_4ft Mm Notes. _ Rev. Oliver Snider spent the week-end at Zurich. Mra., Clayton Mohr and son and Mrs. Ruby Mohr of North Easthope spent a few days with the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Snider. Miss Vera Hilliard of Conesgogo spent a law days with her sister, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Eu. XheWaterloo Trust and Savings Company Mr. Louis Schmermnnd is improv- lng nicely, but we are sorry to re- port Mrs. Paul Bowman is on the sick Ilst. Mr.Und Mrs. George Wright and Mrs. Zlixk and son Robert of Detroit spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bergman. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Maurer were Sunday visitors with Glenallen friends. Messrs. Menno Frey, Orvilla Shana, Sylvan Shaqtz and William Reinhardt spent Monday in Guelph. Mrs. Menno Lichty of Peel spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Noah ‘Llchty. Minimum-o!“ mdomr. Mr. George Stahlhaum has moved Into Mr. Ezra Maurer's house. oi, "cords show that a ll?†number of the but W: of this County taunt their business with us. _ Miss Katie Lichty and Mr. Clay- ton Bichty of Peel were Sunday visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Llchty. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Shoemaker spent Saturday wittr Kitchener friends. It Back Hurts We duo net turExeeutor, Administrator or Thur. tee of Estates Flush Your Kidneys; Occasion- ally by Drinking Quarts of Good Water No man or woman can make a mistake by trttshinsg the kidneys occasionally. says a well-known au- thority. Too much rich food creates was which clog the kidney pores‘ no that thw lluggishly tilter or) drum on]? part ot the waste and] who“ from the blood. Then you got sick. Rheumatism, headache». [Ivor trouble.\ nervousness. bludder Maori-fl often come trom sluggish “than. . ' The moment you feel a dull ache‘ In the kidneys dr your back tturs,) or " the urine is cloudy. olensive, full ot ailment irregular of pan- - or “tended by a sensation ot â€Mint. begin to drink Bott wnter in (II-luau; tho get shout (our me.- ot In!» Suits trom my reli- ,itht lime! ma an n able -- In . glue ot water before Ml! for n tow day- nnd your - my then an no. KITCHENER P. B. Wilson, Man. Director Jul “In In nun-uh. and en- me, -. um I dettghths, J'll _ “but!" Mil. - :m on an. m an an to â€no. - “All... but†than» on. my I. this um -ttntttts . TH. hum“ all. In mule from} the Id. ot my“ 3nd lemon inleo.‘ “IN-0d Mil lllhh. 1nd In been - for you: to help am clonal than and mum- Illa to w- W. the " holy -gtmtte. an *hncmumuoocy-o in. an. m. an. an: gq8tge%q than mm GALT Chas. McKenzie, Manager WATERLOO E. S. Playiord. Manager "Let Us Serve" FLORADALE Begin 0n Salts i lee-her. an. b‘M'? P" " I. MOI 1 PT, new“ on" the in - 1 mouth: at e -prr w l 5M an (new. In! all My. 1 hand nun-edemaâ€!!! in In weather was! en Olin-HI Wren-1 - he: been h “I tttr', can! . W I , ehhujutplnkelhneu-i ‘umu com-tum to the that Cluu m on the mantel-piece. III {Jo-uh he- covered it how- that in". 1st villa-her in . new ii? " but 111 out of " will-M xii-pun" ot yum-em â€We. â€The uncertainty or the Ninth: In nomwlut unnerved Joel-h. but Batu, who - mu "err" In erbi- l-eu mm the political We in redhnt hope ' the voting tab “lions of Onurio which rein. to iretreet. Queen Rule has at mi tor her Vellum unmet the 'ttow liiiieiiii, hill- elmou the see. The all. and White or u. ot Y. tom over the Tricolor troupe ot Queen’s b0 with 18,000 shivering sweater: looking on end of courts none ot than: caught cold. being no - present. Our friend, theyBon. W. ls M.' K., will trend tarot hie at!" soil. the Land of the Mule. About Dee. am, ready to meet his politic“ chiefs at the greet Wheaten“?! fun-u- nub- pow-wow to open on Pulhment an! on Dec. 9th. Thus the mind dritta near and far, but the nieker of tho back-log embers reminds " we An tar from the hate and hurry of the cheering crowd. ' Who's war-ad What'- What-- The workers of St. Jamar Luther- an Sunday ghool have deconted the Interior " their School Room, which now mules It quite an Inno- tive place to meet. Mr. Simeon Bowman In: removed his repair shop to the building re- cently occupied by Peter Mumlm on King St. South. where he will have larger quarters tor " 111ch- ing trade. Mrs. Anson mencher removed from the old farm, “Coder Grove," into Ban ot the residence ot Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Eby this week. iLtd Mrs. Richmond uttended the tun. eral service ot Mr. B. B. Playford .irt Waterloo Inst Wednesday. Mr. and Mrb. Jelu Fusing" and family of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. and' Mrs. Appel at "The Mapies" The Ladies' Aid Society of St. James Lutheran Church Ire holding a baking sale in the Sunny School room next Saturday afternoon. Corn? and get your supply for the week- end. Item: of Interest. Sunday guests at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. John Bowman were: Mm Emma Silislnger of Kitchengr. Messrs. Gordon and Edwin Helmpel of Windsor. Mr. E. G. Helmpel ot Montreal and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Etrerdee and family of Rosebmk. Messrs. F. E. Page and J. Bowling spent Sundai at Erin. erloo Mr. and Mrs. "an Miss Miriam Huhorn Rev. and Mrs. M. D, Kitchener on Sundny. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Buckhorough ot Vanessa spent s few days of he! week with Mrs. N. S. Heisman, Miss Helen Baldwin ot Toronto spent the week-end with Miss Emm- Lautenalager. A play entitled "A Little Clad- hopper" will be presented by the pupils of the New Dundee Continuan- tion School in Kevelm's Hell, thor Dundee. on Pridsy evening. Dec. 10. Proceeds tor school supplies. Come. enjoy yourselves no help “on; I good cause. 7 Miss Verna Angst< And Mr. Lloyd; Gedke of Kitchener about Sandal at the home ot Mr. llld Mrs. A. mr) horn Don't forget the Baptist Miulon Circle bamr In Knvelm'l Htit, on Dec. 4. This will be I Pet work, sewing 3nd mm. uh. Saturday. 3 pan. Mr. "h Mrs. L. N. mm: at m mllton no visiting with In. N. B, Bowman. Mr. an In. John - unad- ed the tuneful " Wntorloo ot the Intelâ€- brother, tho ht. Mr. B. B. Phyford. h. bunt hold by the Imam: Ladies' AM on “and†last you! very “ennui. _ ion-n. on. mum» a! on.“ Tenn motored to that.†on On- any. AIlOIAO In is “In! 00010.10! the can. Brunch of an mm Dunn-cl! at Act-lama. In ae.tmethtet of cm'Ind-IMIWotO-IJ. mvu‘nldmwmlt .mumumrmm te.tqesr.teo.attt.,and0068t1 - -6. no can banana-hm /l!iritg1hitifi,iiiitl'i,'i,i -e,.eyget.!?tf!?.rtI',',at mama-Hum†" IMO†NEW DUNDEE Hilbom tnd visited with Hallman at mmufamum‘ -,tLB.ar.Hrtr'qnt- um.nnc.m.hmmn wmmwm-mh nmmwumnuau mmmumvaw. Ir.’Mlltlottho Khulna Cull-sht- nut the - and My in! m Muller. Mr. J. II "I ‘III. g.I.LMAtr,xrhouabe "ea-trat,--"'."' m. . - ‘. A much-oh! mount was mnmhnmwumdu In W hurt-t- a! W. G. Would. In W m. m In com-II: Control. Mr. and-Mm. I I. am. Mr. all In. Kuhn In: ad the Ilium um» ot KIWI no)". and†hon rum-g " the home ot Mr. John . (as. Plowln. autettt.--T'tto winners inI tho link-I Junior "rrrterra' plowinx‘ latch hold recently were ChBrUttl, lunar. R. R. No. L Btmtrtudird Jena? [grill ot R. R. No. 3. minim Mr. lulu-â€scored the highest points with 89, tho but ot tho bores in the Mr nil'l district under " you: ot use. - conic-um 1m required to plow two not" ot land which were judged on crown and finish. The match. m held under the auspices ot IL J. Helium-y, diurict mica]- tqtpl supervisor, while Norma Me- Leod ot out'tcted Madge. The result: were n toiioyrr.-- Chu b-Men 8t your: and our: Chm-loo Miller, M; Leslie Abode, 88; Gordon Gene], 87%; Waiter Gene]. M; ctartorr-_si, 84%; Clnyton Hoebcher, TIV, Lloyd Snyder, 16. Snyder. 16. Clue t--amder 21 years: -3etstMy Bowman 82; Jncoh Dreieinger 81%; Irvin 'l‘uleuki 81; Oscar Gelsel 80% ' Ed. Hoollcher. 29; Allen Geieel, 78%; Vernon Mourer, 78; Waiter Snyder, TTW, Emerson Lichty 7454.‘ On the Olck List. - Friends ot Mrs. Conrad Schwlnde will be plenum! to lenrn that she is recover- ing nicely from a recent operation which she underwent at the K.-W. hospital. The condition of the infant daugh- 1ter othr. Ind Mrs. W. H. Jackson is somewhat Improved. l Mr. and In. Sherwood Watson ot do WILMIY ILMIRA told Ott II I â€I mm- and [an than! which um din-mill. at“ not but tho ‘1} tt I m pain, nonu- um nun.“ tro- mhlu joint-I. much. all but“; non "rintiea, mango. new» Qt “with. " can! with mt- .nteod by all dru"Uta. _ Woul- m mu Dr, and In. Wagon. Consul-nth but“! in m tn an M10! Mun- WM mm. In; 'popu “mu may on" and nutloo to secure but! return. Tho hock†boy: no munch; mommy and have to In In ood condition for an opening JU. A lending In being an" up uni the loo-l to“: in “holy to be swayed with Pruton, Gait ud Kinney. an up ttqqt.-Mrtr. Winn-m we“. ml, In. W “Incl. wu kid to rest Monday Harmon In the EL mm cemetery. Decca-ed. who died on Eng-y (allowing a seven] months“ Rho“; mind " (can. Aged Citizen amt-Danni PM. In his son: you, peeled away at hi4 home in Elmira. When " "are ot use he came to Canal trom Ger; man? settling hear Heidelbexj. He untried Catherine Hollinser in 1864, who died twenty yen-e ago. Their union was blessed with twelve biz-il- Area, seven ot whom survive, ttre sons and two deughters. Damned. who was a carpenter try trade. lo- mated in Elmira " years ago. celebrate Diamond WoddMttr---Tnro highly oatoemed‘ resident: of Br min, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Christ- man, recently celebrated the nixtleth anniversary ot their wedding, Bur. rounded by member's of their family Ind intimate friends. The aged couple were married In Kitchener, Nov. 6th, 1867, and since have been \Iesldente of Elmira. LOWER HYDRO “37 l Get a smupomo ot my: cm TO COME, " tr/r/iii: from your dnglst tioir. Speaking at the Carleton Con- Apply a little ot thin fragrant, antl- servative convention , recently (tseptic, healing cream in your’nos- Adam H. Acreh, former member,itrfls. It penetrates through - who was renomlnated. claimed ml air passage ofthe head, soothe! the hare direct word from the Govern-l inflamed or swollen Inn-cons mam ment that the cost ot Hydro. powerl Mane and relief comes bluntly. would be reduced 50 per cent. In It'tt just tttte. Don't trtar lulled- the near future. . up with a cold or nasty mums, -tantttt. mfl'men-IN, ‘w-~W‘mamqud. mu.~ualuw.mumu 'u.te..tKtirfre-taere,.9tre.etple. "et,titr%igtsai.etsrtetgM..' "a.ttm.vet'" MNMWUlwu-nmhm --o.tettr-tuurt-r---.- rheumatic uh auaeduttae--thtte. diatr-. tit. as»: ot a. mm: w a. nun. ou In a Wm 0m A l to tank“ will-(Ill he - u 11tfl'l Doc. mudnowmlm ttFeet-ret-t in!“ FiGittis_tueeeetteey an! 'rGr.iijp-etAtetCte Je"h'Ll'l%"llGai'TaTruuii"a w -.-. an In if M. ,rqMtttq ted I“ - Vega-l†m ot In: not a 00 -i-fat " Mrtaret who!“ a“. a“. who. the m: I". I: m. and h We It. - Inn- all m- W Putin. no a! 1hr "Unborn; “an; “at tho - noly- the - lurid conni- uotorod to the has. elm won'- parent: tn Mord, M a wedd- ln‘dlnnuvu modulation-pl at" equbratiort toot pk“. an: which the - oounb nun-d to that home In: hm. Commu- no". Auniverury .erttuo-o. when» ayevuiuulutvukcm service we; held In the Lutheran church in con-lemm- at the [out]: “Ilium ot it: uni-0' AM. The Lunar Aid of St. Jenner Lutheran church. main, with its ,putor. Rev. Is Kaittetguett, enemi- ed the service end were the neat- M the Home Aid tor the evening. Supper wen uron in the linemen! ot the church. end the service. on Thu Dick Cas-wr. Goo. Bani-1 tete, one od the roll ot the mud- oldut residents. having mud hill tour score you" hi! not been and mm; the but at health at ma. 1 - uri. Amen Kam- who hu.boan tiling for I con-idem“. am Stan h; Instant relter--no waiting. You, each at night; your cold or at Mr. and Mm. Willard Wilmer and Th disapmrs. family and Mr. and In. Herb. KAI- Get a tsmall bottle ot El!" CW ter spent Sunday ot int week at the hm mm your amulet now. home or when weUr. any a little ot this meant. Inm- Kurt Bron. ue nun threshing the mic. healing cream in your’nol- golden grain, 1 ls. It penetrates through - Mrs. Henry Rohr is spending a r passage ofthe head, soothes thoiweek at the home ot, Chris. Rohr named or swollen mucous mam 'here. _ ane and relief Comes Imam-U- l crltlclun - Those who criticize It'tt just iine. Don't. tstar tstt1ired- [ criticism are criticized tor critica- , with a cold or nasty aunt ' ins. Our all than a in ad "eetieqt m of the Pullman: Buildings. hut. out". In "ettttnt Willhgdon. Connor-anon]; run. Rt, Hon. W. L lulu“. Kill. Print Inâ€: m. “on. than on»... Gunman noun Wu. - lg um I!!!" at m cum-t: / . 1km me-ao". t A. no». mum: at mace; Mon. Bonnor um nu- “. - It,tf'l',t " Hon. W. L Inch-II. Inna, Prim mam" ad tun-tum: on. but uni-to. Janet; non. curl-o sum. lam-lot. may... not 'ie-ma. Mun-a mum. man at am.- non. than In... Win; an. 3. a mum, yum Worn; lion. w. D. but. can. "iiiifilFitFAsthttlr 'niuG7i'iii7iiufrrkyt.rri8t.Pe'S .I- P. J. A. MI. “I. an m; lion. In.“ lunch. we. , _ng£.ln1m=nw.l;m.mom . I“. t In. an It... mamnmmmummium fits -esttagt-ttrttroHd&rritt.t" puma“. _ Mr. J. Colombo“ Kitchen: In. I Mam Vina: hot. on. Thus- (it. no In"! run ot Mat Friday and the Cone-mun and Grand Hun tit ov.rt3ow their hunks. - nminx "ood manning. Woom'eh Ton-up Council will meet on Tunaâ€. nut. Doc. 7th. Agsoth" union to lo hold on the um um. u provided by mtutu will '"'"e the human of tho I"' council. “mom nonunion: or. . month and, “pinat- tor office M Already unified their Inten- “on. ,eeerut-ir-ttteretrrxrt,and,ttrektingtheStn-a "sdBo.eu,aiottieuimiutianotrroodigiim_, Toreeterr'ettst.thtee.ie.e1rtt', Ah.&tgtra-ihq-2itt 2221 W"- (Too late tor [all week) _ Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Halted in Kitchener hat week. Mr. and Mn. Woe1tiat um tun- ily und Nathan Woods called on Bright triemU In! week. air. and Mn. Milton Weber called on trienda In Williamsburg on Bun. duy lust. in; and Mrs. George Milne and funny visited with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kaster on Sunday. MANNHI!†gin" -. ." W ' l _ I I & f i5Gii;77T77iirreeel- pared to relieve It†U i-act-tati- Constipation. Flank-syn“ al‘oughing MQ [HER _ m. hull n mum of HM mum“: tn new. in“ the molt. my nu can. Lift Off-No Paint. 'ooh's Regulating Comp\:una Corns ot bert maul In the to.“ A . In“. M Fit" (i',22ii'i's51,iF'r', tt . tN No. 2. 'IV, No. 8. In 'i4'Wi. Sold lg nil chm-(duh. a an. a ontribt.IC?rr. Viii book tunnel-Eco. 'Wfd%'?f'r'ut'd'h',"srt=tt "'mEfshiECT'Arddr 9.12 t'2'P