1BFrre,8 h an m - I ‘ “gluon-nut.“ Bllt '00me ' tt r" and vary In any “QWom‘u tuna-mum w mumm.hu1 Itl.uftet-tteCf.et Bl , att. I a. null. up. w ,g‘m on tHmmtt m. ltrlii titabareattU wot-Wyn r. . all â€the. Rough but†tcN'tu-rat-rtrtieumtt"'t Winkle†And womdovnln b“ " ttenta u on our In! 'Wk‘uluoh. . x if :lgnltoba wheat-No. 1 northern, 3"â€3158; No. 2 norghem, 81.47%; No. vs" 8 northern. 31.44%, aâ€. the bay. 5 munch: oau--No. 1 feed. 6le; i No. , teed, not quoted. . American corn - No. 2 yellow. “In!†LIV! no“ cucu- _ no†. Atl-ttrt-r' " new}? " ‘MMuood....¢oo 100 W m. choice 0 so T u ‘5 go. by to [nod ....._.. c " ' so .' a. coll-on ..r....e..r. 4 on ' so we» holton,cholco 5 00 T 00 y-cds hit to ttood .r...... 5 00 ' ss - 49. common .q............ 4 " 5 so has» cow.- J,,Sttttd to choice ........ 4 so 5 as "e common to medium ' 60 l 25 T -.. and cutter; , 26 , " We! tmt%-- ' . Ottod to choice ........ 4 M 4 " _ wan ......-..~........ 3 25 Donna’- ....rrmrr.rr.....r... ' 00 I.» but m............".... ' 00 “at: fholco ...._.....r. 4 " ‘lo. ulr to medium.... 4 50 than. choice 'mv....... 4 " -' In. Mr to mediumâ€. 4 " m can ....................hy00 amen e......................" 00 (hive; choice o............" 00 do. medium ....w.._.r..r. 9 00 com'n and gunmen. 4 50 Limbo. choice .............11 " V P"'" .....P.r.__r...r..F_r.Ft.. , 00 go. medium "i"""' 8 00 "a. culls .tF..W_...rr.mr..... 8 00 My, choice I............. 6 50 do banter .........rqr..r. 4 00 do. culls .r........._..r.W... 2 00 i._,%tAm DEALERS' QUOTATIONS .Buckn .....prrr___l Io, medium . "a. calls .m.r..r Show, choice . do heavier .. do. culls ...... Bonstancy Huck-month " car 12 " do. no. ttc................" " do. “(and watered..11 65 Select premium ...m.... , M " , Ocea n- 'Kira-ye/feet'! 'rum-et-tM.'" ku'dmulh“ ““1â€.“3“ luminous-01M gaming-alum A good. honest barrel of "our. priced right and told right, MI won for " hun- drodo of (Heng- from fur and mar. . New cunomers are coming to In daily fttr..the same re:- uom that brought other: in the put. "The mill make. the "our and the flour make: the mm." ' Purpose Seven Lilies use: ma. a ideal (chord p1: -nourforttoth BrmdorPaatry. Always ask for it BY NAME Him PAM Flour (Fancy Pour?) Flour a»? 350 12 001 540‘ 500 660 475 9000 10000 " oo 12 oo " 00 1000 1000 900 700 500 300 manna-r" --titat' _ A' M In“ hwy-0. - m "A _ . tttttet-tta, m Inn you: Inn. "'10-. "996; - - can. nus; new not can. mu. â€('9’ "'-..‘;",w"} J. s'. ' , "Ah = . T; - _ - Bt . plum-:Wur a.“ , 'Phe' 'gikte lamina-'- -- . . 'tittir-'tytrAqttr3, 'gtii"itit reftereet rr6 .tr"laiiuaoiibtriicei-,tt “hma-MW matm-uui-U 4httne6, “Mu†was or in mir Ind: ttr.tretpetMq9trqt.. 'iut-s4t-idt0- -tmrerramttb' In to I; '"igtetamt- im '" “rd-on - an. M m“ au- ",',h1"Jel1Jh'et."td'2arJd cum- mm M "e-" t','dl ',',,1,Wfd'W. rep. mumuurwughu FLTiTiiG'iiGaeitr- m" Y-to. in bag., W"? - " w " man- no. a h ‘M " Wt 'EN. Aunt. 1m.†git In August. Ion ( 'le-"'" bun-'1. Me In ttriots, Thu union tmstert with than otgtaMb. cut an meet- all»! u must». Buckwhut-Per bushel. Me nom- “an!“ "W by on†.0.- lunl. outside. tn eariou, eu. indicate um the noun-t In - by no noun local. but “and: our wmnwm GRAIN MARKET the whom, “mm“, state' at M prion: ' the Union. the Japan“ all. WINNIPIG GRAIN MARKIT Out Moo: ' Whet--Nts 1 Ion-than. $1.405: No."t.isortum, $1.00%; No. ' not- them. 81.31%: No. 4. 81.80%; No. 5. $1.16“: No. 0. 3134*; but 8395c; Luck 'IAN; samba. " 4Mta--No. " 'RT., 58c: No. a c. W.. "e; ext: ". 1 food. ms; No. 1 ma. "e; N. a 'sed, 5035c; to itetmt, 4815c; tr ct. “c. 4 B.rur---No. 3 C.W., 64%e; No. 4 CAF., Inc; rejected, "e; (and. "e; track. “kc. MINIMUM WAGE Elective October let the hull: sultry for Junior clerks in the Cana. dlen Bank of Commerce will be raised trom 3 minimum at $400 per year to that of 3600, it wne_stated in an interview by C. L. Foster. stat! inspector ot that oratrnization. I Mr. Foster pointed out that this stipend was what the term implies, a base on which the remuneration tor the different positions ot that class are computed. It is reckoned on the cost of living in the "erase mall town and where tut cost In greater en nllowence is granted over ‘und above the minimum scoot-duly. In Toronto omens this allowance‘ amounts to 3300. bringing under thi new ttrramrerpentts the salary tor a junior clerk up to $800 per year. In smaller clues the allowance ls smaller. In some cases rooms are given In lieu ot monetary remunera- tion. - If Kidneys Act Bad Take Salts When you wake up with backache and dull..mlsery in the kidney re- gion it may mean you have been eating foods which create scids, says I win-known authority. An ex- cess of such ncide overworks the kidneys in their "ort to filter " from the blood and they become sort of poraiized and leggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you: must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels, removing 3.11 the body's urinoue waste, else you have back- Lstus, sick headache, dluy spells; your stomach yours, tongue is coat, ed, and when the weather In had you have rheumatic twins“. The urine in cloudy, full of "diment, channels often get sore. water scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. Says Backache Often Means You Have (Not Been Drink- ing Enough Water. Either consult a good. reliable1 physician at once or get from your plurmnclat about tour ounce: of Jud Salts; tote o tatrlmooontul in tt slots at water before breathe: for o few day! nnd your kldnen moy then not line. This lemon" colts la mode from the ocld of grape- and lemon juice, combined with “thin. and he: been mod tor you-- to help clean and Itlmulote Illusion kid- neys. eloo to neutrolise acid: in the "It-In. no they no loner Irritate, than often relieving bladder wonk- neu. _-.- Jud Sula ll Inexpensive. cmnot hints and who! tt delightful oner- vascont mull-Inter drink. Drink lot: ot Don nut. kw?“ EL - _,'i,i)j,i,iiij,,iiji' L 'il,', / s.,,,,-,---':;,.'.'.",",', OF BANK RAISED t A. IUIIOWO NW LIIUT; GOVERNOR OF UANITOIA 0am.» “nonunion of and up pomtment ot Theodore Arthur Bur. row: I. 1dmrtmtantANtTerrnor ot munch. vu nude lot _ no will succeed " James Atkins. _ Mr. Bun-mu in . Mn ortho late Cumin John Bunch of the Royal Engineer-u, who" can. In. England in 1809 and VII the? Int settler on the present atte a! A. City of Ottawa. Hig znndlnhcr Ind charge of the contraction ot..the Ridenn Canal under Colonel By. Theodore Burrow; m born In 1867, and "has “minke lumberi‘: Interest: In rtsrtottt, parts ot the‘ West He went west in 1875 from Ottawa, and was elected to Parlia- ment by treclamation in IMM, rep- resenting Dauphin, Manitoba ALBERTA RAISES “M000 1 THROUGH A PRIVATE SALE Mx million dollars' worth of prow‘ Inch] debentures have’jnnt been‘ sold by the government of Alberta to the New York banking house ot Kuhn, Loch & Co. at a price of 92.15 which works out at a. has}: or 4.96%. The issue which has been dis- posed ot by private sale is the no 'ond largest ever put out by the government and til-l provide tor all‘ the financing it will have to do until‘ June of next year. Of this amount $3,000,000 will be used tor remedies en lune falling due Nov. 11, and the balance repre- sents In authorization passed by the last legislature tor the government's current expenditures, including e number of temporary bank 19ml. SAYS CREAM GRADING . HA8 PROVE!) SUCCESS “Alter three months of application ot the Cream Grading Act, we are curious to look around and see if, in this short period, there no any iudlcations that the results will eventually be in the interest of bet. ter butter." writes John H. Scott. Chm aereamerr instructor tor On- tario. in The O.A.C. Review. "The butter. as graded at the Ontario Butter Grading Station, Mtords plenty, of evidence of the "1qieney of proper grading. some creamer-in having more first-grades butter in one week in me than they Ind tn all of the season of 1925 under the "lat-rate system. ", .ODOHO' Mlnard‘s Liniment tor chapped hands. CLOTH 23.3% Auctio- lnlo w -ttoMtBa'e - d "WV“ atgttvt'lL%MMLi: mu nun-utumgf can! 'tor-tre-en-i- www.mummd‘ 1ye,t'ertnTe,'ht,'ra',,'h'"Pldt 'utotai_ttou..trttuttrtqtr Ito-cumuuboc'runnnbhm magnum mor-tr-tttdt-tH amovo-ubumm»wmh‘uuw rasonrst-tbdd6dr. twig III cat. at a. If also who on an " III. in. h it†via and III - uo. MI to can. VALIN‘HNI annual. NV. IchTHOLD. I“! Oct. â€has“; - m - on tho Knew I.“ to: J. B. Webb. Oct. " ttutttrdnry--at i FBL-- Autollowo and - was: ao3.rk.aetiur,atttteq-'q'etu, Wane-107. ‘ ed. a. 1t%trtrdart--att no p...-- Vslgnhlc all “an. oe I on.“ block have with m unnatural. at co Halo tbt., Waurbo, halo-‘- ittg to the unto ot an In. M mm. u, We. Nov. I, (Holman-act 1 n.\ tn.--- Household,- and was wonk- ln; to the “at. ot the In“ John Golhock. nun-nod on the Henson Road, about 1% muo- north-vol! oi Humbert. ‘ Nov. 10, tWed-Ury-at 1 part.) --Ptsrtnstocb, Implement. Md 'ted, belonnng to Albert Manama. shunted , miles north-welt of New Germany, ' [111105me ot WI!- ttrboum and t mile- Ionth ot Ania. No Reserve. l . Nov. 27 ifutttrdary--At I all. nimble -houahold “out on the Kitchener market tor I. a. but. t. M. TOMAN. Auctlonoor. l Nov. M o%rdnF--At ' Ban-) entire sale of (arm Btoet, “mph menu. produce. and hoduehold at upuntod 1 mile cut. of Centrevllle {ecu belonging to Kenn Bauer. on an highwuy. better known a the Louis hm. No nuns. Lunch at noon. o. S. trom, clerk. T a on". "tttqgt We. Wm w. w. "an". mac-nor. «at. um. roam-rill. MW _ 'OEO. 0. CLASS Auction". on. 80th--Dwlinq house and furniture, tools, om. ot9omoh R. Reist, " Main? Nov. 6th iteaturdnr)--atlsstato consisting ot a brick house, and household elects, etc.. of the Geo. C. thI Eat... Dunks Bt., llmin. NOT. MF-of not previously sold); Real minis consisting ot a choice 100 more farm with good improve- ments, good soil, ideal location; also farm stock md Implement: he; longing to the Anson Brubocher Est., 14 mile west of St. Jacobc. M. R. ROTH. Amman» Oct. " (Batardsr)--Auetion ale of tum stock. lmphmentl and (sad at the village of swam" tor James Pattenon. I also have seven] good brim for private sale, unions than one priced at $7,200. See thin one it In- terested. Terms arranged. "tiii-iii-i-ii-rs-s-a-a-u, Your Silo Roof w. w. PRIOKIV. Moor Phone an. WM _ Nov. 17 (Wedneudty) - Auction THE METAL SHINGLE- tk SIDI'NG m, LIMITED. We are now ready to supply tou with Silo roofs of metal, sent it sections with ventilator. Can be erected in a short time by anyone. Tell us the size of your Silo and we'll tell you the cost of your roof. I umv.m...umpu Alaska‘s-gun... “sandman-nu urban-4mm.“ mmuwm tnth.et-eees0+Mt"- Manna-quaint... “muting“ aluminium-nami- mm Bm-held Elects-Id Tub m>maumm at gun .-.-e...-t- -bmtsethetreHt-ssdstat- Aatet-t-,wtttotH-tte,tho-ttr.ttaar,ttertd mmmumum‘hMo-ormmmm t.rttstto-t.tottett.t.te3itret5isv-Mr,r"&-t- cam. “and on no a...“ you will not! to than“. tho Road, that 1% all» north ot-oi-ide-d-ttal hum.“ _ ttt-tto.orstttHtHmttt.t-tte _ loamy; noun-In m. as _ "and out.“ chi-I ot which any “can " 1.30 pm. _ “than" â€out"! almost“ . qrtttnottet-Qtrttta'-tsto The bllovlnx - Purl.- PIIIIII- II! W00! ot who†can. any The knowing - Peerle- Penin- sular kitchen an“ low can! or not, , box Ime- Inf-001 only. Bell hector. ' we. hedmn a“. New Idenl It'll; machine.‘hm corner euphoerd (cherry), org-n. wooden bed-teed. [lug door taobttagd, , kitchen inhlen. sideboard. mun: dank. he! inhle. I high but Ata-a. , gm“ inblen. minor. rock". ' benches, ' kitchen chin. home- made comet. Hey clock. - wand. Innâ€, " lhe. white aunt. all than at bedding. Daily churn. A lot of duhers. hiven ml toxin. kit- chen and cooking nee-uh, m I donhln hem! shot cm. new We cat new, ' cidnr hen-rein. well digging outitt with " feet of mood woe. (rind-tone. nit-AV cutter, 4 Indie“. celhr euphonrd. all kind: ot mason end inventor tools. Ihoveln. 8.000 lbs. att nut and, , cards ot'ehort ttttt wood. torts. hoes. incl-or knives. and my other minke. too I'"',":';': to mention. No lie-ewe. Tenn. Gun; hut-uhhdudwm VIM- 'uuviuumhumu w.w.ranlY,W. -;m “any“ who â€momma-rho ttaLtul.urottuutta.rtte sale of " not. hm. luck, implo- menu and load " In)! " con. 19, Du Zorn. I 31100 southeast ot Tnvluock. (or 81mm Holman. c. M. CMWLEY. Anemia-or Oct, " 1Ytsttmurr-V stock. Implement.- ud haul-hold - belonging to Joseph Yam. 5 all“ uorthout ot Harlot. " pure bred Barred Plymouth Rock pub“. rend! to " Priced right for quick 5310. Phone 110' or apply " Hanna Bt., Wuurlno. .PUBUC SALE ' RAYMOND GOLIECK. WILLIAM GOLIEOK, w. w. FRICKEV. Autumn. Phone 502*. Nata-loo. ED. KAUFMAN. clerk. 4Ht. FOR SALE mri-ttoeutta-eo-db. ttat-tta-rt-tirq. “mum-axiall- an MW. qudtho Town- 'tt.ee-rtt,t.tHmmntrot w. an - "I'll," w: mtunémmotulntu 'gtge..B-rtt.n,R.n.Nb.&wat- manna-unomu that.“ " the all M. my moon of who†chl- the! dull to! (In In. mind noun. DIM an no. by of October. 19M. MARTIN a. slum. a. B. No. 3. Want»; Ottt., HINNO SNYDER. - Incum- ot Illusions bottom: NOTICETO In the Estate of John Golbeck, NOTICE is MY GIVEN. par-nun to the sat-u- ot Ontario. that m maim- and omen‘nvm china Against the mate of John Golbock. Br., km of the Touch“) ot Walledâ€. In the County of Water goo. laborer, does-led. who atied on pr ebont the 8th any ot October, 1036. ere required to lend by post New. or deliver to Williem Gal. heck. Bel-her: P.0., Ont., one of the Executor: ot the will ot the aid deceued. their name- ln Nil, with their entire-see end deleriptione. (all particulen oi their china. end detonate ot the "tetuttr, It my, held by them. on or tr, the 16th dar, ot November. 191 ' when the uld Executor: till proceed to die- tribute the am. or the aid de. ceased emu the miles entitled therein. having rend to chime of which they shell then received no- tice. end will not he lhhle tor the laid met: to en] nemn or penan- ol whose claim they ehell not then ‘heve received notice. Outed " St. Clown this no. day of October, "M. WILL!“ GOLBDCK Ind _ RAYMOND common, FARM FOR “LI " Lot No. l, Con. It, “atom Boc- tion wan-m Township. 100 sci-u " et-od, In good It“. of cum"- dol. good kneel. I was an when. ploughing Boa., but born "xT9. driving shed. w you ad when (and brick ham with “tel-I. drill“ well. Wttl all Hqht a m! but. to will! In an“ ot the lat. lam Harm. For Micah" " ply to n. W. Hamil. mm or ' J. Huron. mun-MI. Emma. 4b8t. m lot TM) II low gt 1" Alb-- Bt., Wuhan. Phone 61'. my 2: “SQ Bohlender’s was» his“. PIANO TUN'NO CREDITORS mentors. Mat. "at. tbat. Arrorr'-tehrs_rpto.d on. a! an. ADI! “all. . m- B-tttm-tmeat-m- Winn-duh...“ S6ererd-r.DtteMoei6_qt' it Bi..q' â€Ilium-Ilium.“ we: ILADI. MAW†Ideal-lam Cider Mill W mu wan-day and fl'hurday throughout the au- VI. will "on m on buy all “rpm n'plu â€on our au- tumn giving us "an work. New “I! hunch. - button- and older for all. In any quan- my It In“! prion. ' f Mnrkett men on WW Elmira highway; tun: hm. but. good had. all than or 8% mile: Iron want-loo. with "undid brick house. an]! burn and chicken tabla. A my on my "menu. ' I h.lL0lliSilnli Clu- lm, K you want one hire I- your chance. Within the (own Ilmlte of Went-lee, e eplendld emell term of eeven ecree. and lend well edepted for truck gardening. A who creek nt"trirm through on the corner at the lend; peed frame home of eeven meme, nice hem. two he» ehblee. end drlve and. A nice lot of dlfNr. em klnde of mm, herd and ed! water. mm the farm Ce In- cluded , 'M"", , hem. t brood eew. wagon. plow, Muller, Miler. creem'eeperetor. e lot of manque, Mm left full trf My. Here be your chence " gel e Moe home-Nur equipped. - um eel-elder en e:- chenge on my property. Gee me em (his. 1 o Acres 3 Acres A Small Farm What have you to on"? In! um. and Amman“ I. Prodnlck CL. along ilk of the Ila-kn landing. K t T c " I N I tt E. J. SHIITZ litehoner Ru. Phono 730'! B. A. STAHL '0' ML! Waterloo VWW‘D'IWII- l unnatural-u... a " was“;