Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 5 May 1927, p. 5

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~â€"J. Rah & Co. OLD %B _ SUCH *‘ LOW PRICE SCARCELY SEEMS POSSIBLE PlaceYour Coal and ||_= * Coke Orders Now [.=.«\ 98 Erb St. West Phone 103 Waterloo Successors to Seagramâ€"Fawcett Coal Co. Orders may also be left with John Bruegema» the tailor We are now open to serve the public who buy in Kitchener with a complete line of farm equipment. Quality and Service is our Motto. We can Save you Money. Check over the list below which gives you an idea of our extensive line. We welcome you to our store and shall be glad to have the opportunity of serving you. PIONEER NEWS A Complete Repair Stock Always Maintained Pioneer Equipment Co‘y present or future delivery. WATERLOO COAL & FEED CO. G all the many qualifications of the new Oldsmobile Six, JA perhaps the most incredible is the phenomenally low It is difficult to realize that any car that looks like Oldsâ€" mobile and performs like Oldsmobileâ€"that possesses all the fineâ€"car features which Oldsmobile incorporates and the unmistakable air of distinction which surrounds Oldsmobile â€"â€"could possibly sell at prices so low as those of Oldsmobile Visit the showrooms of your Oldsmobile dealer. See the New Oldsmobile Six, with its fourâ€"wheel brakes, its Fisher Bodics, its precision manufacture throughout, and inspect its countless quality featureseâ€"features which stamp it at once as a car to be bought with unlimited confidence. ‘Then, when you have seen itâ€"ride in itâ€"drive itâ€"sense its easy, graceful motion, its flexibility and smoothnessâ€" feel the exhilaration of its power and speed. What could you ask that Oldsmobile does not give you? How many delights you fiever cxpected does Oldsmobile provide! How completely Oldsmobile answers your needs â€"fulfils your deepest desires! R Finally, prepare for the greatest, the most pleasant, the most incredible surprise of all . . . the low price of the highâ€" quality Oldsmobile Six. Sedan $1,290 Coach $1,205 Coupe $1,160 At Factory, Oshawa Sales Tax extra No Excise Tax OFâ€"2216 DOBBIN GARAGE & ELECTRIC CO. 139â€"141 King St. S. _ â€" _ â€" _ Phone 191 Special Attention Farmers! 18 Benton Street Office Phone 3047 DELAVAL Cream Separators, Milkers and DAIf) SUPPUCS of all kinds. COCKSHUTT and FROST & WOOD Farm Implements, including Binders, Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivators, Harâ€" â€"rows, ADAMS Wagons, etc. The Complete FLEURY Line, including Famous Fleury Plows, Scufflers, Rollers, Grain Crushers, Feed Grinders, Feed Cutters, Turnip Drills, etc. WOODSTOCK Wagons of all kinds. o CASE Tractors and Threshers. THE COMPLETE WHITE LINE of Tractors and Threshâ€" ers, including the New JOHN DEERE Tractor. STOVER‘8 GOOD ENGINESâ€"1% to 30 h.p â€"Gasolineâ€" Gasâ€"Keroseneâ€"Fuel Oil. . STOVER Drag Saws, Electrid Lighting Phnt,di::l;d Mills and Alfalfa Grinders, Pump Jacks, Win s, Lime Stone Pulverizers, etc. \PAPEC Pneumatic Ensilage Cutters. â€" PAPEC Hammer Mill Type Feed and Fodder Grinders. ITCHFIELD Manure and Lime Spreaders and the LITCHâ€" RLD "Life Time" Steel Truck. \ AXWELL Washing Machines and Wringers â€" Electric e Drive, Water Power and Hand. Mixersâ€"Wood Saws and Saw Bladesâ€"Trans mission Equipment of all kindsâ€"Shafting, Pullays, Hangâ€" ers, Belting, etc. â€" 00 WaATERL®O, OnT. E. E. REICHHELD Kitchener, Ont. Wm. E. Main, Manager. Separators, Milkers and Dairy Supplies Lime, Mill Feed We protect you on any advance ~alwauyg keepe its shapt~ You‘ll notice that wellâ€"dressed men wearâ€" Wate: loo of family of Vancouver, B.C., who have been visiting her Mr, and ln.!.'.”m has gone to her new home in Montreal. tional revenue, who spent a few days at his home in Kitchener last week returned to Ottawa on Sunday evening. _ Misses Mary and Agnes Good, 104 again after a six months‘ trip to the Pacific coast. Enroute they visited friends in Chicago, River Forest, Nuperville and Downers Grove, Illi nois;~ Kansas City, Missouri, Hal stead and Marion, Kansas; and Sanâ€" ta Monica, Beverly Hills, Los Anâ€" geles, Glendale, Pasadena, Alhamâ€" bra, Long Beach and Escondido, California, returning via San Franâ€" cisco and Salt Lake City. The Missâ€" es Good will spend the summer at their home on South Water street, after which they intend to locate in southern California. The Women‘s Canadian Club of Kitchener and Waterloo are offering three splendid prizes for the three best essays on any one of the Fathâ€" ers of Confederation. Onlyâ€" senior fourth form ‘pupils of the public and separate schools of Kitchener and Waterloo are eligible to write. Thru this medium the club is helping to bring before the boys and girls of our community, the future citizens of Canada, a better appreciation of what our Dominion stands for and of the sturdy men who had the vision to see a great British state in North America. The many friends of Mrs. Edwin W. Bnider, Water street, are pleased to hear of her continued improveâ€" ment from her recent severeâ€" illâ€" Mrs. Hedley Hilborn has returned to her home in New York, after a much enjoyed visit with her hosts ot, fr‘endl in the Twin City, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hackâ€" ney, John street. ness Miss Jennie Lee of Brantford was a recent weekâ€"end visitor in Waterâ€" loo, the guest of Mrs. Roy S. Bean. On April 21, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoâ€" garth Kennedy announced the marâ€" riage of their niece, Doris K., only child of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Kingston, to R. S. Norman, son of. Sir Wm. Pryke, exâ€"Lord Mayor of London, England, and the late Lady Pryke. Mrs. MacDonald, Mrs. Torrance and Miss Constance Ashe of Toronâ€" to are the guests of Mrs. W. M. Reade, George street. Preraier Baldwin Coming to Canada London, April 22.â€"That Premier Baldwin will accompany the Prince of Wales to Canada at the end of July now seems certain, the British United Press learns. The Prime Minister‘s health has greatly imâ€" proved despite the heavy strain of months, and friends say he is lookâ€" ng forward to the trip with the keenest anticipation. His visit, it is ‘ntimated, may prove more imporâ€" ‘ant than a mere desire to see the dominion. * The untimely death of two lead rs in the public life of this county has evoked ‘many an expression of sinâ€" cere regret and hearty condolence with members of the respective famâ€" illes. Both Oscar Vogt and Walter Snider were citizens who helped to advance the best interest of their community. Their friends and neighâ€" bors are better off because of their lives, and they are losers because of their departure from their midst. Grading County Roadâ€"Men have been busy with the road grader imâ€" proving the county road near Bloomingdale. The foad will be widened and graded to put it in condition for pavement which it is proposed to put down next year. Death of Peter Mattusch â€"Death summoned Peter Mattusch who died Wednesday morning, April 27, at his home in Elmira. He was born weat» *# We wouldn‘t say that Wrigley‘s has a place at the wedding ceremony, but in times of stress orâ€"when you have a That Far! ELMIRA. of naâ€" with her daughter, Mrs. Jeffries of mother to Waterloo where she stayâ€" Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Adam E. Currie of Cornwall, Ontario, announce the enâ€" gagement of their only daughter, Mary, to Mr. Sidney Brown Hamilâ€" ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hamâ€" ilton, 42â€" Cluny Drive, Toronto. The marriage to take place on May 28. A lifelong resident of Waterlooâ€" for the period of 77 yearsâ€"the late Mrs. Philip Hohmeier will be missed by many who had learned to love and esteem hér for qualities that constitute the good citizen in the humbler walks of life. The deceased saw her birthplace grow and deveâ€" lop into a leading Canadian centre, and practically all the important deâ€" velopments in our history happened during the time which was hers in this earth. Her spirit of patience â€"and endurance during years of ill ness aroused repeatedly expressions of admirations on the part of visiâ€" Itors and friends. The Annual June Ball of the Royal Military College, Kingston, will be held on Monday night, June 20th. Mrs. William Carthew has returnâ€" ed from a visit of several days with Toronto friends. St. Louis Church Choir Banquet An event of pleasurable ipterest was the annual banquet of the choir which took place on Thursday evenâ€" ing in the church hall. The table was tastefully laid and the 40 guests with the pastor, Rev. Father Wilâ€" bert Mayer presiding, did full jusâ€" tice to the delectable courses preâ€" pared by the following ladies of the parish: Mrs. D. Kuntz, Mrs. J. Hinsâ€" perger, Mrs. A. Stumpf, Mrs. Snyâ€" der and Mrs. E. Fischer; while the service at table was most efficiently done by the young girls. * The courses of the banquet were served to the melodies of continuâ€" ing sing songs, which kept the atâ€" mosphere quite merry. The choir had as outside guests several young people who most kindly assisted in the program which was given some months ago for the choir fund. Toâ€" wards the conclusion of the meal Father Mayer spoke feelingly of his appreciation of all done in the past by the members and the hope that continued good will and perseverâ€" lance would be the outstanding attriâ€" butes of every choir member, whose ‘motlves must be high above all perâ€" sonal feeling, aiming only at the tglory of God. The pastor‘s remarks lwere very well received by all. The president, Mr. Albert Boppre, on beâ€" half of the choir, expressed their acknowledgment of the painstaking tiraining given by the director, Miss ;Leone Zinger, who was presented with a handsome leather hatcase, ‘for which she thanked the members most heartily, in a few words voicâ€" 'lng the hope for further goodwill land coâ€"operation in the study of church music. Mrs. M. J. Hawke Aas returned The first official reception of the w LisutenantGovernor of Ontario in Woolwich township in 1856. For many years he was in the employ of the Heimbecher and Jung furniâ€" ture factory. He married Elizabeth Smith, who predeceased him about 35 years, as did also his only child. He is survived by one brother, Fred Mattuch, Elmira, and two sisters, Mrs. Henry Ritter, St. Jacobs, and Mrs. Ed. Reitzel, Didsbury, Alta. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon. A few hours were spent very pleasantly and the evening left hapâ€" py memories with all participants who owed so much of its pleasure to the ladies in charge of the banquet arrangements. Recovering Nicely â€" Miss Alice Snider of the staff of Ruppel & Co., is impfoving nicely after nn&ergoâ€" ing an operation at the St. Mary‘s hospital, Kitchener. Her host of friends will wish her a speedy reâ€" covery. Friends of Amos Esch will regret to learn that he is ill with pneuâ€" monia. Redecorating Church. â€" The conâ€" tract for the redecorating of St. Paul‘s Lutheran Church, including new altar railing, etc., has been let to a Kitchener firm. The cost of the work will be $6,000. ~ ault, Wellington Station, P.RL "Beâ€" worked hard, with no thought of my health, until suddenly my strength ulllht.hollusututln(:‘h morning as when I went at night. lmulullaunfl when I would think of the work necessary for me to do. I got some medicine from the doctor whom I consulted, but it did not appear to meet my case as I showed no imâ€" provement while taking it. Then a neighbor advised me to try Dr. Wilâ€" liams‘ Pink Pills uf I got a supply of this medicine. ¥‘ very soon found they were helping me, and I conâ€" tinued their use until I was well rigain, and I have been strong and well ever since." % Dr. Willams‘ Pink Pills do one hingâ€"and do it well. ‘They build ip, purify and enrich the blood, and is the blood supplies the whole sody, new life is given to the enâ€" ire system. Better sleep, steady rerves, improved appetite, increased ‘igorâ€"all these can be yours by aking Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. Be zin today. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams‘ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. %ev. E. H. Bean, has been stationed it Hanover by the Conference staâ€" ~ioning committee. For the first five ;ears of his pastorate here he was presiding elder of Waterloo district. He will be succeeded here by Rov. &. D. Becker of Hanover. Local News Notes. Mrs. Goetz has moved to Kitchâ€" »ner where she will make her future home. Mr. Robert Otto has returned to Eimira after writing his final examiâ€" 1ations in pharmacy. Assumes Pastorate.â€"Rev. A. Rolf of New Hamburg has assumed tharge of the pastorate at St. Paul‘s church, relieving Rev. Mr. Gallmeier who has been granted a year‘s leave »f absence owing to ill health. LISTOWEL ‘PLANS MOTOR HIKE The annual motor hike of the T4sâ€" towel Chamber of Commerce will be held on June 8 to Owen Sound. This was decided by the executive. Inâ€" tead of 40 or 50 autos making the ‘rip, this year, several motor buses will be secured. Stops will be made it Mount Forest and Durham, and several hours will be spent in Owen Sound. It is expected that 200 or more citizens of Listowel and surâ€" ‘ounding country will make the trip year. . Williams® Pink Pill: to all weak Whe Agaln Rejoloss in FRILLED CURTAINS Frilled Curtains are here shown in newest styles to â€"suit any purse @ 68c, 85¢, $1.35, $1.50, $1.75, $2.50, $3.50 to $6.00. SILK PANELS Sifk Panels are shown in different widths at very moderate prices, $1.85, $2.50, $2.75, $3.50 to $8.00. SWISS PANELS Swiss Panels are again in vogue in twoâ€" tone colorings and very effective styles @ $1.30, $1.85, $2.50, $3.50, $4.50 to $6.00. SILK NETS fllk Nets in plain and figured styles, also Gau 36" and 50" wide @ 78¢, 85¢, $100, $1.25 to $2.00. ‘fi“;“:.‘ ‘\:b\\ JÂ¥ ez *Â¥ " ‘““ At the Store with (pT mada _ <oaec. ) the Stock laméeTREACY C&Â¥â€" PMONE 2000 ALL DBPTS $18, $25 to $125 You can buy Barrymore Rugs with confidence for right on the back of every one is the unequivocal guarantee of Canada‘s Greatest Mill, inâ€". suring Fabric, Color and Workmanship. We have a fine range of Wiltons and Axminsters in pretty designs and all sizes at the lowest pricesâ€"and invite you to inspect themâ€" Brighten the Home With New Curtains and Draperies Prices Range From ‘Every «Slate Locked On mmmg_wnuo\u-m have the representative of W. R. BROCK CO., MONTREAL, with us (perhaps the largest distributors of this kind in 67‘) who will during this short stay here have a DISPLAY THEIR COMPLETE RANGE OF NEW JPRING RUGS, ETC., on OUR 2ND FLOOR. Rugs M.â€" Mats which he will quote you will mean a saving to you of from 20 25% if you had to buy them in the regular To wayâ€"because you will make your selecâ€" tion "FROM SAMPLES" and hundreds of them at that, it being a quick turnover for us with a small margin of profit. We therefore wapt to invite all prospective buyers to this DEPARTMENT. The Rugs will be shipped direct from the Millis but you pay us for them. * THE PRICES BRICKERâ€"GERMANN CO. LTD. Reitzel‘s Ltd., es Wilton,. and : Barrymore Axminster Come In and Tailk it Over \|| * Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered by . tual‘e I +d a= = e Waterloo and Stair Carpets QBra’ntford, < ARRO/LOCTZ ousecicaning of New Furnishings $5.00 yd. Silk Hangings are shown in good stripes and combinations of plain to match, also broâ€" caded styles @ $1.75, $1.85, $2.50, $3.50 to A complete stock of Velours are hore, 50" wide, in any color desired @ $2.00, $3.00, $4.50 to $5.50 yd. Sunfast Casement Cloth in all shades 50" wide @ 69c, 75e to $1.00 yd. A wonderful range of Curtain Nets in all widths @ 25¢, 386, 45¢, 50c, 75e to $1.50 yd. Let wind, rain and sleet buffet your home and outâ€"buildingsâ€" Brantford Arroâ€"Locks will protect them absolutely. Every Brantford Arroâ€"Lock slate is locked onâ€"tough, strong and secure. ‘They are fireâ€"resistant, beautiful, perâ€" manent and economical. Brantford Roofing Co. Limited Brantford, Ontario 2 Waterloo SUNFAST SILK HANGINGS e and CASEMENT CLOTHS CURTAIN NETS lates 1N VYELOURS PROMPT GERVICE

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