Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 15 Jul 1886, p. 2

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C ane : We are slowly getting light on T that mysterious four thousand dollar case in Montreal, It will be reâ€" membered that the Trads Builetin charged ‘that this sum had been piven to an M. P. by a Arm of unâ€" ____ _ porters to be Aiftributed im such & quarters as would promote a settleâ€" Masans, in so faras secrecy, brotherâ€" | ly kindness and charity to those inl the order are concerned. It rose a lmlemconmmhlhuwl extent and 800,000 members. The Suprerme Council meeting in Toronâ€" "to is hot only attended by the chief , officers, but by members otf lower degree in vast numbers It is beâ€"| heved that 20,000 Knighty and their ladies have assembled in Toronto| this week.â€"‘The Agriculturai Exhibi-i ::nbullfiqndwnd-mmil:i‘ tor their 1ent â€" ana mmmm utmost eapacity, as well asany private house. ‘retwnk iz not all iin, enough . is knows to show that the Tory victory Ii Great Britiun is ‘well «ssured, «The mesting <of the Supreme body, of mn:-ana-u Toronto this week was an event of some importance in its way. The and it was suggested ‘that some of it reached a Minister 6f the Crown. The facts that have appeared so thr Aamount to this: Mr. Radford states to the Montrea) Gassite (Hon. ©00 is Lime baokn the on tm in gemice on e Fogn I xt s s m mmmafl bis victory is pot very clear. If ‘he T. White‘s paper) that hbe paid B4000 to Mr. D. Macmaster M. P., as a legal fee in the case. That is really all that is yet known positively. of parties. â€" Thoresis first and largest the Tory party proper led by Lord Balisbury. Second the Liberal party led by Mr. Hudstone, Third the ‘The great colonization company, acheme. has collapsed. (Outr ofi couple of hundred companies, more or ‘less, two or three Yetmain above water. . The Government is setiing with the defunct, one by one,. The number of clugymen and. others who were taken in by this big elecâ€" tion dodge in 1882 is remarkable, Most of thetm ure sorty now, and‘ have good resson to be. But Sir John, why he was elected to place and power by this and other such schemes and as they worked wel} for Him, he can afford to be satisfied. oinh mciee mmong ‘esd in ::h been m Bros. & Co., the firm of which Mr. fine of $2,0040, but they also, it apâ€" pos nz poly, gnifere * of #4.500. have been & in which the “:’n’fiu.uh«g moment tees. There hnhnuoh: Court, no prolonged htwigation «pecial research further than ._!.anma lonllnldu."l\o day paseed of in an orderty N“ everywhere so far us beard from. The Reformars not being in power bo aitempt was made to march in :: 'ueh::-j- r ®oroed colored c#aun is concealed in the fence, uid wot very well concealed â€"The twelith 0f July was cele brated by the Orapgemen of Canada m the customary style this year. In Toronto and Hamilton there were Mr. Macmaster makes no statement TAUVRBDAY, JULY tsgth, 1886 imgon would attend to for a of"#s5o, upd perhaps 8100 wad Nr, Chamâ€" & Co., paid a . who promise to stand by Sir John. though thick and thin. The thing \ is better arranged than â€"that. The | candidate of either party, to stand : any chance of election, must be well | known to be seliable, by a large | nuraber of the leading local men of ""l'be Hamilton Spectator gives <om*~ good advice for hot weather, which we condense and slightly alter to the following shapeâ€"in which it is worti, noting and following in hot weasher. _ Don‘t hurty. â€" Cace Rpigh) Pfention Sprctaier. * The Spectotor is unable to proâ€" ‘duce‘a solitary line of proof that any such alliance, having Mr. Blake or his Nientenunts as parties to it, is in «xistence. . Its surmise to that effect hMMun‘b-é»- (Futely iRugive. s6 with the dlliâ€" ance betwean (Sir Jobn A. ‘Macdonâ€" 8. K. 0, B. &c., of ‘the one part and Frank Smpith and Senator John ‘O‘Dénohoe on the other. This is m fact as Mitgsted by the following letter the genmpineness of which the Spestator will not question, though it thay @ecline to copy it for the benefit of its readers. ts Mogdy on the Monday preceding. A commercial train will skortly. be ‘despatched© to British Columbis with box cars fitted up with shelving for the ‘display of samples. HaÂ¥ _: car with one salesman to cost Â¥50.â€"â€" whd stop at prircipal points i~~g enough to do business, ~A hotel car und sleepers m! torm part of <the tain, and a month will be consumed in the roudid trip. â€"â€"The Stratiord Beacon warns its readers agarinst signing pledges to Â¥ote for prohibition «andidates only. If the pledge Irinds the signer to vote for any candidate promisine !o support prohibition, it is quite as foolish as the 3 7con says, but we thimk no such pledge can be circuâ€" lated â€" by real prohibitionists. Reâ€" formers do not pledge themseives to vote for anybody that says he is a Parnellites * . B2 Gladstonians . " .. 159 Conservative and Unionists ma jority, 124. . Conservative minority aguinst all others, 7. Mmr-floâ€" are in perfect aecord, desit» that lmupm to your Lordship th: mature of their â€" ment, which, of mMUsTllKE" A PROREOUNE SECRET Al rres E{l‘. me, my dear Lord, faithâ€" of the party, who in turn are spectively well known to the v Letter from Bir John Macdonald to the (.-NMVM) Tomowto, June 1882,. (Private and confidential.) g' Deas -l(.o-n.-â€" Mr, O‘Donohoe will teil of the temâ€" pest that hh.nbdm in loronto --undhncrfinmmmm n-o-::‘lh Mm&hiq *.“ "“.ll e fore, been arranged between the Hon. F. ta, been ar between the Hon. E. | :u ufi&- l:t‘!'be bl":“':il' w w m the ,&‘.rb. williget a seat in the | ‘The latest returns show 606 elec tions held, 64 yet to come off. Conservatives elected.... 200 â€"â€"Sir A, T. Gait, Mr. Collingwood Schreiber, and Mr. Moberly have tits the Spectuicr will go into opposition m-lghhn.n-n'hm that at be @Wwept froim political @xstence by a whhiwind of purotic Indignttion gpm Eat little meat. Eat little or no pastry. Eat fruit und vegetables, but cnly when good and fresh. Eat light meals only. Drink no liquor. Drink cold water sparingly, little and often if necessary. Bath dailyâ€"tapid baths the best. Retire early. Get all the sieep you can before daylight. ‘Tuke a holiday spell in July or Amlmcu. edvillhh; . Oe m you to endure the high teniperatures with health and comâ€" been appointed a commission :o | had suddenly burst forth. The enquire into railway matters and ... | SCCNC ®*S as grand as it was awiul. m-.'umum‘Ahqemmofmoke.mummd is pr und AdÂ¥ie: with flame, simultaneously burst Wfi. ok actical . _ forth aver the range of mountains 63 : seems to be in linc }amilesin leagth, and above the flam 3 o es Mr. McCarthy‘s propos d tould | be ‘seen the balls ofr%re.pre hrsily Tntiocs, Lsenting the appearance of meteors «â€"â€"The frst C. P. R. train from Port Moody arvived in Mantreal :: Frawk SMITH is To MAKE way For O‘Dowomnos in ts Mixistay wur~ THEY THINK TB PME Is OPPORTO~: saloon in New York and was underâ€" s#ood to be a steady customer himâ€" self as well as a fair specimen of the Ottawa on Saturday for British Columbia. â€" He will be feted in the principal towns and presented with adulatory addresses by his admirers. out whiskey.. That is rather hard mqh.l'm like 4 But i:.m.: hp“fith.l::?f-d-;n-y â€"still, we have no protest to enter. I{the «aholy riliange of l'x:’u h\.hd.:.l :,’.:‘ uoo CS & Trish Cathohé leaders, by which 9 agreo‘to deliver votes in return for has ‘h.. signed, sealed and deiivered. pointers indicate th ; Mr, Blake aind wre living up tn _ «beir apreeament ~that Senator ‘O‘Donshos ‘wnd the other parties of the _‘bm-mum Iris â€"â€"Sam Jones says Anarchists and mimunists carnot be made withâ€" (‘Signed.) "JoH® A. Macpo®aLp." There is no dh':t"';l far anybody | _ Alll vegetation was destroyed, and the aspect of the country is entirely changed. Blue Lake and Rotak:â€" akahi have been transformed intc mud baths Nealy all the buildâ€" im;s are crushed in by falling mud. At this place, Snow Temperance «Ifall, the two principal hote!is and wearly all the other buildings in the ‘wwq are completely wrecked. The ; house occupiec by Mrs. Hazard ard her family was borme Jown by the weight of the debris. Mr;. Hazard was dug out alive, but four of her children were found dead beside bu".*fiewdh also missitig. captaim the steamship, Southern Cross, who arrived at a drunken sot getting prohibition votes under the pledge above referrâ€" e to, by & paper promise to supâ€" port the cause. If prohibitionists intend to work together, they will take care to k»ow that the man tney . â€"te for is reliable. Our own view of the matter is that the narty lines should not be broken unless one or both parties refuse to put in the field a reliable temperance man. If questionaiked by a Sentinel reporter s to how much beer the employees in ‘the Milwaukee breweries cenâ€" sumed. The speaker was a gentleâ€" man engaged in the office of an extersive brewing company. only one party runs a temperance man why should he not be supportâ€" ed by temperance men? The liquor men will combine against him anyâ€" way, only their determination to . do so, though : thoroughly wnderstood, will not be published, lest temperâ€" ance men retaliate in kind. The fact is indisputable that the liquor question is a factor in politics now, and must be so, till is is settled. And as Hen. Mr. Finch says, it wiil never be séttled till it is settled right. *What is the average consumpâ€" non.per téan ?" * *About one and oneâ€"fourth galâ€" lons, or forty glasses daily. As a rule the employees drink fifty one« quarter barrels a dayâ€"nearly $100 walk calf a block and further, and it often takes about five minutes." earthquake and volcanis disturbâ€" ances. He says that on the moin ing of June 10, the day tullowing the one on which the earthquake occurred, he experienced a downtall of dust which continued three hours. From 5 to 10 in the ing there was complete dukness,mlh of fire playing around the rigging and masthead. . A terrible gale suddenly sprang up which carried away all his canvas pefore it could be taken in. The imen on board were unable to stand the blinding showers of sand and whe captain ordered the vessel wbout and stood away to the north, but not until i1 o‘clock the next vay did he get clear of it. worth. During warm days this number is increased to sixty quarters and more. Each man generally takes two glasses at one wme, which would make the number of visits to the bar about twenty during the day. Allowing three minutes only for each time he knocks off work there is one hour which he loses in this during the same period. * Ours is in a corner of the washâ€" house. We pay a man $60 per month to draw beer for the men, and he earns his money too. He does nothing elge." " Do your employees get as much becr as they can hold since the late NEW ZEALAND SHAKEN TO ITS ORNTER â€"â€"ONE OF THE GREATEST ERUPâ€" TIONS EVER BEKHELD. Saxn FraNCISCO, July 12.â€"At the date of the departure of the steamer Alamedia from Auckland the volcaâ€" noes were still very active, and the leraperature of the hotlake was incre~sing. . As soon as the news of the fearful occasrence was received at Auckland the Government agent made preparations !o& to the relief of the sufferers. agons were chartered and filled with provisions HOW THE MILWAUKEE BREWERIES MEX MAKE SWILLâ€"TUBS OF® ° A cooper named Graham has fixed up a batrel, inside of which he succeeded in floating safely down the rapids of the Niagara, on Sunday afternoon. _ He was set.adrift below the ‘Ealls from the little steamer, Maid of the Mist, and was tremenâ€" dously tossed about in the rapids, took one turn in the whirlpool, then passed through the lower rapids The scene among the mountains is temibly grand. Flashes of light: ning, peals of thunder and shocks of earthquake follow in quick succesâ€" sion. The most violent disturbâ€" ances were felt in the neighborho»d of Rotoura The viclence of the earthquakes led the people to think the island tad blown up and would sink in the sea. directions. When the second one was felt the entire country was lit up by the glare from the volcano which Telegraphic reports received from nearly ail points in Nes Zealand and arrived safely at Lewiston, somewhat bruised, but not seriously the worse for his queer trip. He proposes to go through several times this season if he can make any money by it > The sensation experienced is said to have been beyond descripuon. Aiter the first earthquake the inhabâ€" itants rushed about frantically in all having felt at sea the effects of the " We have one man who drinks 10o ginsses per day !‘ Beer Drinking Beer Makers. " They receive all they want." " Where is the bar generally Theo Volcanic Outbreak. THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE WATERLOO, ONT, JULY iz 1sso that Eo Oot Through prevailed t ToRoNTo, July 9.â€"â€"McCormick and Burke, farmers, East York, on ‘Wednesday hired two men here to Iwork on their farms. Yesterday ‘both men, while haying, died of sunâ€" ‘stroke. McQreger‘s © Cure is the safest, most reliable and {u the chempest romedy for Coumsipation, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Irapure Blood, Loss of Apple, and all similar troubles. It is not necessary to take a great quantity before any resuli is rrodno-d A few dosss will couvince you of its merits. Trial :ughl given free at Simon Soyder‘s Drug TWO FARM LABORBRS IN EAST YORK DIE IN THME HAY FIBLD. being supposed fatal. s tarog! | McGregor‘s Spesdy Oure. KANEAKERE, IIl., July (2.â€"Ruin and desolation mark the course of Friday night‘s storm through the section of country ten miles southâ€" west of here. Hail was the principal agent of destruction. Commencing at a point one mile west of Chebanse and extending two or three miles northwest, then almost retracing its course toward the southeast to a point between Clifton and Ashkum the storm mowed a path three to four miles wide, destroying every species of vegetation in its track. Fields of corn six feet high were cut close to the ground. Timothy and oats were mowed down as though the harvester had passed through them and scoras of farmers are rakâ€" ing up these crops which have never fe‘t the touch of a sickle. Not only are these crops cut to pieces by hail but they are in many cases fairly pounded into the ground. On many farms $1 would be a very big price for the remmants of last season‘s labor. Every window on the north side of the buildings in the track of the scorm is riddled. Houses and barns are unroofed and , the stock killed. Adam Frity in Pilot town: ship was struck by lightning and killed. In Essex Miss Kate Shannâ€" on was prostrated by a bolt which passed down the chimney of the house. : She is seriously injured. oo on e 1 on oe e ennriiad Liniment is a remedy that no well â€" lited housohcld *uuhmtha-t:“i‘t w a positive cure for Rhoumatism. It is '5.'.‘.."‘&'.?' i sn nqu'ing'&.i.-' , Scaldn, an i i @xtera«! appiication. Price 25 cents and “u).h per Bottle, Sold by Simon a man named A. W. Farmer and bis son William fought a duel with pistols.. ‘The father received six bails, three of them inflicting serious wounds, and the son was hit three times in the abdomen, the wourds SF â€"ameiniinh in cunbiininen derntatinnd dXA to sell them on the reputation of anâ€" other ; but as they know their preparaâ€" tions have no merit, they resort to the most unprincipled means of selling them by gotting a name as rearas possible to Kelectric. We therefore ask the public when yunhuil‘o to see that the name pr. Thomaa‘s Eolectric Oil is on the front of the wrapper, and the signature of Nogtuxor & LymaN, the proprietors far Canada on the haok. Too Far N THE Leap.â€"It is not so much that the Gand old Man is left as that he h&s gone ahead a little faster than the rest. England will catch up to him by and by,â€"Philaâ€" delphia Tim»s. V KA NT KOFF. Farmgr anxpo SYoxn.â€"Near New Londor, Missouri, on Thursday last, â€"â€"A young man by the name of Caromings living near Mr. John MoQuesu‘s, in Beveriy, a «hort time ago fell a distance of only soven feet, but struck in such away as to dislcâ€" oute hisâ€"spine. ahnd has since been paralyzed. is medical attendant says he may live, but will be a cripple all his dife, Since Dr, Thomas‘ Ecleotric Oil has become celebrated, a number of unprinâ€" cipled persons have been endeavoring to paim 68# Electron add Wloctric Oil for the genuine Dr. Tmomas‘ EousorRic T thein eriginetere hnd auy Taith in in ir originators any faith in b-lh&‘pmporfiu of tdr own mediâ€" cines they would, like honest men, give them a name of their own, and not try â€"Edward Hartis, the London lawyer who was reported to have absconded with a largs sum of money, has been followed to New York. Me was in a state of mental depression, the m taken was intact and no loss is Iizely to occur, It would. appear that his mental balance was affected and that no dishonesty is charged against. him. Horrowar‘s OrTaext axp Pilis,â€" Will be (onnd the best friend to persons afficted with ulserations, bad logs, sores abscesses, fistuals, and other painful and complicated complaints, Priated â€" and very plain directions for the application of the Ointment are wrapped round each pot. Holloway‘s alterative Pills should be taken thioughout the progress of the oure, to maintain the blood in a state of perfcot purity, and to prevent the health The Franchise Act is not al bad. © Through its agency John C. Rykert and son, of St. Catharines, have been deprived of bogus votes they have been casting for years for Tory candidates in the tovn of Thorold, Welland county. _ John Charles professed to be tenant of the lot, but it came out in evidence before the revising officer that it was an arfenced, vacant lot, for which he had not paid any rent. Both names, hopeless fither and hopeful son, were struck off. â€"Peterboro Exâ€" aminer, of the whole body of the whole body being jeopardised by the logal Mo;.m lo’.:-, old qo’. diet and generous support sormperatively A@emanded when weskening . discases attack advanced years or constitutions evinâ€"ing premature decrepitudd. Crose Enoucx.â€"Justuin McCar thy was defeated in Londonderry by a majority of three. Six of his votes came by sea, but were detained by contrary winds so that they just reached the polling place too late. Had they arrived a little sooner, Mr. McCarthy would have been elected by three, instead of being defeated | by that number, It is popularly admitted everywhere that DON‘T PVULL 17 Newton‘s One Minute Tooths Mem.â€"for the Scrap Book. Boware of Imitations. Aax Awiful Storm. Roman Oatholic Pig=mic in Arthur! The ‘#lobe‘s correspondent says:â€" The annual picâ€"nic of 8t John‘s R. C. Church was teld on Thursday in Cavanagh‘s Grove, a short distance trom Arthur village, and was in every reapect a complete feuccess, The weather was delightful, the arâ€" vrangements perfect, and the attendâ€" @nc0o Vationaly estimated at frowm 2,000 to 2,500 p) rions. -.miq no ftelief from mamy source, gave up, as 1 was sure that my case was hopoless. Finally I was ininood to iry Dr. Jug‘s ldi". and I am glad to say that three bottles cured me. D, Duceax, & Dry Goode Marchant Sold by 8. Suyder, Waterloo. . â€"It is of the greatest importance that ail bo#we! and stomrch complaints shonld be attended to at ou-,.pooid‘l{at this weason of the year, West‘s Pain King is prompt, reliable und. certain never to fail. Only 25 cents. Sold by Sitmon â€"At BallevilJe, Oai., on Tharaday John Pentland, aged 45 a pensiorer, â€"London has a sepsation caused by the disappearance. of a lawyer named Harris. It te believed that a large sum of money ‘belonging in greater part to old capitalists, disapâ€" peared with him. â€"Mr. R..C. Winlow Toronto writes; **Northrop & 3â€"& Vegetabla Di covery ‘:r;d nl'“hlo medicine to l.ll who are tron ingigeation . I tried a bottle of it after anffering for some tep years and the resulte arecottsinly beyond my expectations, ‘Jt . meeists _ digestion wonderfully,. 1 digestmy food with no apparent effort, and am now entirely free from that semsation which every dyspeptic well knows, of anpleasant fyl~ ness afte! eauh maal, â€"The continued uso of Rostxsox‘s PHosPMOIZED Exvision in variably clen« ses the blood from all impurities aud roâ€" atores the system to a state of healthfylâ€" ness, that is manifested in rncreased constitutional vigor, mental activity, and lightness and buovancy of spirite, Always ask for ROBINSON‘3 PHOS. PHORIZED EMULSION and be sure you get it, fired at Mrs. W. Mack, with whom he had boarded, and fatally woundes her, _ HMe then shot threo times at berâ€" hasband but without effect. Boing threatened with arreat, he placed a trevolver to his own â€" brcast and died almost a once. Ha was noâ€" dicted to Whirkt‘\'. Disirhoa, rz:lnu the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind ic, softens theâ€"Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tous and energy to the whole system. . *‘ Mre. Wirslow‘s Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United @eate% ind i# for sale by al} druggiste thronghwu“fi world. Price twenty "ve cents a bottle. Be syre and ask for " Mrs Wixstow a Sooru1Ne $TRUP," and take no othe kind. 1 yr. 13 6â€"86. As Ttur frosts of winter vanish under the caloric influence of the sun‘s rays, so does Bright‘s Disease, Dropsy, Stone in the Kideeys and Bladder, and Inflam. mation of tio kidneys, leave the body upon the administration of Dr. Vax Buren‘s Kipxky Core. Sold by all If you are suffering with low and deâ€" pressed spifits, loas 07 appetite, general debility, disordered blood, weak constiâ€" tution, headache, or any disease of a Inl wous . matare, by all neaas prociire a boitle of Electric Bitters. _ You will be gurprised to see the rapud improvement that will follow ; you will be inspired with new life ; strength and activity witl return ; pain and misery will cease, and honcetorth you will rejoice inthe praise of Riectric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by 8. Nnyder. â€"A new departure in Congrezaâ€" tionalism has taken root in lowa, where a woman itia tesh inctalled in pastoral work and is laboring with watked success. The fact was re ported to the association of ministers at M«rion the other day, and the hope was expreseed that muny otber women might be cail=d to the same work. Paul‘s ojections were not mentioned, and there wae no expreseâ€" ion, of disapproval in the association. This is the first case of the kind in Iowa, except among the Unisarians and Universaliste. Apvice to Motmers.â€"Are you disturbed at nl‘hl. and broken of your rest by a gick child sufféring and crying with pain of Outting Teoth? If so seud at once whd get a bottle of *‘ Mre. _ Wiusiow‘s ‘oothlng ‘;wp'- on Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. 1t will relieve the poor little safferer iinmediâ€" ately. D.n::l upon it, mothers ; there is no nhuto a _ll.. l& , cures I!yun_hg and fail, Only 25 cents, Sold by Sitmon Snyder Druggist, 1x TH® history of medicine no preparâ€" ation has received such universsl.comâ€" mendation for#he alleviation it aftords, and the perimanent cure it effects in kidâ€" ney diseases, as Dr. Vax Bures‘s Kinâ€" ney Cure, Its action in these digtressâ€" ing complaints is simply wonderfal, Sold by ull druggists. AuLECED MURDer. â€"Henry Thurâ€" low of Nissouri is under.arrest chargâ€" ed with killimg his wife. She was found hanging by a rope in the barn and a .tter was found since thought to be forgery, explained that she was tired of life. ‘An inquest was held, and a verdict of suicide returned,but friends of Mrs. Thurlow deéetermined to probe the matter further. _ â€" . & Great Discovery. Mr. Wm. Thomas, of Newton, Is., says : *‘ My wife has been seriously af. fected with a cough for twenty.five. years, snd this spring more severél than ever before. Sho had used hl:! remedies without relief, and being ur to try Dr, King‘s New Discovery, ?lid so, with most gratifying results, The tirat bottle relieved her very much, and the second bottle bas absolutely cured her, She hye not had so good l:ealth for thirty years," _ â€"James Connotly of Macton wae fued $50 and ©o@8@ tor breach of the Bcott Ac., on Thursday, at Rothsay. Mother Graves‘ Worm. Exterminato is pleasant to take ; sure and effual is destroying worms. Many have tried it â€"At an early hour Saturday morning Mrs. F. J, Dougall, of Bruce avenue, Windsor, was disturbed by a noise in her sleeping apartment. She awakened her husband, who got up and commenced a search of the room. Crouching at the foot of the bed he discovered a man whose face was covered by a mask. As soon as discovered the burglar jumped up and ran into the hall, pursued by Mr. Dougall. The man turned and fired two shots, neither of them striking hisâ€"purswer. ~One of the balls was afterward found imbedded in the wall directly back ot where Mr. Dougall had stood. The bur glar effected his escrpe through the front door. The police were sumâ€" moned, but did not succeed in atresting the intruder, Trial Bottles Free at $, Snyder‘s Drug Store. Large sigze $1.00, with the best results, Srratrorp, Aug, 6th, 1885 Nover Give Up ONLY #1 BY M ULL, PusTeATD ILLUSTRATIVE SaMPLE sENT FPRRKR 8 TO ALL. * mo wourkgorv should b sonsidered ¢> nplete without a bottle oo Dg, Vax Borex‘s Kiongy CoR® is in theelomet, 1t is tho only remody that will positiveâ€" ly, permanently and promptly _edre «al) forms of kiduey discascr; Sold by all draguists. % Says DavyDEX + "War emoune (a wan whose olood ; whrn within, § <+ tÂ¥ Sit like bis grandmire cut *n i licloaate MR or let foa hair scrow ri®ty, sount mnd Chifly * Wihen "condatase Aamisiiee . will nndce weo W Che) fa stow, \JOMHN MILLER FOR SALEâ€"TWO FARMS: Lot 14, * on the Oth Con., and Lot 15 on the 7th Con., of Morria, containing 100 acres each, about 90 acres cleared, free from stumpe on one farm, and about 60 acres aleared on the other. ‘The cleared land is in a good state of onltivation and well fensed. (Gdud frame barn and stables, and log hol% one, and on the other a log bouse aRd log barn. ‘There is a good beafriny arphard on Lat 14. A never fuiling.«pring creek ruus through both places, . ‘The soil is tirstâ€"class, there being no better farms in the to w aship, These place are mwdinirably adapted for rain growing or genging, wud within 5“ miles of the tHounshipg town of Brussels. The places will Le sold toâ€" gether or separately, and can be bought cheap and on easy terins. A ppiy ou the p:?l’lil:l or address the proprictor, Sun, FOR YOUNG ANJ MIDD LE AGEUD MEN: ‘There is no member of society to whom The Bcience of Life will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, instructor or. clergyâ€" man, â€"A rgonait. f Address he Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W H. Pker, No. 6 Bulfinch Street, Boston, Muse., Wwho may be consuited on allâ€"liseuses, requiring .skill and experience; Chronic and whstionte diseases that have baffied the alit! of of other physician® a specialty, . Such treated wuccossfully . without an ingtince of fwilure Mention CnmoNic®, Waterioo, Ont. Exhausted Vitality, ©Nervous aud Phys:cal Debility, Pre?ntuu Decline in Man, Errorsof Youth, and the untold iniseriea resulting: fro® indiscaetion or excesses. A book or evert man, young, middleâ€"uged and old. 1t contwin® 1%6 preseriptions for all wcute and chronie dis eases, each one of which is invaluabls. §0 found by the Author, whose experienee for 25 yearsis such «s probably never fell to the lot _ The Science of Life is of greater value than all the medical works published in this country fort ha past 50 vears. â€"Atumrpo‘u{ituu'flw of any physician. 800 pages, bourd in beau: tiful‘ Freoch muslin, embossed covers, full yilt, gowrauteed to be a finer work in every wense than any other work â€"#old in this comn: try for #2.50, or the money will be refnnded in every instance, â€" Price only $1.00 by mail, post wid. . instrative l.llll‘lh: free to unybody, !km‘l now. Gold medal awarded the wuthor by the} National Medical Association, to the Presi dent of which, tas MHon, P. A Bissell, and mewociwbe officers of the Board the rewder in respectfully referred, _ & ho .'fi;ws:i:u;:;"-;{i.flc is worth more to the young an 1 middleâ€"age@ men of this generation than ail the gold minesof California and the The Science of Life points out the rocks nnd qoick sands on which the constitution ant hopes of many a young man have beon fatally wreckod.â€"Manchester Mirror. treativ¢ on nervous aud physical debiity.â€"â€" Detroit Pree Press. _ )A ol T J. S. Wotherall, writmmp (com Wioini pog, says : "L ean say more abou PLHOSPHATINE now than wh on Iree you last in FToronto, â€" My beaith is mucth improved , and I am free fron beaduchor or any ‘other aches, having only nsed two and a half bottles of your Phorpha tine. | For smle by all druggists, ‘ OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS BEST IN THE TOW N. MPGet the Genuine. | Sold Every where, P n ns t td Iver irime@ of Ngvada combined.â€"S. P CArpailic. i combined. â€"S. P Shop, King Street, opposite the W do! lea Fautory | The best of meat, nausig &o., saiways) on hand, and delivers auy where in town. is stamped on inner side of all Coraline goods, 'I\O ADVERTISERS.â€"Lowest Rates for ad vertising in 1000 Goup newsâ€" apers sent free. Address (iKO, P. ROWELL & CO., 10 Spruce st., N. Y. Farms for Sale. BEST fawmily aud Commcrcial tigs. Charges Reasonable. Oflice and utablea, rear of Bow man" House, *CROMPTON CORSET CO.‘ Ontario Veterinary College. RHOUSE PATNTING, ® SIGN FAINTING, . CALSOMINING, PAPER HANGING, &0, Satisfaction in any ling of work in the business suarantoed. . FRAIER Waterloo Livgery Stables CONSTIPATION, @IUR"HIGOAUAUITOq nt for Children. Eco: omical, Reliutle, Bleâ€" m ?\nl. It lhouh’ be PEPS'. lound in every houseâ€" o . ghold. . Sold by drug» iste _ everywhere. . m#naufactured <by TARâ€" fiANT'i & CO., New York. “‘W..’. PERFRECH HEALUH ‘s imposmible it the 11 OCURE FOR geation is â€" impaired, be Liver luactive, of mstlp‘“ol he BowelsCoustipated . Q Darrant‘s | Efforvescent seltzer Aperieut will fure Constipation , Sick Headache nud Dyspep» wn. It regulates the dowels arml _ enables those of feable diges: on to enjoy their food It reduces Fever, vools the Blood, is invalumble Qla Pllos and Poflamiaaâ€" tory Disexses, and is a L1 20A & a . P i T ooR eene POC TE Wm‘;uny esteeme.d Aport ig nt for Children. Eco Rear of Salle‘s Barber Shop NEW PATINT SHOP rtha past 50 vears. â€" Atlania Col‘uliluliom The {cience of Life is a superb ind masterly treats al} domesticated animals. Orrio®Eâ€"Hunt‘s llbhl. Eimira, W. MoLACHLAM, Proprietor, Oficeâ€"Commercial Buildings, Gaur BEWARE R AT EDICAL WOBK ON MANHOOD Without which none are genuine. ARRISTER, Attorney, Solicitor in _ Ghanogry, Notary â€"Public, &¢. A STANDARD MEDICAL WokK W. A. KUMPF, King 87., Warertoo TORONTO, For Nale by ail th BUTCHER. WM HL. TRBVSOE. oF THE _ propricter, SUN+ u‘itu. REALE, Propflm'c AXLE GREASE: Mel.acitt an mng ind yrly. @ OA J daiill Grosse lie, Wayne Co., Jloh. GAVAGE & FARNUM, Proraustoms Iscano Home llhm”' rations, with descriptions of the best Flowers aad V '.&:e-of&daud ts, and h them.â€" It tells you what you w;..""t"cu *if Now in grokt them.. It sells you what you want for the garden, and how to ‘:t It.‘ m Inyg.u ‘m‘\ n;?&u. Price @nly 10 cents, which may hon:ouct fromfirst ordur, BUY ONLY VICK‘88EEDS, AT HEADQUARTERE JAMES VICK, SEEDSMAN, Rochester, N.Y, warums there a man with soul so dea@ whonmtohh-&hnlnl‘. 'lvfllulo\ur;ndnxlh, Both for my own and thy dear sake, elndmv‘)num»oo‘?eup % hich you, of course, w buya' som i If such there be, I pray repent, Andhanuo«‘cqulcklym' Then sweet thy rest, I‘m sure, will be, _And thy dear wife will smile on thee. The Gutoz is a work of 150 pages, Colored Plate ‘Al stock l.o‘huod“:a- tl:nldot of -_lm':‘n-hc established _ r registe French and A..'X-n“.?& books. + ISLAND HOME Is beautifully situated at the head of G .l= in the Detroit River. ten miles below the 3 is accessible by railroad and steamboat, Visitom mot familiar with the location smay call at city office, »Campeu RuuUnwd an esgort will lcco-u &. to u?‘nrn. tor u(g'o(ue. free by Address, Savace & Farnum. Detroit, Mich. , Now rmat there is a reli@hle remedy ‘for kiduey troubles, half the terrore atâ€" ftashed to those co.nplaints have been ‘removed, â€" â€"For this let all be thankful ‘and to Dx, Vax Busex‘s Kinxky CorR® award all praise for having thus removed a hitherto considered fatal digease from our path, 1t was nevor known to fail, gold by all druggists. G. W. Mingay, Parkdale, Toronto writes : ‘""My wife had several very se vere attacks of cramps in the stomach Hearing of DR. AU.\"F;N'S PHOSPHA TINE, and its pleasantness to take, I gave her two bottles, and she has not had an Attack since, and her health is much improved." . For sale by all‘drugâ€" giate. We will pay the above reward for an ease of liver complaint, dyspepsia, nic{ headache, indigestion, constipation or coativeness we cannot cure with West‘s Vegetable Liver Pills, when the direcâ€" tions are strictly complied with, They ard pm|Â¥ vegetable, and ne er fail to give satisfaction, I‘rfifi boxé® containâ€" imng 30 sugar coated pills, 25¢.s Kor sile by a!l draggists. ‘Beware of counterfeits and imitatious, â€" The goyuine manufac. Percheron HMHorses. Mr. C\P. Brown, Crown Land Agent Sault Ste. Marie, writes : ‘Iwo or three of my triends and myself were reâ€" commended to try Northrop & Lyman‘s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypoâ€" phosphites of Lime and Soda, in pn(:;- ence to Compound Syrup of Hypophosâ€" phites, _ We prefer your Kmulsion, and think it better for the systemâ€" than‘ the Syrup," &a ured ouly by J OHNCC. WEST & Co GERANIUMS, Cut Flowers and Floral" Work specialty, _ . ~bat 4 Al 25,000 Celery Plants, 10,000 Tomato Plants, Two Greenbouses filled with all kinde of Choice Bedding Plants such as In fact everything to be found in a first olass Establishmeat. * Cabbage :,n’awaauliflo wer But it must be beautiful hair to. have such power ; and beautital bair can be ensured by the use of Cixoaik=z Hame Rex ewieg. Sold & 50 cts, by all Drug» ‘‘Bhe knows her iman And when you rant au _ swear, Can draw you to her with a single bair. ; riide to d Tuke LULPNUR AxD Irow Eitters, ~ ‘The trouble with you is that your l ver is out of order _ an d ne«ds regulating iinmedis:«‘!, E':lr"xtu AND Jrox Burtrrs vill help you A£i nothing clsy bitis shape Li notuing ¢f medicin * so, bs your case pels betore you ar form of low t otherwisedop feelin budy ? Do you ‘have, itching pulos Are. your bowels qrregular 2 Are youp C:zzy and dimâ€"sightâ€" ed.at tines ? , Are you gloomy and _despondent ? I; your urine laghly colored? _ Are your. nervous and full of bad feelincs i( c‘l jorts of yvour ging pawr in your ngat side? Do _ your bowel$ suddenly get sore without any app.rent cause? ~‘Are the whitss of your eyes tinzed with yellow2 Is your skin wan, claaniny and copperâ€"colored ? Dacs your mouth â€"tuste Lad‘!y, ia the moming 2 ie you costive? Drow«y, dull and out of sorts 2 Are you bikous, nauseated and made sitk dy the thought of food ? ds thole a dull, drag» ping pagh in your night side@® Do _ your bowel$ suddenly pet sore without any app.â€"rent And all of the Beat Varicties Stock Farm Are you $500 REWARD | Patrocke No. 2620 116T. «â€" IMPOR T ED =â€"â€" VERBENA8, 1)P»‘ H, L., JANZEN, Kiny Stroet, Beriin acvlied pcfore Disi & SeriOUge= se zud by some ver our become mn! wed and homet worl in PETUNIAS, &c fore No trouble to show Goods." Inspection cordially invited A large variety to choose from these{ines. . This will be tound stacked w iththe best, freshest and choicest of goods at bor: tom prices, A CROCKERYand CLASSWARE including all the stuple and lash1onahle lines, as well as Gents‘ Furnishings, Hats and caps, Tweeds, Worsteds and Undéer. wear of all descriptions, _ Everything is ot the very newest, no old stock, and .&‘SI will be offered at the closest figures, . b gs respectfully to announce to the public that he has opened out a new, well select ed and carcetully assorted stock df * HAY RAKES AND HAY LOADERS. ‘ Kept in Stock at Bottom Prices. A full Stock of Steam, Gas aad Water Piping and Fitâ€" tlng' constantly onâ€" har d. * Special attention given to Mill Machinery and General repairing. raicci.._ asir *._._ sann ..'oxt. ‘“‘ The lurge number of these machings in use and still buing sold is a. auf. ficient guarrantee of its merits. Swall land owners or tenaut farmers who do not wish to iuvest in a Self Rinder cannot make a more profitable invest ment . We have some in stock which we of tÂ¥ at Jow prices. This muu{nlino has been in the market tor several yearsiand is unanimonely pronounced the leading Thresher. It runs easy, threghes the largest quanatity of grain. in the shortert time, cleang to peifection, and saves mll amail seeds. The eatisfactory working of thig Mower is so well known that further com:â€" ment is} ecmed unnecessary:= .2 HRemember the Placoe The: Store lately occupied by George Berdux as a W eave Shop, Kunts‘s:â€"Block, : King St, Waterloo GROCERY DEPARTMENT. o n W n i oo o e CCC ce d facturess _ The foAding ana biuding devic«s are especially need ofly to be seen to he approciubed, â€" _ NEW STORE! New Gdods, Intendiug purchasers sbould not fail to 106 this Binder, They will fad the improvements made, tully up wilh the pogress made by the older manuâ€" gNop d io ami oob qas Lys M Sn Deote _ E. W. B. SNIDER. | L. BRICKER All our Implements Warranted to give Satisfaction or no Sale. 2650.; all wool Chequered Flannel, 25¢ a yard Fancy Flannels, 10c¢. a yard ; 4 Spools best Thr. Ladies French Kid Gloves, 25¢. a pair The Fin Kid Bnttogemdiu' Boots for $1.50, worth 88. WATERLOO FOUVNDRY. READYMADE CLOTEHING, BLANKETS, FLANF LiE TWEEDS, $BIRTS, DRAW ERS, B0C0T§, 8H0Ea, , HATS, CAPS, ROBES, LADIES F JR JACEKETS,fLADIE®‘ AND GEN : . FUR CAPS, LADIES‘ FUR : 8ETTS, TOWELS, &e. ~The above Gools ‘werte bouglt laat week at 489. on the $, so look out for Bargains as a)l muit be sold. Mene‘ Heavy allâ€"Wool Overcoats, $2.90 ; Mens‘ Genuine Fur Caps, 75¢.; All wool Grey Flannel, 200. a yard; Mens‘ Felt Boots $1.50 a pair; Boy‘s all wool Buits, 82; Ladies all wool Stockings, 20c a pair; Heavy Shirts and Drawers mi s .c HR O CoA enc o_ 1 L2 C _C On Saturday, the Oth day of January, 1886 s _â€"_. AwmNoTHEr Bankrupt Stock MAXWELL SELFâ€"RAKE REAPER. Waterloo, 28th Juno, 1886. NWV ATERLOOY. Mr. Jacob Bricker, J R CANADIAN MODEL MOWER. FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN â€"â€"â€" FTXCHANGE, > WATERLOO CORD BINDER â€" _ New Prices. CHAMPION THRESHER. Dryâ€" COMING TO C _ 7, C * wroews s wilk ; 4 Spools beat Thread for 10e ’“‘f_lf‘_i"' The Finest Frenck commended . and IK

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