'i', t)7,'i1ii'iiiii,iirjire.'ii ca Limber up! Don't gutter'. Get a} small trial bottle of old, honest St.!, Jacobs Oil from any drug store, andl, after using it just once you‘ll forget that you ever had backache, Iam- bago or sviarica, because your backl will never hurt, or cause any more) misery. It never disappoints. and'; has been recommended for 60 years. I Back hurt you? Can't straighten up Wilhout sudden pain, sharp aches and twinges? Now listen.' That's lumhago, sciatica. or maybe from a strain, and you'll get relief the moment you rub your back with soothing, penetrating St. Jacobs Oil. Nothing else takes out soreness, lameness and stiffness so quickly. You simply rub it on your back and out comes the pain. It is harmless. and doeim't burn the skin. 0UCH! LUMBAGO! RUB PAINS FROM S0llli,utlilfi BACK A few friends gathered at the home ot stauiter Shautz last Thurs- The evening service was con ducted by the new pastor, Rev. Wat. C. Mueller, D.D., and was largely attended. The services in the St. Jacob's} Lutheran Church on Sunday morw, ing was conducted by Rev. o. c.l Klaehu of Stratford. He gave s) very impressive sermon. At the! close of the regular service the newi. minister, Rev. Wm. C. Mueller wasl installed as pastor ot the congrega- tioit. I - - Boodpu. Id; “at! sold “In; " “I to 813. main; to away; sheep ind. is also stronger. Mum“: “any but steam 61.00 0 81.75 and.“ neon, good to choice ............6000 700 dq.,ttsirtoaood ..5500 800 do., common to m: 4 50 o 5 50 Butcher belts", good choice ...... ....900e 675 ak, tair to good ..5 so a a 00 do., common to lair 4 50 0 6 00 Butcher cows. good to l choice ............4000 525 do., fair to good ..3 50 0 4 tro, do., canners and . ( cutters .... ....100@ gin' Butcher bulls, good 4 00 © 4 75 dowtllr ..........350@ 400 do., bologna ......2 756 325 Feeding steers. good 5 50 0 6 50 do., fair ...i.....500@ 660 Slackers. good ......4 50 6 5 " dootair./-..4000 460 Calves, choice ....12 00 o 13 00 do., medium ......9 00 © 11 00 do. grassers ......3 50 @ 5 00 Much cows. choice 70 00 o 90 00 Springers. choice ..80 00 0 100 00. Hogs. select bacous 8 50 1 do.. thick smooths 7 75 I do., lights ........7 00 l mmnmuuum Mum'vmamm.‘ MW Mr, calmn- uhu In. with tor. at '" "e- Mimi. 8.835: in: but mind MM will: - bidding ".16. tad and unnehuuubvu -. -.eueta.dr.t'".t'rh.N, BADEN 100@ 4000 3500 275@ 5500 5000 4506 400@ 3 25 6 50 5 60 5 " 4 60 13 00 11 00 5 00 90 00 100 00 army evening and gave him a sur- 'prise party in honor of his birth- day. Stunner was taken very much {by surprise but appreciated the 4k1ndness of his (Heads. All those ipresnnt spent a very enjoyable reverting. Maid for general housework. Apply to Mrs. Wm. Henderson. cor- ner Yonge and Water Sts., Water, loo. T 6-3t. The severe storms ot lat Week caused a blockade of all country roads, making them irnpaasab1etrr a' while. The mail man at ditterent times made several attempts to get through but wihout avail. Il Roan Shorthorn bulls. Also 6 cows in calf, an pedigreed stock. Apply to David Trawler. % mile west of Wellesley village. 3-4t. Mr. John Strum spent the week end with friends In Tomato. Our old friend Dick Wilkinson has arrived in Baden again and is look- ing around for some tat cattle that are ready to ship. ' Miss Alice Bechtel home after spending friends at Dashwood. Mr. Ed. Diebel is all smiles these days. A bouncing baby girl has come to stay. Congratulations. Mr, and Mrs. Allen Leis attended the Kroplabeis wedding at, Batu]. berg last Wednesday. l Cora-No. 2 yellow, We. on track Toronto. Ontario oattr--No. t, 40e to 42c. Ontario wheat-No. , winter, 95c to 98c. _ Peas-No. 2, $1.45. Barley---hta1ting, SEC to 67e. nuckwheat--No. 2 720 to 76e. Rye-No. 2, 72e to 24c. Manitoba wheat-NO. l northern. $1.10. bay ports. Manitoba, oattr-No. 3 C.W. (MAC. No. 1 feed, 45%c. Flax-No. 1 N.W.C., 33.15%; No. 2 C. W., $2.11%; No. 8 C.W., '1.9t% rejected, 31.91%: track, 83.16%. Rye-No. 2 C.W., 87c. TORONTO GRAIN TORONTO. Jan. 28.-Board ot Trade quotations today were: WtMtat---N6. l mum. "360: No. & "36e; No. 8, â€in; No. 4. 84%c; Nd. k, 1756c: No. C, 78151:: teed, 70%c; tuck. â€in. oau--No. , C. W" 4056c: No. t 0, w. 8156c; at“. 'No. l (and. 38%c; No. 1 feed, um; No. t teed, M%e; rejected. 88%e; tuck, Mme. Burley-tlo. 8 C.W., 0396c: No. t. 'Mic; rejected and teed, "lie; track. 63c. . any. **%6 ad no. q _ a huh ...b:..tss" do, m1u.....u00. do" on». .........noo mum GRAIN “NUDE. â€I. ".-F lurid. " mun egtattaitmm a. "tt FOR SALE WANTED A“. an. has returned a week with “I. MILD WANTID Wsntrd--at-esd an: In“. All! an WI. M. Wound. nu- -. PM“ " an L m Vniunbie Farm of 188 sores. in the Township of Wnterioo. County of Waterloo, " mile- wost of St. Clements. consisting of 80 urea of good heavy hardwood hnlh, a moron of cedar Iva-mp, Mince under cul- tivation. Spring cruk running clone to the burn, lam Mnk hum with straw shed Ind " mm», In†driving lined, in" none house. can», nbundnoe of bard And not! water. Good reason: for "tltntr. For further particular And uric. apply to the under-knoll. WM. FOIRUTIR. Proprietor. It. Cinnam- H. B. DUIRINO. Auctlomor. PM" 186, Noam .. Inf. iNOTlCE is HEREBY GIVEN that {an application will be made to the (Legislative Assembly ot the Prov- i lnce of Ontario. at the next Session thereof, by the Municipal Corpor-[ ation of the Town of Waterloo tor) an Act empowering the Council oi" the said Corporation to pass By-1 Laws for regulating and restricting the use ot land, or the erection or use ot buildings for industry, trade, residence or other purposes, within any defined area or areas. or abutt-) ing on any detlned highway, or part! at highway, within the said Munici.I pallty, and for providing that uni provnl by the Building Inspector for the Municipality ot plus tor any building such as mentioned in Suh- section 2, Clause (a), ot Section 399a of the Consolidated Municipal Act, 1922.3hall have the same exact as approval by the City Architect. I Solicitor for the Applicant. Wntarloo, Ont. DATED this Mth day of December. 1923. Irs-Bt. APPLICATION TO TERMS:- my, grain, timothy seed, young pigs, tow! and all sums of $10,00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months'. dredlt will be given on approved joint. notes or 5% on tor cash. HAY & GRAIN-300 bush. mix- ed grain, 400 bush. oats, 5 bush. timothy seed and some mixed hay. flour chest, washing machine, r beach, rocking chairs, arm chair. M.-H. cream separator 500 lbs. cap. and other articles. HARNESS-I set of team har- ness nearly new, 1 set ot team harness, 1 single harness, some collars and harness parts. ft. cut in good running order. MAL hay loader good " new, M.-H. side rake (hourly new). Front & Wood mower. 5 it. Cut, M.-H. 11 hoe drill. M.m. spring tooth cttltirator, Noxon disc harrow dump rake. land roller. scum". 5 section iron har. row. 4 section iron narrow, 3 sec- tion Iron barrow, 2 S-tarrow 3mg plows. 1 Yankee plow. 1. single plow No. 21, root pulper, 1 turnip Bower, l wagon with box, 1 wide tire wagon, 2 sets ot bob sleigh», 1 small cutting box. 1 scale 1200 lbs. can. has holder, sap pan and 95 lb. sap pails, 1 2-seued demo- crat, thors, carriage. ' Muzzy cart, cutter, 1 threshing machine, International 6 horse power gas engine with truck, 40-3111. tank. fanning mill, roller chopper, 1 manure sleigh, wheel barrow, 45- tttth furnace kettle, 1 iron kettle†large vat, 2 other barrels. hoes.‘ chains, forks. shovels and other, numerous articles. Prog-l Chen" whit. now due Much Mth, 1 pm bred Yorkshire IOWI due March 30th, 1 Yorkshire boar, 8 pm 4% months' old, 0 pin 4 month old It pigs 8% month- old, 'OWL-About 20 haul. IMPLEMgtN'rtr- M.-H. binder G and whim cow due ut took in March. ' at and: milk I you-- old, I yam can. run; I you'- old, It held ot yam was ttom 6 month. to 1 you old, 1 out 4 months old. , ' “Flhumuuu "amM6,1daNurtrtre.6rs.g. on. 1 In: in, mm: Um I mawzgmx'nii‘. L than: to m . miiZwt. “immuwmmbqwmmmn. 19$me TUIWV. IIIHUAIY 1M Geo.. G. Class, Auctioneer. HOUSEHOLD EF'F'ECTS--t sink, Ezra P. Martin, Proprietor. Ed. Gowing, Clerk. JAMES C, HAIGHT. Poultlvely No ReBerve FOR SALE PARLIAMENT " 6-2t. In: _ 7 __ _ use “any mumMI-mma Feb. n (TttarBdtrrF--a#turo a]. of tum stock. Implements. mm and household one“. belonging to to†Jim. 8 mllu wont of Hannah“- ud I In": on: at Wilma! mm on the mean" ma. M. " (tHtdrort--- " o'clock‘ ""--mru" at - m1 Petr, 19 (Ttsmrdttrt--46 mot“ Holstein came and levers] pure bred Perchomn bone. of good qual- Ity belonging to Enos Hmborgor on the Erin-ville road. 1 an. north ot at. Agatha Ind Waterloo Md. Plan to “(and this qttter. Feb. 18 (Mondtty)---Uttire sale of farm stock. implements, produce and household elects belonging to John White situated " Boon no“ the Doon Twine: known " be Ben. the Donn Twines known as the BetF nale. No reserve. Feb. " (Thursdarr--Entire uh of farmstock, implements, nroduos and household elects, " mile! southwest at New Dundee on the known as the Geo. Human form. Township line, for Omar Snider. Feb. 13 (Wednesday) - Entire sale Ist farmstoctr, implements and produce, 1 mile north and 1 mile east of St. Agatha, for Dnner Bron. (No reserve). Feb. 12 (TuetuUr)-Kattire sale of tartmstock, implements, produce and household Eileen, 2% miles north. east ot New Dundee. near Trussler's corner: tor Edward Hilgartner. (No rs'serrrey. February 11 (Monday)--Nle ot mum farm stock, implements and household enacts belonging to Cate- per Schmidt, 1 mile east of Freeport. No reserve, the farm is mid. Feb, 5 (Tuesdar)--Uareservmt dll- persal sale of . choice shorthorn cows. about u,-, pigs. percheron and standard bred horses, 3 miles west "t New Iluxzdvp. bvlong’ng lo Wesley Battlnr. February 4 CMomitsyy-100 semi farm. entire farm stock, implements; Mu, belonging to Walter Goldbeck. 3 miles southwest of New Dundee and 1 mile east ot Washington, on the county road from Plattsville to Galt. No reserve. Wm. C. Taylor at Mosboro will sell on Feb. 6th, 1924 at 1 o'clock sharp. Auction sale of store goods, Dayton‘s computing scales, 24 lbs., Taylor sate, rigs, furniture, etc. I. H. TOMAN, Graduate Auctioneer. 5-2t. TERMS: --Produee, poultry, all sums of $15 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit wlll be given by furnishing approved security or a discount of 5% on all cash payments ot credit amounts. I. H. TOMAN,' Graduate Auctioneer, New Dundee. CASPER SCHMIDT, (Prop). o. s. KOLB, Clark. HARNEM:--1 set heavy double harness. LUMBER-iooo n. good lumber. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: - l Home Comfort waking stove. 2 bur, nor coal oil stove nearly new, 1 cup- board, 2 tables, I desk. 1 Singer sewing machine nearly new. 1 saw- '.tttt_machrine, 2 bed stencil. 2 bed room suites, 1 bureau, 8 dining room chairs, 1 clock, 1 sink, 1 wood chest. 3 benches. l churn, , fruit jar cupboards. 3 tabs, 40 Jars nice fruit. 2 rocking chains, 2 easy chairs, crooks, 1 parlor rug nearly new, 1 sausage grinder. lard press, 1 iron kettle. Everything will be sold to the high bidder without relerve as the farm is sold. Auctioneers decision final in case ot dispute. set bob doth, , cutters " Jump- er), 2 hone democnt. 1 an ruck new, torn, hood, shoveh‘ chain. 1 set gravel planks; 1 wheelbarrow new. M good cram but and many other unmehuoned nuclei too numerous for detail. PRODUCE -- 7 ton mixed hay, 300 bus. mixed min. 150 but oats, " bus. peas. 30 bus. barley. foo bus. turnips. 300 bus. mango“, 26x10 tt. Miage. 1MPLmmNTtF-M.qI. I n. blad- er (new: new). new. Darla; manure wrath! may now. 8-2111- row an; plow. new man; plow, 4 no. 1m ham". mullet, t haw tum wagon. 1 double beet box new. 1 Kline tuning mm new. 1 has" "1etosuetatto'rsisea.a- cud-o " MONDAY. 'IMUAIV ma. nu no! " you. old. Pommtr--a chick"; A PUBLIC SALE Auction Sale List lurch 4 lr-rr-mms at 100 com. tt not -- cold. egtd or- Ilocl. it“. “I &t-ehtt6d . m. M OI . I. â€I. Feb. " "aturdi--6tirt Mock. Veil-Icky; Hay and an“ sud "mastoid mm balancing " John Calm. I“de in the - of Heidelberg. February " 7T,i't,',l,,-l',tah sale ot “In good Holst-In c ' young cattle and Hot-m belonging to “col: Stunner. than“! I" mile wut ot Wollonloy at 1 pm. w. w. FRIOKIV. Auctlonm Pbom 692W. w-urloo Feb. 2 (Ntttnmyy--Attetiott ale ot valuable homehoM ocean balanc- In! to Fwdnlck Holler, at 113 King st North, Waterloo, and of our line, at 1.30 pm. _ Feb. 28 Crhurstuyr--Entire sale of farm stock. implements, hay. grain and household effects, belong- Ing to Staufler Shanta. 2 miles west of St. Agatha and 3 miles northeast of Baden. No reserver the farm it, sold. Sale at " o‘clock sharp. Mar. 4 ('ntmtdtsy)--Entirss sale ot (arm stock. Implements, produce and household effects belonging to John B. o. Schmidt at tho villus of Baden. next the mill, known In the Adam Beck tum. (No reserve). Feb. 26 (Tuesday)--Entire sale of farm stock, implements, feed and household effects belonging to Abe Tonmn, 1 mite south ot New Dun- Mee, known as the Bowman farm. No reserve, the tarm is sold. Feb. 27 (Wednesday) - Entire sale ot tarm stock. implements, produce and household elects be- longing to Mrs. Robert Bricknell. situated 4 miles east of Kitcyener. No reserve. Farm is told. _ Feb 25 (Monday)- lCarload ot choice yougg Clydesdnlé horses weighing from 1200 to 1600 lbs. Will be sold without reserve at New Homburg. These horses were raised at Airdrie Albt. by J. & E. c. Hallman. Some harness broken, others halter broken. Sale to start at t o'clock sharp tor El]. Hallman. 1200 to 1600 lbs. will be sold with- out reserve at Kitchener. These horses were raised at Airdrie, Albt. by J. & E. C. Hallman. Some har- ness broken, otheré halter broken tor E. B. Hallman. HARNESS-g sets team harness, carriage harness, single harness. robe, some horse blankets, 2 sets of plow harness, and other hamese parts. Pasmvely no reserve. TeRMtr--Har, grain, roots, fowl and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months. credit will be given on approved joint notes or 5% on tor cash. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS-S bed- steads with springs and mattresses, child's cot, baby :arrlage, 4 wash- stmnds. sideboard, i, leaf tables, some kitchen chairs, 4 rockers, 1 lounge. writing desk, 1 linoleum rug (new), other linoleums, Chinese matting 12x15 ft., churn, butler worker, cream separator, 1% in). Gilson engine (new). iron kettle, washing machine, wringer, incu- hater (cap. 300), 1 long bench, 1 sink. copper kettle, rubber bath tub and other numerous articles. HAY AND 0RAL'C-A quantity of hay, oats, mixed grain, roots and ensllage. IMPLMMH--M.-N. binder In and running order, 11chch mower (nearly new) P. a W. hay loader, McCormick aide rake, new. diac drill, 1 large else seeder, lend roller. F. t W. disc narrow, Chun- Mon separator In good running order. Tuerk " h.p. engine, Emir- roller chopper, 4 single plows, 2 Fturrow plows, W-H. corn cultl- 'ator, 2 Beutrltyrts, rannlng mill, root pulper. iron narrow, 2 wagons. 2 ‘waqon boxes. 1 ll-horse carriage, top buggy. road cart. set bob sleigh ' seated pleasure slelgh. 1 cutter, 2 hey racks. wood rack, gravel planks, hay fork. rope and puneys, beam scales. grain bags, grindstone. manure sleigh, logging ehaimr,l 1iouftletrees, noekyokes, forks, hoes, and other numerous articlea. l, BOWL-About 50 he“, White Leghorn. October. cow duo Inch 11). Gov fro-h with all I mot out (In. April ltd. cow In lull now " null bred In October. 2 hatter “he. magnum). " butcher onus. PrtMy- 6 so" due to furrow In April. 1 hour. ~7HUMY. nanny ml. M [1. 86. mm " " o'cl‘cl - W Jfflr'ta'h' 2't 2" ' ".. m as - * an“ greqt at W CAT'rub-i duo to a]! Mar, _ . v.‘ and. cow with out at toot, Hal-uh um ottrtttt car can. Holstein cow an a '"21u s and Much. i Gowt Ire-loud In Nov. im MOI“ Ind bred stall. cow duo Aght u, hold Gricii helm; Roi-tal- cow duo in Feb. Renaud .._.._ __a-,,-A__= " EPHRAIM BETZNER, Prop., GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer, HARVEY SCHEIFELE. Clerk. 5-3t, it] Feb. I 1W.dtttrsdnry---PttbHts "ul Feb. I 'rrtesdart-ANashse no. M hm “out “a Inn-Ionian. br, “on III! ot hm qtoeh. kph-nu. no: 3 up in. All“. t - not PM!“ and Mun-hold than it a with... on no man “Noun-c m not) m " an m- m " in“ mu “It" " DIM. . ' Fab. " fT'tmrrrdar)-6rrrt neck. and Implements humming to Albert Lenin-n. I mm want ttf Want Mont- role. 1% mllol was! ot Womnbur: and n mne- out of mm. Feb. " (Thumdar.)--Ptmrt stock, implements. hay. at“: uni home- hold one“: of Willi-In mm, Con. t, Peél Tp., 2% mile] want ot Yuton and w.» "um pm or nianuldn. February 23 (featurdapy--valuatrle household enacts. horse vehiclu. etc of Alt. Mogk, at Frioradater. Fob. " tTtMmurr-Auetton Sale of Farm Stock. Implements. Hay. Grain Ind Household Moots ot Amen Eby, situated 1 mile west of Mondale. l Fob. 12.--valuable farm Mock, Int, plements. hay. grain, household of- tuctsa, etc. on town line between Wellesley & Peel ot n F. Martln about " miles west ot Wallenstein. INtr. 15th t1i'riday)-Auetion sah of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain and, Household effects ot W. H. Thur, situated seven miles north east of Elmira and 4 miles north. west or Eiora. r _ February 5 (Tueesdayr--Parm stock, implements and household (Hoots of Peter Schwindt, 1% miles north of Floradale. March 18 (Tuesdayr--Auction sale of farm stock, implements and feed at Lot 30, concession 1 N.E.H., 2% miles west of Shakespeare for Sun Henkell. March 12 tWednesday)--- Auction sale of 125 acre tarm stock. imNe- ments and teed at hot 8, concession 14, Blandford, 1% miles. northwest ot “who for Wm. meek. February 20 (Wedneldny) *Clenr- ing auction sale or " head of cattle, stock. implements, and (and at Lot 19, Concession s, Wilmot, % mile east of Haysville. Sale at 12 pan. for A. V. Forler. Feb. 27 (Wednesday) -Auction sale of farm Mock, Implements and feed. at Lot 15, concession 12. Blen- heim, 2 miles southeast of Platte ville, for Geo. Gunn. Feb. 7 C'rtuttusdart-Auetion sale ot 200 acre (arm stack. implement and teed at but 1, concession 8, Blandtordv 2 miles south of Bright for A. W. Sirlckler. Feb. 18 (Saturday)-- Auction sale of 195 acre farm at the†Imperial Hotel, New Hamburg. Farm is 2% miles east of New Hamburg known as Andrew- raya.ier farm with up to date buildings and one of the Mad. ing dairy (arms In the county ot Waterloo. Sale at 2 pan . February ISth (Wednesday) - Clearing auction sale ot farm stock. implements and teed at Lot 21, Concession 2, Block 2, Wilmot. 2% miles southwest of Wellesley for Mose Schultz. Feb. 8 (F'riday)-Aueuon sale at 100 acre tarm, stock. Implements and feed at 18 Coneeigsion s, S.E.H.. 1% miles north, y, miles east of Tuls- tock for Ed. Vogt. February an: (Wedsterdark-Auts- tion sale ot High Grades, Shorthorn cattle, heavy milking strain Ind hogs at Lo! M, the 11th line Eu! Zorra. 2 miles: west ot Taviuock tor Ed. Cam". February 5 ('rhe.darF- Auction sale or " acre tum luck, Implo- meats and feed " tatt I and s, Concession l, NEIL, 1% an!†was! or New Hamburg, ot the late Daniel Bender estate. 1 all“ not ttf WM . Mar. tt (Tuna-y) --rtuttt dock. unleash, lead and W at- meta belonging to John lot-u. no mood 16 mile won. or 11'0â€â€œ. April " (WM!) - than stock, Implements. [and and tttteq- hold elects belonging to door" Fahrenkool. one-halt lull. north of st. Clements. “mammal-hm call.._n¢oCWo¢Wn-l 6aetu.otrrrtttrre.totNhtrm. Ito->1 Inch ' "r"nr"n--he't otoeshtrsql-nta.mad.rsqlrr-r “1410'â€th to â€I. MArtirs,rttuatedtnP-_l suns-wen.» mm an ml I. J. IHANVL Amlom. H. . DUIRINO. AMI“? GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer. M. R. R0TH, Auctlomcr ity belonging to no. Hunobomr. on the Mum. Road, 1 mile north of at. Agatha and Watorloo mu. Pin to “land m. uh. Feb. " ITuettday)--" rod-Iona Holnteln “we And “You! â€to bred Percheron ham; ot good nul- FQ Feb. " tThursday)--. Churn. nucllon :le of ram nook. Implo- menln. produce and household " foot- ot Albert nearing, I an. northwest ot Waterloo. f Mb: Sylvia Miller ot Kitchomr spent the week and " not home here. V. On Thursday evening is, young people of the surrounding commun- ity gathered to spend en evening with the young couple. The even- ing was spent in semen end deno- mg. During the course of the even- ing they presented Mr. end Mrs. J. [Irohman with a lovely dinner not. The many present: received ehow- ed the esteem in which the you; couple are held. Lunch was served by Mn. Brohmen and Ill no“ I very enjoyable time together. They returned to the groom‘s home where a number ot their re- lauves gathered In the evening to extend heartiest good with". The bride was attended by her sister. Miss Mary Lehman ot Kit- chener. white the groom was sup- ported by his brother, Mr. Michael Brahman. A hirppy event. took place last Monday, Jan. 21at, at the R. c, Church at New Germany. when Dora. eldest daughter ot Mr. An- drew Lehman, and Joseph, the old- est son of Mrs. Ambrose Brohman, were united in marriage by Rev. Father Wer. _ Miss Mina Hamilton of Winter- bourne spent Sunday with Mini Vera Wows. Happily Wedded. JOHN ZIMMKRMAN, Ann-Mount Several of the young people met last Saturday evening and enjoyed several hours skating on the river together. A number trom here attended the Junior Farmers' meeting in Jackson‘s Hall, Elmira, last Wed- nesday evening. Mr. Charles Marriott is wearing a broad smile. “It's a boy." _ Mr. and Mrs. Archie Dotson spent the week end with the latter'o par- ents at Upper Woolwfch. Draco is the ideal reliable tonic and system builder. It Is made trom Nature's own herbs, roots; bark and leaves and contains no mercury, potash or habit forming drugs. . Dreco la being specially "maho- ed In w-tcrloo by A. a. Mutual. and In mold by a good arugula everywhere.. . _ I had only taken Draco a few days when I began to feel the bene- m of It. I have been able to sleep better, my nerves are quleter and I do not get those weak, datum spells. My heart also teem much strengthened. In fact, after taking two bottles ot Dreco. I find my general system In a much Improved condition. " am glad to relate my exper- ience with Draco and feel am It wilt be ot bttntatit to others who Butler from nervous troubles.†"My syntem had been In I un- orally run down condition tttr A long time. I could an no sloop at night and alwayo (all. “red out. Weak spell: would come our no and I wouldjeel u though t was fainting. I Im very nervoul and my heart was very weak. the upon," am In. B. a Will- hlnl, ot " Fuan fe., Kim. Ont. “I was much mm was one that deacrlbod the was. " 1m'eoitta-imiurtontrotru. I decided thereto“ to try tt Ind from the realm it kn xiv-u In. min it a wonderlul herb modulo. 1 have Ilwnyl had you hit]! ll pure herbs and may remand Dreco as an “excellent none bulld- or." “After retain; the ultimo-bu In -vvv -_'-9e'H aw Dvm V‘I‘F'J, u- health builder In It. can of Mrs. S. M. Wink... Tum-mu. in“ it. she says. WEST MONT ROSE. mvous _",'- mums _ '" b: iii? 're AN sr"' L311: