Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 15 Apr 1926, p. 5

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1‘de Fm ! ----- " . [Pu-bolt at“! CHOIR IANQUITTID The Iowa; lids In " “Mame. competition Manama the choir of St. Job!" Luther“: church on Thundny evening. BENOHII FOR PARK A load ot benches. tormerlyMaod at Scarboro Bosch. Toronto. pur- chased tor life park at the town hall, have arrived. The nurse's report given by Miss R. Hinton. R.N.. " the monthly meeting ot the Victorian Order of Eurses. showed that 211 visits had been made for the month. " BCarBoro men. ‘loruuw, put-l l chased for of. park at the town The “a Mr. Mater m perticuw hell, hsve tirrir e d. larly active in Oddisllow circles _ snd was prominently 1dentiftod with a number ot other lodges. He us MADE MI VISITS iconsidered the isther ot the Sunni- Ttte “"30"! report given by Ml" tan Encampment in the city end R. Manton, WN., at the monthly wss also instrument“ in orgnnising meeting ot the Victorian Order of the Reheccns. hnving held .11 the tiurBeB, showed that 211 visits had oiiices in the trift ot the lodge, been made tor the month. inclnding- the treasurership which ------ position he occupied tor, twenty TENDER A03577E° yenre. Ho" was s charter oddiellow The tender ot Arthur Bond, the and served the Kitchener lodge '"') ilorist. amounting to $200. tor shrub-' secretary for over twenty-tire yenre.‘ hery and flowers to be plunted: He was the only living charter them. nronnd the town hall. was secepted her of the Snmritsn Encampment. at the meeting of the Waterloo The late Mr. Master wns ot n genial council on Tuesday ot inst week. and happy disposition and was ---- popular among a wide oircle ot DEATH OAINFANT SON friends. _ The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs.) Max Llndner, 59 Bridgeport Road/ died last week. He was aged twenty-three months, passing away after a short illness. Th6 (funeral was held on Thursday. P COUNTERS PURCHASED 1 The town property and market committee have purchased counters which have been placed in the base- ment of the market building. Five of them were purchased which will be utilized in providing additional accommodation to farmers at the market. JMISEI OPTICAL“). i3"...- a. was}; Gua. mm. m u. do“) a... “""'M'””' mum-94mm... “was. u-mwmuwynam-nu _ Thrt.taMroeaatsrnrasNteatn "*PA- '" li,,,,,',?:) TonAI- " "an no. bo- PRESENTED WITH NORY CLOCK AND TRAY A happy gathering was held " the German Club Rooms. Woolworth Bloch, Kitchener. on Monday even- ing when about eighty members were present, guests ot the secre- tary of the ladies' branch, Mrs. Ernest Kopf. During the evening she was made the recipient of a beautiful ivory clock and tray pre- sented to her by Mrs. W. Klemann, president, on behalf of the mem- bers. A delightful few hours were spent in social intercourse and1 music. Delectable refreshments were served. Mrs. Kopf, who leaves on Friday on an extended trip to relatives in France and Germany. received the heartiest good wishes of her friends for a pleasant voy- age and safe retup. thtoeiatteareis"til" tune. Our Glace. Please. J. B. Westmoreland, Dominion Egg Grading representative of this district, who celled at the office of the Waterloo Chronicle on Saturday morning, states positively thet‘eli eggs in any quantity muet be graded whether sold at the merket or from house to house in Kitchener end Waterloo. . Bett.ftte Farmer According to Mr. Wmrttrtoreinrtd, 75% of the tumors or poultry own- ers were in favor of having sil eggs grsded for seven] mesons: (i) It protects them usinst dishonest dealers snd isrmers who deliberate- ly market stale eggs. These an no kept in preset-nuns during the hammer months when prices sre low until winter when prices no high. (I) It inn-mes the demand tor one becsnse consumers soon - to reelise that when they My graded eats they get what they pey 4or,-ttood ecu st s thir sud honest - Eggs Sold to Public in Any Quantity _ Must Be Graded, Rules Dominion , Government Inspector. if Mr. Wan-oral.“ and that um this dat. .11 person- ullhc‘ “and on: n the out» or to haul-loll." rm be mm. maulhmmhnocnm- In m In. - - “not Win-Ion a all no 'tt ID! - no hw m at no ms of Interest Around Town WM I. ma Irg't'g'ttggtNt'gt.'rtttTg hummus-mumm- |muunmumeuz y. Iguana-mg“; mull-innohmmd aartott,tH-rrtM-tV oettr-ti-titdstt- an” - " punt-t an. " a “I to an - All but: Tho in In!“ In ion In Wit-o! To . " you: up. " In t m: o! the all In!" bully. on who" of which have boon your uni ml In tho public We ot tho township tor my yuan. A. I youth Mr. Hum lun- od the undo of mun-um, Inter coming to Kitchen» M In In: mined tor ovor Atty you“. be!“ wound with the old Slap-on tur- nltun company. Darin: " to» dance A» In an one!“ of the municipality tor may ”an. cerv- m In the cap-cuto- Bbom mem' Mona. For 3 number of yarn Mn. Muster had been living In'retlre-l mom, bolus in: employed with the Kimmel Felt Company. l, The late Mr. Master was twice‘ married. his tirttt wife being Mag- dalena Fellman. who predeceased him 26 years. Pour children were born to them. all ot whom survive trim, namely. Walter ot Lon An- geles. Albert of Chicago, Oliver of Toronto, and Nettie (Mrs. t A. Kening, of Minnesota. In 1902 he married Caroline Kimmel, who also survives. The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon and was attended by a large number of relatives and friends. Rev. H. A. Sperling offici- ated, assisted by Rev. J. R. Webb. The last rites of the Oddfsllows were given by members ot the local lodges. To EREOT NEW HOUSE l Mr. Norman A. Letter, well known furniture dealer. hes purchased a choice building lot from Mr. Her- man Haas. “mated near the park entrance on Young Street on which he will erect a line house this Burn. mer, Numerous friends will be pleased to learn that Mr. Frank Skull is re- covering. although slowly, from a severe illness. Mrs. Ed. Oswald. Herbert street. Waterloo, ls progressing favorably following an operation at the K.-W. Hospital. mlaunderstandlng u to the inter. pret-Hon ot several chums In the srt'e1,1"ll',"'i Now that' m regulations a e mule quite clear to nil be cute: that ttttr inspectors will vlgoromly snlorce the law re on gndlng. Liu, Md " Y“ Letter to W. D. Euler Peet (noting the ecquleition or e x e letter to Mr. W. D. Euler, joint leoletion hoepitel, would lot, " th Weterloo’e "oresuntativmGe his eenction to converting the Mr ‘Wotherwell. Minister of Anionb'preeent hospital lest it involve en tun. eaten that he ehonld heve ed-iedditlonel ten burden on the rete- vleed Mr. Euler not to teke eny peyere. He did not thlnk the new ection with regerd to the en Aiiaa could be erected tor 8126,- ;ine reguletione until he (It. 000, pointing out that the new at. Motherwell) had consulted hie oilic-‘Mery'n hospital hed cost $500,000. era. the inter-motion given iiiiuiiilii wee. however. pointed out thet ly heving been incorrect. In 'PP"' at. Men'e Board bed to buy letter to Mr. INtqr, the lininter.lend. total e heeting plent. pro- quotee retention 5, which reads:-', vide eccommodetlon ior ite mines. "Every one or conteiner of em I lenndry. en I my mechlne end ell thet Ie expoeed. dlepleyed or oeaiott",r equipment. end in eddition toe eele by eny pereon eelllne or.de-' built en elehorlte though emell ‘ltvine ecu direct to con-amen LlitiGG. , e - pleoe or mailer ehell he' The following were the four not» lurked. lehelled. tested or Imp-:lntlone - " the meetine. em- penied In con-Meme Iettere with.hodyin[ the view- of the repreeen- the none or the clue end [rude ol'tetlv- oi the "do” bodlee in et- , out moor-dine to the amt-- menace: ) ate-dude”, , " we} moved " Mayor Hender- t ”Thu - that eny pet-eon. no? eon of Weterloo. eeeonded try Alder- .deeer or otherwlee who tehee on mm.ofxltehener. . hi-eel the function or e reteiler net the minimum ot Kitch- tlot-a-a-sew.,'- and Vetertoo an me- " Iwmmmeeeeeelmeeee to eeeetre e W teeletioe n or the! the my teigdttE h - 11m PERSONALS. loam. ow at ii-teat 1lt-rtathes of I iriiAiirerGioraurtettrBi+tqtutetr V eiiinciiruurEreetNeqrGe-otme |mnmuum chm-low» magnum-unusual“ mailman-oncol- mujlpohlmdm tumdmwi' mamnnmm-m* 3,.w, hoopla! er-gi-ttag hi “Tympani-Wow "oeuo..eanrnr-aottotnt ,rust.ottntt.aarttttaturrovt- mmvmmtnmmm! -aeiintuhiootutaetsttrt mum-mwmmm out od In new! not m. "I the cannula- ol the present manner-Wands» helm-l Into a but kahuna Mutual. " on gov- ommnt can! can I). chain“ tt would Art Involve any Additional unuon. It being 03W that the carrying out. of an when. out- lined would be dependant upon ro- celvlng {lemma manna: you: ”the provinclnl [overhaul that the grunt. would be forthcoming And I tnvornble vote of the doctors. I E. o. Weber. chairman ot the ho.- pital communion. pointed out that under the exiatinz hospital act a great at so cent- per petient not day will be paid by the provinciall government tor ten yen" to any new hospital which in erected. It, for instance, a hospital has 20.000‘ hospital day: per year. the sovemm ment will pay $10,000 annually tor) ten yearn, or a total ot $100,000. No such grant, however, would be Ivail~ able for the erection of an addi' tion or tor the erection ot an isola- tion hospital. He also stated that it it found that St. Mary's hospital can take care of 9d ordinary nursi- cni and medicnl cases the present Hospital could be dispensed with. It not g new hospital must be erected. Mr. Weber was opposed to any solu~ tion which would reqiure additional taxation. Mr. Galloway. chairman ot the Kitchener Board of Health. who not " as chairman of the meeting, re- ferred to the fact that the present meeting was the outcome ot ettortB on the part of the Boards of Health of Kitchener and Waterloo tor a rumber of years to find some relief in connection with the need of pro- viding additional accommodation to take Care of isolation cases. in the general discussion which followed it was pointed out that the new hospital would be tinaneed by the issuing of debentures by the municipalities to defray the initial cost but the grants expected from the provincial government would retire the debt in ten years. Irvin Greb, chairman of the property committee of the K.-W. Hospital Commission. felt convinced from Inquiries he had made that a hos- pital with accommodation tor '76 (beds could be erected at a cost of $126,000. u would be a building 150 feet by 40 feet, three stories in height with a basement. and would be erected north of the hospital. Mayor Brill and ex-Mayor Hender- son, ot Waterloo, expressed the view that Waterloo would approve any action such as outlined' provided the proposed new hospital would be erected from provincial grants and without entailing any additional taxation on the ratepayers. 'IG') Deputy Reeve Bohlender ot Water., loo stated that there were two (ti 1ternatives, "We can build a joint isolation hospital and get the grant[ for isolation cases. or we can buildl a new general hospital and get two) grants from the government, one' for the new hospital and the other tor the isolation cases,” he said. It was stated by Dr. Spohn that, in 1924 there had been 698 patients who required to be isolated on ac- count of contagious diseaees. Ap proximately 10,000 hospital days would be put in by this number ot patients. In bonnection with the proposal to convert the present K.-W. Hospitel into en Isolation )oevital ell present voted tor the motion but Chrie.' Schondelmeyer ot Waterloo who, el-' though (evorlng the ncquleitlon of ts' joint ilolntlon hoepiul, would not jive his auction to converting the' present hospital lent it Involve en Ieddltlonnl tux burden on the rete- P"'".?' He did not think the new ,hoepiui could be erected tor 8126.- 000, pointing out that the new at. Isrdr,is, hospital lied cost $500,000. in was. however. pointed out that P"' at. Men's Bond hnd to buy it,',,": lnml e heeting plent. pro- vide tuteotnmodatttnt tor its nunee. . luxury. n It rly muchlne 3nd Bil on!" oqulmont. Ind In nddluon built In abhor!“ though an.“ dupe]. loudly-lawmaq wumum‘ uni-nun. l itat-trr-ttst-d. 'set-tm-i-ao-M- .mm-mumu-u hunk-throw“! wmnmmum “ammunit- lovdbyMVoal-u.“ KIM. ”can“ by p...” Ruvom.o(WIuI-loo: Nahuatl-Hound!» ttrent so.“ at no nag-db mmunmum "dwategho,nrrdturrtteFr. wuorloo mum Wu. iq 1: - or m we nun-Mumm- mama-WWW Bttd Waterloo town“ " " bob lion Inc-plat, loved " Llam- Bomu ot Kitchener and Well by coun- cillor In Snyder. ol Wuorloo: The eaver.im, ot the Kitchener- wnorloo fluvial Into an lwhtlon hospital I. coating»! on the erec- non of a new toners! honplul and that the erection of a new anon! hospital In annulment on the Boo. plul Communion realm; - ace of I grunt from the provincial government tor ten years, And a tuvonhle vote ot the olecton. The. present " the meeting were Mayor; W. D. Brill. deputy reeve Dan Bohiender Ind councillors H. E. Rat: and in. Snyder of the Water- loo council, ex-myor Wm. Hender- son, Dr. C. T. Noecker end C. Bolton-i delmier ot the Waterloo Board oti Heelth. Meyer N. Aymu"em end el- dermen C. M. Bezeau. C. A. Richard- son. o. Vogeiung. Dr. A, K. Radell and J. H. Tait of the Kitchener council. L. A. Gauowar, N. M. David- son, J. D. c. Foreyth and Dr. P. D. Spohn ot the Kitchener Board ot Henlth and E. o. Weber. M. B. Hall- man, Irvin Grab and Dr. Walters ot the Kitchener tad Waterloo Hospi- tal Commission. WATERLOO MARKET Buying was brisk at the Waterloo marke otn Saturd‘y Afternoon, eggs selling at " to 35 cents and butter at 450 per pound. FIRE ossnovs suoeuav BUSINEO§ BLOCK The Frawley Block, B "roiory frame structure situated on one ot the main corners of Sudbnry’u busi- ness section. and one ot the land. marks of the town, was destroyed by tire early Sunday morning. Frank?s Thrift Store After having served the public faithfully for five years as manager of the Davis Economic Store, Kitchener. l have opened up a business at No. 226 King St, West (the old Princess Theatre) and cordially invite my old friends to come in and see me. lwill handle a complete line of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnishings and Boots and Shoes. My ex- perience has enabled me to buy to the best advantage, and I feel that my record in my former position entitles me to your support. Not just an occasional sale, but real, low Bargain Prices every day in the year. Here are just a few item; tem, our oceans of bargains. _ ' ' l FRANKS THRIFT. STORE " pair Men's Tremors. made of good smooth qunllty whip cord. HIRING for gonenl we". Good mugs of nude: and “up”, well mum-ed, nap pochu. Worth $8.60. Special. our ....q....FNF.. $1.85 A special inducement to get acquainted. 46 only Men's Suits. Wor- nteds. Herringbone: and TweedaaStylea and work. mnnshlp up to the minute. Suiubie for and and his lad. Some units have two pair trousers. good Alpaca lin- into. Worth up to 824. Special $13.95 05.9“? Men'l Tron-en for but we“. mule of good quality Herringbone Sarto. emu mm unwed, All III“. Worth $4.0. epoch] $2.95 " don. [an overall. ud Smacks. Inch wall know an. n lather hbol Pea. hody’l Ind Victory tumult. ntl Mu um! In“ In the lot. spool-l. pr or..." 95c " Boys' Tweed Suits. good an" ot alludes, I sturdy tuneful thlt will stand the test. , wk bloomen with Men's and Boys' Clothing BARGAINS - ALWAYS --- BARGAINS MEN, DO NOT was THIS ITEM an ”My!” eetteeyeeteP1t ummum‘ Mimi-“I‘d; uncut-mum“ mmmmumm “human-Winn. mmmm-Mulm “much-mulch tg.ttteg.r.Aset18rd,nrtdFtho mmmwmun comm; but “(and a _ m in, u ”My and" 'rutrt,-d64ruarr. no In. Dr. Holman In I - ttm at 00m”. Mu hon tn com-rem, 9mm. when m. 1m. " urlur about” Ill wound a mmummn in Inna. the gym-Ilium at WW and the Thaw B-ttsnr, a Kropp. HometoCumhlnlsuudwu am by the Into mun Bruin; In Deconta- ot tho um you. Upon his "mu in cm the late Dr. Ham wu “used to went to Berlin where he founded the St. Matthew's Lutheran church. He received nod/accepted the call get in touch with the Rev. P. Veit ot Berlin, new Kitchener. He did and was given a charge at North Eaathope. H remained there until the end ot fess when he went to Hamilton where he took charge of St. Paul's congregation. serving that church until 1904. Leaving Hamilton the late. Dr. Hotrmtgmt P' become pastor there and remin- ‘ed in charge until 1912 when he ‘nccepted a call to the Ptrat German iiiiGili, church, Toronto, ot which he remained pastor until he came to Waterloo in 1920. During his pas- torate in Toronto he received the degree of Doctor ot Divinity from Thlel College ot Greenvilie. numu-hcd‘lu.‘ The late Dr. Hottmtgntt was active In the founding ot, the Lutheran gemimsrr and Watefloo College. He became Its Brst president, serving tjiitit -"' tu'r,tt" , Tho Late Rev. Dr. E. Hottrnari MEN'S AND BOYS’ FURNISHINGS each suit. Sizes 26 Worth 38.50. S Special m.t..t_r.___r.F... Boys' Blue Fox Serge extra welt tailored. 2 pair bloomem every Suit guaran- teed. All sizes. Worth $11. Special $7.95 100 pair Men's Worklng Trousers, good rinse of pet- terpu. well tailored. Worth "TO. A speck] factory clearance enables us to otter them. Spud“. " dog. Men's Combination Underwear. Penmnn'l. Illk stripes. short sleeve: And ankle length; good garment. comfort- .ble tor the summon Worth $1.75. Spechl $1.19 10 don Boys' Bulbrluln Com. blnntiona. abort shovel and short legs. worth 76c. swam L.................,...,..... 55c :1.th I6 30:. Mon'l Bro-debut Dun shim. " new Ind... colhrl to much: " that. Worth, um cm ..r.t_.......mr.. 10 down Born' “hm“ Bttirta, anon “on". age worth Me. smu........ s” $1.29 $5.45 to 36. lr,.",'.',":",'.".":.,":'::.",'."."::': mmthllyouvh-ho'nrm leoodedttrruv.Dr.Bteseh. 80.50!» 'sverr,r-tt"detrttttorudtott" 1inattuststtera-ttetts-et-. " motor of 'verions churches through“ the province all letter- trlair-atrottt_ ty of the bothere- semlnery end Waterloo College. in the “miniatu- tion ot which he took an ectivl part. he served the interests of his pinshloners and ot the institution ot which he was the heed (or over tlet, years, with characteristic aaal ,and eernesinus. He was well known es a German orator but titstrtratst, mu: nusnttr in numb and by reason of his 31m occupied varioua position. ot trust I in the Lutheran church and wee one ot ot its Inoet- prominent end widel Anown mlnietera. Many will sincere- I) regret " penning but will ever treasure " memory as one who fuled the various positions '0! row sponaibility to which he was no! pointed with a true tlde1itr ot pur" pose and earnest desire to edvance the beet interests of the church and communKr, _ Survlving Dr. Hohmann are his wife. who prior to her montage was Pauline Treusch of North mthope, three sons and one daughter, name- ly Fred G., of Philadelphia, Walter J., ot New York, Paul. ot Toronto. and 'Mrs.. Furry L. Ken-seiner ot Philadelphia. One son, Cari, pre- deceased hp. [ Impressive Funeral Service [ Hundreds of former portshioners and friends ot the late Rev. Dr. Hoffman attended the tuners] which was held on Wednesday afternoon st 1.30 o'clock at the tam. ily residence on Albert Street. Ser- vice at the house, which was pri- xate, was conducted by Rev. C. B. Roberta, pastor ot St. John's Luth- examine an Ji" P 136 Kl'G WEST ' KITCHENS“ ms Wedett Socioty Brand Clothe. QUALITY DIST - VALUI.‘ and Hen‘l medium welsh! Merino Elwin Brand Shirts and Draw- or’s; til lines. Worth $1.26 llrment. Special 49c Men's Penmn'l Merino Un- derwou'. , piece or comblnt- “on. . good garment for be. tween "not: won. Worth $2.26. Bpoetal, sttit o-i."""" " don Isn't Worsted Son. Worth Me our. 899 clnl. per - m...mrq.t.rrret_.tr. IN " don. Men'- Bood weight Cotton Box. buck. brown “a my. latch]. par _ we are: to THE gowns mm Man“: Black. Brown calf and Patent Leather Oxfords, newest last. extra good tit- ting. Goodyear welt. Worth $6.60. Special. M $3.75 Menh Black Calf Blucher Shoes, good mtlng Int; 3 sturdy shoe for general we". Shea 6 to 11. Worth $3.75 pair. cinl. pair . GAPLING’S ' M $1.38 Boots and Shoes s” $2.95 inmhivibto Formerly Princess Theatre on: Church. - u the h: We Lam-u church. line-3 our held " 2.80 o'elod. " win-- - wee tamer me aqW - reopen-ital- br the m _ of this hub church. we. in Me of Rev. J. A. noble, "a“ - the Luthenn 'rarott. not. ate.' inurer, ore-Mont of the Bout d Governors ot the Luther-n can try, conducted the litany. 1" English lermon wee preached h! Rev. Dr. A, A. Zinck. preeident at P"' Luther-n 'minnry. who not. in eloquent tn: Jr the worth at the tormer esteemed presidentolhe Seminary who we: in terse manure responsible tor the estehliehment d the Seminhry and College " Weak loo. The German "erNor' we: preached by Rev. J. A. Rebie. Others who took part in the service were Rev. J. Schmieder, pastor of St. Matthew's Church. and Rev. C. a Little, D.D. Two approprinte en- fheme were sung by the choir of St. Mntthow's Church, while like Jennie Shorten sang a solo which was given a sympathetic rendering. Interment we: made in the Mount Hope cemetery, Waterloo. The ser- vice at the grave was in cherge of Rev. C. S. Roberts. At the home the casket and drawing room were banked by numerous beautiful rloral, tributel, including wreaths and sprays men! by friends, which tegtitied to the esteem in which the deceased - held by a large circle ot friends. On Tuesday night the body of the late Dr. Hoilmnnn laid in state " the Lutheran Seminary Chapel from T o'clock to 10 o’clock where hun- dreds dt friends were privileged to View the body. . The pallbearer- were three senior: and three middler students of the Seminary. mun V Messrs. Schultz, Gordier. Vorkoir, Bald, Whittaker and Mehlenbgcher. Men‘s large Ilse White Lawn Htrndirerehieftr, hematltched. Special a for fNG, 10 down Men's Armletn 3nd Cane”. made trom good elu- tie. Worth Me. Special. Man's Unlined Dress Gloves, Kid or Cape, "oo ulna. Special, per pair tt.eq.r.rr.. 95e 226 King W. Mon Ind young men, here In your (eh-nee to B6Cttr8t only IDI'IDI um summer use. the norm! In than. maturin- Ind Gli',',"", Silk or Knitted II... 1.50 "he. Your 25 Black Club Bags, rein- forced metal corners. Gmnlu‘ nun}: 95e Special, each Men's extra good tittirttr Shoes. Black and Brown Cal! leather, Goodyear welt) all sizes. Worth $5.75. Special. pair $3.75 Men's Rubber Boom. a timely special. Worth 85. Special, per TI!" " Dean I, tor Me TIIOI n A. 4 My:

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