Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 Apr 1924, p. 6

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The Padersigned Otters for sale his valuable 180 acre farm situated three miles west of st. Jacobs, and one and one half miles east of Hawkesville. On the farm is a good house, bank barn hd all ms-) cessary outbuildings. n ver-tailing! water supply at house 2% barn, 20l acres in bush. balance under sisodl state ot cultivation. This is an} ideally located farm. Anyone interol ested is invited to call and see] farm Apply to Daniel Ritter, It.R.r No. 4, Elmira, Ont. 15-4t.\ TERMtV.--A11 sums ot $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given try tumbling approved Joint notes or 6% discount. will be allowed tor cash. WALTER w. Fnacxav; Auctioneer, Waterloo. GEO. FAHRENKOPF, Proprietor. ED. KAUFMANN, Clerk. HOUSEHOLD EF'FECTW-- Cook- ing stove. large parlor' heater, Amer- lean Wonder cream separator churn, comer cupboard, 2 bssdtsttsadir, , Iron kettles and stands, cider barrel, kitchen table. wine press, M0 lbs. counter scales and some other ar- Holes. No reserve the tarm is sold and Mr. Fahrenkopt is retiring. Wood In Ill haven.) CATTLE-1 Jersey cow huh ' week. by now or sale, 1 Jersey cow trash 4 months by as}. tho. Those no both young cows and hove I record ot " lbs. of butter 3 week. "EPLMMrm'rir.-- me “an and box, 2 sated carriage in good shape, good steel tlre top buggy, open buggy, Jumper cutter, llght sleigh, single Now, 1 onohorse plow. good “section Iron burrow. 2 horse M.H. spring tooth cultlntor with seed box, scumer, root power (nearly new). straw cutter (good as new), pig rack for csrrlsge, carriage polo. good wtuseibtsrrow, 2 doublo trees, 2 logging chains, gram cradle, gruff: bags, pig hanger, 20 rods ot ready made fence 8 wires, chop boxes, shovels, forks. hoes And numerous other articles. HARNESS:~ Bet single hsrness, heavy single harness with homes, two sets of names and trace, plow harness, collars, tie straps, rope halter, 3 good robes, (2 horse hide). blankets, also about , tons ot timo- thy hay. l “Mingle-nu.” mun-mum no. will to Add " - cu- m. an In. stock. that. an Mum)! annual M K Goo. hunk»! “In!“ 3m x In. neutron ot at. Clam-u, on WIONIIOAY, APRIL " an an. qritt an " 1ao Path. In”. STOCK-00ml horde " you. old. Donn!“ for tt you on looking tor A home In the city or country. do not full to see the. before buying. I hove o largo mo. of homu to choose from And It right one“. I do conventions And dnw up Villa. " you no" money to (My Franny Ind Farm Land- Oold and Etch-no.6. to King St N., THE WATERLOO FLOUR AND FEED STORE Make this store your Itettd- quarters for Seeds where you will and a large variety of the very best Seeds on the market. including GRASS, CLOVER, TIMOTHY, SWEET CLOVER and the well known Rennie and Ferry Seeds. Also excellent quality BANNER SEED OATS. Good cheap fertilizer for garden. C. RES . _ Successor to E, VALUABLE FARM FOR BALE u Fndcrick Ct., Kltchomr. Reat Butte. Auemon..r and amine. Broker. SEEOS SEEDS E. J. SHAITZ u Fmt on»... mum'- I. J. - warkru.gd _ Proprietor & C. Snider, Phone 295 fit By Itiiiiiiiiii'"'i? Thid LMt. or your nutter“: may}. In the "IL ODIN! .1.” has (but!) " one. lot book. mrMtNartoNat. OLA]. AGMNCY, M '" m. Missing Helm no being nought 'thmughout the world. Many people are to-day living In commute ‘poverty who no really rich. but do Inot know it. You may be one ot mean. Sand for Index Book. "Missing Han ma Next of Kin." containing mom}, 'uttttttntittatqd "at: of mining hair. And machined alum which have been advertised tor here I!!! abroad. The Ind-x ot inning Hell-u In otter tor It]. can. ulna thou-mu of has. which in" “you“ In Amman. Curl ndhn. nun-n. Scotch. Irish. mm. German. French. new“. anal», Indian Colonial. and other no" mu, hurled try lune“. noon- tom, Minn. Alto MIMI“ tut of m and lush 00mm or Chum and unclaimed Md- Im of am at usual. You an. Cheap tarm ot 100 acres with tsl acres ot good bush, good buildings and a good spring running though the farm. Witt exchange tor/ttr property or tor cash bargain. Apply or write to E. E. Harris, RE. No. s,' Elmira, Ont. 1cm! Solicitor for the said Administratrix. 1531. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said adminiatratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims ot which she shall then have notice, and she will not be liable -tor the said assets, or any part thereof, to an} per-eon or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by her at the time ot such distribution, l Dated this fourth day of April, Am. 1924. want to the Revised Statutes ot Ontario. 1914, Chap. 140, Sec. " that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Israel Martin, who died on or about the twentyac'xttt day of June, 1917, are required or? or before the first day ot May, 1924, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the uudersigm eh, Solicitor for Nancy Martin, the administratrix of the estate of the maid deceased, their names and ad.. dresses and full particulars ot their claims, and the nature ot the se- curities, it any, held by them. H. B. DUERING, Phone IM, Waters loo. WM. FOER8TER, ""mtlrttr. so. KAUFMAN, a?“ TWO TOURING cm; - Ford Touring Gar In good running order, Regal Tourtng Car in A1 shape with self starter. set Ford tandem. set ear wheels. speed jack. TERMtV.-0raitt and all sums of $15.00 and under. mush; -over that amount three mortthh' credit on furs nishing approved security or 6 per cent. per annum ott for cash par- ment ot credit amounts. 12RA1N:--100 bushels buckwheat, 100 tttttthots mixed grain, 100 bush- els 0.A.C. seed barley. Everything onere'd will be sold without reserve. "rmtrtneh.rtrtM- Two maul: 1MPLBMnNTtV.-rto" And Wood mower, culunmr, rubber tire top bum. ttood In new. heavy curiae, not iight carriage name“, not. breaching banana" lot of cedar posts and corner posts. T'ueorrtubraertdbrrttrtitr-s- uo.orsttrommtotthrert-nod Mttsatodtrtthoto-otWeB- I”, have.» m. Ghana and MI”, " all” not. at St. Chums and 1% nua- out at Clo-all“. on "s. Commencing a on. o'clock an. the [allowing CAThal:--cow due to entre In Mar, pm bred Durban Mil. I your: old. butcher halter. 5 haul young come. PMN9:--Sow append to pig by Mme ot we. I the Bank of ISRAEL MARTIN, late of the Township of Woolwich, in the Count of Waterloo, Farmer, Demand. " NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN pur- NOTICE Ti) CREDITORS A. L. BITZER, Kitchener, Ont. MONDAY, APRIL 'tet, was PUBLIC SALE MEIR! WANTED FOR SALE 14-tt. Til“. a! I.“ "tqtw.---Itr per com. amt a “no of ulo; in} am In " any: (hot-elm wftbmt Int-rut. W was on an“, “TERMS: --Prodttctr, poultry. ttg and under, all). Over that amount " molar credit will be given br furnishing unmoved murky or " alumni“ " Mr cash on an amount: “(mod to crodlt. Solo sharp on Mme. Aucuoneef'l declalon final. Lunch a noon. REAL ESTATE -At the same time and place there will be sold the valuable 160 acre [arm with 65 new: heavy standing hardwood bush.aloo a few giant green pines and Home coder. spring creek running through farm, about 10 acres under high we of cultivation, about 60 acres needed down. on the farm Is a large bank hem and frame home. large orchard ot various fruit The [and is I mixed loam, nice and roll-i in without 1 bill. Don't miss tttia, chance It you went a farm. J This Is an extensive Me. A host of articles not mentioned Please come early. 1 heavy chisel new, new spoke shave, meat saw. 8 good butcher knives, harness repair box and clamp. 1 garden muffler. hand tur, nip drlll. ladles' side saddle. 1 side horse hide leather. up buckets, 1 large copper kettle. i iron kettles, brand new 2 in. anger. new broad axe. wire stretcher. dilating broom, galvanized tub. vlriegar barrels, buck saw. atone hammer, wedges, so gal. gas tank, furnace kettle. etc. HOUSEHOLD» EFli'lirC'rT:-- 1 kit, ehen stove. double box stove, flay- mond sewing machine. 2 large on» boards. 2 large corner cupboards, 1 small corner cupboard, 2 kitchen “ables, 8 kitchen chairs, 2 rockers. 1 man folding sawing machine, 1 man crosscut saw. 2 cross cut saws, 3 good hand sows and other car- penter tools like new, gem chopper, wood box, 5 gal. oil cans. 2 extra heavy pipe wrenches brand new, 1 heavy monkey wrench new, house scales. Watson slckle, grinder, cyc- lone grass seeder. 1 good adze, new corn planter, sausage grinder. lard press. 2 full sides cow hide leather, IMPLEMEN'rs:-e wheel thrash-3 lug machine, 10 hp. turk gas engine.“ c, har. movers gas engine brand new,‘ catly run 6 hours; b10 horse power) with tumbling rods and knuckles/ Deering 7 n. binder with sheave‘ carrier, F. & W. ll disc drill, Dull-'1 erln 4 ft. mower, F. & W. 5 it” mower, spring tooth cultivator, hari hake, 2 drum Meet roller, 1 reopen, Mali. low down spreader No. 4 like) new; circular saw on iron tilting, frame, 1 old F'. &. W. binder, weeder” 3 furrow gang plow, 1 scraper, 5“ single walking plows, 2 mufflers, tl sec. iron barrows, cutting box, tut-f nip 'drill, hoe drill, fanning mill,’ Chicago post grinder, I farm wagon: with box, l, farm wagon. 1 her heavy bob sieighs, 1 set long! sleighs with, box, road cart, hay} rack, gravel planks, hay fork, rope' and pulleys, 1 large block and tack-l le wtth 130 ft. rope, 1 small block and tackle. 3 logging chains, 1 good iron btackirmithrss vice, buggy pole, cutter pole, ladders, 24 square Prea- ton corrugated iron rooting, 3 scythes, 5 te. endless li" canvas belt, ing like new, leather belting, scoop shovel, pulleys, rock salt, 3 good' home-made baskets, grain bags, neck' yokea. doubletrees. about 1000 tt.l maple lumber, 1 new wheel barrow,! 1 root pulper. forks". shovels, hoes/ a large quantity of scrap iron and many other articles not mentioned. I t. H. Tomi. Anew-Mr, in bun avowed with instruction: by an ul- nar-w to all by puma: auction without raven. on the tuna chut- od , mile. nonheut of New Dun- dee, belonging In Mr. lou- Bum-u on SHEEP a POULTRY:-- " Lin- coin and Leicester ewes supposed to lamb in May, 2 rams, " mixed fowl. HARNESS: - 1 new set heavy; back band team harness, 1 set Now) learn BB, 1 set single haruessa. odd; collars and brunet i PRODUCE:--. 1 load unthreohed barley, " loads unthreshed oats, tt tons limothy hay. timothy seed. We to start It ' o'clock an, slurp on who. CATTLE, 28: -Tttit entire herd are anon-thorn came. 1 to“ cow fresh at time ot we, 1 red cow trash 3 weeks. 1 man cow trash since Much, " cows indetinitely due and (arrow. 2 bulls 4 years old, , bulls , your: old, 2 man bulls 2 years old, 1 red bnl-l 1 year old, A bull calves rum; 1 your old, 3 halter calves ris- ing 1 your. 1 small can. H0iuUNb--1 bay genera) purpose team of mites 7 and 11 years old. 150 ACRE FAR]! "ar- SM. [Ink-cu. Pro- duce 3nd Household Elects TUESDAY, APRIL 22nd, "" PUBLIC SALE MORTGAGE SALE "tttttt mndn known a “no of " or on application to I. H. TOMA". Aucilonoor Now Dundee. noun ttARARAB, mum. I. . HALLMAN, emu. A. c. HALLMAN. rm... " _ new Ave, um. tStt l Small dressing table and chair, single iron bed with springs and mattress, iron bed with springs and mattress. chitonler, bath room cab- inm. davenpori, bed springs and mattress, large “when stove, 2 kiichen cabinets (one new), wash- ing machine, [mu bed, sealers, wash boiler, 8 gallon crockuoil on, sink, garbage can, axe, shov‘els. tool box, a number of tools. wash board. cub. elemric iron, canned fruit, good screen door, “when utensils, Acme tookrsr anti heater, good as new. coal oil stove will: oven. "chert: (able, 8 kitchen chairs, kitchen 'iii".,) 01mm. dining room linoleum, a,7r, high chair, parlor rug and mat, b day clock, 20 window blinds, Inca curtains_ 6 Dldures. electric bulbs. lot at useful dishes, phonotrlph. (mounted deer head, automobile nus, f5!) feet new lawn hose, some card i penter and garden tools, and many other useful articles not mentioned. No reserve. Don't miss this sale of clean tum lilure when you can buy It at your (own price. sue will start at I.” Bm. may. Emu: Bron. plum Ind hunch in good shoe. , mum trtmtHtid rockers, a 10531! n. AxaMttatqr parlor nu good u now. t tam-try ms Mutt in, ' parlor tablet. ooh tirush lull rack, parlor Ann Mr. smoking tstand, t rocker-I, while enamel bed, dromr out! um ooh bedroom suite complete, double Iron bed with spring and mutton, I fining room when con-lulu; ot , {extension tables, , aldehoardl, 3nd 16 diners each, writing dank. what. l nut. sewing table, 3 vet-and: meters. ( 2 jardlnlere stands. corner cupboord, Esteel kitchen range. sink. 6 kitchen 1tttt couch, some bedding. home l made carpets strips gnu rugs, dishes and glassware, , tapestry cumin; [other curtains, clothes rack, house T'plants. carpet sweeper, washing (machine, tubs and wrlnger. celhr “able, drop leaf table, cent" cup-1 iboard, curtain poles. empty sealant} ( a 10 gal. and a 5 gal. stone crockl.‘ (kitchen utensils. lamps, pictures“ Valuable Household Effects There will be sold by public auc- tion on the market square in the ci'ty of Kitschtmer, the Valuable household goods belonging to Mrs. Wesley Reesor, on 8ATURDAY, APRIL M, 1924 onmmencing at 8 o'clock a.m., the following: _ Being two parts ot lot numher One Hundred and Ten ot the German Company Tract, In the Township ot Waterloo. and containing about thirt y-four and one-quarter acres. The "sale will be subject to a reserve bid. day of April, 1924 TERM8:- Ten per cent. ot the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, balance to be paid in thirty days. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale apply to SIMS. BRAY a MclNTOSH, Solicitors for the Mortgage". Kitchener, Ont. Dated at Kitchener the fourteenth MONDAY, MAY an C At the hour of 2 o'clock In the " ternoom By Elo J. Shana, Auctioneer, the following property, namely: Under and by virtue ot the powers contained in a. certain mortgage. which will be produced at the Limo ot sale, there will be ottered by Pub- lic auction in the an and": MtHttARtt :1th u No. " mun- av. Wm in the Town at Wutnrloo, on “TUIDAV. APRIL um. um. no" It! to a“ br - CI.- “on {In Vila“. “It!“ M belonging to . . _ Phono 130. WIQorIoo. ED. REUEL, Clerk. H. B. DUERINO, AuoClono-r, 'rKRMS--Catrtt. MR3. WESLEY REEBOK. Of Valuable Farm Property “an. Mum Terms-lash, GEORGE 8CHNARR, Proprietor. WALTER 'W. FRICKEV. Phone 692w, Waterloo, Auctioneer. ALF. MEYER, Clerk. 1 PUBLIC SALE VILLAGE OF BRESLAU Premium“. 10-11. 16.3t 16-2t, NEW OFFICERS ELECTED New otricertg for the ensuing yen were elected and report. presented at the annual meeting of the 8.9.1. Class of the Emmanuel Malena! Church. Satisfactory prone“ - made during the your. The ollcere elected are: President. Vera Bruege- man; vice president. Nelda Damn: secretary, Ruth 8mm"; "out, Hilda acme]; mum. Hilde Hung). NEARLY 600 MEMBERS T The membership committee of the Waterloo Horticultural society us making excellent headway in their drive for 1000 membernhi'p and hive nlreedy enlisted nearly 800 members for 1924 They are confi- nent of exceeding last year's mem- berehip ot 704 and hope to get within their objective by May ut. MADE OVER zoo VISITS The monthly meeting ot the Victorian Order was held at the home ot Mrs. A. K. Cmsmn on Monday afternoon at which routine business was disposed of. The re- port ot the nurse showed that over 200 visits were made by her during the month ot March. Valuable tarm of 85 acre: Adjoin- ing ills village of Heidelberg; about 5 acres bush, 8 acres wheat, about 30 acres in grass; balance is alt in good state ot cultivation: wring creek running through tum; - falling well at house. tht property is a good white brick house with summer kitchen and mashed .ttt- tached, bank barn. driving shed, ‘pig stable and other outbuilding; also 1 acre ot good orchard with I vari- ety ot fruit bearing trees. Price $7500. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. Levi Korcher, Heidelberg. Ontario. wit. WANTED A small "io. Leave part an at Chronicle Office. Box M. mm. GROW FLAX It will pay camera to now several acres in Flax. I will pay $18.00 t ton tor clean, well-seeded. mowed flax and possibly more when pulled. Seed will be delivered if parties sowing order will“. they require. Cbnatrtogo Flax Mitt. Hoary W. Ebel, Proprietor. Dated at Waterloo this tenth any M April, Adh, 1924. D. A. BEAN. Kitchener. C. B. BEAN, Waterloo R. S. BEAN. Waterloo D. B. MUBSBLMAN, Lockwood. FOR SALE O.A.C. No. 21 Seed Barley, good sample. Apply o. T. Coleman, New Dundee. 1+3t. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that utter Bach last mentioned date the said executor. will proceed to diltribute the “not: of the decou- ed among the pu-tiee entitled thereto, having regard only to the claim-0t which they um than hare notlce. and they will not we unble for the said assets, or my part thereof. to any Demon or persons ot whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time ot such distribution. I NOTICE 18 It“! 1tW1lgtt ”an!“ to the w 8m 01 OM. "" Cu). 140.800. to. mun endlton “declar- um chin- "airtat no cums ot tho " David Bun. who and on or about the tvmrnlmh day at Nb. vember. IMI, no mum on or before the eighth day ot my. "" to and by pout uremia or doll":- to the undersigned 03mm. " ministrators of the 'tatato ot the nu! deceased, their mu and ML drau- sad tun particular- ot their chim- and the nature at the not» was, it may. hold by then. In no In.“ " DAVID lulu” a no You. " WM In Conny d W.t.Hot MW. FARM FOR SALE. Executors. Itat. Cook’s Regulating Compound“ o. A. C. No. 21 Seed Barley; o. A. C. No. " Seed Outs; Mixed seed grain (Black and White Barley and Early Oats). A limited amount of the above for sale. Anthony Glen, St. Jacobs. " 1t. Jersey cow, fresh one week. For partlculars apply to M. Salmondel- meyer, Bream“ Road, Kitchener P.0. 16-3t, HELP WANTED Wanted tor May Ist, two experi- enced housemalds tor Mrs. E. F. Seamm. Apply mornings to Mrs. Herbert A. Moyer, 24 John St. West, Waterloo. 16-11. April " fSaturxtart- Homehold enacts belonging to Mr. Heddrick at car. of church and Peter tn., Kiteh- ener. April 26 Waturdayr--valuaba, real estate and household effects, etc, ot Adam Ruler at Elmira. Two carloads ot good horses will arrive April 19th, 1924. Come edrly 62d ttet your choice. Apply P. K. Weber Sales Stables. Kitchener. April 26 (Saturday)-- At 8 aan., at the Kitchener market, velunble household elects belonging to Mrs. Wesley Beesor, Wood St, in til-091w of Kitchener. April 26 tsaturday)- 1.30 p.m., valuable household effect: belonging to Lorne Avis, at 107 Waterloo Bt., Kitchener. . April l9 (Satardar)--At 1.30 p.m-. household enacts belonging to Mr. Jerry slum“, Brttbaettor St, Kitch- Mar 10 (Saturday) - Vahnble household elects belonging to Mrs. J. Davenport ter., " Pine St. in the My of Kitchener, commencing at 1.30 pm. April " (T-darr--Vaiustttes 150 note hm, tarm nook, Memento, produce and household elect: be- longing to Home Bun-u, “New 1 miles north-cut of New Dundee. No reserve. Sula to can It ' o‘clock am. sharp. Lunch at noon. April " (Momsar)- Live Stock. Implements Ind two touring urn of Wm. hunter. 1% misc was! ot mum. 1 A.“ It (sum) .-aao In» van». hon-ohm out. ot Goo. Benn-tr am It tt Wilh- at. Wont In the mm: at WINE». "I! 3n! (mun) - Nubia humanoid Clem balm to In. Lilla! Minor. In“ In tho VIII. of Walla-lay. A)!" u (II-mm ul-1 otr_m.teatati.tnttovteb and-locunamlgu- m'tMtrbrluhttemeqreuge-. Ann II tW-y-hm .toMt,img_rtsgeedenehmt.o. mm. o-tati in. was a able. ottler.--Ntt. " King St. But. Room 1, our MOI“! flu-dun store, “It the Kitchen» Post one; Ollco open Inn ' In. to no on. our“. man- I. H. TOMA", Bridal“ Auction». Mud. and mad for my RUPTURID PIROON The Hour Tram which no giving "tottdid “cl-melon I" tight and simple and need no undetrstmp. buy to put on. or to an on. Trusses For Ruptures See orth For A Good, Rollablennd Experienced Auctioneer GEO. G. CLASS, Amlomr. w. w. 'I'OI‘IV. W E. J. SHANTZ. Auctlomor. H. B. DUIRINC, About" " 'tint St. k., Aldo-Idol“ 1 FOR RALE FOR BALE FOR BALE No -tt ”TEE-5 iriG'Gi'.C, ucvlvlnulu LVIMllllUll and InaT we 3qu i, a dr ', tr, or GGrmyruti, ot communication from and to 'iiiyirc?,s'si'ilF,'?a5.iirA'li', village were bad. On learning TllUioJ,'g.M,',','.gee, of the intention of the department ""t"-.tnroteretv m’not to finish grading we circulated a =l===r===g=amt- Petition, said Mr, Reiner, and got -rlrlMI-tgqtqtt signatures of all we approached and a. For could get awry soul in the village if necessary. An improved road will .uptul‘es henettt the whole district. .. """“' “‘“'”“"" “"" The question was opened tor dis, 16-3t. [mission by Deputy Reeve Wm. Brill ===========a===s or Waterloo. who said he did so on " 8ALE {the suggestion of w. o. Weiche1, J. " Seed Barley; o. M.P.P.. who was anxious to interest 2 Seed thsta; Mixed the council in the matter as it had lack and White 'i'iii.i:i',',i been the lnlenllon of the department Ur). A limited amount of highways not to finish the grading or sale. Anthony Glee, this year. Mr. Weichel will do every- " 1t. thing possible to have the depart- a----,----.---,-...,---.,'-:'--).';';; rush the work. The council was informed by two “liking Compound“ the delegation, Ed, Rainer and “stiff- Lt?',',', mantel- Wander, that the road was In E,.", of uttencthNo. t, the deplorable condition and that the -- 9.), '3. No. s, " on M. - H. B. DUERING, WATERUX) 16-21. The council gave the delegation a mos-t tarorable hearing and re- torred the matter to the road and bridge committee. Those members who spoke urging that amnion he taken were Warden hints, Reeve J. Reldel. Reeve P. Debug, Reeve u Dietrich. deputy Reeve Wm. Brill, Reeve S. Kinzie, deputy Reeve W. Knish! and deputy Reeve Harbor. MIMHI‘U Llnlmcn! Rulioveo Colds. l Gardner I 3.3.2 Patorsburg p AUBTIDNEEB A largely signed petition was pre- sented at the last meeting ot the 'Waterloo County Council by a depw tation from Wellesley village which asked tor the completion this year of the Baden-Wellesley provincial county highway-. The petition was 'favorably considered and it is tsx-' pocted that the road and bridge min. mittee will communicate with the department of highways asking that the grading be fh1ls0ted this year. so that it will be possible to finish 'the work by 1925. The commit) will also likely recommend the pav- ing of a section between Philipsburg and Baden this season. The stretch remaining between Wellesley and Phlllpsburg will 3be held over tor" this year as a big cut must be made on the road one-halt mile south ot Wellesley. URGE COMPLETION OF BADEN-WELLESLEY PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY um I '" I ‘IJI IO I an“ ‘I ' IHI‘1I ll ‘IJI a; It In "tao"o"M"titubrrarao)aoou. lvlul lulu“ 12x14: incubator cellar, drive shed, all in ttood repair. Your chance. A. L CRESSMAN so King West . Phone 2599 On First Mortgage on improhd city and farm properties. Eloy terms of rc-plymont. I represent three high cla- loanlng companies. Robert th soil with no to 100 mm meg; good seven nomad home, bank; barn, cement flottra and troughs g In “able. "ring water, hon g haunt, 22x40; 12:30; 12130: At BngOport. but gardening “Payson'. Policies Pwtcct" All you’ll be a" In and Alba OI" - l. u and...” In! Whoa you all Mal out! _ Lu your sales with Auction- wmummuqnu‘ Money to Loan E. J. PAYSON l a Acres WATERLOO m. Phone!”

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