te' 4hhehmte Goa.- Wedding. k Pt-tati- to Aged - ANNIVERSARY eut-oeter.nuror.n.o.' In. â€about. we: the you of u how end “hue event on M day when Ir. and In. Gourd lick who have been honored end meted “than: or Weterloo for may you! eel-hm their golden "an; A lecture ot the cocoo- kan in the presentation ot n puree ot gold to their and parent. try their children. At three o’clock in the afternoon all the children ot Mr. end In. Zick with the encep- tam ot Mr. Edmund Zick ot miles, Tune, together with their families sat down to a most appellsing wed- ding dinner. The afternoon was most enjoyably spent in social In- tercourse and interesting rethink? cencen were related by the aged couple who although past seventy years ot use are both enjoying good health. Mr. Zkk was married at the home ot the bride, Marie F'itgim mater at Freedom, Mich. on Jenn-1 ary 29th, 1874. The wedding cere- mony was performed by Rev. Mr. Bauman. an Evangelical Lutheran minister. The attendants were the 'hride's sister. Amelia and Danfel Stmder both of whom have passed owe“ Mr. and Mrs. William Fred- erick Fitzinmaier were born in Germany. Mr. Zick during the afternoon re- lated" some interesting reminiscences of the early days. in 1874 Waterloo was but a village and the Grand Trunk. line was built about ten years later. In the seventies the industries included two breweries, one distillery, wagon shop and the Jacob Bricker foundry now the [Waterloo Manufacturing Co. l " is interesting to note that Mrs. Zick's sister. Mrs. Henry Helbein of Elmira, celebrated her diamond wedding last week. Mr. Conrad Zick is a son ot the late George Zlck and was born ml Wellesley township, his tatherl having come from Germany when' a young man. After their marraige in 1874 Mr. and Mrs. Zick moved to Waterloo where they resided until three years ago when thy moved to Kitchener and have since made their home with their daughter, Mrs. Emil 0. Ritz. gt-ttttttttgt-ig-tti-oth-RB-tmoto" nmmmmnmunuumnmmnmuulmnuuumInumummmnmmuumllllflflllml . Happening. at th- col .ootm-hrod for our: Mr. and Mrs. Zick are enjoying While manufacturers and travellers report to us advances in many lines are making deeper cuts in our Selling Out the Retail Business Sale. The Goods must go and go Quick. _ This week we will cut deeper into pcevious cuts. Compare the prices. Men's Underwear, previously cut to 89C. a garment, now cut to per garment ....... 79e or 2 for Boys' Fleece lined Shirts and drawers cut Ladies' Vests in nat- ural shade, long sleeve. previously cut to 2 gar- ments for $1.25, now cut to ment chicopee Woollen Mills , UNDERWEAR Cutting Still c-----------------------))-------------------:---------- C, .550 per gar- I 1 2 for $1.00 '; . $1.50 . 59c 32 Queen Stréet South KITCHENER nAIAII Anomvb “Mill“ in magnum-mm ‘nmwummhuulm'ï¬md "“10.deth0 who. REM M - Gout.aeusmsanoitttot-ritri-er-t"rtt" lwatercoermirieet. “comm-bum mucus"!!! will... in. noun. By tut-tn; tm " and“ - dbockeyollloalu tut. no Kh- chmr Junior - an. pt ro- vem for thetr " m .1 cm (on! In! week all in...“ that opponents try a Icon of l. to 8, thereby winning the round by " to T. OTRUCK " IOTOIII‘I' Orval, the (Ive your old son at Mr, and um. M. Poll, “I hit by I motor cit driven by A, P. Richer- man while the boy V“ “out rid. lng last Saturday. The child Bttfhtr- ed several deep who: to hi head and was removed to the 1:00ij by Mr. Rickerman. who, witnesses Bar, was unable to avoid the accldont. FAVOR JOINT IOOLATION H08- PITAL l The Kitchener Board of Health), at its regular meeting went on re- 'eord as favoring the erection of a joint isolation hospital for both Kitchener and Waterloo. Tribute was paid to the Medical Otticxtr ot Health and a recommendation was made that he be superannuated ow- lllg to ill health. and that a succes- sor be appointed who will give his whole time to the office. OFFICERS RE-ELECTED i The Kitchener Ladies' Aid of the Freeport Sanitarium met recently when ofncers tor the year were elected as follows: Hon. Pres., Miss Jackson; president, Mrs. Oscar Rumpel; lst vice pres., Mrs. E Greh; secretary, Mrs. Allan Eby; asst. sewn, Miss Hall; treaB., Mrs. H. A. Huber; auditor. Mrs. A. H. Devin. The reports presented were quite satisfactory and showed much progress was made during the year. twimrndid health, both being hale and hearty and quite active. That they may live to enjoy many more anniversaries ot their wedding is the wish ot a large circle or friends in the Twin City. The children present were Will- iam of Hamilton, Homer ot Dun- das. town clerk Norman A. Zick ot Waterloo and Bertha (Mrs. E. 0. It'tz) of Kitchener with _their tam- ihes. Mr. Edmund H. lick and tam, iiy of Dallas; Texas, ware unable to be present. Boys' Jerseys in Scar- let and Navy, made of pure worsted yarn, sizes 17 to 28, previously cut to $1.00 each. now cut to .....t....... Ran Men's 1 and 1 rib Sweaters, good material, pure wool are given an- other cut. Men's Cashmere Sox in brown only. Previous- ly cut to 45c. Not' gut to.... SOX 39c RUSSIAN TENOR RONNG DE- LIGHT: LARGE AUDIENCE At the Capitol theatre on Tuesday night nosing the great minim: tenor delighted a large audience ot music lovers in a song recital under the iauspices ot the Kaw. Music Club. ims interpretation was perfect and 31198 various numbers were greeted I with hearty mppiaule. A roll “on qrtMegug) mam Emmet m “I. m. on“? Goats. on“ u- Ib by "atgtttq and†am B. m an by m. vu- no hi can to 0" “mm In: in M I mo barn to (an an chat-ll. The ooutttu-s-to-dttoattttbe hay mow. Doc-sud m '0- I women-I “met no!“ on " ancod Bgooo-ter. M. m bull in poor health for . you all h I. believed " ull-d - uncl- PAC!!!) EXAMINATION John F. Benny out Reinhold uuelman were Incas-oh! In out In; the recent extuntnat'.out' tor Chartered account-nu. Both are on the trtatr ot Scully and Scully and are to be eorutratulated on their success. TRY SULPHUR ON M ECZEMA SKIN Com Little and Overcome. Trouble Alma“ Over Night Any breaking out of the akin.‘ even fiery, itching eczema. can be quickly overcome by applying MnettusSulphur, declares a noted skin specialist. Because ot its germ destroying properties. this sulphur preparation instantly brings ease trom skin irritation. soothes and heals the eczema: right up and leaves the akin clear and smooth. RABIES com; CAM BUYER INN HIS um ' It seldom (all: to relieve the torment without “delay. Butnsrerts from skin trouble should obtain a small Jar ot Rowlea Mentho-Baltthur from any good drugglst and use it like cold cream. Smocks in heavy- weight denims. Plain Black or blue stripe, also a few Grey Overalls, cut to ... Knitted Cam, prev- iously cut to 45c., now cut to ......'... 390 Girls' and Misaes’ Mitts and Gloves, prev- iously cut to 89e. and 60c Now cut to 30e and 39c pair. Men's Overalls and ...r.... $2.10 “than†MOVE IN COUNTY COUNCIL TO MlilNi TIR) COMMISSIONERS Il-llllllllllmlllllllllllllllllll3I|IIII"IIIIIIIIIII!IllIIII“IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIl‘llllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllIIllllllllllllllllllIllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII - --.- ______._.___.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€",, ---------- Would Replace August Jansen and Shantz and Walter Oliver bu: Notice of a proposed change in Joseph Woods and Reeve Wm. the Kitchener and can Suhurbnn’ Knight only supporters to their mo-l Good Roads Commission was giventtlon to secure payments of rents by Reeve Roy Graham ot Ayr ond’ paid the county by the government Reeve J. Woods at wooiVch town-i tor work done in 1922. They urged ship atva nicotine or the "',y,t,,'ji,1,.:,t, part of Wooiwich's grant be Council on Wiulurccduy, Jun. 30th. _ transferred by the county treasurer They will bring in d motion an the and be considered " payment by' April meeting providing tor the. the township at 4% mill: for work. dismissal of August Jansen and A-idone in 1923 under the new system.' Little and appoint as they succes- The County treasurer stated that) sore Samuel Shanty, and Walter unless a moion was passed request-l Oliver. ing him not to take any action hel move Graham dvclnred that would proceed to collect from the ‘theee men were t;tvil‘inutlliy critt- two townships. As no motion was fixing the county mum-it‘s part ot passed action will doubtless be- the work ohjevting to small ac- taken at once, l counts paw-d by the road and .... To interview Government _ bridge committo and to their pay-1 The department of highways will ment by Road 'sc,iircniiiitl, in the near future he esked by s Lichrf, and as u result the latterideputation from the county council was pinned in rather an untnvorahlel to declare several roads DmeCiIal light before the dtpnrtntettt ot county roads. The county council highways, Mr. Lit'itll stated that! on Wednesday passed the following he had dlitivulty in cutting the Cor- resolution moved by Reeve Simon Duration of the commiaaioners.‘ K nzie and Reeve Joseph Woods. They had talked much about econg "imat county road No. 6 from icmy but he thought they "Tlf,lt1rti'1',',. south to Roleville road lpractice what titty prom-h. The No, 31 one hell mile west to road I speaker asked it it was our to hold No. 32, then south thm the village ' a meeting to it.“ n $16 account' or Ayr to the boundary line between when the mmnlwts‘ attendance tees} “rant and Whterloo counties he I were $15. It was 'iwrvlm‘o deemed} added as a provincial county road. advisable to hold Ivss meetings and)That county row No. ' from Wat, speaker asked it " was fair to hold a meeting to p.l-~‘ a $16 account' when the mmelrers' attendance fees were $15. It Wm Ilwl-ul’oro deemed advisable to hold low meotings and to give the road and bridge com- mittee the privilvgo ot passlng small acooums to avoid delay. Commissioners Jansen! and Little, however. objectvd lo this course. To Collect trom Township Deputy Reeve Byron Lemon. have THIS HEALING CREAM WILL l STOP CATARRH Clogged Air Pttsstges Open at Ihteo.-Nooe and Throat Clear It your nostrlls AW clogged Ind your hepd stoned became of 01-1 um: or I cold, [at Ely’l Cream Bun at any drug “oral Apply s) lulu of (his pure. antiseptic, germ destroying cram Into your nostril: um lot it penetrate through our, " plate of your head And Imm- Lluunu. - mm. a" r W! no. nod tt Ml.- Your bud In clear. You nostril. no open. You but“. My. No more “will. or mulling. and cold. and oatarth "'" lb magic. 00-1 any "led .. out“ up “a about]: Ro- ‘IH I -. C mission. TO COLLECT F ROM TOWNSHIP d A. Little With Samuel ts'u'y. '33: Good Roads Com- "That county roed No. 5 {renal Kitchener south to Roseville roed‘ \'. 21 one half mile west to pad) No. 32, then south thrn the village l or Ayr to the boundary line between c Hrant and Waterloo countlen he I added as a provinclel oonnty road. I That county road No. 9 from Wut, J vrioo to Bridgeport end Road Tl 10 trom Bridgeport to Roeandele end 1 Road No. 7 tram Roeendele to the I Waterloo and Wbohvich boundary 1 thru the villege of Goneeinto to I provincial county made end e dep- 1 uteiion be woointed to meet the 4 minister of public highweye CooiBt- l in; of the road and bridge oom- (mittee, the Men end the roadi, superintendent end Mr 'iiuiiiii) M.P.P, they to get in touch with Hon. Mr. Henry in order to eppoint a date end time." May Include Pullman-g Reed The negation wee mule" by Reeye Louie Dietrich of Waterloo thut the watertoo.Pttiiirirg my ehonld eleo be included in the to; t communion. Tile wee haunt unneeeeeery by other new be I sense the accumulation - -lngtl1ie reed lend - - I pleced belore then. Reeve lame I "idther-ontteuettMOV I ot rotstnmrtmt0Bthtgt vee - be I odtsottttntttmmtdbe_r. , ed try the dwell. no". munch I“ M MI howov'er canto-dd our no M Md been "calm m- D - mant which can bl the -tkrt' under andâ€. WIN.- [Alta ... ot m m M on tt no before 0. ml " wall it m numb-tn“). "hm-lob.» V A Ntrher rate allowed on amounts of $100 and over left with no for one or more years. 4% We also at u Exxotor, Administrator or Trustee of Eshtes. During tlu "at year a considerable number have appointed the "Waterloo Trust" as Executor in their Wilt. Your Steps go Success The Waterloo Trust and Savings Company Waterloo Can Be Autued by Opening A animously. the Waterloo represent-g natives not voting. Chairman of Committee: t The standing committees of the county council have elected the following cha'rmen: Deputy Reeve, W. Knight. Wellesley; finance. Reeve J. Reldel, Wellesley; road and bridges and Reeve cries, Preston, county property. Reeve Grueuner. Hespeler. will probably ‘agaln be the chairman ot the home JOHN DAVENPORT _ The death took place suddenly at Santa Ann, Cal. ot John Dav- enport a former resident. ot Kitch- ener. Last winter he went to Call. Hernia and resided with his daugh- ter. Mrs. Wm. Schade and John Davenport, Jr. of Kitchener are children. GEORGE A. ERB The death took place at Lapeer, Mich. on January 18th ot George A. Erh. Deceased was born in Erhsville March s, 1855 and in 1877 he married Eva M. limy who survives with two daughters. MR8. HENRY B. WAHL An aged resident ot Rosedale In the person of Mrs. Henry B. Wahl passed away on Sundaoy night aged 84 years. Funeral services were held on Wednesday interment tak- ing place in the Cressmnn cemetery at Brealau. FRED O. KNECHTEL Many friends in Kltrhent-r and watanoo were shocked . learn ot the sudden death ot Fred o. Knecltel at his home on Mary St, 'ipthtner, Wednesday afternoon. Jan. 23. He had suffered a ner- vous breakdown and was found dead by his wife at live o'clock in the afternoon Decensed wu In) the mploy of MasorrRisch, actinx‘ as piano tuner. The funeral was held on Friday afternoon. A wid- ow and seven children survive, his aged mother, the brothers, Char- les, William, Harry and Janna ot 'Kltchener and Edward ot Toronto tuna six amen. Mrs. E. Fisher. Bushman. Mrs. C. Donner, Kitclr enor, Miss Florence. Mu. w. F. Snydor, Mrs. A. Meow-low Mnmie. all ot Kitchener. LET US SERVE YOU Saturday the Last Day â€of CAPLING'S BIG CLOTHING SALE at Kitchener. -- It’s worth your while to look in. OBITUARY. Savings Account with this strong “Waterloo County†institution. In. terest compounded half-yeariy. Kitchener Ar", - 1 A AUGUST HOLLATZ The friends ot August milk". father ot Mrs. W. W. Frlckey ot Waterloo will regret to learn of hi! death at " hmoe, " Blacker St. Kitchener, on Monday, Jan. 80th. He was in his 73rd year. The tall- eral will be held iron: his ins HF sidence on Friday, Feb. "t In two o'cio’; to St. Peter's humor-m church thence to the Eu! End cemetery. AUGUST RATHMAN August Rathman. accountant for H. Wolthard & Co., Kitchener, passed away suddenly while " " work Monday morning. Re I"! soon to tall ott his chair and ex- pired a tew minutes later. De- ceased was a son of Herman Rathtnan and was born in Kitch- enor in 1865. A wife. Mlmuerito Weichel, formerly of Elmira. and two daughters, Louise and Mar. guerite, survive. Also his and lrather. one brother, Hugo, and one sister. Amelia, at home. REPORT GOOD SURPLU. The Separate school board rmiort z. substantial surplus for the yeq' of $3000. The attendance at “103(3th for January was 1092. (MP. PAIN, PAIN RUB 2lElllillh'fllt, . I ACHING JOINTS St. Jacobs Oil stops any pain. and rheumatbyn la pain only. Not on'e case in any requiru in- ternal trvaiment'. Stop chugging! Rub soothing. penetrating St. Joe- obs on right into your sort. ml. aching joints, and relief come. in- Manny. St. Jacobo Oil in I harm- iosn rheumatism linimeut, which never d'sappointn, and cannot burn the skin. Hmber up! Quit complaining! Got n small trial bottle oe old, honest St Jacobs on at Any (In. stow. and in just I moment you'll he tree trom rheumatic pun. can» nos: and “linen. Don't Inlet! Roller awalts yo“. st. Jacob: on In his! " gum] tor mini“. noun-.1313. lumbago. baceaetie,apratns Galt if") , £3: