrJoullnhQW‘.’ “mama-how unuwmubw hum-Mum qu-v-mlot» oGaa.oiiiiteret" "yuumhnum, sora-rtitr_r'"or. Ina-I‘ll. 's.namtt--ttteia'"r"P'""t"'.5""'.'"l'S1' My ".e"i'triCi'ii'i'iaGiiuu-eyfrrt1eu1et 1"G"uriiiuii.diairaGirtei-rwa""'""o'""'" unmmmmmmm. "-- Mm. -u-, In. a.” m on, W win to Int-mud tn no mm: 110 m- o: m- m um ”must W“ W '%ttttte. “[1190“ mung-owl mu. Mr Ann-m Nun-u. to bloat-Col- oul Arthur Ideol- mm. In. MAN, m ot 81: Hahn ad my Trum’ln. " WI. W. winta-oatt--rtr, Winnipeg on “any. new M. Mn. Boot Stow-rt. Hutton. Conn, who - “that no wooi- at the “bananas- do]! all Country Chub. loll tor tho can! on Baud” “00an by Mr. Stuart. The! will spend son. “an it But ad lunar Put. to be "Gill It the new Prince of WI!“ Haul at was!” "he, Mr. And In. Gannon BurFuu are no." ot Mr. Edwin! mun um m.- Elenor 30131113 at Punch River ImllmuhI-W-“f _ The Gunilla. Prim. His Royal “kilns“ the Prince of Wales In back In Canal: to unify once more " claim to be I (allow Canadian ("tanking with estab- ished friends. It I: now eight years since he ttrgt enme to this country. mud doction hu new cemented by succeodhxg mm. Since he wu Inst here the Prlnce has visited Africa and South America, and on June 23rd Inst celebnted " Mrd birth- any Mrs. E. Suddaby ot Victorin, tet in a visitor in Toronto nt present and will visit her" friends In the Twin City towards the and of Aug- nut 3nd September. Ttttr, Prime Minister ot Ontario and his Cabinet gave n dinner at the King Edvard Hotel on Saturday, August 6, in honor of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. To their Rorat Hishneeses the Prince of Wales end his brother, Prince George, Toronto olered 1 {most loyal and hearty welcome. The Prince ot Wnle’s In no stronger to .the Queen City. which he: hed the Slippy experience ot noting an host Ito the heir to the British Throne on more then one occasion. This will he Prince George's ttrtet visit to the Capital of Ontario, and he will find there every evidence ot hearty good- will tor his brother end himself. Premier Sunley Baldwin and Mrs. ’Bnldwin. who are unveiling; with ee Revel party; will meet unit: in Toronto 1 Gland!“ nominee in- teneely loyal to British traditions and ideals. Miss Beale Vim Every is a bolt- dar vlsltor " North Senses Camp, R R. No. I, Neutleton. Ont, Mrs. Prod Shelton ot Windsor re- turned this morning utter spending a week at the home ot her perenta. Mr. end Mrs. Louis Kraft. Mr. uni Hrs. Roy B. Been end family motored to Bull-lo and Cleve- land tor I holiday trip, while " the former city they were preeent at the elicit! opening ot the new Peace Bridge. In. J. H. Webb And her guest. In. Hunter ot Chicago IN the nuts of Toronto (Honda “a rela- uves Incl; ' Ihort "it In South- amnion. Mr. A. McIntyre of The Mutual We Hand on“. with Mrs. icin- lyro Ind unify are enjoying I Ino- tor trlp to Bunk: And other point! In Nev-York sate. Mr. uni In. C. C. Plum:- and family In" returned from I hour trip to mane and New England Batu. Major ad In. Humor. who luvo hoo- vstthse the Hon. Plor once Anion! In Ottawa And gand- irttt the mun Comm. and were nut- " tho Guam Put, In new Sito 2.o "-a.-g-iM--e- M w ”mu-u. an... curl-sud w-n- Ili- Mmtmuyumm andq-rrttt.. - ~Ir. Theodor. mm metre" ELM In. Vain-chow I“ aero - M. Kho- cm and cxouuo m and Mr. but. mm mod to “mainline. unl- HIM-31L " Sud”- _ - If It. Sunle- at M I. Pun-on: kn ”and an LOI- don utter Attending the M of In In. In. Hubert sum on Gummy Int. Mr. and In. Loo [5101". In. an.» an. me John, and mu GA Douche“ ot Kitchener, lulu Sin- du Ttttt Mr. and In. Joni-Kraut. 1130 Mall ot the In. In. Goo. marlin was held in St. Agatha B. C. Church on “than!” morning and was attended by n hm number of narrowing romm- spa [mu Burial m undo an the will." - wry. - The rennin. or-ttte his Georg. Bonfontl. who died " import Sun! torlum. were laid to rest In the vil- latter cemetery, also on Thursday morning. Hubert L. Stellar ls holding . public we to dispose ot his tum. stock and household elects on Bat. urday. August 20th, after which he will make hi: hope with his mother. Mrs. Gertrude Steiner. Mr. Edgar Bowman ot Detroit spent the week-end with his arena, Mr. and Mrs; C. D. Bowman. Mr. Roy Marriott t,rButta1o and Miss Gladys Marriott of Kitchener :pent last week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Letson and 'Kmlly ot North Woolwich spam. Bunday at Mr. and Mrs. Byron Lot- mn's. Mr. astiMrs. Charlie Marriott family and Mrs. Rhodes Letgott tended their family gltherlng at Riverside Park on Sunday. Mr. Earl Wallis took a truck load of young people to the celebration in Guelph on Saturday evening.- Mr. A. E. Ricken is improving after being confined to his home last week. The usual meeting of the Women'- Auxnhry was held last Thursday afternoon at the home ot Mrs. Hugh Woods. Mrs. G. Isreal ot Kitchener spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harold lyreal. eminent House. given by the Gov- ernorAlenerts1 and Vispounieu Wil- lingdon in honor of the Prince of Wales, are spending a few days with Sir Henry and Lady Fella". OT Lake Marie, King. Threshing has commenced In this community. . NO BETTER MEDICINE FOR. LITTLE ONES A medicine tor the baby or grow- ing ettiid--oTMr that the mother on feel Assured is absolutely sate is well on etticient--its found in Baby's Own Tnblets. The Tablets oral praised try thousands ot mothers throughout the country. 1tC mothers hnve found by ectunl ex- perience that there in no other inedi- cine for little one. to eqnei them. Once A mother has used them for her children. she will use nothing else. Concerning them Mrs. Charles Hutt, “ncook island. N.B.. writee: "I hove ten children.. the baby being ‘jult six months old. I hue need ihhy'l Own Tablets tor them tor the but 20 year- and can truthfully any that I know of no better medicine tor little ones. i always keep A box of the Tablet: in the house Ind would “vise ell other mother: to do ”no” all on... Watodoom in What Thousands of Mother. any of Batoy's Own Tnblm. Baby’s Own 1‘:th: are cold by all modlclno dealer! or will be null- ed upon mun at price. " cent- per bots, by Tho Dr. Wllllnmn' Mod? one Co.. Brockvllle. Ont. _ FroG-itrffiiiil PEG By, “ATM WEST MONTROSE Wu" lb. qtagthq and at- the " Local-MW 'er.-aerwa-et.Stt- mmlaantmw-uu and m»mtmum m Imminwmww an WI meer, In. I... “chm-h-IIMIII. In. at In. John m bully. Mr. all In? m m. It. at In. M Ecru-all and as». II. 'te, Senna uul It. - W - ed a mm- M a. “by. III-o but Eel-u - m to Waterloo our spill-c O wool: nation with an". In". Mr. All! III. was - and Mr. I“ In. John M "out Atm. dIy with Mr. “III. All. lock u Pro-ton. Mr. ndjn. an. Clu- nl In. J, B. Butler - and” n Kn- chencr. _ Bora-To Mr. and In. Alb-rt mun. I ma. Cour-tum. Sir. mm: than mm in. mm at tho llama comm- a Zurich on SUI-all _. Mr. Ano- Holor ot - all Mr. he. an!" MO Win; tho {new '01 91rd. luhelborr! a Detroit. mu Ruth Winner of Kitchens and Min Marla Phi of main his "Sending noun! any nation a the ham at Mr. and In. John Mock. q I Misses Emeline ucmy, Florence Bauman and Florence Ziegler spent Sundny with In Katie Llchly " the home ot Mr, and In. has]: Bowman. 5 Mr, and Mrs. J. G. on and dust- ter Gertrude motored to Now Hun- esurg on Sunday. Mr. M Mn. The. Mtrr and non: Daniel and lune. lino. nun; and New. Martin motored Iron Ma-- town. Hnryhnd. U.S.A., to spell sevpnl darts visiting with Mr. Bgtdl ill-s. Isaiah human. Mm. Aaron Snider. Martin. M- and may and 'Mr. Winn-d Snyder called on friend at Belle Fountain on Sunday afternoon. i, Mrs. Irvin Shoemaker I: unending a week u Kitchener. Mr. and Mn. Orhnd: Bowman ot Mannheim spent man with the farmer's [gal-gnu, Mr. and In. Levi Dom Mr. and Mn. [all]: Bowman upon! Sunday with Mend: " Kitchens». Mr. and In. Align! Rank and son Fruit. Mr. Harvey Dietrich ot New York Ind Mr. IMward Dietrich ot Toronto motorard to Rotr1tw on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jecob Schweitzer ol Millard, Nah, are visiting tr1egtdt, in this diatrtet tor I few weeks. Mr. John Sugent ot Winnipeg. Man., Is spending a low any: hora among friends and rel-then. _ 'Mrs. A. Bencht [a on the nick list and Is at present with her parents In New Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. Young ot Toronto are at present visiting with their daughter, Mrs. W. Kump(.. tor . short time. Mrs. L. Roche] and son Wm. “Id her two daughters, Sop)“: and Hilda, spent s (aw hour- unou re- latives Ind friends here on Sunny. Mr. no] Mrs. Henry H. Ziegler of Waterloo upon! I tow hour: hate on Sunday union; friends. Mr. end Mrs. Cramm and ttuaiir of Butralo were mum: " the home of Mr. and Mn. Peter Wagner tor a few dun Int week. Mn. H. Yost of Celedonle. who spent I low week: here with her parents. returned home on Hominy. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rumor tad um- lr of Humborntono no visiting with ‘heh- son, Rev. C. A. Kruner. (or . rev dun. "‘ The brick work of the - Luth- eran church to not?” conviction md mp-r-uou Iro being and. to get it under root. Injured In Am Amttdegtt.-A ni- MI Injury In. Round by Ron Weot, stock alum for sum Stu-nor! Co., who not! no (In. u Elmira and dutrfert. Who. unwr- " to Damn his or ”ruck I - who pout. twill. the on na to recolvhg "rut" blur! to than“. M.W.J.luln.l‘luum ”all. M m “hith- Mimi-loin. Hi: Imus. ennui-Cod at I in“: In" And low in”, In”. I“ lo- otmmm 'go-r-dot, tho Henry Ford Hospital. Pqiqqqtqtqs Mr. ml In. In“ Us!!! - son motored no. “in a mu relaun- In “In ad may. . I". run: men mun. an. ot9t. mour- can... mu. neon-null“ by R. Mill-III d h pan, and m.- and m in to". In. R. C. Gotet “I dist', Dorothy of Now - at tho hall. of Mr. and In. B. L. " mom's. um. w. A. unmet-c man‘s-1131mm may. nom- WELLESLEY RLMIRA Uii Quintet-v unusual-t Mr. n who aim-p1 magma!“ “tut www.mu‘ mining-Ill.“ firm ”than" who hit M d Mr. I” Imumolghltudlt.lulll Wumauuvh‘mhw Dye. “and dnatattee a! Mr. “I "era. wan: Mot Nut-rho. Tho . I st-tr-s-mst-trt-tttvm""'" "queo-qrttteesMstBqNt- loo. Antoni-MIA... hum-unduly“ _Ahrsommhbm .Waoounm'm e-ae-Utes-tsat ts-at-ta-sea".." urn. WI. Mil. In. a. B. undo- Idld 1Bat Iraq for Lhanool. main-ht a lit, lollth. after um In! tho put In noun- - Mr. uni In. Ann-Mu Inuit and - - My m tho ht- ur. -u. Mr. and In. WI. wt. old]. Tue. Mr. Huh-on of Horn-ton occupied the with In the - unu- - Inn on and" nor!- in. on" allqu at Kitchener h unending a oomph of won at In: homo hon. In: Marmot Fol-bu ot Kitch- we? spent tho weekend a her home Nam Noun. Mr. m4] Mrs Tater Sinus nt- tended the fallen] of the Intel’- mount. In. Anthony You“. held In Formosa-on Thursday. - Mr. and In. Con. Glen. and Mr. 1nd Hrs. Dtvld “arson nttendod the funeral ot the Into Mn. John Dun- brook In Kitchener. Sunny unicorn It their homes here were as follows: Mr. Anthony Lona: ot Phtuvllle. Mm Ron Holnrth. Min Madden- Michel uni Mr. Alex Hottarttt of the Twin City. Ml” Ruth ‘Koebol. who had he: will“: removed, is improving nicely. Mr. and Mn. Gregor Strain: of Fomou spent the week-ma with Mr. Ind Mrs. Peter strut”. - Mr. and In. Ami! Allen-n: mule a human trip to Toronto on Timmy. Ill-.21“! Mrs. Joseph Gwyn-Mel were Sand-y visitors with Mrs. P. GreyorbleL minimum-hm The ltewest$tyles at BigSavings Over 1 rack of this season's Dresses in Voiles, Swans. SJWL etc. Regular " to $9.50. on e at “WW. $3095 ands4095 Mid Coats " Striped Blazers, Special ladies' all liisses'hesses Red-eel ST. CLEMENT. . swam» CHILDREN'S sox Me An stu- CHILDREN'S BOX .t--ALL $1.00 an; HOSE (lpze, Tran, 86c SILK HOSE 150 Dreises and Coats have been most drastically reduced in order _ to make room for new incoming Fall Merchandise. - comm at Inna-k 1000 yards Fuziz ill shades Black Paillitt Silk 86 in. wide Black Duchesse Silk. M in. -- Silk Bargains PONGEE SILK Begum: T6e for un. gym-m mad " Damn h mqu lotto-Io “I” “a W "" gm, Mr. and Mrs. but Iva-Il- 58e - G. Henry - " his”: vu I toot-end visitor with In. Juo5 MI. 68e 49e Mr. "d joyad A In on Suds! Mr. “a In. Nicholas Cook of m- min and on Mr'. and In. Su- Koobol on Sunday. Mr. and In. Hem Kirby no to; to Ketimrorth and mur on Saudi}. ' RefihariiF _ Week ," ' Mr. and Mrs. In“) Museum: ot ."' Del-kin; mm! Mr. and In. Charles , Hum of Tribe were the "(unu- ot Mr. and Imp“ 30pm on Bun- Mri. Jun. Ttuutttar of Toronto and j Mr. And In. Henry - ot Mild- . my were Sunday visitors with Mr. And Mrs. D. Hanan. I, In. Schneider ot [(11.an visit- ed with be: My". Mrs. Theo. Krootsch. during the put week. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Benin" Ind (wily. Mr. 1nd In. boul- Lab? linger "ttt,Mr. and in. Edwin Volsln were Salim vlnlton with Mr. ma Hrs. Alex. Schnau- It Purs- dine Luke. - - Mr. Herb Schurr 3nd " men are erecting I areal trul- hr- no“ Woodstock (or. w, 'ted Btart. Mr. 1nd In. Treot, a. layer. Mr. ind In. All. Meyer um Mr. And Hrs. Hubert manundgartho tur- ml of the mm“. mm In St. Aim- on may. Born-on August 4th. to Mr. Ind Mn. Alex. Yunnan, a non. atm - GERMAN“ Ill). LTD. oeeetrttaaiaoewaatsGeestu"htr_"" st-ti-i-ttr-trt-slr"'"" ,sim-at--ud"""r%"':"'T"- swan-1m: -.' ." ’ 85c CHILDREN’S sox 7 59d 3 PP. for nin ROSIERY BARGAINS d Mra. but In)!” - motor tilt lo N" W“ 11-17: _ mild 26 Dresses, Udiesf and Misses’ Sizes in Printed Crepes, Flat Crepes, Celsius. etc., worth frgm_$12_to_820 for, - - -' 800 yards Wash Goods in Broadcloths, Voiles, etc. 1200 yards Striped and Flowered, 36 inches wide Lot 3 consistILof Cotton Gnode up to $1.50 Lot 4--1000 Yards of Wash Goods to $2.00 $12 to $20 Dresses $9.95 Wash Goods Wntorloo " " 37g, 310 " $5.75 “56.75 49c 59e 39c _ an. um has mama tit no mm o: and” "tor nqu k” to" tin. with " “not. . '§6L'9':5"m$9.95 Mr. III. M "" - R“ Hill. cumu- that mind "It liven ll m. mm on 3M’-' Mr. an In. Rottort Koch-l all In. .. Hell- and “but “‘1- - tend to Burlington Back on bus- any BE. they hum m Mr. an Mm. o-r Man. my. Anhm with, ulnar. u-uum. _ N - If your noun-ill m cloud and your hand In named and you all“. bro-me freely become of I cold or aunt. just Bert A small bottle at my’l Cream Bum " any drug mm. up): u mm 9! this my “mane cram mo your new um lot It manta ttroi "of! " we of your haul. sooth!!! mad begun; the manned. trolls. mucous nominate and you ttot ll- mm "not. ' Ah! how Bogd It lull. Your not- m]. no open, your heath ch02. no more hurtful. tusing.. No" In: no not. We. - or ssoru jun um am- an: haul colql und cut-m need. w. I caught. _ STOP GATARRH! OPEN IOSTBILS All) HEAD FULL FASHIOEED SILK HOSE 90c SILK PINE " Butratandarda MENS Box $1.39 60e, for 59e [redikfit Ola. IIIVIOI

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