, For Your C BLANKETS $3.69 for $3.19 All Wool Canadian Blankets. pxtra weight, cut add whipped singly. This is a special price tor t Day at $7.89 a pair. ALL WOOL CANADIAN BLANKETS-$7.89 $12.00 FOR $9.89 Scotch Wool Blankets, $12.00 value for t Day $9.89 a pair. Soft finish, cut and whipped. 27" wide, plain white and striped tlatutetette. Good width for entrants undertttings, Sells regularly 20e, yd. Dollar Day--6 yds. for $1.00. F'lanneiette sheeting, 72" wide. This is extra heavy qua. my. Can be had in white or gray. Regular price $1.00 " ' Day tor Me. Canadian Made Wheeling Yarns. in white, gray or red. Specially priced for ' Day at 5 skr-ins tor tr00. Medium size blankets in this heavy weight quality. Your choice ot white or grey, excep- tionally low priced. Regular $L89-t Day--t2.00. Largest size flannelelte blan- kets. heaviest try weight. in white or grey with blue and pink borders. Regular $3.69. t Day-Special, only $3.19. 500 yards curtain Scrim with fancy border, 34" wide In white and cream. Regular 20c. yd. s Day-T yds. 51.00. 100 yards of curtain Scum with lace and Insertion edge, tn white only, Regular 30c. yd. S "ay--'., yds. $1.00. 100 Jards ot tine edge Mar- 5 FOR $1.00 quiaeue 36" wide, In white, Factory Cotton, M" wide, creep and ecm- Regular Me good weight. Reg. 250. a yd. t Fatrd. ' nar--6 yds. trtro. day 5 ydo. tor ...-...tl.00 200 yards of Extra Quality Marqulsette with lace edge. In cream. Regular 450. rd, t Day --4 yds, not). 150 yds. ot NottintrNun Lice, M" wide. In cram. New!" Witte Me. rd, S Dar-" yds. tor 81.00. 500 yards ot File! Lace Edge Net. M" wlde. itt Ivory ind ecu. Regal" "c. yd. ' Dar-- , yard- for 81.00. no you. ot anionâ€. Bl'. good when! and colon. M" wide. Regulu- Me. . yd. ' my --4 rds for $1.00. 11r,arh"o"Gr.ti. " F"' ' - Reg. 3135-: for $3.00 Mined Wool Pillow" In $1.25 FOR Me. Sum. an... an. an. an. m m. of f,",'."":,',,, um. Dollar Dar gnu-or , tor one alerted mum. nn . M I 'tas rd. ' thy-â€c - Y'"' Caps Scarfs 1 lot. Wm". Mn 00: " good 1 " when» no you and. â€and “mm. to; u... a. I W "I†Comforters 6 YDS. for $1.00 $2.89 FOR $2.00 $1.00 FOR 89c. 5 FOR $1.00 5 FOR $1.00 Gotd, Mine Br Windows 7 FOR $1.00 4 FOR $1.00 5* FOR $1.00 4 FOR $1.00 2 FOR $1.00 4 FOR $1.00 Never Before Mail Orders “3513:,“ng 'tlt, fi'f,,,S,"ateta, were You offered Such Reductions will recetve, Honolulu-non. Worth Coming Miles Never Before Semt 2'ttatf,rd',2tte" To Get a Chance at the Values we are ofrering at This was a Dollar Day arranged for Out of Town Cuitomers orhtooortttrt-tted. YOUR DOLLAR DAY Here is Your Chance to Prove that you really Mean what You Say. You are going to Buy where Your Dollars go Farthest and Buy Most. Come Any Day This Week or Next Week. “1011, That's Possible AT GOUDIES in . Kitchener Extra tine Beotch Fingering .Yarns, your choice, grey, white, red, brown or black. 4 ply. sort finish, specially priced tor ' Day. 3 skeins tor $1.00. Wrapperette, light and duh grounds. assorted colored stripes and spots. Our special 29c. line t Day, 9 yds. tor $2.00 Blue check apron Gingham in M" and 38" widths. On sale t Day at ' yds. for...v..$1.w Cottonade, with tleeey back making It a good weight tor fall and winter wear. Regular 4lrc. per yard, ' Day, , yards tor 81.00. White Union Towetttmr. Very good weight. Specially priced , Day, 6 yards tor $1.00. Linen Tea Towels, size 21x 29 inches. All hemmed, ready tor use. Worth "e. each. ' Day 4 for 31:00. _"" Towalling. pure linen grey striped Roller Towemng. Req- ular 350. quality. ' my; t yds. for $1.00. Ticking. feather proof, 27" wide Narrow striped blue pat- tern. Regular MM. per yard. t Day, at only 45c. per yd. Factory Cotton, 32" wide. medium weight. Regular tsc. ' Day. g yda. tor $1.00. Bleached sheaths. “pedal- ly good quality, for 00 Mlle money. Regulu- 69c. a. yd. t Day, , yds. for trot $4.00 FOR 82.59 Table lelan. Extra weight. Colleen brand. m. 34.00 per dot, ' my, $2.60 per dozen. Women's I" wool Tuxedo Sven." Com. Pusey Knit. in Dove. Peacock. Pumpkin. Bull. Mann. am " to 40. Our metal â€.89 but for ' Day at who: cut to 83.00. . Me. or 2 For $1.00 Chum-'- Brmttod Wool - " um than " only â€callaâ€... In! in! ctnann W Wool up It mm. W DM, Me. no! at I in ".00. of Savings Pltuteiette, plain whlte. 35" wide. Also your choice of a large assortment ot colored stripes. This is one of the moat exceptional values from our Staple goods section. Sold every- where at 35c. a yard. For t Day, 9 yds. tor $2.00. 9 YDS. FOR $2.00 Swea ters $3.39 FOR $3.00 4 FOR $100 59c. FOR 45c. 5 FOR $1.00 4 FOR $1.00 9 FOR $2.00 6 FOR $1.00 , FOR $1.00 3 FOR $1.00 8 FOR $1.00 2 FOR $1.00 2 FOR $1.00 T CHOOSE FROM MANY GOOD EVENING DRESSES --HALF COATS AT SURPRISINGLY new PRICE PRICES Nine evpnihz mme in nhaarto of man-r Coats that are warm and protective, sr-rviceubln, fashionable and good-too)--. and only coats ot such character are lea- tured even at our lowest rprfces. No mat, ter it one him only a limited amount to spend, such a coat can be had, and is be- lug obtained 'lery day by women who appwciaiv the advantages resulting from our standard of "Values Always The Best." providing as it flows! only good substantial merchandise at titriit prltws. Tail-oral (hats. Inverted pleat buck. patch pockets and belted-splendid weight itcathtrr mixtures in brovms and grey. Shawl collar ot lmaverine. Misses size; Shown] at $18.75 and $19.50. the following prices: $13.95, $16.75, $10.76 to $24.75. Velour Coats h! light and dtrk brcwn. tun lined. fur collar. Mite, and Women's aims. Special $16.75. $21.00 and $2 3.00 At $21.00 and 82200 Ve‘our Coat- with far collar and cuffs or collar only. Plum mum back or trimmed with embroidery and stitching. Full lined. BttttdeB- Taupe, Navy and Brown; Misses and Women's Coats ot extra quality velour, full lined as wall as In- terlined, fur trimmed, vat-mud Ihnden ot brown. Priced $27.60. "EN, $29.60 to RICH MARVELLA COATS TEMP'r- INGLY PRrCRD--841. Slander aide-tie wraps with duped roll." ot u" mater“! and nanny sleeves. The deep pile, rlch~looktn| mur- velln texture that everybody I- use: for this usuon. Sims 1.. " and to you: or " but " this “Mu Mttre, “no. Tailored Coats $18. " and $19 so Women's buck not!) In "but and broadcloth. with ma 'lthout fur. lone um:- cloning enacts, Price: any "810 " I. “an. _ autumn w: "my. Nr ‘mu. in tiriij "Ma-V250}. 3'58 $33756?" full that lim t to H. mall 'mm u â€an. mtBt1tmtr-04.9s Without hr in velour or n my (Emu-'- mm (NI-I with Mo! atrt.tB-r.,g.ses08MB'r69 "nro1urandto-.,trttmt-wttt In “no I to C that Mr. an no mic-m. Colon: not. In", - u unencumlm.†“math, WI m. M to an. tt-etaF-9q.0E....., .. .. .. .. ......... This Coupon Worth $| to $9 Cut It Out And Bring It With You When You Come, With Your Name And Address Signed Below. Name..... Isn't that a liberal, open-handed saving to you-IO per cent. on your money for investing in that needed new Winter Coat wanted now? Must have the coats anyway, might as well have the saving to spend on some- thing else! -Women's, Misses' and Children's Coats-all included-but the cou- pon holding good for $ Day only. Any day you come during November $13.95 to $24.75 _ - -__ _--""-- Tunored Coats as above without tar at FLANNEL DRESS SPECIALS VELOUR COATS. $16.75 Address CHILDREN’S COATS $27.50 to $32.50 BLACK (â€ATS BRING THIS WITH YOU BRING THIS WITH YOU will receive Prompt Attention. Send Money Order or Back Chock. sotufactigtq Goof-meal or Money Ida-dad. Plan to Come the First Fine Day and Make Your Dollars Do gouble Duty $571 Cloth Dwaws. trteotltte, portal twill, crepe. all wool materials, Brown, Navy Black. Straight lines prerall. large range of coat styles. Pin tucking. military braid. drawn work on cranes. Swiss embroidery and leather touches are some a; the trimmings. Speolal $12.50, 314.75. 310.96, 82T.50 to $29130 Nine evening gowns. in shades of mauve. turquoise, tangerine and black, regula- 82200 to $40.00. On Dollar Day, exactly half price while they lat. $11 to $20 each. A great chance! Black Canton Dresses, Women‘s straight lines. touches ot hand embroidery in self oolor, pleated panels. Staple styles, Sizes " to M. Very speclal at $19.75, 82100. $27.00. 33150 3nd 838.75. Flannel Dresses. both tailorod Ind dressy models Sand. Brown, Henna. Navy. Priced 87.60 Ind 'thrh Velour Klmmtmr--nortu patterms on role. grey. com and pink mum“. several styles. tut shes. Values up to 84.60. Spoc- Ial 82.06. Black Cdtton motttre--tailonq with cow vsnable collar und long aitMtre---ttteked lmnt~all Mam. Just the thing you In": been looking lor. ' my toeeia1--$1" White Pique blouse-allotted with long Ileeven and convorhble collu. size: 34 to " Reduced from ".00 to 31,00. Regular MOI nine. In Bonnou' good drumming“ Mott. you know the kind! wine, am m. “our“. Tucked nonnce lover Mil. Remit? than ' Day only. ttm 'saeh. _ CLOTH DRESS SPECIALS SILK DRESS SPECIALS Unde rshirts 'rAFFTrrA-8t.9s r and mint Wool mow-mm "-75 NR tt.at BLOUSES AT $1.95 KNnTE0--ti.tro Kimonas $4.50 FOR $2.95 $2.00 FOR $1.00 To Get a Chance at the Values we are {Suing}; is, Store during YOUR DOLLAR DAY 317114. h INFANTS’ BONNETS and HATS FOR $1.00 Coatirtgs8i.00 A whole big table for ' Day only. including values from 83,00 to $5.00 for just $1.00 rd. Dark coatings for women, light valor coating: tor kiddies, etc. Bloomers ot Silk Hahutal. flesh, pink and white. less than halt regular at 3200. At $2.95 Chemise of pink and white hahutaia and snails, with hem- amchlng. ribbon: and protuse lace trimmings. may below half priest at $2.96. _ At $3.05 Regular 88.00 values in Chemise ot exquisite white Crepes de Chine and Janey Silks. . Dress; Goods 100 yards ot granite cloth 38" wide. In Green. Garnet, Grey, Navy, Very apeeul vulue. Suitable for girls' school dresses. Regular value~75c. ' Day-e yards non LOVELY SILK UNDER- THINGS N $2.00 Step-ins of Silk ‘Habutal and Satin, pink and white. tour different styles. reg. $3.25 and $4.76 tor 82.00. Navy and black um: and 111me Silk with Lace or Ribbon combination. Aagortod 1 piece of heavy grey aiming cloth. 62" Wide. suitable tor skirts. bors' suits. glrls' dress- es. ete., a special cloth for winter wear. Regular value $1.50. ' Day ..............s1oo 1 piece ot so yards extra quality Black Paitette wk M" wide. Sneclal price tor t Day .... .'.'...._........r. 81.30 2 places ot all wool Chlooune. tine Dress Goods; colors Grey and Garnet. Reg. value $1.85. Dollar Day Bale Price....$1DO Corsets $1.19 FOR 69c. An assorted lot of Corsets. low bust, elastic And medium tom-Retour up to 81.13 Dol. lar Day 69c. GOWNS $1.00 White thneletm Gowns In Rrte not: Combed quality. In V neck and high neck. long sleeve. Our $1.29 INCH], Dot lar Dty tr00 each. Ribbon trim Bear-kin Cloth Ind “nod. Rex. 81,76. Corduroy Han. ray. " and $3.50 3m mm. It... not. mm, Corduroy Donna... M. 'I." “I um Your than. my tte 0M mr.HL00, 200 yards ot cotton tweak, “W895. and, worsted In (my mixtures and check elects. suitable tor children's dresses. A big saving. Regular value We yard. Dollar Day, , yds tor $1.!†300 vards of Pongee Silk, un- tural shaue. $1.15 quality. You will save money on this silk. 8 Day Bargain Price.........89c CAMISOLES POR $1.00 _ Regular $2.00 to 83.75. ' Day $1.00 ouch, WOMEN’S UNDERWEAR a: is Ind o." m. ms for In. a. a... no. mm»... on. " I... as a» â€an Women's Nuns! Wool vm but not "d long deem with drum to lunch. Bil m 9 It. me, 1 GREY GRANITEWA RE SPECIA IS Basement Hosiery Cups onlr--plairs v): China, tall shape. 51H each. 10 tor '.'.rrr.., 6 qt. Potato Pot=....., ., 10 qL Dish Pan Ft.... ,. " qt. Dish Pan '.Frw. .. 6 qt. Tea Kettle '_..... H 4 a 6 Itt, Upped Sauron‘ma 6&8 qt. Upped Saucepnns. Sand 13" high, 6X!“ {slur Dialing. felt and shiny shows. with plnk and blue chm‘k runner um, Lloyd voice. Spec, tat It "..6..rm.mm.ew.tr... 95c kin-Ma Doll. stand; 15" high, with blue and pink romper suns shftty show. not! Ian. Regular 82.25 for ...r_eNerrt. Ft. $1.75 2 only, 97 piece sets with green wreath pattern. Ovidrt cups. Regular $25.00 im- $2000 Cup Ind Saucef. was». whim, but English [manhun- Chi" " Regular 20C tor 7 tor .. ttoo 35e. FOR 19c. Yarn. Baldwin‘s 4 ply Hep hive. Red and Navy. Reg. Tcc. for 1 on. skews. For ...rr. 19c. Ladies' and Missus‘ knitted mills, teutt style and plain. Red, Brown. Grey, Fawn. White and Navy. Reg. 69c. for 'Frtt. 55c. Bsmi-porce1ain dinner ems. " and 105 pieces, In tire neat decorations. Regular values up to $42.00. For $29.50,. . NV . _ .. Women's good wleht Win. tor Vents In mum ammo Sign " 40, 42. Drawers to match. Resullr value up to $1.86 en. Don-r Day ..8t.00 a. Women’s Medium wnlght In" and winter mam V neck, short than. I few with long sleeve‘ Mao drawers, to match. Ren- lpipc. etch. Dollar Dar, , for SPECIAL 69c. Mert's Black and Heather worsted BOX, An exceptional good wearing quality. Sizes lo, 10% It. Special. 69:. pr. 75e. for 59e Children's Black worsted hose Sites 6 to 10. Reg. Tie for 69t. $1.25 FOR MK., Women‘s Cashmere Hose in plain and drop stitch. Black. Brown and Fawn. Also Heath, em. Regular tres tor ".... 98c $1.25 FOR Me. Pine quality worsted hose in black. (Seconds). Reg. $1.25 pr. 81m 7to 8 tor .'_.rrr... 79c. Sim 89/2 to 10 tor 'r.... 89c, A Dohr Day 'rtteelstl from on. of our ran!" "an n Nun-l or White good winter would. “no In Volt- or Dre. on from 18 to " Prices “up up to “a. Rodncod for Dollar Day to "e. in the - gun, no other “In in proportion. Md um underwear tor children MrnNrtp rod-cu. nuns, 69c. FOR 55c. Underwear $1.35 FOR $1.00 $42.00 FOR $29.50 $25.00 FOR $20.00 ru t' . MA-MA DOLLS 10 FOR $1.00 7 FOR $1.00 2 FOR $1.00 S¢ecia ts Specie: ls _ 31,00 23c We 33::