"mu-uln-win-un- The Movies Hurt Some People's Eyes prently thou folk- have not ' ot the week] lenses we supply tor an: that no Ion-lave to light and “at notâ€; These {lenses prevent all mnoymcu from these canon. Bo more in no roman why you shank! be bothered In this any It you ARE bothered. Ready to talk to you I; my time about it, f c.w. Gordonm' B. Dobbin’s Milk Producers I " Note i All producer' supplying milk to pasteurization plants. stores or consumers m the City of Kitchener are required to take out licenses as provided by By- law No. 1807. . so Ontlrlo Bt. 8.. Kl‘chenor Dr. Harvey, Milk and Meat Inspector. will be in his office at the City Hail every Wednes- day and Saturday From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to receive applica- tittqttt. Lie-enses‘must be secured before An.“ tat. Kitchener Board of Health. lever Run gate/r500 It _ Wi/l Give Us - Great __ Pleasure to ndvhe you that Foe M not require tttat-r-- "we thsdthnttobethe case. Call My!“ tree claim . Phone 2777w Optometrist ummMIMn aimrBootroo"" mm ‘ILIHI Kunm- Loam. W . Steele .. ir?9. wan-Lu" 'grit, _ s“. u ','il'ltSt"It' _ I fun-"to my“ â€2.. l". long-cu- gum-w I'M 5.: wk. 'UMM' To a." In: “mungmhoomudmh mum; at matuvattng the but ot “vitamm that “a". ttrat C 93 Amo" out is “than,“ out-emu. - " “a -u, _ ' “n. m to: t.teeNeatt hug! mm " a- mu no [at '00!‘ and“ All†1-5.; ind Laue: “nu. ma mun. prod- dent ot. the studenu’ Cowl. W sealed the mm to the gluon. _ aumvuunv- om 1'tii'ftfn {pica i',i':C'i,'-,',rtaj, A. m. o. 500, Bttitsqi, Mod I _ 13th “than": on My 'vii' In: win I largo numbor or enta- mon from about [Odin {are this present. M J. 11;de can 1n addren on “The Right-hum Punt." PURCHASE cums: V FOR LADIES‘ SAUDI The Kitchener [Adler Band h“; purclmeed a get of eighteen chlmes‘ running from B flat to E1131 chm, mule. The chimes were purchnsed: opt of the proceeds at two concerts rendered tome mgnthn ago. They wm be used at the next concert to be given In the near future. MEDALS WERE PRESENTED Excellent Proéress Shown By _ New Canadian» -Night Classes at Collegiate. The Commencement Exercises oi , the Evening Industrial Classes and the New Canadian Classes held at the K.-W. Collegiate and Vocational School on Friday evening revealed the splendid work being done in these departments and the pro- tieieney ‘0! the students attending the clasaes. The exhibit of the In- dustrial Night "e Classes. indicated talent while the entertainment and contests in reading, reciting public speaking and’ essays demonstrated In a convincing way the excellent progress made by the members of the New Canadian Classes. R. J. Wright presided, Excellent Exhibits The main exhibit in the electric department was a model ot a skele- ton house which was completely wired by the students white the er hlblts in the auto and machine shops consisted chiefly of work be- ing done on cars and the operations of steel working. Among the ex- hibits In the woodworking shop were tab0es of Queen "Anne design and also cedar chests and bridge lamp stands. The splendid work be ing done in ladies' dressmaking and millinery departments was aiso‘evl- dent in the exhibits on display, which inclgled afternoon and even- Pur gowns and dresses; hngerie and) ‘neglizee. and various types of hats. There were also very interesting ex. hibits in commercial art and archr tocmral drawing and wood carving. New Canadian Classes The New Canadians were address- ed by W. C. Treacy, chairman 'or the ed by W. C. Treacy, chairman or the service committee of the Rotary Club, which organization donated medals presentito the students who showed the best vrozress dur- lug the year and showed themselves most proficient In reading, public qpcaklng and essay writing. Mayor Asmnasen ot Kitchener and Mayor Brill of Walerloo also made com- mendatory addresses. Medals tor proficiency in writing] “are . presented by J. F. Car-‘ michael sud Harvey J. Sims, and silver and bronze medals (or ‘he host progress made during the year were presented by H. J. Sims and J. J. Grimm A. J. Cnndlck and C. A. Boehm acted gs Judges. The judges tor imbue speaking yen H. M. Cook and P. V. Wilson. presents. Hon ot means being made to the winners by Witt. Downini. _ . . â€LIT? To Harry W. Brown thanked the Ro; tary Club. "rttohito"' Collâ€!- ue Board ma Advlnory mluee, for an hen interest Immu- tn the layman! work hills done while the â€modulo: of the stud- ent- of the mom of that “when was ladle-ted not each at the 3m m mind viii m- an n Moog,“ dint by their chain. [PI-mumm- of to.“ were Jul-o an. to .Mm. A. B. Pollock. no 11mm no mm; In em an! L2: and to m.- tMr-n, tht no mm. " Wtummnmub.n. t.-,-ot-dtutabe on mu of an min-“on, for than "MMSt do". in cog-com: with no imam of the New Oun- dl" cubes. which I. aha-cur- - u the m .1 but M my A“ . a can; - manta-h. chow-0b- tSt'L"tttr,tta,'l2 -tritstt" with a in hon. arm Mala-IE- Brsbrr,ort.mhrte+rts" 7 tf'eltet,te?,f",l2t1', . b. " K. ' a I I page: J: . irkUr. at Km “it. 1eit't,ttt2trLt't Tib- (my. rec-nu: gamma In â€rd “any. no 99 mu - in bu younger days. hint n mien-c player on m but vial ad also a good duet. MaoAl. WINNIRI _ f AT cow-man In the ~len’ Junior t?ratrteeat Cantu! It'd" Count-ta on Thun- nur, Humid Snyder of 3181111 In an winder or the m1. will. trod Doerintt waived hanqnhk not ttom has“: Alene! was me wirter in m Junior mm noun-c. who this Helm!" mocked honorable mention. "C _ . KITCHEN!!! MARKET , At the Kitchener market 7 on Suture-y the ttret' mule Brrup of the mm m ottorird for “In, Ia“- tsur " We per pint In and $100 pop gallon. Egg} brought " and " cents per down. there being only I modgnte quantity uttered. while butter who: remained the same In bust week " 40c to 46e per pound. Potatoealaold at from $1.76 to $3.00 per bag arid npvplen It {1.25 but bushel. BANK MANAGER TRAMV l FERRED To WOONTOCK Alter thirteen years in KitehmUr as manager of the Molecu’s Bank, Which was recently absorbed by the Bank of Montreal. Mr. James B. Kirkpatrick has been traneferred to Woodstock where he will be the manager bf the branch of the bent In that city. Mr. Klrkpatrick'e moire to Woodstock was the result ot the taking over of the Nelsons Bank by the Bank of Montreal. Mr. Kirkpatrick is popular with' a host of lriendxwho will regret his removal trom the city. He was ac- tive in various circles, being a mem- ber both ot the Pythian and Ma- sonic fraternity, being a Paqtmaster of the Twin-City lodge. He also held tlie. position ot president ot ti? Crattsman's Club tor a immber ot .YPttr8 Mr. Kirkpatrick has assumed Ills new duties but his family will re- main in the city until the summer months. DEPUTY RETURNING OFFICER: E IS CONVICTED AT EDMONTON After 35 minutes' deliberation. a' Criminal Court jury on March 25 found M. M. Jenner, rieputsr Return- ing Officer at Frog Lake. Poll 172. Athabaska Riding. in the Federal election, guilty of initialltng the backs of ballot boxes and not guilty oi stuffing the ballot box. Jenner was remanded in custody until Fri- day, when the accused wilt be sen- tenced. Special Easter Offering of New Pianos Save Over $100 on a- NEW Piano and Have T _ _s,i':,'ja' One, Two or Three Years to Pay t ’ a M! H I bob" ' " -,8ru.h0ooA,.oh-d wily-oh). â€MW-uh “MM-00m --a--d'-e. ‘u. ret-tr-edt" “$328 " Cash, " a Wool , PIANO I... a. manual. mg. no amt-nil!“ 5 Incummuwm w-todoo. to till 50m» - “all“ a“ . 1 M -e. b â€in with up but†" tit-shil- an» at a um um Tum- I!!! “in et not I†- in -t'tristgt, m " the but]: than! III-mu can†mm um cocoon ss _ by he pupil. ot the mstrtitt of the two plum In)» Cow “a “Irina: may. the WWW " than than] marl- being Imm- ed by a capacity honâ€. no arid-m um. which he'll“ m. try an not)! Mia‘s“ 01-01010 an: em: “II-7‘ be". m "blend in†mun may medial-k to both tho um: visor. Mr. Yulapnnd the touch." associated with um. " "Ti " to the pupils. 31m â€mom “(1|an chum: of the audience being cvl. Vent In my splendid reception w- corded nil than akin: part. _ A New Feature A new tenure introduced in the wheels during the pest year we: the giving ot inuructian on ‘the piano end violin. the results echiev; ed as demonstrated in the numbers rendered revealing muet promising talent muons the pupils. none of whom had the beneftt ot private tuition. v Mr. Duncan Mackenzie, head supervisor ot music in the Toronto public schools. was tttaauUtrdieator in the competitions and upon the awarding of the various medals, took occasion to highly compliment Mr. Yule and the teachers â€melat- ed with him in the instruction ot the pupils. as well u the pupiiE themselves on the excellent (emits secured and the splendid talent dia- played. He notisd the tact that the method of instruction in singing! being utilized by Mr. Yule in the schools is that which is being gen- erally adopted in the schools of Canada and the glued States. In his commeetts,.he id that the chil. dren sang with ease and _the indi- viduality displayed showed much promising talent while a high‘level of tone had been revealed in ‘the choir numbers. - One ot the leatures of the pro- gram which also contributed to the success of the evening was an Jr. chestrn largely made up of business null protetusional men which includ- ed E. Lang, J. J. Elvy. 'W. s. Snider, J. “’KHeSS, N. E. Smebler, W. P. Clement, A. H. Voelkeau R. Frizell. and J. A. Pullman. H. L. Staebler acted as accompanist. The Year's Mahmu- Kiwanis Medal, for boris vocal solo, won by Warren Launch. pre- sented by the vice-president of the Club. o. w. Thompson; medal do- nated by the Queen Anne Chapter, I.0.D.E.," tor boy's piano solo. won {if ntruni-ttr,aerurrlmtttt-uet'miromry the most execptionl pine offerings in in history. By 3 very lot-tuna. pun-hue, we obtained I limited number at fine new â€Virgil" Apartment Uprights, Colonial ltyle, in handsome mahogany or fumed oak ones. We have decided to offer them under the Inn below on the a. 'gtg?"' an“ of .15 sub, tlt e eek and three you: te W “A “Virgil" is a Piano of [attuned quality tad merit. A. . napping-none for than who dair- one day to mu- . genuine (1erurdJreintatre, "Canada ‘I Ore-tat no," we offer It at the “medially low price ot $328, "tdtirmsiau-ir-rthtirferagtdt"weutttr three _ -trud.. The "Vlmil" f?,',',",',-'-),",',?:'? Stepping Stone tor a Gerha Heintzman Piano . GitittaItDt1EmTmhN _','.',:':.:.',',.',:,')',,.',,.',.',,',',":',,',,,)!-:-::.,.,," tiii/trips "it'tetetot '.tii,i:iiii)i: _ WITH US? In." iiiiiiil â€I. no“; Mm; neonâ€! by 'i:,cjil, bolting iso King West, Kitchener li, J Original, Cenuirie Z; \ ..1 ' . I - 'l-i:.. We Pay, 24; - iv 20 by Leonard Wambold, presented by Mrs. J. M. Newton; modal donated by the Prince}: ot Wale! Chapter, LO.D.E., tor girl's piano solo, won by Geneva Lecnyer. prevented by Mrs, A, B. Pollock: Rotary new tor girl's vocal Bolo, won by Elin- beth Hackney, presented by H. M. Cook RECEIVE BRONZE MEDALS In the Junior Oratoriea1 contest at the K.-W. Collegiate Inst ,eestth, Frederlek Boating ot Waterloo md Miss Else McKellar were presented with bronze medals. _ COUNTY ROAD SUPT. MR. LEVI LICHTI AND MRS. LIGHT! RETURN FROM FLORIDA Mr. Levi B. Lichtl. county road rise from 60 to " dogmas In a tow superintendent, and Mrs. [John rrh.ttotrrts being registered. turned on Thursday. from a two * . months’ sojourn in Florida. Mrs." ---.---------- mam being much benoitttm' in Minnrd's blnimont for It!!! health by her visit to the South. muscles. _ Small Special Machinery Dew signed and Built Tools, Dies, Ete The Waterloo Trust and . Savings Company WATERLOO Ft - . a T/ £1 iki'i),'jrti.; r: fig-55% 1.44%} r . 5. -wiottevate Under uric: Government Supervision EXECUTOR, ADMINISTRATOR, - - TRUSTEE, ETC. - soups, MORTGAGES SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES h". Phone 1 229 c'"k"r"r'8rig,am Woelfle Bros. Ltd. Machinists Ind Toolilnkm B-t-bli-hed I906 Mr.’Llchtl and that tho boom In Florian vapour and that It In now ditrtettit to sell my property even at very low prices. The future at St. 159mm.“ m. however. bright and may invostlnonts in that city would turn out All right. Purchasers of lots situated In said six miles from St. Petersbnrg, which were bought It exorbitant prices. cannot secure ten dollars tor them, he am. Mr. Lichti stuted that there no my asses ot persons having no money and ‘who cannot get Anything tor their properties Ind easmsosut- tr allot get home, including num- erous Cmdisns. In spelt“); thou! the wanker in Florida. Mr. Helm and that this! White! Ind been the coldest ax- perlenoed lince 1913. There were sudden clause: of temperature, I rise from 60 to " degrees In a tewi hours being registered. l Church St "A w-into-rs-tter-ttrs-tnas'- tta-tnth-ml-ttfa-_-tate, asitmrtatge1ttfttrtuftrirru-ie,i-mtm1e. tre-tf-matt.'--"-.-) anywhcro in Ontu-io on approval, and if you m not at Idiod, we will pay the return freight. Here is a splendid opportunity not g't. to new. a - uptioml ulna, Mit to make any the . pm of . Garland P22"t,','ie,""t The-e pianos m Mb glu- uzteod by their or and try this comm, who, a maker: of the Garb-rd Haitian“ Pia-o, will! Ind-r I. drum-tunes MM their link associated with I - tiormble instrument KITCHENER Tut. Advantage of this tgf/el'?, offer innodh r Nahum, “(quantity tt pianos in this on. h ad ad dire', nation b noes-try to avoid It“. I or write at once. Offer Limited to " Days! on deposit compounded yearly, ' w A higher rate allowed on arittmM. of $100.00 and over Mt for one ttr, more years, Cylindar Re- Grindinl Pinon ' Pins, RiMs Etc. Ila-column!“ din-“W,†.'r,i. w PN L V! N, _ 7., NUHCE ‘OF APPLICA‘ FOR DIVORCE NOTICE ls HEREBY am 7 ' Bertha Amelia Hamlet. o! M ot Kitchener, tn tht Count! 214 _ 0| Anuuunvn u- my my v. . W erloo. in the Province of I " Married Women. will apply 'rr,"," Parliament ot Cumin " m . , session thereof tor e Bill ot l. , ' A3 from her huebend Henry L% lti Bertelat of the said City at w Bill enere in the County or wa, _e and Province ot Ontario, si " 'ii', on the ground of adultery. " Pct? DATED n Kitchener. was? this an: day ot Hum All. In“? Clement, Clement. tam-£1 SIM. t,' tV N i Solicitor: tor the 'sid,' nan-nut.“ OI], " It)" “A." The Hoyer Trusses m Mi good sad-tagtlon. ' C was; Vneod no under It!!!) and have Bott I001!" 111 pads. l - Made and ttttted at 56 tr1rq", Bt., E.. Kitchener, neu- M Poltoftice. Pay no attention to "no“ flowery and exaggerate? Mm tiaements when you can :61, better truss right here ml for: less money, with the whim of setting It chatted or m at any time. ' RUPTURE’ GALT