Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 Apr 1924, p. 7

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"i"gVa p mar-r - -Niiiiii aiiptriic iiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiii'ii'ii 'iiir -_"_ ATiiiiiaihTaTi.'iir-- -7 in had n .1... its: bt',) “.35 Lfl‘fi-dmrflmfi-‘FQE asmmxmdi‘izx oeli8b12ll'llr, was. Mek- ththtd"t,tt,t' ' 'IS) 'hf/ 'ttM,',' tits11u"tul'l “pm JIM- !!!ri-p’LMz-h Tbat. tewaihtrtE"tkiVFsifd 530mm tt'attehe,'tf'e,vtUut,t, I Math!- walnut-o than: 'ilrl4TlrA"'lt'g','t,'2tn.SU. mm Vanna 'tttttr, n te had .'kWir21rfNlt1tttttge I tii0ioFGUGiGhrt i335 It}; pot had ttptr-, [In do!) [lid of more paht hi Frau, -faai id" G Kn: tble mun: Nit and could Manna {993M 9'33"- t.o.dtt "mi!!! Tells How Lydia EPinHum’l Vegetable Compound Restated Her Halt]: lilllt,llillltii tt MM GOULD “You‘re beginning to use your head already. Grassy." said Philip, a little more cheerfully. “l've asked myself that question a hundred times during the last three days, and rm more at sea than ever. if it had been plain Tom Brown or Bill Jones, the name would not "e suggested anything beyond what ette. "Who the deuce can this Lord Fltzhggh be? What sort ot an Englishman would mix up in a dirty job of this kind? You might imag- ine him to be one of the men he- hind the guns, like Brokaw. But. by George, he's working the dirty end of it himself according to, that letter'." l "There are. I want you to work out. your own suspicions. Grassy. and then we’ll compare notes. Lord Fltzhugh is the key to the .yhole situation, No matter who is " the bottom of this plot, Lord Fluhugh is the man at the working end of It. We don‘t care so much about the writer of this fetter as the one to whom it was written. It is evident thttt he had planned to he at Churchill, tor the letter is address- ed to him here. But he hasn't shown up. He has never been here, so tar as I can discover." "I'd give a year's growth tor a copy ot the British Peerage ot th "Who's Who," mused Gregson, necking the ashes trom his cigar- "There must still be other factors In the game," said Gregson, as Blimp hesitated. "eertuuu," he geld. "Bat it there is a British lam up here he isn‘t very well known, Gram. No one know: of him. No one he: heard n rumor at him. That is why we curt go to the police or to the govern- ment. They'd give smell credence to what we've got to show. This letter wouldn't count the weight of a leather without further evidence. and a lot ot it. Besides. we hoven't, time to go to the government It is too tar away and too slow. And as tor the Tsolicit---' know ot three‘ in this territory. and there are (it. teen thoueand square miles ot mountains and plains and forests in; their 'beat.' It's up to you and mel to find this Lord F‘ltzhngh. " we can do that we will be in a position to put a kibosh on this plot inn hurry. If we tait to run him down-" "What then?" "We0t have to watch our chances. INe told you all that I know, and you‘re on an even working basis with me. At first I thought that l understood the object of those who are planning to min as in this cow- ardly manner. But 1 don't now. If they ruin us they also destroy the chances of any other company that may be scheming to usunn our place. For that reason I-" Elysr IltertArtt.r-"red te pm- The cynical smile on Philip‘s "no cut In: word, short. ar222= is the 'sGiliiiiGii"r"Ga [mu tea precast-able In the world. Superior to tho but ah-a.-.--. n- illllliltlf STAND 'ttttttttttet-tttttttttttttt CHAPTER IV. (Continued) FL o WER By James Oliver Our-wood. the NORTH "Done.'" and Grouch. 'A tttths mu m: 50..le duh and gentle excmment of am so". will lit-hat. - a. an. To: and ,relievo the billion of the other Sulphur not» " long m. 1. lthlnc. Phu. I’ve heard min of "VINO-00°- " “I W In to human: for with. I'm pm, to est tho m.drtoqm. man tar ‘nnllhnllewh thitllnvobqnnot m by “a mm ttttttUr tit, l “She's got to go some " she beam the girl I an this evening. Phi." He turned at Phlllp'l Mi- ence and 1augttear , Mg [your pardon, old mun. I didn't mean to I speak of her In If she were a horn. 'r mean um Brokaw." l Grogson hold a lighted much until it burned his tInger-tips. ', "The deuce you say! I've heard-" é "Yes, you have heard of her ”beauty. no doubt. I am not a lspeciai enthusiast in 's your line. Greggy. but I will confirm your opinion of Miss Brokaw. You will say that she is the most beautiful girl you have ever seen. and you will want to make heads ot her for Burke's. I suppose you wonder why she is coming up here? Bo do Mill and the may”. M"trru'-aeaBtorttt "None ll all," mid Philip. "lull- vhllo " go on to m. for a up") HomemN-ooatud lookdm hilmpfmnmon a. ,mn,ltonddmxrtt6t_prmrHtr, Greg-on Ind mud Maul! m “kl-It on .Al I!!!“ It I no; tho lamp ind wu thaw“. p... " will: " “A In! his In" cu. An mm. mt m to a“ m. Alum-anu- Gnmndmuonvmpmmhthom but... 'roek-o..edttorsth.utt.. mum‘s-tam. Mal her baton I but: the (in. Atty 013mm?" "And I don't o.rtietttarqr like the Idea of betting on the menu M I pretty girl." replied Philly, "but I'll break the rule tor once, and wager you the beet hat in New York that she does beet her." Crayon whistled softly tor a law momentl. Then he and. wlthtmt turning: "Because ot the cleanest of an atmosphere through which you ere looking," replied Philip. wondering what was passing through the others mind. "This av-em-d with our-it, just like a piece of glass that hu been cleaned of a year's accumulation ot din: "What makes the stars no bl; and bright up In this country, Phil?" he asked. There was a look ot perplexny In Philip‘s eyes which Granola might hare noticed if be had not gone to the door to look out Into the night. me in the north. The Hudson's Bey ‘Company's ship, which comes over twice a year. touches nt' mum. and if Brokaw followed out his ltr. tenuous he took pause there. The ship should be in within a week or ten days. And, by the 'rar"--Phiiip stood up and thrust his hand- tet in his pocket: as he spoke, hex smiling at Gretrtt-"it gives mei pleasure to hand you a bit ot cu'; to! Information along with that,' he added. “Mien Brokhv is coming along with him. She is very beaut- liul." “You are the first to whom I have revealed its contents." Mid Philip. " have neglected to hell you that 13th In so worked up over the affair that he I! joininz‘ "None. I know that British capl- taI is heavily interested In mineral lands east ot the surveyed line. But there Is none at Churchill. All ttiF eratlous have been curled on Iron: Montreal and Toronto.” “Have you written to Brokaw about this letter?" "It mun-1h" hem Graven. "What?" - "That there may be I Must new behind this umr an we Ins-zine. In Net, " an..." to no that the northerner: are being stirred up against you and your man tor none other and more powerful mm than to make you at oat ot the country and compel the govern. ment to withdraw your license. Bo help me God. I behave there's more behind it!" [ "So do I," said thp, quietly. l "Have you any suspicion- of what) might be the more powerful mo-l‘ the?" Ill-Ir?" Tho two men look“ at etch who: keenly for 3 rev mu in Ill- you have read In an new. the quantum: Why “and Wuhan: has be and up , Common garden an brewed Into , - tea. with “In" and alco- hol mm. ,rttl turn my. um bud tad-d bur hunk!!! dark and 'eot.atdmgrterehnoqman "wr. "" In! - any“: Comma. mmAImwqu-nlm Itnddnvmllmmblr. 'Mrtm.ttottattb-ttdtteett Comb Sage Tea Into Gray tfair The Board ot Trade " a recent meeting discunnd the question ot the establishment of n public park and phyground tor Emir: and it was decided to nppoin! Geo. Kline! and A. Werner u delegate. to the town planning colder-em to be had at Kitchener on April 16th when in. formation viii be new. 'ttttF a... - m... '%Gaii Kinny”; Patrick style of Galt bu been en- gaged by the Elmira council u chief countable and unitary inspector to succeed Chlot annul- who bu re tired iron the position. He wnlked on through the amen elm-dew and up a narrow troll that ted to the bald knob ot the ridge. feeling his way with his right land before him when the dqtgttHtttqttt, of the tenant shut out the mm of the our: and the moon, until at [at he stood out strong and clear under the glow ot the In“, with the world sweeping out in black and (my mystery around him. To the north was the Bar, reaching away like a vast block plain. Halt a. mile distant two or three lighter were burning over For: Churchill, red ‘eyee poem; up out of the deep‘ pool of darkness: to the math and‘ west there swam the my. our“! distances which lny between him and clvlllntlon. Publluhed by "magnum! with The British and Colonial P"... Limited. He took 5 step or two nearer to the open door. nnd Btopped noun. It he returned to question Oregon it would draw him Demon-1y near to explanations which he did not care to nuke. to the one were! which he wished to guard trom Ms (Hand's knowledge. Amer all. the picture was only I resemblnnoe. It could be nothing but a mmblnnco. even though it was no strum); and unusual that it Md thrown Elm all his gunrd u first. When he return-3 ed later and looked at " null: hei would no doubt be 1M0 to no his error. 1 Pomp - In tho shadow “the dean spruce. ttatt persuaded to re- turn. From where no stood he leoold so. moon bonding an: on Home. already st work on the Me ture. Ho confused that the sketch had startled him. He knew an t Jul sent the hot blood mm; an shit, thee, out! that only throat: i, fortunate circumstance had Grosser: ascribed tta elect upon him to something that was rude ot the truth. Miss Brokaw was s around miles or more guy. At thh morn. eat she ins somewhere in the North mantle. it their ship had left Hai- itax. She had never boon in the north. More than that, he new that Grecian hid - mu Miss Brok- aw. And had heard ot her only through himself sud the society columns ot the newspapers. How could he explsln his possession or the sketch? In...“ hum-luv.» mwmmvm,uyuu tugtttttttttoth.hudmamaatt. mkumauwmun; “mama-nun}: J --s--taoiisat "wmu tJ.Trxtt"td,tt'tiu.t _- -= -ahdtih.etM.tho “ Mttit but“; inguinal. 11t, autumn-m. atrtthq 'ttti' nm, a... and may at -.-_=, _,_?"Trrr, -q.qle.M.aFqlr.qet8-.tll. .- d.- buuuumuh - Mltbttihiitt but“ hunt. Mutt-Wham: atttth'%6tttm" mac-mm» ".""'"t" hutch. th-_ Ju1rth"tadrtN'tt"it It no m 1» 1sateud, "tttar-ttht-th-tour... lot?“ it w 'a*o-d.-. lend“! at.“ ”-0.0”. 0010““ "dttraadartth-t--. "31“wa uldLnItnMOnce (To be Continued.) ILIIM "You. Mr.' "How long nun you Mud In that manor?" "Atom Ill months.” "I an m m “limo." gm.- ty would the Mn. "T In" hm hm . an to hop halo- Ion all In the - or the m III-l - lam an not.) In Ii na- . has n- I my "t In qtottphtg for the time being at Port and-on.” - "You board at the hotel, t we "no?” “I “to my mull more. but have moan In “other part of the town." "So you hop Mahler’s tall?" "Where do you nude?" lnqnlred m Judge. When I w“ a young man. I spent seven] you: " the South, residing for g whllo at Port Hudson, on the mun-1pm River. A neat deal ot litigation no com; on there, and it wu not always easy to omit: Marmot One day I van summon- ed to ne' in that cap-city, and w pained to court to set excused. On my nape bolus culled. I In formed the Judge that I was not a freehold". and therefore not quail. ned to not". One day, as Patrick halted at the top of the river bank, a man famous tor hit, inquisitive mlnd stopped and asked: The driver on the water cart Sorted his thumb backward toward the river ind named: “All the water you don't use more BOW, not.” "How long have you hauled water for the village, my good man?" "Tin you". not." "Ah. how many loads do you take In a ant”, "Ptom tin to tttteen, nor." "Ah, you! Now 1 have a problem tor you. How much water at this rate have you hauled in all?" A certain little village in the West stands some distance from the nearest good supply of pure water, and Patrick is the man who trans- ports barrels of drinking water to the homes ot the village. "Block system, boas? Why, we had de greatest block Intern in de world. Ten miles back we were blocked by a load ot hay, six miles back we were blocked by a mule. just now we were blocked by a cow, and l recken when we get further Bout we'll be blocked by an alltga- tor. Block system boas? Welt, Ah guess!" After the train had made several sudden jerks arid abrupt stops. the traveller became apprehensive. There w been numerous accidents on the line of late, and there was cause tor tear. Carling the porter aside, he um: "Sam In this train safe?" "Safe as any. uh." assured the "Hush, men." he whispered. “Can ye In no I'm getting all 'thls smoke free?" . A wily old Scot at one time had newton tor a long railroad journey. 303ml, had he become eamtortabtr sealed in 3 corner at the awoke:- when I Dinner entered and sealed tumult by " tide. For a time than wu silence between them, while from m aides clouds of to. bacco make rose into the already ttettvi1r,1aden atmosphere. The danger. seeing n cigar in the old mnns wicket. turned to him and laid: "Mr man. why don't you make your e'aart" The old fellow looked about cau- tion-11 before replying. A THOROUGH BLOCK SYSTEM in!!! "lie" mun-fo u and. Pere., the juice. " than (nib “I be concentrated ud mind with toF-ami it in these ism In“ In“ that correct “you”, relieve hm)!» Ind when”, ytd eake you well And VII-II! " - - “I , "MA-or ttttttUt. Immune. 1.14.1553: A CONSIDERABLE AMOUNT 'iiiieiieffd Y" .-" “w - " wit-puma" are sold every- vhuo 5925:. 9d #00. a box-or lent UihUtiii,Gi -- EM" _- GiiG T. an. out Stl,' at. 3:33. ttht tis15iir%Fiiii'll1ic 2'fi.I 1,rattit.tt to know "a; Me." '4! a“??? 994 'tple. Sunk grin extended mm our to “Well. ia there a block system on FULLY QUALIFIED A FREE SMOKE Bp t 27 Erh St. W. Open and Top Buggies. PH“ 8120 to $140. MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLE.. MENTS AND TWINE THE MERGANTILE FIRE INSURANGE comm" " WHORE RIM” V911 and not ”In from Ill-Itch. Tun-u. " - Mr. W Our high gulp cm... with W wlummmudmawl all“ " "who who I. W. Correctly ttttrd win [In all“ at on“ to any on. who h NM New named at " lumen " on!“ hours " mm. to , pm. Monday on!" O Fm. “we. 1m. 0040 Agony. I It will pay produce" to get in touch with us. Write, phone or call. 96 Choral! ttt Phone 2000 manner; Paid For churning cream "Klimt“. Ali’nd Wright. acct-nary. G. A. noun». tttttT. MIT. wuorloo. om. Phone 240 Gatlsfuctlon ttuirranteNstt Call. trom all yam of "no county promptly attended to. UNUERTAKEHS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS wnerloo Phonv I). Might Phono HWY! Agent Rear ot Pequexnat Block. Prod- erick Bt., Kitchener. P11011317” INCORPORATED 1874 InbucrIbcd Cnplul ..8eatut0o Assets ...-..q. $700,000 All policies guaranteed by the London and Lancashire Insurance Co. Ltd. with I.- eurlty of $50,260,000. WATERLOO HEMSTITCHING SHOP Hematitching and pleating. eel-vice prompt, “elevation n- aured. Above Bricker-Gor‘ man's Store. Entrance through “are. Stella Bellinger. 13-lmth Glady Upholsterine Co. Con. UNION & HERBERT BTS. PHONE 400 WATERLOO Upholstering Chesterfields and Chairs Very latest In Davenport lino. "THE CHESTERBED" Be sure to lee our lim, Repair Work Done Neatly and Promptly WATIRLOO VULOANIZING . WORK. Harry Marks, Prop. 9t King St. N. Bring your vulanizlng and welding work to “I. Lawn mower. and knlvu Inn-”Md, rubber. "paired, and gonna] repairing. Highest Prices Farm Implements UNDERTAKEBS LEI‘ILR & DBEISINGER Shoemaker. Dairy Gordon Peterson Massey-Emu Implement a. t Stable Equipment mum Mind Mm: wm Fencing and Twine C. R. GIES Waterloo Allan Bowman, Pruldnnl. "on“ 'd,U,T'LPe',lg, LOV' .huh, VI“ PNO. w.tere. cured in on. to I" P. I. ”an“, Prado» mo baton we!!!“ J. Howard gunman. Guelph. 3:3? 't"AAt 'lln'utttTitle'g'""" "mm "mm ' May" lunar. Wat.rt.. m Jonah mum». om INSURAN J. M. I...» Wmloo 'r---------.. LIV! MUN, "In... P. c, My . I. IIMTIL. Inspector M “in! and ARTHUR FOOTII, Ad. W m... H You. O. A, “I, am - It. I It. I. MOVING, TRUCKING and ICE GUARANTEED repairs ot broken metal part- nnd who ndhm. Broken trams ot an. broken castings. ttte., welded. uninha- ed and made good " new. Wrock- ed ndiltofl n npecinity. Thrtn City Welding nnd Auto Radiator Repair Co., 248 King St. B., Kit. chener. Phone 1560. we.” and DREW" TOTAL AUDIT! OVER sum CHESTERFIELD Suites tutd odd pieces re-upholstered and remind New L?lieisterfiold apiece Suite tor sale, Call or write I L. Chosen 90 John but. Waterloo. 3 FOELL BROS. Camus and Moving, local and long distance trucking. ma bums (muster. Dede" in ice. bones: Oittee 832. R: Wctorloo. DETWILER a DITWILIR Marc-nth. Manny _ No Coueetion-No Churn. zoo Weber cumbm. Kltcnonor Phone 1905. 206 Weber Chambers. Phone "Oh Kltchonoh D. B. BOWLBY. BA.. 1.1.3.. an: that. amount. Noun Putin and Convoy-nou- one. Imi- ut'l Bank Building. Talon“. MT, lineman. on. Account-nu and Amman, Atgthors mad Tram”, Manon. on. .... hvmwmcouum "?tmesiuiirirT%"'iiiriiFi'iE on... man:- new, “WW-am. - Promptly and nanny dormant. faction guaranteed. H. M. WILHELM " King tn. N., Watt AUDITORS & 'ASSIGNEES WALTER D. INRIG & co. FLUFF RUG WEAVING Don't throw away your old hr. grain, Tapestry or Brunei Car pea. Bring them to us. We make them into beautiful new reversible Flu! Run for you. Mary St. Waterloo. Phone Gu, R E P A I R I N G Boon, Moss and RUBBER. REPAIRED xmvas BHARPENED E. NERGARTH -27 Erb St. - Waterloo Waterloo Mutual F ire Insurance Company INCOME TAX COUNSEL to Cow an». amt-m. can» 110:,wa “we. on. In” to Pun-m: Block. um to lung Mulch P.. “about. -.ett0extstrrtttuea,aqse_ yumwm Moor-pound In ma Harness and E hoes UPHOLSTE RIN G AUTO RADIATOR. SHOEMAKING. COLLECTIONS Rep-Irina Waterloo. MOI. M. The mutual Nuurooloult “Nat-N “one cum" Trut- nory m "iqrttittealir. All - no. In rhoumathn " electric nu - cum." om trout-um. that In trntmonu all our the W. - Ill! m spine. to Iowa CC I spine; an bono. (A. Mt pm Do- bottmn " food- tho mot,, no bl the Inn. the In the In. a. in (no lower dice-tin mum. and" tumors and $tSmter6 Amt cured In on. to In mun-u. In mo befor- moving in -rutiera. t do not an to can. Dr. 000. O. awn-t, '" King 80. W.. m. ottttoltt Hanan-L no“ m. U. B. SEAN” D.D.tr, D.M.D., 1.3.8., 1113., Special attetrtitra mid to Orthodon- th (straightening tooth) and plin- lou extracuon with only tm. DR. u DOERING, Dentist. uncou- nor to Dr. J. Schmidt, " King as man over Dominion Bun. m door. trom PoMotriee, Kitchener. phone-z Ottiee 454; will“... zonw. DR. J. A. HILLIARD. DENTIST. L.DM., Royal College Dental Surgeons. D.D.S.. Toronto Unn'or- Ilty. All bunches ot denllsln practised. Otrice Weber com hers. King W,, Kitchener. 0m DR. J. W. HAGEY. Dentist, Room 110 Weber Chambu'l. King m. W. Kitchener, Telephone, entitlement. _ Kitchener. nm a. mcxnf’hfni. [you DR. H. M. KATZENILIIIIR. Dom tlat, oinee " King St. W., man. nor. Phone 305W. National Graduate, The Roldan Rule Chiropractnr. Consultation and onmlnstlon fret. Ollie. " Ahnnu St. W, Kitchener Plum new. pins-ions for plum. Phonon: Once 444, R... an»; " King at. Wat. Kudzu». Palmer Gradual. chiroprtmr IN King - Knob-nor Phones: 0050. 1t28J, Hon-.000 an. mm an AM . can“. 44 you. a. w, mun. once Room 11, over Bank of Tty. mum, Kitchen". Phonon: 0mm. 1604W: Ham. ”SITE. Chiroprlcuc Swahili Chronic. nervous and human-u disorder; Gnduute Chicago College ot mat. tal Surgeons and Royal Colleu ot Dental Surgeons of Toronto. Dental (mice In new Hollonl‘ Bank Building. Wnterloo. Den- tistry practiced In all no brotcttee. R. 0. E. HARPER, DENTIST. Ottice In Oddlenowa Black. " King St. B., Wxtenoo. Phone Mir. R. P. G. HUGHES. Donn-t. Kuh- nel‘s Block, Kintt 8t, s.. Wanda). msmtesr--otm, 3941, Reliant”, 269.1. Ottiee " Wmlun an. Water. too. Phone Mm. Phone: 01m. t828g, a... “aw can“. I'. ees an: a}: DR. R. w. Emma, n.c. lLlchOTHIRAPIUTIOT I Noun Apartment; Young u Phonon. Oil-co mu. maul. B. L. HANSELMAN, n.c., DR. F. wmcu'rnn, D.C.. HEALTHATORIUI Palm» Graduate Chiropractor Holm Alumnus. You" " “when". INSURANCE DR. A. noun. no. cHIROPRAcTon DENTAL 'd Chlroprlotor I, Hons. 006w.

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