Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 11 Aug 1927, p. 2

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L: 't--s.a----'i. - "rt-et-ro-e-tot-."'"""" A remarkable Moreno In the it com tad pgllocums ht tho am tour ninth of in. you. and menu“ In th? ..t.. ms nu! excl» m collu- tiou. u comm-0d with the mm W In an 'e you In "M, no than In Inna jut ml“ by no Guanine-t ot ”than! "vats. In the [our mouth ot no on“! he“ not and!“ on Int! "th, the been. a: collection will have n- - 'M,800,000, will}. tho colloc- uuu Dr (to “an In“! ”a, .4- m iGi " ha. a. coma- nun-bl to our mm. n h w an no nor-II has. in m In no man Jul! the will a“ Mp“. tn Mob h. I In. m " gm b m M Th m I . The highly important place which poultry inspire respect for the law. The frequent acci- husbandry occupies in the realm of agriculture dents occurring are: causing even experienced was strikingly brought home to those who drivers a certain amount of uneasiness for fear attended the third World's Poultry Congress that they will be the victims of an accident held in Ottawa, the capital city of the through the carelessness and heed1eaaneaa of Dominion, from July 27th to August 4th. Can-' o era. Public opinion will be with Mr. Henry ada was signally honored in the fact that the in his efforts to make the highways safer try' Congress was held in a young country like the the strict enforcement of the traffic laws. Dominion, the choice of this country for the -.-----r._---.-- _ gathering indicating appreciation of the high The declaration of President Coolidge of place Canada oeeupei in this department of the United States hat he “does not choose to agriculture. The event was notable for the run for President in 1928" had caused much large number of countries represented. forty,lspeeutation as to whether he will adhere to nations sending delegates to the Congress. The this decision. At present he declares it to be Congress included delegates from Royal Houses his definite intention to retire. RIMARKAILE INCR‘AOI IN INCOME TAX COLLECTION. That the Royal City may continqe to ad- vance and prosper will be the sincere with of sister municipalities and of the public gener- ally. diast week the City of Guelph welcomed thousands of old boys and other visitors on the occasion of an old home week celebration. The program provided special entertainment for those who attended and many of the' citizens of surrounding municipalities took advantage of the occasion to join in the festivites arranged. With the old home week was combined the cele- bration of its centennial, the Royal City having been founded one hundred years ago. During that period it has grown into a beautiful and prosperous city. Two institutions which have brought the city prominently to the notice of the public have been the Ontario Agricultural College and Macdonald Institute which are rendering a valuable service to agriculture and to the cause of good citizenship. The proposal, we believe, is one which should commend itself to citizens. Assuredly, if such a celebration is arranged, those who come will receive a welcome the cordiality of which will make them feel truly at home. With its beautiful park which is splendidly equipped to provide entertainment and recreation, its ac- complished band which is so widely known for its high musicianship, and with civic and ser- vice organizations; which do so well what they undertake to accomplish, the town has all the facilities to assure its success if the project is undertaken. The fact that it could be arranged to take place during the period in which the year's big events, the annual tattoo and the' athletic meet, are held, would also prove an added inducement to revisit the old home town, aside from the "natural desire to journey back to the place where earlitfr years were Spent. VWMMUUqu-n-IM W.“ The town of Wtuerloo, the centre of in- dustrial and financial institutions as well as other organizations which have served to favorably advertise the place not "only in Canada but abroad and which have a record of accomplishment in which its citizens may well take pride, is being urged to also me an old home week during which'those who went forth to seek their fortune and home in other districts and in other lands would be especially invited to revisit the place of their birth and earlier residence and to meet again the friends whom mayhap they have not greeted for years. Mayor Brill is to call a meeting of the citizens shortly at which the suggestion will doubtless be approved. Old Home Weeks-during which tumor residents journeyed book to the - of their boyhood dsys and Wilma in" the pleasant "at.imiotatrain visitingtheoldhomssndro- newing old associations. have been held in my munieipalities during the post you or two. Happy good fellowship hss marked the gatherings held and the entertainment pm- vided m. added not a little to the enjoyment of the visits home ot many former residents of ”these communities. _ ' I THE WORLD'S POULTRY CONGRESS _ on. You; In mm...” In W - per nu...“ SUGGEST OLD m WEEK Port WATEILOO GUELPH'S CENTENNIAL -orttNt0t um ADVIITIN” RAT" mm and “but Baryon- old boy. did In. trtterrt" mound on my son $0!me don by a an“ I " In “M. I _ WM. " ml. como to: "unto this not will ho than“. tho " not cont. ”(lacuna In tho roto ot a. to: on! tho lncrooood "tttt an devolution! mum. Vitam- notw- no Doing an- plwoa by tho Asrtartrrtm" to canoe! - old to mount tho mot- ronoo of W In a. - you. - not. than 000 cot-QM!“ ot in”! Ion boon mod ht tho humor Court a cum . .ho-e.tB.qatetf_trttt albumdhotm who, mucus-ammun- FATHIR KILL. CON WHIP! IMKIIO CAI That the dangers referred to are real ones is obvious to motorists who have been using the public highways of the province. The im- position of heavy fines and in certain cases im- prisonment would appear to be necessary to inspire respect for the law. The frequent acci- dents occurring are, causing even experienced drivers a certain amount of uneasiness for fear that they will be the victims of an accident through the carelessness and heedlessness of skiers. Public opinion will be with Mr. Henry in his efforts to make the highways safer by the strict enforcement of the traffic laws. Hon. Mr. Henry also asserted that dazzling headlights was _no excuse for running anyone down. "If a driver is dazzled he should slow up or stop until he can rely upon his vision," de- clares the Minister of Highways. Commenting on the growing number of motor accidents during the past few weeks, many of which have resulted'in the loss of lives, the Minister of Highways in this province declared the other day that the most serious menace of the road today is "the man who cuts in. He cuts out his own right of way and in on the other right ofway." Realizing the need of yigilant enforcement of the law, he says: "If the law is not sufficiently stringent so that he may be proaeeuted, then I think an amend- ment is in order." He also states that he is endeavoring to persuade the municipalities to provide a footpath or sidewalk wherever there is any considerable volume of traffic and the Department is prepared to pay 30 per cent of the cost. _ The Dominion of Canada is at present ex- tending a whole-hearted welcome to H.R.H., the Prince of Wales, his brother, Prince George and to the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Right Hon. Stanley Baldwin. These royal and distinguished visitors are official guests of Canada and the Dominion Government at whose invitation they are here in connection with the celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of Con.. federation. They are being entertained at various functions and the warmth of the reg ception tendered them leaves no doubt as to the affection and esteem in which they are held by the Canadian people. The Prince of Wales, who owns an extensive ranch' in the West, counts himself a Ganadian citizen, while his brother, Prince George, has also made arfavourable im- pression. As to Premier Baldwin, he has also won many friends by his genial personality and his admirable qualities of heart and mind. The visit of the future King and his brother and the head of Great Britain's govern- ment to the Domnion cannot fail to further the feeling of goodwill between Canada and Great Britain and to make for harmony and closer understanding. thrGo-eu%tgml,Vinoormt _ie,1t,1t'A?,ltltltl,f,'irtl _ _ 1tttgh,'ietS'lf21'etg2tt'iftae within‘ wiea+irtt.t-rr'eitiet" Tr-liars/tiii-n-ttet')'-'" mamwmmmmdmm insahttthantheqr1souaemttttneh-tarttt my other product: Canada" a-intitirt of the excellent quality of the an produced In evident in the Net human-permit: 'uxseoausumedintheDomietiontlummart, othereotuttry. Thousands of pultry were on exhibition. fontaining the beat breeds from may lands, the Candis}: and American exhibits Ire ee- pedally large. All were highly creditable and contained my fine specimens. Than id mm on eree, hand that popl- tryhuaundrrutottainatd0ighatatrr.. Al party of Cumin have mulch- mutton to the lama! the' try, including the progressive County of Wntaiw, which in répresented at the World's Poultry Exhibition by exhibits of prize. birds owned by poultry fancier: in this' district. _ RECEIVING WHOLE-HEWD WELCOME A SERIOUS MENACE Indy-uh. um " u. mm: hung out he did not as " Ion Ml MI tricyclo directly In from of the on- coming cur. Mr. VIII-on 4H not "on new I. and struck the boy um I mom-m or so trim-rat. lt II " liond that the who] an not out out an boy, but that In 1m him“ bum In. at Old no Mack. M m m to I houn- hoago tn tho left Inc. ' . Villain“ , "What b no “mummy!" mu to In?" ”We-pf: tun.” l ---artos-tsstt- mum-unmuw than. Quito com-I hula - m In a I.“ can." __. _ loved by _ A. - nad W. G. Voice! that 31-h“ Not. "I. MI m an no in m a! u cm tttrr calm -_-_ P, ', loved by W. a. Ham at A. A.anmr,mnu Meadow" “Jo-n co not! all " ,0. Conan man. We. on m.muuyumw Malia?“ , “M Milton Weber. cutting vocal, $8.88; luau an luau. work on bridge, "SO; Wourloo Chrome“. m condor-“on Malabar. 100.00: Mulciml World. “pull... '.40; Mum Pool Ton-hip, mull“ 1mm“ tp an, 1".p', Flo-”J. Mn: woods. 100’; I"! B. Dom. drug!“ nnd cum-- woods. 18.46; John Inn-or. - tttd noun. 133.85; chyton lulu. 'nrttmg wads. Mt; not lieu, erttttttl wood- and _ 81."; D. B. Hol- man. and!" and ruin“. ”no; Anon may. on In; that. 803.05: All}. Mhg. (I I!” no“. $11.00; A... hr. a com. “.00: '-. um. mm on may. all!“ all our”. ”an. To“! $8,M6.et.--- Olnlol. _ ' Moved try Norman Snydol' “a A. A Snider. That Brut No. "' to “so“ the Town-Mp of Woolwich for the your 1027 tor County. Town- ship and other purposes. be read I an: and "no“ tim..--t%rrNd, Moved by Norman Snyder lid W. q. Vol-Bela. m the following " connla be M “a that Clo no." grunt " 01-40" for the um: iidGlG, 1.531.? ard "T113: Wm. Nahum. ammo cut- Moved by W. G. Voitch and W. B. Hemmerlch. TAtt By-an No. T64 to levy a special rue on all-ntuble property of the supporters of Public Schools In the Townan ot Wool- wich to "(so the "In of ”.650 u . aunt to ttttr several school action. tor the you 1927 I). ma a nut and second thmt.-Cnrrt.d. Moved by W. s. Hommorlch and Norman anydor. m lay-Luv No. 766 to use: tho lovers] school loc- "on: in the Tomi-Mp of Woolwich tor the you 1327 be read I itrtrt and second utrtq.-A3arrfqd. The Municipal Council ot the Township or Woolwich met at Conestoga on Tum-y. August 2nd. 1927, puma“: to-adttrttrnmernt from he! soulon. All the member! 'lar" The Reeve In the c Several eommunieatioG were re- ceived and road. tNNI GMT, Ti) SCHOOL ‘ SECTIONS Woolwich Township Council Passes Money By-Luws and List of Accounts at the August Session. The minutes of the previous so: slqn were read and ndoptad. Good behaviour resulted In Bot. tomley'a role-Io utter ‘urving slightly more than the year: of his sentence. (Last March the. Westminster Gazette sold that it hed leaned that Bottomley. who I: former editor of JoturBun, would resume Joan-l1": on leaving prison. The newspaper said that Bottomley’e friend- were starting a new weekly to be celled "The Other Side." ot which he would be proprietor and editor: Jo the probable economic conw 'te'"'" of I community ot lowest "non; the three Inger sun-um corporation In the Donal tttatt Upon the report ot the cocoon!“ will depend future scrim by the communion. Horatio Bottomley. widely known wartime iitrure in Greet. Britain, former member of parliament. lec- turer 5nd hunger. wss releued from Maidstone prison. London England. July 19th. where he Ind been serving 1 seven yeer term tor 'gre,,',"',,",',,'-,-',,' turningjo Ms own use 5,000 subscribed to a Victory Lou bond club. which be had founded while a member of the house of commons. , t to-trua"'.'.--, ummdlbhny-m tirttaio.artrt0th. Mr. Kant and g M m- don In: "two-bot. The M16. olM-luhhbteuilntonnh um Mm " luk. Bile. Juan ho was with my " ecu-hull itatt only to C. N. . one“. Ho w“ born In Being-l. att., a you! ma or um _ x “not“; calm-mm: Dill " venom um . u a: mans. no ‘cuuuur Nun-w In: . cum, m.chunom.1uau Bond, Toronto. A ovum inquiry mm the "It ttttttshut. between the E.N. Buyout do- Nomoun Conn-m. tho Gourd Motor. Comuuon and an “that sum Steel Corporation. bu bun amend by the “an! undo. eon- mlulon ot United sum. The In- vuummn will be conducted by the chief mom!” and mill to (“may WAR-TIME- noun: _-_ RELEASED FROM "no" Thoma-Wuhan prudent a. - rm to -dt.th.rt_i.t-ye.m. INVESTIGATI DIG II U. a. CORPORATION. “The dlscovory that members are staying away trom the flock while church and putt» ms bun with matter- ot far less moment, tutti that wudorers are Inc-rennin: at my harming rate. must soon 1 grievous thln; donundlnz Imam-to attee tion tthm those trtill In the told," the? report lifted. l “In Ink-teen communion: with a grand to.tai ot 16,160,170 members, the losses aggregate 168.065. As the total of evangelical membership is ROLL. OF PROTEO‘I'ANT CHURCHEO SHOW Lot" - OF mono IN U. B. The loss ot npproximntaly 500,000 members from the rolls ot'tlae Pro. testant evangelical environs: at the United Stntee during 1926 was to reeled in I smell! report ot the continuation committee ot the inter- Clmrch Conference issued by Dr. K. H. Carroll, the secretary. from his otnett in Plainfield, NU. Alarmed by tho situation. the churches which Ire sulerlng tetot members are expected to unite In concerth mea- Iuree ot prevention. the committee predicted. A "All " m MK ”than. tho and and all! u I In“. an: a, I... eametgl min- br in (at that W In Nov Yeti to BM mm. Moo D. alumni. lot walk com-mud with “Hill; ”one“ the (mummy of when“ up trus- Atkmlc an]: through (no no at shipboard tTa,1spl,,1", he - all the uvmm's p dock. mural; Icon-Montana.“ Khyb- to New York. _ . Gumball: "and hi. can: trorp . and“ punk platform. “I! foot long and u loot wldo. one!“ shove an hull. of no not can “not. “I mm ot the forward luck Ind exuding " cl all. of shout 48 dance. trom the IIII’MM side " the port bow. The one" ot the Laban]: con- template tttthte this ship and their other hue line- with two or more ‘1)th each. which would hop ok.. 500 to 1.000 miles at m u tho VOIIG‘I unprooched port. speeding ahead with nail or "on nonsense". Ls.telRrPN$t.i. ?, m ‘mu‘um; r” nod-0M“ trmi'tt ',ut.t't'afA.te1,"itfs'.'d van-mung .M mum-tmm "o-ei.-.."-'.- mm.me. mun-“Wanna; hr 0w. new no food or “all“: speculum new“ tho continent. The chicks won - In tho mum“: thq World‘s Poultry (Do-(nu. _. MON OFF CHIP A“. Danae BROTHERS ',.-' MWiNJIMi-ZRICA iiiit,i,','.'lilt..),lli) osgioute _,,',,.,.,- _ C,",".""]".":"."""":',",:::": Few New Cars Have Received a Welcome so Emphatic. and Sincere K mgiotrte -3 $9330th (CANADA) Lam "an As Dodge Brothers expected, this brilliant "et, Four has instantly won 'a vast and enthusiastic following-is akeady a spectacular national hit. Within two days after the first-public showing orders were received by Dodge Brothers for $5,250,000 worth of the new Sedans. . Man-minute performance " this unheard-of price is one striking reason-and here are a few of the others: _ l From o to " miles an hour through gears in less than 7 seconds! Lmiest slitingbue of my catunder 81650! 30 miles pe} sullen of gas it M milei per hour. 19.ftsot turning 119mm Chic, smart, up-to-the-minute body linen- thshionnttie pastel colon! . _ Plenty of int-room, leg-room, ttend-room-.. big luxurious interior, richly upholstered! Built to lot long and resell high. And‘the lowest lit-iced 'ednn in Dodge amm- WW; I. n . See ie-drive itu..nd yPu'll delibence no longer. DIETRICH’S GARAGE, upwards ot 29,000,000, the totat yearly loss if other communion} be. sides the thirteen were Included. wouid approximate halt 1 million." While considenble stress we: [llama upon “The negligence end In- 6itNrtrnet, ot pastors." Memo for the shrinking enrolment In arso appor- tioned upon the war, the an?” mic movement of the an, the in- creased tendency toward isurati% and the pruning of church Hate to escape the assessment for Inactive members." The M. B. C. people Mum t now church In Hespeler tor about 81,300. King Edward VII. it; crowned on the 9th, In his 60th year. ~13“!th - as Year- Ago Hid a dry month,-85 dun without rain, only ' any: that we had some. St. Catharina; reported I navy storm on the tnt. ' , Farmerg are about through bar mung. It was 3 good crop. 79 King St. Watch. " Monthly Budget of Old News From Peter Ship’s Diary Pe ti6etrprr cl bythN-jdtyi. MIA maccomth run-t- of iiiiiii' (tlil/Iii',,??,',?,!?,,,.',?,,??!;',)',:,?,. 2: FL 1ttgt1t'dt,T't'2gzft,'A1t - Jaw-“fibulmm . . tr,',', m “m" tt,rgt2gtu"g'sr,'d 2ttgt2r.r. 't'i21'g'l',.ltf, ',ht',t ontrrie? DtPetyetefHitrhsmrt Y" __ -". t,GetituiT '78.“ . 3....“ ttytnritrthmmeisr' Liam-In . . - m ' .lf,'u1'l,'l'l'hl W’ no: Pg, III at. Whine. l'W2l',"d'n'i% Vdude' MW- t.z?.qiri'.'e Emu-"um oJ'P.t,'l'sr,U. !i'ty,?i'irlllii9i'iit','iiirtif Leat gum-“.2“: GL'tgTaud'. ti,t11te!triit4rtiiii k'i,ti1,'i'ttft,rv'ii"ik'i?e'r1ti 1:ratedateoe.tei.etbeeth-attShi.*Li.i win-mn- htWJ N 'i'Ct'itiiii'it,tr'til.1! iri'i'd'i'iii'.'titiFiE gt",tutt"ttg"t, 'ee. M- w- 30:32.. ti, . 'Jdtutu'tt2e't'Ett.' at THE ifiaiiiiiiirzNt 'rl _Mo'rOR, DRIVERS Tho-rtortatts. manna... I I.) '; , m5 P. 0. B. Th-trr-ha.. toll. _ AdtKB-PtrMhe-gtqu.-t Q-MSd-IWIM 11¢»de 31225 1'h'f.ttt By (ml-Que. Fir-t rAistr---Yoa. vhf)! 1 an. out the audlence simply at there open-mouthed. Second Aetrtsas -- Oh, nonsense. They - ratrn all It once. Ambnlon Up To on. V Firm. Ptrtgter-itt what position domr your Ion with to on!" tho business? -s Second Partner-Wea, so in: do I can make out. he wants to can no“ ttri, top and Inn! upwards. Mr. Samuel Rudy dropped down dead on the 9th In Mr. Henna 1w- yard, tor whom he had Man work- lng. In his and year. Mr. George Becker ot no“ Goun- vmo died In " um your. Some people no taking mu an the snot can to Bridgeport. Mr. John Otto Flat-chalet Mod on the 11th In " and you. _- It.“ m

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