Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 10 Feb 1927, p. 6

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Morsesâ€"1 mare 12 years old; gelding 6 years old; Percheron filly rising 4 years old; Percheron filly z rising 3 years old; gelding 17 years â€" Holstein Cattle, Implement ll!.GnI!_nu:dW The farm consists of 131 acres, 15 acres of hardwood bush, balance in good state of cultivation. Red pressâ€" ad brick house of 11 rooms, A1 barn with coment stabling, silo, driving sahed and poultry house, abundance 6f water supplied by windmill, For particulars and terms apply to tha FARM FOR SALE _ At Jordan Station, 45 to 75 acres in the garden of Canada. Over 300 peach 3 years old; 30 apple, choicest varieties, 1% Kittany Blackberry, 1 acre red raspberry; house of 14 rooms; barn 96 ft. long; silo, stone pig pen, 2 chicken houses, corn crib, implement house. Three to four thousand dollars can be made out of timber and wood. School conâ€" venient and churches within 2 to 15 minutes‘ drive. To see farm is to dbuy it Rasy payments, Hydro passes barn. % mile tarvia roads. M. Banks, Jordan Station. 4â€"4t. FARM FOR SALE The valuable farm of the late Henry R. Schaaf, situated 3 miles west of Kitchener, on the highway. ‘There will be sold by public aucâ€" tion on lot 103, G.â€"C. T., Woolwich township, 2/‘miles northwest of El mira and 2 miles southeast of Flora« Termsâ€"Hay, grain, ensilage, pigs, poultry and all sums of $10 and unâ€" der, cash; over that amount .11 months‘ credit will be given on apâ€" proved joint notes or 5 per cent. per annum off for cash. Positively no reserve as the farm is sold. FOR SALE Pure hbred bacon type Yorkshire boars, ready for serajce. Sired by Champion Yorkshire Boar, 1926 Kitâ€" chener Hog Fair. Titus Shantz, R. R. No. 3, Kitchener. Phone 3438J. Cattisâ€"(Registered Holsteins)â€"1 cow freshened December 17th; cow freshened Dec. 18th; cow due April Jth; cow due July lith; cow fresh; heifer due March 15; heifer due in May; heifer due the of sale; 6 yearling steers; 2 feeding steers; bull 14 months old; 2 calves rising oxen and wagon; cow bred in Nov. Pigsâ€"Sow due time of sale; 1 sow due March 18th; 20 shoats about 140 T6s. each. Household Effectsâ€"1 Cupboard; corner cupboard; tables; sink; 2 bureaus; beds; stove; benches; flour bin; spinning wheel; large meat vat; sausage grinder and stuffer; iron kettle; sap pan and buckets; barrels; 600 cap Buckeye incubator; brooder stove; dinner bell; baby carriage; dairy utensils; cream separdtor; churn; honey exâ€" tractor; bee supplies; cheese makâ€" ing outfit, including boiler, vat, press sink and curd cutters, and .other numerous articles. implementsâ€"Deering binder 6 ft. cut; 6 ft. Deering mower; dump rake 12 ft.; Elmira hay lo,oder; side rake; Masseyâ€"Harris tedder; 13 disc seed drill; spring tooth cultivator; corn cultivator; steel land roller; 3 secâ€" tion harrow;â€"2 scufflers; corn boat; beet lifter; 2 Oliver walking plows; 3 furrow plow; Elmira roller chop per, 10â€"inch; Gilson ensilage cutter, new; McLaughlin car, used for power; circular saw; faning mill; 3 scales, 60, 240 and 600 capacity; root puiper; bag truck; 2 grain ‘mks; corn rack; stock rack; §â€"in. endless belt, 55 ft.; 25â€"gallon gas tank; hay fork, rope and pulleys, new; grab hooks; 2 grass seeders; 3 corn planters; corn sheller; emery grinder; 2 wagons; carriages; top buggy; two bob sleighs; 2 cutters; 40 rods of wire fence, new; 50 rods of movable fence; pig hangers; step ladder; fattening crates; scythe; cross cut saw; logging chains; mallet and _ wedge; neckyoke; doubletrees; wire fence stretcher; Babcock milk tester for 24 bottles; pea harvester guards;â€"double barrel shotgun; forks, hoes, an& other pnumerous articles. Harness â€" Walsh team harness, nearly new; 1 other set of team harness; single harness. Feedâ€"Quantity or hay, grain, enâ€" silage and roots. FowFâ€"About 100 Leghorns (bred to lay) hens; & roosters. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24th ~~ commencing at 1230 p.m. ALBERT LORCH, Proprietor. GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer. HENRY KLINCK, Clerk. 6â€"2t $y ~RA. R. 4, Kitchener. dodt 621 41mo, EXCELLENT FARM FOR SALE 150 mcre farm belonging to the Abr. Herner estate, situated 5 miles southeast of Wellesley and 5 miles northeast of Baden. This farm inâ€" cludes a new ten roomed red brick house, a quite newly rebuilt bank barn 74x76, with metal roof; an outâ€" building at the rear 30x46; aiso an implement shed 20x24; pig stable and nearly new driving shed 26x48. The land is under good cultivation. For further particulars apply to Benjamin Merner, residing on this farm, or Noah Stéinman, Baden, Ontario. 641. The n_n\dorslned herewith anâ€" nounces that he is prepared to do to sell by public auction without reâ€" serve on his farm situated 2 miles No reserve, the Proprietor is reâ€" tiring from the farm. Please come early as the sale will start on time. . MOSES TOMAN, Proprietor, 1. H. TOMAN, Grad. Auctioneer, Household Effects â€" Daisy churn; Magnet cream separator; 2 bedâ€" steads with springs and mattresses; wash stand; 2 arm chairs; kitchen chairs; 4 rockers; couch; 2 sinks; refrigerator; ice box for cream; 2 desks; 240 Ib. counter scales; sausâ€" age grinder and lard press; iron kettle with stand; 3 vinegar barrels with vinegar; 2 galvanized tubs; meat tub; butter box; butter workâ€" er; sap pails and spouts; bird cage; trunk; 3 burner coal oil stove with oven; large mirror. Terms â€"Produce, shoats, cedar posts, and all sums of $15 and unâ€" der will be given by furnishing apâ€" proved security, or §% discount for cash on credit amounts. lhlulynuold;hsyclyi-u; mare 3 years old; chestnut driver rising 5 years old; bay filly 2 years old by Peter Wilton. Pigsâ€"Yorkshire brood sow due by time of sale; 14 shoats about 125 lbs. each. ° Horsesâ€"Bay Clydesdale team 8 & 10 years old, weight 3200 lbs., well Implementsâ€"McCormick 6 ft. binâ€" der; 5 ft. F. & W. mower, nearly new; hay rake; Cockshutt spreader (cap. 70 bus.); Cockshutt 13 hoe drill nearly new; Climax cultivator; 2 horse cultivator; hay tedder; 2 single walking plows; Verity No. 21; 4 section fron harrows; 3 drum steel roller; _P. Shantz turnip drill; wheelbarrow; stone boat; fanning mill; 1200 lb. scales; extension ladâ€" der; long ladder; Watson corn shelâ€" ler; 9" chopper; speed jack; cutting box; high farm wagon with box; low wagon with two extra wheels; wagon box; stock rack; 4,000 1b. wagon springs; democrat; top bugâ€" Ey; open buggy; set heavy bob sleighs nearly new; set market sleighs; Portland cutter; Jumper; light buggy pale; flat rack; gravel planks; cross cut saw; 2 scuffiers; grindstone; Cyclone grass seeder; ice tongs; log lifter; stone hammer; corn planter; 40 gal. gas tank; wire stretcher; block and tackle; 400 cedar posts; 35 telephone poles; work benmch; doubletrees; neckâ€" yokes; forks; shovels; chains; and many other articles too numerous for detail. * 20 Cattieâ€"This is a pure Holstein Herdâ€"cow due.April 23; cow due April 12; 2 cows fresh; cow bred Dec. 10; cow fresh; cow due April 14; cow due March 15; 2 cows due May 4 and 5; 2 heifers bred on pasâ€" ture; hefer bred in Nov.; 6 yearling beifers; registered bull 3 years oild. Barred Rock cockerels. Harness....2 sets double team harâ€" ness; set light carriage harness; 2 sets single harness; chimes; horse blankets; robe, etc. Produceâ€"5 tons mixed hay; 5 tons timothy hay; 100 bus. Siberian seed oats; 100 bus. feed oats; 100 bus. mixed grain; 200 bus. mangels. all kinds of Custom Sawing at his old stand We pay Wighast Price for good MofiMmogol‘. Phone 868 or 607. Btusbing & P T Effects,. _ ~â€" L. H. Toman, G.A., has received inâ€" Phone 28â€"12, New Dundee. E. B. HALLMAN, Clerk. 6â€"2t thwest of New Dundee on THURSDAY, FEB. 24th, 1927 e to start at 12 o‘clock shs I am also prepared to buy Bass and Maple Loga at Highest Market Prices. CUSTOM SAWING NOTICE z* | of > 3 Stock, : Impleâ€" Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, _ Implements â€" John Deere manure spreader, large size, new; Deering 5 ft. mower; fanning mill; root pulâ€" per; 10 h.p.. Tuerk gas engine in *good runmning order; % h.p. gas enâ€" gine; 1 extra heavy farm wagon; set of bob sleighs; open buggy; Jumper cutter; 30 in. circular saw, blade _new; single plow; turnip. knives; !gmb hook; 2 5â€"gal. gas cans, 1 new; iud mary other useful articles not‘ mentioned. a ‘ Household Effectsâ€"Fiâ€"Reâ€"Co kitchen range in good shape; 6 kitcher chairs; 2 upholstered chairs, one is a rocker; 2 sinks; 2 Daisy churns; good Aladdin lamp; box stove; 2 lanterns; milk pails; MH. cream . separator, new, cap. 700 Ibs.; power washer; 2 cider barreis; 500 chick Buckeye brooder, new; fur coat, size 42; young collie dog. ] FOR SALE® One Shorthorn buil éleven months old. Four Shorthorn helfers about eleven months old. One dog tread ‘power (new). Dave Trussler, Wel Terms â€" Produce, shoats, poultry, fat cow, $15 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months‘ credit will be given by furnishing approved seâ€" curity or 5%, discount for cash on all amounts entitled to credit. MILTON WEI88, Proprietor. 1. H. TOMAN, Auctioncer, 13 Cattleâ€"Fat cow; Jersey cow bred 2 months; Ayrshire cow due in March; 3 red heifers bred on pasâ€" ture; 2 yearling heifers; 3 good breedy steers 2 years old. Pigs & Pouitrtyâ€"Yorkshire brood sow due in March; 10 shoats about 70 lbs. each; 75 Barred Rock pul lets; 30 mixed hens; 8 ducks. Harnessâ€"Set of double team harâ€" ness, brass mounted; 2 sets back band harness; set single harness; 5 good collars, 2 new; horse blankets; new robe; tie straps. Produce â€" 6 tons hay; 1 ton alfalfa; some barley; 50 bus seed oats. Implements â€"~ Brantford mower; plow; 2 good rubber tire top bugâ€" gles with steer spokes (one good as new); carriage with pole andâ€"shafts; heavy block and tackle; 3 rope maâ€" chines; root pulper; wheelbarrows; doubletrees; neckyokes; set oT harâ€" ness and collars; forks; scoop shovels And numerous other articles not listed. Cattieâ€"Holstein cow with cal at foot, fresh Jan. 22; red cow due Mar. ith; red cow due March.12; Holstein cow fresh 4 weeks; 7 head butcher cattle; 4 steers and. $ heifers rising 2 years old; 4 yearling Durham steers; 2 yearling heifers; Hereford 6 Horsesâ€"Bay Clydesdale gelding 12 years old; Bay Clydesdale geldâ€" ifF 7 years old; Clydesdale brood mare 15 years old in foal to Jourâ€" nalier; team of bay roaders 6 and 8 years old; Percheron colt rising 2 years old. TUESDAY, FEB. 15th, 1927 commencing at 1 o‘clock pin. sharp. Pigs and Poultry.â€"Sow bred Nov. 27; 10 pure bred Yorkshire pigs 9 weeks old time of sale; 2 ducks. The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions from Mr. Milton Weiss to sell by public auction on his farm situated 1 mile southwest of New Dundee;-_.{mown as the Con. Doerr farm, on # WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1927 s,_le to start at 12.30 p.m. sharp. bull 5 months old; & spring calves. Hay, Grain and Cedar Posts. â€" 3 tons of good timothy hay; 300 bus. of seed oats, Royal Banner and Silâ€" ver Mine; also about 200 cedar posts and gate poles. No reserve. Terms of Sale.â€"Hay, grain, veal calf, cedar posts, young pigs, ducks, and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months‘ credit on approved joint notes or 69, discount off for cash on credit amounts. Butcher cattle 3 months‘ credit on approved joint notes. ISAAC WAGLER, Proprietor. W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, Phone 592w, Waterloo. of Entire Farm Stock, Impleâ€" ments, Produce and Houseâ€" hold Effects. Phone 28â€"12, New Dundee. E. 8. HALLMAN, Clerk. 6â€"3t ED. KAUFMAN, Clerk. PUBLIC SALE good timothy 400 bus. oats; Black Jonette 5â€"2t. with donblotrees and neckyokes; ) !°®\s, an@ as a hernd they will show small express wagon; scoop shovel; | for themselves. The farm is a fow fork; garden rake, and many other iminutes walk from the Riora road articles not mantioned. atreet car. No reserve as the proâ€" This is a sale of véry good furniâ€" pristors‘ lease is expited and they ture. (Plan to attend). ate «iving up farmins. Termeâ€"Cash. Termk of Balsâ€"1% months‘ créedit ggo & to parties fernishing approved bankâ€" RGE COLEMAN, Proprister. able notes or 6% discount for cash. 1. M. TOMAN.. Auctionser. . .. C M. CRAWLEY, Auctionser, K. 8. HALLMAN, Clerk. . _ &2 . _ Gusiph, AOR. No. 6 . _ [ B2 Carriage harness; express harâ€" ness, good; 2 sets single harness; light market sleigh; democrat; 100 World‘s Favorite kitchen stove, wood or coal; 3 burner oil stove with oven; iron bed with springs and mattress, new; 2 wooden bedâ€" 'ltends with springs and mattresses; sideboard; 4 piece npholstered parâ€" lor suite; velvet couch, like new; leather couch, new; mahogany sofa; reed sofa; kitchen cabinet, new; Raymond sewing machine; 5 octave organ and stool; 2 extension tables, new; fall leaf table; Brunswick phonogfaph in mahogany cabinet, new, including 15 records; 25 extra records; arm rocker; small rocker; 6 cane bottom diners; 4 doz. kitâ€" chen chairs; 2 parlor tables; side table; quarter cut oak dresser and wash stand, like new; chime clock; kitchen clock; wood box; kitchen cupboard; carpet sweeper; organ stool; Clarke foot warmer; some bedding; all the dishes; all cooking utensils and cutlery; berry spoon; linen napkins; 5â€"lizen table cloths; carpet strips; rag balls; h-ltl chopper; Hot Point electric fron, new; lamps; toilet set; lnurn:J mats; flat irons; washiny machine; wringer; empty sealers; -Imn;‘ pictures; 2 tapestry rugs 9%1% ft., tapestry rug 9x10% ft.; floor oll‘ cloth 9x12 ft. Mr. George Coleman to sell by public auction at his resiâ€" dence in the Village of New Dundee on The undersigned has received inâ€" structions from his tarmy stock and implements on the farm situated 3 miles: southwest , of New Germany, 3 miles north of© Bloomingdale and % mile south of Victoria School. House, on TUVESDAY, FEB. 22; 1027 Sale will start a. . piam. sharp, Also a good No. 3 Magnet cream separator; Dafsy ~churn; 30 gallon kettle stove; fron kettle. Termsâ€"Hay, grain, roots and @11 sums of $15.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months‘ credit will be given on approved joint notes or 5%, discount for cash. GEORGE BENNINGER, Prop., W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, small articles offered at this sale. Implements will be soid first, so be on time. Implementsâ€"Frost & Wood 6 ft. binder in good order; McCormick 5â€" ft. mower; Masseyâ€"Harris spring tooth cultivator; Masseyâ€"Harris hoe seed drill; Cockshutt 12â€"plate disc; 2 3â€"section fron harrows; 2 scufflers, (1 new Deerifig); land roller; single No. 21 Fleury plow; single No. 21 Hamilton plow; gang plow; Bricker Threshing . Machine _ (overhauled) and in good running order, with 18 ft. straw carrier; new International 3 horsepower gas or coal oil engine; 8 Wagons (1 good as new); 2â€"seated carriage; top buggy, good as new; Portland cutter; ‘set bob sleighs; long sleigh; wagon box; 2 hay racks (1 flat); pig rack; fanning mill; new Renfrew scales, 2,000 1bs. cap.; wheelbarrow; gravel planks; emery grinder, and numerous other articles. Harnessâ€"Set good team harness; 2 sets plow harness; single harness; collars; tie straps; etc. Hay and Grainâ€"5 tons of good timothy hay; 200 bus. of cats; 50 bus. barley; 50 bus. mangels. Horsesâ€"Bay gelding 12 years old; sorrell mare 18. years old;> white mare 15 years old. Cattisâ€"White cow due March 29; biue cow due March 1; spotted cow fresh 3 months time of sale; grey heifer ‘due April 24; spotted heifer due May 29; heifer calt 3 months old in good condition; 4 yearlings. Pigsâ€"Sow due March 13; sow due May 11; 2 guinea hens. W. W..Frickey, Auctioneer,â€" will Phone 592w, Waterioo. O. 8. KOLB, Clerk. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS SATURDAY, FEB. 12h, 1927 Sale to start at 1 o‘clock. PUBLIC SALE of Entire Valuable Hay, 6â€"2t uL PCs oX " & k. Grades = 7 ‘Holsteins all fresh recently; 2 Holsteins fresh 5 months, in fuil milk, due to freshen Aug. 29th and Sept. 7th; Holstein due July 7th; Helstein due Sept. ist; Holstein due June 1ith; Holstein heifer 2 years old, due Sept. ~6; Durham â€"grade fresh; Durham grade due July 4th, milking well; 3 well bred Holstein heifers; Holstein heifer calft 3 mos. old; Holstein heifer calf 1 month old; her sire Canary Count Posch No. 62099 3 years old; well bred Holâ€" stein bull calf 7 months old, eligible. for registration. The above are an exceptionally frie lot of young cows, excelling in type. of udders, heavy producers, have stood 3 clean tesats, and as a herd they will show for themselves. The farm is a feow minutes walk from the Eilora road atreet car. No reserve as the proâ€" pristors‘ lease is expited and theay are giviig up farming. Messrs. J. and 8. Bodendistle wili sell at their Clearing Sale of farm stock, implements and household effects on the northern lim‘ts of the city of Guelph, on FRIDAY, FEB. i8th, 1927 at 12.30 p.m. sharp. their Dairy Hefd of 20 select cows. 5 Pure Bred Holsteins . Pontias Segis Canary 79111, 7 yrs. old; Pontias Segis Ormsby, $0192, 7 years old; Pontias Segis Clothilde, 80193, 7 years old; Alcartra Norine 89503, 7 years old; Butter Clothilde 82886, 8 years old; 3 of the above are fresh, 1 due April 16th, and 1 due May 14th. Noteâ€"This is a very good sale to attend; everything in spick and span shape. I. H. Tomau, suctionser, has ‘re, celved instructions from 10 Cattle â€" Shorthorn cow, fat; black cow fresh 6 weeks; Jersey cow due at time of shle; red cow fresh 4 weeks; red cow due March 3; roan cow due April 8; red cow due April 1; red cow due April 28; 2 brown Swiss heifers, bred on pasture. Household Effects â€"*Box stove; sideboard; sink; 11 kitchen chairs; 2 rockers; 2 extension tables; square table; cellar table; 2 beds with springs and maftresses; bench; lounge; Delaval cream separator, No. 15, in good shape; pots; pans; granite ware; tin ware; milk pails; 2 milk coolers; mirrors; washing machine; wringer; copper boiler; furnace kettle; meat _ chopper; lamps; lanterns; kitchen clock; a lot of plain and fancy dishes; 2 5â€"gal. oil cans; 1 gal. oil can; large mail box; meat barrel; 2 churns; etc. Termsâ€"Fat cow, produce, shoats, poultry, $15 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months‘ credit will be given by furnishing approved seâ€" curity or 5% discount for cash on credit amounts. 1. H. TOMAN, Auctioneer, ~ Phone 28â€"12, New Dundee. on % TUESDAY, FEBRVARY 22, 1927 sale to start at 12.30 o‘clock p.m. 2i â€" Mr Heorge Lorents‘ to sell by public auction without reâ€" serve on his tdfh situated 6 miles north and 14 mile east of St. Agatha Morses â€" Team sorrel mares. 12 yrs. old, well matched, a very handy work team; bay Clydesdale gelding impidfhentsâ€"F. & W. 6 tt. binder; Deering 5 ft. mower; F. & W. 10 hoe drill; broadcast spring tooth cultiâ€" vator; land roller; 2 furrow plow; 2 single Fleury plows, No. 21; scuffâ€" ler; dump cart; 4 section fron harâ€" rows; Peter Hamilton cutting box; faning mill; hay fork and rope; root puiper; 2 wagons with boxes; stock. rack; flat rack; set heavy bob sleighs; Portland cutter; roll barb wire; wheelbarrow; gravel planks; grain bags; full barrel salt; doubleâ€" trees; neckyokes; forks; shovels; chains, and many other articles too numerous for detail. Extraâ€"Shed No. 13 at St. Agatha R. C. Church if not previously sold. Pigs and Poultryâ€"2 good Yorkâ€" shire brood‘sows with litter at foot; 6 shoatsâ€" about 1:v lbs. each; 10 shoats about 110 lbs. each; 50 Anâ€" conas;â€" 35 White Wyandotte pulléts. Produceâ€"15 tons well cured timoâ€" thy hay; 100 bus. mixed grain; 300 bus. seed oats; 200 bus. buckwheat; 200 bus. turnips; 10 bags potatoes; some corn on shock, Harnessâ€"2 sets double team harâ€" ness; team bells, etc. CHOICE TESTED DAIRY HERD ED. KAUFMAN, Clerk. PUBLIC SALE of 6â€"2t AUCTION SALES CONTINUED ON FOR SALE C Two hundred acres, situated 8th concession of Peel, 5 miles northâ€" west of Floradale; large bank barn and straw shed, coment silo, driving shed, water pumped to barn with windmill; large brick house, fchool at gate, 4 miles from ‘Wtation. For further particulars apply to Herbert Norris, R. R. No. 2, Drayton, or Geo. C. Clase, Floradale. 63t. Team of well matched iron grey geldings, 5 and 7 years old. 16 hands high and weigh 2650 ibs. Apply to Ed. Rueffer, Petersburg. Bâ€"4t. WANTED Experienced married housekeeper for farm. Apply Box 38, Waterloo Chronicle. §â€"1t. O.A.C. No. 21 Barley $1.25 per bus. Banner Oats $1.00 per bus. Giant White half sugar mangel seed, 60c per Ib. G. H. SNYDER, Seed Grower, Bridgeport, Ont. 21. Implements â€" Masseyâ€"Harris 6 ft. binder; MasseyHarris mower; Masseyâ€"Harris side delivery rake; kay tedder; steel dump rake; Masseyâ€"Harris 13 disc seed drill; Masseyâ€"Harris spring tooth cultivaâ€" tor; 2 fourâ€"section iron harrows; 2 drum steel roller; disc; Masseyâ€" Harris 2 row corn cultivator; 2 single plows; 2 twoâ€"furrow plows; Masseyâ€"Harris single riding plow; 2 scufflers; hand or power corn cutâ€" ter; Maple Leat 10â€"inch plate chop per; jack; corn rack; 2 wagons llld‘ box; 3â€"seated carriage; open buggy; tcp buggy; set bob sleighs; fanning mill; 2000 lbs. cap‘y truck scales; flat hay rack; root puiper; wheelâ€" barrow; water trough; 25 gal. oil barrel; hay fork; extension hdder;: Valuableé Farm Stock, :gcluding a ~Splendid Herd of 21 Holstein_ . Cattle, Implements, Hay, . _ Grain and. all Houseâ€" > hold Effects. s These cattle are all~in splendid condition, and are the kind that pay their way. 85 pure bred single comb White Leghorn hens; 60 pure bred single comb White Leghorn pullets; $ pure bred single comb White Leghorn cockerels. All poultry is from the famous Delamereâ€" strain. his stock, implements, â€"feed and ail household effects, on the farm situated 4 milesâ€"west of Waterloo, 2 miles east of Erbsâ€" ville and 5 miles south of St. Jacobs, on â€" » 21 High Grade Hotstein Cattleâ€" 10 Good Cowsâ€"Cow fresh Dec. 27; tow due in May; cow bred Nov. 24; cow bred Dec. 21; cow bred Bec. 31; cow bred Jan. 2; cow bred Jan. 15; cow bred Jan. 26; heifer fresh Jan. 23; heifer fresh Jan. 27; heifer due in March; heifer bred Dec. §6; 4 yearling heifers; 5 heifer calves. Pigs and Poultry â€"8 pigs weighâ€" ing about 100 .lbs. each; 2 pigs 3 months old; sow due Feb. 1%; young sow supposed to be with pig; Harsesâ€"Team of dapple grey Perâ€" cheron mares, 8 and 10 years old, weighing 2,900 lbs.; grey Percheron mare 8 years old, weighing 1200 lbs.; black mare 10 years old, weighing 1250 Ths. Friday, February 25, 1927 MR. CYRUS SHANTZ PAGE EIGHT SEED GRAIN FOR SALE 5. 26 P Auctioneer Frickey will gell for \~HAP% JA x prup Te WANTED = To work on dairy farm located close , to Kitchener, © middleâ€"aged married man; must be experienced general farmer and good milker. Apply, 239 Frederick St., Kitchener. Phone 3140W. One heavy horse, 1500 lbs., $50; 1 horse, 1400 lbs., $55; 1 general purpose horse, 1280 lbs., $65. Apply to P. K. Weber Sales Stables, Kitâ€" chener. §â€"tf. This list includes all Household Effectsâ€"Special Idea kitchen range for coal or wood nearly new; kitchen cook stovE; coal oil heater; 3 beds; springs and mattresses; 2 rope beds; child‘s bed;~ cradie; dresser and stand; wash stand; bureau; corâ€" ner cupboard; glass door cupboard; extension table; drop leaf thble; 2 parlor tables; 6 diningâ€"room chairs; kitchen tables; 11 kitchen chairs; settee; lounge; rockers; benches; 3 chests; 3 sinks;> wash sink; 2 pail stands; 240 1b. counter sceales; Vikâ€" ing cream separator, 600 lbs. cap.; Babcock 4 bottle milk tester; churn; large and small milk cans; 2 cream cans; 3 lafd cans; cider barrels; tubs; 100 size Buckeye brooder; paper rack; clocks; lamps; P lamp; galvanized iron apple 2::3 korse; 2 iron kettles; cheese ring; baking trough; empty sealers; milk pails and cans; some bedding; kitâ€" Terms of Saieâ€"Hay, grain, poulâ€" try, shoats, and all sums of $15.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months‘ credit will be given on approved security or 5¢, discount for cash. â€" chen and cooking utensils; 2 chamâ€" ber sets, and a lot of dishes and many other useful â€"articles .too numerous to mention, No reserve, the farm is sold and Mr. Shantz is retiring from farming. Lunch at Noon. grain bags; scythes and snith; chains; _ doubletrees; neckyokes; forks; .. shovels, and many other articles not listed. â€" Hay and Grainâ€"8 tons of alfalfa hay; 300 bus. mixed grain; 90 bus. seed barley;â€"850 bus. gqod oats. Harnessâ€"3 sets team harness; set plow_harness; =c! light harness; collars and other parts. A. K.CRESSMAN 86 Acres Ings. Owner forced to sell on account â€"of ill health. Your opportunity as price is right, See Implements for sale or exâ€" change on town property. Excellent location just off highway, good land, 8 acres timber, frame house, bank FOR SALE

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