what your gatnr‘ is?" "There is no game. Mr. Stake." He saw that he had to go care- fully. Jackson Stake, for all his amiahility, would he a hard man to move itpo wt himself in the, way. He had little initiative and no ag- gressiveness. but, Ir provoked, could dew-ton an omirmnus inertia. He was one of those men whose will pawnr is mostly won'? power. What Jackson Stake mistook tor deter- mination in his own character was really stuhtrotatnoss: the stubborn- ness which had grappled with this svruhland tarm and converted it. little by little and year by Fear, into a valuaule possession and a place of ph-utv; and bent environ ment to its wiil--thatHvas the great strength of Imwo.si, more negative perhaps than positive. which under a hearty (‘xtvrior dominated Jack son Stake. Ho appeared genial and pliable. but when Crossed he was hard as with. He was a man to he handled with care. 1 Cal was nnw quick enough to per. celve in his employer these quali» tiets--wtalities which until this mo- ment had not mine home to him. He mentally revised his line of attack. mentally revised his line of attack. "You‘vo a great Farm here. Mr. Stake." he began. "You're made the prairie blossom as the rose. as the poet says. Suppose you had to cul- tivate all these fields with a spade?" "It muldn't be done." "Ot murso not. You do your farm work with power' not because its easier. but beause it's cheaper and quicker. and it pays beter. Now my idea is to carry that same principle Into housework. I mint to see this the mom "todern farm in Plain. "Not " “0rd. But I'd like to try." "Not eunugh to do in the fields? They'll be I'muly tor barley seedin' in a day "r t1so." you feel broken down, nervous weak metima? Lydia E. Phi- h 'I Veauble (humid in stool- ttou utmchl hump and" tahen raglan sud per- ' will an". 10W 0 "Yr-v. But I could do this odd times: mum hours. and the like." The tarnwr scutrled his thin hair, "You beat me." he admitted at length. "Suppose you to" me Jus" what your ammo is?" "Well, you see. I found last Sun- day that it takes a good bit of muscle to run that machine. and the old Ford might as well he earning its keep. If you‘ll let me have the use of the blacksmith shop and the run of the Itorteyurtl--" "I think the wife's been talkin'. Did she put you up to this?" I Gre six Tl','lilyl to work for, to I lave plan y to do. I lino med Lydia . Pinkhun tt Smative Wuh, Ind I think it in good. But I owe V. health to the Vegetable Compoun , and I paint if more of it was, used women mid be better off. I would not bo without it if Roost much more."-.. In. HILL": Hon. a St. Matthew. Agave. Harpijtoq. Ontario. The farmer regarded him with some curiosity, dropping his lower law the better to promote contem- Nation. "Now what in hay-time put that into your head?" he finally inquired. Mrs. Horn Tells how Lydia E. Md: YegttueCrterrtmtd trt I can rig up a machine to run the separator by using some of that old machinery and the Ford, will it be all right?" he asked. Rtsrnilton,fhtt,--"I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham’s Ve-etahle Compound and would not be without it now. I had a female trouble so badly I . could hardly walk Li and I was all run- , down and could , hardly get around to do my house- work. I would be > in bed three or fou r d n ya at I 1 time, I was told m, RlgmlMhorafrititotr, r egptnblo Compound. I did, and {rum timp I took two bottles I wu beginning to get amund again I took ten bottles in all, and nowl am Ill ri ht again and doing my own work. I L'.',',,,' six (mum-um to work for, no {our l’ogvtablr Co y tho timi- I took WOMAN COULD Illlillltf WALK Grit had said something nbout running the cream separator with the old Ford. it had been said in last. but he would turn it to ae. count. Among all this mechanical flotsam he surety would find the means to carry out the idea. He went to Jackson Stake. 'ttttttttttttmn-ttttnut-tam-mmm-mmm-ttttmn':", Pu'ttt-ttttnntttttttt'tttttttttttttttttttttmmttuttttmtttnuttittttttmt-, In revealed. "ttTi; Ever is pug. fresh and fragrant. Try It. Buch. Mixed or Groom Blends. "SAMBA" Restored Her new.“ The Smoking Flax 9.7M chat- of a By ROBERT STEAD It“. tea Cup worthlcs, their bodies judlclously point-d on wtsll"eprmtrI logs and their thumbs tucked in their tronsex hands, otmervrid the [Irnroatws with on exammPMed gravity. not nnmix ed with a eon-9t hope that. the our Icy would drop oft, or the belt break, or distant" in some form ovprtnlm the cotttrivttttro. nut Cal had outdo sure of his job. and the iovarato, ran on smoothly and re mtlnrly~more smoothly and rogu- larly then it " had been taned by hand. An the motor wormed up it formatted its speed and he had to readjust the throttle. but aside from that the operation were qnlte auto- matir. Men. stake looked on In. rredulomly. It! though unable to arr.pt the tentlmony of her eyes, and a little doubtful elm-t the nor- ality of shimmtnl milk by Inch I method, But her huehtnd wen openly enthnetutic. Hie big red (we we. new with mu. “He'll be hernstitchin' the hang: korchlnrs with It next." Gander pre flirted. ' _ "Or teedin' the onary." Grit sup: Rested. disregardan the slight oh Jtsction that thero was no canary. lished. It was great business. Gander and Grit. strolling up from the nurse stable, took in the situ- ation with amused interest. The elliptic wrinkes in Grit's face lent themed until they effected almost a complete circle, save tor the.im tvrruplion of his nose, and Gander's Adam's apple was spusmodically Ruining his emotion, "I often heard it said that some day they'd breed a Ford that ’ud give milk." said Grit, "hut I never reckoned I'd live to see it." Gander' weighed his response, "Wonderful what yon can do. with ahrord an' an eddieation. It l was a DD. I bet I could make the Dodge Hive cream cheese." "Or lay an egg." Grit suggested. "A fried OKEY" Gander exclaimed. hut this flight ot imagination proved too much tor the two cron- iuss. They caught arms. clinched, and in a moment were swaying and straining in a catch-as-(‘atch-can wrestling bout. After a minute or two of Herculean combat their emo- tion had found relief. and, panting and grunting. they resumed con- side-ration of the possibilities arlr ing out ot a Ford and an odumtion. mm the cream began trickling Du: of. their respective tubes. and the sucress of his machine was estate lished. It was great bllsinPss. iii ville district. I want the women to be talking alter church, ‘You should see the way Jackson Stake has fixed things up tor his wire. Running the cream separator with power, it you please, and the washing machine, too.' And I'd like you to let me help you do that. That's all." "Sounds the least' bit like Min- nie," said the farmer, "only you put it better. You don't threaten noth- al Having an spokon, the two n egg." Grit rrugggested. ‘15:!" Gander exclaimed flight of imagination much for the two cron- caught arms. clinched, Tell your druggint you In! t stmtit bottle of my. 0mm Balm. Apply a limo ot this trNrrant, unu- new? cream In rottr'stostrtu, lot It penance through every Mr pun- nn of the haul; soothe and haul the swollen. Inflated mnncou mom- hrnne. and relief com: Instantly. " In just that every cold and alarm lulu-or “can. Don‘t my "tttteb" and than“ You feel tlne in a few momenlu. Your mid in head or catarrh will be “one, Your clogged nostrils will npen. The " passages of your MINI I'm clear and you can breathe troely. No more dullness. hud~ ache; no hawking. mulling. mul- mnn ditrrthprtrett or dryneu; no struggling tor breath " night. Tell your druggint you Inn! . Imall bottle of my. 0mm Balm. It was on Friday that the happi- rnss of the great week dropped Into a gulf, an one walking with his head in the clouds may step over a pre- ripive. Cal was working about the tard when Reed returned from school. swinging his lunch bag at ‘ He began with an eitort to re- vise the tarmyard on some sort of geometrical basis. With the help ot Itig Jim and his associates he straightened the grannies about and lined then) up. and hauled the frame blacksmith shop,' which had been occupying a position twenty- yi-Felt point tire degrees trom north of the horse stable, into alignment‘ with the grannies. The three frame luildings. now in a straight row‘ v/itlt the house, presented quite an avenue. "Beach Boulevard." Gander‘ christened/it. and "reckoned" thére should he a policeman, on traffic duty at the corner, as he had seen upon his only visit to Winnipeg. hut Cal smiled and went on. Wait until Minnie came out from town tatnvday night! See what Minnie would have to say. about his-tgit, with] experiments. She was a bright girl. Minnie, and she world . nilerstand. Cal blocked up the sagging cor- ner of the water trough, so that it wonld not run over there before the "ther end was halt full, and assuage the mud hole around the well with cevpral wagon loads ot gravel. He dismantled the wooden pig pen In ttoe centre of the grounds and haul- ed it log by log beyond the bone. yard, where he reassembled It, to the eminent satisfaction of its occu- punts, who showed their approval of green grass and fresh earth to mot in with bassoonic grunts ot happiness. He loaded the great “basket" racks. discarded until ' ing time. onto wagons and moved them out beyond the stables. He straightened up the log pile. and now set to work to carry the sawed mod from what should have been the lawn in front of the house ta the north end, where it could not he set-n from "Reach Boulevard." All these operations Gander and Uri! observed with amused con- umpt. It Cal were fool enough to till in his slack time dttit unneces- wry work. let him. He would be xiser by fall. But Hamilton lent a hand with the piling of the wood, mud sometimes came hnd sat on ('al's vushion in front of the gran» my after supper. and asked shy little questions about the outside world. and what it was like to be in a university. a program ot local liplltt. He wheedied the farmer to one side. and belore the bowl of the sepgrator Hopped growling he had been con- stituted a committee of one with "carte blanche" to carry out I,,,. provements--provided they didn't tost anything. “You had a good main": lpmdor already," Mrg. Stake reminded him, "but, of course, tt it we. oomethin' o' use you wouldn‘t buy it. not tor the soul or sake o' you. You'd trek home that oi' manure spreader, tut' you with more lien notes than% he paid this tall or next. but it It was somethin' useful---" Her voice trailed on plaintiveâ€. but it occurred to Cal that the MMF ment was a. singularly inopportune one for nagging. Now was the time in get Jackson Stake committed to " must watch out tor one It " auction ale." he an], not bulging with constructive {enema-Iv. “Wish I'd bought an engine inland 6' that manure spreader-J But the old Runner'- Imagination had been Ignited. For a moment he glimpsed & world beyond the bear. tracks and the bully you. “Win! did I all you?" and am. "And (sod the --" r! In: nu: _ “All! (In Int u WI - inc-8v put h w. III 8 w $Bthoeqd a. bum P%tntr an. m the M .0 l0- nou turtle: Innovato- all Gal much It om. "Of all..." ho snug-ted. tile-ha M with .11ch 5mm Inn-wo- ol P"; nenhlp In the Bood M. “m: It really need II n I..." will. lt) glue. It would run tho “an; machine, tor--" I I ' I I 'l'I‘V'I‘V'.‘ 1roo"""trty urou Jr. F 1 Queen viNoria died January M, The population was 9.914- ‘1901. She was born mi May 24th. Mr. Fred Win" of t?nti mm. and oh tho, death of her uncle. u- elected "rd-m of "In W-mlon Wllnnm IV". on June mu. IM?, an» County Council. ‘wu mmlaimed Queen on Juno 21nt wtthrrtoo County‘s ttottttlatiort "tii." and was from"! " Westmin- 68,64t. later on June Mth, IM8, Her (91'0" Mr, tr. J. Wllllnmu “a madden!J wegnml , m. and was "Inga at of the Baud M T'mde. _ £300,000. she VII Queen for nmrly TM ttr--- M nun. nnd died “(or I than " Mr. John null. on at wauruep no" In no: "" "SP. Ithe and of t “up. The boy wu In!!!“ and brown and upâ€; u tCu] looked fondly down " him he l(waned to have {will years lines Its,u. camp " the head of the lake, lieu than two weeks ago. And to- .day nu (we wag more radiant mu ever, tor his was the tor ot the scttild who has great news to tell. The Town FatheK for Berlin were Mr. G, Herbert Bowlby mayor, conn- rmorn were Messrs. c. Brawn. C H. Doerr. J, Blnxemnn, J. M. Staph- ter. E. Brit-her. A, Bricker, J, w. Davy, J. Cochran. Geo. Philips, D. Grout! " F The population was 9,914. Mr, Fred Waller of Wollenley Wu! elected var-den of the Wnorlon County Council. " furniture factories in Canada, and a few in England, formed a combine with a rapiial of $3,000.- 000. Mr. J. S. Anthea of Berlin, and Messrs. Schiller and Killer also Messrs Snyder and Roos & Co. of Waterloo Joined In. The Sunday School: of Wontnch had splendid and large Conve tion at Elmira. u January lat, 1901 was a memorv ahle day. There was considerable discussion among the people and in the papers whether the 19th Cen- tury began on January Ist, 1900 or January lat. 1901. however January lat. 1901. was the final decision Perhaps very few. it any. who saw the opening of this century will see another one. and therefore it W9; a memorable day. The Economical Block was burnt, Cal discovered that hls gym-E pathies were in sharp collision with:' the moral law. but he took 'l/r',iil ground. "No, Reed. it is not ball at least so far as the boy is cond cerned. The boy is as good-as good! as you are. And perhaps his mother) too, is trood--as good as your mother watt.' ' I Had very nice winter weather, a few storms and some sleighlng. but also some good wheeling zero weather on the 2nd, 5th and 18th, hm the 19th eclipsed those 3 days when Bmlau reported 26. below zero but the next day was mild and was 32 above zero, a difference of MI degrees in 24 hours. January 1901, 25 Years Ago or Now 1926 "And you took part In that?" It “as the sternness of Cal's voice. rather than his words, that brought Reed up with a hart. The child‘s race whitened a little; it was no: often that Daddy x spoke to him like that. "Yes-why?" he (altered. "Because, in the tirgt place, it's cowardly. A bunch of children can he as cruel as a pack of wolves. Young savages, every one of them: And you were cruel as well as cowardly." "But, Daddy X"-the boy's lip was trembung--"it was true; they _al1 said it was true;1 hen' a bail boy, and his mother is bad, and he has no father. It is bad to have ni, father, isn't it, Daddy X?" “Well. he's got no father, and that's why, although I don't just see --At any rate, it's very bad, and to. day we chased him nearly all the way home, and some of the boys called him a bad name, at least I thought it was bad, but they say it's not bad when it‘s true, and he fought with one of them and got kicked down and It made his nosn bleeds and served him right. didn't it? And then he ran " home cry- ing. You bet he was scared." "And you took part In that?" It "Reed, they any “Why. Reed! That is a very Bert nus thing to say. You mustn't say such things abqut boys, and es- pecially about their mothers." "But it's true. Daddy X! All the boys ny so. and his mother's bad. too. and worse than he is." "Oh, Daddy X, do you know? There‘s a. boy In school and he's a bad boy, and his mother’s bad, too!" SM t Emulsion Weft-5:. uuk- Co?“ it? oh hand "ah-ttion. WANT-alimout. 8M Monthly Budget of Old News (To be Continued.) you mustn't! But why do it .r" From Peter Stiuire'ie Diary Copyright Mn Chatham will have a new hinder [wine factory which witl employ 50 men and make 5 tons per day. A few Muren about the Post. "frirrxig of which there are 9,627 in Canada. In 1900 there were [78.- 232,500 letters, mailed and 27.130,000 post cards. The revenue- wns 33; 183.984 and the oxponsos were, 83.- 645395. being a dettrit of $461,712. was 834.000, helng the, Iowan for many yenâ€. _ annnn City regiment! " degrees holow zero on the 16th, Britain will semi 5.000 more mon In the South African war. Kingston Corporation workers quit work when a Mr. Moore, a non- rnion man, was taken on. _ 21 families of Donkhobors who loft our NAV. last summer and took up land In California have return- od and are better Batitstied. Toronto mall carriers are asking for a 207; Increase In wages. Hamilton's loss by fire last year Mr, Solomon Kraft, near Bridge ;urt. was killed by a team. 34 years n f ago. Mr. Benjamin Schneider of Mit. ' ortyn 0f his Newspaper: for January. 1901, say That lewv when"! in the mm Cen. Vury by a salulo of '.tlt guns. The prisoners of St. Johns. NB jail were given their liberty as ' New Years present. ' SURPLUS. OF $743,136 ‘ANNOUNCED IN Outlining the financial t r the Province of Quebec in the operations for the "nded June 30. 1925, H Nicol, Provincial Treasur ANNOUNCED IN QUEBEC Outlining the tinaneial condition 1 r the Province of Quebec. as shown in the operations for the fiscal year untied June 30. 1925, Hon. Jacob Nicol, Provincial Treasurer. will be ubie to announce a surplus of $743,- 136. The revenue for the year has heel] $25,021,328. the greatest in me, history of the province, and ex- xxeuditure of $24,278,192. The net funded debt is given at $62.363,104. This represents an increase in the net funded debt. of $'5,724.203 during the year. busy merchants. died in his 73rd Sr. Pr.-Verna Cressman, Willard Cressman, Edward Kramp, Wilfred \Veiler. Arthur Reyes. Jr. Pr.-Marie Geier. Host spellers tor the month: "r.--oiahet Cressmam m.--Lloyd Cressman. H.--Margaret Reyes. l.~Victor Geier. No. on the roll-M; average at- mndance 24. Best report for this month.-Mar- saret Reyes. . . Jr. m.---vertm Cressman. Eliza- beth Weller. Walter Schilling. Sr. ll. -. Margaret Reyes. Alfred Srhllling. Jr. IL-George Bone, Reta Wag. nr‘r. Elizabeth Janzen. v Jr. L---Victor Geler. Wilfred Har, naek. Marie Reinhart. ary Sr. Iii. -- Henry Janzen, Lloyd Cressman. Edmund Weller. Irene Harnack. . on her cake, tive persons were over, come with the heâ€. . Jr. IV. -- Mabel Cressman, Fred Sr. lV'.~I.eonard Weiter. Schilling. Margaret Jauzen, Edgar Hamack. . Id“! "Bo they're engaged at Int. It'- " ideal hutch." “Think so? How?†“He bu money oy' she know- how to spend it." First Bach. - How old is Miss Splinter; doesn't she chin: to be twerrty-tieet BecotiBach.--Don't know what she claims, but at her In! birthday party. when they lighted the candles SCHOOL REPORT OF S. lb. NO. 14. WATERLOO Following is the report ot S. S 14, Waterloo for the month or Jam: Blush, (outta-luau!!!) --rore got to had It to my wife. You; In: "I In ya- can. old My. 1'. not will: Inch lud- v.1." Smut-No. I don’t. You now you do-every sum-My night. Amour: _ haiku-1:?“ but you to nth love to I! m. It." Bet She Didn't Put 'om There Benjamin Schneider of Mit. was fatally kicked by one horses. Smilax ll‘ 4ttnee Arno-ml“ fire last year NIL.’ PASSEI HS al ( Storm mpn m as, as l ‘I'I‘XIA 'PASSENGER STEAMER I BAFFLES GREAT SEA8 E Stormmatteresl by mountainous was, as the log describes them, the ewhito Star liner Regina, from Uuoensinwn and Livernool made _ pm at iinsinn on Jan. 26 after one gut the worst lmssages experienced by in" oldest mariners aboard. The Regina encountered an er cepiimmily heavy sea off Newfound. bond. The whole craft shook like ‘3 leaf as the great waves crashed lw\'v|r her. smashing in the port rail in three places. and carrying away |fuur large rahln ports. Tho water surged in torrents into :liw staterooms of Raymond Savage. author. Samar- woke to find a wave I “asking over his head. Charla tor full mums h only um; not! clan boning Fob. “h For full Information call " 267 " bert M.. South. or phono 2007?. Mt. aha-or. ' Ht Wo, teach how In cut. fit and put toRretttrr any ntyle ot ttttrtttttttttt tor Imus-n and chlldrpn. Why spend monthn In a dreanmakink shop. when we can turn you tn two rack A low dun lrlnl free, ms haw "mum aver 4000 this method. L. W. Shuh .. W. G. Weichel J. Howard Simpson Richard Roschman Jos. Staufter ARTHUR FOSTER _..-.. Man B. E. BECHTEL and , w. R. BRICKER ..P.WrF lnspec C. A. BOEHM INSURANCE AGENCIES, LIMITED Dickie! Agents Establhhed 1863 ‘ASSETS OVER 31.400000 GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT $100,000 For SPRAY, PAINTING call at THE WATERLOO VULCANIZING WORKS 91 King St., North THE MERGANTILE FIRE INSURANCE District Agents Waterloo, Ont. Phe Agent Rear of Pequegnat Block, Fred- erick St., Kitchener. Phone I?†, LEARN I)llligilnl0liiil Promptly and neatly loathâ€; [action (unnamed. " King at. N.. l"". NFat_-g" in. It M _ IOID M 'rt-r-tttEar," than R tt P A I It l N G noon. won and nus-In RIPAIIID - Kmvu IHARPINID E. NIERGAR’I’B 27 Erb St. - Waterloo s COHPMIY 1NCtJtu'OKArjD 1574 Waterman Caplul J., 8250.000 Assets U. . . . . . t700,000 Att policies guaranteed by the London and Lancnshiro Insurance Co. Ltd with w entity of $50,260,000. Alfred Wright, accronry. Waterloo f Mutual Fire Insurance Company Farm jmplements C. A. BOEHM INSURANCE AGENCIES, LIMITED OUT PLOWIIIMM Artutu M Dull- O Gordon Peterson Massey-Harris Implements. B. t Btatrlo Equipment Ontario Mind Mills Win Fencing and Twine otricers and Director. Harness and Shoes H. M. WILHELM SHOEMAKING. AND WHITEWASHING Rap-Irina _..,..Preqidertt c. ViCe-PreBident A. Bauer J. H. Roos P. E. Sham: .....‘ Manager Phone 760 Waterloo. lnspecto " Waterloo Phone 1963w '06 Weber Oil-unborn. Phone "OB. Klan-nor. Graduate ot Bellevue Hospital, New York. Special attention we†to extraction and children's dine-um Office " King st. W., Kitchener Phone 444. Accountant. And Amman. Amber Izod Trance; Animus. no. .... rut, S. H. ECKEL. Dentist. one. In Molsons Bank. Waterloo, Phone 174. DR. ll. E. HARPER, DENTIST. Ottitte in Oddlellows Block, " King St. s., Waterloo, Phone 849. DR. J. W. HAGEY. Dentist, Room 110 Weber Chambers, King St. W. Kitchener, Telephone connection. Kitchener. _ DR. H. M. KATZENMEIER. Den tint, office " King iR. W., Kitetr ener. Phone 305W. DR. L. DOERING, Dentist, tttMMV sor to Dr. J. Schmidt. " King St. East. over Dominion Bunk. two doors frog: Potrtotnca, Kitchener. phones: ottice 454: rouldenco. 1092W. mt F. G. HUGHES, Dentist, Bull nel's Bloch, King St. s., Waterloo Phone-otha, 39â€. Residence. 2591. D. a. BOWLBY. git UL.B.. lib ruler, Solicitor. Notary Public and Convoy-nou- one. Inn)- at'- Bank Building. Tohphm 847, Kitchener, on, Palmer Gr-du-to Chiropractor 104 King at. West, KRchcner thon";. ounce 1123J, Houu Mu un- c. nun-r. m Btttietur., W Pull. - no". on - I. Ian. on... (W. urns All “I. A, L. mm B.a., woo-on to Conrad nit-w, w. I.“ ttor, Notary Puma. qtt In. 1. Ion German - m Power“! Block. nut to limp. "Martel BL. mocha». WALTER D. INRIG & co. AUDITORS & ASSIGNEES Don‘t throw any your all tw min. Tan-try or We! Our m. m “on to In. We an. than Into “will In! "mm. l'lnl In. M in. In, I. Wm. “all. w. ROBERTQON AUDITOR and ACCOUNTANT Bookkeeping Systems Insult“ moon). Tu INCOME TAX COUNSEL 11 J. E Hm, SPICIALTY. but eno- of the Ear. Throat And No... King Bt. mt. Kitchener. 'mroenewautrtooamntruG Bum-5, walnut-lib.- 0.7mm“. manna-u. FLUFF RUG WEAVING Omce 44 William m.. Water loo. Phone Mm. link. In: In. that... 5 Holm Apnr‘montn. Young " Phones, Offic. 1323.). H-1323W Successor to Dr, U. B. Shanta DR. A. c. BROWN, DENTIST ELECTROTHERAPEUTIIT CHIROPRACTIC F. WAECHTER A. HOLM, CHlROPRAttTott "er, iroprar.tor MEDICINAL DENTAL _ Ru. 632 Park It Khan"!-