Ti , __ ' In: - u 102): I I pen " , on bfi., ’ lik iii CO', . '3 "$3 1., tY h I" a a I br, Mr. And Mm. C. Jolonon at! family. Mr. 5nd Mm. H. “the! ad bully ot Kitchener. Mr. And In. Rum upper and um “has inner of Woolwich and Mr. w.' Underwood ot Bridgeport were Bun- dny V390†with Mr. and Mrs. In: Manner. , _ . Mr. aatd Mrs. Chas. Bergman and daughter mm visited Elmlrn trund- on Sunday. Mr. sud Mrs. Emry Ruby and child of Kitchener spent Sunday " the httef's mother, Mrs. Geo. Heist. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cornell, Mrs. Winterhalt and Mr..Leo Winter‘mlt of Preston were Btthdar . visitors with Mr. and Mrs Jacob Spied. Quite a number of this vicinity â€tended the plowing match which I" held at Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Will Dietrich and non Ted of Town!» were weekend “than: with Mr. and Mrs. N. Diet- rich. -- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bird and - ot North Woolwich'and Miss Myrtle Snider and Mr. Walter Snider were fmndar visitors with Mr. and Mrs. onb Susie. . Mr. Isaac Umbach ot Kitchener In a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Snider. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobi and child ot Bridgeport spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. on. l Rub Chitst Colds Away: Stop Pains Pain and congestion“ is gone. oslchir'.--Yt .Almost instant re- lief trom chest colds. sore throat, hmche, lumbago folows a gentle ITillri""'""1 rubbing with St. Jac- obs Oil. I Ruh this soothing, penetrating oil right on your, chest and ': like magic relief 'C comes. St. Jacobs Oil _ is a harmless liniment Which quickly breaks "C N chest colds. soothes the inflammation ot " s o r e throat and breaks up the con- gestion that causes pain. It never duappoint's and does not burn the skin. Git u 35 cent bottle of St. Jacobs Oil " any drug store. It has been "iteorimtemted tor 65 yeari. wtil'ii'ipe “INTEL OF was: WHEN LOCATE) “m We! TNECITY '. Raul-an. Comma-G 9143. _ $8.9“ 19.6 8.09348 "EAdittjittaEhTtq- “macaw- FLOIADALE AND 1lital8.gPdrMet it'i1'iii'ii'isi'j'i.'t _iliiir"iii'iiiiai?'iii"! les an. -,tse.eeiatr-.ondttrtr -r"aua"""t'"Pe"r"e, 'N.J.L,Illit- " “In. " In. w. 1.1." of attuA'ts--ivt-umutta. 'erqorThtrr-r.' It. bolt-lulu ain‘t-II n m g a. mm! and to Ink-maloimlrmul In!“ Em to 'ettetV W. 'erotaurrr. W. A. Home: ot no no“ it. "In!“ .tts WI tar "sta,h..artdWwthte.M-r. In. "ieio F. I lumi.ol~1'o- rent) in M a by an In) It. “a In a. a. hym_Juob “not. T Farm B.hd.--ter. lav! later In app-ea of Jrts brill in Wilma: to It. as!“ and». who ml!» on the non fun. It I. undontbod that Mr. not" Intent†to retire from lamina. Bought Jewelry BtaBirt-.-Mr. J. H: Blunder! ot “forum. who purchnud Mr. IB. Appel‘l jewelry business here "may. nrerod In town but weak. Stock-nun: In in progress " the' tore on Thur-d†and he Is now tC for business. Ann-dd Futtqral.-Mr. and Mrs. John Ruthie, Mrs. Louis Rams, Mrs. Louis: wan-um. Mm. Lavina Ran, Mrs, 13mm- Schuter, Mr. John Eidt and Mr. Allen Casual Attended the funeral ot the lite Mrs. Charles Ruthie in St. Mary’s on Wednesday. Delegate to Gomr.rttu"t.---Rev. C. C.' Anderson has srenhuoointed a delegate to the Baptist Convention ot Ontario and Quebec, meeting in Toronto. from the 17th to Mth of this month. The services were held in the local church as usual. _ Property aold.--The property ot the late Miehntl B. Juntzl. on the corner at Huron street nnd Bleam's Road, was sold by public auction on Wednesday by "Auctioneer E. F. Schemr. Mr. John Brenneman at New Hamburg was the purchaser. The price paid tor the 'property was $1,700. Personals. Mrs. Cook and family of Detroit were the guests of Mrs. H. C. Kalb. tieitseh. Miss Mary Reid of Toronto is spending three weeks with her brqther, Mr. Jack Raid. Mr. Harry Krogman was etmfined to bed for a few days with In at- tack or grippe. but. is now improving. Mr. Ross Anderson has returned from the West and Is now in at- tendnnce at McMaster University, Toronto. Mi. and Mrs. John Luehhardt and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Luckhardt of Toronto spent last week-end at the home of Mrs. David Luekhardt. Mr. and MA. Albert Ruthig ot Stratford, nccomp‘nied by Mrs. La- vina Run and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ruthlg of New Hamburg spent last Sunday with friends at Preston. Mr. Harry Williams of beaming: ton spent the weak-end with his father and other relatives here. Mr. Walter Nahrgang has gone to Buffalo. N.Y.. where he has accept- ed a position. He expects to move his family to Buffalo shortly.‘ Mrs. J. J. Reid, Miss Maud Reid, Mr. Anderson, Miss Betty Devin and Miss Grace McGinniey of To. ronto spent last weebend with Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ament were in Atwood on Wednesday attending the funeral of Mrs. Amen's twice. Helen, infant da'ughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. R, Gray. The public sale of farm stock and implements for the ,Misses Klink- man, which was billed for Tuesday, has been called on for the present owing to the denth of one of the sisters two weeks ago. Held 't-tutrt.-ortr. H. A. Brunt held her post nuptial reception on Wednesday afternoon, October 13th, in their specious home on Huron Street. Mrs. Ernst received in the living room, end wee “listed by her mother, Mrs. R. R. Puddi- eombe. end Mrs. G. D. Gilchrist ot Kltch nor. Tee "I served tn the '2rat',rid presided over by Mo. (Dr.) Marty and Mrs. J. Ernst: hire. G. B. Hethewey cut the ices. Other. uni-tins in the tee Atom Were Mien Linton of tun, lies Dorothy Weller of Reyeville. In. C. mule of Baden, end Ime- Mary end Florence Ptrdditsotrstre, New Hun- hnrg. whne In. N. H. Winn nehered the 1Bduq to the tee room. Little Joan Smith alarmingly admitted the any - - were mt from Intel-er. lilnmn. cell. Blelr. Mel. Bunnie. Heron Roed end New mm unumv, 0"!“7 '"T Pan-mks“ out» It.“ as told by teatortoo"Chroeuettar Wildcat. mu Alice WI. anchor In the print, “vino- of the - whoa. '. "tqpdtne the pm (you. t: Mim' convviuu II m- Ind. an to: m1 '- eto-u on nun-y a: my. Mr. “a in. t. M. CMmmllt. and It". Ila Phytordd Wat. . plum: not" My go - iGl.rw mm: a no to... our. ad alumni-hymen.“ dmlln. 3.00.!» m. S=telt?,.",','Stl",'lt in. m In. ninja-aloe of on eteter.,-rei.vta.r,tst-éAr-trr.miaersm- mwmmwnmluwmmmm. aet'or.-ueut-e-tetcJR.-. . NEW â€All!“ m‘mummw “mulls-W mmmmammw. imummmbnnqm lulu-Ithhvluom. . a'r.hi--.te"t_toat," .u no. my: not a I’m Invomtbudlliumh on Mr rum on. ya tttme havoc-W010“ hos-m m. Mr. I. I. - uguu,otu-mw.u' _' “Initial-o! 0311'“:th "mu-(harmless Ruth: lu- min‘n ' '. mini. doqttt M n a clonal. My oi in. Nb- punklhplm‘ouo 0‘34th deed-0d ,m I for.» mount " Hay-ville pad In!» of this totm, having his about eleven you! "er, for a.“ 11th lbs mm Illa. She was I member ot the Anglican Church. Her huh-d died hon " year; no. bet Ibo ll unwind by one daughter. Mrs. David Crosaft ot (an. The tannin- were burgh: hero ad in tuners] yu hold ct Riverside cometary on Thursday ‘altemoon. Mrs. H. KnIttneiaeh nnd 110501410“!I Kalbneitrett visited with Mrs, Pony! tion Watcher yt Hsyullla Int week. lj,?,',', Mn. Harvey Wen? of ammo†spent the week-and at the home at her parents Mr. and Mn. Hm wmum. Huron Street. . an†Edith magenta: and Miss Vera Binxenmn ot Kitchener lpgnt Sunday " the home of their nur- tants, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bingo- man. , Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ament spent Sunday in Toronto. Mrs. J. Laschlnger and Miss Brown spent Sunday with friend! in Toronto. Mr. Wm. Erb of Port Rowen spent. Sunday at hie home here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams. Miss Grace Peacock and Mr. S. D. Peacopk motored to Kitchener. on Saturday and spent the day at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Harry Small. Mrs. D. Becker ls attending the convention in Toronto' thh week. Mrs. Chas. McBride and little daughter Jean of Toronto-is visiting her parents.’ Mr. Und Mrs. Walter Veuch. Mrs. John MacKenzie and sons Kenneth, Harry and Hugh, and daughter Mary. spent Sundiy vult- iug relatives at Moaboro. Mr. Chas. Durrant ot, Guelph spent a couple of days wishing friends here. Mr. Jack Thesher has left for Kit. chener where he has secured a posi- tion. - .7 .-, T' Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sherrms and children spent Sunday at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Langdon. Mr. and yrs. Arch. Shoemaker} and family spent Sunday with 1-de tieeg In Guelph. . _ l, Mrs. Anderson of Ayton is visit- lng her aunt, Mrs. George Forbes Br. Quite a number from around here attended the Provincial Plowing Match at Niagara Falls last week. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed in Chalmer's Pres- byterian (711an on Sunday morn- ing, Oct. am. at eleven o’clock. Mrs. Frank Bellamy has returned to Guelph after visiting (01-.me time at the twins ot Mr. and Mrs. Menno Snyder. A number of young people around here spent last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Bridgeport. The evening was spent in dancing and a dninty 'lunch was served at midnight. AN report a very enjoyable time. Mr. Ind~ Mrs. P. E. Page And daughter Ellen and Miss Mary Hil- born spent the weak and with friends " Fenwlck. Mrs. Simori Weber has undergone an operation at the St. Marys hot phat, Kitchener. Her my friends wish nor t medy recovery. Hrs. Geo. Column punt! nay " the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ornl Column sum-day Oct. M. . In. Henry Schmidt Br., died at her hon, on loadâ€, 013. It. Mr. and Mrs. Nichol and can ot London spent Sunday with Mist Martha Nichol. Mr. and Mm. Josh}: Casual And Mrs. J. C. Hnllman motored ttr Gneph on Sunday. Mr. nail In. Gordon mum an - of Ito-chunk - Band" " the homo ot Mr. nd m. I. M. luv. an In. have.†an Mr. 1 Duck .3. " â€an “and!“ a convention tell at Toronto. Hilton 'n. - In. a M. Plum and It. and Mrs. In: Phylum d Wat. nrfoo with! at no hon. oily. and In I. - m- WINTERBOURNE NEW DUNDEE It. “I!“ dt m "otteyr_to1.e'er'* Inhhldvth. Inoculw-gndlbm mammal-ovum Mr. at In. m m an!!! ion lulu was.“ MI. . --. In mu Bantu luv-mul- aywmnumm-mm. In†mm with Mr. I“ In. Man! summer - Mr. Nor- bert we... Mr. Pour 'tqt.hnrt all that ad Mr. all In. mt lu- nodkr Ind - of Kim». It. You units of m. ups-t and†- the push! Mr. It!!!“ Lop-hut â€out, tho wok-um " ll: but - lean. Aunt an! Al‘- nuc- nun ot Illnll'l spent - with Mr. “(I In. Ala nut-In. loan. you Konrad Norm arosarre inked him. from the Cum-dun Wm dtsrtnq ad out mt. . Mil? Helen Helmhockor of Toma- to II spending . tow _ vaca- tion with Mend: And mktlvu.h this vicinity. Mr. and In. In. Batch] and but ity ot Kitchener were and†et.' torl here. In" Maud halter ea In. Behoudohmsrer of Wcterloo “new“ old netttttrintaateera In (on during the-Mmk. the-Mmk. Mr. Joseph J. Boone] ot Watqritto exiled n the home ot m. “that. Mr. Ino. Bessel on Sunday. Mrs. p. Huber culled on friends In our burg on Thursday. Mr. Herbert Krootsch and mu Emmn Kroetach were week-end vial: tors with their mother, Hrs. Theo. Kroetsch. Mr. and Mrs. Juno. Schnnr'r giant Sunday with Mr. and)“; Jun. Pte' burger. [ Mr. and Mrs. George Richard-on accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burnett Und daughter of Linwood to Mitchell on Sundny. Mr. Alex Kitchen and Mrs. J. Hilborn " Toronto aad- Mn. Wm. Mitchell. Br., of Newton. visited gt Mr. Thea. Ronnie's In: Wedneadny. Mr. Chi-cube Bloke] of Roseville was in this vicinity Saturday pur- chasing turnips for shipping pur- poses. _ Mr. Henry Wright ot Shake-pears spent several days but week in this vicinity, building chimneys tor dit. ferent parties. _ Mr. Christian Gerber ot Linwood moved to the house he recently pur- chased from Mrs. P. Lather (nee Miss Mattie Boshart). The W. M. S. held their October meeting at the home of Dan. Wm. Wilford last Wednesday. At the Close of the meeting Mrs. Wilford served a dainty lunch. The Wellesley Township Plowing Match will be held op October 26th on the farm ot Mr. Noah Eamon, south of Crtyrmtdli. . Mr. John T. Wilford ot Elmira spent seven] and at the home of his brother, Wm. Wilford'a. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmidt and Mrs. Holman attended the tuneful of the late Mr. Fisher " Ctteord. Mr. and Mrs, Dan Gerber spent Sunday with" friends " Newton. \ Mr. Ind Mrs. Andrew Phyford visited friends at Galt and Boon re- cently. ' Mr. Pam. Rennie and Mr. an] In. Al. Ronnie and Mrs. Alex. Bonnie and Mrs. Socord ot Linton] - Sunday at the home of Mm. Albert Knight. _ Mr. and Mn. Chyton Phyford tamlly ot Elmira visited It the hon. of Mr. Thorn" Phyford. Mus Lillie Blunlnghlln of Strut; ford spent the round " " home here. cam“ my: Your can tn head a cgtanh Muppet". Your cloud nostril: will open. the uh - of your head will a.“ “a m on breath truly. No not! III-lung, hurting. Inn-com dnlcnm. CIT nos- or headache; no ctr-nun. for Math at unit. Get I mull bottle at If: Cmn‘ Balm from your can!“ “a "er I little at (III- mcrn! Iii-0’00 era-mun your noun-Ill. n 'e tutu than "on " M I" new mill and bulb: no mil.- or no... In... no mo. am you - told Bond on!“ and M {loll n. we. nun a: "I I. all “an. lull-an . ' . Mitttgrd't, Liniment tor Bore Back, CROSSHILL “db“mi“ dte.terettt_iltrr-"t. mmumlmw ,se.e1netro-te0tmrsea.- “We“ mm" at tuqmntqre.tPett3er.,tKtpte" â€rat's; II.‘ I s?8ti_r'e-ro" In. 1.3.1! at Won} “mmmmm In. Joti but]. In. uni uwmnnmumw Wmmumym. emu-1.11:1 lino?! m. u manl' Ir.m.1.0ttotmm hrWPInMI-vm Imnmvuhushym town-uni â€humane! the ‘Evmfllalcluel. In. m. Ooh-aft“ In Ib- ter," In. M! " "niche an, Aim at Mill; MIA Ll.- tun]. Net" "m the -rst bo- tweon marina and Ill-in. new In!“ ortoHr 4 Mia Flore-co m. m: of Mr. and Mrs, All†I". "In“. m mm“ to Mr. My W. In. at New York City, " Ton-to. - -t---mttms Blyior. I wen-known my: living on the Flor-duo no“. but mm! of his our ad “and mm the ditch and turned out upon its aids. The count was My W but Mr. - “and with a more - up. Hum-Anus...- who. - A pretty church ,rasddtstq In sole-F aired u St. Therese Church on Ion-i dar morning when Rev. ' Arnold united in We mu' Genevieve nurture, the eldut' daughter at Mr. end In. Joani-I winger. to Berry Hahn, eo- of Mr. and In. Joe Fisher of Hitch: ener. The bride-aid In line Vir- ginia Annular And the when. Mr. Wm. Zinger. After the core-E mon the gueqta who]: at n "my; tuoue wedding dinner " the home of the bride's parents. The newly' waned couplejeit by motor on a bogeymoon trip to NM nu: and other points. On their return they will reside in minim. One-ts were Dre-em from Wnurbo'. Kitch- ener, St, Clemente, Steward. Ind Detroit. _ ' Honoutby Fr_--Huq Gono- Hove Manner. the ortraattst of St. Theresa's Church. minim. m pro- monted with a. bountiful bo'uquet of roses by the members ot the choir recently. a. m. a! m mmwm.-lu. Comflete Newt Service of County , It. " am of â€cunt-M corrugati- am can". I "rttetrutr4r “one": oovu~ In. of the hamnlncl In - turn! and - m "can iomd u a what I. going A covnpldh menu-y d mum and Wat-Ho. nun - "qtrmrtr Mr, wool: la n- oqumm ttttd Imam“. . specially ma "In any but! Ind Pol-tonal Kitchertera'td WalnlooNcws column. unlar Editorial Column Current Events and World News Mon you: no - I. up: 1W no u email-n all Woetd [um d trm .- wMe0t to an. anchor - coat-lulu. """'r"' - .04 -eqgtt m EquWLi/bm Which Make if a Welcome Visitor in so Many Homes wmatrrrtoNrattcm--auirrerr--aatrr"tt"' I "aorrr-rrhtotthehludtrt'tt_ Waterloo Chronicle The Waterloo Chronicle kt Special Features of the Nt In)“ “than at Dotson. In. upon-tow '00thth tr-ntMa-thtrtathtes. Mr. so! In. Ah- loohol spent on by lat no! a Mr. Ina-dirtlnioimvud Mr. ad In. on». was! and dash- tar not! in“; with trknd- at Wit-rho. In. C. Luna tul “to! Anna. ttnd.tmaitton-torurdariaat Hook gt Ila-Mutt mu no}. m-Im the week and with triads at mum. Illa Kahlua - _mnt Mon- day with trund- " Wot. in. B. Marmot Btttton I: Tttr. was not puma, Mr. and In. Wm. but took Mr. Henry but: db covered In his m a cabbage held that not.“ Jury-6v. inches In clrcnnbmeo via the lave: on and fortune the†arittt them off. Out you but thitor enbt-.' Min Helen Echelon ot Strut- tord spent the week and at her home here. (Too ht. tor but week) Mr. uni Hrs. B. W nnd hm- ny nad I!†G. Sella-Inf of Kit- chener mm Salty at the home of Mr. and Mn. P. H. Salaam". Mu. Hetherington ot Guelph is spending the winter months with her niece lire. Peter Anni. Mt. and In. Herb Kittel sud Mn. Max Koch! went one My last wont at Kitchener. Mu. H. lb! ot Hanover mom , few any: In: week with her but. hull! hm. - Mr. all In. mu! Garth â€Vuh‘mka-‘Mu ,1 "tol cgg"da'gfa't'tt Iu-nlohod "tt Sudan - Rein-1’0 Lat, - f - Wat-400 be, LINVIOOD Serial Story and Humor Column For the aluminum"! of It. - than I. run nah not In aburblngly mun-ting "rial nary by 1 ml! known author 3nd All. a humor column which wlll help to chm the blue. my. In w: column will In MM an In!“ â€(on /1n on»! In Gandhi: and uh" mark-u including no. on "V. dock. grain Ind product. Thou furl-M an n- odlcnt orido to tho "not In M. buying and Inning. Auction Sales. an Exclusive Feature Up-thate Market Reports the Chronicle In roman“ " lulu putany the loading madlum for Ml» um and lt - tba announcement at practically only all. and In an. - In wlda all-amnion In the mom. rural elm aumundm. murmur and WW loo "an“ a paniaularl'y thorough man In. a! m. tarhtory with arrow" noun- " m amt-that. ur. ad In. In and" :11 humor and" of Kim-Ia Tir Ital with It. and In. A. out: and Mr. and In. A. Show; an ill- In and In. M. soon: and a.tttrtst.r, Ala, of New Dumbo that Sunday with Mr. and In. A. mora. in. m: In. A. south: in: au- dren ot Ito-chunk - and†with Mr. Ind Hum. Hahn. Born on may. Oct. 15, to Mr. mad Mn. Wesley Bnritaer, I dam- tor. Mr. Ind In. QM: Butler of Sandburg "Mted with Mr. and In. Win. Detwitiar on Sunday. Mr. and Mn. Lloyd Seott of Proc- ton visited with Mr. And In. Geo. Hnuey on Sunday. Mr. and In. Hilton! Poll'md children in Stuntman visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Poll on Sunday. Mutt Oookmn an! Mr. [Anon Hanna]: of Wntorlo visited at the home ot Mr. And In. A. stun: on Smithy. " , Kr. and In. Lorne mm: ma non! of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mm. L. M. Knut- on andâ€. Mn. Norman Snyder is visiting with relatives in Kitchener this Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rhine and daughter Dorothy ot Kitchener vu- Red with Mr. and Mrs. A. sum: on Sundny. Mr. my! Mn. A. Drlnhuter uni daughter Catherine ot Gait visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Lem) on Sum dif. _ In: Mildred Helm of Plutsville visited with Mr. and Mrs. L Helm but weak. Waterloo. Ontario ROOIVILLI