Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 Jan 1924, p. 5

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ap . An them by the citizens of the town â€"‘ as shown by their election to officé. . Following the inaugural address of "‘‘ Mavorelect Henderson which feaâ€" e rdy _ _ The inaugural meeting of Waterâ€" imufiwmufluuw ‘ on ‘~Monday morning . at . eleven ~ otclock, all nmembers being present. 'ghludumcmomm expressions of appreciation ‘by the and Deputy Reeve, L. F. Dietrich abd W. D. Brill, extended congratuâ€" lations to the Mayor on the new honmor which has come to him and also to the council generaily, memâ€" bers of which spoke briefly. AJl inâ€" dicated their intention to serve with the sole desire to advance the town‘s best interests. p Committees Appointed ‘The principal item of business was the appointing of the standing committees for the year. Rdgar J. Bauer will this year head the Finâ€" ance Committee while Reeve L. F. Who Dellvere-d Hisâ€" Inaugural Address At of Chairman of the Board of Works for two years, was again appointed to that chairmanship. The other chairmanships are being filled by ‘Deputy Reeve Brill and Councillors John Bauman, H. E. Weiler, Mayor Henderson, John Kautman and Ira Snyder. The standing committees for the | year are as follows: j Finance and Printingâ€"All the memâ€" . _ bers of the council, Edgar J. Bauer, . chairman. Board of Works â€"L. F. Dietrich, . chairman; Edgar Bauer, John Bauâ€" man, Ira Spyder, H. E. Weiler, W. D. Brill. Town â€" Property â€" John Bauman, chairman; H. E. Weiler and Ira Snyder. Fire and Lightâ€"H. E. We‘ler, chairâ€" man; Graham Hamacher and Ira Snyder. Policeâ€" Mayor Henderson, Reeve Dietrich and Deputy reeve, W. D. Brill, with the last named as chairman. Reliefâ€"The Mayor, chairman; Reeve and Deputy Reeve. ‘Treeâ€"John R. Kaufman, chairman; Graham â€" Hamacher, Ira Snyder and H. E. Weiler. Garbage Collection â€" Ira Snyder chairman; H. E. Weiler and John Bauman The Mayor is exâ€"officio, a member of all committees. Mayor Henderson in his inaugural address, said: "At this our inaugural meeting alâ€" low me to congratulate you, the members of last year‘s council on your return to office by acclamaâ€" tion. This surely means that your past services have been eyeâ€"discomfort is bringing you. Our perfect lenses will repair the imperfect vision. Our comâ€" petent optometrist is a scientist vn;o knows eyeâ€"needs. "To put off wearing glasses is like letting a wound go unâ€" JANSEN OPTICALCO. be as serious." who has held the position We can believe the worry that Worry The Mayor‘s Address MAYORâ€"ELECT HENDERSON 10 FREDERICK 8T. Telephone 853. imembers, I trust will take an active interest in the work and find it inâ€" teresting and helpful. And now Mr. Reeve, may I extend to you congratâ€" ulations for the splendid support you received which proved beyond a appreciated. And you, the two new year was appreciated. I am sure we will: agree that no one could have been chosen to discharge the duties of this office (Board __of Works) more conscientiously, honestly, and fairly than Mr. Dietrich, I am also pleased that both referendums carrâ€" ‘ed. With regard to the hospital it goes to show that the residents of Waterloo realize that their first duty is the care of the sick and we all trust that the new arrangements will be found satisfactory. I think the garbage system tod, is worthy of mention for this is a movement against germs and bodily disease and is certainly a step in the right direction, "And now as we look to the year that lies before us we are inclined to speculate as to the probabilities of the next 12 months. Let us n get that no matter what have our d‘sappointments in the past year, individually, we are Citizens and must each try and forget these disappointments for I believe that a year rich in possibilities lies ahead and I feel sure we will all put forth our best efforts for the advancement of the town, always remembering that good reflects good. In approachâ€" "We are guardians of public money and property. Let us see to it that we use every precaution and econâ€" omy in using it. We have many organizations, all doing good work and it is gratifying indeed to find how unt‘ring are the efforts of the different bodies who carry on with the work for one and all of them are distinct assets of our town. Three of the great evils of today are selâ€" fishness, suspicion and superstition. ‘These must give way to brotherâ€" hood, trust and knowledge and I am sure organizations such as the Red Cross, Victorian Order of Nurses, and Daughters of the Empire and others help in no ‘mal'l degree to bring this about. We have also our school board, library board, park board and board of health as well as our different commissions. They too mea are doing a work which cannot be estimated in dolJars and cents. Is it any wonder then that we live in the best town in Ontario, In conclusion I believe that there is no limit to the good we can do if we strive to work together with one aim for the betterment of all irrespective of class or creed. Let us go forward |then with courage and I have no ‘ther of J. H. Schnarr of Kitchener. | The focal rinks. were comprised as fear but that our efforts will be sucâ€" cessful. Wishing you all a Happy Ney Year." skip and A. Lickhart, J. MMWior, M. l DETROIT CURLERS DEFEATED played friendly games with Waterâ€" loo curlers at the local rink on ‘Thursday morning and lost by a single ehot the soore being 14 to 13. On the rink was Col, Schnarr, broâ€" * First Session of the Council. OF WATERLOO Three Great Evils Let us not forâ€" curiers the death of the baby girl at Kitâ€" the death of the baby. g!rl &5 BIf" ))), _ progoy e P ‘lation Hospital for Kitchener and chener , ui.“uru‘ntfllu.l’.mm‘mm“ *n in L | the January meeting of the Watep PARK BOARD MEET ‘ ‘The inaugural meeting of the Watâ€" erioo park board was held on Friday night at which routine business was haying an overdraft from 1923 to provide for, little will be done this year in the way of making further improvement to the park. It is oxâ€" pected that the green house will produce an increase of revenue thig vegetable . plants. OFFICERS WERE INSTALLED At the annual installation of ofâ€" ficers of the Canadian Order of Forresters held recently excellent addresses were delivered following the banquet by Dr. Wm. Geiger, M. E. Braendle, John Joyce and others. ‘The following officers were install P.C.R. Chas. Lanz; Chief Ranger, John Joyce; V.C.R., Oscar Heer; recording secretary, H. Weiler; finâ€" ancial secretary, J. K. Shinn; 8. W., Dave Groff; J. W. Val. Gutpell; 8. B., Geo. Marth; J>~ B., Eldred Brandt JOINT MEETING OF W.M.S. S0Câ€" IETIESs OF METHOD!.‘!; CHURCH ; A joint meeting of the Women‘s Missionary â€" Society of Waterloo Methodist church and the Women‘s Missionary Society of Trinity Methâ€" odist church was held in Triniy church last week. The ladies of the Waterloo organization provided the. program which was thoroughly enjoyed by all the ladies present. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Harvey, the Waterloo presi dent, acted as chairlady. A splendid program was presented, those . takâ€" ing part being Mesdames Devitt, Tweed, Hutton, Hilliard and the Misses Devitt and Sherk. At the close, Trinity ladies served light refreshments and a social hour was enjoyed. HOMUTH IS Not Disqualified But Irreguâ€" larities Are Proved. By the judgment of Mr. Justice | Masten and Mr. Justice Kelly, Karl‘ Homuth, elected Laborâ€"U.F.O. mem-I ber of the Provincial Legislature for South Waterloo, has been declared unseated, following hearing of the petition of Arthur W. Mercer, Conâ€" servative candidate, which . took place at Kitchener December 27â€"28. As the court found itself unable to declare that the petitioner or any other party is duly elected, the election has been declared void. Mr. Homuth is required to pay the costs of the proceedings and the trial. In conclusion the judgment says that though the charges of disâ€" quallflcat'.t:n had not succeeded, the prosecution thereof did not add maâ€" terially to the general costs, which lmean.s that Homuth is not disqualâ€" ifled from again contesting the seat. t 42e D z 3 E C earh g ‘_\ «.'. B ._.;\§ S > Soy [c=) S < S f] â€" ho $ _ ui Why 3 WnV ‘<3SCZ° does steam. run ancngme? G% â€"because steam is water vaâ€" , erpanding undet heat. hm”lmma:fi er, it pushes outward Mmmmum piston. take .mmdutsml‘a feeling which comes with a n.m;noupih.hfloi so made that their beneficial action begins in 15 seconds. Snowâ€"white, highest purity. never irritate or burn. ame Rexoll, Preg store One of 200 Puretest ““"‘“EF Rvery item the best that skill A. G. HAEMNEL Waterloo, Aspirin Tablets % UNSEATED loo Town Council on Monday even ing, < It: wasâ€" the opinion of all the members of the council with the exâ€" coptlanolmm:o.-z‘ll' man that the Twinâ€"City be provided with a joint hospital at an Mayor Henderson, councitior BOBAT Bauer and othersâ€" that the accommoâ€" €ation at the local Isolation Hospital was inadequate, and the fact that it was isolated and adjacent to the cattle stabtes and sewer farm. from which ~ caine objectionable _ odore, made it a most undesirable location.. Councilior Bauman referred to m‘ Park Board as being the only public body that did not furnish the counâ€" cHl with a statement of its affairs each year and thought the council should request a statement annually, ‘This was concurred in by the memâ€" was inadequate, and tho IACK £BL 75 was isolated and adjacent to the to commit their patients to the hos cattle stabtes and sewer farm. from pital for the reason that it was not which â€" caine â€" objéctionable odore,| 4 8t PC Last year the building lade it A molt uikd@strable location ) Was . refurnighed and new. water Councilior Bauman referred to the |*"*!"n" laid. Thieves however visitâ€" | Park Board as being the only public ed the place and removed everything . body that did not furnish the counâ€"| 0f Y*10® The Medical Health Board . on with a mileineNt of its ameirs| Ned condemined the building O 66 each year and thought the council count of it being isolated and no fire should request a statement annually, protection, and the refusal of nursem This was concurred in by the memâ€" to go to the institution. The speaker , bers and the clerk was instructed said that the people would be aur; to notify the Park Board accordingâ€" prised if they were told what the ‘ 1y. isolation hospital had cost the mn: ‘Phere wes contiderabie discussipn | during the . last toh . yeare: Mayor | in regard to the new garbage sysâ€" Henderson was authorized by the tem recently approved by the el.e_,eonncll toâ€" confer with the Public torate and Coun. Ira Snyder was l’lk-1 Health Board with a view to taking ed to secure all information necessary ; action with Kitchener for the """b'l !wuh a view to putting the system . lishment of a joint Isolation llo--1 into effect after the next regular pital to serve both municipalities. meeting of the council. e l Appointments Made ! Lo The question of a new joint Iso Officials of . the various public. offices were named while increases in salary were voted to Assessor Geo. Haehnel, who will receive $550, an increase of $50, while Tax collector Uffelman will receive $500, an inâ€" crease of $50 over last year. Accommodation for Skaters. | A â€"communication from the Park Board requesting that the council provide for keeping the ice clear of snow at the park lake and accommoâ€" dation for skaters was referred to the Town _ Property committee. Deputy Reeve Brill pointed out that the Park Boardâ€" had put down a gravel bathing beach without: any financial assistance from the council L(:ounc!llor Weiler, however, said that the council had agreed to furnâ€" ish funds to cover the cost of keepâ€" ing the ice cleat of snow for the skaters. Free Band Concerts ‘ In reply to a question raised by a member of the council why free band concerts were not given at the park, Clerk N. A. Zick, who is the secretary of the Musical Society, deâ€" clared that the band depended largeâ€" ly upon money raised from concerts and that if no admission was chargâ€" ed at the concerts the people would not turn out. * Would Beautify Square Councillor Ira Snyder favored the removal of supplies stored at the rear of the town hall and that sup plies of tiles, pipes, etc., be moved We are putting out a lot of broken lines of Men‘s‘ Underwear in single piece and also a few Combinations. In this lot come fleece lined, Watson‘s fleece lined in white, Penman‘s Natural, Heavy 1â€"1 Rib Mercury Mills, part wool. Values up to $1.50 a garment, all going at one price, per combination ...... Chicopee Woollen Mills January‘s Drive our SeulngOU.t Sale Begins Saturday, Jan. 19th out by }: for Twin City Suggested .....,,si.75 to the ground near the C.P.R. tracke, which could be reserved as a stom age place by the town. ‘The land adjacent to the town hall could then be beautified which would agd much ferred to as the town‘s "white eleâ€" phant‘" by Mayor Henderson, who pointed out that it was a continual bill of expense and that it was of Appointments Made . The appointments for the various town offices were made as follows: | Assessorâ€"George Haehnel, saliry , $550. ' 1 Tax Collector â€"Jacob Un'elmag.’g salary. $500. ‘ Representative Hospital Boardâ€" i Deputy Reeve Brill. ‘g Representative Collegiate Boardâ€"; t M. S. Hallman. ‘i Town Planning Commission â€"Dr. & W. L. Hilliard, Chas. O‘Donnell . ‘$ Board of Healthâ€"Jas: H. Thompâ€" § son, L. R. Detenbeck and Christ. :s Schondelmayer. 2o * i8 Library Boardâ€"Rev. C. W. Foreâ€" man, * 1 Park Boardâ€"J. H. Smith and Fred â€" Moser (three years). 1 Fence Viewersâ€"Sam Snyder, Henâ€" ry Heer and Jacob Brox. 4* Pound Keepersâ€"Jacob Schnitzler and Jacob Schickler. | To Repair Rolier On the suggestion of Cha.irmnn‘ Dietrich of the Board of Works, $500 will be spent on repairing the wwn{ roller to put it in shape for the coming spring. The Clerk was authorized to reâ€" new subscription to The Municipal World for all members of the counâ€" cil and the clerk. Condemn isolation Hospital Dr. L. Doering, dentist, has taken over the practice of Dr. J. Schmidt, and the office will be at 69 King St. East, Kitchener, over the DBominion Bank as formerly. , ACQUIRED DENTAL PRACTICE 6 IBe ponne MORCT CS CTC t they were told what !.ho! hospital had cost the town | § the last ten years. Iuyor& on was authorized by the ; = toâ€" confer with the Public & Board with a view to taking & rith Kitchener for the estabâ€", 2 t of a joint Isolation Ho-!é serve both municipalities. '% Appointments Made , x 32 QUEEN S8T.S. Men‘s Wool Shirts in Black and White stripe, blue and white stripe, light blue shades and dark blue shades, navy and khaki, Values up u?il.so, all going at one price 980 Price 55¢., all at one price 49(3 C A PS Brushed Wool Caps in different t EPPEA OROARRCIOT w on lt n e ce enc c snn n on uiB n n sn en onntt ie = seu e kn m n se nmoem e en tm o1 & 1 on on ooo o e e m ue ce 1 ooo w on en esc t x *eal * For the Rosing Concert on Jum-; ary 29th it has been decided to keep the subscribers‘ lists open until Saturday, January 19th, so that as many patrons as possible may have first choice of seats. Lists are at Cullen‘s Music Store and H. L. Staebler and Co. in Kitchener. and the Royal Bank, Learn‘s Drug Store and "The Chronicle" in Waterloo. Miss E. Lillian Breithaupt and the members of the Music Club Execuâ€" tive have lists also. The plan will open to subscribers only on Monday, January 2ist at 9 a.m. at Cullen‘s Music Store, and to the public on the following day, All seats will be reserved at $1.50 plus tax. cther business as may p Vm”IMWde titled to vote. " n Waterioo, December 28, 1923. Notice is hereby given that the Thirtyâ€"fifth Anâ€" nual Meeting of THE DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY will be held at the HEAD OFFICE of the Company in the TOWN OF WATERLOO, ONTARIO, on the 8th day of February, 1924, at the hour of one o’ehek,P.M.,toreedveunnpwto(tMMk the year 1923, for the election of Directors and for such other business as may properly come before the The Sixtyâ€"first Annual Meeting of the WATERâ€" LOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY will be held on SATURDAY, JAN. 26th, 1924 At the hour of 1.30 o‘clock p.m.. at the Comâ€" pariy‘s Office, Waterloo, for the purpose of receiving the annual report, the election of Directors in the place of those retiring, and for transacting such other business as may properly be brought before the meetâ€" ing. a > WE mosr Notice of Annual Meeting ROSING CONCERT Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company ANNUAL MEETING d m Ford S. Kur'npf, SCARFS & Brushed Wool Scarfs in Rose and Turquoise, any one at ...... 500 per garment ............> e ie Ladies‘ Slipâ€"overs, all wool goods. To clear these out on Saturday we mark them .........}}}.0.. 890 A lot of Ladies‘ Underwear, single piece, formerly 90¢, 9 for $1 25 now marked ...... A few pieces of Grey Overcos at, per yard .......}0}6}0}> $1 A few Shoulder Scarfs at SI.w L. W. SHUH, Manager. HOSPITAL â€" AUXILIARY MEETS. At a meeting of the Waterloo Ladies‘ hospital auxiliary held Friâ€" day at the home of Mrs. J. Conrad, the president, it was decided to hoid a card party in the Nurses‘ Home on Jan. 28 and 29th, It was also decided to subscribe for two Toronto papers for the hospital. Joe Krawchynski of Waterloo apâ€" peared before Magistrate Blake at Galt Friday and was committed for trial on two charges of manslaughter arising from a fatal motor accident on the Prestonâ€"Breslau road on Dec. 13 when two children were fatally injured. § CcOMMITTED FOR TRIAL Th h + o 44

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