1%? L Gre' 97’s g 30 QUEEN " S. KITCHENER PHONE 1603 E hnmnntnmnimnmtnnnnmnnninnnntsnnnnnnntmnnnnttnnmtnnM1 REEVE LANTZ IS NEW WARDEN At [meeting ot the County coun- cll held on Tuesday afternoon Reeve George Lana ot Phllipsburg was elected warden tor 1924. The mo- tion was made by Reeve John Beidel _ ,7 “.9? “Yb?“ "I {us-$15100: Frui- ohlpmnt of “ELAN?! CHOCOLATE E. O. SEEGMILLER, th. B Cod Liver OII $1.28. 2 tor Sts Tooth Puts, 2 50c. Simone. Face Cream. on this Week’s List Piece Goods Oxford Shining that should be sold at Me. a yard. to clear at 4 van, tor ."."."..f..rS1.00 Bingo Shining, good clean patterns, goods that should be sold at Me. per yard at 4 yards tor .... , $1.00 Yard wide Apron Ging- ham. Only 2 pieces left, 5 yards tor ...... $1.00 32" Gingham; In diluent dudes. per yd..... 30 C reg. $1.25. 2 for Ghicopee Woollen Mills 2 for INOLIIH LICORICE ALL CORT. BRONCHITIS MIXTURE Make your own Meois Work Shirt ft means money for you. Compare these prices and come see the goods. ' "d'J,' "ig'.'G" OUR FIRST BIG SALE . Continued to Give You a Chance ALL MIN'. oVEmgoAT6 UP TO mm FOR All Wool Ova-Cor Co. It.†Wither Cm ALL ‘IZIHIT YOUR. â€HOT I.“ Wlnm can. m........'.......'.,. mourn-pa“. "I! .ant of 49e lb. 32 Queen " 8.. Kitchener BEEF, IRON AND WINE lb. tor 39c TRY A BOTTLE OF OUR NEW tor $1.26 .. $1.275 $1.01 $14-29. 36c CANDIES ......... 50c of Wellesley Township and Reeve Grieves of Preston and unanimous- ly carried. A BOTTLE Keep Minard'u Liniment In the m couch. â€duo. I ter meld ' lb. Ion. for ........... All III-u ot Important â€an. Inn LIcorIca " ttte, 15:. an‘ 25c. _........ $1.45 ’ m" ---8L30 IAVI T' Al CAPLING’S Honhwnd Twlu. lb. Cocoa, 2 Ibo. for ... Phonograph Records no. 81.00, 2 tor... $1 01 . Velvelone Needles pkgs. ..tr.mm... Bell Hood Needles, pkgu. ......r.. $12 house. Black and White stripe Shining m three different weights, reg. 25, 30 and 35 cents a yard. Marked at 5 yds. for .... $1.00 4 yds, Mr .... $1.00 3% yds. tor .. Sl 00 . Sport Flannel, 54" wide in Brown. lawn and Cardinal yd....... $1.39 'l. 21e 2 36c $2.00 Heavy weal Uni-Hun 35c .1.†Th. for um Glove. hte.,..... Hum". union!" . CAVE Tm. ADV. AND CIT A PAIR OF 'ttN Me Wool two-(or Coon. all in“. rlt2 We! a. m my mum no Incl-Mn of It. Von-'0 manna-um. mums!» 4th. at, no p... chant, vumd m mm Mr. and In. Dunk! mu. Mr. Harold Imu- All In. lulu onh or Kitchens: was Sunday M‘ "or. with the tomor- grandpar- entl, Mr. and Mm Henry Brod-3 recht. Hm I. Ran who want u month with (rlendl here returned to her home In Woodstock um week. Min Kuhn museums: in vim,- Jng relative: in 1mm! m- week. The New Hamburg hockey team played in Btratttrd on â€and†night. and the score was 4-0 in mvor of New Hamburg. Mm. F. coocon rottumsd home from a week's visit with her (hush- ter, Mrs. P. Carson " Btmuord. Mrs. Ed. Appel has gone to Monk-V ton to assist her son, Mr. V. gk Appel and funny move to Pulmon- tom Mr. Apps], who was manager ot the Sterling Bank at Monkton having received the managersmp ot the, Palmerston branch ot the bank. Mi. and Mrs. Henry Brodrecht observed the Slat anniversary of their marriage on January 16th. Both Mr. and Mn. Brodrecht 'l? still enjoying the heat ot health and contentment together. Rev. H. Y. Gruhn. former pastor of the Trinity Lutheran Church here and who has had charge ot a Lutheran church at Farrel, Pa., tor a. number ot years. has accept- ed a call from the English Luther- an church at Hamilton and moved to that city recently. Mrs. Ward, who spent a month with her' sister, Mrs. B. Meme! Left on Thursday for Uxhridge, where she will spend several weeks be- tore returning to her home in Serum. Mr. Harry Peacock ot Kitchener! spent the week-end " his home. l Mr. Wm. Black, accompanied by Mr. Vardon Black ot Hespeier, left, on Thursday morning for Gianni-2n to attend the funeral ot their uncle, Air. George Black who died there on Wednesday. Deceased was a life-long resident of the Glenaiien district. being born in Maryhorough township 75 years ago. He was un- married and farmed in partnership with his brother for many years on the trd line at Maryborough. After retiring'he spent some time in New Hamburg with his nephew, Mr. Wm. Black. The New Hamburg Council met on Monday evening. The munici- pal oll'icere tor 1934 were appoint ed as follows: Auditors-Herman Appel and o. A. Ritz at $15.00 Assessor-F. Goebel at 3110? Tax Collector-V F. Ran at 8150. Medical Health otneer-Dr. J. Marty. Sanitary Inspector, constable. school attendance ofrieer, caretaker street cleaner and road master, 1. Lightheart at $1020. 1ihgteeviewerg- C. Nablo, Jacob: Welcker and Fred Schaefer. .[Ponndkeepers r-" Uda. Hartman and A, Bumlg. Member of Board ot Heatttt-- Daniel Ritz. _ Member of [library Board-Wall- ace Fox. Mr. W. D. Thompson of Whitby, is aulstlng Mr. J. B. Knapp in the Agricultural course held here u present. Mr. Knapp who was carled home to Gait last week ow- ing to the death of bid young son. is expected back on Monday. The causes willannunne In the Town Hall for the next. three weeks with daily sessions from .10 to " end 130 to 4 except Summit". About twelve young men ere in duly at- .temhmp, All: other. who with 'III. is MEN'S sum LEFT .----------.-t+t. mum ’|ld¢dthoeo '43:; $1.19 rt' $10.45 $2.95 $1.29 Mum's-Idiomâ€... “whiny-v.13. mull. atmeorirx_ae.iiseatatrm. Thommksoi-I-huv- Don-nment aatd an a). to In at has... both from unis-ll mar aad m tn. of m mu. or eeriswiAirwtoastaeAatiorgtnr ot then count will ï¬le-u.†tar as any as you“. with It. Winn or with In. ~Alex. Hahn. “weary of the NC! Mu: bunch ot the Women's humus; Agricultunl “clay Matte. Excell- Mu. Thou m m up. “at the and!“ "the 01m ent Shawl“ il The ennuAl meeting of the Wil- l, mot Agricultural Society was held i in Library Hell. New Hamburg on '; Saturday afternoon, January 19th. 3 The meeting In we“ ettended by members of the Society. The lin- enclal report presented showed that the Society is in e good iinenclel condition. The balance on land is $709.41. which is very utistactory to the members. The wet weather last Fair day. enacted the etten dance and the burning ot the grand stand at the tair grounds e short lame before the exhibition celled for unexpected expenditure in the erection ot s new judge: stand and platform tor the band, so the chow- ing made is very good in spite ot the adverse conditions the society had to contend with last year. The sum ot 8149.00 was received from the Provincial Government as wet weather insurance and this brought the total gate receipts up to 8849.60. The prize money paid out in 1923 amounted to $1162.95. The paidup membership ot the society Is 113. The society decided to, have Do- partmental Judges tor the fairs in future and also to continue to hold {spring stock and seed show at Baden. Mr. A. R. G. Smith tendered " resignation as Beeretarr-trtNumrer of the society owing to other en- gagements. Mr. Smith has held this office tor the past ten year- and it was ehtet1r through ht Im- tlring ettorU that. the Wind bi: became one of the foremost agri- cultural fairs of the'provlnoe. Hie withdrawal from the society is much to be regretted. A meeting ot the directors will be held to appoint a successor to Mr. Smith. The other onicers elected are as follows: President-A. E. Herr. lst vice pre-Hy. Nahrgang. 2nd Vice pres-Hr. Walker. Directors-L. G. P'equegnat, Geo. Fowler, Geo. Z. Lantz, Valentine Zoeller. James Monaghan, William Schneiler, I. M. Cassel, L. Master, Wesley Rattler. er, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coghlin spent Thursday ot last week with friends at Atwood. Mr. Lawrence Martin of Toronto and Mr. Billy Martin of Detroit are visiting their father. We are sorry to report Mr. Wm. Martin is not as well as his many triettds would will]. Mr. R. B. Hamilton took the oer- vice in the Methodist Church last Sunday owing to the illness of Rev. r. E. Sawyer, We have a few cases of smallpox In our village and vicinity hm It seems to be of a mild type. A baby girl came last Saturday to brighten the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Leander Battier. Miss Clara Albright of Lima] spent Sunday at her home. ' . MI) h HEAD A COLD (BMO, JUST RE THIS PURE CREAM tt your nonun- no chant. you that! managed. or your head In "qttted by may tntatth or I cold. “ply . mu. pun. gnu-optic. mm annoying mun Into your noimtl. It momma through every " ill-n. nothing unturned. swollen manhunt tad you Bet hunt to- How good It (now Your mu. no open. You! haul h clear. No‘ nor. hurling. null-c. am.“ or mm Ii “I. on . mum huh Io! If: an“ In). In. ll! W. m nu - no“ II. “a. Ite, unl- d n. - I *9. 'l, W Auditors-L. Paine and D. Beck- MILLBANK Society. The an. E seemed showed that E in a. good financial = balance on hand is E is very BatiMactorr PA . The wet weather E elected the utten g .nruing ot the grand Tr. dr grounds o ehort 'r--. ,e exhibition called Fi, expenditure in the E aw judges stand and ii i band, to the ehow- "d my good in spite of F..' . nditions the society P. with last year. The E was received from E Government as wet :"4 Ice and this brought g eceipts up to 8849.60. E. ey paid out in 1923 rg-'. 1162.95. The paidup 'E the society is IIS. "I'-": ecided to, have De E gee tor the fairs in i so to continue to 'd stock and seed show 'i'-':' _ Smith tendered " i-fs kt, bush- ï¬lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllIllIllIIlllllllllllllllllmlllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII age and removed one ot its oldest residents in the person of Michael Brohman. who passed away last Wednesday night after having been ill tor the last three weeks. De- ceased conducted the hotel here tor the last " years and was well liked by all who knew him. The funeral was held on Saturday morning at nine o'clock from his late residence here to the R. C. cemetery at New Germany for interment. He leaves to mourn his loss his bereaved widow. tIve daughters and three Death haa again visited our vill- Wut-tteat-fr-g-tr-trotten- which you will an. dar1-ettehindt ' Awitir-traarrt,ritt-eyuitesttLqorernameda"9t' mmi,uthaikrireovidetftrrtmrtarufetruantanMstatte. ' -iiiGiraiJjaitstoaehthe "ite-ti-trw-ir-tttis a document which, when one drawn, exiistaNralttim.,tmt-aot- plant or modify An existing Will brrddits cod?“ " my tinte Some at the ulvantqegfin appointing e'l‘rust Gtmtg-raarltXMtAnMCor ADMINISTRA'lOR ue: _ , (1) Continuous service. (2) Financinl responsibility. I; (3) Knowledge of investments covering Trust funds (4) Fireproof and burglars proof vault for the safekeeping of Securities. (5) Financial judgmentgf I Board-of Directors: PPtr.,,tte, 218 ieltitS,A!.dy; ‘We will be pleased to discuss this important question any time and arr-m to have your Solicitor prepare your Witt FREE. OF CHARGE. (6) (Too late tor last week) The Waterloo Trust and Savings Company 189 KING ST. W, PHONE 726 Goodyear Welts and Turns All Colors Ladies' Satins, Suedes, Patents, Calfs, Kid and Br0ques Week-End Bargains IN FOOTWEAR WINTIRNUINI. Ford B. Kumpf, Waterloo, H. J. Sims, K.C., Kitchener, Fred Halstead, Waterloo, Geo. D. Forbes, Hespeler, Geo. A. Dobbie, Galt, Henry Knell, Kitchener Modefate administration fees. Two Windows of Men's and women's Style and Quality Shoes, regular $6, $7, $8 for $4.95 'iii;iiiri'? 133%? iiGiiGir Gi arrGGiuYiGMilr in}: the handtiU a WATERIDO C O M E IN -ro,ermsr-er.t-tdtsr-etittitrmrrm""'""""t $4.95 Any Pair in Window |T60TWE§E STORE OFisATlSFACTlON Rt YOUR MONEY BACK E. F. SEAGRAM, Vice-President, Waterloo THOS. HILLIARD, President, sons. namely: Mrs. Cummings of Toronto. Mrs. Neiech of Gyelph. Mrs. Frank Dotson and Lucy of Kitchener. and Alice at home; Alfred or Ayn and Richard and Alex at home. Much sympathy is extended to them in mm and be- reavement. Bo are glad to report that Miss Betty Murphy is able to be out again after having been laid up with an attack of tonsilltis. Personals. A quiet wedding was solemnized last Friday afternoon by the Rev. Mr. Bartlett when Miss Violet Koch was married to Mr. Joseph Brown, both of this village. They will re- side in Winterbourne. $4.95 . The young people of this tNFttt- DIRECTORS Waterloo. KrTCHENER J. H. Gundy, Toronto, Louis L. Lang, Kitchener, W. L. Hilliard, M.D., Waterloo, A. J. Kimmel, Cobourg, J. M. Scully, F.C.A.. Kitchener P. V. Wilson, Waterloo Managing Director. Goodyear Welts Any Pair in Window For dress, business or work. Black, brown, calf pat. or kid leathers. All Men's Boots and Oxfords munity attended the reception hem at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Byron lesson last Wednseday night tor Mr. Archie Lemon and Miss Olive Umbach ot Elmira who were married that flay. All join in wish- ing them a long. happy and pros- perous wedded lite. $4.95 Mr. Jae. Mitchell, Br., has return. ed home after having spent I few weeks in Detroit with his daughter. Mrs. Norman Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Pannahaker of Hespeler ppm Sunday with relatives here. Mr. Ed. Mitchell and daughter Fern, have returned to their homo in Ridden. saiar., after having spent some time with relatives around here. GALT “552: t"g m