t-tatttiRtott.+ â€mu“ 1 rmumd-u . rubble-town. of no Huh-u We“ .ududnuodl gab 'iiriiiTGU%nesaa-oor. h My Matt on may. All "th. - the maple.- ot the Toronto 30cm [intone Coun- -9n. um- ot the m Woman‘- W Societie- ot the United m 1. Cum in Guelph dilute! In continued In Norfolk street Church. Guelph, on Thu-ad†Attor- noon but. when the Guelph Pushy- hriol of the Women's Missionary Society ot the United Church in on“: was formed. The hnllov- In. of the union took place at In 'eural service, which WW tr nttended, deletntes being present horn p the churches within the Proshyterial. Following the innu- nrnl of the new society an inspin-; tionnl mission-w address was de. livered by Mrs. Forbes ot the Gen- enl Council ot the United Church, Toronto. Ollicers elected tor the ensuing year Ire as follows: Presi- dent, Mrs: R. Crew. Fergus; vice president, Mrs. W. R. Graham; sec- ond vice-president, Mrs. William Graham) corresponding secretary. Mrs. A. Spotton; recording secre- tary, Miss N. Little; treasurer, Mrs. John Kennedy. Mrs. D. A. McKeracher of Halleywl bury was a visitor in Guelph " the Union ot the three Women’s Missionary Societies of the United Church in Canada last Thursday, going on to Presign tor the inaugur- " Meeting of the Waterloo Presby- teriai of the W.M.S. United Church ot Canada, held in Preston United Church. Friday. April 9th, 1926. Mrs. McKeracher was the guest ct Rev. G. B. McLennan during her stay in the Twin-City. Dr. Wilfred Grentell, C.M.G., bt Labrador, arrived in Toronto on Saturday afternoon. and will spend some time in the City telling ot his work. - Mrs. Robert M. Bruce and two children ot Toronto have returned home after spending the past week in Waterloo, the guests ot the Misses Bruce at "Garrick House." L.tt'g,'1Ttrfd', “upgumm His Excellency the Gum-General and Lady Byng recently entertained the members at the Ottawa Hockey Club at tea at Government House. Messrs. Cuyler and Edwin Ranch, mtto are attending Western Univer- sity at London, spent the Easter holidays with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Hench, Waterloo. The last regular meeting ot the Twin-City Rotary Club was held at the Walper House last week, when a moat interesting and instructive address was given by Rotarian A. J. Cundick, on Shakespeare. Eng- hud's greatest poet. The speaker emphasized the glorious period in which Shakespeare lived, the Eliza- bethian era, In which progress was. made in atrairtg ot state, business and literature. Among other things Mr. Cnndick pointed out that Shake- speare is the greatest exponent ot human life that the world has known. The appreciation of the members of the club were tendered the speaker by the President, Ro- tarinn Harvey J. Sims, KC., who presided at the luncheon. A new set of chimes is being in- lulled in St. George's, Guelph, an mm in St. George's. Guelph, the gift ot Mr. A. W. Cullen. of Chicago, In old Guelph boy. They were made ln Croydon, England. A brilllan social event of the Easter holiday was the delightful luncheon and bridge 'party given Int Thursday, by Mrs. IL N. Merritt and Mrs. G. J. A. Really at "The Preston Springs" which was greatly enjoyed by their guests. Hours. Norman and Willi-m Sea- - cons ot Mr. Norman Seam of Toronto are Easter vlaltors at "Button Home, Waterloo,-the home on Mr. B. P. Bantam, Willow street. Haul-I. Clmpbell and Philip Sea- man ot Upper Canad- College. Tor. onto. are spending their holidays at at" home. Wéocial and Personal Mr. end In. A. H. Snyder end daughter, Mlel Helen Snyder. left an veek tor e three monthe' holi- day trip to Europe. followed by the belt will": of their home of Twin (my friend; for en Ideel bond-y. [can Juno: and George Loch- - alumina! our new“! of M mun friend- to s most " â€on party In! Tum†oven- " " their home "Moortoeh", when I charming programme ot mean w and enjoyed by the hum M. Mr. “a In. P. W. Snyder and‘ III. agrd In. My and durum. lb M. In. Mind “'0. I d - My In. In! a - - can on“ -- tte" “WM“ tes-rr-Alto" m w. mm oenrtAdb.. m. can t - In. C. I. I “and Ttttr - g my. man- {a , 1Nir' 'es.tNqt. In. w, . m. 7 who; 3bretmtt" My. It mm": licks-us. out; â€cording tact-urn. In. Doria. out; trou- um. In. Em. Waterloo; ""t an. In. than. Arr; Mt-hem Int mercury, In: VIlonuno. Water too; Annette admin mm, Mn. Hudson. lie-paler; Supply Secret-w. Mn. Cowle. Preatonf Finale. Bursary. In. Roadhouse, ‘Gut; manger: Socnury, Mm. K. J. MacDoInld. out; Missionary Ion-onset Soc'y Mrs. BarrBeloutrtt, Kitchelor. .. Alter devotions! services. Mrs. C. R. Crows, 2nd vice~prosideni ot the Dominion Board. led a splendid dis cussion on "Our New Constitution," which us adopted. T The devotional exercises were conducted by Wesley United Auxili- ary, Gait. At noon s delightful so- cial hour was enjoyed " the picnic lunch. when the Preston _ ladies served ten sud cones. in the afternoon the services were opened by a specie] tmsutrural Ber. vice which bod been used the day previous at Guelph. Greetings trom the Presbytery‘ were brought by Rev. Mr. Roadhouse,' followed by the Communion Service. A moat im- pressive address was given by Mrs. G. E. Forbes ot Weston, on "The Challenge to the Women" to be ready tor any service. This address l use most inspiring and made a deep impression upon the large number of ladies in attendance. An invita~ lion to hold the next meeting in Kitchener was accepted. and Mrs. D. A. McKeracher ot Haileyhury gave the closing words in a most impressive manner. Mr. Charles Bliss of Hillsboro, lik, and Mr. Bill Cooper,' students attending Champagne College, were Easter visitors at'the home of Miss Lorraine Conrad, Waterloo. The Misses Alice and Edna Gent- les ot Parry Sound are holiday vis. itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. H. Lang Kitchener'. Mrs. J, J. Walters and daughter, Miss Elise Walters, South Queen Street, have returned trom spend- ing the winter in Daytona and Miami Beach, Florida. Miss Miriam Walters is spending the week end with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Wai- ters, anal: a much enjoyed holiday with a. school friend. Miss Henrietta Owen, ot Detroit, prior to returning to Branksome Hall. The Governor-General of Canada and Lady Byng hope to spend two weeks in Vancouver in April. Their Excellencles will reach Vancouver an April 26. Mr. Theo. Wells was a week end visitor at his home In Waterloo. The following delegation from Waterloo atteWtrd the United church Inaugural meeting of the Womea's Missionary Society at Preston, on Friday. April 9th, 1926. Rev. J. M. Watts, Mrs. Thomas and daughter, Mrs. VanEvery and daughters, Mrs. s. B. Bricker, Mrs. w. T. Crowe, Mrs. D. A. McKerach- er, Mlss Moore, Miss. H. A. ‘Bruce. Mrs. K. S. Rabb, Mrs. W..H. Har. vey, Mrs. W. L. Hilliard, Mlss Vas- binder and others. Miss Bernice Fischer. daughter of Mrs. Wm. J. Fischer. Willow street. has returned to school In Toronto, after unending her Easter holidays at her home In Waterloo. Miss Dorothy Dobie was the youthful hostess of a much enjoyed dancing“ party for a number of her young friends last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Snyder have returned from a month's holiday In Bermuda. During a long life I have proved that not one kind word ever spoken. not one kind deed ever done, but sooner or inter returns to bless the giver And becomes 1 chain binding man with golden thread: _ to the throne ot God. COMMUNIST VICTORV ' . IN LABOR ELECTIONS MAY DIORUPT PARTY Communists. who ruled the On- terio section ot the Can-dun "ttor party through every leesion from ita opening till its close int week. (varied the election ot ollicere In rather “veering which utter the reelection ot Rev. A. M. Smith. nr ronto Columnist. to the Pro-Money. Pro-Mont emit). hr eyote ot a to 73. defected Arthur Inâ€. Preci- "aun of the mm mm m. who he. healed tor minutiae-l med-re thth the calm- i'tloe. KOO. IDIN'I tmt-t I (I. Lord Bttatttstntrr I I. 'ee. m W munmulnMuL-u u'lmvuuumlw u hm on no ‘01 Con-cu - VIII I) I). to an. - M It†_ " I. mm (mm. - It can“. to m "e'" a. right- ntl 'e"tMq" at a but ot Pull-mat in tortte -'" hog Blah: {ion mm lam Generative rum, lol- lovhg Mr. Kmaody'u I new! In the Common on April at. “He (II. Kennedy) re-nts In this Hone. trend- today." (leaned the Oomrvdtiveimder. “He tow - the nu: who perpetreted then. He is here beau-e at then. " in I subject which undoubtedly will require further consider-non ot thin House ondcerteinly thin Home should have the right to we upon It. end " the tirttt convenient oppor- tunity will be called upon to do no." Mr. Kennedy summed up his bo, lition before the House and the country: " wouldn't relixn it Il ‘could, and I wouldn't resign it il would." After the Jession. however. he added, " fully Intend to pro-s for action in this matter " no one else does." There had been dis- closures. he and, of the existence ot condition: in Northern Alberta which should not be tolerated, and he would not count the loss ot his seat anything. should that be in- volved in the remedy. . in connection with the smelt. Deputy Retnrnlng Officer "Baldy" Robb has already been sentenced to ttre years' imprisonment, and has 'appealed. He was convicted . of switching 90 votes from the Conser- vative to the Liberal cnndidnte. Mr. Kennedy site in Parliament by Fir- tae of only 17 of a plurality over the Conservative candidate. Mr. Kennedy reiterated on the floor of the House declarations pre‘ viously made to the press: that he was innocent ot the whole affair; that he lost at least as many votes as Collins, the Conservative. in the election crookedness; that Mr. Jutr, tice Walsh, who said he sat in the Commons by virtue of the impro- prieties, investigated only one poll out of 2fs, and that three other Itn- opened polls would have more than onset the Increased vote whlch the ‘Conservative candidate apparently Ha entitled to. Marvellous beyond conception in- aptly describes the glories of Can- ada’s Rockies. To be fully appre- ciated they must be /seen. To start out on a trip by one's sell Into this unfamiliar but far-famed paradise- on-earth, to many appears quite a task. Realizing this, Dean Sinclair Laird ot Macdonald College, an ex- perienced Rocky Mountain Travel- ler, for the third year in succession. has undertaken to conduct a party through this glorious wonderland. A special train of dining, standard sleeping, and observation compart- ment cars has been chartered, to ‘leave Toronto on July 19th via the ‘Canadian Pneitle Railways. Stops will be made at Port Arthur and Fort William. which together form Canada's greatest grain port; Win- nipeg Beach, the popular summer resort for Winnipegers; Winnipeg, Canada's third largest city; Indian mad, the chief tree distributing centre of the Federal Forestry Branch; Regina, the capital of Sas- katechewan; Calgary, Alberta's _ largest city; Bank, the world- famous mountain resort; by auto. mobile for 104 miles over the Bani!- Windermere Highway, the most spectacular drive In Canada; through Kootenay Lake to Nelson, the commercial centre) of Southern British Columbia; then through the Doukhohor country to Penticton; along lovely Okanagan Lake, and to Vancouver, thence by steamer to Victoria. THIS ORIGINAL DOCUHE Returning. the trip will be by the main line of the Canadian Pacific. through the great canyons of the Fraser and Thompson Rivers, and through the Seikirke, and Rooney, "ordintt Incenery such as ch be found nowhere else on earth; Lake‘ Louise, the Pearl of the Rockies. ‘the most perfect gem of scenery of the world; another day at Bane, Edmonton, the Capital of Alberta; Suhtoon, the city of optimism: Devii‘l Gen Camp, on the Lake of the Woods, near Kenora. thence to Port William, where one of the fine Con-dun P.eitie Stenmera will be need ecrose Lekes Superior end Huron to .Port McNicoll. then ran to Toronto. where the trip will ter- minute. ACROSS CANADA AND BACK Everything I. included In the price ot $330.00, from Toronto; [run-pol- utlon, Hooping an. necomlnodn- "on In Hotels. ttnd bunnlow amps. lull- In diners, hotel- md 'on sham. and light-coding tour: " points visited. The trip I. am to Ill. sud upon- cnuou for aeeotgtgrtodathm sro In Inc "can“. hm from other pol-u than To. ronto 'ttt Do lulled. and descrip- uvo Inn-(mod tootht In: on no "tmtttm w ml Ihillh‘ W. I“ W M on“. o" mu HOLDING SBA? 11.14.:qu “amnion-um.- yum mama-am Ontario mallow a-tatt., -inTormsto-trtnotV â€any“: tort-how olblvo'd‘vhunluw moon-u. o. My web; a hit Fit tho LIE-I'- Mod MI tg-tArr with M: m â€an! a up ser-re-tter-y-ri, undead . - out or“. occasion ot u. M. A M evening In; - h than mt. _ Mr. uni In. I" Duh-ll It" taken noun-um o! in: In to... tin "can!!! vmud nt. Putter property. It†north. Donna of “who." III vuluu friends into (lulu the beginning of Int week. our venonbh Mr. PM! like}: who tor you" In boom-nun! to “than had A vary more mack In! hid“. DIM on Frldar Susana-h Schmidt, widow of tho Into Wm. HemmerIch. mud w'hor remtrd lbout midnight. may on- ning, after u long “on of “In." and after atulnlnc the old use of 7? years. 9 months and " an". _ Decessed. one ot twin daughters ot I the late Mr. and Mrs: John Schmidt. was born in Germany, Ind while s little girl came to this country with her parents who settled on the little term presently occupied by Welter Snyder. She was brought up here and on Dec. Mat, 1873, was married to Wm. Hemmerich. which union was blessed with 10 children ot whonr8 survive. After and since their marriage the family have lived} on farms first adjoining the village and later occupying a farm near Victoria School from which they re- tired nnd moved to this "PR': gwhere early in 1911 the husband died suddenly. The deported con- tinued to reside here tor some few years following after which she made her home with the children the last few yers of which she spent at the home ot her daughter, Hrs. .Chas. Schelfele near this village. Since this time she has been more or less continually ill which illness became more severe the past “few months and the and came peacefu- ly. There survive a family of 4 sons and 4 daughters. Mary (Mrs. Jacob Kienzle) of this village, Emmanuel near Elmira, Emma (Mrs. Chas. Scheifele) near Conestogo, Chm (Mrs. Burt Woods) of West Mont- rose, William, and, John near Vic- toria School. Hilda (Mrs. Sidney Armstrong) of Lapreol and George ot Toronto. also one sister. Mrs. Ringler ot Hespeler, a number of grandchildren and great grandchil- dren to mourn the loss ot a loving _ mother and sister. " The funeral was held on I"";',",",') afternoon and was attended by a large number of relatives and driends who came to pay a last tri-‘ bute of respect. A short service was conducted at her late home "l ter which the remains were taken in the Lutheran church for service ‘and there' burial took place in the family plot in the adjoining ceme- tery. Rev. A. aruinwaid preached the sermon and conducted the ser- vice. The bereaved family will have the deepest sympathy of a large circle of friends in their bereave- ment. A number tn our young people here aim from the surrounding dis- triet were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. s. Wright, last Friday evening. The Kitchener Gun Club enjoyed the first a the season‘s outing on Saturday afternoon when they had a successful trap shootlng contest at the Emanuel Beam summer home here. "igincis' the front has been coming out of our county ronda some are not an very pleasant to travel on. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Huehn and son Harry ‘were Elmira visitors on Mr. and Mrs. Herbert son Harry ‘were Elmira Sunday. Miss Marie Stem left asaln'to resume her duties on the High Selina] teaching "'att in Barker. N. Y., after spending the Easter "cl- tion at her home here. Members ot the Bol. Koch Chas. R. Koch families on ty afternoon attended the tune! Mrs. Jog, Koch In St. "etttttt, SCHOOL RIPORT . Mitch report of Bouncer- School. B. S. M, Waterloo. Jr. Iv.-.-,; Good' 37%; Alvin Bauman' 88. Mabel Bearinger‘ M, Simon Mtgrttn " Jr. IF-vera Good} M. Olive Bearinger‘ 79. Annie, ,Mtrtin " Noah Martin 68. Elton Schloldl " Levi Mirth: 44. Br. 1r.-Mildrod SchmIM' no, Mil. ford Knm 72. Eldon alumna. " Erma Good. " Jr. ",-oorit, Bentham“ TI, and: Martin M, Chyton Weber " I.--Retn Mnur‘. Alad- Bear. lnxar‘. Iva: _turtitt, W Schism. Prhtter--trvin Web". Pot-fact sundae. mrlod .. Ported II spoiling for the month: Mm. In. "trod, ml. Imi- Ind run his» att--- "s. 0.’ A. m. w. " VERY POOR CONDITI Koch And on Sunday funeral of “MUM?†iguana links-Hull! uoW.|w.mvllwl on; mum-Imuuullt wan-Wuhan“ tset-rite?"'. “dummy-am mummubm‘ â€woman-mama: my! " Wu. and an. anuat-,-g.mrtria"d. EMWMRJUWIII Mru.agttoavtmB-tte%tertw tummd‘vumo-Iugiy um In. M. Min I An nod mum! of st. Ola-nu. In. John mun. - uni on Mandi, " hot homo. M,‘ In. "heâ€. and " nun. Tho tuna"! took place this (“and") mom- tnetromttrol.ter-fttottts St. Clement- B. C. church and - tery tor “we: and burnout. an. I- survived by one man». In, - Arnold, (our brothers. Pour, and Gregor In Bruce County. WM. liun and John In .tho Amman West. three gluten. In. Lumber! ot.Waibrrtost, In. Kroeteh ot Tee-- wnter', sud Mm. Blunder at una- A deep gloom ha been out over) this community by the ndden death of Mrs. [anal Manila. (rice with Richmond), dluxhter ot Mr. Ind Mrs. Wm. Richmond, which occurr- ed nt Washington. Ont. The funenl toél place on April In from her late residence In " min. to the United Church, Ind wu largely attended, testifying to the high esteem in which Illa wu held l-y all who knew her. On April 2nd the rennins were brought to Arr and interred in the Ayr cemetery. A large concourse of friends trom Arr and surrounding community attended the tuners]. A short service was conducted at the graveside by Rev. R. E. Raib ton of Millsrove. a former pastor of the deceased. In a. for well chosen words, fitting tribute was paid to the exceptionally tine sen vice she rendered in home, (ii) munity and church. she was e mm long member of the Methodist church at Washington sud was a faithful and zealous worker in the Sunday School and Young Women's ‘work of the church. Although tah- en in life's prime, she has made I. worthy contribution to the socinl and religious life or. the community in which she lived, and ienves the imprint ot a virtuous life upon her 4-616-0 tor ' _ 4-6374 for $9376 for 6-9194) for 6-9x10-6 for These are reversible In dainty and oriental coloring: tor Halls Ind Bedroom. 26'U48" 0 30'hr60" 0 4'xt'-0 0 6'x9'-0 o . BARRArlly1fl.Ji:fii) 619-0 for 9x104 for 9x114) tor Special Showing of Guaranteed Barrymore Rugs During All This Week. See Windows and Visit Carpet Dept. New Styles and Colorings in Wiltons, Kharam sans, Brussels, Axmlnsters and Wool Rugs. Note These Prices- wom. Rims I AXMrNSTER RUGS In Israel Mama A special lot to clan. M. [yam 274m A convict. was. of m the Mats, Rail than." 3nd amr chrveta'. A complete range of new designs ttttd guilty 16-0 tor .t.....tr.r...r.t.t......r.r...r.F...... $10.00 to W 17-6 tor r.,.r.......e.et..trmq.trmr.....t....rP. am In W 17-6 for o.,,..,........,..................,".... am to “0-0 x9-0 tor .t.....tr.rwr._.rrrr..m.....r..t_rrrF"'. um " m x10-6 for .rr....._.rr.r..rm.r....r._r'""".".. am to “6.0 WILTON MATS BARRYMORE Elle 27:54 WILTON BUGS WOOL RUGS Guaranteed . “min-mm; and than: gone. In. W " - In term ot [enthneu oert'amt goodneu. ' "And when she penned. I think there Imp. went A eonl to yonder itr-trttt, ( Bo white. no splendid. end so ttthet, It mine limo-t to God'l design." over In Poly, 1014. IIIO we. united tn lent]: We to Mr. [em] Inn-an of W1 Elwin. The union. though brjet. end we: I - one. She leave! to '.curr- mourn her Ion. her husband, per- enu, two Illa" end two brothers. April “Precloun In the light of the Lord .. m u the dean ot Ru salute." .r.. “no. $4.50, $5.50 .... 86.N, “.00. trat $13.50. "we. 313.00 iRieeeert---At Wcterloo. April 7th, to Mr. and Mrr. Clayton Rleckert, a son. ,. -torvHalntqmatt--A.t Bt. Mnry'l R. C. Church, April 6th. Mayh- leno. daughter ot Michael Helm:- man, to Bernard M. McMahon, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Me. Muhon ot Preston. Rev. Father zinger omchted. They will reside in Preston. Two good Jersey cows and a Jer- sey heifer; 2 brood sows in Pitt. Ap ply M. Schondelmayer. Brennan mind moo " $75.00 “2.00 to $125M This In Spring “out. cleaning "rt-re-i-tPe-eye,.., l ',J'i'iir)g m-tlt-t_-ata-trv-ue-e, 8Ssti, ww-Mmtc . . - T i'if,t5 BRICKER -GERMANN CO. LTD. Waterloo _ . . Winn. ONT. MARRIAGES --arirs.o4tss.nttta-H. macaw. 0 MA who and Ma. . q. n, h 0400! all “be! within. NLGLOTHOO~OIIOIIQN tnbtttotnnd.t.trtsr%ttts BIRTHS FOR SALE Sample Rugs A speck] showing ot new designs and In a special qutlny: 27x64 o .m.r....m.r..t.rrr.met.m._.."r'".'r'""""' "" and “no 36x63 6 ...trrtr.....s...t.r.'r"e'.'t""""""""" $3.00 and 00.00 44x74; 0 ..r.r....rrr......m..t_.r"."""'.""'. 314.com“! $13.00 6:9x‘l-0 0 m......................-..'-., $24.00 and tMun “no-s O -.....s..........-_"..'e."r'". $32.00 and $37.50 910 0 ..rrr.rr..ts.trrr..t....rr"t'""""".""""r' moo and $42.00 9110-0 o "e'-'"'""""'""""'"""'" $40.00 urn“) "i8.0 0 ..r..t.m.w....t_rr_tq__...9.'9'."""""'. $43.00 In '66.00 Thole are woven of a Ipoclnl Saxony Yarn of wogderful manrintt unmy: 6-911" . o...,...............................--.........), RUGS in tli-N. KHARASSAN BUGS Satyder-At Waterloo, April IS, In, [Mom lh Snyder. In her “IE Iâ€. Beqwrt---At main, April 9, Mm. J. Brown. Mod " you-sh Peter-At Nachos. .Aprll n. Allen Joy. Intuit daughter of Mr. And Mrs. C. Peters. _ ‘ DO NAT " Lieut.-Col. R. W. Leonard of St. Catharines nu donated $200,000 to the Board of Ridley College to help complete the expansion program that the board has been contem- plating. Plus tor a lower-inter- mediate school had been prepared tor some time, and the gift. coming as an Easter surprise, " permit an almost Immediate start being made on construction. It is expected that the new building will be ready within I yen. _ _ Mlnard's Idnirnent tor ainttrutt, Teach“- ot Plano. Singing. Theory. Prints and class tn. .tructlon. Studio! " Roy Bt. Phone 1171K, Kitchener. Mlu Anna R. Bean mu Emma L. Bean, F.T.c.M MUSIC DEATHS TO RIDLEV COLLEGE i'2s'j .31 , "tt 3115110 8126.00 3145.00