Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 27 Jan 1927, p. 8

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b iv Lift Cook's Regulating Compound vmt.tt$NGatti.t-tt.M9M. www.mmm-m minimum 150 In!“ was out" an Int-r wwmnmuvmuo‘o no». In“. all!” u u.“ ttr Wat, wi can” can!“ to M.“ “I can " "" to “.5. an" boot-um W..." "tot? " (In, common W" 4 " I " ANti--Reeetittttr, 239. Quantum-z Goa! to choice ............n Mt " " Indium and heuy ...... , oo " " w - C a... good to an“... . It, air to good - do.. eon-on to hit Bud" utmm-- do.. good to chain... 49., an to good """" do. conno- ......2.....: and: 'towe-- do., good to no!“ " do. Ur to eotM...-... all." and etgttam Butch" buns. good .... de., hit ....rm..r.arr...m.._... do., bologna ..t..qm..... room "an, nod-.. Raj Peppers End - Rtumalic Pain In Few Iinutes When you no lulorln; with rheumnltm so no can has!” at Around just try Rod Pepper Bub um you will In" the quickest n lief known. Rawlea Red Pepper Rub. made from red peppers, com. um. at In drug store. Get a jar st once. Use It tor lumhago. neuritis, bschcho. Btitt neck. sore muscle; coldl In chant. Almost instant rolls! “mu you. Be sure to so: an genuine. with me name Bowie. on etch and: Nothing has met: Concentrated, penetrating heat u rod powers. [mum relief. Just In boon it you apply Red Pepper Rub you fool the tingling heat. In Three mumm- It WTirtt" the lore spot. through and through. Free- the blood circula- tion, breaks up the 'sottgestiott--atsd the old rheumamm torture In gone. For Free Sample mail this adver- tisement to Whitehall Pharmaeal Co., Inc., 598 Madison Ave., New York. NJ. 1hs.gihrttilliagti. Old Year All of our reputation, facilities. organiz a t i o n and money back of every package. Seve n O . g Li 1 l es m Ideal General Pur- I mmmwm It Quality in goods andv service, Good Flour and straight forward treat- ment of the trade. Policies Ocean "not Fails (Fancy Pastry) ALWAYS ORDER BY NAME Policies New Year Flour Flour A " r, reliable radii: magi}. 8015 in st."? 'if, n n “I strerwtlr- '0. t tfC' 2, 83; No, it. so per'bou‘ Sold ',:r In" Q'gf,itt,P, an. man: on rec l " units. gm rumphltl.” Aachen: THE COOK Pd',',gi,'s'r5,N 'rttMtitt.tFoetnerirWis, 350 I“ 500 460 '" '" I" H an“ mac-9...”. “mammal “I. o....,......'................" O 'o'to'"Rf'tA"c'"m"' Ton-lo. an. it.“ at M quotation: _ FARM rout SAL! At Jordon station. 45 to " mm In the lords; of Condo. Over too pouch ' yen: old; so upplo. choicest "Homo. 1% Kinny Blackberry, 1 acre rod rupberry; house ot " room; born 96 ft. long; lilo, none " M, , chicken haunt, corn crib, Implement homo. Three. to (our lhonund 410th an In In“. ooh of timber 3nd wood. School co;- venlont and church.- wllun t to " mlnmu' drive. To to. hm I. to buy it. lair puma. Hydro - burn. at and arm m. M. Duh, lord-n 3mm. be. lanol- trhaqt-i, 1 when. an; no. _ 81.“: lo. a. 03.05. Ignacio o.tq--Mtu 3 c. I. nom- m. No. 1 more; no. i uni-u. Woun- ml- quotM*tq. h on. m . . . mm:- --o. “than. to, No. ' oil "ttow, mu: No. ' " you". no. . Ont-Ho tti-toe, tash., shipping vol-u. puma good all!” wttsat--41.St to 81.”. Lt.tr., gunning noun, - cordlnl to mun. Barter-Matting. Si to 94¢. mte_t--78e In). "o-No. 2, no. FOR SALE Span of well matched Mack meme. weight about 1,200 lbs. ' and 1 years old. Also Tractor 12:22, Cyclone chopper 10%" plate, Apply to Geo. S. Schmidt, R. R. No. 2, Baden. 1-4t FOR SALE Fresh cow. Holstein and part Arr. shire. Two young hours and Come pup. Apply to "Atphtimm Peiteh, phone T87r23, R. R. No. 8, Rue]:- ener. 6at. SEED GRAIN b.A.C. No. n annoy ttas per bun. Runner Otto $1.00 per bun. mt White but 111er range! need. 'tht per Itt. G. H. SNYDER, Seed Graver, Bridgeport, om. ‘ btt. WIRE TO In the Matte? of the Estate of Daniel Bechtel Ernst, late of the Village of St. Jacobs, in the County of Waterloo, Res tired Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN Duh want to the Trauma Act. Rao., 1914, Chapter 121. that ell person inning nay chime or den-min against the lets Daniel Bechtel Ernst. who died on or About the Second day ot Junie”. At. 1917, " the mid Village or 8t. Jul-0M. ere required to send by poet will. or to deliver to the under-islet! exe- cutors, or to their Solicitor: under- signed, their neme- end eddreuel with full verticals}; in writing ot their chime and mtement or their nepounte. and the nature at the ne- curity (it my) held trr' them. ' Ephraim s. Ghana. R. R. No. 1, Waterloo. on. Barbara Ermt, St. boobs, Ont. AND NOTICE m FURTHER GIVEN that after the twerttyargt any of Februnry. At. 1987, the laid timseutorrwiit proceed to annulus the ante ot the laid deco-led amount the persons entitled there- to, hlVilll regnrd only to' the chime of which they Illnll than he“ no- tice. and the aid Execute" will not be linble tor the sold emu, or my part thereof, to any person of whose claim they thall not than have re- ceived notice. DATED at Kitchener this twenti- ath day ot hungry. A.D. 1027. Slim, Bray, Mclmmh A tbehoftetd, . KitMterrter, Ont. '"'e'e"qeNr'"- CREDITORS "T? m utuiituoit-d ......*n g! m-dlbulh'JI. Lit" is .4. a the" Solicitor» Executor; i t I!!! ,_ _ U' 33mm:... "iii. any... " 4" Mold-unnumb- t minimum-ud- "iiGGii"Gitiriai"GUi'l'iil'l' ¢uumm Ian-datum ,iii)iG"%7i tuna a: Ian was uuwmmgnm' mam-loll chm-dud “Minnow-hut” m-umcpodum).bluld with». and - om. ,rMtetro.udeoerqtetn,8nraMtrt too-Madmanmut; nonunion-cumulus” com 'soaiqkte,tvsra-truatrs, 'nrdieNnemMe"t.rttMte.hr_Mt. cm eaMttet, Hummu- eoaland-8httattaqetatrr, elmmummsm on no". W - “nun who. vulgar. ttom artoqrer,Atte, men. ”than. rm. lamp. up do uncouth. tuning um For further um: ud commie]:- apply. - Slum. lay, Helium a ”wold. Khan-nu. Ont. Callahan for "no Nov-Colon. DATED hum: 15m. 1017. tit. Tom: " talc: Dom-ll at m per cent. " "no of “In and an bat. nco within thiry by: when the nlo sin]! be completed. . ITIAYID Black 00!!” doc. yellow "ou, bob nu. Plan notify Jacob and“. R. R. I, Wont loam. tat. took. shut mic an! nun-ml our mm! - not thue. Alt and Iinxnhr thou oertein per- cele or trecte of lend tnd prom-en situate, lying end being in the Town- ship of Welleeley, in the County of Weierloo and Province at Outerio. conteinins by adrrteaattrerttent one hundred anti forty-two ncree 'be the nine more or lees. being compo-ed ot FIRSTLY: the ptorth quarter of the vent half of Lot Nu'mber Ten in the Eighth Genoa-ion eniSDOOND- LY: the vent pint ot Lot Number Ten in the Ninth Coneeeeion, both in the tttMrtttrgt section at the eeid Township ot Welleeley. that in tr any: COMMENCING where e. not he: been plated " the north west angle of the aid lot; thence north eighty-two degrees thirty minute: east twelve chains, any link: more or less to lends heretofore [rented by the Crown to John Rennie in the said Lot math nine degree: live minntee weet titty cheine more or less to the limit between the ninth and eighth Coneeeeione; thence north eighty-two degrees thirty min- utee wait thirty-tour chum. thirty- tour link: more or lees to the out limit ot the ellownnoe for the reed between the eastern end weetern sections of the said Township of Welleeley, end thence northerly tol- lcwing the last mentioned limit titty-three chains more or lean to the place of beginning. _ On the place there In M to be about forty sex-es ot bush and the remainder under cultlntion. water- ed by t good well no spring crook. There Is I (rune house and n bunk bun All in . hit an. of femu- ad the property in shunted about one sud one-lull miles trom Cronin}! and three and when)! mun hon Linwood. _ Pouculon on be than upon complauon ot an. by Hours. Miller & Random. Auctioneer; a ammonium: Hotel. " the VIII.“ ot Linwood on TUESDAY. FEBRUARY Sth, "" at “in o'clock In the “comma. the (allowing property, namely: .0 nun and mud Mll- all. of and and gtheatt Hon-0M“ "eittum. No nuns u an am: In lam MORTGAGE SALE Under the vouch contained in n Certain mortgage which will be pro- duced It the this of ale than will be omiat tor-ate by public new”: Ter-matt. - "or. IVA. llNGK. Fromm". W. W. FRchIV. Anselmo-r, “WV. an. a. w PM" W, wan-loo. bit, lbs. dried :wlu; ttttttla butter. it s-r FARM FOR BALE condition. imit , rm. lamina-1y BOW, 'sowing mthms; 100 acre In tor It]. In on. ot V. M. Roman. ',N'1 his!" In”: other “In": " on but fuming mum- In On- burg, Out. Imttir Ind ml; hitch“ attd cooking tario, on the 'th “no of Tonghfp -A-c-u'T-tr- uumm; men; amply sells", and o! wetteMer, w“ Mbll. o. tt FARM Fol Bl my other MM“- wilt be found a splendid un- mn- Tho mum. run Toma " ..te---Har, gmits, 'otmtt ed and brick ham with both m Bur! R. Metra". um Pith pottltrr, Batd “1 PP" ot 1eeliiu soft nut; hm but turn “1' not of Kitchener. on 1 and Iutder, Wh? tmbr that Btggottttt TO with good 1mm". All comm Ttte “In 00MB“ " 1 irrrttrrtths credit on unmoved Joint! noon and we!!! mo. " M '" no". of Wood M not“. or ' per W “mm tor no with comm noor, an arm and. mod m of alumni 'cuh. Farm In In good use. at cullintlon. " brick MI“ ot It 1'00 PM“ mu that w. “I. will we" tmteed, " mm chard. m grtttt comm mug; It"! meet, on time. no. good hardwood but. m the. shod and poultry hou- I No me". " the 0"" '- mtir) or tttto mm mu. Good “no” tor o! nut and!“ by I Pte from ttrtntttg. (tanks. The own" lulu [on m limo!“ lid um t ', uAlmu t. BAUMAN, Mum-W- nu of on. man In ttttlie" to [In nominal. w. w. rmcnv, Auction". IG mam. m comm Mum! um J. own. an ”in an. WM”. l-IL “My to Mark Kyle, “HID-Mt. Out, I. R. 4, KW. -"'"T't't""""et"e"'""r.' "nt'2','t't',St'g,' to m and nun-nu any as 3 m lIMWIUItd -t.o,"tt1-tqeiIreqrttt., an. ”and“. new own-mumbgwmmwmmj uW”¢. tarati.ratMt-tteqt'otmt_ " th‘mdw wanna-.1... I Minn-ouqm-uolmmmnundm no.1 Int-Wtdg.mm up. F _ _ ‘.m9.mo,w '""q--- un- - ' m u " of“ -l"0t0re_r+r'Mtoq" Aarrtmttet= [Min‘nqkzbmmunl _ r A can“. . .ret-carriieivtvrel"Tdl.'tuLo-o.-. wmwwu‘.‘ MDMoM;mI-quum -ottnrFht-tttmetrt_,t Dttrh-e-ttsa.aAo.ttim.ttt Houeehold EfNett.--D.Uvat cram separator; churn: hotter worker and nrlntrwneh mohine; wrinzer; im- perinl Oitord rengeLHome pomion cooking wove; kettle 'tore; iron bed complete; single bed complete; wooden 'bedntend': child’l bed with bodily; telly canine; bureau;..a sinks; , extension tatom; , kitchen uhiee; a bungee; , nm chain; ' rocking chelre: kitchen chain: clothes not; , wood boxes: cer- pete; lowing machine; emnii table; 250 as; Buckeye incubator; ecoiding trough; meet grinder; lard press; unease etnii'er; tube: meat tube; ind tub; cider burl-ell; barrel with 20 (ale. ”ne‘er: cheer. mu; tub with so we vinenr; "titer-tor; npnie boxe- nnd hernia: iron kettle; urge milk on; I ore-m one: no lbs. dried onion: nppie hotter. it not previoneiy ma; cooking onione; busing bun: other inmpe; milk your nnd one; kitchen end cooking nun-nu; more; empty eeeiere. end my other edict“. Tom at ..t.--aur, nun, you: Ne., Donna: um .11 mm ot ”$.00 And under. duh; worm: IIIIOIIII it_rrtortths credit on unmoved joint iota. or ' m ttent. alumna: for cull. months)!“ “mud-alluvial“).sz 'nodi:'gtt1statttotrxriiiesto.a weak-hm: menu. a!" In. tr, In“ has: an. April“: '_eeqroditieattU. .r..a'tdPetttt'r--trtmtm. m:lm5mol¢;mvm Inch t; 'utsrdtsetrrAortt; than! " Ptrrrto." Back My. um when. "nrm---R-, can lumen; a lo!- plow has”; In"! single Mr. neu; , not: light single humus; 0011111; tie strum; blankets; when, ate. - HIGMMI" - Champion tttr-ttttr with self feeder and chin blower; 31mm chopper; ~31!er matting box; small cutting box; 10 horse horsepower with "anon, rod: uni knuckles; have] luck; 1% up. hit-bunks an en- ruu; 1% tcp. United an engine: hone clipper: spay; pump; tuning mill. and hummus other uncles. Hay and Grin-to tons ot mixed har, 100 bus. seed oats; 800 bus. teed tttttat 200 bus. mixed min; 100 but. munch. 1W3!!!“ than , n. at: a luau-nurs- I a. new}; lull. - MIC: In ted- "r, aim; in! m; he! take; In. um um: ”cud Ind roller; cit-u menu»; and“ tooth culti- vetor; t iron burrows; 1 row but with-tor; 4 row bet drill; _ Herri- eorn catheter; can hinder: Cochin“ mm spreader; ' Nr. row 1|!!wa ml Now; , luau- Hirru No. 1 will: plows; lug-r but Inter; potato plow; potato killer; lune Muller: wuon with box In}! shelving (In! stock reek; wagon with set navel punks; set bob sleigh; light sloth; , cutter-I; . root wiper; wheelherrow; demor mt; open but": my ruck; sliding not; eon-net; chlcken mops: 420 lb. counter melee; stock mule, 2,000 lbs. can; doubletreec; crow burs; chum-z torn: shovels; carpenter tools; two " dozen out cruel; bas. ket: ale-Lent saw: an; log litter; 82-h. .xuaMmt Jadder; so min in"; fence stretcher; 00 rod. wire fence: emery grinder; My fork, rope end mule”: curl-Me end ding... 4mm in snowman T' a: 330mm" heal my' me. :1: m 4tt"r ”like. I: mammal-Ithmw unwréawuulutu ridere"rete-rt.,nert-," Mam bur-snout cu who: In" - apr cutting box; pod "son box; ton May; - Mm: single or double earrum; a Poet. and cutters; wk“ clash. - new; My rank; no mm; - punks; "tttnor; doublolmu: luck- yoku; forks; shouts; chins: (min but And my other track. not listed.) mung. hum-u! m; t (I! entre. C "In“ MWNJIL 20; " r't'tedl'tdle,,t', tu. "ett; ' Illa!- I old; a te,R.r.rt..'rd3ttsee-tsoltt. Household EfNett--2 humus, kit. chen nova; a Ildoboudn; I - llon mm); small tables; club-I: ' beds with wring! um! mun“; some bedding; hum hm»; wall and mu. lumps; home nude amt amps; . i cider barrels; DoLgnl No. 15 man separator; 8 Iron hm"; any mm; Inna-z milk will and mu; hitettttetutttd cooking Tttqtuitg and a lot of dish“. FARM FOR .ALE Ono hundred' new tum, mum in Bombers; " hem good but, , acres swamp, Minna. under good state ot cultluuon; good hm born and other buildings, good k chard out! abundant» or water. Prlca very reason-Mo tor quick .10. Apply to H. M. Bettnarr, " Clean- enu, Ont. Also I ”can! 19861-0“! Toy! Touring at; Ford touring m "" model. Both m In good running order. H---, nets ot turn lumen; corrug- humus; mule curb” harness; 2 we: sing). hams-s. Juan ty new; , good imitation robes, one new; home blankets; “to ml; collars, etc. Term. of "te-Bar, gain. “In”. poultry, that“. And MI sums of 815 and under. cub; over that Amount " months credit will be given on " provod Joint notes or 5 per cent di- count tor payment on MI erodit “noun. GEORGE BEICK, Proprimr. 4_ W. w. FRICKEY, Auctioneer. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Ramble nun to work on chicken firm; must understand (Arming with some howled“ of poultry. PM. Home. gudon. etc. What no your termi. Excellent opportunity tor working am good Damon; refer- ences required. Apply Box 00, Chron. icle. Mt. 'met-Ms-o-ttte M; lot on ”I"; luau-Barr!- twill tooth mstthat?r, had roll-r; 4 In. tron Mm”; mun um: I m1. plows. Plum; 0M an Hg and Grain---' ton: of timothy hay; 1 ton ”vent clout har, 200 bus. outs; 400 but. mixed min: at». bus. mph; quality 91 sun‘s. Phone new, wuorloo. o. b KOLB, Oink. 1mm? Com "on . Salt. RAMA Fol BALE Tho "In”. km ot the ht. than R. sch-st, mum! I who vat. ot than». on within. The turn will”. of in In“. " um at Mood blah. bunc- In good an. of culuuuon. nod Wit ed brick tom of " room. A1 bun um: comm mu”. silo. mm and and poultry hum, announce of mot and!“ by what-Ill. For partial-n Ind com - to the admin“. Tom: on dtttgttatt.--Veal Cdvel, Pin. and .12 mm: of $15.00 and un- der, cash; on: that Amount " monthl’ cred” will be given on Running “proved Joint, not». a per cent. per Arman on tor tmatt on credit “manta. No reserve. Month!“ will ho sold owing to the proorutor's Ill balm. - e. M. CRAWLIV. Auction». V o. s. KOLI. Oink. 4at. math-I to. u an . Emu JLaii, an 'tr,' All [Ital-n. "" ' tiltin- non. All clan-yin: main; a: done. " was loaded elm. " new fresh waded. good young orchud. veil vnurod by , not-Mullins Weill. windmill. A minim loam loll. good knees, with log home and glued. The was, it not told will be rented. " not mix] tor ttirmirtq puma“, " is " O.K. Mun um. Torm- tyt Farm and. known any or sale. or on "p1ieatiort to one: or new". C 7 FOR DALI, A "hgattltt homo situated in the villa. ot Mannheim. contain!“ " heron. nimble mr poultry or waning. A comfortable home with hard uni not: water. A, com- ploto not or manual“: with'co- hunt noon. Convent” to church mi school. in. In in neon-m condition. Six all» from Kitchener. J. M. Rabat-on. R. R. No. t. Poten- burx, Out. at, butcher; , no.1 an". ‘ . Pi-yor-tm not. an. to ht row Much m; , pin " [can old by “no ot ale. Tho "rm---At the lune the am! pm I will ole:- tor “I. a! so acre um. Lot No. " on the culpa- Kltchour may”. known as the old unfit-m. s all“ tron Bret In and , mm (an; Ito-hora su- FOR DALI . Brunswick phonolnph with " ro~ cord]. solid Mum. huh mac. Phys nu kind] at record; Apply MT Marr Bt., Waterloo. Phone 481W. in. Mt shout It“ 1).; - nttd It»: hymn-ht! mm In! amammou. Mum '13- url. Ttoat-ttste-ttatm' " WT lam ”NM'I nun-33.1mm.) "Net-ttrea-thui-ttee 10mm I"; 'tN, In "teNHeottamti.timrtiu.vis $5atti.--Bhet at with not an by than of ab; new cow the luck In: Red not an latch 10; nonw- - but an ed! " tool; r"t'e"r"ohsto0th'txetp1nttwoe nut: rod cow “you“ to 'atm In June; mu cow sumo-u tep can In June; mm - an to Man In lurch: 1 no." and 3 Milan. yearling; 2 mm “has The” In upland“! can Dum- roan bull rum; , your; . good on, litter "uAtnttmanta,,atatsem-t8 lam _ tliihiiiiG isiisaTr- "m ml- "“1"" --.-- 'hmsMtm, In“ mum-ownhv: Stllttt,',t "WP-Ir o: um by If: "ith. MEAN. "ltr-ot- ' At was A. mount of ‘ " - Kw -t#irri,if: .. " “I I“ W km “'“uré'; can and m a“. "te.," 'l In. the Town " Maud 172% anon-no". "than" * #55; at to sa.. than. an “Is-gun“; ‘31:)“: "It!!!" to be mic gnu ssir1rt: mu. Irtmtrrttarsta to ho to" but; to" lunch. We!) at noon. “Tip FOR CALI ' ’ Wuorloo Threshing hum dig a cylhdu', " Inch body; with uni" ad cm New and than clung; complete. Apply to Ada-1n Wook net. R. R. No. 3, Kitchener. . tat. nub no man. Ti Th. Ftrqgt-.At tho an. m; pad " a. hour_ot , we“ M“: trttl " 2393. “Moo! b? '8"rtt'y be, In urn-bk all well "rrpf,.lii stock “of the mu of tho Wj John Brown, coal-nu of I. -i,', not. or was. “out no m In” under etrtttmtirrt, human but. nit: Mum (no "our” will he - tun-Manama”: ed in two Ion-nu numb tt do: ling. Term. ot Roll but. NO than on! any of Bale. For m:- mruculul _ to Box at. on. Excellent location_ in} a 3 highway, good land, 8 acres t timber, frame house, bank FARMS for Sale " looking for I good hem la Kltchonor or wmrloo no as. A ftrte "a at houn- u one... "an. Many to loan on good "at mortgage "our!” u low ram " Interest. I luv. a tale. Us! 01ml! gm! largo farms tor uh In WOW loo ounty. centrally Bound. n ant-nonv- prlcu. A. R. LINN. Avalon". 86 Acres l. K. fltlilililnlij: burn and other outbuild- ings. Owner forced to sell on account of ill health. Your-opportunity as prlce is right. See ImpleInents for an]. or A.. loci “an and Audion.» I Prqqrrtth Bt.. lion. old. of ttte Mark" Bundling. Houses For Sale . _ E J, SHANTZ Money to Loan KUTGHINIR or 'iiiifltti, "

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