Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Nov 1923, p. 8

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2Q ~23] Mankoba whmh No. t northern host/1.. Manitoba oattr--No, 2 cw.. 50c; No. , C.W., 4659; No. I bred, 411,irt. American corn _. No. 2 yellow Oats-No. , C.W., 403ic; No, 3 C. W. and extra No. 1 med, 38%e; No. I feed, 36980: No. ti teed, 34%c; rejacted, 335“; track, 40%c. Barter-No. 3 C.W.. 52%c; No. 4 C.W., “Kc; rejected. 46c; feed. 46%e; track. tree. 'P1ax--No. 1 N.W.C.. 82.05%; No. 2 C.W.. 82.00%; No. 3 CAV. and re- jected, 81.74: track, $2.04. Rye-No. 2 CAV., Mc, TORONTO GRAIN Toronto. Nov. 5.-mrard of Trade quotations: Cash prices: Wheat- No. l northern. 98%e; No. 2, 95%0; No. 3, 90%e; No. 4, 83%c; No. 5, 77%c; No. 6. 70he; teed, 69%e; track, 98%c; No 4 mated, 84990; No. 5 rusted. M%c; No. 6 rusted. 77%e. «than that. mu " '.8q.g6atsdaroNttrndatV 4$._i.qr-aetteeat88d0totM0 Hummmvcm S.'et'A'ie'a"a"teh"1T mustuquunm-u nwmnthehu: l 1Nteqe-a"etetrta. m;,eum1 a-st-rat/out-.', Madmupuunuouhr‘ ml-Ht-ot.. 1.311: hoc- in" My an. In! and would. Wins. b86; will add an: ttt to 'tt.06, will: ttte hilt at a!“ to $11.50. Good tuttt My W non " w an. may but atatesm....86dt0 q 51.00 BM": _ m to choice ............ $5.50 . $.36 do., “It to good ....l.50 q 5.50 do. common to Mr .350 o 4.50 Butcher hallo", good to choice .... ........5.000 6.00 des, Mr to good ....4.00 0 6.00 da, common ........us . 4.00 Butcher can. good to choice ....m......rq. 3.500 4.60 Calves. choice veal; ..10.00 0 11300 do.. heapy ..w. . . . . . .5.00 48 9.00 do., passer: ........3.00 6 4.00 much cows. choice ..7o.oo @ 9iroo Springer-I. choice ....90.00 6110.00 Hogs. ted and watered, selects .9.t...m. ....9.60 (10.; thick smooths ..8.75 . .do., lights . ... . . . . . . .8.30 do., heapies mrR '.... AL60 ft 7.00 Sheep. good light ewes 5.00 o Bo., heavies and 6 bucks .trre9erm. ..3.00 dt do.. culls ..'r.trt.. 1.50 dt Lambs, good ewes . .11.00 @ do., medium ....wt 10.00 6 do., culls ,..........8.00 @ Butcher bulls. good ...3.60 . do., folr‘............3.000 do.. Meghan .......2.00 0 Feeding steers. good .5.00 o do., fair .......r... 4.00 O Stacker: m ......4.000 do.. tall- ............300 o WINNIPEG GRAIN Waterloo The Waterloo Trust and Savings Company l Timely Service 5% . 'te . No Depositor has ever lost a Dollar with a Canadian Trust Company Ar. .9.60 .8.'tir .830 6.60 © 5.60 0 6.00 o 3.500 2.15 a 3.50 a 3.00 o 2.00 a 5.00 o 4.00 O Offices open every Saturday Night, LET US SERVE YOU! 2.50 11.50 10.50 3.50. 4.75 7.00 6.60 6.00 4.60 3.50 2.75 " JR. v.--tatherine Dorschl, Cecilia Voisitt. . SR. iW--Harry Brenner, Hilaria Krneisch. Mary Bopgpl, Rita Boppre. (Hive Koelrel, Loretta Lobsinger. Marcella Brénner. Newt Notet. Bio. Wm. Rm: ot Kitchener at- trs ad the cot, meeting which w N held here in the past week. chop! Report. SR V.--F'lorcnce Kmetsch. An- thony Lm'isntz. The dance which was held at the local hall was a success. Many at- tended from Wellesloy. Linwood. Kitchener and Waterloo. Nee's orchestra of Sebringvllle fut-matted the music. Miss Mildred McGrath who under- went an operation last Thursday is rI-ported to be recovering nicely Her many friends wish her a speedy return to better health. Mr. and Mrs. A. ShoeGaker and non Start from Guelph spent Sunday with Mrs. John Weber. Last Thursday All Saints was celebrated in the most solemn man- ner at the local church and on Fri- day All Souls was held anew the Requiem Mess. A procesNon was held to the cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Busch of Waterloo spent Sunday with the for- mer's mother. .. Mr .Alex. Smmpf spent Sunday in his former home town. (Mimi‘s. - Judd-I; Bra. 811.. ton; It”. at: .m- an... no nor tow, and food no". nor his. a“. - Glob. cow. ant " tbs. cub ....11 do.. Irma. our as an.“ Geese, orirr 101M. ......u Mossrig. Urban Helm and L. C Rmenhlatt spent last Thursday in Kitchener. am. ta I... one]. _ Hug, our 5 IN. and! _ " lb. an}. . HAY AND STRAW Toronto. Nov. S-Har-- Bated, on track. Toronto, earlots. extra No. 2 timothy, $1150 to $15; No. 2. tim- olhy, $14.50: No. , timotry, $12.50; mixed. $11.50, Straw, " a ton. Toronto-- Jobbing mink. Mc; extras, 5te; snot-age, exam. (to. to t3c; ttrsttr, 87c. to Me; seconds, Me to 880. The individual having idle funds will find our guaranteed Investment Receipts a safe and sound way of investing such money to good ad.. vantage. We pay 5fr on accounts of $100 and over left with us for definite periods. 4Y inter, est is allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards subject to withdrawal by cheque; interest paya- ble half-yearly. arr Investments are confined by Law to Trustee securities. Every three months a com- plete and detailed statement of such investments must be made to the Government. . P--Mts g .1,“ to M Inlay-m “a. h "A 'hte_t--N.. A 1k to '" "halo. A "a. to '" tMt--- ll cum. “I 8T. CLEMENTS Kitchener POULTRY " " " " ;, 7 to 9. " " " " " " " SR. l-Esther Allemang, Monica doppro. Emmamkl Meyer. Celesta Lorentz. Irene Lobsiogcr, Angela Kroemch. Marvella Kuntz. Margaret Pressman. Jeréme Busch. Loretta Brenner. JR.’ Ii.-Hrene Bender, Margaret; Boegel, Luella Meyer, Marie Diet. rich, Mary Ann Meyer, Teresa Koe- bel, Patricia Koebel. Jerome Koebel, Alexander Wey. SR. Ir.-ittt Chamberlain. Al- ireida Volsln, Bernetta Vomn. Cam- line Dietrich. Leo Herzog, Jerome Lorentz. Cart Schiehel, Alvin Meyer. Clarence Kuntz. mun-commonly.“ Hummummm tttrqrtt2t-dttttt 150 acres. good ten roamed brick house with furnace. bank ham, straw shed, cement stablfng. cem- ent silo. 18 acres of bush mostly hardwood, 12 dcre ot wheat, 40 ac- res in grass, plenty ot water at the barn. running spring in pasture field. close to school, cheese tae, tory and railroad village, wire fences. Price tor quick sale. tr1,200. App1y W; W. Frickey, Phone 592w. 45-11. too-to-ai-tmi) In July. in mot-It; 'ter- SR. m.--olive Hottarth, Margaret Koebel. Elizabeth Harms. Irene Meyer, Teresa Busch. Joseph Dorscht. JR. IH.---Margaret _Cttamberuiu, Edward Lorentz. Barbara Koobel. Carl Allemang. ammunition”..- MR, Iv_'rertrude Allemnng. Al- bert Lorentz, Herbert Meyer. your. " ttHttrrdayr---Atsetutm an). ttd Stock And Implant"; at City Hotel. Wlterloo, on sumo”, Nov. 10ttr.mrrhutmsodatM)tcm. Doc. 5 tWed-dry-H-te auc- tion we of Farm Stock. Imple. menu, feed and ttat-tttid emu belatsqtag to John skin“. aim-ta 2% miles 110an of Wnterloo. 1% miles north ot Bridgeport no“ Lex- Ington. om‘oooo. pupa-hm. w. y. macaw. Mount. Phom In W, Hm w. w. IIIGKIY. Auction." PM». WW. Wanna. No Auction Sale List Gait FOR SALE m. m In, It. m m‘ autumn Ibrt at ”no“ new 90 In. Dunc-WI pm. In: my Hm- u, gun and». my mule! on my - a few an with lam. We but to an m «In. um am is. no" huh In the an hm "r Mr nnam- W In" . bum”. mp a Thteqqto on My Visiton gt [sane KIIo'l were III-I May Ruler. Clayton Riehsre, I!” Matmte and J. M. ROW. “0 host tad bongo are My om when Jacob Knochtdmur "(can block- uurloh my”: Innd " work (or; aundty vlgitorl at Milton deer‘u a wnek ago Sundty were Mr. and Mrs. Ephmim Knochtol and family and Mr. and Mm. Mona Bechtel and family. News Noun. Rev. M. D. Hullman punched a very hupmalve sermon on 811le trom 1 Samuel. 3:10. “Then Eli culled Samuel, and and, Samuql. my non. And he mwered,. Here an I." The tour periods. of Samuel: lite-- l, The Call ot silence; 2, The Cttll, unneeded: The Call recounted; 4, The Call continually Spuktng. The mils were dovnloped to apply to present genemtérms. ( A 'Hnllowe‘en Fairly and Wiener social combined was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bea}. Horst last Tuesday new. The evening was spent play as progressive croklnole. tn which Mr. M. Beer and Miss Violet Schuaerlnger each won P, box or chocolates. Guinea were also played. after which a light lunch was served. The young people report having had a; very pleasant time.'. Horn-To Mn and Mrs. Leo Beet rhy on Saturday. a daughter. Congratulations, Mr. Earl Mad" ot Kitchener spent Sunday under the parental root. The many friends of Mr. Herb Dedels are sorry to hear that he Iett W. Mader on Monday to take a position near Preston. Miss-Gladys Burkhart ot Flora- dale went Sunday with friends In our burg. Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Cressman of Natchez visited friends in the vie. inity on Sunday. Messrs. Lorne and Roy Gitnbel have returned trom the west. and are at present visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Abe Batman. Mr. W. Middleton left on a bum- = lng trip last week. ‘0 :The stark visited two home: here l last week. O Born-ro Rev. and Mrs. o. Burk L holder last Friday, a baby gm. , Mr. Nelson Bauman also recenb 1y returned mp the West, visited his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Bauman last week. Pertonals. Mlss Alla Heckendorn visited un- der the parental root last week after returning from Vlneland. Mr. Allen (Ire-mum spent the week end at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. N. Cressman. ' mr.t-i"ti.a-at-l'm-eiu-sr--,t e4oe1rti-__r.utaHrdrtetne-rt8g-xtt& q eabNrt.estmtoSt-ter,e%rtmst “nu-.cnnm “I" , piece bedroo- une. Shut no" Holden can to mum h mu- m Mu. new "M.eohtoblaryntsdMamdt. 1httt'thMttotmr can be and on my piano. with " gettin, hall not, brown wicker Mb! carriage. parlor. lamp. 2 Mada: lamps, Wicker cradle, leather maker. good wuhlnx machine. all can! , on an, 5 sat. vmmr barrel. mt cull, cellar table, Iron town mm stand. garden cultivator. " ft. CK tension udder. " n. udder. Guo ladder. urge wicker bake!“ myths. grain has. amen tools. pictures. rakes, I lot ot carpenter mob, " curtain poles, polishing brush, uteri motor washing machine and many; other ankles too numerous to men-l tiom t tho touch. ' em “in. m able. high chair. m out out sad-bond with hm hive! lulu-or, hubwlw~ I. a. - moan] "tm.tltrttqutd+st_l-.ttmrriatrt-tmrstrdtasett cou4.muu.muummmmm It. A000 "te.dttrBt.Wint.-rPmh.igAt-otsM.--d nemy'mvfwoodon was“. when Iron bed, player phlo when! “WIMV. nova-u " 1-! W cl no - . Kitchen no" (or road. We No reserve. Don't miss this sale TERM8--caah, J. STREBEL, Proprietor, 44 Cedar at w., Waterloo, W. W. FRICKEV.’ Auctioneer, . Phone 592W, Wateritro. MANNHEIM b BREfaLAU 4iVit, lawnmyILhmIn-sm- tbemtaq gm! qrttt In" Auto no he... on Jacob tK, which I. put- auu from In. main Mr. Nobo- paclhnl in par- e“ Mr. Hm Col-M: lull "qttMNat at th. V”. 'tr. am lrgAanokot “No In: rented It. In». Chm.“ new - on On! It. and In new!“ to ten. One of the most delightful events oi the season was held in the Lite rary Hall on “nilowo'an under me auspices of the local Auxiihry of the Freeport Sanitarium. A wry social evmlng wu spent in From live Five Handful, after which I Hailowe'an lunch was semi The auxiliary this. to than than who (not part in mixing the evening no “modal. The hall wu~huutimliy timid in the Minivan coior who-e. - and Much. Mttett was} mm ofmettve. ‘ l Sunday visitors " the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron ER“. were Mr. and In. Alex Livingston and tam- ily ot Baden. Mr. and Mrs. G. Lin- denochmidl. Mr. Ben Limtemrchmiiit Mr. Earl Kunno and Miss olden ot Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Somme] and (Amity. of Hayavme. Mr. and Mrs Wm Mot: and son John. Mrs. Huck and Mrs, than of Kit- chener and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wag- ester and son Stanley of East Zorn. Dr. and Mrs. P. C. Becker. Miss Grace Becker and the Mises Nell and Laura Gates of Toronto motor- ed here and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W/H. Becker. About thirtrmre membem of Grand Union Lodge, l.0.0.F., ot Kitchener. paid a visit to the local lodge on Tuesday evening. The set-om! de- Bree was conferred upon tour can- didanos by the Kitchener degree team, under th'e direction ot Degree Master Kudoba, who put on the work in a very capable manner. A lunch} was served and a social time was} spent, l Mrs. G. D. Domm returned to Tars onto on Tuesday Miter spending a few weeks with her sister. Mrs. A. Eidt. TERMS. - Pigs. 'Poulptny. hay, grain, $15 and under. cash; over that amount 12 months' credit wlll be given by furnishing approv- ed security or 6 % discount tar cash on all paid. up credited amounts. I.'H. TOMAN, Graduate Auctloneer, Mrs. Daniel Merner of Chicago spent a few days with her sister, Mrs Chr, Ran. C We are Sim-y to learn thit Mrs. Ruby is again confined to her bed through Illness. New Dundee, Phone 28-t2. AUGUST JANSEN, Proprietor. tN s. KOLB, Clerk. 45-2t HAY I GRAIN-- " was mind My. 500 bu. 0.A.C. " acts. a quantity ot mum to alter. FMPLBMWPN--M.-N." ft. bin- der with {mean-ha in good op. der, M.W. 6 tt: mower, new [mer- natloml low down mummy spreader, hay rake, " has seed drill, Int. spring tooth seeder. brand new; I drum land rollers. l Gait O.K. po- tato digger. 1 potato plow, , gang plows, , single plows, " plate Blu- wl dlsc. , 'reufnera, 2 set Iron har- rows. fence stretcher, pea bane» Tester, 1 farm wagon with box no shelving, 1 (arm wagon with hox.3 seated democrat, 2 steel tire top buggies, I set heavy.boh sleighs. like new; 1 good Portland cutter. a special; scalding trough. grain cradle. lard press, sausage grluler, Sharples cream separator No. 3, GUson 1 h. p. gas engine, tannins mm, 1000 lb. platform scale, cutb- lng box Jesus power attachment. emery grinder. grain bags, hay knife. cedar posts. Cyclone grass seeder, cross cut saw. crow bars. logging chains. 2 hay racks. wheel barrow, , iron kettles. wagon Jacku ice tongues, rack liner ropes. forks, shovels. hoes. chains and many) other articles too numerous tar de-‘ Local News Notes. A few offerings in the line of household Ptfects will be sold. Cumulus. m on!" In. (air. but. it“ man...- YuquY, NOVIIIII M - “be to at»: It t debut u. MwHHy-umllu HOG All Pommtt.- I - no In. each. 00 mixed ”In”. amass - 1 get - mu karma. 1 so! “In. In"... odd oolhrl, will”. lulu ham. 8 when, "hp dual, ate. NEW HAMBURG Mr. Oscar taster. son or Mr. John Helen. has been tmnsferred from Alma to Bdmore, Mich., as operator on tho Pore Marquette line. He reports that there In a big dem.and for oprrrators on their Hue. A sale ot home baking will be held in L, Hostettler's store on Bat- urday, November, 10th. at 3 pm. Proceeds in aid ot the Hockey Club. Mrs. John Wing uttered a slight stroke ot paralysis on Wednesday but we are glad to report that she is again improving. Mr. A. R. G. Smith has rented his farm to Mr. Joseph Stlere. and will move to town with his family, having leased Mrs. Grafts vavant house on Peel Street. The regular‘ monthly meeting of the M'omen's Instltute was held in the Library Hall on Monday awning at 7,30 o‘clock. The programme was given bythe members of the Hays- ville Institute and the District pres- ident. Miss E. Anderson, of Ayr and District secretary. Mrs. w. H Patter- son of Galt. The provincial highway is expect- ed to be ttrttahett in a tew days and the road re-opened in a tew weeks. The Sttratrord" Chamber of Com- merce is making eirortt, to urge the Government to complete the paved road from Strattord to Kitchener text year, and will receive support of the other towns on the route in their endeavor. Mrs. Louis Miller and' Miss L. Wagner of Kitchener called on friends in town this week, Mr. J, R. Callanan is on the sick list and is staying at the home of Ms brother Andrew Callanan in Haysvnlo. may m cm an In. " u. t a... - -ttgn h a a! mutant Wholly - - TM Wm titttt on hum-.1 mi will he the now can“, "Att a um.” by “I. Bin!!!“ Dmntatie Wkly. More tn than I burn! of when tt you don't In: to Isttrgtt don't come. Remember the date, Nov. 8th. Mrs. Simon Miller and daughter Helen ot Melville, Sash. spent the week end at the home of Mr. John Ritz. Mr. Milton Koehler and Mr. tiyr ward Kelly left on Thursday tor Chudleigh to work in the lumber camps. Mr, Moses F'ierling ot North East- hope purchased the residence ot Mrs. John Buckel at the sale.here last Saturday. The Horticultunl 80cm, bu rem Riven. Que., In which); her out moved the foliage. plum mm the', In. Mr. Jnmel Come and lunch railway station flower bob and _ Corrie hem. plume amen: with bulbs to bloom Mr. Rennie ot Mi1rt"tort, spout he In the spring. Mr. P6whets, secret-l week and with Mend. here. Iry of thehcalHortlcultunlSociezy mu Reta [indict who spent ' has been ”momma to the Canadian couple or week with her gintar, Horticultural Council. Ocean. and: Mrs. H. N. Cuibert, returned' to he! has chute of the nxlnmtion l"; home in Chesley this week. plants. trees, shrubs and vines 111; Mm George 39in. who an: n this district. People who have pursues: at the home ot her brother, new varieties of plants. trees. etc? Mr. J. H. Katzertmeierr, returned to are Invited to have them registered [ her home m Svalonh on Tuesday. with the plant Registration Burma. I Mr. Harry Williams of Stmlford We regret to report that Mrs. Sarah Otto is Demand}! ill. Her son Pred, from Chicago, has arrived home to visit her. The may Mend. ot In. John Winter will he mm to he" that Ihe Mend nonm- Myth: stroke um i: “an oottttgtetd to bed. vie? rT __ kw “ANY 0mm TO CHOOSE PROM, CALL. WRITE OR PHONE FDR tumult PaR'HCUl-ARS. so who clay loam. mummy ot.Wellmrter, ralr haildlnn Owner bound.” as". ....re...er.....t..r,t..t. 000M A right good “we tarm of " urea In “no stain of cultivar. tion. brick hon-3‘. hank burn, all in good stats of ram". " 3cm qt good huh "....'r.r...r.mr....rr..rr... 133M M acres, only 3U, miles from Kudhonpr. Land in Rood tttttttt of cultivation. running wntnr in barn, good buildingn. Price complete with mock, crop and implnmonin .T.... Qmm 100 acres. 9 miles trom Kitchminr, 65 acres good nrahln land, balance hush and WNW, Two good (lwvllinxs, fine bank barn. orchard. Complete with stock, crop and my $9500 plenum!!- ...._e.. .._.9....r.. r.,,.,..,,..",.,... 20 acre. ot good soil, 2 milen from Kitchener I pod‘ buildings. Prim, eompiete with not-k and unpkmema...,...u,...... ..'... ...._.rk._.. 102 arms of good level land clasp to highway, 3% mnos from Kltchotter. Buildings tlrst was". Complote with all im- plempmn. mock and crop. w_r_mr...rt...re._e. $13500 2t M3. FARMS FARMS FARMS W! Wilson B. Bechtel .tfkAtia'FA"tg' Hal In». and InIIIl'Ine. Kitchener Ont. mile: from Kitchener on lilghvny, I On Tush! ”an: “out w the mac - at It. NW1 gums- cm you in... u a ‘dbuahllul News'- My sin- by Mian Oinswckltlhoho-ooilu intents, Mr. and In. Willia- m There was a Confirmation service at Grace Church on Sunday. The service was taken by Bishop Willi- ams ot London. There were tive candidates. In the evening the ser- vice was taken by Rev. Gum: ot London, a former pastor hem. The tuneral ot the late John Me- Faddin was held Friday. The ser- vices m the house and grave wore conducted by Rev. W. Mottat. A large number of friends and neigh- bors anondpd to pay their last tri- hute of respect. There were numer. cue tloral offerings. Those left to mourn his loss are his widow, tiro sons, Will of Toronto and Henry of Stratford and Mrs. MuCrea of Weil. esley. The family have the gym pathy ot the community in their bereavement. . Minard's Linimem for Dandrufr, Miss Mama Kelly spent the week end with friends at Linwood. Funerax Largely Attended. Mrs. Thomas Crookshanks ot Stratford is visiting Mrs. Heater Tanner and other friends. Mr. Hector McLennan want to Toronto last Saturday. Mrs. Irvine McVittie of Southamp- ton is visiting Mrs. H. B. Kerr and other friends, Visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mes. Geo, Coghlin on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs. Henry Coghlm and family, Mrs. Jessie Pope. Mr, and Mrs. Bob Coghlin and Mrs. Agnes Coghlin of nun“ Atwood. Miss Pearl Hildebrand ot Kitctt, oner spent the week and with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hilde. brand. Mr. John Fowinga and sou Simon and Mr. Wm. Eedy left last week on a hunting expedition up north. We wish them every success. Mrs. Howard N. Culbert is spend- ing this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bondlct at Chester. Local and Personal. I’m a. not an a he". 10th nu M I... a. In. Wu attractively decor-led with 1mm shad“ in HWO'GI color schemes. The "on“; In: em ably spent in paying pines, and: and dancing. At the clpce ' - luncheon m mod. Mrs. A. R. Sevezey a! The: Riven. Que., In mm" her coni- Ins. Mr. Jamel Corrie and lube“- Corrie here. Mrs. George Sen). who an: t guest at the home of her brother, Mr. J. H. Kataertmeior, returned to her home m Beaiorth on Tuesday. l“- Imn-‘Punn- o! I!“ a. Hook and I Mr. Harry Williams of Stratford spent the week end at his home are no no». u. wont MILLBANK $7700

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