Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 21 Apr 1927, p. 5

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i ie c hests xA ABReits CC wA 4 C T 8y i S o M a Thursday, April 21, 1927 4 The tragedy occurred while a party of missionaries were trying to make their way to a railway and safety on the coast. . Mrs. Slichter, wife of the missionâ€" ary, her 6â€"yearâ€"old son, John, and Miss Mary I Craig, nurse, were taken captives by the bandits. Rev. Morris Slichter of Toronto, and his 3â€"yearâ€"old daughter have been murdered by Chinese bandits rear Yunnanfu, in one of the wildâ€" est parts of China. Mr. Anthony Rumig is the owner of a Ford car. TORONTO MISSION WORKER KILLED BYâ€"CHINESE BANDITS Mr. and Mrs. E. Albrecht spent Thursday at the home of Mr. John Oesch. THE WATERLOO MARKET At the Waterloo market on Saturâ€" day eggs sold at 30 cents a dozen and butter at 42 cents a pound. Maple Syrup brought $2.50 a gallon. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Schuits of Baden, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Lichti of Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Moyer of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Everatt on Sunday. News Notes. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kienappel Sr. were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meirowski of Waterloo, Miss Josephine Karges and Jack Brown of Kitchener, Miss Tillie Waechter of near Erbsville and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kiehappel. Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Herner and William Jutzi and Noah Herner spent Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Abe Herner. Cor. King and Water Streets Kitchener It will pay you well to see these cars and get our prices. We have many more than are listed hereâ€"a number of Fords and Chevs. in Tourings and Roadsters from $200.00 down to $50.00, and larger Tourings of every description. "If it‘s a Used Car you want, we have it." new. 24 CHEVROLET TOURING new tires, first finish. 23 CHEV. SEDAN, run only 8,000 miles. 23 STAR SEDAN, numerous extras. like new. 26 DODGE TOURING, almost new. 23 CHEV. COUPE, in good meâ€" chanical condition. 26 CHEV. COACH, small mileâ€" age. 25 CHEV. COACH, excellent value. 23 FORD TOURING, first paint. 21 FORD COUPE, wonderful motor. 23 CHEV. SUPERIOR ROADâ€" STER, motor rebuilt, new top. A real one for a young man. 26 27 PONTIAC COACH,â€" almost USED C A R $ JANSEN OPTICAL CO. 10 Frederick St. Phone 853 If vision blurs, if your eyes ache, if you have t;oqnclt headâ€" aches or if you are troubled with |Mlmnm your eyes need attention. Jansen Glasses will restore normal sight, remove the eyeâ€" strain and the annoying sympâ€" toms will vanish. Dobbin‘s Used Car Show Rooms How Are Your Eyes CHEV. LANDAU SEDAN, etter argains SUNFISH LAKE German Spoken Kitchener IN | _ Little Theatica Portica is spendâ€" |ing a week‘s holidays with her two { little sisters at the home of Mr. and | Mrs. Joe Heintzman. I Mrs. Jacob Cressman and Miss EValina Cressman spent a few days “With friends at Preston and aiso atâ€" tended the Conference held at Hagey‘s church. Miss Jean Peterson of Freeport and Mrs. J. Poeterson of Hawkesvillie Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Snider and daughter Beatrice of Waterloo and Miss Minerva Snider of Preston Springs spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Jos. Snider. Mr. Clayton Kraft and two sons of Kitchener were guests of Mr and Mrs. Addison Snyder the other Sunâ€" day. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Letson and children of North Woolwich spent last Tuesday at Mr. and Mrs. Byron Letson‘s. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Addison Snyder and Masâ€" ter John attended the Conference held at tHagey‘s church on Good Friday. Mrs. J. Shoemaker of Elmira is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. Meâ€" litter. Mrs. James Thompson of Toron to spent the weekâ€"end with her sis ter, Mrs. Henry Huff. Mr. and Mrs. Henry son Kraft and Mrs. Toronto were guests Mrs. John Hofstetter, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McBride and family of Hamilton visited friends in this vicinity over the weekâ€"end. Miss Ida Winder is spending a few days at her home in Breslau. Mr. Jerome Heintzman is ing a week with his sister troit. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Schiedel Sunâ€" dayed with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fry at Williamsburg. Mr. Glen Sherk of Sherkston and Miss Bingham of Ridgeway were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Newbery. Miss Bessie Newbery of Ziska is spending the Easter holidays at her home here. Misses Sadie and Maude Strasser visited â€" their brother, Mr.. Ezra Strasser, at Toronto, over the weekâ€" end. Miss Marjorie McAllister of the London Conservatory of Music spent the weekâ€"end with her mother, Mrs. Alex McAllister. : Following a heart attack suffered while attending a dance earlier in _ the evening, the death occurred in | Bridgeport on Saturday, April 9th, ‘of Mrs. Albert Longworth in her 42nd year. Her husband, one son and one daughter survive. The funâ€" | eral took place in Hamilton on Tuesâ€" ‘ day, where her family resided. Mrs. Beatrice Bourne has returnâ€" ed from a three months‘ visit at the home of her sister. Mrs. Harry Hahn, London. Mrs. Harry Hahn and daughter Catharine are visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDougall, Waterloo. Mrs. Wm. Heimlich of Buffalo spent â€" Easter holiday â€" with her mother, Mrs. S. Flynn, Waterloo. Mrs. Emil Vogeisang 6 Mrs. Vogelsang, widow of the pioneer button manufacturer of Kitâ€" chener, passed away on Sunday. April 10th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Voelker, Kitchâ€" ener, in her 8$4th year. She had been a â€" sufferer from â€" neuralgia for 30 years. She is survived by seven sons. Her husband and two other sons predeceased her. She also leaves three daughters, including Mrs. Geo. Ziegler and Mrs. A. W. Voelker of Kitchener. Three brothâ€" ers and two sisters, including Mrs. J. H. Ruppel of Elmira. also survive. The funeral was held on Tuesday to Mount Hope cemetery for interment. Pte. Arthur Wilcox Pte. Arthur Wilcox, of Kitchener, passed away on Saturday morning at the K.â€"W. Hospital and was buried in the soldiers‘ plot at Mount Hope cemetery on Sunday. He had seen four years‘ service in the war and had been in Canada nine years during which he was a resident of Kitchener. He had been ill for some months. His widow and two sons and one daughter survive. A former resident of Kitchener passed away at his home in Clifford on Sunday, April 10th, in the person of Aaron Schmidt, in his 60th year. He left Kitchener about five years ago after being a resident of the city for thirty years. The 14 yearâ€"old son of Mr. W. G. Binclair, passed away at the K.â€"W. Hospital on Sunday after a few weeks‘ illness. His father and two brothers survive, his mother having predeceased him. wEST MONTROSE Mrs. Albgrt Longworth BLOOMINGDALE PERSONALS Aaron Schmidt OBITUARY Huff, Mr. Wilâ€" Thompson of of Mr. and Kitchener, on spend at De INTENSELY INTEREsSTING in all the churches on Sunday, apâ€" NEW 8ERIAL STORY propriate sermons being preached An intengely interesting serial by the ministers. Beauntiful Easter story "The Bat" starts in this week‘s music was sung by the choirs. issue of the C‘lxonlclo, Readors will wzz ww 22z _ find it fascinating and well worth For sale everywhere â€" Minard‘s reading. Liniment. Miss Nellie Chalmer of Belwood is spending the vacation at her home here. Miss Cora Letson and Mr. Brvin Letson of Galt, Mr. and Mrs. E. Buehler and family of Waterloo and Mr\. and Mrs. J. Napoleon and chilâ€" dren of Elmira spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Letson. Mr. Clayton Lindsay and friends of Guelph spent Friday at Mr. F. Letson‘s. Misses Mary Gingrich of Winter bourne and Angeline Snider of Vic toria School are spending the holf day at their respective homes. Miss Nellie Lehman spent the weekâ€"end in Elora with Miss Sarah Rrohman. Miss Verna Brooks of Brantford is visiting with relatives here. Miss Philippa Penfold of Dongola, Victoria County, is spending the vaâ€" cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Penfold. Miss I. Buttrum is enjoying a deâ€" lightful trip with the Teachers‘ Exâ€" cursion through New York, Washâ€" ington and various other places. Mrs. Herman Letson attended the funeral of her brother, Mr. Wendel Addis of Kitchener last Thursday. spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. C. D Bowman. Misses Martha, Ida and Alice and Mr. Willard Snider attended the Easter cantata which was held at Waterioo on Sunday evening. Quite a number from here attend ed the funeral of Mrs. E. Fahren kopf, which was held at Elmira on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Wm. Reinhardt and son Hen ry attended the funeral of Mrs Koerber at Elmira on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Abr. Gingerich of Woolwich were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Ruby of Kit chener visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Edward Ruggle. Mrs. C. Wilken and daughter Clara of Listowel were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reinâ€" hardt. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dietrich of Toronto visited with the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Dietrich, over Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Shantz and family visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Weber last Sunday. Mr. Emil Hoffer of Waterloo spent the weekâ€"end in the village with reâ€" latives. Miss Laura Schutz of Waterloo spent a few days renewing acquainâ€" tances in this vicinity. Miss Annie Reichert of Toronto spent several days last week at the home of Mrs. Aaron Snyder. Miss Lorraine King of Elmira spent Easter with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Snyder. Mr. Roy Fraser of Toronto and Mr. Harvey Class of Glencoe spent the Easter vacation at the latter‘s home with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G. Class. _ Mr. Jacob Freiburger of Kitchener and Mr. Joe Stoeser returned home alter spending some time with relaâ€" tives and friends at Snover, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. John Moser and famâ€" ily of Kitchener called on Mr. and Mrs. Simon Wagner on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Mick. Strauss and family of Bamberg and Mr. Felix Strauss visited on Sunday with re latives at Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Eugtne Dietrich and daughter Francis visited Iast Sunâ€" day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoeâ€" ser. Mr. and Mrs. William Hiebert and family spent Sunday witX friends at New Dundee. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kittel of New Dundee visited with Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kittel. Mr. and Mrs. Lorentz Hauck of Petersburg spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dietrich. Quite a number from here attendâ€" ed the horse show at St. Clements ast week. Miss Frieda Ward spent her Eas ter vacation at her home in Kitch ener. ® Mr. Hubert Dietrich of Waterloo was on business in our burg last Thursday. P Mr. Louis Lorentz of visited with relatives in last week. Miss Loretta Stoeser of Kitchener spent her Easter vacation with her cousin, Miss Olive Stoeser. Miss Mary Hinschberger of Kitâ€" chener spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Wagner. h Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ellert of Waterâ€" loo visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ellert. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoeser were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stoeser sand son Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hollinger and sons Carl and Floyd of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Voisin of St. Clements. Miss Mary Hinschberger of Kitâ€" chener spent Easter with Mr. and JOSEPHSBURG FLORADALE Michigan our burg Miss Luella Schwindt spent a few days with town. Peter M. Brubacher has returned to his home in Brutus, Mich., after renewing acquaintances in Elmira and diatrict. Special Raster services were held in all the churches on Sunday, apâ€" propriate sermons being preached by the ministers. Beautiful Easter music was sung by the choirs. Recovering Nicely. â€" Friends of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gingrich of Floradale will be glad to learn that she is recovering nicely from a recent operation for appendiâ€" citis. Personals. Aged Resident Passes Away.â€"On» of Elmira‘s oldest residents, Mrs. Fred Koerber, aged 79 years, died on Thursday, April 14th. The funâ€" eral took place on Monday. Four sons and three daughters survive. New Officers.â€"The new officers of the recently reorganized Elmira Creamery Co. are: A. E. Silverwood, of London, president; O. H. Vogt, viceâ€"president, and E. M. Arnold and J. A. Schroder, directors. Dr. D. H. Kress of Washington D.C., visited his sister, Mrs. J. H Ruppel, for several days. Former Peel Man Died. â€" Word was received by Widdi# Johnston, announcing the death of his brother, R. Johnston, at Lanigan, who was born in 1860 and practiced medicine for many years. Died at Guelph.â€"Friends in Elâ€" mira will regret to learn of the passâ€" ing of Christian Fischer at the Guelph Hospital, on April 13th, Deâ€" ceased was a cousin of Louis Fischer of Elmira. Died at Kitchener.â€"A large circ‘le of friends were shocked to. learn of the passing of Edith Schwindt, beâ€" loved wife. of Edward Fahrenkop{, who died at the Kitchenedâ€"Waterle» Hospital on Thursday, April 14th, following a week‘s illness. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schwindt of Woolwich, and was born in 1894. She was a resiâ€" dent of Elmira prior to moving to Bridgeport. There survive a hus band, four children, parents, two brothers and one sister. Holiday visitors with their respecâ€" tive parents were: Joseph and Olive Hoffarth, ‘Frank Boegel, Jerome Meyer, Martha and Rose Koebel, Magdalene Schiebel. Anna and Marâ€" dalene Kuntz, Marie Herman, Barâ€" bara Busch, Rose and Alex Hoffarth, Kate Mierowski, Lavina Helm, Clarâ€" ense,. Rose, Anna and Alfred, all of the Twin Cities; Jos. Lobsinger of Detroit, Tony Lorentz of Shakeâ€" speare and Marie Allemang of E1 mira. A Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Graff of Hesson spent some time with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fahrenkopf on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Boppre and famâ€" ily enjoyed a motor trip to Hesson on Sunday. Bornâ€"April 16 Ed. Voisin, a son Mr. Les. Meyer and Miss Florence Dooley spent some time Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. Meyor. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kroetsch and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Buhlman of Waterloo spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. K. Meyer. Messrs. Alf. Diemert and Henry Haefling of Mildmay spent Tuesday with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Stumpf and family and Mr. Moran Compass were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Bernard Boegel. Mr. Anthony K. Meyer recently bought a Standard bred blood horse on his trip to Zurich. Miss Adele Rosenblatt of Milâ€" waukee is spending a few < weeks vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rosenblatt. Miss Delphine Fischer of Kitchâ€" ener spent the holidays with Miss Anna Kuntz. Messrs. Anthony K. Meyer, Frank Busch, Jno. Voisin, Peter Dietrich and Elmer Meyer enjoyed a motor trip to Zurich on Friday. Mrs. H. Seifried of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end with her aunt, Mrs. A. Beisinger. Mr. Joseph Strub of Hamilton was a weekâ€"end visitor with his sister, Mrs. M. Helm. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Lenhardt of Waterloo spent Sunday with the former‘s mother, Mrs. Peter Lenâ€" hard. Mrs. Andrew Hinsperger is visitâ€" ing with her daughter, Mrs. F. Runstedler in Kitchener for some time. â€" Mrs. Alex. Hartman and family spent Easter Monday in Kitchener. Miss Mary Lobsinger is visiting for some time with her brother, Wilâ€" tfred, in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schummer and family of Linwood spent Easter with the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mre. P. F. Schummer. The horse show, which was held on Tuesday was a successful event, there being about 58 entries. Mr. Aug. Schnarr, who spent the winter months here has returned to Erbsviile where he will make his summer abode. . Local News Notes. 8T. CLEMENTsS ELMIRA to Mr. and Mrs of Detroit friends in eties. Mrs. James Valentine will continue as president and Mrs. Hilliard as secretary. New life members received were Mrs. J. O. Watts, Mrs. J. B. Snider, Mrs. A. Wagner, â€" Mrs. Lily Flyno, Mrs. James Garner, Mrs. T. Rannison and Miss M. Bish. ‘The Women‘s Missionary Society of the United Church, Waterloo, reached their objective of $1000 for missions and $600 for other sociâ€" LADIES REACH OBJECTIVE Waterioo Store 10 King St. S. Phone 894 STOREES D.W.C. Imported, 20â€"0z. btl. MATCHES Dominion, 400 to Box 3 * 22¢ MIXED PICKLES TEXAS ONIONS Choice Bermudas 2 Ibs. 21c LEAF LETTUCE Hot House Head Choice Imported 67 Next to its acquisition, there is nothing so important as the saving of money. Study your needs and plan your buying so that when those needs are supplied you will have something to add to the savings that will set you on the road to financial independence. Thousands have learned to tread that road by Carrying their Groceries from Carroll‘s. NEW POTATOES Fancy Porto Rican, Each The Road to Independence RIPE PINEAPPLES Baker‘s Cocoanut Special One 15c tin Baker‘s Southern Style Cocoanut and one 20t pkg. Preâ€" 18 mium Cocoanut together for .... c Aylmer Beans with _Pgrkl _ Pure Raspberry Jam Individual Size Tins, Reg. 8c "90 miles an hour" styles â€" sport model lines, limousine comfort and semiâ€"balloon toes, are features of these Invictus Shoes. 23¢, 29¢ 4 * 28e $.4 28c 8c 4 ... 250| :"%.*"*~ . Rahn & Co. W A 7 E R L O 0O specialize on Thorough Eye Examinations and Satisfactory Glasses. Officeâ€"2 doors W. Capitol Theatre. glasses without examining your eyes thoroughly. Steele‘s Brunswick SARDINES Put in a supply at this special low price Genuine West india Molasses; Fine, Mild Flavor Family Brand MOLASSES Thistle Brand SWEET CORN White sweet kernels, good solid pack, great value You Are Mistaken Hall‘s Pure CHICKEN SOUP A Nourishing Broth for Invalids, Reg. 15¢ Tin nE BesT GOOD SHOE â€" <lwage kheepe its shape~ â€"if you think an Optometrist can make you satisfactory 5 ""~ 25¢ 3 "" 21¢ 2 ting 27c 10e en n 2130 snn n en oi o3 oo > ornementot 3000000 With two large packages of Flexo Flakes at our regular price of 21c per package, a 10c package given free. Tin Soap Flakss FREE enE SMYRNA FIGS JAPANESE CRABMEAT Fancy Quality,, Makes Delicate Salad Meat. Juicy Hallowis Large and tender fruit Highest Quality, Exquisite Flavor. Order your supply this week. Small 32â€"02. bottle 33c Tin 63c GOLDEN DATES ASSORTED COOKIES Lemon, Vaniiia, or Ginger Snaps, MAPLE SYRUP 2 lbs. 23c 2 lbe. 23c llc lb. 39¢ 43¢ 67 WIML

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