Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 Jan 1924, p. 10

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. \â€" chgice sold*steady at $1 s spa mme. i M C sold steady a \ * mmd watered. The quota 2. _mdrrow are 50c 2ower. B . m cill Lalllrs p. "t8%, /1 @heep and lambsâ€"Receipts, 1,856; ¢ choice lambe sold steady. at $12.50 r ‘© ‘to §18 for the bulk, choice sheep â€". _ eeifing up to $7.. . .‘5’71 & Cattle quota#ions: ..="_ Meayy beef steers...$7.00 @ $ 8.00 Ontario wheatâ€"No. 2 winter, 93c. to 95¢, Peasâ€"No, 2, $1.45 to $1.50. Barleyâ€"Malting, 63¢. to 5¢c. Buckwheatâ€"No. 2, 69c. to 72c. Ryeâ€"No. 2, 70c. to 72c. Millfeed â€" In carlots, delivered, Montreal freights, bags included, per ton: Bran $28; shorts, | $31; middlings, $37; good feed flout, per bag, $2.10. * Calves quotations: _ ClHolce ...............11.00 @ 13.00 MediGitA o.o.2l....12...8.00 @ 11.00 Grassers 'i.,.._.,...,'...3.1)0 @ 5.50 Milch cows, choice ..70.00 @ 90.00 Springers;> chotcé _ ...80.00 @ 100.00 Hog quotations, "fed and â€" watered basis : Select baddn :......$9.05 @ 9.05 Thick"smodths ........8.25 @* 825 Lights :s:.m.li.l.i... TS5 @ T.S5 Heavies ............ 6.05 @ .7.05 Sows ...2..2..l.2... 5.05 @ 605 Sheep quotations: Good light sheep .....6.00 @ Heavies and bucks ...4.00 @ Culls ~.â€"irccrssz.cccs 200 @ Good ewe lambs ....12.50 @ Bucks .........2.... 11.00 @ Medium ........;.., 11.50 @ Culls 222222ll22l222l. .8.00 @ Flaxâ€"No. 1 N.W.C., $2.14%4; No. 2 C.W., $210%; No. 3 C.W., $1.90; conderined $1.90%; track, $2.14%. p o ug â€" _ ToRronto Toronto, Jan. 14.â€"Board of Trade quotations toâ€"day were: Manitoba wheatâ€"No. 1 northern, $1.10%. â€" Manitoba oatsâ€"No. 3 C.W.; 45¢; No. 1 feed, 44c. Ontar.o outsâ€"No. 2 white, 38c. to Butcher‘ heifers, good . . Ao choice ......... _ 600 @ Butcher heifers, fair to _ _ Barleyâ€"No. 3 C.W., 61%c; No. 4 C.W., 59%e; rejected, 554%¢; feed, 55%4e;.track, 61%¢. + Butch er T ooke nc ons ... Butcher steers, fair to good ...............5.00 @ Butcher steers, contmon to Butcher bulls, good .. Butcher Sults, fair‘ .. Bologna ..;.......... Feeding steers, good Féeding steere, fair . Stbckers, fair to good Cash: prices: Wheatâ€" No. 1 northern, No. 2, 94l4c; No. 3, 89%4¢; 84%c;. No. 5, 72%e; No. 6, track, 97%4c. Oatsâ€"No. 2 C.W., 38%e; C.W., 36%e¢; extra No. 1 feed, No. 1 feed 35%¢; No. 2 feed, rejected, 30%c; trackâ€"39%¢c. Chartered Trust & Executor Co. . Phone §30â€"Waterico ticulars of the above and numâ€" crous other farms we have for 40 Acresâ€" Near Williameburg, suitable house and buildings, good bush and spring creek, ‘will "sell right or exchange for town property. 60 Acresâ€"Near Kitchener and Waterloo, excellent 9 room house with hardwood floors, hot water furnace, garage, good bank barn and outbuildâ€" ings, all in excellent condiâ€" in_.:\ll Parts of County 10 Acre Farm, 14 mile from ‘Kitchener, just off the Petersâ€" burg Road, good house, large barn, every foot under cultiâ€" vation. 45 Acre Farmâ€"Near Preston, 7 roomed house, barn 40x60 .and. outbuildings, small bush and . paqtl;g'e. w;yh epring éreek in excellent state of culâ€" tivation. Will sell stock, crop and implements in lump sum, or separately. hol@ gtcher Farms for Sale tcher cows, good to cler héifers, MONEY TO LOAN WINNIPEG GRAIN cows, fair to and cutters bulls, good Bults, fair‘ . $9.05 @ .825 @ 155 @ 6.05 @ 5.05 @ 5.50 @ 4.50 @ 3.50 @ 125 @ 41.50 @ 3.50 @ 215 @ 5.50 @ 450 @ 4.00 @ 4.00 @ No. 3 86%e. 334%4¢; No. 4, 14%¢; 91%¢; 6.50 5.50 3.50 13.50 12.00 12.55 10,00 1.35 9.05 8.25 T.55 7.05 6.05 6.15 6.00 5.50 3.25 6.50 5.50 6.25 5.25 d 2.00 5.25 January 26th (Saturday)â€"At 109 a.m. at the City HMail, Kitchener, Farth of 125 acres, belonging to the estate of the late Kinoch Peppler, situated 11 miles south of Heidelâ€" berg, 1% miles northwest of Eirbsâ€" Jan. 24 (Thursday)â€"Farm atock. implements, feed and household efâ€" fectes belonging fo Wim. Stockie, situated 1 mile south of Bamberg, and 1% miles north of Josephsburg. Jan. 23 (Wednesday)â€"Farm of 100 actes, farm stock, implements, feed and household . effects of Henry Kappes situated 3 miles west of Wellesley and % mile east of Nithâ€" burg, on the Wellesley and North Easthope townline. Jan. 22 (Teusday)â€" Farm stock, implements, feed and household efâ€" fects belonging to Mrs. John Woe! fle, situated 4 miles north of Eiâ€" mira and 3% miles northwest ot Floradale at Upper Woolwich. Feb. 28 (Thursday)â€"Entire sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain and household effects, belongâ€" ing to Stauffer Shantz, 2 miles west of St, Agatha and 3 miles northeast of Baden. No reserve, the farm is sold. Sale at 12 o‘clock sharp. Mar, 4 (Tuesday)â€"Entire sale of farm stock, implements, produce and household effects belonging to John B. O. Schmidt at the village of Baden, next the mill, known as the Adam Beck farm. (No reserve). Feb, 27 (Wednesday) â€" Entire sale of farm stock, implements, produce and household effects beâ€" longing to Mrs. Robert Bricknell, s‘tuated 4 miles east of Kitchener. No reserve. Farm is sold. * HAY AND STRAW _ Toronto, Jan 14â€" Hayâ€" No. 2 timothy, $14.50 to $16; timothy. $14.50;. No. $, $12.50; $12.50. Btraw, 329 a ton. Feb, 21 (Thursday)â€"Entire sale of farm stock, implements, feed and household effects, belonging to John jutzi, 3 miles west of Maunheim and 1 mile east of Wilmot ceutre on the Bleam‘s road. Feb. 26 (Tuesday)â€"Entire sale of farm stock, implements, feed and household effects belonging to Abe Toman, i mile south of New Dunâ€" dee, known as the Bowman farm. No reserve, the farm is sold. EHggs, tresh, crates . .46 Eggs, basket ....... 45 Eggs, retail .....!.... > §§ Jan. 21 (Monddy)â€"35 cows and young cattle, 80 Yorkshire pigs, Ford car, vehicles and harness beâ€" longing to John Sowa, 1 mile east of Roseville on the main road to Galt. + Jan. 22 (Tuesday)â€"15 high grade Holstein cows and heifers, York shire pigs, belonging to Moses Baer, 1 mile west of New Dundee. : February 4 (Monday)â€"100 acre farm, entire farm stock, implements cetc., belonging to Waiter Goldbeck, 3 miles southwest of New Dundee and 1 mile east of Washington, on the county road from Plattsville to Galt. No reserve. January 23 (Wednesday) â€"Entire farm stock, implements, produce and household effects, 1 mile west of Williamsburg, 4 miles southwest of Kitchener, belonging to Solomon Bauman, known as the Wendal ShantNarm: * Feb. 5 (Tuesday)â€"Unreserved disâ€" persalâ€" sale of choice shorthorn cows, about 45 pigs, percheron and standard bred horses, 2 miles west ot New Dundee, belonging to Wesley Battler. Feb. 12 (Tuesday)â€"Entire sale of farmstock, implements, produce and household effects, 2%4 miles northâ€" east of New Dundee, near Trussler‘s corners for ‘Edward Hilgartner. (No reserve). Feb. 13 (Wednesday) â€" Entire sale of farmstock, implements and produce, 1 mile north and 1 mile east of St. Agatha, for Ditner Bros. (No reserve),. Jan. 30 (Wad,nesday)-â€"Fan_n; stock implements, hay, grain, etc., belongâ€" ing to Ignatz B. Ditner, situated 2 miles northeast of St. Agath&. (No reserve.) a i"ebruary 11 (Monday)â€"Sale of entire farm stock, implements and household effects belonging to Casâ€" per Schmidt, 1 mile east of Freeport. No reserve, the farm is sold. i. H. TOMAN, Graduate Auctioneer, F . W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer Phone 592W, Waterloo Auction Sale List | Jan. 24th.â€"Real estate, consisting pe rrnemmmenrmmnnpiiemmmnemmemmmiey omes un nagg Of 100 acres of land, farm stock, § Keep _ implements, hbay, .grain, oto. of Minard‘s Liniment for Dangrufl. â€" house Feb. 27â€" (Wednesday) â€" Auction sale of farm ateck, implements and feed, at Lot 15, concession 12, Blenâ€" heim, 2 miles southeast of Plattsâ€" ville, for Geo. Quna. _ February 13th (Wednesday) â€" Clearing auction sale of farm stock, implements and feed at Lot 21, Concession 2, Block 2, Wilmot, 2% miles southwest of Wellesley for Mose Schults. February 6th (Wednesday)â€"Aucâ€" tion sale of High Grades, Shorthorn cattle, heavy milking strain and hogs at Lot 34, the 11th line East Zerra, 2 miles west of Tavistock for Ed. Caister. Jan, 31 (Wednesday) â€"Auction gale of 100 acre farm, stock, impleâ€" ments and feed, at Lot 27, concession 8, North Easthope, 2 miles east of Gadshill, for Gideon Steiner. February 5 (Tuesday)â€" Auction sale of 98 acre farm stock, impleâ€" ments and feed at Lot 1 and 2, Concession 1, N.RH., 1% miles west of New Hamburg, of the late Daniel Bender estate. Jan. 30th (Wednesday)â€" Auction sale of dairy cows and young cattle and hogs at Lot 31, the 17 line East Zorra, 5 miles southeast of Tavis tock for Wm, Wagester. January 23rd (Wednesday) â€" Clearing auction sale of farm stock, implements and feed at Lot 35, Conâ€" cession 19, East Zorra, 3‘%% miles suothwest of New Hamburg for Amos Brennemanâ€" March 4 (Tuesday)â€"Farm of 100 acres, if, not previously sold, and farm stock, feed, and housebold efâ€" fects, belonging to E. E. Harris, situated 4% miles north of Elmira, 4 miles west of West Montrose and 4 miles southwest of Elora. No reâ€" serve. April 23 (Wednesday) â€" Farm stock, implements, feed and houseâ€" hold effects belonging to George Fahrenkopf, oneâ€"half mile north of St. Clements. February ‘ 12 (Tuesday)â€"Stock sale of extra good Holstein cows, young cattle and Horses belonging to Jacob Streicher, situated %% mile west of Wellesley at 1 p.m. January ~26 (Saturday)â€"At 1.30 p.M., valuable real estate of 9% acres with good buildings, and stock, implements â€" and â€" somé â€" household effects of Simon P. Hearth, 11 miles southwest of Kitchener gost office, on the Petersburg Highway. * Jan. 31 (Thursday)â€"At 1 p.m., special sale of about 75 puré bred and registered bacon type swine, consisting of Yorkshire and Tamâ€" worth, bredâ€" sows, open sows and young boars Sale will be held at J M. Schneider‘s Abbattoir, Courtâ€" land Ave. East, Kitchener. Positive: ly no reserve. Monday, January 21%4, 1924 Clydesdale Team 9 and 10 years o14, Clydesdale team roan and bay 10 years old, generat purpose geldâ€" ing 8 years old, Clydesdale Mare 6 years old, chestnut driver 10 years old. 2 Reg. Jersey heifers due in May, 2 Ayrshire cows due in February, black cow due Feb, 15, black cow bred 2 months, Ayrshire cow sup posed to he in calf, Reg: Holstein heifer bred 2 months, farrow cow, grade Jersey cow due in June, Pollâ€" ed Angus cow due in May, Holstein cow fresh 5 weeks, black cow due in Feb., 2 Holstein cows in full flew, cow supposed to be in calf, Shortâ€" horn cow due in April. Shorthorn cow fresh, 15 young heifers 1 and 2 years old. * *TERMS OF SALEâ€"AlH sums of $15 and under, cash; over that amount 6 months‘ credit will be given by furnishing approved security or 6%, per annum off for cash. Fat hogs 3 months‘ i:redn or a straight 2%, discount for cash. § jR â€" GEO. G. CLAS8, Auctioneer. I. H. TOMAN, 3 Graduate Auctioneer, New Dundecâ€"Bell Phone 28â€"12 M. R. ROTH, Auctioneer 33 CATTLE 7 HORSES N, * JOHN SOWA, Proprietor, uctioneer, , 1| Mile East of ‘ Rosevilie. â€"Bell Phone 2812 M. B. SNYDER, Clerk. Sale to start at 1 o‘clock sharp, on of Farmers, bring your beef hides and calf skins to 343 Victoria St., Kitchenor, and receive the highest market price. George Whitham, Proprietor, Phone 536w. 3â€"4t. o w en FARM FOR SALE Feb. 14 (Thursday)â€" Clearink| Vainable farm of 85 acres adjoinâ€" auction sale of farm stock, impleâ€"| ing the village of Heildelberg; about ments, produce and housshold efâ€"| 5 acrdés bush, 8 acres wheat, about fects of Albert Doering, 2 mile6} 30 acres in grass; balance is all in northwest of Waterloo. good state of ‘cultivation: apring Jan. 30 (Wednesday)â€"Farm stock implements, hay, grain, etc., belongâ€" ing to the estate of the late® John Bruder, 1 mile east of New Germâ€" any. Feb. 6 (Wednesday)â€"Public sale of farm stock and implements beâ€" long‘ng to Mr. Ailison, 1 mile east of Kitchener on the Breslau road, near the overhead railroad bridge. hoi e * h nunn February 23 (Saturday)â€"Valuable household effects, horse vehicles, etc of Alf. Mogk, at Floradale:! Feb. 2$ (Thursday)â€"Farm etock, implements, hay, grain and houseâ€" hold effects of William Bell, Con, 3, Peel Tp., 2% miles west of Yatton and 2%% miles east of Glenallen. Feb. 26 (Tuesday)â€"Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain and Household Effects of Amos Eby, situated 1 mfle west of Floradale. Feb. 21st â€"Extensive sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, household effects, etc. of Ephraim Betzner, 1%% miles west of Conesâ€" togo. Feb. 14.â€"Valuable farm stock, imâ€" plements, hay, grain, household efâ€" fects, etc. on town line between Wellesley & Peel of E. F. Martin about 2%% miles west of Wallenstein. Fely 19thâ€"Farm â€" stock, impleâ€" ments, hay, grain, household effects of Noah M. Lichty, 2% miles west of Floradale, Con. 4, Peel Tp. February _ 5 (Tuesday)â€"Farm stock, implements and household effects of Peter Schwindt, 1% miles north of Floradale, & Feb. 12 (Tuesday)â€"Auction sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain and Housebold effects of W. H. Thur, situated seven miles north east of Elmira and 4 miles north west of Elora. Henry B. Ernst, Lot 6, Con. 7, Peel Tp. about 3% miles west of Windâ€" field. Janaary 31. (Thursday) â€" Farm stock, implements, hay, grain and household effects of Adam Mattusch, % mile north of Elmira on Arthur Road. 10 2+ Aneeinineanaeanl n m ol PIGSâ€"Sow with litter of six 3 12 fat hogs about 140 lbs. each, York weeks old, sow due to farrow Feb. boar 7 months old, 3 shoats 10 weeks 15th, 16 Shosts old, stag 2 years old. POULTRYâ€"65 Leghorn hens. , _ HARNESS AND vEnicLEs IMPLEMENTS â€"Maseeyâ€"Harris 7â€" 3 good sets dowble team harnes®, {t. binder nearly new, Wilson hay loader,‘ Masseyâ€"Harris side delivery, set single harness, rubber tire buggy i : * 5s Masseyâ€"Harris cultivator with like new, jumper cutter, 2â€"horse disc seedgr, also Deering cultivator with harrow, set heavy bob sleighs, 2 L seeder, Cockshutt manure spreader, steel pig troughs 3 and 5 ft., and P y other articles not mentioned No * land rolier, Prost & Wood §fi; * cut mower, Cockshutt seeder drill 13 PoULTRY discs, 1 wagon nearly new, 1 good * farm wagon, 2 wagon boxes with 25 mixed Itry, SES IpSu es double shelving, 2 good hay racks, . 8o Pias i 11 Brood sows bred, 2 sows with litter of 6 and 7, 10 sholts about 10&‘ Ibs. each, 10 shoats about 75 lbs. each, 15 shoats about 60 lbs. each,‘ 12 fat hogs about 140 lbs. each, York boar 7 months old, 3 shoats 10 weeks old, stag 2 years old. . \ EXTRAâ€"Ford Touring Car, mo del 1919, with new tires; this car is in O.K, shape. If its live stock you need we have anything you want. AUCTIONEER ZIMMERMAN CHARLES M. CRAWLEY, Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Guelph SHANTZ. Auctioneer. NOTICE w > is. w â€"good white brick house with summer kitchen and woodshed atâ€" tached, bank barn, driving shed, pig stable and other outbufldings. For further Mhln! apply to the undersigned, Levi Kercher, Holdel berg, Ont. 3â€"2t. 5 acrés bush, 8 acres wheat, about 30 acres in grass; balance is all in good state of ‘cultivation; apring creek running through farm; néver failing welt at house, On property FOR SALE $ Roan Shorthorn bulls. Also 6 cows in calf, all pedigreed stock. Apply to David Trussler, & mile west of Wellesley village. 3â€"4t. TERMSâ€"Hay, grain, roots, poulâ€" try, coal and all sums of $15.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months‘ credit will be given on furâ€" nishing approved and joint notes or 67 discount for cash.. Terms on real estate and threshing outft made known on day of sale. Auctioneer‘s decision final in all cases. No reserve, as everything must be sold. . HAY, GRAIN AND ROOTS â€"20 tons of timothy hay, 15 tons clover hay, 70. ibs. of mixed grass seed, 1,100 bus. of pure oats, 125 bus. barâ€" ley, 20 bus. buckwheat, 300. bus. mixed grain, a quantity of mangels and a small quantity of turnips, a quantity of Irish Cobbler potatoes. Aâ€" complete threshing outft, enâ€" gine, separator, tank and wagon in good condition; Maple Leaf chopper, Elmira roller, circular saw and speed jack. 8% acres, more or less, of clear pasture land in the County of Watâ€" erloo, Lot No. 97. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTSâ€"1 meat barr?l. a number of apple barrel‘s and boxes, meat grinder and filler, 2 vinegar barrels. FUELâ€"3 tons of nut coal. HARNESSâ€"Set of brass mounted team _ garness nearly new, another good set team harness, 3 sets of good farm harness, set of light team harness with collars, 2 sets single harness, odd collars and reins, 2 robes, 1 being good as new, 1 stock rack, 2 sets bob sleighs, 1 nearly new, 2 cutters, democrat, 1 steol tire top buggy, sulky rake, hay tedder, 2 single furrow walking plows, % double furrow walking plows, potatd plow with beet lifter, dise root pulper, scuffler, fanning mill, 2 sets harrows, turnip seeder, bag truck, weigh scales, weighing 1,200 lbs., manure boat, stone boat, 2 wheelbarrows, doubletrees, neckâ€" yokes, sling ropes, grindstomne," 2 scythes and grain cradle, Melotte cream separator, lawn mower, 2 iron kettles, hay forks, rope and pulleys, scalding trough, 5 ladders, 2 step ladders, a quantity of pine lumber and number of planks, 40 grain bags, 2 crosecut saws, 2 hand saws, forks, shovels, axes, hoes, bars, ice tongs, logging chains, and many other‘ articles too numerous to mention. the estate of the late John Bruâ€" der to sell by Public Aucion on the premises, lot 16 and 17, con. 4, 1 west. of Guelph And 4 miles southâ€"west of Marden in the Townâ€" ship of Guelph, on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1924 at 12 o‘ciock sharp, the following: HORSESâ€"Well matched bay team six and cight years old, weighing about 2,800 lbs., one team of dark bay mares, weighing 3,000 tbs., 5 and 10, one bred to Schell‘s ‘hol'lo: bay horge 10 years old weighing 1,400 bs,; on@ black bolt rising 3 years, heavy Clyde; bay colt rising 2 years heavy‘ Clyde; aged driving mare good in all harness. CATTLEâ€"Black cow due Februâ€" ary 14th; b‘ck cow fresh 3 months and milking well; spotted cow due to calve May 15th, also milking well, red cow due to calve July lat, milkâ€" ing well; spotted cow fresh 2 mos. milking well; these are a choice lot of Dairy cows. Also 10 head of feeding cattle in good condition, Z yearling heifers and 6 spring calves in good condition. CHARLES M. CRAWLEY, Auctioneer, Guelph, R. R. No. 6, OLIVER KOLB, Clerk. A O}JTTINO REMARK . "He has a good head for busi« ness," remarked the barber of the man whose hair grew so fast that he had to have it cut once a week. LOST A white and tan Phound on New Years Day. <+Return to Paul Bisch, 175 King St. W., Waterloo, . 22t. New Torontoâ€"Sudbury Sleeper Travellers to Sudbury will appreciâ€" ate the new Sudbury sleeper which leaves Toronto Union Station at 10 1.m., daily, in Canadian Pacific train No, 3. This sleeper may be occupied at Toronto at 9 p.m.‘ and passengers may remain in the sleeper at Sudâ€" bury until 8.30 a.m. Any Canadian Pacific Agent will arrange reservations, W. Fultom, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, TERMSâ€"Small pigs, poultry, $15¢ and under, cash; over that amount 12 months‘ crédit will be given by furnishing approved security or 4% ; discount for cash on all unoim enâ€" titled to credit. I HOUSEHOLD EFFRCTSâ€"Superiâ€" or Cream Separator Acap 600 1bs.), good scalding trough, lard press, sausage grinder, 2 iron kettles, Daisy churn, washing machine, 2 kitchen tables, 6 kitchen chairs, a quantity 1% inch beech lumber, 12 new maple tongues sawed. of slings with 130 ft. rope, fanning mill, 2 hay racks, stock wack, gravel planks, _ root pulper, grindstone, emery grinder, hand turn . horse clippers, dehorning clippers, grain cradle, rope and tackle, 40â€"gailon steel drum, 15â€"gal. steel drum, platâ€" form scales (cap. 1000 lbs.), crossâ€" cut saWw, 2 hand saws, doubletrees, neckyokes, logging chains, crow bars Shovels, sledge, stone hammer, and many other useful articlee too numerous to mention. IMPLEMENTSâ€"Frost & Wood 6â€" fi. binder in good order, M.â€"H. 5â€"tt. mower, Sylvester 10â€"hoe drill, spring tooth cultivator, spring tooth cultiâ€" vator with combination seed box; 3 drum steel roller, fron truck wagâ€" on, 2 good farm wagons, 1 with box and spring seat, 2 No. 21 Fleury plows, 2 2â€"furrow gang plows, 2 sets iron harrows, scuffler, pea harvester, 2 h.p. Brantford gas engine (new), 2 seated democrat, pump jack, set CATTLE, 14â€"Ayrshire cow due Feb. 7th, Shorthorn cow due Feb. 23, Roan Shorthorn cow due May 22nd, White‘Shorthorn cow due June 4th, Polled Durham cow due April 28th, Roan Shorthorn cow due May 29th, Holstein heifer due June 13th, Polied Durham heifer due June 2nd, Roan Shorthorn heifer 18 months old, 5 Shorthorn spring calves. PRODUCEâ€"5 tons mixed hay, 200 bus. Yellow Russian seed oats, 50 bus. 0.4.C. No 72 seed oats, 50 bus. early mixed grain, 40 bus. seed peas, 50 bus, feed peas, 250 bus. cleaned buckwheat, 25 bags Early Fortune potatoes. HARNESSâ€"2 sets heavy double harness, ~â€" PUBLIC SALE | MR| IGNATZ B. DITNER on his farm situated 2 miles northâ€" east of St. Agatha, on x PIGS and POULTRYâ€"2 Yorkshire brood sows with litter at foot, 2 Yorkshire brood sows bred, 10 shoats 3 months old, 75 mixed ‘hens and pullets, 4 geese and 6 ducks. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 30th, 1924 : Sale to start at 1 o‘clock sharp on time. HORSES, 4â€"Clydesdale mare 16 yeare old, Clydesdale mare 6 years old, sorrel Percheron filly rising 3 years old, black Percheron filly risâ€" ing 2 years old. 1. H. Toman is favored with . inâ€" structions to sell by public auction positively without reserve for: > A LIGHT vIEW * Willieâ€"Pa, what is & luncheon? Fatherâ€"The feminine for lunch, IGNATZ B. DITNER, Proprietor, I. H. TOMAN, Auctioneer, New Dundee, Phone 28â€"12. ED. KAUFMAN, Clerk. «21 Erb Si. CANADIAN PaAcIiFic â€"OF ENTIREâ€"â€" + WATERLOO CO. PURE s BRED SWINE BREEDER‘S J A chance to buy Select Breeding ’Bwek at your own price. | For Catalogues write J. J. Lerch, 1. R. 2, Preston, Ont., President and ; Salep Manager, This sale includes a few choice lnonru. & sumber of open sows and about forty young sows carrying | their first litter, all of which have ‘passed the inspection of the Governâ€" _ ment Hog Grader. A gteat many of the Yorkshires in this sale are desâ€" lcendam of Orchard Grove Pat, are the forerumners of colds and grippe. Inhale Minard‘s and rub it on *throat and chest. A sure preventative. The girl followed directions, but they did not land her at her hotel, and she seemed to be going in circles for hours. Finally, exhausted, she saw a tall policeman to whom she dejectedly gave her address and begged to be put upon the right track. ‘‘The saints be praised, miss!" exclaimed the officer, "haven‘t you got there yet?" GoInG ROUND A young girl from another city found herseif quite lost in Boston‘s downâ€"town district one day, and looking about desperately saw a tall policeman of whom shs inquired the way. "‘Sure, miss," he said, waving a large hand, "you go right down this sthreet fowâ€"er blocks, than thirn to you right and go east two ‘blocks, than you‘ll come to @ little park, an‘ if you turn to"the left whin you pthrik there and conâ€"tinue five blocks north you‘ll reach your hotel all right." of Pure Bred Yorkshire and Tamâ€" worth Hogs all between the ages of 5 and 15 months will be offered for sale at 1.30 p.m., on â€" THURSDAY, JANUARY 8}-& at the yards of J. M. Schnelider & Bons, Ltd., Courtland Avenue Bast, W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, of the the right type and quality ,i type 15 !!n.n / AC3 «3 T ied & %Q-?: i w ,, Courtland ~Ave. East, Kitchener, Offite:â€"No. 55 King St. Mast, Room 1, over Potter‘s Hardware store, near the Kitchener Post Office. Office open from 9 a.m. to> 5.30 p.m.. Charges reasonâ€" Trusses For Ruptures Made and fitted for any RUPTURED PERSON The Moyer Trusses which are giving splendid satisfaction are light and simple and need no understrap. Pasy to put on, or to take off. \ Thanking the Patrons of my Late Father for the kindness and consideration shown him and soliciting your patronage, ( remain yours truly Archie Surarus R. R. No. 2, Waterloo, Ont. 1 wish to announce to the Public that 1 have taken over my «Late Fdther‘s business as Dealer in PUMPS, WINDMILLS, GASOLINE ENGINES, TRACâ€" TORS, CHOPPERS, CIRCULAR SAWS, ELECTRIC PUMPING OUTFITS, STABLE EQUIP MENT and WELL~ DIGGING, .. ALL REPAIRING ALSO PROMPTLY DONE. J. S. KNAPP, Agric. Representâ€" ative, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture., Phone 748 ring 2 ONTARIO‘S CHAMPION YORKSHIRE BOAR Announcement Waterl00, Ont. CHILLS KITCHENER, ONT. 2â€"2t. 96

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