' Mum-III .. Mil-“5130!.†NOTE-The farm where the above sale will be held is for sale, consisting of 103 acres good loamy soil, good buildings, plenty of good water, the farm is well Mutated, not far to school. Anyone interested in buying a tarm will do' well to in- vestigate this proposition. Price right. Further particulars can he had by the undersigned auctioneer. N. C. SURBRAV. Proprletor. E. J. SHANTZ. Auctioneer, Kitchener, Ontario. o. a. KOLB, Clerk. Hay and Feed-lo tons ot good hay. 600 bushels mixed grain, 600 bushels turnips. " biishels ot seed barley. - No Jteserve. Terms of ttate-Hay, grain, roots, fat pigs, young pigs and all sums of $15.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months' credit will be given by furnishing approved Joint notes, or 6% per annum discount to; cash on credit amounts. Harne--set of tern harness. set ot plow harness, set of single buggy harness. 'mttt-rtts-r'totst & Wood bin. der, stool hay rule. F. a W. dish, spring tooth cultivator, 4 oectlon Iron barrow. 2 Cocnhutt walking plows. 1 two-tarrow plow, turnlp seeder, 2 acumen-s tone new). 1 tube seed drill, good moo, bob sleigh, , wagon boxes, cutter. road cart, rubber tire top buggy, l-horu demo, crat. new. Delmval créam separator nearly new. No. 12, 2 butcher kettlesr 2 churns. butcher table. steel land roller, fanning mill, cutt- lng box, kitchen stove, wood heater. 5 milk pails, root pulper, chums. doubletrees. forks and numerous other useful articles that are used on the (arm. The above lmplemeuts‘ are all in good shape. Pig. __ , good Yorkghlre brood low- with " pigs 4 wee." old. I Yorkshire boar, 4 tat piss Jratglttetq about 200 lbs. each, as chicken. Cattle: ' good Hal-uh and Duh In. wry Conrtr.-4 cowl not. 1 cow~ bred Jul. 7, 1 cow and Sun. 13th. cow bred Sept. am. now bred Aug. 2131; 6 you“ better: mm; one And iwo you: old, a calves. black bull two you: old. by Mr. Winn). on UMINMY. FIIIUMV th meta; " t _ p... "---' - worm homo. on I. I good driven 1 In My colt It†I years old. " Slider Milling“ New Year Policies All of our "reputation, Facilities. organization and money back of every package. Old Year Policies Quality in goods and service, Good Flour and straight forward treat- ment of the trade. Seven Lilies Ocean The ideal general pur- pose flour for both Bread or Pastry. ALWAYS ORDER BY NAME (Fancy Pastry) Flour Flou r NEVER FAILS ARE o! Feb. 8, CMoniit-arnt stock. Implements, pfoduce and household enacts, belonging to Simeon Jutzl li mile east or Wilmot Centre school, on the Bleam's road. No reserve. March 4 Crht1rMtsr)---Entirts farm stock. implements, produce and household enacts, belonging to Daniel Geiger, 4 miles north ot New Dundee and 2 miles south of Peters. burg, on the Bleam’s Road. No re serve as farm 13 sold. """+otmtt$uot-t-ti.ottotvrt 'rr"'""? March' 9 . ('rueadai-Farm stock, Implements and feed belonging to Wm. Z. Koeiet, 255 miles southeast of Hawkesville, 2% miles west of Heidelberg and , miles northwest of St. Clements. " April IN (Saturday) -Houtsehold enacts tor C. R. Croom, adjoining Kitchener city limits. n H. TOMAN, Gradual. Auctlonur. serve Mir. 4 Crtttrrsdnyy-At " o'clock. Farm stock, New Hamburg thresh- ing machine, Waterloo Portable steam engine, lull line ot Imple- ments, feed and household, elects belonging to Paul Martin. shunted 3 miles northwést of Waterloo and 2 miles out ot Erbsvllle. No re. " ACRE FARM Near pram-a. More In . dam " mm farm rtght on the Mair way. The vary but at land. l roamed brick Mun, bank bum. mom. Orult. " you will! I uplan- dld Hula hm. do ttqtt mlu No. Price foe I qulok ..... $5000 March , "'ueadar)--At 12 o'- clock noon, (arm stock. Implements. teed and household enacts belong. ing to John W. Hartlelb adjoining the “use ot Bamberg. No reserve as the tum h; sold. ad button OM. lot when N. Wow. mum on no “I". sf I“. out of 80mm. In. Feb. " (runway) n " o'clock noon. In. that, 1-1â€.th load and household also" tor David Bhutan. muted In the villus ot Bro-nu. hm: l- sol-t Feb. M, IThuruturr--6rmstoer, Implements. reed end household elect: tor Noun B. Weber. unwed 3% mile- north of Waterloo, on the Highway between Waterloo um at. Jacobs. Feb. 21 Waturdatry-at 1.30 p.m.. valuable real slate shunted at " Menno St... Wtstortoo, tor the late Charles Zlnknn mute. oei.-dtia.aua.eea ThqBhov.anueanaetgedt-tte momma,“ m.uusu.n-auut "tm-tte-tg-trt-tr-het h. K. CRESSMAN GROCERY BUSINESS We have for “I. a good uro- cory bunlneu And premium e.rttratly nuanced on a good Btreet, good dun , stock, I roamed brick Mun with con- V."l."¢..~- Owner would cow alder "ch-nu. on than" pro party. We have for ale a uplandid a full and splendid equipment garage bunlneu in the city wicn ot tools. 2 unoiine pumpo. a well bum red brick â€rage. lituated on a large tot. on one of the mun streets. Owner in doing I Ipiandld business. Any- one wanting some tiling like thin be sure and an m. quick. Price in right. '; 125 Acre; Farm situated 2% miles from Waterloo for sale, with or without stock and imple: ments. An opportunity to get near town for dairy business. $2400 cash required, balance on mortgage at 5% interest. For further particulars apply to loll I...“ and Amloooor I. Indorict It. .0001 old. a! the lurid MIMI-g. tt I T c " I I I I . w " (W)-At O E. J. SHANTZ A Good (huge Business With Property mum For Sale mull!»Imumlllmtlnlulna! vlunuwnngm 'CHes . "A't you DALI i POI CALI Bitt cheap. - m huh; “an. A Piper. mums box; also Cyclone not "an: Inn... use; nude amm- chovver- Amy 6mm . 'sohlnm. hom tmit may tor union $40; one mnnlclpul telephone Bohm, and: Hot-um hum an In lurch. no; " - on. '" cum horn. 1800 lit. W $15.00. Apply P. K. Wehr’n lulu Minn.“ [Animal and try Voter- “)... hum _ _ Wheeling. Scotch Fingering. For. sted. All Wool, Ninety Cent: pound up. delivered? 81mph: tree. 8. t Y. Shops, Department trl, 0mm. Mt. tarfo. 3-41. Feb. M, fF'ridag)--narm stock. Implements. hay. grain, household effects, em, ot Peter Ziegler about 2% miles north ot West Monti-one and 5 miles north-east of Elmira, 5 miles south west of Elon. Mir. 4, iThurrtdar)-Ptrm stock. Implements. hay, grain. household effects. em. or Rich-rd Douslln. about ' miles north of "module and 2% mlles south ot Alma. _ Feb. " (Monday) -Fartn stock. implements, hay. gram, household "itects, em. of Eugene L. Helm, at Dorking Station. Feb. " (Wednesday) --5 Farm MDDUIUI‘ stock, implements, including potato" implements such as planter. npray- . NOTICE om, dlggors, ete, gram, household mam. etc., at the Silas Bauman Gli Estate, 1 mile north of Florarlale. i Fob. 16th _--- Farm stock. imple, ---_--- ments, hay, grain. household affects NOTICE is hereby Me., of Angus Weber, % mlle north persons having rlnlr nf Mondale. 091a“: of Jnnenh F I CEO. a, CLASS, Auction". Feb 6 (Saturday) - Real estate. conglsting ot a comfortable frame house and good barn, large lot, etc., belonging to the estate ot David P. Martin, corner of Church and Walker Sign Elmira. A. R. LINN. Auctioneer . March 10 (Wednesday)-Aucuon sale or farm stock, Clydesdale horses, furniture, etc., tor John Becker, Breslua Road, at 10 mm. A good sale. Farm Isisold. '___....) ...._a \uc nauuc Ill luv w- About March lst-Farm stock, im, curitles. if any, held by them duly plements, ete., bolonging to Wm. verified. Robhintson, Puslinch Tp. _ , About March 1Bt--F'arm stock, im- NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVBN plements eta. belonging to Swartz. that after said t5th February. 1826, onhurx Bros., Pusllncll Tp. ysaid Executors will distribute the assets of said Deceased, having re- gard only to those claims of which A. R. LINN, Auetiorteer . noticé shall then have been receiv~ March 10 (Wednesdayr--Aueuon cd, and they will not be liable for sale ot farm stock, Clydesdale said/assets or any part thereot to horses, furniture, etc., tor John any person of whose claim notice Becker, Breslua Road, at 10 am. A has not then been received. good sale. Farm is‘sold. : vALENGNe HAHN, _ ------'-----'-"----, LIZZIE HOFFMAN CEO. a, CLASS, Auctlonoor. I HARRY KOEHLER, ments ship. March 16 (Tuesday) - Auction sale ot farm, farm mock, imptrs menu; and teed at Lot 4243. Con- cession 6, S.E.H., 3% miles soth of Stratford. for W. H. Odbert. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. Feb. 9 (Tuesday) - Farm stock, and implements belonging to Gideon Dachert, situated % mile west of Mannheim on the main road. Petr. 16--', ments of Jo tween Ari-is Elmira road March 11 1Tttursdts.vy--Custsrink auction sate' ot tarm stock, imple- ments and feed at iot 1, 13th line of Blandford, 2 miles north ot Bright and 2 miles west of Plans- sine, for Mrs. Alex. Calder. Mar. 26 trrioar)-anstuas spring horse sale at the Arlington Hotel yard, Tavistock. Enter your horses with the'auctioneer by March Ist. Petr. 17 (Wednesday) -- Farm stock, implements and feed -on the farm formerly occupied by Neal Werner at Strasburg, and chattels belonging to N. C. Surbray. 2, Concession I, Weliessier, 1 mile east of Topping, 4% miles east of Brunner Station, at " o'etock sharp. This is a grand offering for G. E. Schmidt. March 3 tWesttnmtdar)--C1iintt auction sale or turn stock. tingle» meats and feed at Lot 19. Com. 2. Wilmot, 11/. miles south of Welles- Icy, at " o'eioek sharp, tur Leon. ard Hamel. March IO, 1weoesdary--Aueuonl sale of 51 head or registered andI high grade Poll Angus cutie. riJ.iil stock. implements and teed " Lotl Feb. " tT'tutrBdar)-Auetion ale of 30 his!) grade Holstein Dairy Cows, farm stock, Implements and teed " lot St, Inn-line nut Zorn. 1 mite non-then! ot Hickmn. for A. Harrington. " " o'clock trhartt.--A grand alerting. “In“ " V A u.xt.(me¢d-¢. am.--abtaiatee-mttmat.ee Int-stock, hm you... “aw-Manama: â€mama-mum. bur_tmi1.stuiettottm,rrt- "q.Nor-aathettegittqMttA. Luannâ€. M. R. ROTH. AW! F». " "%uwurt--Atteutm all ot "(l-tend and his]: and. Mob stein mule Ind "than! York- won Pe, um stock. usual-mu and load at but " 18th line in. Zorn, K mile south ot Tuvhtock at 12 o'etock sharp, tor Peter Herb linger. .mao-omuu- blah-“w" “nub-“Misha. uwmmzuum oePBt_-Aititth.noethtte C. M. CRAWLEY, Auctioneer Feb. trr-tarm stock and im; ems of Henry Floops, Erin To AUTO-KNITTER YARN. 16--F'arm stcok and imple- of Jos. Schrlblc, midway be- Arris and Weissenherg, on lo and imple, Erin Town Wllmm Cl-rk. Elam-n. om. 541 â€Halter for the lineman. Dated at Elmira. Ontario. this 30th day of January. 1926. . John F. Omanâ€. " Co"... St., Peter F. Otumpf. Elmirl, Ont. Kitchener. 0M. AND NOTICE is further given that after the and date, the said "suitors will proceed to distribute the "this, having regard only to much clnims ot which they shall then have notice. NOTICE la hereby glven that I.“ persons havlng claims walnut the ostaie ot Joseph F. Stumpf, late ot the Village of St. Clemente in the County ot Waterloo, who died on or about the twenty-seventh day of July 1925, are required to forward their claims, duly woven, to either of the undersigned executors on or before the First day of March. 1926. Mia'l'i)flr ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS _ Exeeutora, John Hahn Estate. DATED at Waterloo Ibis 25th day of January. 1925. 4-3t. Mia'l'01G' WWi T0 CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. pursuant to the provisions of tho Trustee A Jbs.0., 1914, Chap. 121. that all ()hiyr',,' and others having claims or demands against the es- tate of John Hahn, who died Nov. 10, 1925, are required on or before February 15th, 1926, to Bend by post, prepaid, or deliver to Harry Koehler of Heidelberg Post Office, one of the Executors of the will of salt! Deceased, their full names, ad. dresses and descriptions, with full particulars of their claims or ac- counts and the nature of the Be- curitles. if any, held by them duly? verified. _ In the matter of the Estate of John Hahn, late of the Township of Woolwich, in the County of Wat- erloo, Retired Farmer, Deceased. AMETO "COO-I To Reserve tor Doubtful Bond Interest .9. _ __-.., ___-r..".' To Reserve for. Depreciation, Furniture arid Fixtures ._.. Suspense A/C re old Stock .e..e_ Rent Estate written on "w-ww-rq-tq By Balance 31st Dec.. 1924 __...... Bat-nee from Profft and Lou To To Book Value Fww_r_w__Nn-.-t--et-r,.tr.w. Real Emit- Acqulrod ."_"__....wt"t 9trur Equipmo-nf . (In: Net Imam-I on gum: - _....... 1...! . for uproci-tidn $28,302.22) Accounts Receivable Agent-".0. Advahceu Agents '_."""-"..'..'.......'.. Cash on Hand and in Bank lulu-co Carried Down loads and autumn“ _... Mortgage- .. 't"'___'"__r_-__r'.re...-w lunar»! Due and Accrued Market Value of Bond. our Reserve for Contingent Comm. 1924 F_...___ o..,....,,.'.,..,: Reserve tor Dotrtttfut Account: __. '__'. p.. . _r__. 't_-r'..'.. Balance Annual Statement; hungry let to December 3Ut, â€25 mom AND was mum ' ’ cuI-u --...- Int-cute". SURPLUS ACCOUNT 3:2: The following Directors were elected: E. P. Seagram. Waterloo; CA.Hoehrn, Waterloo; J. C. Haight, ICC., Waterloo; T. w. Seagram. Waterloo; Jas. Valentine. Waterloo; Wm. Henderson. Waterloo; J, A. Martin. Kitchener. w. G. Welchel. Waterloo: E. M. Arnold. Elmira. tit. The profits are being carried to,' Reserve Account tor the purpose or, enabiing the Company to engage In; other lines of the insurance Mai-1 HESS. The total income for the. year ending 313! December, 1926, was slightly over $600,000, on whlgh the Company earned a substantial pro. Merchants Casualty Insurance Company, which is now operating under a Dominion Charter, held its annual meeting at its Head Office in Waterloo on Monday. January 25th, at which there was present a representative attendance of share. holders. SATISFACTORY REPORTS WERE 2. F'. Seagram Re-elected Pre- sident at Annual Meeting of The Merchants Casualty Insurance Co. The ottieerg are: E P. Seagram " King St. w. Everything in the Store at Greatly Reduced Prices during this Sale 26,470JZ 5,9“.66 112mm Mor." 3,046.30 748.55 1 £38.98 um mu 6,600.00 Bankrupt Stock 7,788.66 7,t10.63 GENTS CLOTHING KABEL' PRESENTED This is not an Ordinary Bankrupt Stock. It consists of High Grade Clothing and Furnishings for Men and Boys. See for yourself and you will not be disappointed. ' " 10,943.28 ' 56,101.78 ' 56,101.78 ' 32,141.92 23,959.86 â€â€˜4.â€142 when: at Prices and Values that must be Been to be appreciated 3t,4t4.N 54.381.“ 6.5M.†6.90113 ' 29,750.44 of the bouglas Clothes Shop of Hamilton “13.174.“ ' â€JOIN BALANCE SHEET 26,361.34 . Master Harold Letson entertained a few ot his playmates to a birth. day party last Saturday afternoon. Mr. Henry Sunday with Snider. We are glad to report that Mas. tor Stewart Bye is improving after his misfortune ot falling “through the trap door in the barn and break- ing his leg.. The monthly meeting ot the women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. "g. P. Snider on Sat- urday arternoom The afternoon was spent in sewing tor the Orphanage. A dainty lunch was served by the tastes“! at the close of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Woods spent Saturday with the latter's mother at Conestogo. The Young People gave their play last Tuesday nigtst in Schweitzer‘s Hall, Conestoga, in aid ot the Arm- ‘enlan Boytw-A large crowd attended and we wish to thank {hem for the attention they gave us. The musical selections were well rendered and much enjoyed by all. KABEL’S Mr. H. Adsett and daughter. Mrs. Rows of Three Hills, Alberta, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. ‘B. C. Wood. president; C. A. Boehm, viee-presi. dent; R. J. McGowan, General Man. ager and secretary": D. McIntosh, assistant manager. We aubmit herewith an abstract statement ot the business of the Company tor such term and 3 Balance Sheet showing the Assets and Liabilities at the above named date. We have examined in detail the securities held by your Com- pany for its investments. They are satisfactory and correctly set forth in such Balance Sheet. To the President, Directors and shareholders ot Merchant: Casualty Insurance Co. . GENTLEMElC---We beg to report that we have audited the books of account and vouchers ot your Company for the year ending 31st Dec., 1925. and that we have found the same correct. LIABILITIES Premium Reserves ".__.ttVrV.__.N__.F'"_ Reserve tor Claims reported IXPINDIYUIII Disposing of the Taxes Due and Accrued _. Account: Payable _.-..rN__.v_._ Claim Dram Outstanding Capital Stock Paid-Up Surplut (_"r_Pr-e.rrrr_ _N..F.. ‘. Gout-l [mun Dlvldcngl No. " .t_F..F$p...r-.q.r..___ Islam " Surplus Account Can-nubi- ._......a...rm.rF........_....___' Home“: - Tnvollln upâ€. Ft.. 4.731 Cal-rm land: Ltr. and ProSt lor Your mluion m,,,.,,,'.,.,,,..,,... Reserve for Return anlum and mum. ._r.q.Prq_.r..F_......F___ Rear-v. tor Contingent Com- WEST MONT ROBE. Agents Vull of Elmira spent Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Respectfully submitted. AUDITORS' REPORT E. F'. SEAGRAM. President, . When you are suffering so ‘you , can hardly get around, just try Red " Pepper Rub and you will have the Equickest relief known. Nothing has Jsuch concentrated, penetrating heat {as red peppers. Just as soon as f you apply Red Pepper Rub you will ‘reel the tinglipg heat. In three (minutes it warm the sore tspot 1 through and through: Pain and sore- ittess are gone. Ask any good drugglst tor a Jar ot Rowles Red Pepper Rub. Be sure to get the genu‘ne, with the name Rowles on each package. 'oi0oo"o"oooooooirooooorauw Red Pepper Rub takes the "ouch" from sore. stiff. aching mints. It cannot hurt you, and It certainly stops that old rheumatism torture at once. . J. SCULLY, J. F. SCULLY, CA., Auditors COLOR BAR BILL ts APPROVED BY ONE MAJORITY IN AFRICA The South African Legislative Ate sembly on Jan. 26th passed the ttrat reading of the color bar bill by the narrow majority ot one, the Vote being 54 to 53, The so-called color bar bill, oiricia1ly known as the Mines Works Bill, provides for the legalizing of the ban on the employ- ment of Asiatics In certain capacl; ties in the mines and thus putting up a definite color bar throughout the South African Union. $101.03“! minnow!» . 146,140.07 23,959.86 â€7.13 51,300.75 11,447.60 Kitchener. 25th Jan., 1926 Red Pepper For Rheumatic Pain 5,856.07 KITCHEN“ $243,074.41 $170,099.93 Tel um 4-H“ ",86t.84 ' um I I l\-I‘\I1I arlrirFr'gttgrt “13,174.36