.‘r ' I New- of Interest J I Around Town WATERLOO IARKET At SItIl'W'I who: {must “a a. sold " 85c ud_40c (or tho unnu- and 454: M We to: an m- m. Pontoon which we we" we. told " 83.00 pet has. Applu Mount 55c at! Me per W To ARRANGE FOR HORSE GROW AND - . CHRIOTMKU MARKET The committee unpainted to take charge ot the tunnel cud-tutu Home Show met this week to make prelim.†‘trmzemenu tor the event. It in the purpose to iaratin nuke It In out-tending event. Bo. “elation ot cub donations I'll! be commenced lmmedintely. The Christ- mu Market committee will the meet shortly. V Manors. L. P. Dietrich, H. B. mm. Hcwtiter, J. Ludwig. Goo. 'Grou, "Dire" Sham: 1nd J. Barnes com. pose the Hora9" Show committee. while the chrutmasr'mariret commit, too members are Geo. Holman. J. H. Smith. H. Jmohl. I. Snyder. W. D. Brill, J. Baum. Dan Bohlouder In 3 member ot both committees. GERMAN HERB DOCTOR Is AGAIN â€(so m Waterloo police coan on Ph. dar Arnold Kmlor, the Gama herb doctor. var-found guilty for ttte" aetettttd time of branch‘ ot the. Ontario Medicine Act by illegally brretiettw medicine sud Jiiittrust 885 with costs ot $11. The mush- tnte noyever. aid the one could be appealed within ten dard to the his-her court. adding tttat lad lad better be .ndvleed n to what In loony right. "If does seem unfor- tumte. This man in dolng good, no they any and yetrlln't within the law", sold the magistrate. ' WNWWW Authqoturllumw Mitt-ere-git. mmudmnw- mum-uh; t-.inqc--tartdaret A.-._..A_unn.--III-.. --isstoshMerttht- JAN SEN OPTICAL M. MEMO-“MOIâ€. , lulu lut- " PW“ It. tttteh-rs was“ in . mu Low-I inspector Barker of the Ontario Medical College outed the: the proper ltepe for Koegier to an no that he will remain within the luv would be to lave his medicines pat- ented and then apply for I license to soil under the Patent Medicinei Act. Much interest is being taken in the can. _ . Genoa] delivery hone. reliable driver. Phone 2063 or apply " 151 Queen St. B., Kitchener. an. Wm Used Cars 1924 Chev. 4-pass. Coupe f924 Ford Touring, like new 1923 Ford Roadster 1922 McLaughlin four Touring, good Tires, Duco Finish 1925 Chev. Touring 1926 Olds Coach 1925 Dodge Coach 1924 Ford Tudor, like A Splendid Assortment of Up-to-date 1926 Ford Coupe, Duco Finish. Ruckstell Axle Snubbers. etc. 1923 Chev. Coupe _ 1924 Ema: Coach 1925 Essex Coach 1926 Old: Sedan 1922 Ford Sedan 192.0 Ford Coupe 1925 Pontiac Coupe I J a" mat I may tl .WW Dobbin’s FOR BALE iltitC.' by: u. [In mm r Gem's Mme?“ be 'rtttid ' ttttJef, , __ Company Ind Dub ot ttuiu'3tretdum"'ti "srtriedciti-otthectmmaiiPn .:‘- - in pee-I h m (an a: Mr. m Iii. VII tree any m "all; am e we at In an: an» out .1 ya! no emanated lie nun-en MN“! aettrttuq with um he} - been connected: m the "at part. of December " hemgh' uni-ted Invoke.†he "e' otqrhtetrutitrrttsttreot't"er. mm mm..- n-ttated Me oog-grt to ma hon†"l Wart In; at... Kitchener. when In - ed may. no we: In Me um yeer. KatNe " Huron County The hie Mr. Ruby we: horn in Hey Tormatrtsr,' Huron County. on November â€than", hem the m ot Mr. all In. A. 1. no». He Ind been I reeldent in this community tor my you-e. heme come to the t city with his parents when but e I led. l Long‘AuocI-ud with Mutual Llfe t In the year 1886 when a young man ( ot 19 years or age the late Mr. Ruby 1 bee-me h Ileniber of the.statt of The Mutual Life Assurance Com- pany and by succeeeive etep'e attain. 7 ‘ed e position at increeeed newnei- l mun, until he reached the import- , 1,'t position of general mun of that compeny eight years ego fol- _ {lowing the mains or the lete l "1eorges Wagons-t. In 1902 he wilt, ' made ectnery ot the Compeny. which we: followed by his trppotntmemt, flee you: later, to the poeition ot lemury. which he held ID to the you 1918 when he beanie general manner of the Mutue’l Life. This otrleq, he filled for eight years. or| until the beginning of this year. when he (elt impelled to relinqnieh the position on wconnt ot ill heelth. He, however. continued his can» Non with the compeny he e member ) of the Bond ot Directore to which he wee elected in ms. Thlrd Integer of compeny ' The lete Mr. Ruby wee the third meter of the Company. me two media; meager- being the lete wuuxm Honda end the late George Wmt. By renoh or " long connection with the mum at. end " Intinute knowledge at the wand principlee end ecience ot lite insur- enee he wee eplendidly equipped to " the once which he eeennled ht I very critleel time‘when we: end Former Gav-oral Manager on?» Mutual Life and for Many Your. Prominent In the Commun]ty. . WWII“. or H00. IIMII AND "TT" no. â€he†II otrFtt If. "attsstetetetaatrear.wt". i) wrwludolmno-hh 0min " mm. 1- min “Wham-aim with any. nuns-mm". an mmnwmm [Mmunahll!!¥“". hnmrmmm" mmmmlmmum "inc-bun and an a. mdw‘m‘g WASJN HIS 59th WAV. THE LATE CHARLES RUBY “it-â€h-unnlotluuhhd th- mm at W}.- up In â€a “in: than all m.“ m - m In .7“ nun-m†te My an m'w b that. “up - an invin- ti, tho my w W by quett a: tuna m h m- um- ot in with catch!!! - new you: a a up!!! his mag. to bob; an! In: all“ no" and -. is him to no“. a. -einatt and Jam of tho Int-3| Uh. "v 1 win. - cm..- 1 Out.“- m "an ol luau-o. mi late Mr, Ruby uhovod tttAtt to b. a public spirited email and kink snare-M in the walk†" m comm-Mu. H01“. alum-rand and devoted Ionic. u . aim of the K.-W. HospicsLBoud'lnr - In". In connection Mth' rhi¢ up held the presidency for n time. and I130 as member ot the Public School Bond ot his home city. He was also an netive member of the Waterloo County Canadian club and wu honored with the presidency in 1918. Active In Church Circles In churdh clrclee the late Mr. Ruby also gave generously ot his time " a leading member ot the New Jerusalem Church where he wu superintendent ot the Sunder School tor muny yen: and coin- into, it well a lender ot on; choir tor A number ot years. _ We: Highly Regarded Hie genie] perm-“w end com- mendeble public abirit earned for him the high regurd ot hie fellow citizens and his former buinen neocintee on well u I wide clrde |ol friend: who learned ot hi pede- Iin; with deepeet regret. In 1894 hue- Inerrled to Annie May TTmsdrr, (hunter of the lite Wm. Hendry, who "Irvine together with one dunner. Mildred, and two none. Cecil end Llewellyn. ell of the any oCKitettmMrr. He ell!) levee one brother, Cttrutiatt Baby of Hemllwn, OhIo. Tho (“ml will an - oi than o’clock this (“anâ€) 0M noon. Following . "rviee st " lit. residence intern-om till be mall. in loan: Bop. can-cm. n. "can of the New Joruulom Church. luv. All)": Dionhnh. will have churn. naturist srrrqathr ot thet tNt$BNt$qt. my In and! bore-venom. comma» ot no for the vial. ct "It Tillman: and [Wo- meht "I'm, no (a our-Inn. New, town. “I! a hm In In in. pol-km a“ nor! a- pon!" not. than in not to gun Juana/MM“: Form bee no - â€I!†M I. lock m 3!... an I. u not out â€Wham-bot human , u: cut. will“ no "u-. out. “minnow of {to yet! are of u good MW " gnu-mum man " hlwm-Q†..-itai9-t,teett."'" n an an, wm be "and Q F% A -tsés at ts-tttttWi" mung-Inhib- mice a-rqeMrte6eosear- vi- the In!“ II. n wnnwnmuusu -rttnRtt<--NMttNgtqqb In. an mil-I hon. a“ -tt.Wata.hsortthqptBtkts- Hmttd.stter-eM.r.Art- mteur-tedtutttqhttiel "mu-est-ta-ttartist,. he! - “I I†u the lat new It we! vol-tel m a one o! the We that die-eel - were W W â€In at eel. ‘me in." on!!! at -tiqtt this routine would he no“ The -tien e! - e dae- - to are“ the M et the Inna! m a! the - M e! M who Ion out an: the Non-her meeting. T A Motion We unwed to soy notional move-eat enact-ken «new. my to. ttgt/ wee new! - on motion of Mr. Arthur m. Mt. Mr all there were my mole ,mhtstq in meta-u- m on not In" In: Dig. ninionylh! ie celebrated eeeh year. The newer-nary next yeer would he egood tune, nip the - to im- vreee upon the minds of some people ‘he reeeon tor ohlervins Domlnlon ')ay on a holiday each you. Rename» a, Condolence on motion ot Preeldent Cree-nan.- u-d Arthur router a resolution or condolence waa mood to he tor- werdod to the family of the lnte Julinl H. Root, President Creamer: referred to the deep end active ln- terelt deco-nod took in the work ot the Board of Trade end other or- mnilatione in Waterloo. _ Sande " Exhibition _ Precldent Cree-man said that _ loot! clunene wanted to know why the Waterloo and has not been ensued to play " the Toronto Ex- hibition for my year- out. The meetlon will he dtnet-d further " the November meeting. my Hold Bouquet "t u likely that mother banquet! will be held this you in November. _ The matter wee left to the executive council to decide whether e banquet is to be held. , Humor. at school mu mom to ' 01w of Motor Car Used I try Mr... SPECIAL CoeteMrrrlEE - 'ro 3891mm SCHOOL NURSING In future " uhool nut-in; will be under the ennui-bu or I DWI“ commune consortia lam. J. Bruegemn. M. IE Bmdk. Dr. C. T. Hacker and Mn. B. C. Tweet»! the Public School Baud Ind Rev. ‘W. Marrr end Edger Bauer of thel Sever-ta School Bond. This union we: d.eidtd upon " the realm“ meeting ot the Waterloo Public School It a meeting held recently. The funds to any on the work vill come from A levy ot three-tenths ot a mill levied on each bond. blame. of Motor Osl- Owing to the heavy oust oriaie inx o motor a: for the use ot the school nurse it was decided to dis- pose ot some. The Bond recom- mendod that the sour] ot the school some he W“! 8100, she to re- ceive $1.2M yeti}. It In point- od out Out the Kitchener school mm tor tNm.mt' Schools did her stark 'vithout I out and the some would be done in Waterloo. _ - Annmarie. Good The school sitendence tor Sep- tember was 96.1 per cent. for the Central School sin! ".7 tor the Abundrs School. Prinoinl Me. - ms “(horned to visit schools tn other citie- to secure new idea. on which 0-. want all! mm!- o the Ont-Ho 1BquiUtM Life, In commune“ the "no"! of portion: of a. mi brick and min (an. MIMI“. ,uteteAqrueahoet.et. bet-(mum no work will - About two Ina-midi: the mmmmnnummnd whmMu-Mor ntnnmmhhf-uuuh It. In W PM“. “thwh-olim 'e-ora-tttoe-te "$te8' -tee. the "ttimr an 'IO' mummuhb lilo-IIWWIOM. BNittER MILLING co. . uovmo autumn. non "at!" an The Snider mum Gummy, which Ion. an. no sold an no. ",tttr-toe8rtI't amhnowmh°m ummnmme "" “M M " II momâ€...- hat not ouriut-ie.'tMr. it an It†{martin-m nu To "an": Oehllur . V0.9. The We took pine n bt. Pnul'n Lutheran church on Oct. Tth of Louise V0056. daughter of Mr. and MrtrrHerman V0039 ot Bridge- port. and Albert Schiller. son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seminar ot Water- too. an. Albert Orson omeutrng. L Martin . Hendereon l The marriage took pines " Buf- falo. Oct. 11th, of Miss Manuel mun-mu: Henderson. hunter of Mrs. Mary L. Henderson ot Bunnie, to Anson Russel Martin, Kitchener. They will reside in Kenmore. N.Y. Shh-k - “not The mtsrtuges took pines quietly on Saturday at the gnome ot Mr. End Mrs. 1.1-1. Shirk. Controvme. ot their son .1th L. Shh-k to Mitn End; Sailor. angular ot Mrs. Dnvld Senor ot New Balm, N. J. Tue. ' CPD“- mn dilemma. Mr. and Mn. J. L Shh-k will have for the Mennonite Mnrybom Mission. Mooretuid, where they um assume ohm-go. l Waterloo' Star? " King 8&8. Phdngw _ I .. 'fic, l s-oaata. FUh Ih-etuu I Excelsibr Poi-i; Hutchieon - Roach 0n anarchy in St. John’n Angli- can church, Kitchener, the marriage took piece ot Edith Roach, daughter ot Mr. and Mn. Roach. London, Eng- land. And Albert Butchhon of Kit. chener. Rev. mustard officiated. They will reside in Kitchener. Ecknoln . lock-r On Suturdny the marine tool phce It the homo ot Mr. and Mrs. vu. mum. Kitchener, ot limb: a, hunter of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Hacker. otiohtrood, and Reuben a. Benton ot Kitchener. Rev. H. A. Sprung otneHttrte. Ther will."- aido In Kitchener. _ My!" - limb no marina took place on r,,,,,.) do? It at. Peter. church puma“: ot Mn My. amt-m ot Mr. one! In. M. Hon-i. ot Kitchen! to John Snyder. non of It. “Id 3m. David Snyder ot at. Jumbo. Tiny will ' Mdqtrt Ruck.†following o wedd- ing trip to Cobainâ€. Ohio. hum: . Mr I Albert Fulani of amber! no - m. daughter of Mr. and In. Will. Peter of - "to - Ard It‘ It. “In“ â€than an". on on. “a. an. sol- Mn-lur emu-3‘ My m to a“. ttt m. - . 'tmrs-r-sitio"" mmmmm; soqtnd,rodstitmry1tq, Aaron We“ loaf-um! I 11ehttegN'it'eSr. ILMMIII WING“. an. no gm cue-M “I mun-MM - " ' mmumm.o an n. mun-mama'- 2gtLW2u"a"lult “Ihot â€GI.†T" "WIS m was... Tokay an...†thl “at m of am an» and '-6ttrrs, 1 In In. Grandma. My Poke than. mm. Te, ' hr Da. an. it. I for no. Table '1'. and». in†Sun-L III. with than! aromatic n-." Par In. at. Valencia Kahlua. South African. “an: "not run. m. 18a. Eagle Blueberries 2£ins35c F L O U R on"! brand Fairy. Silver our Fairy. Otd Hanan-l. blond-d. 24 lb. hag ....-i.... 31:06 Five Rout. pun Unil- uu, "er no ...' $1.30 _ C I I I A L I Roll-d Oatmeal, new! Meal (Farina) Quick and“ Oata, per pkg. rr........ " Extn Choicé Luttle" Finnan Haddie lb. 15c Fillet Of Haddie,, lb. 19c tTdiieUss Codfiah tb. Ih: nib... New Fruits at Popular Filed}. WEDDINGS OTA'ID WWI Lloorloo l, ALLOORTO l Spool-I l Preserved 604818 30e .... 39e lb. Mu. Gun-go Parker . The death ot [In Goo. Puke! ot Chicago, brmorly dt Kitchener. mil daughter ot Mr.nusd Mm. Wm. Bit“ ot Kitchener. occurred on Odin, Hrs. Conrad Fennel- The death occurred ae Waterloo, Oct. 13th, of Mm. Mtisabeth Fenner, wife ot the late Conrad rennet. into died in 19,10. Mrs. Fenner, who no born in Ninth Bentham in IM8, is survived by six lone and when dengue", The tunenl took place on Friday hat. interment being ins made in Monet Hope cemetery. George (Valence The death occurred d Howell on Oct. 13th ot George o. Suntan, formerly ot Waterloo County, where his tether was’ formerly realm: He was aged " years. He wee mer- r'ad la 1878 to Anne Fennel. Ulster ot the late Mn Fennell, who enr- vlvee him. The romaine were brought to Kitehihtttr end the burl.) took place on Frill". Inter-men be- lng made In Mount new cemetery. w I“; u _ Tho-n." tE ............,..... ". . ind. to m W. “at. al- -........ub In Law ala- .................JL - Indium datum“! In. a. Mb! om........8 Its. 1.. Glue My from pmaMmi' chum. plump m. not gonad .....-.....--.-L. I. anon Ctt.rrua, Betts . ban-um! d ation lot aka Wm. .'.t1...f..'.r.f.'.1'.'.fl.U.'. 1|. Mn. Thom. Oven- Muy friend: will regret (11va ot the death ot hire. Thom. Oval. who weed any euddenly u her home on Tuned†morning in '"t 64th yen. she in a mum nem-‘ ber ot the Fir“. United church or. Waterloo. â€1 m _well no" lo. celly. Sh ', zareired by her lor- ‘mving husband. three allure end one brother. They ere Mm. J. Frey, Toronto. Mm. Is Patch. Toronto, ‘Mre. J. Stun-t. Goderich, and Albert I,, Guelph. The Nnerat we: held from her late residence on Wed-eo- dey eitenoon " 2.80 o'ettiek. Inger- ment was made in Mount Hope GfiiiiG.' WettuuNrs-At Waterloo, Oct. 17th. to Mr. and p". Wm. Walnut", a daughter. Marth-At Vittoria), to Mr. and In. Hymn that. . non. 1 Weber-At Wuurloo. Oct. 10th. to Mr. no In. Anon Web“, I auditor. . (I",':)'.'".':,':-:,' w-unoo. Oct. t, to Mr. and In. it P. minimum. 3 my. . home-Oct. c. " out. Il-' - ~‘ ca; CrGi'Ti'GnCda"i"i"ai'al tt - 'e . a t .." - A --- _ --i__, ___AWmth-nyumw --oet.tatm$ettrfeeBte -t.-_3oatrqtttuWeett-eB. loll m " out. In. W Mb 7'" irriirCaiiuiu4 mm- '. IT. a. m a. a. Opal-I, th. ..‘ Toma-'- “a... Malâ€... than, 390cm, lb. .... Graham Waters. For m. .. Social Tu, _ c A N D I E O Gum Drona. lb. ............ 15¢ Kern"- chocolate Ban. 2 hr tbe Jenny Cram Ghoul-tn. lb. "m...,.,.. Marat-mallow par m. ......... M â€DWI “but. OBITUARY “MASH BISCUIT! DEATHS 2W.- tty 10¢ NOTICE TO Choice 2eyi,iyii: an: vac. in. his: s,1ictgi.tiieeitr""rli,,l, , â€MW . "3-" Pug-"Omi- Crystal Sugar In the Estath of Otto Heals-a and Anna “which. Dee-de _ NOTICE is 3mm: -r.",iaR par-M40 the sauna at on“ "i-trd-R that on creditor. and other: huh. f, chime extinct the - at v I? much. we at the Tongue ï¬gg: Waterloo, in the county of Womz'fc Gentlemen. deceased. win.†'eral or ebont the not: any a 'urttiie'"-e,s'h't 1915, end Anne Hemlock. hie Ci'iir7r,j'"iv,l?ti, who died on or uhout the no; 'ir',,tditi' ot my; use. are required to J'lr'tki'C,ii$., by post would. or deliver to I“ rick' are", " Menno Street. Waterloo. 1:; Ont., surviving Executor of the .- ' g tote of the aid deceued. their. . i"','; nurses in full. with their eddreuee. f re end descriptions and full Denial-n t 2 of their chime. and 'rPton"'"* of if the security. It any, held by them, - _ on or before the 15th day ot Novem- _ l her, 1926. The said Executor wll _ proceed to distribute the em ok the sold deceeeed Among the neme- " ' entitled thereto, hevlng regard at! to chime of which he then then‘ y have received notice. and will not " " liable for the unet- to my per- J, ' eon of whose chin: he no“ not." then have received notice. ". Jg I‘Rupturg. Col“ mini. omtrht- M It hotllneorrhl VIVID mat' our 'ere - nppmchod For value: a pal-hot blond of mam Monika†It oxopptlonally law who. 15c per lb; NEWSEASON’S M'NCEMEAT Thistle Cord Dated the m an ot account. mm l JOSEPH GROSZ. " Hanna St, Waterloo. on. Surviving humor of the Otto Hon- bush mu. "ot nut-“Mary A Wonderful Homo fromâ€. m an on»... ttite - . is-ttart-aka. H! I. . "arr tho on has a$ttreqtq W, Ft' Mad «mm 'g1"lrlltlg, !lt' a. - v.- - a, . _, M. . - ‘hI. It _ m" li and a. Mama-lb ,,. on I... a In. M, MI, "" l an â€3 In. H. David. Rhett Baht..- em. writ": “I an M b that you for the medial. tr? colvod I yen and I m "If no approximately. aad tor at wonderful help it nu boa w an. Mar I received the - can, I only and It " anâ€. DI- lowIng the min to the m um my legs wore I“ Thnnkirtq you for your httt.d to sum. You My. my - Mon to no my m M - mm 1nd tt it will In) 'ttMe. iFiriitiiiiitret.tte than wttt Do Just a m tor the hauling of val-loot. ulcers. runnln' “mm eta., while worklng. Wrm M pal-“Mun. to Mum Malta. 001% PM“. Av... Whining. 10"60e 3""86t 2 P" 21e CREDITORS f; 21e 47e