Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Sep 1926, p. 5

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Wmh- the tow m chvoy ot “an: Bard um Jot be 'rrthq trim AWARDED CIMIFICATI Mr. Hound Dianna: of WM 100 bu been "and to Art Super VIIOI'I eqrtifieate. Mr. Dion-m no tended an “wharf “mm? school at the mum College at Art, Tor. onto this you. " I News of Interact I Around Town“ BUOCEWUL HoRTNan.TuRAL _ EXHIIITION m ',il'lr'll'dli/ . The films! exhibition of the Web“ erloo Horticultural Society held int week Inn . splendid succeu. the duping of flowers and "(emble- being highly crediub‘e to tho ex- hibiton. Mr. Scheiioie mm mi a fine display at ghdioli as also did Dr. Selma" and L. J. Ptieh. The nation] children'l exhibit wu oiso a crediuble one while like vegetable display Ill excellent. gi-ttttmst-tttst-ttit-tum""'""'""""""""""""""""""'",!,! - = omit-um -tr..a..tnAei-d tut-tum“ JMSEN OPTICAL M. "e --sett.tn-tn. -er-o'-"t. "uh-“Ami“ w. I .. 9 I = i"liAtmmmtuttmtmmamtmtmnmtsttttmm'u'mtt"tm't"utmm"' " Jada“ In. mm. - mum m. . am Luau. . Jun- SUFFIRED IMKIN LIO SMOOTH IN OPERATION I give defends on how thoroughly Your Eves are examined. Steeles stteciatize on thorough examination: of the eye. O O.tric,e .' 2 doors West Capitol Theatre Kitchener The Satisfaction that Your Glasses will _.'-... AAA-null. An Ian-nu thnv.nuo‘hl1l Your BUY OLDSHOBILE WITH CONFIDENCE [out you old m ot ot Wnurloo toll on “and! I (”and mum can” ammo " King Sti, wank» TAKE the wheel of the new Oldsmo» bile " and run up the entire speed Ttt Whether " tive ' fifty-five mites an our, ou will tin " unbelievably Imooth. 1;',',',L'r' the hood of the Old; mobile Six in I power plant precision- built. Simplicity, compactness and acces- sibility have been sought and attained. '""""' .....- he" ,-_- - In workmanship and materials there la a quality found mung only in much higher priced can. elicate teatin equipment aaaurea the precise balance 0% the crank-aha“. in every poeition. run- ning and standing. In addition, the patented Harmonic Balancer minimizes every trace of periodic vibration. The Harmonic Belancer ia abeolutely auto- matic In action. rmuirlng no attention or adjuatment. C ned with the pre- cielon workmanship throughout the car, it "ords an unrivalled ernoothneaa of performance that will be a revelation. even to the driven of larger and more ‘ expeneive can. .Only at the wheel can you eapferlence and .npPreciatt the amooth. e ortleaa performance of the Oldemobile lie. (It. ' I. m - m _ _ J'tTAgr,"a.f,T3lltl: II~OI‘UI!""|‘ id,ti Garir7GGi"rariii'"iTiiuF--t_'te"- wzrumu‘mum t" ’ - S.'lat.T,tdrtt t,ledtTlptFura ""“' - " "mm": mu‘uhmm‘ 'f."uL"MteMTNt=! MW _ TI. “.08“ cl tho W Mani-Wham: tummy-gun”! RIMIII moon Inducible-album“: to Mail). Mm hum-mmumm mow-mm an “imminent". but [and . The in“ “and " New lull- Iu: Friday Sept. 1. ot Mr, boob but [allowing . Myth stroke "ttered, than (by. no. Tho m Ir. this! In one or New In.- burg's you nominal but-q. nun. huh: be" - b the mutil- huhuu I." (or our (on! nun. no in In Mg TUt yw M m betm " PM but - an!” All In timttgtse - jumbo". In 1:13 I. m Inn-Ind to cum-n llama. who mam a hl-‘ln 1919. One Ion mo m deco-sod him In 1001. no in ur- vIvod bf on. antertar, In. um- otté notion-r. lid on Momma". Henry A. in": of New Hummus. Mr. Arthur Woods nu returned to London to rum» his duh- " member ot no Mull} " th- Wet tom when“; " London uni-Int In. am In “ammo he manna the home.ot " menu. Dr. and In. C. Y. Noockor hue returned from their vmtlon. _ Mlnard's Llnlmqm tor Bore Back OBITUAIY "I801!” I Me 191 " WATIIL” rife, 9y Y] ter.--',.'"'". atrial-“Ia. Info! In. an. In. " WmWMWCI Inky. _ main in. an null” mm W In. at 'tttah- mzwmmunwm Manny-hum“ voduMcnhhlhnuvgok. att-eo-toe-V to: with! no! In" my- mumnphuumm Mthedng. ,ou.ar.tomsrtsa.tu- In Bee Hummu- npeodyroeovm. .‘ Mr. lolvil Home“ " mm - labor Dunn-hon Mn. Mr. In. - ot WW -, wmimnuumm' Mr. Chm sum at Vial-loo amt the how: with " menu Ion. . _ '. Tho-In! Mm! In!” m.trteat,rtttte-toh-thnt muonmmkuu. _ Mutt "an”. Polaroid ”can“ to not Iciool In Dumb “(I - Ruth Bowman ”comma her u mr " Toronto. Hours. Lam Wom- Ind Huh Inmy loft Int mm for the West. Hos-n. Chas. WtnBoid, Ro. but Howell “(I Ids" Devin un 'on the newton: awning. _ -- The descendants of the inte Ilr.li end hm. Jeremiah Leteon ather- t ad on the old home tern. new on] red by Rhodes Mann. on Tabor Day I Yor I Centennlel Picnic. it being one hundred years niece the term wee 1 taken up out ot bulb by our eerly I Lemon once-ton, " we: bought by 1 Rhodes beteon in the yeer 1m 1 when this pert wee known on the County ot Heimn end Dietrict of ' Gore. end wee paid in I 8 D. The I second deed we: to Jeremleh Dotson and the third one to Rhode- Leteon. t the present owner. there being but ,three deed- in the 100 yearn. The , original deed; 100 you" old, in etill in the nonunion ot Rhodes Let-on. l There were about seventy present end name were not able to be pro l sent. Those from I dietence were: Mr. end Mrs. Alt. Harrell end tam. iiy ot Herniiton. Mr. end Mrs. Torn Detect: Ind family and Mr. and Mn. mm Demon and iomiiy of Kitch- ener, Mr. end Mrs. Harry Lind-u end inmiiy ot Guelph. Mrs. T. Mor. reil and Eileen Morreii ot' Elmirn.’ the Mines Eleanor. Grace and Ellie Brooke of Brantford, Mine Poul Juno end Mrs. L Miller and non! Johnnie ot Elmire. he being the one greet great grandchild. end Mr. end= ‘ hire. John Minn of Belem, he being the one remaining brother ot Jere- mieh Letaon. Mr. R. Bani of Guelphy and Mr. end hire. Byron A. beteonI of Conestoga. the met being trom. this vicinity. The afternoon we: most en’oyebiy event ttr ell. " most onjoygbly upon! b All. . The Women's Mandy held thelr meeting [at Thursday at the home ot Mm. Percy Woods. The unor- noon was spent In sewing and lunch was served by the bolts“. A number from here Included the Elmira. rm on Nd” ind Monday. Mrs. A. Park. at Guelph "teatime week-end with Mrs. Rhodo- Lot-on. Mrs. c. D. Bowmn ontommod The Pat. Junior Bible cum In! Thursday evenlnx. The evening was upon: In [men nnd music. and lunch Ir" trqrrverd by the Ila-MIC. - body Ind a plenum ulna. .Mr. ud Mrs. ArchIe Lotion and (hunter of North Woolwlch spent Sunday " the home ot Mr. ma Mn. Byron [At-on. l We no (Ind to lieu tttttt C. E Metrrfott'. River-Ida Poultry Fun: won two Illver cum thin your. 0110 tor boot bred to by non Bumd Roch and belt Pulls! [Ashanti lino Rock - mu Mun ml] of Pro-ton - Sand” with Ills- Almg Brut: . ""iirTrrGnrGiuiru. weak and and bond-y with - In omen. Mich. . -Tiiia Ptoreneq Moll round homo on Slum!“ “to? - went the nation} " 1353mm. Rev. M. 81.70-pr “I human l'lorenea and lustre! returned home utter an“! un' hohdar. a Detroit. ' - - Mr, ma In. te. Walnut at am.- burl 3nd Mr. and In. A. .0 of Plat-v1“. etMttrd with In. T. Tudor on and”; -r.. _ _ . . " "if Gk TGrier. we]. vteitod with Mond- " Goon-town on a». "any. - A -- ---..___ "it; Once mum-at ot Wound I- "cum in nation with Mr. “a In. - (gin-an.” " " "inn-:05 V a}; Olaf Gingrich - the who“ all my with Mona- " lung-.7 __ _ _ 2eniih , aa of so an“ an! the - will WM (nun. Mr. t, A - - _ J “ET-ii iiartiortn mum - tho bonny " In turmoil has. with Mr. I. c. - -- -TiJrkiiiL'uii- ' no”! a M In b. "te orbs cl Mum-A _ _A " "iii; i613. bum __ of me» - an, - m In W. In)” "ere, "diiieii,iiihi tttttte, tNt Ttertgttet cur val-Old, I! 'ut?, A - - unwinding-unann- h at Km aatd In. - mmummmm tame-cum. In. In“ at in” mm.- "ara - rd, -eoeurert -Barred wilt uovrrnou IRIILAU Shaina ThqNtwDtatdeqM.tb.Baadnrt" ‘hummumu’m.- lilac-din. Ila-llama“ In: huh Myth arm imtmw-dnmholuot inn-.uGInVMM. 7 "aatTiiGaE'iFE9ts.tii) Ir.udln.l’.lm manta-autumn” one. i“ a -atra a“ I". o. W. -ars. Mr. t“ mishllom'r.“ In. in. I. I” a. It Inna-m Inn-dirthhmw minus-w __ hound-o! mlhw} ”We! may mhqdlr. luau-my mum. _ It. All In. all: - m but)". mammal InnulnIl-o-Wohr. 'gm.tiHttbttm.Mr.aadtem.u- mumm~muaw Montana-hmmlucmt 1gr.gtndMgg.3.eMt3t-nnd 'gr.nndams.A-W.mtmvstt" " a. homo of Mr. at!" A. c. rum-u. Kitchen". on Honky. -'" Ina-1mm m uni “a wsdF and u Nu'lhlnm - - In. nonu- minus- I. nond- trssaqreApttArtto-otMr..rrd In. Inl- maul-cu. _ Mr. AM In. J. mum. Ir. at! In. In. much at by Hi. Mr. and In. mid Ila-Ion. In and In. G. Mr Ind "uatbter, Them In. qnd In. Em Path, Mr. an! In. [luau Path and (hunter Dolom. Mr. and Mrs. Ann- Kmrrq'-s. Mr. um Ill-I. Id. Cur-on and - “A In. Moln- kopt. " of Brown City. Mich, at- can“ the Luau-luci- mama held In: the music put he" on Luau- Day. Rev. Quinn [Anton-hut). It turned million." from cum. I!!! give " “Gnu on Chlna In the Ranch! Church loud-y "emu. Sam 18; all we welcomed. _ [In tutu Manor upon! the week and n Toronto. in. d. Mayor Ind - Nam. Mayor went the weak-end at Kitch- snot. Mist, Martha Nichol ”out week-end It Brantford. Mrs. Geo. Cohan‘wd - Invo‘ loft tor Bunkers. B.C...|Mr upend- lng was “In. with tho farmer'- paronn. m. "M In my!" Bors- nun. Mr. sud Mrs. George Bchlnboln of Coneuogo. Mr. Idler Seblnbein ot Detroit and MI:- - Idler of Elmira were Sunday “than with Mr. 1nd Mrs. J. B. Snydor. Mr. George Snyder rot Elmira I: spending his mention with his par- enu. MM!!! Mm. Edward Snyder. If. m In. Amo- Shoemnkor Ind dotqtttdtr ot manner ”out the put week In this View"! A _ Mr. and In. A. ' Raul. ttttd son Funk Ind Mr. Harold Soohner upon: n tow dun u the Toronto Exhibition. Mr. Ind In. J. T. on ad Min Gertrude on. Mr. And Mrs. l.. B. Snyder, III. Gertrude Snyder and Mn. Tyler “tended the [new of the late Mn. In» Umbnch " Kit- chener on Wednudu Int. um All“ 8:“de wont . few at" In Toronto In! wept. - mil". Abram Bowman his returned after . two months' trip through ther' Welt. viii; Ind Mrs. George Clu- Ind Ion- Roy And - "to bullnou 'tMtom in Kltdwnor Int Thur-Guy. Mr. Wllllu Remind! who not with a nrloun nccldont u the El- mire I'll] PM! on lama-y. wu ri. moved to the K.-W. lie-pull um I- “In: u we]! a! m bt expected. -iiG 700nm“ Snyder ind Mr. 0|!"an Soon-er ”and“! the To. ronto Exhibition on sunny. - - -iitliiiisset", King of V Elwin went the put wool no; her grind- parent... Mr. gnq_!rp. I. B. Irnt.d".. _'l'be manual Ill-lion.” mun! m hold at the Lutheran (lunch 1Bat Blind-y. The union In the morning Ind attornoon were con- ddnctod by Rev. Pushed of Stru- ford Mr. J. Cooper, Mr. Mon-ll Cooper and Mutter Thalia: and Mr. Ono. Coop" ot Ptllnontol won miton u tho homo ot In. Anon Snider on Hand”. Mr. ad Mrs. H. 00m: no dun- tor Dorothy of Dacron no "ending n tow any: with the - pct-nu, Mr, and In. IT. Kurt. -ia- iiiia bum. u “all“ n tow an tttthee' st felony.“ In. an“. new - on holl- du u in hon. hon. Ian. t. In". Illa lunatic. um may “a II! We! - M an " 0.119151% a from"? "W113i" of Dacron and a was» Help). al_ "Pre., __ . - "iiaHGsidr mu ”Toronto Mlolmcofovunupo mum”. ___ 7 T - o tin-hm. KR no has!“ "3.33% ttuettege-h. nonme- oloctlol man “no til-MY of In! val. “Du-M "a, - . “uncut-"matche- g'iiitteg',rgNlr,d'd2rfd ll .m-n-umm mumm.awum. -iiitarirataatdmti0sra+ nvmnnt.___‘ _ ' Ga-air-a-tremit?, muhhnodlr.ulln. ii?diAnt"2'un,t..'tgl",,',t. an. n no to. of It. In. MW”. MD- I- I” - m ”III-MU” 'g'Pltett mul, FLORADALI MANNHIII aair. ‘El rom" if M “a In"! I out (I. gol- the Waterloo Store 10 King St. 8.7 Phone 894* was the not of mu- Mat “your dt-l-that a ttr'ifrytPm?': w,Att the (Mustang woman who mue- aylwno to upland 'he, tnmrtd It ii 2mm n. GOOD STEWARDSHIP to buy T,iirrctt it' My ,rltrtr_rtt.?Ei.1ltIt. meet New "amt u to quality am, tt c0NMtmRNLY Blush. dozen . Medium. dozen urn. down .. i 65 , .105!“ Dom-zit mom xxx Vinegars. gat. ............r.rr...... as: Zinc In Rm;- .................. 2 dos. “a Jar Rubber: ........................ 2 (Ion. 15c Pun-own, not lb. ....-.......-.e..... 12c Whole Mixed Spice. lb. w............... 230 Pure Bulk Mun-rd. lb. ......e...rr..r. 30° Highest mac Pure Spleen at lowest prices. - kin-o. 890cm Extra Quality - RUBBERSET BROOMS n. ...... Me UPTON'S PURE ORANGE MARMALADE Ttati. mm Poa- Aylmr blood M _ Aylmr - Kraut. ”A. Aylmr Apple he“, " Campbeu'u Fork a Ohm 'tatmtrtr.IN Amt-tad lunar min: Wot“. In“ Humor ALEX. I JiiUTGitLi fits, mi ' ”14.0. Brand per Pkg. Raspberry‘hlp 520 titl','ce AMMONIA ee CANNING SUPPLIES Vote for Edwards who Stands "for Real Protection VAIUIS m CANNED FOODS ProsNrify follows Adequate Protection , to Our Industries. Flourishing Indust- ries Contribute Home Markets for Mixed ( Farming in Ontario. l . t l A Vote forEdwards is a Vote far Premier CROWN. JARS Arthur Mcighen and Stablekand Clean Govern'rient. " conservative Candidate, South Waterléo ', VOTE FOR PROSPERITY ---a--' " 2 thm Me I for 100 "A” M." " Stewardship No. HONEY- Chain“! Light Grids BasMrat SHORTENING PhMtqt Quilt! NewClovcr Desslealéd 00G)ANUT Pure Ceylon HONEY 19c lb. 34b. Pall AND 49e '..., 72e Durham Brand l CORN STARCH ........ 2 pkgs. 19e 41b. Tin She“ PM 'tttyy', M: ............‘W., Essa mm Powder. _ bib. m. "eeint ...... ll. Astoria Red chard“. boa. bu. ..-..--q"".""""". 1|. [meat Puma Comma. , lb. t8q o............................." a. so Assorted Gum Drops, lb. Jelly Bonn. lb. ............... LieorieeANortm lb. ....._ Neapolitan Joule, lb. ..... Assorted Chocolnes. lb. Chocolue Burn. ........-.... Uncool-to Waters, lb. ... gum" Chocolate Rheum 3mm. lb. ...me...---i Weston's GratsattfwtWrn, Vanilla Bar. ....-.-_ Coconut Macaroon“. Its Molasnea Snap: .........-...' 10 a t3t9telii_in,i' BAKING SPECIALS CANDY BARGAINS BISCUIT VALUES SOMME SOAP 6tV" 2 lbl. 280 21M. 210?“

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