Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 Feb 1924, p. 8

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2t,NStUecehu'tui mun-.009”). a! Bid». No tour", no fun h an. on. a " o'clock gum Mar.d (Mk-Mn .3. sq hf- "6tst, ttnMetr-tq may and m 0.060. um i') an. . o. can: a no my Pub. " trt-v-.-. III. at hm nook. Minimum. My. min and hon-chow than. botan- Iu to Shane? shuts. I In“. _ of at, mm we a un- ”rum-m Feb. " (Wednesday) - but. lulu ot um noel. "unknown. produce 3nd household elm bo- wling: to In. Robert Manon. Inn-ted '4 mum-cut of modular. No roux-n. Wrm I. so". C. Pullman. Some harness broken, when halter broken. Bale to mart at 1 o'clock sharp tor KB. Hulmun. Feb. " 1Tueadsr)-atrtttre ale of (am 'rtoch, Implenrertta, teed and household elects balancing to Abe Toman, 1 mile noun: ot New mm. dee, known u the Bowman hm. No reserve, the tum II cold. _ Pet, 25 fMondrrrr-- Barlow! ot choice yang; Clydesdale hone: weighing from 1200 to 1600 In. Will be sold without reserve at New Hamburg. Thole horses were raised at Airdrie Albt. by J. & I: Feb. 23 Waturdarr- 10 o'elock p.m.--4Jariatsd ot choice young Olydeidale horses Weighing born 1200 to 1600 lbs. will be sold with- out reserve at Kitchener. These horses were raised at Airdrie. Aim. by J. t E. C. Hallman. Some Mr. nesa broken, others halter broken‘ tor E B. Human. . Feb. 21 Crlharsdarr-Entire sale of farm stock, implements, feed and household eitecttr.2telomrine to John Juul, 3 miles west of Mannheim and 1 mile east ot Wilmot centre on the Bleam's road. February 22 ui'ridayy-F'arm stock implements hay, and grain, belong} ing to Irvin w. Hamel, sltuated one mile west of Petersburg, on the} highway. t Feb. 19 (Tuesday)---" registered Holstein cattle and several pure bred Percheron horses ot good qual- ity belonging to Enos Hunsberger on the Erbuvllle road, 1 mlle north or St. Agatha and Waterloo mad. Plan to attend this sale. Feb. 14 C1?ttaradarr--rgatire we at tarmstock. implements, produce and household etteets, 2% miles southwest of New Dundee _ on the known as the Geo. Hallman tum. l Township line, tor Omer Snider. Petr. 18 tMortday)-Entire sale of farm stock. implements, produce; and household enema belonging to John White situated at Doon new" the Doon Twines known " he Ben- the Doon Twines knowi as the Ben-I sale. No reserve. Feb. 13 (Wednesday) - Entire sale of farmstock. implements and produce, 1 mile north and 1 mite east of SL Agatha, tor Dimer Brog.' (No reserve). Feb. lg (Tutssday)--atntire sale ot farmstock, implements, produce and household effects, " miles north. east ot New Dundee, near Truaslet’a corners for Edward Hilgartner. (No reserve). ( February 11 (Mondawy-sate of entire farm stock. implements and household enacts belonging to Cas- per Schmidt, t mile east of Freewn. No reserve, the turn: is sold. I. H. TOMAN, Graduate Auctioneer. ---rtomttrta, on: lab and. In “or. win was no one“; a. bulk old havoc: 811 Ind 818.75 than were firm at " to a toe choice. Quouuou: Haw but use" " 00 q " " Butcher one". load to choke ........600 0 700 do., fair to good ..560 . 600 do, common to Mr 4 so 0 5 't Butcher heifers, good to choice ...r.. ....600 o 675 do. lair to good ..5 50 . a 00 do, common to tair 4 50 O 5 00 Butcher cove, good to ' choice .......... 400 0 600 do, fair to good ..3 50 0 4 00 Gunners and cutters l 00 O , 00 Butcher bulls, good 4 60 0 6 26 do, lair ..........375 o 425 do., bologna ......300 O 350 Feeding steers, good 6 60 O ' 60 do.,tair ..........iroo O 550 Stockers. good ......4 75 0 6 36 do., fair ..........4 00 G 460 Calves, choice .....70 00 6 " 00 do., medium ......9 00 o 10 50 do., grassers ... ..3 50 o 6 00 Much cows, choice 70 00 o " 00 Springer» choice . .80 00 6100 00 Hogs, select bacons 8 50 ,upmmmm ’w-vv-u -...%. - - U '-r.t-rsatttast.tt.-tth no In I In. Out I“ 'u-te-at-tM' magma-dun. an“ “.mm-uomuu autumnal. OMS-at-tpts-ie-tma. 'r'tnauttudNi.itBagewtor. "818nadthettittittetttX Pt-er/ru. MN; to. to mum and; st ans, an no UVWK WK" Auction Sale List .400 o 500 ..350 o no r3100 o 200 d460 a 525 ...375 o 425 ”.300 o 350 usso o 660 ...500 a sso' ..475 a 525‘ W400 © 450 O 460 61300 @1050 o 600 09000 ©10000 of Mn not. Implant-u an "Maturetho-ettte. '"re'atn-aemt-rw mum“. Rummy " (Tt-y--a-, I" 0! Mn can Ind ml: We and 100 ton u tatt a. no “I “It, In! tom. lk all. can! of “VI-hock Housing to P. Mertttrt Feb. 27 (Walnut!) --Ancuol all. of mm dock. maple-mm 0nd teed, at tatt 15. mm It no... helm. 1 lane! amhmt of Hub Villa. for 000. an“. February 20 (Wedlundsy) -cuar- Ing notion ale of 40 had ot cum. neck, Implement. 3nd bed " Lot 19, Come-Mon A Wilma, % mile out of Equine. 8th a " MI. In A. V. Porier. Feb. " ItMttzrder)-- Auction 'gtttq 01195 acre farm It the Import“ Hotel, New Hamburg. Burtgt In " miles east of New Hamburg known as Andrew Zoeller than with no to date bulIdlnu ma one of the land- lng dairy farms tn the county of Waterloo. Sula u I pm . February 13th (Wednesday) - Clearing auction sale ot tarm stock. Implement; ma feed at Lot 11, Concession s, Black 8, Wilmot, " miles southwest at Wellolloy tor Mose Schultz. _ M. R. ROTH. Auction.” Feb. 8 (PridayV--Auetion ale ot 100 acre farm, stock. implements ttnd feed at 18 Concession 3, 8.E.H., 1% miles north, at miles out. ot Tim- took for Ed. Vast. " you want good horses dont buy until you see the two car loads of choice Percheron horses. All well broken, consisUng ot drivers. saddle horses and well matched tam: of Blacks and Greys. to be sold at P. k. Weber's Sales Sublet! tor Good Bros. Date ot we will be at} nounced later. These horses may bei seen any time after February l4th.l April 23 (Wednesday) --Parm stock, implements, feed and house- hold effects belonging to George Fahrenkopt, one-halt mile north at St. Clements. Mqget i "ht-rr-a-tttr. - Mar. 11 (Tuesday) -rurm stock. implements, feed and household of- Iects belonging to John Mertz, all- uated 16 mile west ot Jmsisphsburtr. March 5 (Wednesday) - hm stock, implements. feed and house- hold effects belonging to Elias B. Martin, situated in Peel Township, 3 miles west ot Elmira and 1% miles east of Wallemteln. March 4 1'rmnrdar)--min or 100 acres. it not presvroualrottrtd, end tarm stock, feed, and household et- facts, belonging to E. E. Hands. situated 4% miles north of Elmira. 4 miles west of West Mommas end 4 miles southwest at Wora. No F) serve. _ _ W. w. FRIOKEY. Auctioneer Phone 592W. Waterloo February " (Tmstrdary--gtott sale of extra good Holstein cows, young cattle and Horses belonging to Jacob Strelcher, situated 55 lane West ot Wellesley at 1 pm. Feb. 23 tBatunurr-trtrm stock. Vehicles. Hay and Grain and Household Elects belonging to John Geiger, situated in the village of Heidelberg. March 11 Crueattar)-rhstire farm stock, implements. produce and household enacts belonging to Anton B. Snyder. situated one mile north of Baden. Ontario wheat-No. 2 winter, 'Te, to $1. Peas-- No. s, 81.45 to 81.50. Barley-Matting, 65c to 700. Buciortietst-No. 2, 76c to 80c. Rye-No. 2, Tirc to 79e. M4uteed--an callous. delivered. Montreal heights, has: Included,‘ per ton: Bran. $88; shorts, tso/ mldmings, $36; good feed mmr, new bag, $2.12. American com-No. 2 yellow. 98%e. Mutton: oatrr-No. a C.W.. 41%; No. 1 feed. "fee. Flu-No. 1 N.W.C., ”.3016; No. t C.W., $12896: No, ' C.W.. ".06%; rejected, 82.06%; LII-ck. "tui. Rre--ttm , C.W., 68560. _ TORONTO GRAIN TORONTO. Fob. $.--Bttard of Trade quotations uth we": Manitoba wt-b-No. 1 manual. 81.13. oatq--No. a C. w.. an“: so. t. C.W., no: "tm Na. 1 tool. “0: No. 1 food. "Kc; No. I“. "The; Njocud, 88556; that. life. mri.r--N6. a c.w.. (use; No. 4 C.W.. mu; alum. "%e; food. “Kc; trick. “he. cm yuan: Whqat--d6tk 1 “than “a: lo. t. “in No. I. "v. No. q, It”; No. I. “564:; No. 0 "a; mu, as“; (not, 81.00%. I... In: and ”I do. -a.......ug. Ontario oat-No. , white. Me to dn.. “I“. . mun-min WINNIPI‘ GRAIN tl,',') tlf,") 'AEN Waugh-mm.“ 'eA1rmlatrh+ t*mrtat-,e-a-mtnr,emtrt, *e'rr.9o'Cohtseuetceerr.tmten 'Bst-r,MgntN.-toet3t- M. "ttt-9tgrm "och. Implo- monu, My. nun, touch“ elm ttd Non M. mu. " Illa m Feb, ".---valtttote, firm 'toch, Im- ‘plcm‘nu, My, min, household et- meta, etc. on town lin- bemoan Wollquy t Pot] ot IL P. Ruth: “on: " mile- wat of Wanmtcln. Feb. "ttt thtdan--Auetims Bair, of hm Stock. [mun-mm. my. Grain and Banana“ 0808'. or W. R. Thur. mum can all“ north out at lam “a 4 all. nann- February 11 (Modnay) - Entire Mock of Phonon-pm, several (looks, can! giaas, am. ot Percy Smith. Arthur Bt., Elmira. February 11 (Monday) hemmed sale of farm stock and Implements tor Peter Schmidt, 1% miles north ot Horatio. Much 29 (Saturday) - Auction sale of household elect: in the town of New What: tor B. Barth- lea. March 88 Wridar)--Auctioa sale of dairy cows and young came and hop at not 42, Concewon 3, 8.11111. 2 miles cut of Stanford tor J. J. Wilker. March 18 t'rueadar)---Auction sale of farm stock, implements und feed at Lot 30, concession 1 N.E.H.. 2% miles west of Shakespeare for Sam Henkeli. Mary at -rt--Vatmt9e March 14 "rridan--Auetton sale of farm stock. implements and feed at hot 22, concession M, Blenhhehn. 2% miles northwest ot Plattavllle belonging to Hailing March " (wettnesdary-. Auction sale of 125 acre lam stock, {mule- menta and feed at but 8, concession l4, Blandford, 1% miles northwest ot Rattto for Wm. meek. TERMS:-- Hay, grain, hens and all sums ot $10.00 and under, cash; fat cattle 3 months' credit,- other smne ot over $10.00, 12 monlhe’ credit will be given on approved Joint notes or 5% or tor cash. Geo. G. Class. Auctioneer. Noah M. Lichty. Proprietor. Fred Scanner, Clerk. HAY & GRAIN-S tom, of ttmo- thy hay. 10 tons at clover my, 250 bush. western seed oats, 150 bus. oats, 200 bush. mixed grain tit tor seed. 15 bus. peas tit tdr seed, 60 bus buckwheat tit for seed. _ lend mu, stool leaner. 4 one. iron ham“ Vorlty No. n plow, An plow No. " I econ-n. , potato Now, Che him, ' furrow ' Wilklnoon up; Now, , turn! “a. Now, turnip met, 1 12m _ power complete. 1 llhnln. roller cheaper No. a 16-inch roller on truck. Emir: cumin; box No. 4., 1200 lbs. cop. was. 0mm running mill, root pulper. by fork. rore) and pulleys. emery grhtder, atone boat, 1 wagon complete. 1 truck‘ww son. I clrrlnge , netted. 2 buggies. 1 set ot bob new, 2 cutters, 1 bay not. Rtoek ruck, gravel planks, , menu manure planks. ti, pig hangers. an": cradle, fence. stretcher, log litter, logging chalns, wheel burrow. beet fork, " tt. ladder, crow has, step ladder, cmsecut new, work bench, iron kettle, chat! forks, scoop abovel. bag holder, calvenlzed measure, 24 gram bass. poet hole nuger, double trees. neckyokee. other forks and hoes and numerous other articles. HARNESS-4 not ot brass mount, ed harness (nearly new), 1 other seqjmrness, t plow harness, 8rd _ horse harness, , Bette of single hub nose (1 nearly new), 1 single col~ 'tar and names harness. string bells, 1 robe, 3 eetts horse blankets. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS _ ext tension table, 1 wardrobe, , wood chests. 2 benches, 4 chairs. De Laval cream separator. t bedsteods. I cradle, 2 box stoves, 8-day clock, large milk can, 8 an. cream can, 5 small milk cans. milk path, some crooks. meat bench, churn. wash _ tub. 'ttmtr--pemt a has. . "ehamBNTtb--r. t W. - S that. 1"otmeieetrtowerstt.eat. McCormick My nu " N. (hurt: new). 1-H. “do at... Nom- no. GEO. B. CLASS, Auctioneer. 4tATTulb-tettmt-tqv. mummxmw "u'tA.t-0ts.ttrmtmtrett “Innovatimm 'attH,8-ehreenttt.,ssatve. maximum Mutwwm mmvmm: ml “uni,” “numuxmm 'r-'e;tdetetrt-rr- ---" Fir'" c" M w huh: "ammrQt.r-ttt.atao. "ret-tit':, P""m1teft'eeo',_tt-n-dtir' hmgmn... -- m1 sat “in”! " irtmmdai-cuar. Manhole-III stock. may Int. mm a h...“ gum-tuna”. CHAN-CO M. clAWLIV. And. (Guelph R. R. No. 0. ['0th " "r.turdsry-4r.r. of vulnblo farm tn Drum mun- IN). at tho mm hlr Binding. and». Feb. " fTuesdnr)--irtnir no. Lion we of FUrm dock. Implant“. produce and household aloctu bo- Iongm' when" Hob], It tho Till. nn of Dumber; . Feb. " Crt"rtrdtsrr---gtr mustered Hal-(em cattle 1nd several pure bred Percheron hot-gel of good qual- ity belonging to Enos "unwary". In the Erbsvllla Road, 1 mile north of St. Agatha and Wutcrloo road. Flu to attend this sale. Feb. 14 (Thursday)--, Clearing auction ule of farm ato'ck, imple- ments, produce And household " facts ot Albert Waring. I miles northwest of Waterroo. Feb. 28 (ThtrrBdar)---Parm Mock, and implements belonging to Albert Lehman, 1 mile west ot West Mont- roee, 1% miles west at Welmenburg and I mom, east of Elmira. March 27 (Thursday) --Farm stock. including registered Holstein cattle, implements, etc., ot Oscar BchrrWtt adjoining Elwin. . March 10 (Monday) - Mortgage sale of two valuable tartmrin Wool- wich Township; Parcel No. 1 CON- slats ot 91 acres; Parry" No. 2 con- siats of 75 acres with buildings on both, formerly occupied by Albert Rodgers, to be sold at the Steddlck House, Elmira. i Feb. '23 1Thurtrdary-Farm stock. implements, hay, grain and house- hold effects of William Bell. Con. 3, Peel Tp., 2% miles west of Yatton and 2% miles east of Glenailen. JOHN ZIMMERMAN, Auctioneer. ot Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain and Household Effects ot Amos Eby, altuated 1 mile west of Floradale. TERMS:-- Hay. grain, timothy seed, young pigs, fowl and all sums ot $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will he given on approved joint notes or 5% " for cash. M.-H: cream separator 500 lbs. can. and other articles. HAY.& GRAIN-MAY bush. In!» ed grain. 400 hush. oats, s Dinah. mnothy seed and some mixed buy. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS~1 sink, flour chest, washing machine, 1 bench, rocking chairs, arm chair. HARNESS-LI set of team har ness nearly new, I get ot team harness. 1 single harness, some collars and harness parts. 95 lb. nap nails. 1 24mm! demo; emit. Il-horsc can-mm l - cart, putter, 1 threshing machine, International 6 horse power gas engine with truck; 40-gal. tank. tanning mill, roller chopper, r, manure sleigh, wheel barrow, 452 gal. furnace kettle. 1 Iron 'ttly large vat, 2 other barrels, hoes, chains, forks, shovels and ici) numerous articles. row, 4 section Iron barrow. 8 Beth tion iron narrow. a 2-turrow gang plows, 1 Yankee plow, 1 single plow No. 21, not pulper. l turnip Bower, 1 wagon with box. 1 wide tire wagon, 2 sets ot bob sleigh, 1 small cutting box, 1 scale 1200 lbs. can, bag holder, up pan and, PMW--t Che-ht white not duo Much 'tth, a nun bred YeihtrD to" due larch now, 1 Yorkihh" boar, 8 pm 4% month.’ old, I m. 4 mom: old 11 m- " months old. FOWL~About 20 km. I IMPLEMttttmy- MAT. binder a ft. cut In good running order, tr.at.l, my loader good an new. M.-H. “do an (nearly new), Pros: & Wood mower, ' n. cut, W-H. 11 hoe drill, Mall. spring tooth cultivator. Noxon disc harrow dump mks, land roller. acumen 6 section iron har- Geo. G. Class, Auctioneer. month- on]. dt‘ymmmmgm old. 11 In“ at yam an. tron 'rrtmstttrtotrearegd,teattt 'ro'ti--ttsrt-gtitt {unanimity-Incum- TUIODAV, wanna" it“. a.“ H. B. DUIRINO, Amman...» Ezra F. Martin, Proprietor, Ed. Gowing, Clerk. " Positively No Reserve I! 5-21. FOR SAL! 6 Roan tntortttom bulls. Alto O cow. In an". all you“ noel. Apply to D-vld Mum. K In“. vat of wan-m mun M FOR .ALI Purine. stove. capacity to u)- Iona, like new; also I ling]. har- hens. Apply 118 William St. Phone MM., Waterloo. , Ht. Auctionuru. ENDS. a. HUNOIERGEH. Phrp. o. . Koo, Clerk credit will be given by furnishing soprano Joint notes baring 8% interest. Prospective hunts are re- quested to provide themaelve- with 'ubtisfactorT bank references tor balance of terms and conditions write for catalogues to Enos. B. Hunaberger R.R. No. 8, Waterloo. 1 These cattle are in A1 shape and have had the best of care. In case of bad weather sale will be con- ducted under roof. Auctioneers decision ttttal. Don't forget the date, Petr. 19th. TERMS or SALE:--" montha' l. H. TOMAN, JOHN, llMMERMAN. ' Heller Peggy Pontiac Alcartra. No. 105147, fresh by sale; Heifer. Pansy Colantha Pontiac, No. 108,381 due March 27th; Heifer, Pet Al- eartra Pontiac No. 103.382, bred Dee. 14; Heller Birdfe Pontiac Korndyke No. 108383. bred Dec. 14; Heifer Flora Plus Pontiac No. 108384, bred Jan. 2nd; 6 choice registered Heifer! 1 Fear and under; 5 good‘ registered buns 13 months and under. _ The following are sired by Cap- tain Plus Pontiac: 14; Cow Beauty Segis Henge-weld No. 95665 fresh; Cow, Trixie Segis Maneh No. 54578 bred Sept. 10th; Cow, Dark'e Belle Segis. No. 43580, fresh by time or sale; Cow, Peggy Korndyke Boon, No. 87143 fresh by time of sale; Cow, Mollie Wayne Korndyke, No. 91925, bred August 25th; 'Cow, Princess DeKol Nellie, No. 26,912 bred June 11th; cow, Lottie Johanna DeKol No. 72932.1 bred July 22nd; Cow, Winnie De- Kol Korndyke No. 87142 bred Oct. 17th; Cow, Nellie Segis, bred Oct. 29th. CATTLE. 40::-AJI young resh- {lend stock. Captain Plus Pontlac No. 45676, the herd sire whose 3 nearest dams average 30.68 lbs. but ler in 7 days and 22,199 lba. milk and 1054.58 lbs. butter in 1 year, 00w Princesa Platertje Alums No. 70865, ROE, 1258 lbs. milk and 560 lbs. butter at 2 year old, due [March 22nd. Cow Pauline Bests: Alcarlra No. 70867, with 11,717 ttrs.) lmixk, no lbs. butter at 2 year old, :due March 15th. Cow Blanche ISegls Aleartra No. 70866, with 9639 lbs. milk and 432-5 lbs. butter at 2 year old, fresh by time ot sale. Cow Maple Leat Pontiac Girl No. 26732 with 11735 lbs. milk. 490 ma. butter at 3 year old, bred Dec. 22. Cow, Summit View Pieterue Walk- er No. 60706 fresh and bred Jan. 7th, Cow, Kate Pontiac Aieartra, No. 83034 due July 10th; Cow, Jolly Duches- No. 95663 fresh by time at sale; Cow, Sock! Alanna. Lyons No. 95664 due April Ist; Cow, Productive Betty, No. 95667, due Maretts30th; Cow, Gentle Piet- ertje Aicart'ra No. 95666 bred "Dec. 11mm, Ina. No. 9691. born April T, 1914, weight 1376 lbs. bred to Dia. mond May 3m. 1 any man. Bib ver Bell. No. 12660 born July Mus, '1920, weight 760 tu., brad to D10 mom) May am, 1 any mm, Lottie No. 12437, born August 26th, 1920. weight 1575 lb... bred to Jottml 1er July and, I gray tttlr, Purl, No. 13247, born July 11th, WIS, weight mo lbs. t dark brown stallion} Buster Brown No. 11732, born July 32nd. 1922. weight 1200 lbs. All these horse. were weighed Jan. 11, 1924, and weights are absolutely correct. Plan to buy at this sale. They will suit you, than“ No. it“ hon Am ”I. ma. weight. I!" 1h» am h I noun we at ”conch-J. "I! mun. very only to insulin, 1 am (an gutter. “a A horn on. I: right in - war 1 M brood mute Bums Fox. No. “84. hon April am. 19t6, new 1780 lb... TUIODAV. "can" t% in! we to on " It.” o'clock in. maxi-hum... Matti-00min um and yum-loo and, may 6-H ..". M 7. I1. L 4-..- 'r----- hm had. M a Win. I. Walla. nut- TERM. OF BALet--Ptor, chick- ens» gnln. root. “a ttll turns of tts and under cub; our that amount to months' credit will be given on furnishing unmoved may no“; with bum-Mo property own-1 an as security. or a straight '"r count or 4 par cont. ott for can a. all credit amount: ihi"2'Ur'; decision and In an of alumna. I M. R, ROTH. Aneu’onm. MOIII OCHUL'I’Z. Proprietor. J. I. .ttMMtt0Att/tttere box». steam game. safety "We. whlutle and oil can Mr Item en- gine. shovels, torn. scythe; hoe. and numerous other grad“. HOUSEHOLD WTS: - , lounges, 3 bedswads. 2 arena", t' bureau. cttihi'tt bed incubator and' broader. 2 milk can, 4 cream my") 1 sink. cream separator. 10 kitchen} chairs, 2 leaf tables, meat tub. _ wash tuba, ' vinegar barrel. and1 good vinegar, sap pans, spouts and! pulls, Washing machine, Pnndoru; range. can] heater, box stove, 61 lamp, wood box, " gal. couloili tank. shotgun, Butttdo robe, 4 bushel box-o. steam Suite. safety aim} GRAPN:--2im bas. 0.A.C. " 72; seed oats, 75 bus, Silver King bar-J icy. 60 bus. buckwheat, 250 bus. mixed grain, 10 bus. seed peanf quantity ot tumlps. _ , HARNESS:--, sets team harness, 1 eat carriage harness vex; little‘ used. 1 set single buggy human. 21. sets blankets. i P1GB:-2 York sows supposed to be in pig, 6 shoals 5 months old, 4 thoroughbred York shoals 4 months old, 22 shouts , weeks old, 46 rock hens. 1 watch dog. 1MPLtBMENTB:--2 Manley-Harris binders. 6-ft. cut, 1 Maxwell hay‘ loader, 1 Maxwell side delivery,1 Frost. & Wood Tower, IO-hoe seed dr'li. corn binder,' land roller 2C) rake, Spring tooth cultivator. Planet Jr. 2-row corn cultivator, grain thresher with straw and chatt carr- ier, 3 good wagons, 21,4, 3 and 31A, inch tires. 2 top buggies. Fluery chopper. 10 in. plate, road cart, 1 one~turrow riding plow, 1 tmr-tur- new walking plow, 2 Frost & Wood walking plows. disc, wagon box with shelves, wagon box " ft. long, with stock rack, bobslelgh, 2 iron harmws. tratrorm mek tor sleigh, puller. platform Scales, grain cradle, good buggy pole with neckyoke and doabletreee, 4 Bets good doubleirees, 2 nechyokes. 2 three-horse evenera. tanning mill with full set of sieves, gravel box, stone boat, 2 hay forks, rope and pulley, 2 grain racks, tor-i nip pulper, 2 root simmers, chicken; coop and wire netting pen. 2 lad-' den. 1 extension ladder 25 ft., '? post hole angers, Fence iweavingi machine, 4 logging chains, 200 ft. inch piping, 20 grain bags, 1 CATTLE:--- 1 pedigreed Durham cow due to who in March, 1 pedi- greed Durham cow fresh at time of sale. 1 pedigreed Durham heifer fresh at time ot sale, 2 grade cows fresh at time of sale. 1 grade cow due to calve in February. 1 madly greed Durham bull 12 months out," 2 grade helfers, 2 thorgughbred Durham heifer calves} 2 grade‘ calves. HORSES: 1 Sorrel Mare, 1800 lbs., 9 years old, 1 Bay Home, 1500 lbs. 8 years old, 1 Bay Home 1400 lbs. 8 years old, 1 Bay me 1300 lbs., 11 years old, 1 Grey Percheron Mare, 1625 lbs.. 4 years old. by Peacemaker, 1 team ot Percheron. rising , and 4 years old by Peace- maker, 1 team Welsh ponies with) harness, good roadsters. quiet tol drive. commencing at 12.30 o'clock Pan., sharp. the following valuable pro- perty, viz: There will be sold by public luc- tfon u the panning ot the under lined, Lot 21, Don. s, Block B, " of Wilmot, 2% mile. mailman of Wellesley. 1 mile south or thon. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13. 1924 PUBLIC SALE "(LP WANTID 21 m St. Bohiender's erloo jun: "'"v"" an 't-'t-tttt-t.u.ets,e.e.irte PW. “why. v - -- ”w." - u v]. ........,.o " at M‘- m was. as b t, "'..."0r. “mum-tux» In "....e.e...r.... u - Vanna-1m will. In but 'B...'...... “ml-‘3 Stock. Implements Household Elects Flt Luann IEN'I "ttMb-Har, min. no“. fowl and an sums of "000 and Ind“. can; our that amount " month. erMtt VIII be [Inn on 19mm mm no“. or 5% " for out; CPNRMM IITZNII. Prop. OIO. s. OLA“ Autumn, “IV “HINDI-I. M L HAY AND ORArN--A quantity or ihar, oats. mixed grain, root: um! i (manage. .. _ HOUSEHOLD EFFECT“ bud- 'stead, with spring: und mute-m, 1cm“ cot. baby Carriage, t rub- stands. cidebond. 2 In! table some kitchen chain, 4 rockers. 1 lounge, writing desk, 1 linoloun rug (new), other linoleum. Chino“ matting 12x15 ft., churn, butter worker, cream summon 1% a... allson engine (new). hon kettle. washing mnchlne. wring". Incu- bator (can, 300), 1 long be“. t trhtk, copper kettle, rubber but tub and other numerous articles. HARNWM---t you tum Mrttem, can-Sage human. with turnout. robe. some home blankets. I an of New harness, and minor ham l IMPLEMWM.~H. binder in good running "order, McCormick lmower (nearly new) P. & W. hay Header, McCormick side rake, now. {also drill, 1 large size seeder, had Holler. F. & W. disc barrow, Chum mien separator in good runnitig ‘erer. Tuerk 12 h.p. engfne. Elmira roller chopper, 4 single plows, I Fturrow plows, M.-H. corn culti- sator, , acumen. farming mill, root puiper. Iron narrow. , wagons. 2 wagon boxes, 1 a-horse carriage, top buggy, road cart. set bob sleigh: 2 seated pleuure sleigh. 1 cutter, 2 bay racks, wood rack, gravel planks, hay fork, rope and pulleys. beam scales, grain bags. grind-ton, manure sleigh. logging chain. doubletrees, neckyokes, forks. has: and other numerous articles. PowL--Atrout 50 hens. White Leghoms. V PIG-S- 6 sows due to (arrow In April, 1 boar. Ponttlvely no mung eCA'r'rlar--cow due to call Mar. '22nd, cow with calf at foot, Holstein cow fresh, Holstein cow due In March. 2 down treshened in Nov. and bred again, cow due April 16, Holstein cow due in Fell. Hisretont cow in full flow ot milk bred in October, cow due March 7th, cow fresh with calf at foot, cow due April 3rd. cow in full flow ot milk bred In October. 2 heifer calves (springing), 12 butcher cattle. HORSES-nay team 8 a old. bay team 9 years old, commencing at " o'elock Situated on Lot 43, G.C.T., Woot, wich Tp., 1% miles northwest ot Conestogo, on Valuable Farm Stock, Imp} ments, Grain, Household Effects, Ete. in August; Holstein halter due In March; 2 Holstein heifers , ”In old in February; 1 Hmsltetrt he!" 1 your old In June; 1 Holstein heifer 1 year old. HORSES-Dark grey Intro min; 4 years old; black mare rising , years old. TERMtb-1g months' credit Will be givexi on furnishing approved Joint notes or 5% discount tor cash. JACOB STREICHER, Proprietor, W. W. FRICKEY. Auettioneer, Phone 592w, Waterloo. 6at. CATTLE - 0 Choice Holst-ll Cows:--Housteis, cow due by time at sale; Holstein cow due In April: Holstein cow due in June; Heinlein row due In April; Holstein cow duo There will In gold by - nu- (ion an the fun ot Mr. It”. Streicher. situated % mile and) o! Wellesley, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY Ian. commencfng at 1.30 pm. Am A Choite Lot of Holman Can, Young Cattle and Horns. THURSDAY, PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC SALE FEBRUARY team 8 mud ' mi. "' IPP' was?

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