Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 15 Apr 1926, p. 3

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,. uni-inhuman numb“ In refer Dotr%A. o-" Am in b-sur -- " - Mal or“: ttmatittogt eov ELIOTID DILWTI To V. I. e. A. CONFERENCE IN FINLAND A Kitchener boy. Herold Veuhum we: tnttt week elected " the oNeU1 ‘reprelentetlve ot the Hi-Y organ- utlon In the provinces of thttario and Quebec " the World Confer. ence of the Y. M. C. A. to be held in Remington, Hanna, the nut week in August. He we: the choice of the annual ‘Hl-Y Conference of the two provinces held In Guelph he! week. ' mum-um WWI. . macaw-mini mmubmm sandman-{Mum "tretrofit-mt' not! PAY [W wan Innovate-mum. All.mm.w,mm on with no um: cl mu own; to an moms, who:- In mt out to. am In nu A - our man. - mu Klonk kn on April tat. " w tound that no In um or“; m which the court ordered mm to my. together with court coal. ENGINEER TO REPORT ON SEWAGE SITUATION In accordance with a resolution passed by the Kitchener city coun- cil, s comprehensive report'ort the sewage situation in the city is be made by the city engineer this year. Chairmen Geo. Bucher of the Sewer Commission said that several complaints had been received trom farmers about the condition ot Schneider's creek, who chimed that the stream was polluted by the; sewer tarm. Although the condition -ot the creek was reported to he not had, Chairman Bucher pointed out that during the. season ot heavy rains and oTryrnowa from the storm drains the sewer farm was over- taxed and it was therefore deemed advisable to get a full report on the situation. IIIIIIHIHIIIIII " mull-Cull Inlllullllulllll Mtmttott..t."t “all! Rebinding books Bibles, Hymn and Prayerbooks a specialty. _ Add more books to your home library by having your favorite magazine bound into books. Prices mnmblo. Goods Called tor 1nd delivered Initiallng .Clnb Bags, Sult- cases. etc. Bookbinder WO King at: w. Phone‘ 2039 Kitchener, Ont. The Meyer Trusses are giving good satisfaction. A - __ They need no under “up. and have soft sponge ‘rubbor pads. _ Pay no attention to (how flowery and emanated adv"- tisements when you can get u better truss right here and for ices money, with the privilege of getting it changed or nxed at any time. Made and fitted at " King St., E., Kitchener. near the Postomcel _ J C. Lehmann mph “It! Id" ”I'm ._ 'utils-ri-iii-ii" “Mm”: e-eusvva'IWoememud. ”Wuhan-Quit. "I .mmh-dforurmdoh RUPTURE mum! Iluummllwll r.It.ttqtmtm1trrt-t.t' Munich and Tad-km MW I” mi... new mu- ... do In "Holman": hwuulhmhhho “antitank-tn!!! m i r' B I tl' “magnum-um.- su-oem-ttu- mmu,oomuv- HWmOOn-hblmu tistsna.-ttemtlhgotn. m wwumminm . sketch at tho ”you! num- IloIL t kn in slightly [own an on Kitchen: - on film. rum tron no to "e per m. vial]. but.» told at mi: 40c to 48: per pound. Pot-loo. Mount 38.00 per M: at? up!“ from 81.00 to $1.15 per bushel. Inplo' syrup. of which then van 3 ”new“ larger “ply on had, sold It ”.75 per anon. The Public Utilities Commission, City this week. “cording to low opinion received, _ __._____»_ must secure nuthority through I ATTENDED CONVENTION Printe Bill in order to enable it Ten tui-i"" ot the Kitchener- to operate e W "m” in the eitr Waterloo "Hi-Y Club an week " ot Kitchener. It nu decided to so tended the mun! convention ot Hi. cure Itiditionnl infatuation " to Y Club. held in Guelph. new. the testpri rftrhta ot the commuttion tithes were present tron both mt. to opente'n bus service. It is an- um end Quebec. _ ticipnted that no turtttaraethrn will -----_ 1 be taken "All year in the nutter. ADDRESS" MEN'. CLUB ----- “The Resources or Outerio" was ENTE'.“ OBJECTION To MU. the subject of a most instructive ed- The Kitchener Pinning Commls- dress by Judge R. H. C. Browne ot sion haa enteted n strong objection “Toronto, Ind Mrmertr mutate to Bill No. liD_which is now beiore at Cobalt, given to the members of the Ontario Legislature because it the Men's Club at St. John's Angli- is claimed that it it is passed the Church last week. The Kitchener Planning Commis- sion nu enteted n strong objection to Bill No. lllwhich is now beiore the Ontario Legislature becausé it is claimed that it it is passed the. zoning ordinance ot the city, on which a considerable amount in: been spent. will be m1tutud and rendered InetteetNe. Under the bill "uiiiuiti.jTtueu'it- numu-wmwuu It would be Impossible to " build ing lines on humans streets. FINE OF $2.000 IMPOBED . on HOTEL GOMPANY A fine ot 82.000 end costs was im- posed on the Bmder Hot6t Co. in the Kitchener 'police sourt on Fri- day when Charles Bruder on behalf ot the compeny pleaded‘nuty to a charge of keeping liquor tor sale1 contrary to the Ontario Temperance Act. The provincial police and in- spector Zinkann made I visit to the Windsor House on Tuesday ot last week when they discovered a case /l', beer and several bottles ot whis- key. MUST BECURE PRIVATE BILL A tine of $50 and out: on a B. o. T. A. charge wu Imposed on quo Solomon who was charm with pur- oaiims liquor Illegally. . " Magistrate Weir 3110 Issued an order for the oontlsution ot 30,-l 000 bottles ot.boer and a month ago by Inspector 211mm: en mo lyais showing it to be 9.78 per cent. mot spirits. It comprised n ship- ment which was billed in turnip: end consigned to Chicago. RENTAL BY JUNIOR MEMBERS A program. the excellence of which delighted a large audience in the Collegiate Auditorium, was given by the innior member. ot the Kitchener-Waterloo Music Clnbxlnst week. It included violin," vocal end piano numbers and was given in a manner highly creditable. The pro- gram included numbers by the four medalllsu. Elisabeth Hackney, Gen- eve lawyer. Leonard Wambold end Werren Leaitch. pieno solos by [Anise Germann, Hope Candie. Eve-‘ ‘lyn Bender and Kenneth Liphardt, ‘a duett by Nancy end Morton Devin, a vocal duet by Gonndine and Hilda. Schmidt. vocal solos by Jean Ferguson end Helen Shana. and a number by the boy violinist. Morton Steamer. WORK DONE BY V.M.¢.A. TIMI. APPREMTED The director: of the Y.M.C.A, " e recent meeting instructed the mun to write letten to ell per eon: who took pert In the recent convent: ta. rule nude thanking them for their elm in behalf of the, Y.M.C.A. It u hoped when the return ere complete the total lub- ecrlpuone will net “0.000. The " recten ere elected for . tern ot three - Thou who ere eligible M reelection m J._Il. Lem of Waterhttq, J. A. Hertha. w. 1. an... P. " Schneider. W. W. my! end I. D. we. The meter! wee Inducted to convey the - oi mmmmutmmuu {1'11th manual“. In. my! namm uemoeth.tttttbreadrFrmmt "Incl-“um. KITCHINIR MARKET. or“. new _ "a... Pin. In: In. "mm than! lulu-III annulus-mohair.” unwise-megabit”!- “o."mtlmm ottteaattoettam1R-tatt". mduammwu now W’ ", N ’ “4‘ a “I 3" - all: III uh M - on I. no. will no - but. .0 mum;- to we a“! ,9! We“ (no a! ' and); II but. can a " W. W. 43mm tt tn - In“; which-In. to- - will now ttMo M: 'mm. I: ml! hnqdUd. m In mu? that " tho Knuth ad Bod ”twigs! In - to day-brad maturation»:- “and down In.) the an. In Puerhoro' County, shout II“. we can reattae the tttmat " than pound Iota of -ior In!" dhtrlbmg' among the rural hon and - of the Province." Iwmme tmttete' Kitchener - “a mic! lune- tor In: commune“ the immune town; ot duty herds .119le milk for emustmutttort In the Twin- City this week. Ten debate- ot the Kitchener- Wntorloo 'Hl-Y Chm In! week nt- tended the mall convention ot Hi. Y Club. held in Guelph. Represen- tative. were present Iron both tht. urio end Quebec. _ LAD HA8 Lacs savanna _ Cyril Gordon. aged 10. of St.) Mary's, tied in the police orttrui', ance while being rushed to Viscount Hoapital. at London. shortly after midnight Sunday morning utter hat ing (than beneath a height train in the like! London C.N.R. yards. the wheels having severed both letttr---one near the knee, and the other at the hip. ADDRESSED ROYAL TEMPLAR8 Last week the members of the Kitchener Council of the Royal Template No. 332 were “dropped tr Rev. W. P. Fletcher of Toronto, " put Dominion Councillor of the Order. In course ot his remarks he reviewed the growth ot the temper- ance sentiment and warned his hearers that they could not reel on their one now that the victory was won " the wet torcea were un- censlngly active. _ JUVENILE CONFESSEB To BURGLARIES Br the confession of a fifteen year old lad who appeared in the police court on Friday. the series of theft: which have taken place dnrlng the winter months has been clenred up. The boy, who some time ego wot convicted ot the theft ot 820 from a Wilmot St. grocer, and of toting oval-shoes from the Canadian Goofs, rich Company, admitted entering o barber shop. The-case was Adjourn- ed tor . week _ L. J. BREITHAUPT FAMILY MAKE GIFT To Y. M. c. A. The Kitchener-Waterloo Y. M. C. A. recenny received two much - predated glitz. One of these 1“ An upright Grand piano presented by the inmily of the late Mm. L. J. Breilhnupt as h memorial by the children to their mother. It will be {used in the dining hall! at the Y. The other gm. was 1 upland,” upecimcn of n leopard skin which was presented to the institution try Hugh Pressman. It will be used in the bore lobby. -r-.- loved by P. A. Wan". uc'd by 1 T. A. R0882”. ADDHI”I8 W. “In“. that By.l" In” CANADMN CLUB ........ to divide the Township road- 1 In u: “are” to tho Wuerloo Into subdivision- or at.trtetHttd to l County Canadian Club In: Thurs- .ppolnt Town-hip Bond Commit- a” T. A. Rum“. Toronto. ttrest- millions". In the municipality of dent ot Wittrwovetrurtd Comps!!! tho Town-Mp ot Wonuloy. tor the emphulmd the otvutstrttttr of Can- current you "e6.-.43trrud. mil-n trmrtutnettrrttrrr supporting mm of Amount- Ouwlhn now-mm And other Mona by P. A. Wm“. "ed by porlodleall yum-hoLIn um mn- L. mama-Witt a. Mao-tn; so, try. Spa-km; on the subject " con-u be M and um no have "Some problem of no and!“ in... bran on the mm! In whet-M”. no Btrq-d "no not ”Moll-m of "to {M3 that manual advent-In; would up anon“: “It materially In the devotional! Gordon MI O 00.. hr 1 debt! of and...“ holy to Imp mum.- and 1 man can book. 813.15: has!" in the dull pm of the Pom P. Sch-um. column“! you. He strongly shouted the ulna. 300.00: Pom P. acts-Inn, ducky” of upon undo. R- “an. "I “"17 -t, ".58: not“! out mfllxy - out at the In. wan. new I. "max. ro. Mill-0!! In no your at hm m if“... on. 11.00; my! ,v.se-tstmarhitmtttaotttte Mancunian-Lit“: I mummnwumum Von. In - can” you trote-re"""' emu - 1.l; Ion-o lion-r. "to: D. that m lilo. mum-c h wm¢m.tu;mm wmuummmmnmmmiuu‘ nimmmmvmm no; th I. not... not has. mummwmh nu; Sil'lp m h mwmuumnm banal-:51» he“ DI‘W‘MC an m at 4t%utrr" u); “naught?! ottretutMt,-r'tto- loath-u“. “a.“ M The with”. tr-ttreeled-re-trms"- 'tro-rl-d" that... a“ tilt.- my to“ mmmudtm» munitions!” “kWh-Km m'll'wJLVQMIIl'... Wink-mum ‘mpmotthmuvw b-tuattarsete86Mt,betrat" unout mum-tuna: "utteBatgoetat1tr-tttett- 'tro-ttCurt""-"- an out nanny-mama mtgtanAtg.xtatsstttmtttms- " “wound to "or.” all Im- "tro-nts-met". . j loud by A. A. - ad Nor man any“. that tho following 10-: (rsotuttstrepaHotd an: the leave iiiiii his onion [or the men! amount David B. III-tin. work ud mu. $3.59; Billy Rollo, my. In“... 145.”; It. Damn, now plough. 100.00: John Betta, winter work on tannins, 3.35: John Joan. that work. 5.60; Norma Snyder. new1 “in expenses, 11.00; Elm any h Helium-h. to”. 2.00; Truman To? roam Flo-plat, no“: Account, 318.00: Kenna trl 1mm. winter work, 6.90; All“ R. Good, bolts. 7.85; Chas. Beheltolo, winter work, 23.50; Henry Burnett, put " male or street. 50.00; “In B. Math! Jr., Inter work. 1.86. Toul "06$).-- gem-ha. Moved by A. A. Snider Ind Nor. mm Snyder that "ttltr council do now adjourn to meet “an at the council chamber, Conestoga. on Tuesday, the 4th day of lay, next, at 9 o'clock ..m. WELLFSLEY TP. j COUNCIL 1llEli'lS Welleal-ey Municlml Council met at the Tonahlp Hall. Cronin“. on Monday. thet 5th (by ot April. 2.30 o'clock in the memoon, to hold their fourth regular monthly nea- slon. ' All members Wei-meson: to par- ticiptte in the proceedings. W. H. Knight. the Reeve, occupied the elixir. The reeve sated that the non-1 issuing of cheques in payment ot accounts ut the March meeting was not 05 account of non-completion of Treasurer's bond but on want ot the trntttsialted Auditor’s Report, which corrected the minutes " had been published. The minutes, utter being read, were adopted. Correspondence, mug and Accounts were placed on the table for the council's consideration. we Treasurer's Bond, which had been received by the Reeve, was handed to the members for their Inspection. whereutpr It was moved by P. A. Wagner, seconded by Wil- .Mer Froem am the bond ot the newly Appointed Treasurer. M com- pleted by himself end hll aunties. be aecmrted.--4Urrud. - Gene After considering the evidence previously taken ot Jacob Kuhn Ind C. V. Glee re the killing ot sheep by e dog or do" it we. moved by P. IlecknerL seconded by L. Beech- ler tut the mm ot $it.00 be mid to eech of the owners ot uid eheep, being oompenutlon tn settlement of the lone tsustained.--)) l Iy-Lawe l Moved hr P. A. Wmer. lec'd by L. Buchler the! Br!" number N.. tor the appointment oi a Town-hip Road overseer tor the current you (iii'i be reed A ttrrrt end second ttrms.-<Fd. - [ W. J, Said". Clark. Lr/4 "itwo,wt.orotmwi Helm. compensation tor 1 sheep killed by dogs. 18.00; Herold Lech- Ber, winter road work-2.80; Herold Crooks, winter road work, 3.00; John A. Bugs, wlnter road work, 7.20; Merlin J. Kieswetter, .winter reed work, 2.40: Angus Heimpel, winter rosd work, 4.00; Sims. Bray & Miirntoats, tor legal services, 8.00; Chen. Lose], tor winter med work, 7.00; Gordon Peters a Co., indiung Treasurer's neonate, 1986, $00.00;} Albert McKee. wood and winter ‘road work, 9.10; P. A. Wagner. ox- pensee Good Roads Convention, To- ronto, 25.00; J. 2. Nurse, " hoop attending council and road work, 13.60; Geo. A. Bennie. tor road work and rep. disc. 4.85; Albert Bgpith, seinry tor collection of axes 46.00; Joe. Rumstedter, grunt spring horse show st Linwood, 26.00; Geo. Rosenblett. grant spring horse show at St. Clements, 26.00. Total $929.93. --Carrteid. Council In Committee I Moved by P. A. Wigner, Bee'd by L. Bloomer that Council form into committee on the whole on Bylaws Numbers 806 and 896.--4hsrried. In By-Law 895 the mule ot Her- bert Doherty was written in as Township roadovermr. at a wary ot " cents per hour. , In By-Lew 896 the Township was divided into the following road divi- sions with the following road com. missionerl appointed in each, that is to Bar'.- No. 1 Wiimot. 2 Ed Behott, a John Miller, 4 Andrew‘ Diebold, 6 Herman Neel), 6 Thou. Fraeborn. T John Bender, -8 Dnvid Chimera. 9 Henry MeFtuMin, " Emanuel Berg, 11 Henry L. E. Schmidt. 12 Jacob Reichert. " Peter Pierson. " E. J. Dietrich. Mr ‘Afthur Rennie. " John Helnbnch, Ole: 17 Cecil Puckett. 18 Mornington boundary, " on». Mal. 20 Janos Begun. " W. “that, " Moll Llan- hardt, " Woolwlch boundary. 24 Noah Widen-n. 26 Gordon Prick”. " Aux Schlueter. " Ed. M. Bren- nar, " John Ginnynd, um " c. v. Moved by P. miner. we'd by L. Buckle! Chat eetmmittm' rename In open oounett.--4brr%d. Moved by P. IAckner, sec'd by P. A. Winner that By-IAII num- ber: 896 and 896, u Biied tn, be road 1 third time and p-r--- Gnu-nod The "than: at eophl of the new: of the Auditor's rayon m Mucus-ed and considered for B long time by the council chiefly owl-g to the norm“ coat of much wore) lt'vu prowl-d to have only new? on! ooplu print“ but "an the con: of thin mn't approved of; My It was unanimously and upon to nu- ma followlnc to» hathttc-- . land by P. Af Wm“, we'd by Wilma: than that m auditor's noon of “I. book! Ind voucher- tor no you an ot tho Intel”! Tut-Int will It. - on an In the elm-I'- m at It. Ci-ttta, "dr-ot-nd-mod by It. "has n (to Tom”, mu. Mm. on my Conan maul-m 1m thrrrittrtt 00 M! r-.--' noun. J. A. In“! an tntl In”. new " In" to: -ttsi,,meere-t.tAomt m not" lulu-out" u h m: m to M In “no "" Here’s the Cline-lung Arttument-- _ _ BUILD A SAVINGS ACCO mummnohmu inhalant-hoot. The Waterloo Trust tt Sayings 60.52 4% Alone y saved to-day means your opportunity in the Mn Wabrloo tr Erb St., W. |IMIIIINII au-tmal I I "Mill atotmmtgr+tmMMti0t miqMitMt0i$.i MqtattbMl II III“: m I IIIIM We Operate under strict Government supervision. We Invite You to Open an Account To-dey And You Build Character As Well' At 2.30 pm. the tenders tor the tuoo1rttrnent_of n Township road oversee: were opened. rend and con- eidored. The uppoinimem use nude " Indicated in By-IAw number 895. All Township Road Commission- ers appointed are cordinlly invited to attend council meeting. Monday. May a. 1926, 2.80 o’clock in the utter noon. to receive instruction. u to their duties. Moved by P. “chief, soc'd by W. Freeman, that this Council adjourn to meet. min at the Township Bali, Crosshlll. Monday, In, a. 1926. at the hour pt 10 o'clock tcrm-Harriett. St. Clements, _Apri1 .0, 1926. FINED FOR REOKLESS DRIVING Magistrate Weir in police court at Kitchener inst week imposed a. fine of $10 and costs on Herold Strome. who was the driver ot the small‘cor which collided with a hearse on the Preston highway on Good Friday, the chsrse being reck- less driving. Strome claimed he was not aware it was a funeral pm cession he wss mains and claimed he won only driving between to and " miles an hour It the time but P. C. Poll of the Kitchener city po- lice force, who was in one of the cars in the tuners! procession] judged the speed ot Strome's caret approximately " miles an hour. Strome also steted that he did not hit the hearse but that it hit him on the right running board. The ma:- istrate. however, ‘deemed the ex- istrste, however, deemed the ex- factory. DEaPITE COLD WEATHER STEAIIER CROMES LAKE Navigntion opened in Toronto harbor with the arrival on April 7 of the Delhonsie City, after q three hour all across the [the from Port Delhousie. Captain Men-mold re- ported that he hnd encountered no ice during the trip. For the ninth year he won the recipient ot the cue- tomery out but given the skipper. of the Brat value] ot the IOIIOII entering the harbor. allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards, interest com- pounded half-yearly. ll." IO ”VIII! IIIIIIIIIII I 'tt+tMt MIII IIIIII|I "In" IDIIINWIHIII I IIIIOIIICIM a-o-o-e-r-o-- Fsuhu., Pour F. Schumann Clerk. --which result from our cooperative' buying with Fulani“ Stores. quantity haying. you will rsulily understand, eon- msnds low prices ssd unususi discounts. These m annals quoutions. Visit the Store this week to was s comprehend” showing ot these "PBDERA" "hresr--that Is, nine ”and it! the Insss buying ot Fodsrsiod Stores. . ' lLlACHlD AND UNILIACNID OHIETING, " inchu 1*; medium weight. sv'sn was"; s ssving ot So s rard mm is good inurssi on your money). bscsnn it is s Potion vslus " not in"! .....tqew....rrrt-rt_.r'_"""'"'. 5w PURE LINK" ROLLER TOWILLINO in may with rod tttred-t suing of be s yard, mine it " s Mars "in. nucv no: commits an. thtiqtted with s hes ode, I inches wits; ion nsst psusrns: s suing ot 100 - h unite s [moms on. on now goods st. pot Q“ Better Values] "rd New.» " ham-d -.-ttatt- h the m ”“1 more» mung-um 'tr-AS-thott ‘3 Kitchener 69 King St. w. Goudies Limited 3. Announclng A Thus-Day Demonstration Of Our Put-km - and 0H. [m ECELEDRATED VIMV Cook’. Regulating Com Kitchener veterans on M celebrated the Vlmy leM‘ holding m autumn-u” Lg: minute silence in mmld. parted comrades m 0W; tttoHrmtiruting ot the prrteraak, i: PUPILS GAVE alert”. The pupils of hum J. an“ gave . redial hr the 00“ auditorium on Thursday but. prognm comprising but!“ and vocal numbers. all of i] were creditably rendered. _ ====== If Yon Cannot sto hs You Should -. Without glasses. get um! ; the good of yam-sol! ad ya! eyes. Don't let anything ii. tere with your eorumttttte . Optometrist. And 'poet In: a.” thing cause you to defer (it? matter because If - 't'!,t"i' necessary to enable you tit tit? as you should, there Is no *3 befpre you at more LLiii'k(, than getting them. Our "tvtitii: is thorough sud tow-w; ' K“ IL W. Gordonm. II; no Ontario Ct.. In mm m m onwmaoonogu.tmrmt.o+I m mun-uni. mun-mm 1 Main St. Phone 2777' Optometrist Gall: ANNIVER“! "cs'g

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