Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 13 Jan 1927, p. 4

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_ ; _ burprised to hear , my voice!" APPLIANCE EXPERT COMING T. Y. Egan, Appliance Specialist, 1057â€"College St., Toronto, will be at Kitchener, Walper House, Saturday (hours 9 a.m. till 9 p.m.) Sunday (hours 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.) 14 days, January 22 and 23. The "Curatrus," with new 1927 guaranteed "Airtex" shield, holds rupture perfectly, affording immediâ€" ate comfort, and assists nature in closing the opening. These new rupture aids have received highest aproval wherever shown. EATS EVERYTHING NOTHING BOTHERS HIM If you are tired of your uncomfortâ€" able old truss, and would like to be done with same, then investigate this method and learn the wonderâ€" ful opportunity for help it offers. Reâ€" member, it is different from everyâ€" thing else, and is accomplishing results where all other appliances bave failed. It is modern and the result of over 30 years in this specialty. isd t old Veins. Used for Nervous periec 4 T y o io Ancreggen. or mailed in shain RurTrURE â€" If interested, call; and consult expert free. Ask at hotel office for Mr. Egan‘s room. Tear this out. ‘"In my opinion," said Mr. J. N. Meagher, 39 Primrose Ave., Ottawa, "there is nothing like MILLER‘S HERB JUICE. Before using this proâ€" duct I was always constipated, my liver was inactive, my food would not digest, I had tegrible gas pains and my nerves were completely unâ€" strung. HERB JUICE is eertainly a remarkable remedy. It relieved all Of my troubles. I now eat everyâ€" thing I want and nothing bothers me whatsoever. HERBâ€"JUICE is the greatest medicine I ever used." For sale by A. G. Haehnel, Watâ€" erloo, and leading druggists everyâ€" where. *Â¥You know, I have read a good deal about Long Distance serâ€" wice, so this afternoon I called "Yes, and do you know I could hear her voice as distinctly as I hear yours. Shirley was so If Glasses Are Not Needed, You Will be Told So Where glasses are needed, the wearing of these brings a degree of comfort that you will appreciate. / en e m O mm omm ce ce t en P04 ‘Do unihhla ho pcyct’lp.;’hlmuv‘ ,‘I..ut my marrtied daughter." GEO. W. GORDON, 0.D. Optometrist Phone 2777w â€" 50 Ontario St. 8. Kitchener tance. Every day friends i. cities hundreds of miles anert, are reâ€"united by the mode:n magicâ€"Long® Distance. surprised and delighted that she wants me to ulir‘ her every Constant improvement in teleâ€" Have you ever visited a d‘s=â€" tant friend by telephone? If not, why not zflve someore a pleasant surprise. Call her by [ong Distance. RELIEF The quality and choice of the used cars we are now able to obtain through the outstanding value repreâ€" sented in the lines of new cars we are now selling is becoming increasingly better, See Our Used Cars andywunnlmoug-unddhllalflucirm‘mt. DOBBIN GARAGE & ELECTRIC King :m(igw‘:::m@o ‘ae Great English Preparation, @g Tones and invigorates the whole * sinervous system. makes new Blood service e ard uenéh’ viftaaRg sooligher Alaally /s Better Used Cars " PHOSPHORINE. im old Veins. Used for Nervous #* 140 w# ; Mr. Calvin Valenting has returned to St. Andrew‘s College, ~Aurora, Ont., after spending his Christmas holidays at his home in Waterloo. * ! _ Mr. North Kennedy, eldestâ€"son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hogarth Kennedy, 43 George St., has returned to Upper Canada â€" College, ‘Toronto, after spending the holiday season at his home in Waterloo. Mrs. J. H. Webb has returned to her home in Waterloo afterf spendâ€" men with #golden | throne of God. : _â€"I from a fortnight‘s visit in ‘Toronto: with Mr. and Mrsâ€" T. H. Hah and Mrs. Edmund H. Zick and Aaugh: ter of Buffalo were holiday visitors at the home of Mrs. T. O‘Donnell, John St., Waterlo0. ~ â€" Plans for a congregational supper to be held in the near future were made at the first regular meeting for the year of the St. Saviour‘s Ladies Aid Society. ‘The gathering which was held at the home of Mrs. C. G. Merrett, 33 William street, was largely attended. Following the reguâ€" lar business session, the ‘hostess asâ€" sisted by Mesdame Moore and Meyâ€" ers served refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Robert 0. McCulloch, of Rothieâ€"Norman, Galt, Ontario, anâ€" nounce the engagement of their eldâ€" er daughter, Mary Agnes, to Mr. John Preble Macintosh, son of the late Mrs. Macintosh and Mr. Preble | Macintosh, of 59 Belvedere Road, Westmount, Quebec. The marriage ; will take place early in April. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Groff of Winniâ€" peg, Man., palqsl. visit tq‘tholr rela tives in the Twin City over the fesâ€" tive season. * King and Queen Bid Farewel! At Victoria Station The Duke and Duchess of York, boarding the battle cruiser Renown on which the Prince of Wales made his great tour several years ago, toâ€" day started on their 34,000 mile globe encircling voyage designed to tightened the bonds between â€" the mother country and the dominions of New Zealand and Australia. ‘The Prince of Wales, Prince Henâ€" ry and Prince George were on hand, as welt as most of the population of Portsmouth to wish the pair Godâ€" speed. The Duke of York will officiâ€" ate at the opening of the commonâ€" wealth parliament at Canberra, the new Australian capital Miss Rachel Haight and Mr. Arnâ€" old Haight returned to Toronto last Monday the 3rd, to resume their studies at Toronto University after spending their Christmas holidays with their mother, Mrs. F. Haight at their new home on Albert street. Miss E. Boehm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A..Boehm, has returned to Ovenden School, Barrie, Ont., afâ€" ter a much enjoyed holiday at her home in Waterloo over the festive season. Lord Willingdon held his first New Year levee as governorâ€"general of Canada at Rideau Hall, Ottawa, on Saturday. Among those who atâ€" tended to pay their respects to his excellency were Premier Mackenzie King, in his Windsor uniform; Hon. Charles Stewart, minister of the inâ€" terior, and Hon. James Malcolm, minister of trade and commerce. Mrs. Malcolm Trumpour and two children of Goderich spent the New Years holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trumpour, Allan street, Watâ€" erloo, Ont. The Duke and Duchess of York left last week for Australia to open the Parliament Buildings at the new capital, Canberra. The Princess Elizabeth is left in the care of her grandmother, Queen Mary. Mr. Tom Watts of Toronto Univerâ€" sity, son of Rev. J. O. and Mrs. Watts, spent the holiday season at his home in Waterloo. en n . An invitation has been sent to Preâ€" mier G. ‘Howard Ferguson, minister of" education, to attend ‘the formal opening of the Sir Adam Beck Colâ€" legiate, on a date on or about the to allow visiting Australian business| church have been attending the reâ€" wen to remainâ€"longer in the United| cont Bible Conference in Kitcheomer. States than the present immigration| Miss Ethel Good has been spendâ€" _ The University of Torouto held a special Convocation â€" on Tuesday, Jan. 4th at 4 p.m. in Convocation Hall for the purpose of conferring the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) on the right Honorâ€" able Stanley M. Bruce, Premier of first of February, which will be con venient to him. tor in Kitchener, the guest of Mrs Pollock, Benton St. Mrs, Charles Berthon of Toronto was the guest of her parents, Judge and Mrs. Hearn during the . past week. 3 Dr. Potter of the Lutheran Seminâ€" ary has promised the Blue Stockings Literary Club a series of addresses on the Canadian Political Sftuation. The club issues a cordial invitation to any woman of the Twin City who would enjoy these interesting talks. One of the most delightful dances of the holiday season was given on Thursday, Dec. 30th, at the Crystal Ballroom of the Walper House, when Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Roos enâ€" tertained in honor of their daughter, Miss Marion. Christmas decorations and masses of colored balloons addâ€" ed to the beauty of the ballroom and the beautiful gowns of the young ladies added much to the attractive ness of the event. Over 125 young people were presen:. including the following house zuests of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Roos, Miss Genevieve Lempke of Detroit, Misses Kathleen and Monica Goodrow of Hamilton, and (he following from Toronts: Mrs. Robt. Roos, Mr. and" Mrs. Warâ€" ner Higgins and Mr. Fraser Robertâ€" son. Miss Jessie Watson of Toronto has returned after spending a few days in Waterloo where she was the guest ofâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Bean. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hahn and daughter Catharine have returned to London after a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDougall of Waterloo. ‘They were accompanied by Mrs. Beatrice Bourne. Mr. Leander Kienappel and Mr. George Ospeck are engaged as woodâ€" choppers for Emil Kienappel. Miss Frances Bean and Mr. Wal ter Bean who spent the holiday at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Alex Bean, Kitchener, have returned to Toronto to resume their studies at the University. _ Miss Maude O‘Donnell isâ€" visiting her sister, Mrs. E. H. Zick at Buffalo for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meirowski and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kienappel Jr. on Sunday. Mr. Benj. Roth and Mr. John Dorscht attended the sale held by Joseph Leis near Wellesley on Wedâ€" nesday. % Winter is a dangerous season for the little ones. The days are changeâ€" ableâ€"one bright, the next cold and stormy,. that the mother is afraid to take the children out for the fresh air and exercise they need so much In consequence they are often coopâ€" ed up in overheated, badly ventiâ€" lated rooms and are soon seized with colds or grippe. What is needed to keep the little ones well is ‘Baby‘s Own Tablets. They will regulate the stomach and bowels and drive out colds, and through their «use the baby will be able to get over the wintar season in perfect safety. "In using Baby‘s Own Tablets the mother has an absolute guarantee that she is giving her procions little ones something that is absolutely sate andâ€" something that cannot possibly do harm to even the nowâ€" Mr. Menno Roth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Abe R. Herner. Mr. Joe Kienappel of Kitchener visited with his brother, Mr. Fred Kienappel, Sr., last week. sUBSCRIBE NOW!. If you are not now a subscriber to the Chronicle, you are invited to subscribe now. It features all the leading district news of the County, world events, serial story, complete list of auction sales, market reports. KEEP LITTLE ONES WELL IN WINTER By Regulating the Stomach and Bowels With Baby‘s Own Tablets, born babe as the Tablets contain not one particle of opiates or other dangerous drag. ‘They are sold by medicina dealars or at 25 cents a ce in‘ London: â€" Eh route;| | 29A Bruce (was to stop off in| @ â€"oâ€"â€"â€" on to ask President Coolâ€"| interesting â€" mall from The Dr. Williama SUNFISH LAKE Miss Ethel Good has been spendâ€" ing the past week in Kitchener. Alice Ebel have left for Kitchener where they are taking a course of study in the Business College. the .newly elected police village: Trustee refusing=to act a second nomination for the purpose was held: last Tuesday evening and Mr. Byron A. Letson was the choice ot the meetings to fill the vacaney. _ ~ > Children® Enjoy Holiday . â€" The pupils of ‘the senior division of our school have.been enjoying a further week of vacation as Miss Wilkinson. the teacherâ€"had not sufficiently reâ€" covered from a recent operation to resume her duties last week. Seriqusly illâ€"Mr. William B. Ledâ€" erman on ‘Saturday visited his fathâ€" er who is ‘lying critically ill at his home in Baden. Personals _ Miss‘ Etta. Bartman of Gowansâ€" town, has been visiting at the home ‘o( her sister. Mrs. Erwin Dahmer for Mr. and Mrs,.Val Gies attended the funeral of the late Louis Schmerâ€" mundâ€" in ‘ Elmira on Sunday â€"afterâ€" noon. | _ R Miss Mabel Koch is taking in the short course at the Bible School in Kitchener. The Misses. Gladys, Clara and Ethel Baker:of Ridgeway have been week .end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Koch. Open Air Skating Rink â€" The Schweitzer Hotel lawn is being fittâ€" ed up as a skating rink and when completed will give the boys a place Casily reached, as it is most centralâ€" ty located. Congregational Meetingâ€"The anâ€" nual congregational meeting of St. Matthews Lutheran church will be held next Tuesday evening, Jan. 18, commencing .at 7.30. . Officers Elected â€" The Sunday School Teachers held their business meeting on Tuesday evening and the Ladies‘ Aid on Wednesday afterâ€" noon when in each case their usual quota of officers were elected. Miss Isabel Wright of the Classic City Normal School has again left for Stratford to resume her studies, after spending the vacation at her home on the Bend Farm. Latest reports say that the condiâ€" tion of Mrs. Sol. Koch has not imâ€" proved as yet. * Our collegiite students have again taken up‘thfeir studies after the holiâ€" days. ; 16 t + Esteemed Resident Deadâ€"Just beâ€" fore mailing our budget of news we were informed that Mr. Noah Webâ€" er who had been in a very critical state for soime time, had passed away Monday morning, aged nearly 58 years. Deceased was bern on the farm on which he spent all his years up to the time of his death and was one of the most successful and prosâ€" perous farmers inâ€"the Township. A few years ago his health began to fall so he retired from active work. He was a member for some years of the Board of Trustees of the Pubâ€" lic School in which he took great interest. The deceased is survived by the sorrowing widow and several daughters, also ‘several brothers and sisters who with a large circle of relatives and friends mourn his early death. Rev. ‘O. G. Hallman and Mr. Ed. Hagedorn of Kitchener visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Robr on Sunday. en m Items of Interest , Quite a number of the m:z people from this vicinity attend the Carnival at New Dundee Saturâ€" day evening. ¢ % €" _Mr. and Mrs. David Lockis: and on David visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. Marshall on Sunday.. â€" > The Roseyille Junior Farmers will meet in the School House Monday evening, Jan. 17. This is the annual meeting. The reorganization of the Association and a debate are on the program for the evening. _ â€"~ _ _ Several cars have been able to :u:vol the Galt road the last fow 78. Gelos 1 iee ie m aprifier . _Mr. Harry Latner of the Town: line visited with Mr. Rae. Marshall on Bunday. 564 00 nB w _ Born to Mr. and Mrs. Melville Veitch on ThUursday, Jan. 6, a daughâ€" ter, Marguerite Estelle. The Junior Women‘s Institute will meet in the School Monday. evening, Jan. 17. A recipe for a hot supper dish will be given in response to the roll call. Several interesting papers will be given also some important business questions to be brought beâ€" fore the Institute. Rev. O. G. Hallman of Kitchener occupled the pulpit in the Evangeli+ cal church here Sunday evening. > _ Miss Margaret Marshall visited with friends in Galt on Monday. _ Mr. and Mré. J. Bricker visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hallman near Galt one day last week. _ _ _ _Mr. and MrS. 8. Rohr visited: with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kenyon near Bright on Saturday. _ _ Ask for ROSEVILLE â€"»«. Mr. V&L the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomias Hackett. _‘Mr. Frank Schumwmer spent a fow spent a_fow days at his on th JX Td days home on the Cathecart. Mrs. Peebles and childreux returnâ€" ed fromâ€"a few weeks‘ visit in Atâ€" â€" ‘Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cathcart and son Hartley . of Fergus spent last three months‘ course in dairyingâ€"at the OA.C. % 4. Mr. Joe Cassel, Sr.. underwent an operation on Monday. ‘We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Joseph Ament spent (the . _ Mr, Barney Lantz returned to Deâ€" troit after spending the past week at his home here. iz past week with his son in New Hamâ€" Miss Olive ‘Stoesser ‘of Josephsâ€" burg is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Voisin. Death of Mrs. John Kittel.â€"On Thursday, Dec. 27th, Wilhelmina Schnarr, beloved wife of John Kittel, @ied at her home at Macton. She was born in Germany in 1861.. Her death came as a shock to her many friends. She is survived by her husâ€" band and two sons and â€"four daughâ€" ters, Herbert ‘of Linwood, ~William on the homestead, Bella (Mrs. Josâ€" eph Stumph) of Waterloo, Priscilla (Mrs. Ed. Koebel) of Toronto, Emma Mrs. Charles Leyes of South Bend, Ind., Clementin (Mrs. Albert Voisin) of Glenallen. Two brothers and three sisters also survive, namely, Eugene Schnarr of Erbsvilie, William of Kitâ€" ’chener. Sister M. Salvine of Spoâ€" kane, Wash., Mrs, Bisch of Lisbon, Mrs. Albert Rumig of Waterloo. 23 grandchildren also mourn her loss. | ‘The funeral took placeâ€" from the y Preâ€"Inventory Sale _ of Seasonable Goods Mrs. ~John Hosey of ~Strattord line or short end of ent <a fow â€"days with her sister, 2t rs. George Renuie. > Mrs. Ed. Crooks of Totonto spent Winte Mr. «Calvin Voll left last Monday Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. 26â€"43 sCoTTsS EMULSION Rich In Codâ€"liver Oil Vitamins The Tonic That Helps Build Strength Rapidly 1_9mn||m|munmmmlmmmuunmmunmgummumummlmmmmmm!|mummmmmmummml lamefaracy Cé¥= |â€" Dresses. Regular $1.00 for ... ... Wool DeLaines, 27 in. wide, neat patâ€" terns, suitable for Waists or Children‘s ALL WOOL FLANNELS 75¢ ‘ 10â€" pieces All Wool Flannels, 31 in. wide, in all the wanted shades. Regular $1,.00 per yd., on Sale veevserevsertasrece 75¢ GEORGETTE $1.00 Georgette in Sand, Brown, Pink, Orange, Henna, Rose, Orchid, Grey, 'l‘u::l!}::l and Black, 88â€"89 in. wide, good qualities. Regular $1.75, on @1 (NQ) PHONE 2000 ALL DEPTS. Mr. s aodt M on Stocktaking is bringing forward a lot of things in odd quantities and Remnants which are being cleared out at a sacrifice ard which are a real Bargait\v. Some materials which are just the thing for making up Women‘s and Children‘s things. inms spent a few We are right in the midet of Btock Taking, an WOOL DE LAINES 75¢ of EMPEROR‘8 FUNERAL Is SET FOR FEBRUARY 7 The Household Department has set Feb. 7 as the date for the beâ€" ginning of the funeral of the late family~ residence to St.. Joseph‘s Parish Church, Macton, where Reâ€" quiem Mass was sung by ‘Rev. R. Morgan, Assisted by Rev. M. Weidâ€" ner of Freelton and Rev. Weber of Hesson. Interment took place in St. Joseph‘s cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. Alfred Stumpf, Eugene Weidner, John ©Dorscht, â€" Eugene Wey, Clayton Hergott and Nicholas Kittel. Personals. ; Miss Kathleen Hayes spent the weekâ€"end with friends in Kitchener. Mr. Simon Friedmann spent Monâ€" day in Elmira. us f Miss Mary Schummer spent Sunâ€" day with friends in Kitchener. _ Misses Beatrice Schummer and Mary Clément of Hesson spent the weekâ€"end at the former‘s home here. MAKE our new Bookstore your Headâ€" quarters for Books and Stationery _ Every day is Somesone‘s Birthday #2. Send Greetings. “3‘ 116 King St. West WRAY‘S BOOKSTORE J â€" ~*" $1,00 We Mean Business â€" is put out and marked at a ridiculous Low Price. And youâ€"can lay to that. Our Winter Goode must now. soid, and in January if possible. Come and see what‘s doing. BRICKER â€"GERMANN CO. L Winter Merchandise KITCHENER, ONT. Let us dad:sm>nstrate to you our wonderful Radio Set. You will tike it > 75b¢ During our Stoc):-'l‘nldnz we have acâ€" cuulated many Dress Goods, Remnants in various colors and qualitieeâ€"in lengths of 1 yd. to 4 yds. These are ends of our best sellers and all marked at HALF PRICE. IVORY CREPE DE CHENE $1.59 1 piece only Ivory Crepe De Chene, 40 in,. wide, suitable for Underwear, Handâ€" kerchiefs or Ladies‘ Silk Scarfs, Reguâ€" lar $2.50 for ... $1 50 DRESS GOODS REMNANTSâ€" HALF PRICE Waterloo Emperor Yoshthito of Japan, who . died Christmas Day. tyX 3 ‘The funeral will begin on 3:5 evening of February 7 and will con= . tinue into the following morning. .~ Battery Service / . We Sell USL But Serve All Schweitzer Electric Minard‘s Linimentâ€"ever 84 King St. â€" Phone 633 WATERLOO . USL KITCHENER PRONPT sE&AVIEE %5dnit TEWE: SAtX

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