FFF, “A . in. wound: worked over him in Mun-Lo. Andr new MI the Win ot mun-elation: the apt-yd aroes, at hand on the aid-r1! that uh" the My none can!" to lite; the quick ruining of the chem. that brings air to the remote canon of the lungs. With a Hidden 0130113; in his throat. the little Auntrnlhn "allied ting this by In very den to him. A prayer on his lips. in hands trembling. but sure and don. be Itrove to restore the shattered nerves The colour etune.siow1r to Don- ald's cheeks and the haze cleared, Aw" as the cold wat-tu' shower- ed upon him. He felt his strength returning. A long deep breath end Le was blipselt again. Youth and his line body had saved him. He looked across the ring at Garrieau. whose vulture-like manager we: leaning over him with an exultant look on blawtace. This brute had deliberately fouled him. A cold and terrible rage swept through every fibre of Donald's being. He had de- moaned himself by entering the prize ring. This was bad. enough; but to lose the batue'.--Nevert - He looked tor his friends. Their-taces, he saw. were tense and full ot tttite QTY "Andy, I'm going after him," he docllred in a hard voice. Andy was about to remoustrate, but he caught a. "ash at the hard light in Donald's eyes, and the words .died on his lips. He hesi- tated. Maybe he should hnve let Donald take the aggressive from the start. "Are you strong enough, Donnie?" Donald's eyes held a dull slow. "Yetry' his gritted. Andy patted his arm as the gong rang. “Give 'lm'ell. Donnie!" And thtrt added revently: "May God give 'im strength." Donald shot from his corner as though thrown from a catapult to meet Oarrleau before he was fairly out of his chair. The spectators held. their breath. Was this the man who a minute before had walked stagger- ing and beaten to his chair? When the referee pried the fighters apart after a fierce mix-up in the cham- pion's corner, a puffed eye and a bloody face showed that Garrleau had absorbed severe punishment. Donald was everywhere, dancing in for. a tterce rally and oat again, always without a return. The arena fairly rocked to the cheers ot the crowd as Donald stood h, the centre of the ring and ex- Etched. I changed punches with the champion.: One of the promoters thrust his Head to head they stood while Don-'head mm. h the door "Come nad ald’s arms Worked with such light“get yoor gush!" he LG2i nine speed that the Champion's‘ "Strike me lucky.'" returneil Andy. te",',',',,,'.':,',,',', sc,"':::,",',;,,,',,',"",.:,','":',". "those words 'ave a plenum pound. in; ground. The puriued had 'be- He picked up a small handbag and left the room. In a few moments come the pursuer. The tide had he returned, his face beaming. He turned. With " arms wound about tapped the satchel. "Chuck tull,'; his face the champion retreated. As he said happily. he assayed a lead, Donald's list At the symnaslnm, they withered smote his has before he could again in Anily'a J.'"'.'?:, 1tt tor it: Y.', Ivory cup in . now don“t. . â€for It. ft 1hlillllEll tf MIDDLE AGE Mrs. Wilson’s Expaience a Guide tii' Women Tuning through the'Chnngc of Life '2h"hth Ontario. - "t have alien up"! bot as of Ith ' .P.trtklym's I tver-dat, ?e"?l1?1qr,!!1,lii1iii'tlitry' ar"r,21 gtotenroifihqdrrr 1te,S"tra,'r1Tl,t"frtt7dl) tttz',,"')',"":.'.',.',',?."?,',,',',',,,',',,',').",,', I“ '/t,ht"eNtgt',Tt1", -rsrMdtmrdttntil9 ,ahd ,'iqiiitd/litsil,'i?tttbi't: tutldNi'tu'g,','t'M"tr he,t2t'hM'reN'r1'2! tgh'M."r,ht 1'..qu m m iiiiiiiitiiii'iiiiiiii? CRIMSON WEST tptorur-e-.t.e. Vega-bl. Corrs pound and I can- ta',gtpt to? My o " "nth-Change of Life and w- .n run-down ind Ind no appetite. In very weak and sick, Ind an - In ','T back were " ad I trmifttardirmyt. By ALEX. PHILIP THE " cover up. Mono-hm rounds-sly, Dom" penetrated kl: engulf- guard with rights and una until the wan-whorl taco m a smear of rod. l A boat-n of sound am from the audhncé u they stood on their new ad roared their aluminum: tor ttut chullonur’n wonderful ex- hibition. Andy. has has not. " en- bnlxtng. may: the corner of the ring. Garrie‘u drove heavily " his‘ elusive toe and missed. The inmetusi swung him to one side. For on in~ stunt his chin we: without the Pro- tecting shelter of his shoulder. With, A beoriiderrimrir swift more Donnld stepped Rrrward, pivoted on his toes. and with the full weight of his péweriul young body behind it. he whipped his right to the chempion/‘s unprotected jaw. Flop! Gen-lean tell upon his 2','U',f, annulled like a baboon on the con, Donald welt- ed to his corner, thrust his gloved hands towards Andy, who-stood is though paralyzed, and said: "Take them ot Andy." His voice mis hudible throughout the arena. The referee rushed» to Donnld's side and raised his arm aloft in token of vic- l With much dllllculty Donald and 'hls friends forced their way through the cheering throng to the dressing. Iroons, Weak and tired. Donald tar ‘on a cot, while hls handlers gently :massaged his sore body. Andy mov- l ed to the cot and stood looking down ', on his protege. l Donald opened hits eyes. "Hello, gAndy," he smiled weakly. _ tory, With a roar the criimt came to its senses to realize that the tight was over. Pandemonium broke loose. A struggling mass of human- ity surged into the ring. Every man wanted to shake hands with the new champion. Garrieau,"the" poa- sessor of the "punch" they had so much admired, was forgotten. The king is dead-long live the, king! Such is lite. especially in the box- ing game'. "Hello, Donnie," said Andy husk- ily, as he patted Donald's dark head. Donald's hand stole out to mnet the warm clasp ot " friend. A "Bome little tight," said Andy. svmmoning a smile. "Not bad," agreed Donald. Gillis pulled his hat brim down over his eyes to hide his emotion. “I've a good mind to go put and give that brute another lickin'." he growled. At the gymnaslum.’ they gathered in Andy's room, end tor the itrgt time Donald told them of the " tempted "tuneup" proposed by Garrleau’s manager. Douglas strode across the room and gripped Dom lld's hand. Not a arord we: uttered by nnyone. but the silence we: more eloquent then upeech. They war) All In u - mood' In" the prolonged gtrttitt of the any. Andy In in wticulnly high spirits. "Gentlemen," he has“ grnndiIoquemtir, "I 'are before my on an tyblo lore s most wonderful mu. new. All sf an in n thig morning "I I dKtr collu lnd'l shirt and. New." mm: i dnmuc gesture, "In the bloomln' 'om ot Jimmy!†He turned the sucks] " ‘qldgdown and I Inn! of bins, com- and cheque. an upon the able. " mm mm." crled Andy, n he “looted I Mn, "will you to out 3nd [at some datumâ€, “a when you [on to (In bar buy n drink tor the '01:... 'Bree [but uh {or Donnie: 1: name?†if†'1. It". ot (I. who." Andy aorta! the my Into - ad at quietly count!" In I (cw uni-mu. "Hm.- than.“ all I row odd damn." to W. "Whatt" cymbal â€In. an m ism-M. fl. tad than no a. ot um um. min}?! III... m I wail to "w" b “h I “It†hit} _, . "tmme-te-isa-ret "w““l , U CHAPTER V m - M†thanâ€; L re" I.' , , ' 'Vt-t_-Yip-til')'?"'. â€v,flw~~fl="§"wwï¬ Mum-awn. “aghast-b5â€. Jun? ." . mummy-humu- "asmtte.i-is'ou-tiil-tP.eter'e1"? "as-ri-ttr-tdj-r-tut-."""' -ssorNronaa-r_sot"t.t"_"t"'"t" Ji'iJrTifiJdGisriurJiLairtroll-ats--. (wily. “WIN-bum]. Tkrert “I at “a Oh bu- our "e “fun" “In W r “(but a†503%,!“ Ali. “will but to a. In M , unn- - hold , U. can an. "nun. t can't In. " . owl. u Nun och-TH one drink. - " will. to “It to our think. I have that 'en gertn'touav.eandtut,'et. not" to an up“. - 3?... I no" on 'o-l-‘t h a. In“ " autumn-Md... [hon that I'm lucky to}. W' ttte boot-o'gmghc'un. Butt“ limit that '0 won! Into an M! to '61!)th Imhblohuhno out of a 'ote, l’n‘proud. hon, I’ll worm! I've ma may I "fitsed I‘ve â€on my I "no man. But strike me blind if Donnie didn't this day teach me something um: sheer grit. When 'e an. ltnllbltn' my» " an end at that-that turd roun+--r-r-----" He 1|pr “You know what, hound,†he continued In a husky voice. "I at nothin' boner‘n to 'are 'im for no v.1. ’Ere'l to an gyms-1 man that over “and In Atoemtather'. 'Bre'l to 'im'." Andy turned tmiatr may to light I (slur- ette. HU (we: won mint. The room was uncut. Donald nu deeply moved by m. little Men-1's slug. ot tas.. Douala broke the Illenco. “You trot back to ,tho Cont Just In time. Jack." _ _ “How's that?" Dad has aux-ted on the biggest Job that he's tackled yet. "What is it?†"Do you remember the " tract of timber that he bought In the 1neumus Valleyf’; . . “Yea. hel bought?“ my advtem" anorefbd cum. _ "Weil, her going to run I rail. road in and build sawmills, and an the logs right on the spot intend of ahippinK them to the Coast." "Good'." aid cum hegrtlly. “There’s a wonderful “And ot tim- her In that valley.†_ “But here's the Best part of It." Douglas went on gingerly; "Dtd'a going to send you in to cruise the timber around Summit Lake, Ind I'm to go with you. It’s a wonder. tut country. I was up there last §ummer." He turned to Donaht. "Will you go with 11-?" “I'll be glad to," assented Donald. "Good!" cried Douglas. "It will be ihte camping with you and Jack.†Little Andy Bat mtlently listening to this lively conversatlou, In whlch he had been completely ignored. He could contain himself no longer. "I_s'y." he blurted. “an: I such a blinkin' dwarf that you‘ve forgotten that I'm In this 'ere crowd? Isn't me 'ead above the tyble? Where the 'ell do I get " on thls 'ere bloomln' picnic, I asks you?" . One look into the Auntrtlhn‘u seriously comic thee with It: heavy blond eyebrows wagging up amt down set Douglas Into paroxysms of laughter. "Andy," he declared, "Pm going to take you Along even it we have to mark you ‘exceu baggage! Can you cook?" “Can I cook?" repeated Andy. "'E main me can I cook.' Thath me tlrBt name; that's me profession. I’ve cooked on soiling nuns. ntocmshlpl. yin comps, In the Army an' I did up†days In Sydney jail. and bllme me it they didn't mute me 'ood cook. I was so good they want/ed me to My." "You're'hxred, Andy," ma Doug- lu decidedly. "Bit lln't it going to be pretty tough to quit the boxing game for cooking?" - “Seem.†you 'uo and me I'll say that It's I blinkln' light better than quittin' lt‘for uddlMy-vlnhl†T boa-sla- mme'lo his (not. "I VIII! you to meet Dad, Donna, and we'll hnd out when we tr. to sun." _ Andy patted hil liomch otttttmrt. phtivolx. "Well. with this 'cro champ-cine under no belt. I thunk I‘ll sun in 'ere mad 'IVO ' drink Ind u an: In awry bar from 'orr to Gordon Street. About mum you. Donia." he added scratching his haul "mreurtstr, "tM 'mr I (eel right now I at" by tomorrow morning yo\'ll and no in the brickl- clnnhor ot tho Vnuamvcr Hotel." sum which (mu cinnamon Ihouldeu. " hand at n I churn;- torhtic angle. In rm can ’ihe “not and with I an ot his hand 0an with the cm- in! - at m Int I'd-on. In It: must mod Andy "ved no grtit. un-un. - T "town mu nu." and nicks. u in! n- no the "i (in. " one. mum. - nthu mu both. I“ in"! “the“. but h to. I. M tn the CID. n1 In to - " 10.0." In an in a in! 's. a. upon-hut) aim-null} a t.treel'"""r'"'" It t.'t-h-eutrweetrtrrt' wummmauum 'troaa.be.int-- wmnhmmyurom radius-nth. thud-mm -t.trtotHrxtoto8thotroaN. thtt.t.tsoa.hathqrhrDr.Wib 'et" nun-Juana“ mo: midst-aunt‘s“ m mph-m Thu “owns-not“ mum-ownum M who that 'r-mme"' MM‘thmmM 'tol-aa---:.'" Who‘ll: autumn!- Mr. Baht. A. inâ€. - Point. gnaw-ho .arw.-9tm" you-ml wu um mm mm ,rh$eh-.trtsadtuttetouHtsot 'athandttadterqtsttrrbedtmdsr ttto doctor. can. It I. noodle“ to my that I undo-woof- can: deal at tutoring. The doctor. Wu did not "on to reach the (mum. on when 1 vol advised to try Dr. Witti-Pt"Ptturdidtso,and arm mm than for none wait I I" Able to at out o! bed. I eon- unuod using the all]: and VII noon ntrtq to work, Arrd I [an not been_ troubled with rheumusm docs._.ln Venn: room ulna 1 derived a [not deal of beerattt from those in}. and I think than . wonderful remedy." m. Willis!“ Pink Put. are cold by .n mummy-um or hy‘ mu It so cent: a box' tron; The Dr. Wil- - Medicine Co.", Brockvllle, Ont. BANK KOSHER. GET 'N,000, AND FIRE ON SPECTATORS Police ad a posse ot any persons are urchin: roads leading from Downinc to Chicago tor the auto- mobile in which an buildup escaped October 18th utter holding up the Leo Slate Bulk and obtaining $76.- 000. Hall the loot obtained was in monir. oiriciail ot the bank said. Occupants ot a building opposite the bank -w the hold-up in pro- gress. and attempted tir Interfere. but two ot the bandits win; waited in their motor car outside lent a tnslhta ot shots into the windows across the street. HUGE POW-IR none? _ STARTED IN OKLAHOMA Oklahoma's ttrat step toward har. nellnx streams ot the state was taken when 3 permit was granted to J. P. Robinson, mine owner of Miami. 0th., tor 3 project on Grand River, In Mayan, Wagoner and Cher- okee counties. The project is to coat $24,000,000. . It is phnned to generate 274.000 horsepower, much ot which will be used in eventing lead' and the mines in the trl-etete area. Four damn, one ot which will be 150 feet high, will be, located on the river. Condemnntlon ot land for the huge reservoir will cost $3,500,000 and seven] vilhsee will have to he moved entirely. Construction ot the electric“ mlect will cost $4,000,000. Drugs Excite The Kidneys, Drink Water ' ---. Mutual Iona"! Take all“ at Ftrst Sign of Mrs. Yeartgwerdd--r am all Bladder Irritation or down. I think rn hire 3 cook Bucknhe. husband my Itrongth. The Amer-wen men'end women‘ but. mm contend] “that kid. ney trouble bee-nee we oftenNIt too much rich food. Our blood in Blled with acid: which the kidney; strive to filter out; they weaken from over work. become dumb. the diminutive tie-nee clog end the man‘s. km , trouble. mam- weskneu 1'1"t anneal decline tn hank. When your kidney. feel Ilka lumps ot Ion];- your luck hum or the ur- Ino I. cloudy. full of malignant. or you no out“ to mk‘rouu, two or “All. the. dub! as night; u m “not with lick human. on dim. “no“ spoils. new Ito-nah. or If you In" mum-um than the team: II bad, both drinking lot- of good not: nu:- Ind not from your puma! about but men of Jul sun. M t uqupooIM isnrt-aemrtaPbeftrmbrs"tut not a In an sud you may: to†than set (In. Thtn m. mu h In“. from bouillofmmlmm, amatrtedittttttht.,asdBnsHen uncanny-mum], than! stitrmt.toerto-d-rs,to'sht. "metuGsitt.tu-rtr. Mahatma-unmet†ummm_mhcuuur m . Jul lulu mum-tn; mm mommimmm oeattttt_r0rtlaMtetst- www.mmMQ mumwmulvl mum‘u- rmwhw-lnwdn li'.". . r"Gi.ei'iji'a'GJ'iii'/.d." am you in. can»; ~31 “You, in I not t um: - In 'rtM."--wt+ - ‘mquuummun 'tore-tPet-few, totrtibotAqr_t-t--tmbe angular. w" "ndittedt -todt--rarst' rowan-031nm. "V In mun-‘- at. in Don't you no: the: you vi so: any- an; 16- - nub will all had. Po. 'ttaid you'l â€It to). My pol-M Bow.--BoV Wt. l - the MM .7 My the widow a! a gray. urn-Inc to Are. IMH- _ In some Wt! with her has. “I! ma th- follow!“ may to tho no prune-t of Ann-Inna"? “Southhi ta wrong val my MI.‘ Ivory homing yin“! mmsoo.ttttrtdtwoorthreetrhtq on the mud cold and um. with their (at tn tho ttir. Can you loll no what In the â€not?" After A little while the received the following letter hom the depart- moat: ' um" “Only the trmAeman caning lu- tlonu‘ln Rtttrtrituc"---utt_, Cour- lerJonrual. _ Just HI. Luck “How mmy_women ma you try to marry bolore you got me?" one snapped in anger. “Must have been twelve." he an- swered, sadly. “I never counted 'em. but it surely must have been t,"sive."-dtuora Free Press. A Thrifty Adlai victim--- Good heavens! you've pulled thret teeth and I only want- ed aha extracted. Dentist-Sorry, air. You see we gave yoix a bit too" much gas and I didn't want to waste it. Edmnnmn Bulletin. Expected -A Tune iB.C. writes: "Our little Emily, aged 5. kept watching very intently a man eating corn on the cob, at : table next to our's in the restaurant. Finally she looked up with wonder- ing eyes. ‘ "Manna." she asked; " ihr is it that no music comes out?")) Transcript. Couldn't stand the' a." " "You didn't take a vacation this year. did you)" "No, I thou'ght I needed a regt."--. Boston Transcript Anything to oblige "Do let me see your engag'ement ring." "Sorry. I‘ve lust returned it to Billie: but It yoin're really keen I can eisily mini It up tttrain."-- Punch. / Another Aloxandor "Jack says , am " The world to him." . ' "My dear, he's said Hui. to every girl he'u been engaged to-then he’s looked around for new worlds to comttter."--Botrton Tunnel-Int. “be†am: Your chlckeu are hmo’bld Glbborlsh -. "Anything seem -hortseti%t In Rus- Year-dd-ye. dm, dean, and strengthen your husband. --0ttawt' Journal. aeafftettettt on. “I wsnt a shirt tor little brother," aid . child in a dry goods store. "Whtst also. my do“? How old II your brother?" _ "I don't know-'uctli. He's not vary old. Ho just an: two that m' non ha mu dosm."--4irg " berm. mmum-uouunmm-I “IIIIMNMIIWE I'--------",'. Keep Min-"Ii thmnt In the home. Ram-dint books _ Hymn ad We!“ I MM“,- Add not. boob to your but - by In!“ your QM“ Innis. mu mg hob; .- -- D.. _ _ -_. --" -H - Hail.†d Tool-aha Mâ€. can“ In; .1.“ In» 'beast' - 'rrtth hhye, V, . M all“! N? All -d, Titan-3"“ â€Elï¬n . n g It." al In! - J, c. lacuna“: mum [ I70 KM. " W. Ohm no KMeMnor, ont. woestfUs Bron. Ltd. run and Established 1363 ASSET: OVER 81.4001!!! GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT 31mm ofnrers and Did-0cm" L. W. Shah ..............Pmldcn1 W. a. Welchcl ...c..Vlee-Pmtalt J. Howard summon A. Ba RIch-rd Ruchman J. H. F Jon. Sumter -P. E. 8h: ARTHUR FOSTER ...... Mam B. E. BECHTEL and -, w. R. BRICKER ....... Ilium: G A. BOEHM INSURANCE AGENCIEO, LIMITED nun-M Anon. u an. wanna 'tted?, umatqy-um nus-dunnunn-nut. mom-ummnmv. m. , td enmunulnm flan-zoneâ€: â€â€œ1 A. IOND "on. mun-viz. an. 'rat-eo-"' [in " It.» manual“! may consult action unnamed. " Klng St. N.. GUT PLOW". AND rum mum and Delis:- a Day Tr night Phone Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company R I P A I R I N G noon‘mo nouns Kmvu manna EDWIN HOUSE 27 Erb St. - Waterloo ' 5‘40"“ Vishnuâ€... math†Bechtel & Dreisinger The Mover Trams are (“In good utiuaguon. _ -vrtVr" need no under “up. Ind have Bott spouse ruhbe pads, _ In: tttitttuttttt.E FIRE ItitttlMtiM V Mule um titted u " Kin Bt., W, Kitchener. not: th Poatol’tlco. Par no attention to than n-r, 1nd emgented ether- uumenu when you can so! I better "use rum here end to ion money. with the privilege of [01th. It chased or and It In! “no. 2308 F U N E R A L DIRECTORS mum- wmm MM scum" moomu'rED nu WI.“ can» :2“ harness and Shoes t _ SHOIHAKING. R. M. 'WILHELM any I $60tN0,tt0& A“ NM m- '. A. IOIHI manusc- AqtItttrt" LIIITID RUPTURE -aq.rytie \ Emu-In. 38 (been St. S. Kitchener . . . . .Pmldcm ,Vlcc-Pruldcnn A. Baum J. H. Root -P. E. Blunt: . . . . . Mun-gen 3467le - Waterloo. 073M" low-I than. Phi. â€It! In. linpecton {JAI- e. nus-r, mum. urn-nun an“? - allot-“Wm†GUI-1.33 'u_"rPP5narerrllilrq t.0-0Bttmr,B_.t$lt." tttor,Hotrrg_etsM-. D. B. IOWLBY. In. :44. moi-:2 on. J. I. am. 1'?'PPe.e, up» can: with. In. Thu-infill MFii in. Bt. In“. KIM. much Win-hm mm “a.†ty, Palmer Crude-to curl-m . . _ in King St. Wm Kim-om r," ' Dhomo: Ofneto It28g, Hod. “a. _ DR. P. G. HUGHES. Dentht. Bub nel'l Block. King at B.. Wa Pt---ottiete nu. Ila-m an. . , ' men-m 0.10. I..- "t'.-ktt- I‘m DR. B. H. MCKMU Death! at“ In Moi-on Bunk. wan-loo. M m. . . DR. ll. E. HARPER. DENTIST DR. J. W. HAGEY. Dentist. m‘ 110 Weber Chambers, King ttt. W. Kitchener, Tdophono mm Kitchener. DR. H. M. KATZENIJIIIR. DOI- tut, omco " King St. W. nub oner. Phone 806W. -- DR, [Nomi Apartments. You" I Phones. Office mu. "-1“. DR. A. e. BROWN, "NTIIT Sumter to Dr. U. B. In“ Grants ot Hollow. now New York. Spock! Bttmttitm you to extraction And chum-urn fit“ 01m. " King“ W. {mum - Mo '" . Ollco " William St., Water loo. Phone “In. " Accounum and Audit.“ m Ind Truth“. Aunt»... no. .... 0ttitte in 0dtths11oq" Block. " King at. B., Waterloo. Phony Iâ€. at - Chilton. MO "an. "ammo TH, R. L. DOEKING. Dentin, m I)! to Dr. J. Schmidt. " Kill I. But. over Dominion BI“. (VI doom trom P0Btottitn. KIM phonon: one. “I; m 8002?]. AUDITORS & ASSIGNIIG WALTER D. INRMI I At oerrttorrttt'r"tAr- M tum IL. North INCOME TAX cotmtm Doetar--eV mung-maâ€! FLUFF BUG mm CHIROPRACTIC F. WAECHTER , A. HOLE, cmnorncron MEDICIN AL no wmnwnnm. all u mun-moo vULetAttt- we“. chlropflm DENTAL