WNW miles northeut of Elmira. V Dee. 4 ('rmmur---rarm stark “and; mm M homhold Nov. " Waturdary---valuabre real chute of Walter Km", Arthur St,. llmlrl. Nov. " fMotutart-Househoid "teta, mt. etc. of [mm Brox. 3 on Ian 4, con. 8. Wellealey TIL, 4 mile. nouthwegt ot Linwood and 4 miles east of Mlllbank. commencing " o'cloak sharp. Nov. " Wnhtr0ayy--valuaNe real "ate and household effects belong- lng to the estate ot the late John Jung. comer Queen and [human ttu. Maxim. GEO, G. CLASS, Auctioneer. Nov. 8 ('rtiurttday)---ttsrtn stock, Including resumed horses and hol, Item cutie. implements, grain, and household elects of Mr. S. J. Miller Dec. 6ef'rhurnsdtwy-Attetion sale of 179 acre farm With good bund- lnga. also farm stock. implements and teed at Lot 4, Con. 9, Blandford, 2% mile. northeast of Innerkip be- !onglng to John Cudmore. luv. " (Jimmy) - Vslubu W m o! J. H. Strebol. " Gala at. N. Waterloo. Not. I. tTts.rdarr--4urttt at m was. hm dock. lawman. - all! main“ also“ belonging to llchul b. Jun]. 1% miles out of “but Ind A mum went ot Omaha] on 7th 0011.. and“; a: While-lay. Nov. 28 iWedttestayr--Unreserved we of entire farm stock, imple- ments; hay, grain. pigs, poultry etc. belonging to Lloyd Louis, sit- uated along highway, near Freeport bridge. % mite east or Centreville. Dec. 5 (Wednesday) - Clearing Auction sale of Farm Stock, Im- plements and Feed at Lot 28, Con. Mi, Rat Zorra, 4 miles south out ot Tavistock, for Thas. W. Nov. 20 1Tuesday)---Auction 5a1el:l‘ahl of 100 acre farm with tC'Ci'i't; TE buildings at Lot 22, Con. 14. Blem' heim. 2% miles northwest of Plattts-i E. J, ville. also 25 acre bush on 14 irc/ Crit Blandtord, tor the late S. D. MC": Meek“: estate. 'rnh Dec. 11 tTuetrttayr--Farm Stock. Implements and household effects. belonging to William butt. situated % mile northwest ot Centerville. Nov. 28 (Wednesday) - Clearing auction sale ot farm stock, imple- manu and feed on Lot 39. Con T. B. E. H., 5 miles west of Tavistock, belonging to J. E. Wettlaufer. m coo-“MI- of man, " “on In " an out, belonging Dec. ttth (tPuetrttayr--At l 9.111.. Auction sale ot surplus stock. com ulntlug of horses. cattle and pigs, % mile mutheast of New Germany, belonging to Louis matter. No re- nerve. I. H. TOMAN Graduate Auctioneer Nov. 20 (T'uesday)--Y'arrr. stock, Implements and feed berongiug to Aug. Jansen, situated at Centrev'nu. out. at: can. Home!» and Nov. " trtunry--Nrm 100 horas. urn Itock. Implemenu. lead and W6 attach belonging to Harry Olmychuk. "tum 1% miles south- "a of Heidelberg on the Hes-on Jan. " iWedneisday)-Farm of 100 term, tam Mock, implements. teed Ind household etteeta or Henry Kappa amazed 3 miles west ot Wellanley and % mlle east ot Nith- burg. on the Wellesley and North Mane mwuline. Nov. 21 iwedrtesdayV-Ptilrlic sale of entire rum stock, hay, grain and household effects. belonging to W. C. Manley, situated 2 miles east of Washington and , miles south of New Dundee, at Perry’s Corner. November M (f1tstttr6ar)--Auetion _ at all new Household goods, be- iongtn; to 0. W. Justus. situated at "4 King St. North, In the town ot Wanda), at 1.30 Pm. Not " CNesdtty)-Farrtt stock. Implement- and household effects belonging to Conrad Reibliug, sit, “bed 2% mites north of Philipsburg Ind 2% miles south of Wellesley. h. " -rt--At " um. M. R. ROTH, Auctioneer I. V. PWIY. W M m, VIII-rho ' AUCTIONEIR BEFORE YOU PROMISE YOUR BALI I, 0mm». and knowledge of conducting In!“ will an no In mun. tho but “cum. In he. y.» will Don.- M " my gov-VI... You qeitt nun-Ila he “on m Mumllko mam" In all“. I m " II... t - couch nu ma â€(nu-q. WHY YOU CHOULD OIE '. F RICKEY AUCTIONEER ZIMMERMAN Nov. 21 {Wednesday} -- Farm nook. Implements hay and grain of Amos Brubaohor. 3H; miles north of Waterloo and In, miles south of Poneatogo on the road leading from Wulprlon to (haulage: November 24 (Saturday) --- Vahr able. household Mien-ts belonging to Amiet Kirsch, " Charles, St., town at Waterloo, at 1.30 pm. E. J. SHANTZ. Auctioneer. I FARM FOR SALE Nov. 10 (%ttisNa.vt---i.giy p.tn.--oi1 Farm consiallng of " acres, an- paints and fixtures 1,010an: to u." Hated 1% miles north of Preston on Ft, Moogk, " Cedar St, Waterloo. 'tho PrestotrBroiau road, about 6 "--------------, i miles from Kitchoner. About 5 acre! AUCTIONS!!! ZIMMERMAN lor bush. 5 acres of pasture; hal- M. B. DUERING, Auction." Nov. 17 i8aturdayt-- 1.30 p.m., Valuable rpal vstalo. farm stock. int, plvmrnts :1an household "ttects be. longing to the late Abr. Bararus at tate, at Rosedale, between Bridge. port and Bloomlngdale. New whim-r tire top buggy. 13 second hand buggivs ot all descrip- tions, also light marriages. Also new wagon. Phone 9-4. Weber Bros, New 19uudrye. The old reliahles. 42-h. Dre. 2011)» Farm Stock, Implzuf JERSEYS WANTED menu. Hay. Grain, â€mm-1mm m. Mature cows, Iresh preferred, tents of A. K. Delweilt-r. Lot 19, Give full description as to age. Con. 8, Peel Township. 1:1»; miles wo'gln. color and lowest cash price. north of Floradale. 'i.1pmy box 60, Waterloo. 45-3t. ohms of David “argon. adjoining Bt. Clements. FOR SALE CHEAP TO CLEAR OUT pt. Furniture Polish. Brushes, 139 2% II). Packages Alhustium 100--5 lb. Packages Allmstinv. 50 lb. Pack- age-s Alhastir10, 2- 10 ft. Step Lud- tlets,' r-s n. SIvn Lrtddvr. l-Paper Board, 22---1 gm]. Cans, 22-1 Ral. Jugs. Ir-ts' it. Laddvr, 2 'l'rvstles. 1 12 ft. Ladvlar, 3 Root Ladders. 3--S gal. Catts, e SEN)! Tanks, 3 gal. Coat 'Oil. 1 gal, Flour For. 8 lbs. Straw Color, 15 gal. on. Shelving. Table for Mixing, Car, Glass. on. TERMS-lash. No rpsmve. on IATURDAV Arunuoou. NOV. m, 'codmencuu " 1.30 o’clock. I-' pl. Conan! Punt. H m. Ado hint. t--1 lb. Bannock) Wall! Cleaner, 1--1% lb. Beam Tiller, 8 pt. Wood Primer (coach). I-a pt.’ Vol-lush on t--1 pt. Entmel "tl 1--u lb. D'IIIBIV Color, F-t pt. White Varnish. 6--t pt. Gmlnlug Color (water), 8--1 pt. Enamel. 1 --% pt. Enamel. l-l lb. Chrome! Yellow in oil. 1-1 lb. Burnt Amber in oil. 1--t lb. English Role in o0,t lag pt. Berry Bros. n Glass Varnish. 1-2 gal. mack Rubbing Varnish.‘ 1-1 gal. Brouzlng Liquid, 1--t sal.’ Black Japan, t--ys Bat. Kalil Finish-' In; Varnish. 1 pt. Satin Finish' Varnish. Ft gal. Adelile Shellac, 5t eat. Dark Oak Igtaltt,1---1 gal. later. lor Varnish. 1-1 lb. Prussian Blue in oil, *--1 lb. D Black: 1-1 lb. B.' Lmber. 13--1 lb. Grainlng Color, 10 --1 lb. B. Scena in oil. 4--t lb. B. Seem: in oil, 8--I mil. 0. Chrome in oil. '2--l lb. Blark Chrome in oil. l-l gal. Clear Flat Finish, 1 qt. Laid Enamel. 'i, gal. Black Rubb- ing Varnish. 1 pt. Mahogany Stain. 1 in. Oak Stain. t--1 gal. Black Rubbing Varnish. 1;: gal. Lunterler, 8 lbs. Pumil't- Stone. 9 gal. Flat Wall Paint. 20 lbs. White Lead, 5 gal. Primer. 22 lbs. Lulu-an Red in oil, 4---1 gal. Pire Proof Paint, 20 Ins. B. Sienna. lo gal. Varnish. 1 gal. Shingle Stain, L’ roams Sand- paper, 2 sq. It. Ribbed Glass. 3 books Gold Lite. 1 oz. Aluminum Powder, 13 lbspvenrtian Red, 10 lbs. Ultra Blue. 1-1 lb. G. u. Grain- ing Color. 12 lbs. Spruce Ochre. 22 tbs, B. Umber. Ill, gal. Pumid. "IO lbs. Lamp Black in oil. Irie gal. Satin Enamel. 2 gal. Pumid. 1 qt. Gllirox Enamel. IT, lbs. B. limbo! in oil. y, gal. (“l-mum Paint. 3 25 lbs. Gwen Oil, 5--18 lbs. Green in Oil. F, lbs. Aluminum Powder. 5 gal. Aria Putty, 2 Arlo Guns. 5 gals. Wall Paint. 20 lbs. Dureaw. Dry Colvrs. 'ur gal- o. Shellac. 1 qt. S. Grey Stain. 1 pl. Walnut Slain. 1 pt. Furniture Polish. Brushes. 139 Ofttsiorebrb-.r.its- tar, a; Cadu- m. tr, Wtteektex ale his“, Oil and Fixtures SHANTZ, Auctioneer, lance, undnr etrttirauon, On the Harm them in a 10-momed red pressed brick house. hot wan-r lwatlng. Bott mus-r cistern. large hank ham. Hydro power in both l,',",.','."': and ham; also other accou- ary outbuildings. Anybody dashing to purchase a good ttmn with Ideal location, commnnlcnle with Mr. l Noah Becker, Phone " ring 7. R.R. HP. t, Preston. I 43-41 Jer, uld apple butter ml made every Tum “My until further â€the. M. WM a Son, " (Donn-ta. 09!. _ 1 ST. CLEMEN'm CIDER MILL BUSH FOR SALE 10 acre-R ot mixed timber land in Weill-slay Township. Apply Box 32 Chronicle. 3b4t. No reasonable offer refused. Apply P,1 Troy St., Kitchener. 4Fit. FOR SALE A now 6 roamed well bum cosy home, every mnwnienco, fireplace. TERMS-produce poultry, $15 and undvr, cash; over that amount 12 months‘ credit will be given by turn- ishing approved svourity of 6% ott on all payments of credit amounts. W. C. MERKLEY, Proprietor. I. H. TOMAN, Auctioneer. HOUSEHOLD EF'PECTS- Crown Huron kitchen stove good; 1 kiteh, on stove. box stove, glass door core nor cupboard. 6-octave Clinton or- Fan with quarter cut oak Mano case like m-w. 1 bedroom sin, 1 wooden Iredstwad with spring and mattress. loungu kin-hon table, 6 kitchen chairs. mckrr. Atladin lamp. 4 oil lumpw. ALâ€. cream separator, near- ly mew; iron koala meat tub, One Mtnat,, washing machine, sink, flower box. axes. men's size 42 Imi, tation fur coat, 1 female Collie Dog 5 years old and 3 pups of Scotch (‘ulliv hymn). The old ttog is one ot tho Must. plan io buy her. No ruwrvo as the proprietor is "Hitting farming. Auctioneer's de- rision final. l commencing It 1 o'clock shun. the forlowing valuable D-tr. I. ll. Tun - mm to can by was; and“ for W. o Mutiny. on his tun that“ a mitetr an: ot Waahhrgtmt and I miles youth or New Moo. at Perry's Cornea. on IMPLEME'NT'B-M.-H. a n. Itttr.l with truck and torecarriage, Deering', mower, 5 ft. cut, hay rake, NOXuni hoe drill. M.-H. spring tooth cuitri, will»: 3 horse; 3esection iron har-l rows, 1 single walking plow. MAL} scutrltt ttrrw; M.-H. root pulper, Mol m Beam scales, 1 new Adams wag-J on with itox and shelving. stock mark. nat rack, gravel planks, steel tire top buggy. Jumper cutter. road} can, St't nt heavy bob aleighs. grindx stone, new water trough, 1 steel pig trough. stone boat, wheel barrow, pig crate ladders, " grain trags,', sump shovel, logging chains, 2 ' hursu owners, douhldrees, a quan- tity 3 inch pine plank, colony house 2: x 10 ft.. scythe. forks, hoes, shovels and many other articles too numer-l nus for detail. CATTLE, t--4 Holstein. ' Janey dairy cow. to freshen in April, May and June. Jamey heifer bred,, l Hot. stein heifer bred. PIGS & POULTRY - Yorkshire sow bred Oct. l, Yorkshire sow bred Oct. 25, Yorkahlre sow bred by time or sale. " shouts 10 weeks old, 100 mixed hens and pullels. T guinea hens. ' HORSEB-B" "on!" mare tb- lug I year. old. good drtver, 1 black Percheron gelding new; T, you" old, bay mrNisttt " you-I old. PRODUCE-ISO bus. good oats, 125 buy. buckwheat, 10 tons mixed hay. 1000 but. good shipping turnips and about 40 bags ot potatoes. HARNESS - Set heavy double lxnrncas, set heavy single harness. gut light single harness, horse blan- kids. robe, sleigh bells. chimes, etc. W EDNEODAV. NOVEMBER MA New Dundee, Phone 28-12, E. B. HALLMAN Clerk. men's. my. Gui-.30;- hold Elects, Rte. 45-2t, , The Kitchener Cider Mills , last regular day will be Fridny. thv. 9. We will then re-open (Wednesday and Thursday, _ Nov. 14 and 16, then close for l the season and, we hereby F thank each contami- for their :trade rim us. , Inâ€. "M an. sum. . Kmnnnn ctmat um. Farm of 105 acres, situated “if milvs west of Mannheim, consisting‘ of 7 acres or bush. 12 acres ot pan- tum land with spring creek running wrough; balance under cultivation. Good tram" house and good bulld- lnga. .Would make an ideal dairy farm. Price is rmonable. Apply: to George Milne, R. R. 2 Peterptntrtri or mall Phone 749 ring 13. 44-1rnom, WANTED Man of good reputation and stand- lux. to represent us in your district m moruratreg and bonds. A good opportunity. Nauonal Investmem Register .Ltd., " Richmond St. W., Toronto. 44.2t. From the tttrm of the “adenin- pd. a red men- about " montha old. Plndor plum eottttttuttit'att, with Ezra Baum“, Box 93. St Jacob; 45-3t, Terr/ts of Chattte.---Hay, gram. fat sow. young pigs, poultry. turnips and all sums of $15.00 and under. cash; over that amount 10 months r'redit will be given on furnlshlng approved Joint notes or 5% discount tor cash. . REAL IimrATB--At the same lime and place there will also be sold the farm. consisting ot 100 :vrres of land. more or less, on which there is a good frame house, cerm ent e%tar. furnace, good well at the house, bank barn, straw shed, pig stable underneath, silo, driving shed, repair shop and all other necesaary buildings; good well at the barn, 2 acres orchard, 17 acres grass. 4 news rye, 8 acres bush. Also 2 urn-s of lake with nice surroundings tor summer homes; good n-ncea and fall plowing alt done. No Roservu. Term; of Real Estttte--20% cash on day of sale; balance to be ar- mnzmi in thirty days. Farm: “FILM is!!!†HOUSEHOLD EFPECTB---Moltette cream separator. mm: trails. cream cans, Daisy ehur'n. and ,uumeroua other articles. 'u"ftrssttuVmruet- auumumosmma tubms,eBrsttatatet,tirrN-t_ HAY & GRAIN--" tons of good Timothy hay, 12 tons sweet clover, about 300 bus. oats, 200 bus. mixed grain, 70 bus. buckwheat. so bus. rye, 3 bus. beans. 75 bus. turnips. 10 bus. table beets. IMPLEMENTB--Nerimt binder. nearly new. Bearing mower, nearly new. Cockphutt dlsc drill, nearly new, hay rake. disc, 3-section iron hrarow, roller seuttter. straw edtter, [my rack. good wagon and box. democrat. steel tire open buggy. top buggy, Jumper cutter, set bolt sleitrhs, market 'sleigh, fanning mill, root pulper. stock rack, Ilngle plow, wheelbarrow good set gravel planks, grindstone, emery stone. a tot ot carpenter tools, atone boat, new llpnfrew 2000 lb. scales. 124 ft, hay rope, grain bags, doubletrees. cross out saw. neckyokes, chains forks. shovels and a host ot other articles useful on a farm. CAmFJemy cow due in March. Barium cow due in hunky, blue cw has In February. rod halter due In Fall. l holler mm 2 you- old, heifer rising ' year old. steer 1 year old. Prwr--2 now: due to pl; in Dec., 2 new: lupllowd to be in trig, tat now. hour 1 your old, 4 pigs 3% months old, 6 pigs 3 month. old, 4 pigs g weeks old. HARNESS-e sets team harness. spt single harness. CHICKENHbout so chickens. pallets and yearling. " game. 12 ducks. Extrn good Beoteh Come dog. Fad and Kdiiauid “1517“." HARRY OLINYCHUK. Prop. w. W. FRICKEY. Auctioneer, Phone 592w, Waterloo, LOST OR BTRAYED FARM FOR SALE .3“ I 4 "t. l, It mean: much, to pmlpcctlva fhunlera. whether {tannins tn a party or alone. to be pm. In direct Hench with the but loculon to! [their particular cholce ot {we and with onlMtlnu and guides " the going-In point. wlth whom “Holle- tory nmngmeml cm be made tttr Ilonhnnd. A hunting trip cannot be other than "coupon! under than nonunion. The Cal-an Ml: 11mm, otter: thin - to my- r, who consumable. I “an" drip anywhen. “that In My“. hub». Now Brawn. or In the, Would. tor manual. am. A" tte; m. man will lladly - m. humanâ€. or In Inquiry “an“ I" W. Mon. mum“ Pun-or A“. Toronto. will be (In. ill- ndhm and carom annual. b'?) M, 0n- M In an“ In 10-“. no. will to an 'reqme6M, mg: on vééeigi 3f" iaTTieD $47357}! aaa mm In an: Motrtetrmatm Q [can and "nuance: the who“ ' henna" system. makes new Blood f in otd Veins, Used tor New m4 t','ltt/'a',',' t"ut,,til 'l,tlt a . " En? l 'hm'on a. Heart, frat' â€(may rice iii'i' ttora. ltr, " Song! by [alldmuizm or mu . [in dying HUNTERS ASSURE!) SUCCESS names KILLED av mir James Ackerman, farmer, 65 years of Me, died trom injuries re- t-eived trom a kick from a colt at his farm at Pictotr on Friday. Mr. Ackerman we. pumping water tor his colts, when one kicked him in the stomach. causing internal lronhlos. from which he died some two hours afterward. "q.ttyteehrqq#.y-ty.r.yeA, Absolutely no reserve as the proprietor is retiring from (arming. Terms of ttate-Hay, grain, small pigs, veal calves, household goods and all sums of $15,00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months‘ and“ will be given on furnishing approved joint notedorti'i% dis- count for cash on credit amounts. AMOS M. BRUBACHER. Prop., J. ZMIMERMAN, Auctioneer, Phone 322J, Waterloo, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS~1 Can- ada's Ideal kitchen range, Elegant whinsular ttoal heaigr, and a lot of 7 inch "Move piping, Mathews garden seeder and cultivator. Daisy rhurn, Wisconsin incubator capacity 150 eggs, Dc Laval Cream separator No. 15. HARNESS--? sets team harness, 1 single harness. some odd collars, set of team blankets and some other harneirvs. _ HAY & GRAIN-About 20 tons of good Timothy hay. about 500 bus. outs. .59 bus. buckwheat, some grain bags, logging chain, forks and other artieleg. 1MPtmMENTB--M,-H. binder T. ft. cut in good running order, Deer- lng mower 5 ft. cu: in good working order. Pros! & Wood seeder and cul. tivator, nearly new. Wlsmer seed drill, MAI. 2' furrow plow, No. 21 Wilkinson walking plow, Verity gang plow, riding corn cultlvator, lnternatlonal settttter, 'tsection iron narrow. disc, wagon, wagon box wlih beet box, set bob sloighs. open buggy. gravel box,, manure planks, New Idea manure spreader, cultlng box. roller chopper, circular saw. M.IT. 6 h.p. gas engine in good worklng order, Clittton fanning mill. wheelbarrow. and other articles. Plm3---1 Yorkshire sow supposed to pig before ttttle, 7 young York. shire sows ready for breeding. l Yorkshire hog 5 months old, 12 pics about 3 months old. HARVEY SCHIEFELE, Clerk. Mimic-dauphin“:- C r (Hutu-"VIII";- The Great Emmi: Bunyan“. Tone! and nun-onus the who“ PEOSPHOPINE 46~2L HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -Corner cupboard. National! kitchen range. good baker; Jumbo heater with two lids, Grand 'twel heater, 3 burner gasolme stove. coal oil heater, Mel.. 'otte cream separator, Daisy churn, Iron kettle with stand, kitchen tah. te, benches. scales. lamps, etc. TERMV-. Ot chattels. cash. Of Rem Esme will be nude known on any of oaks or can be had from the undersigned. M. B. DUIHINO, Auction», â€on. Mat. and date there will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid that valuable property situated at Rose- dale on the main road to Brhittts port and Bloomingdale. consisting ot ten acres of land more or less. all in good stat? of cultivation. 0n the farm there is a good the room- ed galvanized vpneered house with kitchen and woodshed. good cellar and summer kitchen. abundunce of hard and wit water at the house. nice bank barn with room tor live band of cattle or horses, pig gables. hen home, root cellar and other outbuildings and hard water well at the barn. Anybody desiring to purchase an Ideal farm suitable tor market Bttr- denim; should be sure and attend um ale. IM, Want-loo. M80. AIRAHAM IARAIAI. Inc» s'nglt, waggon. hay rack, grindllone. smglp so! of harness. single plow, set ot barrows. well digging ottttit, block and tackle, pipe cutting lodls. Vises. rod cutting die, crosscut saw. wheeWarnxsw, gasoline bevitt. ing outfit, lot at good carpenter tools, pick. shovels. forks, ropes and tt In! of other useful articles. PRODUOir- A quantity ot mar gr-ls, quantlly of hay and oat sheaves. IMPLEMEhN"W3--r% horse power gasoline engine. 1 late 1922 Ford touring car. good as new, in good rtinaing order, two sealed carriage, auction " the cm 'ro."" arl urn-awn. I , . I urunuv. mounts a. fit eunuch; at ' o'clock ,u. - the 10110:!“ and“ eqttUt “cl-uh cow an to at" New. LIVE STOCK-- 1 good general purpose home 8 years old. 1 good choice dairy cow. milking well, fresh 3 months. three good brood sows, one with litter of eight at toot, 1 good Yorkshln- boar, come dog, M chicken JATURDAY, NOVEMBER Ir, 1923 Commencing at 1.30 pan. sharp. 29.5mm- miOyo-rtolddlo Dee.M.Dtsrtrameoqr6r-oM due to eruvrr" Dee. M. Danni m ' year! on! dual.) calvo Dee. n, Boi. stein cow 7 your: old due to cave Dee. M, Benton! cow 4 your: old due to on!" Jun. m, Ham cow 6 â€you. old due to ulve Doc M, part Janey cow 4 you! old due to elite at} November 20th. Durhnm cow 7 years old due to cam Nov. $0, Durham cow T years old t?tre to calm Jan. 4. 4 use" "an. In; 1000 lbs. each. Ihort teen: 8 (at heifers 900 lbs. each, " store hors, weittht 50 lbs. each. cld duo to cum In. In. W my Joruy ' your. old an to cum There will be sold by public auc- tion on the premises of the late Abraham Bararas, stunned at Rose- date, on the main road between Bridgeport and Bloomingdale on Btrtt't forget the' date, Saturday. November Wh. Thu 11 an fxtra choice lot at dairy cows all bought from farmer- In thit dlulrict and are good sen- uine grade of cattle. TERMS-six monthl' credit will be given on approved security or 't per cent. discount per annum for call), 8AM HARRON, Proprietor. ' w. W. FRICKEY, Phone 592w, Wat. "Alt Valuable Farm, Farm Stock, Implements. Household Et. fects and Tools R3} trim REAL rWrTATE--At the same day Tun 'rttt to - " "loo. Auctioneer. For A Good, Reliable and Exporlonood Auctioneer See or Phone PUBLIC SALE 844 King St. W., o. I. KOLI. Oink. bk H. B. DUERING, WATERMX) 6900090000003 I collect interest for you half-yearly. It you have any Money to invest let me know. But mortgage security given you A. K. Bressman l02 King sis, Waterloo, " Ont. " King 31.â€. W A T b R L 0 o Specializes in Tinsmith. ing and Furnace Work. Repairing Promptly Done. Estimates on work cheer- fully furnished. Phone 502w, Waterloo. ‘ OTTO KN ECHTI. L First Mortgage Loans I cl» pile. it for you on 'v" Gill. mortginel in kitehtstT property. Interest paid ttalf. yury. W295- T 34 Frederick 8t. Gardner tt B 2 Petersburg LlcENSED AUGTIONEER Sales Infrasted to my pare will receive my PRBmPT AND COURTEOUS . ATTENTION Notice Robert th an Auctioneer having mm "to you Cow but. - and cal um numb-coring, tho - so OITTINO IIDI. and an "tir of urban - in! - oi Ilvo tuck. Thaw fore, at you Mtend about" " your lam MIMI, I!" stock. or ml "Ute, all“ and» " tum-in. “If RIOULTI by 00ml". I man who III. Made I amm- tV My of the art of mm "emu-MI. Have You Money To Loan Write or anon. your can. .ttrly. Phonc 26t8, E. J. SHANTZ an) Saute “mm†Phenom Kitchener