Canadian tatt weather is extromv- ly hard on little ones. Ottr, day it is warm and bright and the nr'xt wet and cold. Those suddvn change: bring on colds, cramps and colic. and unless baby's little stom- och It; kept right the result may be serious. There is nothing to equal Baby's Own Tableets in keeping the little (melt well. They swnotnn tho stomach, regulate the bowels. treak up colds, and make baby thrive. The Tablets are sold by medieine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cressmau *pent the week and in New Ham- burg. Mr. and Mrs. Frank RunMedler and daughter Marion spent the holiday with Mr. and Mm. Andrew Hinsch. berger. . Mr. John Maser spent a tew hours at his uncle's, Mr. F'red Helm, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rt-idel and fam- Ily were vishors at tho tormer's rome. Mr. and Mrs. Gust. Allvmang and family and Miss Marie Weismitlvr visited in Elmira and Hanover nwr the week end. THE FALL WEATHER HARD ON LITTLE ONES Mr. Joseph Strut, spent the holi. day with his sister. Mrs. P. w. Helm. Mug-Mum Calm. choice ..... Mn. John Hangout of Waterloo is spendln“ the week end with her Mater. Mrs. Peter F'. Schnmmer. Mrs, WUliarn Snider and Misses Loretta and Marie Weber are spend. ing the week end with the farmer's parents. Mrs. L. Hachburn and Miss Louise Belsluger spent the holiday with the latter's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bergman and daughter Ruth visited Mr. F. W. Helm. Mrs. P. W. Helm spent the week end at her daughter's. Mrs. Oscar Bergman of Waterloo. do., common ..........400 Inch com: ....,........6000 Springer- .r..m.e__..rt 50.00 snoop. choice wt........ 5.00 do..honvy .m..m..trt. 3.00 do., roarttrttts ........,8.00 Lamb. ewes & women 10.50 Back: ......r.F.....s.m 9.00 Cowman .F.r.rrPr.ttmr. 6,00 “Much-noun. led and Mill Eva Moyer ts spending her nation In KItcheuen. Miss Rita Boppre spent Thanks giving Day with her uncle in Hes peter. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arnold trom Waterloo were visitors here on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs, Leo Weber spent Sunday In Kitchener. lab. on 5 "M19.“ n... - do... than. ....I.0Moo.1$ C. “than ......6.N no Miss Johanna Eshaxlgh ie spend a rlettt good little tarm of 65 acrm In tino at“. at cultiva- tion. brick house. hank barn, all In mod Mala at up". " can. ot Boot hush ....t8e.rF.._t_..'r.m.w_wr_rtq cam 100 acres, , mum from Kiu'hvnpr. 65 mm: good arable had. balance bush and pawlnro. Two good dwellings, Me bank burn, orchard, Com plete with stock, Crop and im. 9 plementa wFtFrwt. 'tttrr--.'.' '___r__.r__t'_r.t_ $ 500 " sores ot good soil, 2 miles from Kachener on Highwny, pod buildings. Price complete with dork and Inplomenta .r.mF'w.eq__tw_t F.. $V teF_.rN_r_._ $7700 to lore. city loam. Township ot Walla-Icy. fair buildings. Owner bound to sell. .r___.t.....t..q_.rr .rew. $3800 102 acres ot good 10le land close from Kitchener, Buildings first class p1eptettts, stock and crop. ._. q.vem_ 30 acres, only '2% miles trom Kitchtmrr, Land in good mate of cttttivtttiort, running wator in barn, good building; Price complete with clock. crop and Implements ..F9.» em MANY 0mm TO CHOOSE PROM. CALL, WRITE OR PHONE FOR PURTtmR PARTICULARS. FARMS nlllilfl CT. CLEMENTG Wilson B. Bechtel tteat but. and lunar-Mo 10.00 11.00 ' 7.00 8.50 A.00 4.50 60.00 100.00 50.00 76.00 5.00 6.00 Kitchener Ont. 1L0. 11.00 9.25 1.0 5.76 I i Mrs. Ally-rt Snider ot Kilohvmar spent tir" Thanksgiving Iniliduys with relatives in our burg, _ Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Snider, Mr. "ml Mrs. Sam Wetttrr, Mr. and Mrs. Angus “'vhvr and Mr. and Mrs. John Lil-haw anondm the tnnural at Mrs, ('yruu Shaun. of mor Waterloo on HHurllny, Tur. Hv‘rvuq Home svrviu- was huh! in tire Erzmwlival Church on Thanksgiving nigh! and was; Wu]! an‘ll'lI'd and a' sphmlid program “in rvxmlvrml; . Mr. and Mrs. Gun. Bur-her and family or Kitchener spent Thanks- giving day al the home ot his unclv. Mr. and Mrs. John Gabe]. Mr, and Mrs Orlandtt Bowman, Mr. Clayton Bommm. Mr. Alvin "owman' and Miss Funniv Prey or Kitchener inn-1v holiday visitors at the home, v' Mr. and Mrs, Luv] Bowman. l Mr. and Mrs. Edward Snyilr-r and; family and Mr. and Mrs.eorvi1te' Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingmch orlr:1:,mo and under. - Fowl vIsitc:d with Mr. and Mrs. Elias pmuattt 12 months' Gingrkru-h on Sunday. (‘4qu by furnishing Miss Annie Reichert of Toronto, it.) or 6% " on all and Mrs. Isaac Wistncr spent' to credit; 6 month Titanlirnsivimr, holidays at the tsome', kin-n on the rvgistE m Aim. Aaron Snyder. I rtmvs, or 59; per an Miss W-ra Snydvr has rliturm-ul toi LLOYD LOUIS, F her home aftru' spending two weeks) I. H. TOMAN. A Sn North Bhsthope. Phone 23,12 Nm Mr. Harvy Class: of anonto Uni-l J. tr. KOLB, Clerk wr<i33~ sltr"u', Thanksgiving holiday-3‘ ',1(rrh"o1Cr;'ct'J"'" (moms. Mr. "l an?†and â€may; Mircrs Nvllir- Snyln-r ot Prvswn spun! Thanksgiving: holidays at the hnmu of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Snydm , 'dts.f.o.Kt._N6B.a' . (hr-et-g-iS-tati-.' Mum-s Helm Louimer and rt',',,',":,) Curtain wmm visitors at their homes m Dublin. ( Mr. Edward McGraths visiting ati his home in St. Colomban. . ; Mr. Henry Kovbet and Mus Anna‘ Weiler returned after making a visit m Powagsan. I Miss“. Joseph Koebel and Engla- lwrt Meyer returned afterspendiug the, harvest season In tht. Canadian West. Mr Clemons Brenner and son Joseph spent Sunday with the tor- mer's father. Mr. Prior Brenner. ing the holidays with her friend Miss Adele Rosenblatt. Misses Matilda. Irene and Barbara! Busch spam the holiday with their) pan-Ms, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Buseh.‘ Meturrtg, L. C. Rosenblatt and HA P. Helm were business visitors id 'Nestvater.ogt Tuesday. 1 by um. mu lunch. ---t" a or. an. quotod: no. & "tie.' In. 1 and. mac. . Ontario what-aunt“. “c. to Me. 0mm.<httF No. l Vilma. 40c. to "e. _ Wtimod-- Bun. "1 our ton: shorts. $80 not too; I.“ flout, - ha. F8.06; val-mun“. '" not can. Barley, mum. Me. to Me. Rye, No. t.' 73c. to "e. Buckwheat, "e to 75c. Munitoba tiotte-Ht'trtst palut. 3630 Toronto: ssxseomt'tratmtt, $5.80. Crtm--No, , â€not. 'tar;, that. Tomb. F'tours--dhrtarto, 35,15. in tttte inâ€; Montreal; $4.76. Toronto; 54.25. bulk. seaboard. . Peas-No. 1 sample. 81.50 to t1.66. Har-Ftrs No. , timothy, per ton, to, track Toronto; No. g, sum; No. 3. $13.50; medium, tit to ‘12. Straw, car lots, " to highway. 3% miles Complete with all im- FLORADALE. "' KM. 81. - FARMS $13500 Ittr ', HARNESS --te New set heavy i' brisvchlntt harness, tset plow harness. .w'l single harness. collars. hrldles, l sleigh hells, chime. horse blankets. ( oil clnlh. l HAY Si GRAIN-Quantity Timo- HM hay. 1201) has. good heavy oats. l IMPLEMENTSH Heel-in; grass 'mnwm'. cutting box with power at. i, tuchmean. 2-furmw International l sod plow. Wilkinson single sod plow. l lbw-m evenâ€, I-horse democrat. Emu puhwr, steel tire lop buggy, l l'urllnnd cutter, 40 gal. steel drum. 1 Brandon] ‘gasollne or kerosene en- In tiv Mr, and Mrs. Fred bunch spent the holidays with their daughter, Mrs. lit-my Ott of Kitchener. l or 7; Is smut] pigs to weeks old. 7 small plgs 7 weeee' old. 1 Register- «d Yorkshire hog 20 months old. or. chard Grove Coiouel 75.991, yum bred ()xlurd down ram. 1 Shropshire ewe. Shanty. and family vnjoyml Thanks- riving dinnnr‘al the home' or Mr. yttd Mrs. George 15chrroider ot non“ Alma on Saturday, . Mr. Noah Martin with his tamily mun] into his home whiph was tor- mx-rly m-rupiod by the late Mrs. Mr. movd morly Ernst w 1: Amanda-mammals. - LIZ-J, - 1otofm_atawstb.matd- mvmumhymm tir.lrw" WIONIUOAY. NOV. an. no sue to “an a 1 o'clock p... “up " the. . HORSES. 1 - M “when mar. â€In; I you: old, Nick Pot- cheron man; , yam out. the! Perchgton a year- ou-, Porch-Ion brood mare " rent: on. My an": H yearn old, grey Forehann (old- lnx rising ' you" old, my Perch- eron troy thing ' yen"; 0M. t'AT'TLE, 't-ArrBttirts cow (in by tlme ot sale, Shannon: due Dee. IO, Ayrshire cow bred Aug. 18. Hol- stein cow In good now ot milk. summon: cow bred June 20, Hob stein due Dec. 18. Holuein due by ttttte ot sale. Holswln duo Petr. IO, Tbt- Literary Sm-ir-ly held their first "muting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Wilkinson or near Walirrrstcin, which was wvll aux-ml- “a. Onrs hem of tho program was , d, lute "Jttrmlvml. that the Chineso mould lw rxrludml from this mun- lrj; ' which was won by the affirma- .4†My: Parm Meh, m ru,, 2 Hulsmku cows (man at: week. Holstein bred Aug. H. Noble“: beiter fresh, 7 Holstein heifers. , sharthorn calves. PIGS -'2 Yorkshire brood sows lured Aug. ll, 3 York sows bred by limo of sale, 1 York saw with tttter "cirte, 4 horsepower, précucally new, Premier cream separator. 4 milk roolcrs. _ % no. Cut a; mum. on no Mum-no- Chartered Trust On Deposits " II». UL w. KITCNINII , KM. Ct. N. WA‘I’IILOO All Money DettrraNed or Init. M In Government Ind Munlclpll in an 4% All Account- Bubject to Withdraw-II ly Chum. A. J PIIIT. Mann-r Maren Added Every TM" Month. a IXICUTOR CO. ONLY weeks old.‘ HOUSEHOLD swarms ~00er ,lRegmer- cupboard, National kitchen range. nths old, or} good baker; Jumbo heater wlth two ‘1, purebred lids, Grand Jewel heater, 3 burner opshire ewe. V gasoline stove. coal on heater, MN- tret heavygmte cream separator, Daisy churn. 46-21 L The me-utum ot tlw sunivittgt lrriritttrrr of Hm Samuel McMeekin I Estate, pursuant to tho powers ori I ),,'tlt. given tho surviving executor in i Hm last will and testament Mi _ :Nmaol Me.Meekin, law of the Town-1 shin of Blvnheim, in the County of i' “Horn. Farmer. deceased. will on"; 5 for tulle by Pumit- Auction subject) I 'h, u-nvlillxm: or role and to re~ th-rvul bids at or “var the dwelling; tlznuse on the first named parcel of I‘m"). Mug the South halt of Lot; Nnmtwr twt'nty-two in the (our; 1100!]!!! Concossbn ot the Township, , n.’ Blenheim, being lmtwevu two and I three mifog North Westerly from the Millage of Plattsvlllo and about 3 (ini/ii," northvrly trom the village ot, ’3 "right, on 1 fililiWl'()lls SALE PARCEL No. I-ALL AND SIN'G' ULAR that tv'rutln parcel or trace n! land and Norman, aim-Re. lying 3nd hem; In the Township ot Blon- ijm In tho County of Oxford and In-Inx composed ot the South half of Lot number Went-two In the Pour. tprnth Concussion of the Tomb» of Btrnttrhtt, aforesald. containing by ttrimetttrttremettt, one hundred acres he the game more or Ian. at the hour of two tit-loci? in the cirnoon. th" following pared: of land, namely: Omit". parcel of [and In litmus n well built atone dawning house In trix, 44-2t. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 20th, 1923 In the Townships of Blenheim and Blandford, in the County oFOxtord. $MPuomN'rF-1% home new» “venue engine, I but 1922 Pan! mums car, 100d u now, In good running order, two “and anâ€. Mush; hum; my race,iruatorts, .amglts gtrt of human, slash Now, at of barrow. well - oatttt, block 3nd ankle. pipe cums: tools. visa. rod' cutting Jie, eras-cm saw. wheelbarrow, [incline bovin- ing outht, lot ot good carpenter took. pick, shoveh. (nth. rope. 1nd I lot ot other new articles. REAL ESTATE~At the same day and dare there will be olfared tor gulp subject to a reserved bld that valuable property situated at Ross- dale on the main road to Bridge, port and Bloomingdale, conslstlng of ten acres at land more or less. all in good state ot cultivation. On lure farm there Is a good fire room- ml galvanized veneered house with kitchen and woodshed. good cellar and summer kitchen, abundapce ot hard and you water at the house. nice bank barn with room for five head of cattle or horses. pig emblem Ji, house. root cellar and other outbuildings and hard water well at the barn. V ' 1amB'tmNnr-- 1 good can“ "r-N-er-OH.'." choice "ter out. with; wall. no". one with mm of can It mot, 1 good York-Mu boar. coll. dog. " chick“. T 'JATUIDAY. NOVIIIII th "" Calhoun; " I.†D... ID". PRODUCB-- A quantity of mu- gels, quantity ot hay 3nd out sheaves, . Anybody desiring to purchase an idcal Tarm' tguitablt' tor market gar- deu1nsPhou1d ho surv and attend thls sale. TERM8:- ot Chamois, cash. Ot Real Estate will be made known on day of sale or can he-had front the undersigned. _ H. B. DUERING. Auctioneer, Phone IM, Waterloo. MRS. ABRAHAM SARARAS, Execu» Dragon" a.“ iron kettle with “and. kitchen tab. le, benches, maids, lamp, etc. FARM PROPERTY O. 8. KOLB, Clerk. l This parcel ot land is partly 'covered by bush, con-sinking prineitr fally or beech and maple. The re. imaininir portion of the land consists 'of unbroken pasture land. l i-Aiu'nL No. 2- ALL AND SING- {i‘LAR that certain parcel or tract ‘0!" land and premises situate. lying l and being in thu 'rownship.ot Blend- ford and living composed of the g West half of the North East quarter 1 of [.01 number two in the Thirteenth ‘('0n(-Msi0n of the said Township ot l Blandforrl. containing hy admeasure- imam twenty-fin acres he the same mort' or less. Mainly good condition or repair, and l " snlpmlm barn and straw shed with ‘Iwmvnl slnhling beneath both. be.. ( 51193 other out hulldlngn The farm .ia wholly elvared and Is considered 'on of the lwst (units in the district, land is convenient to villages. rall- (way amnion. churches, cheese tae. ‘Iory and school. and TERMB---10% in cash " time ot sale. balance In Mnety doâ€. Pon- mulon Munch In. 1984. ' mum ' mumâ€, sum-mu. Woodstock, Solicitor. for newton JOHN KNOX, ER. 1, magnum. ADAM KNOX. ER. q, Brett, Exnrutorn of Robert Knox. the lur~ vivittq executor of Samuel Hohhot In decmttmt. Tho land will be cleared tor ale in two sewn-me parcels, each lub- ject to a reserved bid and to the usual conditions novernln; the sale by executors and trustees. the pub tlculars of which can be had (mm the undornamed executor: or from their aollclton and which will be read at. the time of sale. TERMQ - Pigs, Poultry. har, grain, $15 and under. cash; over that amount 12 morittW credit will be given by furnishing approv- ed security or 6 % dlocoum for cash on all paid up creamed amounts. _- _ _ I. K. TOMAN, Graduate, Auctions-r, 'MPLtBMntertr-M.ql. ' n. Mn- der with lamina In good or der, M.-H. 6 ft. mower. new Inter- nailonnl low‘ down manur- spreader. hay rake, 10 hoe not! drill, In. spring tooth leader. mud new; , drum land roller» 1 out 0.K. my (Mo digger, l potato plow, , no; plows, 2 single plows. " plate Bu. gel also, 2 acumen, , lei iron har. rowu. fence stretcher. poo lurveb viislur, l tarm wagon with box Ind shelving. 1 {arm wagon with box: sealed democrat. 2 steel lire top buggies, 1 not heavy bob Ilelslis, like new; 1 good Portland cuttar. a special: scaldlng trough. [ruin cradle, lard press, mung» grinder. Sharpie: cream senor-tor No. 3, Gllwn l h. p. gal engine, tannin; mill, 1000 lb. platform male, cuti- in: box with power attachment, vmory grinder, grain bugs, hay knife, cedar posts, Cyclone grant seeder, cross cut saw. cm ban. logging chains, , bay racks. wheel barrow, 2 iron kettles. wagon Jock,‘ ice tongues, rack “not repel. tores,' shovels. hoes. chain and mgnw other articles too numerous tor de. tall. i eo.a*-1tr-oe,tB.rfh_maiule-attt' ummOmuxb umnusum. 13h all. tssrdAvt.gtiBareu-srtt wuummcmm CAnwomm a.tevlotc_ttims'ttt content» HoUtmt can to (union ll - oe VOMYV Iry and m. an. nu " 5., Nov. " IPriturV-6ms no B4teOB, one or than among mm hm wk. human“. food and was Ind POULTRY-- t ohm: Mil-0M4 elem mandate mm 100 m. each. to mind with", Ollnychuk. mum: 1% mm tomb "mm - 1 at in", mm lost at Holdall)"; on that Rama A few onerlngs in the line of househoid effects will be sold. New Dundee, Phone 28-12. AUGUST JANSEN. Proprlogor. o. B. KOLB, Clerk. TUIIDAV, â€VII“. Mth, ma Hm“ - I u! bony mm barns-I, 1 no: single lam... odd callus. brldhl. um huh. I who. ttstt all-tat. ow. HAY & GRMN~ " can. mind bar, Mit has. 0.A.C. " onâ€. 1 quantity ot portion. tit otter. Hr?! Guam». In an. In. cub- THE CAUII OF TOUR "EAth I mun It ‘ and atropimnun In Mom. at I "ha but; of the brim. when the spinal rord bums our uplnnl "" w' adhmmnnh, mum rhlroprlc- f! I "iI1tt wand.†Kuhn"; , tie. will rem-vs that mun ) fl I r ct ", “v I , And ramma the an" of mar == " ‘ ‘ L“ “h & 1““ romplnmm Coma And try It. I , . h NM IetMtXrlE, Adw . r ‘ DR. E. G. my I I a. 'CLI sou m c""â€""' ‘ _ . ELi A. a. "can“. Watsrt-, and by u om†u mum. u. Wqt.rt.o I I " pod «mm â€more. PM†“In. and "mph-null I. then. at m I)“. ot the burn, when the man cord but“ our and trdtttMntottts, culled cull-ulna Me. will roll." HIM, m Me. will roll". Md mo" m catapult“. Cal MILTON ROTH. Auction-or. Tuvluock. OM. 48-tt cl' awn. me. 5 (Wodnuday) --- Charms Auction ale of hm Stock, Im- plement: and Feed " Lot M, Con. lt, not Zorn, 4 miles loulh out of Tut-took; for Nor. W. Nov. " (Wednesday) - Clearing auction sale of farm "och, "ttple menu Ind teed on [m " Con T, B. E, ll. 5 nine: west of Tavistock, belonging to J. It. Wottlaufer. ssur.t3euTnTfru to Lloyd, Louis, st uatnd along highway, near Freopnrl bridge. li mile east or Ccntrevllleu M. R. ROTH, auctioneer _ Nov. tr, 1Fridayt-Auetion Hale or stock um! turttitar:s at Lot ts, Con, 5 Ninth Easlhupo. of lhe late Jacob Horst 05mm. Nov. 17 f%st1irtlayy---Auctlon stMe ot two valuable 100 new farms. Both Ill-vac tarms are “bout halfway be, twcen Shakospcsare and Nvw Ham. burg. of the late Hotrw Fry Fogel estate. Nov. 19 thhtnday)-Aucrion salt. of 30 chain- dulry cows. Holstein. Durham and Jerseys. ot which some are tr/sh and others are all heavy springvrs win be in a short time at Lot 33, Con. El. Ems! Zonal. 5 mites soulhwesl of Tavistock for Allan Donnlaf Nov. 20 i'rsteMay)--Auetion sale of 100 acre farm with undo-date buildings at Lot 22, Con. 14, Blen- heim, " mites northwest ot Plans- vme, ulna 25 acre bush on 14 line, Blamllord, for the late 3. 1). Mo Napkin tottue, Nov, 21 tWe0nosdayr--Ciearhtg auction sale of farm sun-k. Imple, menu mud feed at Lot 17. Con. li, Blenheim. , miles south ot Pum- ville, for Harry King. Noe. 27 f'ntes0ayy--frmaritttr no lion sale of farm Mock. Impk‘menls tad feed " Lot 22, COD, 14, Blen. hetm, three miles northwest of PhtthMtle. tor Thom l McMeekln, Nov. 28 iwedrtmsdayt--Upreserved sale of entire farm stock, implov 319113.; Arr, grain, pigs, poultry Dec. 11 tT'uesday)--Farm Stock. Implements and hows-hold enacts. Lelouglng to" William Luft, situated y, mile northwest or Centerville. _ Nov stock Ninth Horst Nov. 21 (we0esuiayr---PuMic sale of entire tarm stock. hay, grain and household arc-us, belonging to W. C. Merkley. situated g miles east of Washington and 3 miles south ot Now Dundve, at Perry's Corner. 55 mile southeast ot New Germany, belonging to Louis Kitrtter. Np re- Ieree. ' I. H. TOMAN Graduate Auctioneer Nov. 20 t'ruet"lar)--Farir. stock. Implements and feed belonging to Aug. Jansen, situated at Centreville. the. Nth (TueMttyt--At t 9.111.. Auction sale ot surplus nook, com sisting of horses, mule Ind Mo, Jun. 23 1Wednetuhtr)-Parm of 100 urn-a. tarm stock, Implements. teed an! household effects ot Henry Kappa shunts-d 3 miles west ot Weltosley and % mile east of Nlth- burg. on the Wallaby and North Easthope lownltue. November at (BatttrturV--Atseuots ula of all new Homhoid goods. be- Imaging to o. W. Jump. 9|th at m King tu. North. In the low of “human. " 1.30 Pan. Dee. 5 twmttursdyy--Citstsritte nuc- tton we ot Farm stock. impla- menu. load and nomad elects belonging to John Sleben, “(and 2% miles northeast ot Wtuprtoo, 1% lune: north ot Bridgeport near Lex. inglon. Nov. 21 tTuetuur)--6rat "tsee, immanent ttttd Mmahold elect: belonging to Conrad Reittting, su- u-wd " mile: north ot Philip-burg and " nine- south ot Weliesley. Doc. 0 fTtttrrmbr)--Attetiors ul- Noe. " 6Tt-r9tot. d It. W. W. "an". M! Autumn“ AUCTIONIIR ZIMMIIMAN Nov. 21 (\Ve-dm-Mly) -_- Parm- utook, implements hay and grain of Amol Brunch". 3% miles norm of Waterloo 1nd 1% miles non): ot Conestoga on the fond loading from Wlterloo to (batch... _ November 24 (Saturday) -eet Valu. abte household elects belonging to Amie! Kit-ch. " Charles St. town of Waterloo, at 1.30 pm. M. . DUIRINO. Autumn" Nov, 17 (Saturday)-- 1ao p.III.. Walttttblty rnul manta. farm stock, Im- mememn and hnu-nhold effect: he- longing wlthe late Abr. Scrum " mm at Rbsedulc. lmlwven Bridge- port and iMoomittrdnle. â€on Mth-, Farm Stock. Implo- snma. Hay, Gram Humanoid Kr. for.“ of A. K. Dew-alien Lot M), Con. 8. Peel Townnhlp. 1W. miles north of Mondale. is an extra good farm and sale Marts at 9.'30 shun). tor Norman Curran GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer. Hm 4 tTvvAtiay----toarrn stock Mlumcnu, snin' and household cttects ot David hvrgnll. adjoining F'st, 1'lemvhte, of 179 arm tarm with good build- inptw, also farm stock, Implements and load at Lot 1. Con. 9, B1aadtord. 2h; mllns nnrlhoau of lnnerkip bty longing to John Cudmore. .'. quantity or fruit jars. all kitchen utensils, dishes. knives and forks. 2 good cabbage cutteru. t lamps. lantern, chamber Bet. garden tools. 2 seats slngle harness, brldles. some hay (If not previously sold) and many other useful amass too Butte wrong to mention. no sure to attend this sale. TERMS OF 8ALEt---An sums of 510.00 and under. cash; over that amount 8 months‘ credit will be gtven on furnlsmnx approved Joint mum or 5 po-r m-ut. discount tor cash. . ‘W. W. FRICKEV. Auctionur. Phone 592w, Waterioo. 46%. Jun. 10 t'T'hurtuta.vr--ciearins auc- tion nate or 150 acre farm with good windings. an lighted with Dela) Ham. also tarm tstock. implements nlul feed at Lot 3. mu. 14, Bland. Kurd. I'ie mites north or Rathm This Dec. 18 lTnleay)~ (Wearing and Hun sale pot 100 acre tarm, stock. implrmcnts and teed at Lot St. can. 1:1. East Zorra, 1 moe past of Hick. so“. tor J. R. Jutzl. ' [hr-Buck,“ a 'lftt'a'rttt"'" hm more nearly new, parlor nova and pipes, new extension table, I kitchen mm“. new parlor table, ' good small tables, link. “than link. slum! corner cupboard (good In new). 3 good bet-chm, 6 kltcbon chalrn, 12 new dialog mom choirs. new rocklng chairs, flour chant new. 2 new bells. wring: Ind ml!- Iross. bureau (good an new), new couch, wash stand. a good mirrors, m-w lu-d room linoleum 7x13 ft. 3 good parlor mots, mule other mull. 8 day clock, 4 new table cloths, storm door, new Icreen door, win- dow. “wens. apple drier. 2 good mllk noun. , good mulls polls. 'ttOtto. cracks, 2-5 gallon crock» 1-4 gal crock. 2-2 Bat. crock with lids, (hum. humor dish, , coal oil cans. l and 5 gallons; baking box, walla tub. wash machine. new meat barrel, wash board. about My toad crooks. CONRAD REIBLING. Proprietor. w. w. butâ€, W. in all by Public AIM-bl. 00 “I stock. uni-Iona as m i [ecu belonging to Golf“ BMMtttq, mum m nua- north at "tws. bttrBamt8% 'tui-ttttrem'. Inky. on . TUESDAY. . HOVIIIII Iâ€... ma I ammonclu at 1 debut an. In. HORSES - One buck born t year. old. good In " ham-l, tMPLllMBNT..-... 1 ban. _ .I hon» sleigh. mullet. t Ill-o plow, 3 section Iron hunt, , om bonus, cutter (nearly now). looking chin. cow chum. pnlnery shovel. whoa!- barrow, hay fork, Brttrd none. good ladder. so tt,; I own an an. brick luv/I. tron heme and mud. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS1~ (Boob FIE " :8; L)