Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 Jan 1924, p. 6

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_ Past Year the Most Successful Since Its _ Organization.â€" Mrs. A. K. Cressman Elected year since organization, the Waterâ€" loo Victorian Order of Nurses held its annuai meeting in the council ‘thambers on Wednesday, January 9th, when the reports for the past year were presented and the olioonl elected. The meeting was Yery largely attended and there . Was much enthusiasm over the pros pects for 1924. The new officers of the order are: Homorary President â€"Mrs. G. Wegenast, Past President â€"Mrs. Arthur Foster, President â€" Mrs. A. K. Cressman; 1st \:ice-Pru.\ â€"â€"Mrs. H. Germann; 2nd Viceâ€"Pres. â€"Mrs. James Valentine, 3rd Vice Pres.â€"Mrs. P. Sehl, 4th Viceâ€"Pres.â€" Mrs. Herman Sturm, Corresponding Secretaryâ€"Mrs. H. M. Snyder, Asâ€" sistant Cor. Sec‘y. â€" Miss Nettie Bauer, Recording Secretary â€"Mrs. F. Haight, Assistant Rec. Secy, Mrs. A. G. Heller, Treasurerâ€"Mrs. Maurâ€" ice Sturm, Assistant Treas.â€"Mrs. J. M. Laing, Auditorâ€"Mr. A. Foster. ‘The report of the nominating committee was read by Mrs. Haight. Mrs. S. C. Tweed is the convener of that committee and she presided ovâ€" er the meeting while the reports of the secretary, treasurer and corresâ€" ponding secretary were read. Good Work Appreciated. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Haight voiced the opinion of the HEAD COLDS _ ENDED BY HEALâ€" ING CREAM Instantly Opens Every Air Passageâ€"Clears Throat If your nostrils are clogged and your head is stuifed because of napty' catarrh or a cold, apply a little pure antiseptic cream into your nostrils.‘ It penetrates through every air pass-f age, soothing and healing swollen‘ inflamed membranes and you get inâ€"‘ stant relief. \| Try this. Get a small bottle of lhe lele Ely‘s Cream Balm at any drug store.! its duty Your clogged nostrils open rlght'of work. up; your head is clear; no mortâ€"teported hawking or snuffling. Count fifty. 2622, an All the stuffiness, dryness, struggling year. for breath is gone. You feel fine. Our fut to be found nowhere else in the world. ie boatinmg, curlâ€" _E 'td-.. iee &. and tobogganâ€" every air pass-} If we could encourage our memâ€" healing swollgn‘ bers to increase their attendance this and you get ln-l indeed would _udd"_ considerably in ]enwuraging those holding office. small bottle of The telephone committee have done any drug store.‘its duty in assisting along this line nils open rl.ght'of work. Our Nurse, Miss Henry clear; no mortâ€"teported total numbers of visits w Count fifty. 2622, an increase of 186 over last CANADA IS THE LAND OF WINTER SPORTS L Ees‘ ap CAemy ORERST _ 027 : m-mnnmwmhwmuum“up the necessary amendments at. the|gressing through 1924 as it has in next annpual meeting. 5t WAn a0" nounced that al members had the privilege of sending in any propoded amendment to the executive. ‘ IuA.M‘vhmtl.w dent ‘of the order for 1923, gave a short talk on the. work done during the year. Thru cooperation the orâ€" der has had a most successful year, she sa‘d. She thanked the officers and members for the splendid assistance given her during her term in office and wished the new executive every success. Nurse Henry‘s Report * ‘The total number of cases nursed during the past year was 284; visite 2,622; fees $17104.10. There were 1,186 insurance visits for which we received $733.15â€"pay visits 717, for which the fees amounted to$379.95. Classification according to religion and race is as followsâ€"Protestant 122, Catholics 91, Infants 71, Nationâ€" alitiesâ€"Canadians 179, English 15, €cotch 8, Germans 5, French 4, Irish With the exception of $14.75, all the fees have been collected. This amount has beep owing for some time and in fairness to our Victor ian Order supporters, the debtors are people for whom the services of the order were never intended. During the year we received an inâ€" crease of twenty cents per insurance :v‘slr and a maximum of seventyâ€"five cents has been arranged for paying , cases. I wish to thank the executive and wembers for their kindness al‘ Christmas, and their consideration and support during the past year. 1 also wish to express appreciation of the sympathy and assistance receivâ€" ed from the local chapter of the Red Cross thru Mrs. George Wegeâ€" Louise M. Henry. Secretary‘s Report The year 1923 has been without exception the most successful year the order has experienced. Ten regâ€" ular monthly meetings and also a number of executive meetings were held. nast Our funds are made ‘up as follows Me. Alationt! furdwaye: aod the mms «ystem serves all the important towns the past we will feel much â€"rewarded Treasurer‘s Report mmâ€"mnmm‘ Bank interest, .........».+~» 16.08 Membership â€"fee8 .. â€".>««+>+ 31.15 Banquets and baking sale... 336.A Insurance fees ............. 71805 NurseB® collections........ . $40.10 Church, lodge and other donâ€" * Town DISBURSEMENTS â€"Nurse‘s sgalary .................. $1500.00 Assistant nurse‘s salary..... 6200 ‘Telephone Co. .............. $5.29 Advertising ........ .......l _ 883 Insurance and upkeep of car 196.36 Balance in bank Leonora Germann Audited and found correctâ€"(Sgd.) Arthur Foster. Mr. Oran Cassel has returned afâ€" ter spending a short time with friends in Indiana, U.S.A. Stop! Look! Listen! Skating and hockey at the rink every night exâ€" cept Sunday. Band in attendance. Come along and enjoy yourself while it lasts. Miss Leah Baer is spending short time in Kitchener. Mr. Stanley Snider and Miss Sylâ€" via Snider of German Mills and Mr. George Hallman of Guersney, Sask., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Hallr an. Miss Marie Schmidt is holidaying with friends at Bright at presept. On Tuesday night the New Dunâ€" dee Band serenaded Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Dinger at their residence on Joseph Street. Don‘t forget to come skating on Saturday night. Bring your friends Miss Gladys Buck had the misâ€" fortune of falling off the telephone operator‘s chair on Tuesday but es caped with slight injuries, We wish her a speedy recovary. _ WATERLOO PASTOR HONORED Rev. D. A. McKeracher, pastor of the Waterloo Presbyterian church, was appointed moderator of the Guelph Presbytery for 1924. NEW DUNDEE $2739.52 $2739.52 . 53.16 . $74.58 The many friends of Rev. H. A. Thomas, Port Lambton, will learnl with deep regret, and deep symâ€" pathy that he has become totally blind. Fourteen years ago Sept. 1st, he was stricken with glaucoma, and the conditions precluding an operaâ€" tion, a disease which was followed by cataracts destroying the sight of the right eye. After three and a half years from the first attack, the sight of the left eye was partially restored, and Mr. Thomas again took up his inin‘sterial work, and for OUCH!LAMEBACK RUB LUMBAGO OR BACKACHE AWAY Rub old, bonest St. Jacobs Oil lvhemm you have ‘sciatica, nowr algln, rhoumatism or sprains, as it | is sbsolutety: harmless and doesn‘t burn the skin. » the past Kidneys cause backache? No.! Lisâ€" ten! Your backache is causal by lumbago, sciatica, or A strain, and the quickest relief is soothing, peneâ€" trating St. Jacobs Ofl. Rub it right on your painful back, and instantâ€" ly the soreness, stiffness and lameâ€" ness deappears. Don‘t stay crippled. Get a small trial bottle of St. Jacobs Oil from your druggist and limber up. A moment after it is appiied you‘ll wonder what became of the backache orf lambago pain. We‘re not holding sales continuously, but when we do hold them, _ _â€"â€"we make things move. â€" â€"â€" s It‘s time for our "Semiâ€"Annual Clean Up"â€"â€"Prices have been cut tc the limit. In cases where lots are small, the profit and â€" .. â€" part of the cost also is sacrificed. . No shrewd buyer will want to miss this opportunity of clothing up t« the limit every male member of ‘themf_arphilAy. Ag:t quickly for tgw‘ Men‘s and Young Men‘s Overcoats. Every Coat must be sold regardless of cost. $35.00 to $38.50 Coats, one $27.50 to $33.50 OV‘coats $10 75 $22.50 to $25.00 O‘ccats $1G, 75 One jot cf 20 Men‘s Overcoats. Valâ€" n BOIT‘;...... ues to $25.00. To cear in $1(Q 75 Toy. Cvereoats in geod style belters, Blakh Mavs and Brown, values $10. To cics> st ............. CI On 50 pairs Boys‘ Bloomers, regular to $1.50. Sale .........si...% 950 25 pairs Men‘s heavy all wool pants. Regular $6.50. Sale .... M 35 One lot of 25 Young Men‘s Suits, sizes }mgfie?g â€"serviceable Tweed Pants. Reg. $4.00. Sale .. $2.45 33 to 36. Values to $25 $192 75 40 Boys‘ Suits of newest styles and splendid materials. Regular prices, $10 to $12. Sale $5.95 20 Boys‘ Bloomer Suits of splendid wearing Tweeds a real sch Values to $10.00. Sale .... Young Men‘s Suits _ of Blue and Brown Herringbone, all wool and fast colors. Single or double breasted Coats. Reg. $35. Sale $28 50 sORE AFFLICTION 34 King St. S., ten years has almost been Sale ;pens Friday. Morning at 8.30 o‘clock $3.95 â€"â€"+$28.50 continually busy in various parishes â€" in the diocese of Huron. t During the recent summer he ofâ€" ficiated in St.. Barnabas . church. Danforth Ave., Toronto, during the absence of the rector in Enghnd.} where, as in all other places he left the remembrance of a cheerful per-: sonality and scholarly sermons. Reâ€" turn‘ng to his own arocese he took charge of Trinity Church, Merlin, where he was to have been for seyâ€" eral months. But during the third iweek he met with a serious acct dent which greatly depreciated his vision. On the fourth Sunday on going into the Church he found he could not see to read. However he recited the service including the Psalms and Lessons, and preached exâ€"tempore. He was motored to Ouvray, where he + repeated . the |worl in the afterngon and again at Merlin in the evening. On Monday h8 reached home with great difficulty, and on arising the next morning he found he was toâ€" taily blind, and has continued so since the 20th of August, It is a While in charge of the Church of Qur Saviour, Waterloo, Mr. Thomas preached with. great â€" acceptance several times in St. John‘s Church, Kitchener. severe cross to one who has been so act‘ve, to be thus shut out from his beloved life work.â€"â€"â€"Wallaceburg prices will soon move the stock. ..Private sale of carload of first class Hoistein cows, fresh and springers, just arrived. Come quick and get your pick, at P. K. Weber‘s Sales Stables, 161 King St. E.. Kitâ€" chener * Â¥it. suit. Men‘s and Boys‘ Wear . Detenbeck Brush Felts. Values to $7. January brushed, reg. $4.50. Sale $2 §§ Men‘s heavy fleeced Shirts and drawers, T $1.25. Sale ......:++::> Combinations of same quality. Boys‘ Fleeced S Drawers . ........ Combinations .... Men‘s Heavy Ribbed all wool Shirts & Drawers, reg. $1.75. Sale 5135 Men‘s Heavy weight cotton combinâ€" ations. Reg. $2.50. Sale $1.65 Fiine Mocha Gloves, wool lined. Reg. to $2.50. Sale...... $1.65 Boys‘ Pullovers and Coat Sweaters, combination of colors. Reg, tAo‘sa;so Men‘s Sweater Coats of Wool and gott‘on mixture, a good work $1.95 Boys‘ all wool Pullovers, shaw! collar. Brown and Fawn. Sale... $2‘15 Men‘s Negligee Shirts of fine quality starched cuffs, to clear...... 74c Men‘s Fine Shirts of good quality prints. Colors guaranteed $1 45 «...>>>>~~~~~â€" $1,9§5 Shirts ‘The furniture exhibit held at Kitchener the past week was well patronized there being over eighty buyers on hand coming as far as St. Johns, N. B., Halifax, Montrul.i Winnipeg and Calgary. As a result ; considerable business was secured for the jlocal factories which will give renewed confidence for imâ€" proved business conditions for 1924. A well known and respected resiâ€" dent of the Elmira district, Johanma Gooding, relict of the Jate J. A. Gooding passed away at her home recently after an illness of several years. Deceased was born in Peel Tp. and leaves a family of three WINTER HARD ON BABY The wirter season is a hard one on the baby. He is more or less confined to stuffy, badly ventilated rooms. It is so/ often stormy that the mother does not get him out in the fresh air as often as she should. H6 catches colds which rack ‘his little system ;his stomach and bowels ret out of order and he becomes peevish and cross. To guard against this the mother should keep a box of Baby‘s Own Tablets in the house. They regulate the stomach and howels and break up colds. The new sales tax will not increase the price of Baby‘s Own Tablets, as the company pays the tax. You car still obtain the Tablets through any medicine dealor at 25 cents a box, or by mail postpald from The Dr. Williams® Medicine Co., Brockâ€" resâ€" 79¢ FURNITURE EXHIBIT and 52¢ regulate the stomach and nnlbmk‘voflfi.mmw‘ tax will not increase the of Baby‘s Own Tablets, as the any pays the tax. You car obtain the ‘Tablets through madisine deaior at 35 cents &A $1.45 MRS. GOODING Men‘s Shirts of fine quality, some witheglhntonteh.hflflh Silk Mufflers values to $4.50. Sale $1.00 and $1.25 Silk Neckwear 5‘5& Men‘s Wool Shirts in Grey and Khaki. Penman‘s "95" Shirts and Drawers. ‘Tiger Brand fine wool elastic ribbed Combinations, white and blue. Reg. Sizes 44 to 48............ 75 doz. Linen Collars, all good styles aasortdtotheblumdo:85c 10 doz. Men‘s and Boys‘ Caps, Reg. values to $2.50. Sale 95(: 5 doz. Men‘s Caps of good quality. & to dm Fahle‘s ain se e e un e P ibes # 9 55c y Boys‘ Wool Jerseys, button shoulder and V neck, reg. to $2.25. Sale 95c Men‘s Wool Socks, heavy weight, reg. â€" 65c. for 35¢. 3 pair for SI.M wool heather shades. Sale. .. We haven‘t the space to enumerate all the "plums." The store is brimful of bargains. Come in and look around. <+>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $1.00 Sale ...........â€" §3 25° Waterloo ,| sons and two daughters, Alfred; Elâ€" tario, Lorne of Wallenstein, Margarâ€" et (Mrs Ed. Cookman) of_ near Glenalien and Mamie at home, Minard‘s Liniment Heals Cuts. On Deposits Interest Added Every Three Months Chartered Trust| All Money Deposited is Investâ€" ed in Government and Munlck F pal Bonds 0 N L Y KITCHENER â€" 73 King 8t. W. WATERLOO â€"â€" 7 King 8t. N. All Accounts Subject To Withdrawai By Cheque A. J, PREST, & ExECUTOR co. + A5b¢ aby

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