M\r;‘w:ï¬â€˜u Ng Nn N"?' mm:.\:: tn the thme of goneral rain fome sultar from the drourht ‘t , Atjsaat net oue in tweaty C deaths, tmays l!:ndone, or Rbrer. â€"» aoot be t bet 8. w in the thme of goneral rain jome sulter from the drourht ‘tis plain , Atjsact not ons in tweaty . deaths, mays one, undone, or Rver. wmewers, fall as wise, nee have the fauil and rice, aAtoon skins and bearst. a of dull scholastic lote * sike to ste a little mote Nretâ€"rate serips of G&tin ; et fain mlf'uow the price ..ov@nd angar, Prail and FHic® ; The draper, silk and S&tin . Andtlée criesâ€"=We want mort fun, & Witty aneedote u‘rn. & rebus ot a tiddte ; wish for patliamentary Aewe : Ad rome perhaps with witet view8, Wourd rathee have a Addls, Rother cries=â€"â€"I want to see Jumbled \?‘mm "\rhv all things== scelilancons hodge m tem. Ard ‘( saly give Int] wain l oue emall things. monstrona, fashionable Itea â€"â€" Wr words \lor novels, i 15604 of ki Aad queen®, An & bocdet mm ig »3». That ols lm'?n“lmh. want some martiage news, says Mico, all dee cries : your atrain‘y too griave, &\ morality you havreâ€" mach about Nl((‘(m\ ; & me some witeh o¢ wizzard tates, lip altyvl ghoote with fins and sea‘es, And "aturia like a pigeon . is to road, anothor drie®, _ «dy in Ontuith. Aitk hom o ‘po I \bm«lh‘m are m':tgn‘ =" M\a eorm is gettin the cand m.n“.b“n traatin‘, a smatdrgre tyin,‘ idk hot y w.-_!-}!:;».’ L Kints to Rditors hall dis if June :ruh wmya ohe won‘t #rould think of dytna‘ E;uu sick P Cwain‘s last contributton iÂ¥ luaiways Afrabd af r‘h%‘o:'\l:w what n“{;‘ rcaaca t aiIn ofthe and in« W‘"‘M I\mfl:\.i .eams ty ahter and whan hs wota netry . a the front doee mat, R&Mm |::“. multic that h ::um * ha did round her twine h kimes met; _ 1t he aked, ‘Wilh thou tI will, you bet?‘ men thing for hot words % . h lifk to ua«=The abmoo NP ‘auil inge plenty ; mad for the deowot! hree years, ‘What for, that drawa‘ baat is ols to he Paies ves vent to its ow ing . stt are broken, There many farmors who do not atieck to owe thing long enouch to make it pay, and onaeg@rently they loss in evervthing, _ At ane time theay coneluds to devaote them= «elves to stock raising _ Before thay get fairly umder gaodt headway in this thay change thoir minds and go back to raisimg grain. _ Some Again make a spaciality, for A time, of A cortain empâ€"twheat, eorm, ar R:moeu, fot â€" instan®e . _ \Visls they aro lowing this specialty, the crops may be amall and tha pricea low, awd thay turn to another jast in time to miss large crops anmd good privea in what thay have left, _ _ ‘The heat farmaora wa have observed _ are those who first find out what their soil i® beat adapted to produce, They then turn their energies in that directon and go stmaight forwant in that line, _A poor ctop dogs not discouraga tham. _ They C:ep on and are aure to be finally avccessful . To iltuatrate our {lea;â€"We once knaw a farmer who alwava mule it a point to fat= ten from twentyâ€"fAve to thirty hoga every year. â€" let the prigs of pork be high or low, he erery year had Ina lot of hoga of about the uanal number. _ Ffa took great prida in having the best in the noï¬*hlmrhmd. Some (ï¬t\ perhap» he might have done better y selting his corn instead of feeding it Some yearm pethaps, ho might have done better by turning his whole attention |to some other cplot:h\hy in farmng. But wa always netived this, that, taking one year with another for a long time aay ten years, he made the hogs pay. We wis a succesm tul farmer, Another farmer near by. every year plant ad potatoes Sometimes his cmp would fail, and sometimes when he had a ?od mp\h&m‘ wouhd be low,. But he kept straight forwardâ€"=Every Bpring he planted potatoea ‘The result in that case was the rame aa that in the other Taking on« cn with another for a comaider.bie numâ€"» ber of years, he made the potato crep pry, Ne too was a sucéssaful farman _ %h“mr who would make his business M‘h muat have a policy, and muat alhere to it The program eAhorticulture tou, in | this sountry has bea® Buch as to warrant fruitâ€" g:‘m' tlubs in localities where the fruit nass is of any nc%:imrm and we can mind many which are of Min* and whose diacusatona are attendted with the greatest interseu aoe There oxiste auch an nssoeiation At Vineâ€" land, N. J., and, frorm ths few opportuni= tiee we have had of reading its reports, ns pablished in the local mmmpor, we are warranted in saying that it is Among the beat of the country, The members appear to be persons of good practical upor?mu and high intelliganee ; and the reader is cun sure uf rmng some â€" valuable M of seime practical knowledge of tha We ase no reason to hindeer the forma oo of a farmers‘ club in every town throughout the wmr[v Quite hA good wany mwg cltigena have expressel the wish in our hearing that they could have m dne in their town, and yet have that it required a more determinal of fort to atart it than they were capable of umin? lt seamed a formidable thing in theit minds â€"almoat as much of a rli&vï¬\\l- ty and ms much of an svent as ths launch= ing of a new and powerfal ahip . \’I.l: ll‘nx‘lflh|kfll:°lillâ€"â€"- t\ IE t and in nt in aprin w!.. mvn‘ho Â¥ink pltnry ot ma:‘:m.m _ _b Give the Â¥in6 planty otf manure, old and well decomposed , for frosh manure oi : citam ‘\"Mh. but it doss not mature it. & UÂ¥iibiniA @RAW Ih ihisk wal Alueaue an. 8, Lukturious grow th doss not always en« aure Pruit ubs of #ammed‘s C alumn. STICK To ONE THTNG _ â€" ih haterals are like politicians; it not checkea \lux are the worst of thievea â€" 18, Geod grapea < > ~‘ e UOaniabt Growers‘ Maxrtmsâ€"t. Preâ€" My Dear Sir:â€"I could not do what you naketh me to do in your kind letter of Ju: ly 19, vie: give you information about my own life; though if 1 eould, it would be to show haw a woman efrery onlinary ability has led to God==by atrange and unaccount: able paths =to de in His service what He did in hers _ And if I could tell fon all you would see Aow God bas done all and 1 nothing, 1 have worked hanl, very har| â€"=that in altâ€"and I hate never refused Qod anything; though, boine naturally a rery thg‘ remn. most of my life has been diataateful to me 1 have no pesuliar gifts And I can honeatly masure any young lndaif she will but "K to walk, she will soor be able to run the 'urponmd course .‘ But then she muat first leara to walk, and so when ghe rums she must run with patieage, (Most people dor‘t try to To Lemuel Mos: 1st, But l would also say to all young ladiea who are called to n{ peculiar voonâ€" tion, qualify yourselves for ty as a man doea tor his work." Don‘t think you ean under take it etharwise. walk ind. Ifyou are called to man‘s work, do not exact a woman‘s privileges==of weak: ness of inneeuracy, Bubmit soumlm to the rules of business, as mas do by which alone you can make Gaod‘s business sncceed ; for He has never said that Me will give His suceess and His NM:{ to inefficiency, to nhuhln!\ and unfinished work, 8nl. But to all women I woald say, look upon your work, whether it be an mecusâ€" tomed or unaecustumed work, ms upon a trust gonfided to you, ‘This will keep you alike from dissouragement and presumpâ€" ton, from {aienesa and from overtaring {oumlt. Where God leada the way, He 1aa bound Himself to belp you to go the Nolhin% with the np(rmnl of mp own judsmm as been made publis or I would send it I have a atrong objection to sending my own likemeas for the same reason, Home of the most valuable works the world lhas aver seen, we know not who is the muthor of} we only know that Ged is the auther of alth _1 do not unge this example upen oth= ars} but it is a deepâ€"seated nlrghm seruple in mpysaif _ I do not wish my name to re= main, nor my likengas. That God alone abould be remembered 1 wigh. â€" 1 have been nine (om confined a prizon: ar to my room from {llmeas, and overwhelim: ed with businesm t‘lhd I more hith==more of the trith which I profess=«1 ahould not say ‘overwhelmed,‘ for it is all business sent me by God. And I am really thank: tul to Him, though mï¬ sorrows have been dntu and many, and He atill makes me to do His business.) _ o _ This nuat be my excuse for not having anawered your questions before. . \t it I could really give the leasons of iny life to mp countrywomen and yours==(in: deed, I would fain look upon us as all one nnuon{;\ho leasona of my imistakes as well na of the reatâ€"â€"I would ; but for that there is no time I wouht ouly ay, workâ€" wortk in ailence at Arst in ailenca for years ==it will not be time wasted, Perhaps in nll‘your life it will be the firat time you will afterwards find to have been beat spent ; and it is very certain that without is you will be wo werken _ You will net produce one + parfect work,‘ but only a botch in the aervice of God, i â€" DPrmy believe me my dear sin with groat truth, aver your Mithful servanh Tane Womer anp Lreis Woruranâ€" Oracs Darling, the ITgh\hom heroine, was tall so was the Countess Iaabelia, who stout» ly hekt her castle against \ha‘bogjtgmq‘md fereawore the ministrationas of all washer women until the w:fm stronghold was ralieved, Marie Autuinette it we are to truat Paul Delaorche‘s proture, was tall; o was Mary Queen of Boots and they both died heroically, Blisabeth bad pluck enâ€" ough for the whole Bightyâ€"sighth anr‘l have no doubt mlmu €ootes C olomn. them with a bundred little on WATERLOO CHRONICLE AND FAMILY NEWSPAPEE. WOMKAN‘B WORK Laavox, Seph 13, 1866 Friongwor® Nroxtir®ALA, A First Class Investment! EXTEBEXSH\ : Mill Propsrty ‘ 1TO1U} SALEH _ j Manufiectarers of, and N Ti (OU\N COF BCE |%TMWACL1.eonnmico c CRotall Woal ons PPE suhsscltiee it Pogh ty beg | EN tatming comitry in Cooonla. ments consiot of a Grist Mi stone«) Saw Mill, Shingle _ Woolen Bagtoryy two mt on« Dwrliing Mouse, good large driving houso with nb of excellent dand. The a will bo «old ghoap. _ FPhere unparalied oppartmety to man or capitalist, ftos st rropased line of the Welin hhl!'r\ Roudwayy efovn mile con and nine hom Poosley, with or without the Gnd purchasors, Mill Trrmoms c MHall ensh, the balance (\N'H sgcured) in five annual insts iment« at 6 por cent intereat, 'l\"fl aubacriber being compelted by ill ho «lth to retire from farming, offert for *ale hi« Parma, consiating of nearly 199 neres, T9 wcro« of which ase eleared and in a goo@ state of cultivation, the farm is sitaated at the Village of Linwood, ‘W‘ownship ef Wolleslcy, A few Village lots have been «old and large butldings evecied thereon, leaving some twen« ty eligibly «tnnied Villaze Lots still for sale, which wil be sold cithes coparate‘y or with the fatm. â€" The land is of sood quality and in a good a ate of enltivation and wil! he sold cheap with enay torms of payment. For furth« ee partiontara noply nt cce on the premies to F O U N DR Y TRN subscribor ofere Its Foundry for anle in the Villago of Poiley, County of Brites. It is wall situated in a fAMonrishâ€" ing Villnge, nnd in the contre of un exâ€" tensive Agri(‘nn‘ll"\l and \Mi ling country ; Afteon mile® from the hake shore Souths hampton, or Port Elgin, conneeted thereto by a new Gravel road. Tt has beea in nperation for three years, and during that time done a goo« business in implements AM{ll Machinery, &e, â€" ‘The Moulding shop is 30 by 60 "cet. with excellent furniahings, such as Cupola Aasloen: &e., chimney 63 faeet high.. Fimahing shop 30 by 40, Patiern abop 30 40 Blacksmith whop with 2 fires 26 by 40, and a Dwelling house. There is an excellent improved Fan blast capable of mol\lnr 3 toma per hour, _ Aleo one of Mcâ€" Keuknio & Bertrams best screw cutting tarning Lathes, new, with compound face, bed ’(?NM. and awings 35 inches.a steam engine, bought for 8 horse power, nnd a large stock of the most npproved patterna Por milla and implements, and many other \ennwmenen for the vae of said busineas â€"_As tho above proparty must be soid it Offers n great chance to men entering said business as a bargain will be given . 8TBEBL ard CASTâ€"IRON PLOUGHsS, Ibibcbotppponooananttaan,.Sawys, Struw Cuttors, l’e\i:)l:.i\'!,h(‘_yotll‘:;)t\)“nl.l%l;i‘('v. Now i8ih, rags. _ "C _7 arlâ€" Insolvent Act of 1864 WOODMAN, of Linwood, an Insalvent . 'l\HE Creditors of the Insalvont nre notiâ€" Red that ho has mads an nssignment of his Estate and effurots unger the above Aot to ms, the underaignel Assignes, and they ars required to furnish me within two months from this date with theivr clainms, apecifying the sesusity they ho!d, it any, and the valus sF it and it nous, stating the fact, the whole attested ander oath, with the rouchera in support of such clains. â€" Temma~â€"Hailcash, the balnnce in five yeare at 6 per cent. Apply to JAMES BRADLEY, In the mattor of WILLIAM GEORCGR ‘A frrm their friends and the public in general, that they are now manufactuiring at Bimira, all kinde of Agricultural Implcf ments, such as 4 THRASHING MACHINES ! â€" Dated at Berlin in the County of Water« loo this frst day ot Deca mhar 1{ D. 1863. L HBNRY F. J. JACKSON, Foundry ! THE Bubscribers would respectfully in fhem their friends aund the mublia i FARM FOR SALE, ¢7i~â€"2t For a Sett of 44 pieces of GUood White GRANITE DISIES, For further particulars apply to John R bertson on the premises, or at th Lk Ofl;_c‘\ AWniggrlo_o. ». e Citmortcn®s onLy $2.50 ar Bowanas Bros., Waterloo,. TKB PROPBRTY known as the Robertson property, will be so‘d in bulk or in parts to suit the purchaser. _ The Farm contains B5 meres of the best Wheat land. Also that Ittel{ occupied by Mr William Galloway, Parties purchasing the whole may expect a bargain . Onlg §#1000 roquired down and the balance will be allowed to cover from one to six years if deaired , VILLAGE PROPERTY FPOR BALE October Ioth hjaword, Oot." 13th, 1868 in â€" Hawlisville. LARGE BRICK STORE ! Hawksvilie, Oct. 13th, 1868 17014 §# A TLE F A R M ELMIR A 180@ AND WA OVRENS OMciual Assignoe tion of the pub« prietor, 08 iâ€"RA all 666=â€"3m A§7â€" tor I TT 3 DJ on hand and made to turnished when regu Simpson & Aldous i sRA WV T NC BRYANT, STRATION & ODELL BUSINES3 COLLEGE, ]‘_IA\VIN(} irchased from Messrs. Musgrove & Wright their ® in the llhi\l-h Ainerican Commercial Coltefoy wo hnve sue the tatent and securing all the advantages of both Sehoola mal and complete institution of the kind in the Doininaion, nnd the on ciples of actuid business are steeessfully ind praccicaliy | taugh tensive and complete, ocecupying soporate buildings, and capa 200 Students. _ We employ a full corps of teachers, among whicl vxperience, and the two PREMIUM PEBNMEN OR CANAD in Montreal and ta the princip Icitres of the United States. We wo‘e awnrded first prizes in both Business and Ornamental Penmanship att late Provincial Fair held in Hamilton . Fov apecimens of Penmanship, Circulars, &ec., Address Waterloo Hardware * _ . European & American Markets, piajm: HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE! Harvest Implements CAPATAL, FIRE ‘AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Accopt Risks on as favorable terms as any othorirstâ€"class Co. THE UNDERSIGNED beg most respectfully to intimate 6 their pubic generally that they are now prepared to do all kin« of TH!S Company having made the necessary deposit, in accordancepith the New I surance Act, beg to notify the public and their gonstitrents thathey continue to GEORGE OLIVER, Inspector, CUSTOM JOHN SHU L WATERLOO CUSTOM WORKS BERLIN, J First Class Gooils! Octaber 1st 1868 Toronto, Sept. 8th, 1868, WATERLOO, July 15th, 1868 arding, Spinning, Weaving ! M rtuuinc, DrEssINC& DYEING. BDBritish of all lsinads, p Call at the Waterloo Mardware Sore | John McDougall. IFE POLICIES ARE GR ON T ED. J. D. ODDELL, AND EDW ARD TROUT © O NS O L TD AT ION IMMENSE QUANTITIES ! EW GOQDS ts=t®ys> very t BK RABD hRA go @Z g,éy@g.:f 3 And invite particular attention to the favorable terms h which nc POEH. CEXIHAIP and % Reasonable Terms. We will nlways keep on hand a good assortment of R O YÂ¥ A. L W. B. NICOL, Modical Referee PRIZE ANI Oiflee, Royal Insurance Building, Cor. Yoge nnd Weltington Sts Agent WATERLOO FORONTO, imnder the monagement do th, in the best possible manner, and on the m C0 FINS male FLANNELS§, BLANKETS, &o., &c. the highost price iu cash or trade for Lg.k;,-l MURRAY & BOCKUS. _ MANAGER, TORONTO BRATI, ONTARIO FRANCIS H. HEVARD, . Musgrove & Wright their interest and gnml-v.}ll“ nercial Coltegoy wo hnve suecceded in combining l1 , antages of both Sehoola mnking the most extensive | d in the Doininion, nnd the only ose where the prinâ€" ; sfully ind praccicaliy tanught. Our rooms are exâ€"| cpoarate buildings, and ceapable of nccommeoduticg arps of teachers, among which are men of business‘ M PENMIEN OF CANADA. Scholarships good itres of the United States. PENMANSEHIEP: rune ENsw wirn tin® Ht CoOuntt FROM THT on the OF TiE sSUCH AS AT THK I °P U 1i SKC®r & ‘PU LN T MCGI. shortest Notice. le FEHMS to intimate 6 their frieads iAna lhic ~y m . to do all kinc@ of ;".-‘-’E ï¬ {‘f’ s & 5 R K @ | 5 to su Two Millioos Sterling. I a eplendid FZEEAIISE ODELL & TROUT, Toroxro Proprictors ( x )1 lle:s CHC * ¢ & d) 8 $D frieads ind nud 69 â€"â€" 661â€"â€" 03â€" Nn ® ex> pm Ca® J < WA pRB" &"B in £ 8 C The (MBRCIL yTI .A ko tCc k e FIA to buy your Drs M®oir FALL Al D hama BR L C Fast C HA NEW AND :XV:] Bedstsads, Ch: SA SGH ES Largest & heapest IUMBER of ever Mammoth lmpot ‘TIilISTii KXAAIIELEECEONLX : ‘(> 2Loo EPCO COMPLETELY ROCUSED. CUTLERY An? And at such 42 o torest : will see an int dGreat VWV ines fh'. 5 Sb AQ V =n w §q4B::°.0 c3 Fuch‘s ] nd sath 4 Q¥» Remombe Waterloo. Ay frfe Soscial at GUELPH, N Waterloo, Sept. 23rd, 1868, EFOQRE GOIN Cattle Chains, Axes, Varnistes, Lamps, Bellows, Auvils, I CULD AXXO! CX L‘i.':' (,“\[4]4 i# InspocotiOGn sSsoliliciteda. «~ t,Odo N IE®, Poplinette Prints, Co Breakfast lailway . in fu Di SWEEPING OF |°¢08 m where he! M s Chas, Deskz, Bu sPINNING WHEEI Alttarliad GEORGE RANDAL Doonrs CONSFPANTLY KEPT ON HAND. Lu NX Suzd VI Prices as t V \\ holk IN THIS PART OI LUMPBE! U 1 d prt nods U § U °O CSIAX I Inâ€" ALL KINDS OF thal .E\a EJE MAL;;, V\ 104 U 110AY L W 024 h 937 E‘_’ ;vl .’4‘., & Ti pE ‘\‘ [fl""‘ 49490 4 /s ‘.‘_". |..4 i‘-ï¬ i LCTORY Qa .l §3 54 ks GEORGE RANDALL Licgaors i 1IASS, { 11 14 l‘ t t i9 JOHMN MQORS 1 TT 3 LiÂ¥ it1 Aro W ANLE! nEEcl3F 0 11 1) 0 CHMING Y X6G4d {OT *XXX pPI «3 [as, Lounges, make knewn tha OW LEs i u;%Y 111 \ T‘vfl Z&N, GUELPH. S HOPE to the place eps on hard IMXM(ISSH re of 2TEAIDS THD Oils THS © l.os new &C 669â€"â€" jeare