Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 27 Jan 1927, p. 6

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mama-nun...“ layhuvukhbn In. all!“ Schuman- Io - In B wook with not urn-(mu " St. Chunk. Dr. And Mrs. McEachren spent a day last week with friends ll Guelph. .Mr. Lawson sehwarueatruber ot Waterloo spent the week-end at his home here. The undersigned herewith tut. nounces that he Is prepared to do all kinds of Custom Sawing at hls old “and in St. Jacobs I am also prepared to buy Ban Ind Maple Log. at Highest Market Prices. 4-lmo. Peter L. Mumlman. ImCoMoIhurde-Oe‘ -itsvutttnaMt.sutBMtte-" Mn. Albert Foenter and children ot Elm!“ spent I tttw dun with the former-'3 wen“, Mr. and Mrs. Jon. Canal St. Mr. Kenneth Williams at Listowal spent the wtsek-ertd at " home here. Miss Pauline Elseuar. who spent B few weeks in Kitchener, has re- turtterttttttte. The ice in this vicinity'haa prae “only all been harvested. _ Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. Chi; Gaucho ls recovering nice- Ir. Miss Verna Steinman of New Hamburg visited at the home at her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chr. Gascho last week. Miss Regina Schumm was a bus!- nus visitor in Kitchener on Friday. In. a. w. Lata and (any and the wool-end with norm u Mr. Norma nee at WW that I luv dun" 119: hi- mm. In. Jon. Stubbo. , The cache Duty and dance hold u the home ot Mr. and In. Boo. Vouln on Tue-aw evening _ truly “tended Ind enjoyed by all. in. Joe (was) won the who tor the baled while the men's prize "I won try Irvin mun". Mn. Wm. Cnrnochu spent a. law any: with relative: It Kitchener. Mr. Chas. Sun ot Kitchener spent tk few days In town renewing old ac- quaintances. Mrs. H. Duncan of “Marten spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jon. Stubht Mr. Philip Erbach was renewing old acquaintances in town. Mr. Harry Lelskau, who was con- tttMMI to his home tor some time, has resumed his duties It the on mills. Mrs. Herb Sutter and daughter Dorothy of New Hamburg spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chr. Butter Sr. hera.N.YoattotB-uuvtadttrq Pouounh and 06‘s: how's. to!“ Wnerloo Chronicle Wu!- We do cuttom “who every day exam “turd". hwdun for sale. We are a!” in the market to buy logs In turd and to" elm, oak, hard and um maple, beech, anood, pint, homlock etc. For further particulars apply CUSTOM SAWING A USED CAR I! ONLY " mH'eMtAqu. As THO DEALII. VHO I'LL. " Custom Sawing otftett Phone 379. Haida!“ 102. N. o. Hipel Limited Preston, Ontario IMPORTANT BADEN We consider our used car departmenta'majordivision of this business and con- duct it accordingly. You will receive the same courtesy, the same intelli- gent service and honest dealing as you would ex- pect to receive if you'wae buying a new car. DiETRtcH'S GARAGE " Ina-1.14m Several farmers of "his district are butchering for their winter’s supply of meat. Mr. Addison Baird was reelected a director ot the Wilmot Township Fair board It 1 meeting in New Hamburg on sum-any. IrJum-oamuu att_ttBMr.nttdtgmtg.es.r unnuuwmm Death of mi“ The dull: of George. {Harold an of Mr. - M. Bevin”, took place on loudly after I visor: “but: 'The tuners] took plies o." Wednesday morning a! the Mennoima Church And " the Mannonlte cométeu_ tor burial. . Skating "rty.--A number of etud- ents and ex-atudentc ot the Platte ville Communion School from here attended the shuns ptuey in the rink on Thursday evening. Lunch was served later by the young ladies. Personals. Mr. H. H. Hannaman was a tmai. ness visitor " Prospect Farm on Wednesday afternoon. _ Attended Hockey Mattsh--t%vert4 trom here attended the hockey game between New Hamburg end match. (met on Friday evening. The visit- in;I team were the winners. 4 to o. T s In New Hamburg's ttrat defeat. Three hunters were through this district on Saturday and paid a visit to Mr. John Murray. In. Jun-hind. a "ataBte. mont'amhuhm. ',hflh"atu"t'tr'a,t." mull-um "Arr.. In}. on": mun-c hun- Whm. V In. The.“ M at mm“:- "esstaNqrdamtneturt-g. Mr. Du: 897m 3r. is on the sick Itat. WA hope tor flu speedy recovery. Epworth League. - The regular meeting of the Epworth Lengue In: held on 'riasr 'nvenlnx at the church. The topic was "I: w" the police tom of the world?” Mtg. Jacob Beriett, Mrs. Mervin Facey and Mrs. ArttutrieMtnii"n called on Mrs. 89111: Murny. Mn. Murray's infant daughter is ill with pneumonia. Mr. Meteht luul and Mr. wu- hnl luau nun-M It. guy/gin. by tho_taoeturtttetortor& Waterloo 00W In: M”. Mr. um In. m Bnmn ml - and Mr. Ind In. MOI Bu:- m and um): am“ the when) at It. Bow-nun tumor, Mr. 14v! Boqmn. neu Hawks-ville on lu- Joe Batman lent on Thursday tor Woodstock where he has obtained a position. He spent the past year working for Mr. J. Berlett. Jim Scott spent Friday In Ayr where he plays hockey. In A, T. Raul: and Mr.Iranh Russia "to to Kiwis“: on Mon- day. "s, mm. an. in Emeline Lichty spelt-u but any? with Kitchener friends lat. week. 35,. qua-“muo-muMG “CFJEOTERFIELD x? A ' .. PLOIAMLI nun-m! [Minna-A Im'- - a mummmmmwm Mr. and its. ”an“ - and 'aaghur an. war. no." a “chance! Imminent].- “mums-Inky. loan. w in." n! nouns-unmann- anon-mum.th mat-0AA “on. " mural. In. M. tatt. IWnI of Kit. chum can: a. vat-n1 at Plon- ttttt Wow. . The new"t Woollolo And Br. Fun of Tau-took um! and” Mrs mm“ Mum. . Do not toredt do concert not: “an“! and but) his”. Mr. Chance Km" ot London spent Sundny here Among hll pur- eut- and Mendy. Mr. P. A. Wm" is Attending county council meeting in Kitchen» tor n tow dayl ot m- week. Our Mlle School trustees unend- ed the County Educ-Mona A-ora. “on meeting In Kitchener In! Sut- urday and on Tuesday will about the Township mane-Maul A‘s-ocu- tton It Oren-MIL Mr. sad In B. K. Man. Mr. “a Mm. A. IL mum - Sutur- duy cud Sunday in “alum anon; Mend- cnd vol-tins, from JR AlHlllN at CO. Watérioo .. . ILOOMINODALI SALE _itI.jIii; mm Here we are again, BjggerStock than ever and Lower Pricesthan ever,, Aihti1:,'c.i)i' must unload in a hurry in order to raise necessary cash. , A Saving from m to. 50 get," cent. Take advantage, buy your Spring Shoes now. Our Shoes are smart, comforta lei; and excellent value. Compare our prices, 'satisfy yourself, our 7 Yeats of repgtgtkittCif,: stand back of eve ppir, we sell, you can buy here with utmost ieor1fi4epdatl. 231cm '3; are only a few of ltliiehargains mentidned in' this list, it willpay' you to‘come S _ see ( the rest. This Great Sale means Bargains on entire stock not onlggdds and E 4s, but _» an unusual price reduction to clear theshelves. Come, you cant brd to miss 1t. 5 1 1 4 King St. WELLESLEV gains o...............'. OXFORDS Menu Blick or Tan' Calf Skin Oxfords, wonderful bar- $3 95 120 pair Spring Oxfords, just ar- rived, made by Tetraults Shoe Co. Black and Tan, values to $6.50. All included on Sale Prices. Save $1.00 a pair and buy now. Reg. $7 and $8 values. Astonish- ing reductions for sale ........ $5 98 T P1thr 12llll of Men’s Black or an V " 'newest last. Reg. values to $7.00 Y'. M95 Young Men'EBlack Bala., new last, sizes 6 to 10 .......... Terms Cash ’Black Goodyear Welts, ' Invictns and Astoria Phone 399 - Waterloo OXFORDS One Line of Men's This alpha: magnum. ham at m at. am mum... - out w qrs1eshtr nun. Itch- " no: at In! «an no mu m m m m. not an 'gtqtdtrrtV Dal - than no in!“ an " lowly- lath- m I "reettr m You Sulphur Soothe: All Itching Skin It you In "In!“ from mm or not“ other team“. cum II: [III With you my quickly In rid on» by "In loatho-Dclplur. lulu-u a not“ us- mum. King St. Baptist church. Kitchener. journeyed to the home of Mr. end In. tornado Snyder on Mondny evening where they were very ttor piuhly entertained tor the evening. Alter “we...“ music we: enjoyed for some time. I dainty luncheon wu prepared to which everybody did nmple justice. A Jolly time wee went try tli. Ilu um» hum h unending mo tune It die horn. or not mm " Mtgntra"." TM HM Annual.» Malta "In 600! and COMORODIO. " . mu AIM: and" went the week-cud with friends It at. Jac- In. Abe Buohlor of It. hooks ' $3.75 mg St. C WATERLOO HOME OF GOOD SHOES 4 . e REMEMBER THE OPENING DAY fir?? I REMEMBER THE PLACE ing this Sale, but will not redeem them until Sale is over. " Women's Zippers, Jersey...........: Wome_n’s Zippers, Cashmerette Here we are and have them all beat. Oxfords, Slippers and 49e Bals. A limited quantity ........ Womén's Cashmerette ................ Women), Jersey VT unucu a ucluv’ n...”no-unnuunu. Misses" 8 Buckle 'r.................- Child’s 3Buckle ................b......... Boys' 2 Buckle .................-...... Men's 1 B. Cashmerette ............ Men's 1 B. Jersey _....................... Men's Adjusto, Jersey M............... Men's Zippers, Jersey ........t....... OPENING DAY, JANUARY 26 Absolutely Free, 1 pair of Cosy Mgr. pers to the tirat ten customers pur- chasing $5.00 Worth or over, sizes to suit purchaser. Each pair worth 51.25. 100 pair of Women's Fine Slippers arid Oxfords, per pair.......... $1 m [was In nu lot-III at I'M! 'tattMMthaer.aqdthsatt.&et. We will also give Cash Bonds dur- ‘A “not " than of Ir. Ila man-gunman”... on tMott-tttnee-Met-rt ummwmmm alomym he! Tre! he! Mr. Dam Want me n “I" Inc Tuna-y to Mr. and In. A. um, hunk-u. spent n week with her brother And sister at Plea"! View. um Lovlnn Shana at Kitchener spent . few (Inn with her brother. Mr. and Mm. Henry stunts. Ind " " ,itrited Mr. And Mrg. Arno: Schle- dol. _ Mr. Igor!» Puma: ot Maputo. nu toistdit the ion] In. of no 0. B. Chou and sum Conn-7. and Mm: m nil-tut. Little Inn Keller ot Kalli"): in spending tome ulna wlth Mr [nad- paronu, Mr. and In. Am Schle- dol. . Nun Noun. Mln Hetna 92mm. who unit noun] month tn Now Tore, return- ed homo In: wool. Hm 1 mm, who left for New York Mun! wooi- no, and n ro- turn mu may. in. Noun Roth of Now York TtMt. ed Mum Inn for 00va by; Mr. c. o. 11-h. who mined u out: stroke, I. recovering nicely. I? Overshoés NOTICE IIRLIT'. COINII pr; 34-7 5 3.75 1.95 1.70 1.95 Farmers In thin district as - canted tn cumin; wood for their you“ “may. Home. ltNdemut--Matt, on" ot maul” among the you“ talk: hurt hue boon reported. All tor llwd'l and an no other, I ,iréih't'i'i'iiii'iig Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Heada'che Neuritis- Lumhago . Pain Neuralgia - Toothache Rheumatism lBAZER LrtE1t!.9Iyjijtjii"iiTGriirin E2 Oxfords & Slippers One, Group B...'...................... ...... 'Ne Another Group ..r.-e- ..., on Men’s, Women’s and Boys' Hockey Shoes are so low, it will pay you to buy them for next season. from high priced lines, Spring shipment of Victoria and Classic shoeir-newest styles which will be specially priced for sale. Buy now and Siva 's, Another Groun of WOMEN’S PUMP SLIPPERS' and Oxfords, including velvet. satin. patent and kid leathers ...... $3.95 Just Arrived Our Prices One Group of Women's WOMENS COSYS $2.95 f)Et'a/s"-ktt, "Jte'uatat In "B. in. d ,"tNiilt'r'i, e' "1's4rtlt'll A Hebrew boy 1n u [out ”an! in a hospital. and had no" . db- polmon to I',',",',',:,,,": complain at In times. no nu a van giving hint tn “coho! "tmee bath and. think- ing to divert his mlnd. an an to him an the rubbed under " In“; "Ttehmttr' ' - Still whining, the younuu an: "No; mam-h."

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