Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 24 Dec 1868, p. 1

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EOAE CC i Meney mn{ be cemivted wit through the Post OfMce, in Be ters enelesing cash, if placed* n{ poatmaater, will he at t pablishes, when addresaed to af the CAronic/e, Waterloo ies County, Ontrrio."‘ Termsâ€"31.50, if paid in advanco.] Tanis or Syaaca@rertox â€"$1.50 porannun a advance | @1.09, at the end of the year A‘nr\hnm!nuinserled on moderate rerntt Advertisementa vithont written instruction will be inserted untilforbid, and eharged ac ardiagly. Allisiters on basiness mucit be post pair or they will nothe taken out the postâ€"oftice CC aocod astch nevfect asteb e Busingsg Dh‘gctory. . l Business UITCCLOTY,. sar niole w. H. BOWLBY, Khe Waterleo Chronicl® coofry atromney t\ Pomntsn®n e \N[) Cletk of the Peasge tor the County BYERT â€" THURSDAYâ€" MORNLNG ) N) s Watio, iss H Y w s l)rn'\u' iâ€"a4t \m; :)‘m: u("‘\l‘\.\ (l"umcn)- ro \v. ttotney mhi ierk 0 e Pence, "TER E. W . MOYER, | Court House, HJNXM. and at the Law Oifice ha o neradciue af Hawliv & Ambeews King Sirseu, Derâ€" H. YERAagreY M D. Pmmn. @URGBON and ACCOU« OMBUR, and Coroner for \W‘ aterlog Gearty. _ Waterloo, Ontaris. IJ* Specia‘ atteation given to Acuta aud Ch¢onie diseases ~ _ 3. W. Walden, M. D. PHY!‘ClAN‘ Hurgeon nnd Accon and Coronee Por the Cowunty 0 terleo. Watetlas, Villngs. n-{)m Resisdence ba ek of Wiliam Fischet‘a * °N. Mulloy, M. Ds PRYBH‘.MN, Bargeon and Accon Deat O@tario. _ _ _ Pammn, 8w Coroner fot \l| mira, Ont. _ Reaid Iy vecupind by * PHYSIOI AN, Burgeon anc @rrick â€"Canadian | Blo: King and Feundry Streets, pesetmally attanded to. E& awd c\ roner for the Sounty tos. Ofice, at his reaidence, Q+ Beriin: Wm,. Pipe, M. | Pfl""‘l.\N. Butteod and and \} roner fot the Coun WOUI.D annoubes to the public that he will make Monthly visits at the follows lag plases, where hs will attend to a@lt requiring Ais profesalonal services, lfe will be at Waterlso, 5th to 10th. COroashi‘l 1 Tth. Preston lith. Rlmira, 20the Bt. Jo\eo\\s. 13th, (enallan, i1st. Hawksville, l4th. . ‘Ho|llln, iind. Member of the Dental Associâ€" ation of Ontario, _ _ WW ©WeRURPCII! 1 Hawksvilie, l4th. Hollin, 2¢nd, Linwood, 16th. He extracts Teeth without pain fy a new!y wreated process, and is prepared _to take orâ€" dere for any departmant of his profesalon. C# A\s permanent oficeis over Ur Bchoofer‘s Btore, King Street, Waterlsn W atertos, Oct. find, 1888. Member of the Dental Asscoinrâ€" tion of Ontarto , BIGB to inform the pfblic that he naee two Anesthetic Ageuts for extracting Teoth withoct pain, whh?m perfectly safe; name« ly, Nitroua Oxids CGas and Ether Spnyh. All a‘nuon in his profeasion trusted to his care I\ reseive (?mr attention . Orrrenâ€"Over Young & Good‘s store, King Btreet, Bertin. HORSB F‘A[‘\RIBR. d&o. â€" Commercia! Hotel, Berlin. 230 MARRIAGE LICENSEs, ~ 41L VAN CAMP, *HB undersigned has much pleaaure in an: nouncing to the inbabitants of Waterloo and surrounding countr», that he has opâ€"red &A !hop&vm will be kept constantly on hand all kinds of WATOMES, CLOCK®, JEWEL:. LBRY, &o.,&¢. Also a large assortment of Albums, PlraClnr holders, Perfumery, &¢. RBEPAIRING of all kinda done on the short: ast notice, and satisfaction Tnmnmd. R#* A call respectfally solicited. B. BOWMAN Warertss, April 8th, 1888. 630 â€"1y New Jewellery Shop IN WATBRLOO, Watartd®, Ont BOOKIIND!R. has nmondk\o the House of the )ate Mr. Bindeman, Young Straot, Resiih . 831â€" JUucal myuuit TAILOR & ChLOTHIBR®, o%pome Brickor‘s Woollen Factory, King St. Watertoo, Olo 14.â€"N0o 51 * . BPRINMGER. K#* Oficeâ€"Bpringer & Snyder‘s Drug Btore J,. A Whiting,, M« 8. L. Mughes, G,. Lount, M. llen Factory, King 5t. Walertoo, OP MARRAQR LICRNBRS, We Duncan McColl Ludwig Jacobs, E. & 8. 8. Snyter‘s Grist AH Paul Wilson Burgeon and . Acesuchen 10 i1 I C aalas IS8UBD BY Robinson, f plaeesgin in# uanot? he at the viak of ths eased to 3\ Phe Rittor faterloo P. U., Water vomuct be post priid out the pnqlw\flif"‘ p with perfect safety in Bank Bil‘s. Te\ 'd Acgouchenr and nty of Waterloo, R1â€" In the House former= it hR o_ ® I laterlas and Accenchenr $33â€" Block, â€"corn er of ets. Berlin. Call« 3p. of Waterlow, l Lmnmn AlOGTIONBBR, for the Comwnty use lately cecupted of Waterloo, Canadian Block, Berlins ind Acconchene the publie that he fl\n hands of Accousheur, y of Water« regn Stroet, 1900 *) t Waâ€" loe an d atore . AND FAMILY ‘nl Statee, No. 220 I)r;{r'\'c'l\;ay,' New York | Room 1T.=â€"â€"2Ind fnor. . | p. 4. nA0R. | w. \t. GAd®R: I Durand & Philip, B.\ RRISTRRS, Attorneys at Law, Solicitor® in Uhancery, Conveyancers, &e. OfMfce op Mitl Street, adjotaing the Damfrles Mills, OHA®. A. DURAND: 080. ®. PMIMIP (Galt, March 26th, 1866 832« Ontario. _ t#* He QGerman langnages â€" 'iirr';rfiuvi No. 78. King Street Buat, over Wes‘ryan Book Room, Toronto. ATr‘onNMs'.n.n COUNSELLORS® nt LAW, Solicitor® in Buwkruptey, No« tariea Public und Commiamonera for saver Public. and Canvevancer N. Gordon Bigeiow, LL. B \TT()RNRY‘(\T“;AW, SOLICITOR, &e., UX &c. Orrrern«Third door South of Post OfMfice, Poronto Street, Toronto, Ont, Chishoim & Lazior, B\RI!I!TKIH wnd â€" Attornaysâ€"at< Law, J Soucitors in Clhaneery, Notaries, &o., tamilton, C. W. Oflegâ€"Lnatet Bulldings, James Street, w atly opposite Market. ®. OHAAMO t N: w . A® TE ®y MA ht iths. Hapmilton, Sept. 1, 1808. NMâ€" é P. J. Gage & Bro., |____LLOYD‘S SPLBNDLD NEW DBOUBLE MAP, 1 BARRISTI“.R. ATTORNEY, $OLICT TOll IN CHANCGERY, Conveyancer, &o, &6., Bernts, Ontaria,. (â€"y» Oiliee on Qusen Street, nearly op« prsite Amorican Hotel!. Berlin, January, 1868,. 28â€" han d Il\l““\'l'l]“fi Waterloo. V I{OP DEALKit, Waterloo \‘lllq‘.()n'rrh‘ 1 P A large stock of Hops constanty on Christian A. Salle, l‘h\snum ABLB BARBER and KAIR CcUTTRR, in,ghu at his old stand, op« posite the Wosilan Faetory; Waterleo Vils Ings, _ Ruzora and scisaors gtound an the dbortest noties. All work warranted. This Map shows all the Instest discovers tee, is beautifully engraved ard coloured in superior aty le. PRICRâ€"ONLY* @6. Sold by C. t. TBDALE, Â¥ aterloo, 0P Burops and Atmerica, KWurope on the one side and Morth Ameriâ€" ca on the othes, 1 ire Insurance Compa‘y Elmira Offic (Glenallan O ne«day, HEAD OFPRICE : WATERLOO VILLAGEt, Ont. NAd aterloy MOSKS SPRINGER, President. . N. TAYLOR, Bocretary, JOHN sgun. Tronsurtr. JBRRMIAH HUGHES, Inspecior and powN LOTMS FOR SALEB, Jacob 8. Roos, M:\?’U{"AC‘TUBER of B'oo\ul tad “i\“l » 0 escription. _ A large Stoc k 2 psoueffthere trrape oo hase®" Pricy @treet. â€" For particulars March 28, 1866, John Wanless, IORNSEKD AUCTIONBRRNR, for Waterloo County, and Geneval AVM. Watorino atio. &g* Hoe apeake the Bag‘tsh and QGRNT for issuing . Marciage Licen ses Treasurer‘s OMd#, Court House, Berlin. July 29th, 1803 \RLSTH LAWs % Doylo & Squler, \RRISTRRS & ATTORNBY®, Solicitors in Chancery, &¢., CodeÂ¥ich, Ont. The Waterloo County Mutual BOARD OF DIRECTORS | Moska Spunaxa, M.P.P., Watarion, Jonn B. Sxtou®, ts Nicrmoras Kimu®®, n H. F. J. Jackson, Bertin, Jacoa K. Kan, Preaton . Warrer Guanaron®s, Ajr. Jorr AucHtN), Nn»Hmbnm. J, W. Watrosn,. M.1)., Welleatey Villago Wat. Haa.ixua, Wellesiey Townehip. Perea Wrirok®t Blmira. \ NNER, MANURACTUREROCTRU3 8B8, CAPS &uhOYVB®, Muariket 8q 1 PevreA Wmnnl&m-im i â€" 1. B. BownaN, M. P., 8t. Jacobe. t way Sxypenr, Waterioo Township JToshua 8. Bowatax, 8 Orave Bowers, +* Samorkn Srakors, ** Waterloo, Nov. 20, 1867 [Pormerly of Flnm(llon_,}‘.»_!l’:,r Andrew Etzel, \SHIONABLE | TAILOR _ UOpposite Sn raans Huic, Ring mr. Warermeg Business Directory. Jolin )8. 304, 305, 306, 307 and 308 of Holf: man‘s Survey, Berlin, fronting King (Goneral Agent,. Henry Ferdinand, Charles Stanton, Alexander Millar, F. B. Newton, J. K Felck E. Roso, LL. B., | R aml ATTORNEY AtT; iritot in Chancery, Notury| c ‘mica and Qlenalian.. c days==Tnesdays« & Thursdaye Nee days==crery alternate Weds» W ATTEF ounverancers, &o., &c P w W hrover nroxtens Vice aterluo. 6a3â€" 132 BB3â€" CORNER ul MeNahb Streot and Market $quare, Manilton, C \W. £3* Omnibus to {itu and Boats . 85 It, McCaaox®s, Proprintor D CAMPBELL, Proprietos, Dundas, Ont, s This is the only tirstâ€"class house in Town. Omnibus fits to and from all the train«. t w58 Crown Hotel. AN') Genornl Stage OfRee, Auma. Ont, This a float elnss Hotel for the travel« ing community. The Bar is aupplied with the beat of Liqnors. Good stabling. and careful Hostlers in nttendance, Chargo®, Moderates 0_ s PTMHE substibet boegs to inform the travell« r ing puble in @geneial, that ho has as« sumed the management of the hotel, kept during tho pa«t 2 yeara by Mr. Allau Holf man, nnd previou« to that by Mo. Henry W. Bowman, for neaily thitty yours, favour« ably known to every one who {mn had cocca> sion to travel throug) this Viliage. In as> suming tho managment, the propri¢tor would wish to intinmta that it shall be his @arnest and constan endeavour so to cenâ€" duct the establishmant in quostion, n# to merit and reocgive n etatinuanee of the favour shown toward« it fit nbout oneâ€"third of m century paat. _ [Te alall spare no pain« mor expense in the effort n accompltish his ohject, satisfied that he is jnaifted in éning so by taks« ing the past ns a gummantse for the future R- The beat and noat attontive of sel¢ants will be kept on the prinisea for traveliers. â€" waTERLOO, ROBEAT HEWITT, Proprietor. Dominion Hotel, ROHT. STARFORD, Preprictor Port Bigin, Ont. This hotel has recently bwen enlarged and furnished throughout in good «tyle. Nample rooms fot Comnurcial traveliers, â€" First elves neeqgmmodations at reasonable prives . Otf1â€" Royal Exchange HMotel, GEONGE YOGT, Proprietor, Blmira. Good â€"accommodation for travellers ; onpital atubling and nn attentive Hostiers always in nttendanse. _ Choige Inquore, Cigare, &0. Charges modernte. LF.VI WBAVER, Proprietor, St, Ja cob« Rvery accominalation for travellera Liarge and commodious Stablesa. and attens tive Hoatiers, 892 â€"â€" CORNRR of York and King Streeta, To« ronte. Firmt class mccommodation and teasonable terms. â€" Riugy & May, Propric« t o. A. BOW MAN‘S â€" HOTEL TIIR undersigned, having nssumed the man« agement of the wove well known Hotel, would announce to hismany friends and the general public that he K at All times prepared to receive guests and entertain them to the boet of hia ability. _ __ 8 Anglo American Hotel, AND GBNERAL 8TAGE ORFICE, Rlâ€" mira, Ontario. ‘The Table and Bar will always be supplied with the vaory boat the Market allords. @xcellent Biabling and An attentive Hoatier, Charges moderâ€" ate. W . D. Butis, Proptietor, \ _ The Ontnario Photograph Gallory! & _ supgrioe Photogtraphs should eall upon the aubscriber who has purchased the nbove Galierr and is now prepared to aupâ€" ply all the latest novelties in either the Cabinet Card, Carte de visito, OR PORCELAIN PICPURE. AMERICAN HOUSKE, BEALIN, â€"« â€"« â€" ONTARIO. HLNHOBR who are desirom of procuring Afording as this Gallery does better Iaeiâ€" littes tNan any in this part of the country, and having the largeat nr‘d best nrranged light in the Dominion, all wfi:nrsmronim him cnamrely n[‘m\ having their orders exe«> cuted in the highest etyle and excellence of the arts _ I o ae t CoUNTY OFP WATERLOO. Tnl WARDEN will, until further Notice, be in attendance at the Offee of ghe Oounty Clerk, Court Honse, Berlin, on the sncoYm TURSDAY of overy YNONTH, and on the days of tha sittings of the Aulu Courl®, QGeneral Quarter Sessions and County Cmariia td * y 888 0| u2 n namkAra x Waterioo, Oct. 10th.1868, cw.\{ Clerk‘s Ofice, Beriin, Jane 2Tth, SPINNING WHEELS ! ‘ Liquors and an attentive hostler, West End, Preston, Dec. 21, 1868 Rlfliimannm“und and so)d by the unâ€" (\ dersigned at | Mr. M. Warenaet‘s Cabinet Factory, where a good astortment is constantly kept on hand. _ Aiso GChildrens Waggons. _\ 8pools. &0., &o. The l)v'b”fl nre oalh (# A\ 8 Rossin House. RORGB P. SHBARS,Leasec and Man ager, Poronto. * cOMMERCIAL HOTEL, WATERLIDGLG, ONT. Cambridgé Hotel, BORGR WARD, Proprictor _ Good Waterion, July lst, 160¢6h Anglo American Hotel Busiiess Directory. LARGE & SMALL ubli¢ 'nr- poapectfully requsested to | All wouk w weranted. io Comnnvu ROWLRNNRR N OTICEH. St. Jacobs Hotal, IJ‘\;I:; fl‘flit 1868 Reyore House Eigin House ANDRB W BOHLRNDNGER tSRABEL D. bOf&RtAN, S a Jonxstos, Proprivior ON‘CA RIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 24, 186. W. L. Bowatax, Manager ROBENT HEWIUITT Weaving nty Clerk, (% 5 (‘wme <I. Moyer, mditor and Puyl;qh?r. Januaty . February March .. Aptil. ... constantly kept on hand. (¥» All kinds of Clothes made to order on tha -h:ge:t notice. l $9» Give ns a call. «$3 Berlin, Oct. ?th, 1868. Funa.... 27 tiYsi x iri y s Augnat. . 20 Septem ... .. Onstober.. 10 Novem . ... . Decem. ... MERCHANT TAILORS Fall and Winter Goods, Overcoating, Moscow Boaver, Balexn Pilot, Mixed Melton. TROWSERING of the newest styles and pattern«, Bilk Velvet Vosik. _ READVâ€"MADE CLOTHING THE BE8ST STOCK of TW ED. NX HAVE now on hand an immense Stock of DIV ISI1ON COURT! WINTER CLOTHING DR. COLBY‘S ANTIâ€"CO8STIC AND TONIC PLLLS, ARR a safe and rolioble remedy for all dis« enses of the stomach, Liver and Bowels. They are no Quack Medicine, puffed by hlfh munding‘mnlmonlnll from imaginary people, but are the result of forty years ixperience ot a Arstâ€"class physician, and their oxtraordinary success is due to the fact that they answer ex« wetly theirt name, The formula from which they are prepared, is based on sound, scienti« fe principles and has recetved the unlkl'm“flc(l approbation of the medical profession, They do not profess to be a cure all, but for all disons» ea arising from an dernn{}vmont of the Bto= mach, I.Fver,}\nd [{gwplu, they furnish an ef> fectual nmed‘{. \We have in our possessiono over one hundred testimontals from phiyllelann, who have used them in their practice, and, h!fihly approve of them, among which are tho ollowing : 0_ S laves fl\llE undersigned has tho exclusive tight tomanufacturc and sell Jackâ€" son‘s celebrated Pain Paint is the Connties of Waterloo, Wellington, CGirey and Bruce,. It will be found an excellent and immediate remedy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia Nervous [lend:« ncke, Inflamations Earache, Conâ€" tracted Joints and Museles, Pain« €ful Swollinga Cullositics of the Flesh, Sprain@, Frost Bites, Weakness in the Back, Paina in the Side or Broast, and all dia enses cauaed by Colt or Kxpeâ€" sure. To be had in all Deuggists in the waid Counties, C, 6. TISDALE, Wuterloo, March 11, 1868, 633â€" â€" PAIN PAINT. The nndoulfined physicians cheorfully cer« tify to the high professional lumdlng of Dr. Colby, of Standstead, one of the oldest and boat p‘\s'nldr\m, and to the excellent fwalmel of his * ANTIâ€"OO8TIVE and TONIC PFILLS, » hich we have used in our practice, and high ly I“provo. J If Gibson, M D, Dunham, C B, , C K Uotton, M D, Cowansville,. ; Chas Brown, M fl. Cowanaville. . 8 8 Foster, At D, Brome, \ J C Butler, M D, Waterloo, John Rruk‘ne. hf 1) Waterloo, Norman Cleveland, M D, Barnston. N Jenkins, M D, Barnatou, C W Cowles, M D, Stanstead . John Meigs; A D Standstoad. Joseph Breadon, M D, Surgeon,.R N. Benjamin Damon, M D, Coaticook Lemuel Richmond, M D, Derby Line. 8 J Foss & Co., Sherbrook, P O0., Sole Proâ€" \\rlston. Henry Thompson & Co., Montreal, Wholesale A?nll. ‘ April 2nd; 1898, @20 TME STAR SHUTTLE $100 Sewm% Machine ! PATEN‘BED, MAY 1807. 'rlll". Star Shuttle Machine makes a stitch alike on both sidee, that will not rip or ravel, will do all kinds of work equally na well as any high priced Mnachine, and is guited nlike for the Dress=Maker, Tailor. Manufucturer or Family. _ Mr J. 6. Spafâ€" ‘ord having been appointed General Agent for the Star Muchine, wishes to enynge a tew good local and travelling Agents to whom good inducemente will be offered. _ Elora, Aufi. 24th, 1867. WB consider the Star Shuttle Machine to be the best cheap faimily Sewing Machine, with which we are nequainted, it makes the genuine "hock Stiteh." NAW& TENWICK, (605) Merchant Tailors. HE subscriber offers for sale his valuâ€" T uble farm, being Lot No. 5th, 13th Concession, in the Township of Wellesley, unly 2 miles West of Hawksville. The Farm contains 150 aeres of excellent \ land. There are upon it a HOUS good water, &c. For further partioulars JOHN (805) Henry & John Nahrgang, Wellesiey, March FARM FOR SALE, Business Directory. Nol No 2 No 3 No 4No 5No 6 No 7 King Streot, Borlin, 11 Also a Iarge Stock of JACKSON‘S 21 For 1868. conaisting of 25 | 23 i | § 15 | 16 Bo: 17 Ottawa, Canada West, C ANCERS C URED, oTTAWA CANCER INFIRMARY, THECHURCH UNION OR the immediate relief and permanent F curo of Rheumatisin, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Frost Bites, Lame Black. Side, Limbs or Stomach, Cramp, Numbness, of Limbs, Swelling of Joints, Sudden Colds, Dipthoria, Sore Throat. Il<‘ you want a Machine which you can alâ€" ways rely on, one that is always in trim and never disiurbea your spirit or rufMes your tempor h?' imperfeet movements or inâ€" {erior material, then select the GENUINE SINGER _ It is simple, yet doee from the finest to the coatseat work with any kind of thread of thrend, linen or cotton, coarse or fine, runs casy, is rendy to atart at the slightest touch, ind does not get out of orâ€" der. lt has nlways given the best satiefaeâ€" tion and has never lost an old friend, but is continvally adding new ones to its numâ€" bots. _ Poo{‘is demanded. Tt shall be und ont! fortheoming, if you eall on Messts, John Ratz, John Fell, J . Meyer, L. Simon, C. Mogk, Elmira; J. G. Ament, C. M. Dowmnn, Heideliborg ; J. Sittler, Bliaa Snydor, J Conrad ; inlmn Murray, Beck, Hridngut ; Jonus Bingeman, John Hall« man, Benj. Shintz, Jonas Shantz, Levi Bock, Johu Honorich, Isruel Snyder, Eli Shantz, Gottlieb & Stein, and many others whom the undersigned Agent, has sold to; and who nre willing to" testify that the SINGER is the only reliable {hvhine in use 'l‘HlS paper has been recently enlarged to mammoth proportions. lt ts Te LARGKA®T RELtGiOUs PAPER 1N TME Woith. In the leading organ of the Union Meveâ€" ment, and opposes ritua‘ism, close comâ€" munion, e@xclusiveness and church estate, It is the only paper that publishes Hsrxey Wairb Bercruur‘s Sermons, which it does avery week, just n« they iwre delivered.â€" without qualifiontion or correction by him. It ndvoeates universal suffrage ; a union of christians nt the polle; und the rights of lahor, 1t bas the best Agricultural Departâ€" ment of any pauper in the world ; publishes stories for the faimily, and for the deatrucâ€" tion of social evile. â€" Ite editorial manageâ€" ment is impersonal; its writers and editors are from every branch of the church and from overy grade of society. It has been aptly termed the freest organ of thought in the world. Such a pnper, ofering premiuma of Sewâ€" ing Machines, Dictionaries, Appleton‘s Cyclopedia, Pinnos. Organs for Churches, etc., mukes one of the beet papers for canâ€" vassers in the world. _ > SEWING MACHINES, JACOB‘S RUEUMATIC LHQUID Has been befora the public for upwards ef twonty years, and snuch are its merits that it is now justly considered as an indispensible artiâ€" cle fu every family where it is known. It has never been forced on the public attem= tion by flaming advertisements o(P reranrkable cures that never had any oxistence, but by ts own peculiar value as an unfailing remedy, it has worked its way into public favor. Having a wonderful effcct when takem interâ€" nally, in quickening tne circulation of the blood, it is Invaluable to persons predisposed to Paralysis, or subject to hfart disense. In cases of Dyspepsin, wlere food distresser, & affords prompt relief, and continued far a short time, sets everything right. _ The name of the medicine is blown in each bottle of the genuinc, avd the purposes fer which it is intendud, as well as the mode of using, attached. _ _ _ “‘I‘I':I':r'j",véim'puon & Co., Montreal, Woolesale Agents, S J Foss & Co., Sherbrooke, P. Q., Bole Proprietor. TIHS pleasant, agrecable; and scicntific preâ€" paration is an indispensibic article for the toilet. Jt cleansos the scalp, renders the hair of a darker appearance, is casily applied, and wili not stafna the fincstlinen,. Those using the Empire Haiz Gloss wili find that it renders the harsbest and coarsest hair, soft, glossy, fin and beautiful, disposing it to stay in any p tion in which it is placed, It prevents t from falliug out, invighrates and atre h\nnd often produces a new grow where it has n?nsdydiuppeured, by, ing and restoring the skin, nerv bload vessels, and roofs of the cents, J. 8. Foss & Co., propr manufaeturers, Shsrbroo&e, bec, Henry, Simpson & Co. Blliot & Q{n., Toronto, \f April 15th 1868. Jacob‘s Rhgumatic Liquid. H A T 41 Park Row, New York,. D. 8.â€"~Subscriptions received at this t 650â€"4moe Addreas Hunt‘s Empire Hair Gloss. August 5th, 1868, Jannary, 1868 Business Directory. Dr. Wood, BparksStreet and Maria Street, FJ Proprictor of th» JOMN WANLESS, HENRY E. CHILD, Watarlon 656â€" 1 lately took a trip up into the county of Bruce, and now I send you a fow tboughts which you are at liberty to use as you think propor. â€" In the latésr part of Noveimber I went up und returned on the 5th Decemâ€" ber. 1 found the gravel roud. on going up, very unploasant from the recent rains but the tollâ€"keepers were all ready to take the half dime. â€" ‘The country on both sides of the gravel road is generally good, and alâ€" though somewhat new, shows sigus ofthrift, and in time will doubtless Lecome one of the best agricultural« district in our New Dominien. â€" ‘Phare are un the road some thriving villages, as Rothsay, Inrriston, Clifford and Puisley, all seeming to do a good business, and the latter place on acâ€" count of its water power, bids fair to be come at no «distant day, aplace of note. But if the contemplated R. Road is pushed through, it may put a veto to some of their aspirations. â€" Port Blgin and its surroundâ€" ings would certainly be beautiful if it was not for that eternal cedar @&wamp «tretchâ€" ing away betweon it and Seuthhampton, Thelocation of the Village on the broad {lats is churming, and for so new a place there are some rrn‘.?' good Dbuildings in it, The ouly draw back 1 see to its rapid im provement, is the want of a good harbour, and if that deliciency could be supplied, 1 sno nothing to prevent the Port from he. coming a good town ; it would then begame the emporium for the surplus grain raised in the excellent county which gurrounds it, Southhampton is much older than its rival, and to mo secimned â€" somewhat dilopidated, and although its business men all seem to do a good business, yet from its location its future prospects are. not so flaltering ns those of its neighbor, _ 1 must not forget to _ montion _ the lndian Village â€" of Satjzeen, situated on a kind of promontary on the right bank of the Saugeen river, and overlooking quite @#n extent of country, It is a most romantic spot in mumtver: but bieek and stormy iy.wiater, ‘Elto Indtians, some 230 in number, &eem quiet and some of them industrious I heard\ an Indjan pre«ch in his native language. ) Thoy Imve‘ a larga and beautifal Chyreh erectgd, «leâ€" signed and built by themseWes at a cost of over $2000, which they pay for froim their annuitios, â€" ‘This speaka well for the Red Mon of the forest, But I have already tre«â€" pasted too nuch upan )mn;putieuoe, Maxisae Reapy ror a Revivatâ€"An exchange relates these facts of practical inâ€" terost; During the past year; n somewhat extensivo revival has haen enjeyed in Burâ€" lington, Vt., as the result of systematizad evangelical efforts Rospecting the character of thear efforts the Congregationalâ€" pastor, Rov. G. B. Safford, statesa that a coimmittee was appointed from each of the evangelicnl churchos, including the Young Men‘s Chris: tian Association, for the purpose of canvase» ing the place. â€" ‘This committee, in the perâ€" formance of its duties, sought: 1. To learn those who were regular attendants of public worship, and with what society they attend« ed. 2. ‘To learn those wnowers not regulat attendants of ~public worship, and â€" what were their denominational â€" perferences, if they had any, _ 8. To dearn those who habi tually neglected public worship and had no denominational preferences . The names of the persons belonging to these several classes were taken, and those of the first aud second clusses wore given to the society to which they respectively belonged or â€" for which they expressed a preferenes, while the third class was considered common misâ€" #‘onary ground, ‘Fhis nrrangement enabled ench society to know more delinitely _ reâ€" «pecting its own â€" members and towards whom its effortw could be properly directed The plan operated favorably, resulting aAs already stated. in n general work of grace, Written in memory of the bright Aj foliage in America, Our life, how frail it is, Changeful and brief ! Spring, Summer fiyâ€"then we Fade as a leaf! Ax Ixsuraxes Axrcbore,â€"Two yours ago 1 mat a Californian, who â€" was blawn up on the stanmer Yo Semite, on the Naz cramento riser, son.é lime about 1863 , remeimber the aceident, one of the its kind, forty of fifty persons 1 and half as many severely queiutance A., was asle when the (-,\!n{ns:n- throw Thermometer at zero,. _ PxramnuLraToR Port Elgin and Southhampton &ortry. We sH do Pads as Lest Short Wintewâ€" fadeless Spring l Blissful relief ! Why then lameat that we Fade as a leaf! Of all our awims in life Let this be chicfâ€" Ripe, hopeful, bright, that we Why should @ thought like this Minister grief, If we our end fulfill Een as a loaf ? Then, brightning at the closc; Moping relief Frota sorrow, sin and care, Fade ns a leaf ! Fade as a leaf ! mY REV. KEWMAN HALL the bright Autumnal NEWSPAPER. a aa k ‘ MA 4A 46 n A 4A 1‘,’: wj i F O U $ AL AJ 5 C dnughtor of a booksellar, sndonee the pupil of Tannah More. The speaker went on to say that, ©when we ask after a man‘s parâ€" entage, it is not that we may know by how many removes he is allied to the Pixntagen ists, nor how inany qaarterings h ia en titled to grave upon lus shrald, Estates and munes are not «the only inheritances | of children. They daterit the q inities by mtuin‘s areonot «the only nhuerifances . children. They in‘ erit the q imities b which estates azoa asquired or se«tiered, in by which men carve out names for then aslves, the prouder becauss thaey nre se}l won, _ Inflasnces which are thrown aroun them in the yeare of carly life are sital, a most creative. ja the futuse of their bein‘ apring Vioicts anod primrokes, 118 pling mingling with some wat the warbling of bimi®. On Th are dfiw ovening, th Mr Punshon‘s Iscture on owr an Macanlay, was delivered highly appreci«tive audiancs leyan Church on Ricthmond Lasder, Esp, M. B.oPu, o chair, whils the Row and Rrerson hmd a seat on the | eloquent speaker regarded th Mncwulay sucsessively a«s now tie, statesman and historian, lim greatest as histariqa, Mr Panshon introduee 1 his saubisct in this wise : © From m niddlaâ€"class famnily, in a midland coanty in Bugland, was born the man whoin England delizhtath to honer. ‘The place of Iis birth iwas Rowvidey 'l"‘nlll’t' it Leleester, at the house of lis uncle, afier whomt he was named; and the time the month of October, when Fia cenâ€" tury was nct many moors old. 1i« grand father was a minister oftho Kirk of Sootâ€" land, who dwolt quistly in his manse at Cardross on the Clysde." _ After telhag us that hig Fither lad deserted the lind of Macallam Mors, and wandered South to Bristol, where he had imaried Selina Mills. den, of tie crucl Clawwernouse; the dark blasphemer, or tho realy belper of the friendless; the poot or the amssionar s Parents shoald ponder well this thought, if they would sccure the fature well being of their children, it is most empamtie®!lly true, and of immense importance. FKOCM A LADY CORRE®PONXDRNT, ‘The people of Toronto may congratulate themsolrcs on having amorg thein ans of England‘s mmost gifted and fascinating oraâ€" tors, who like an intellectual Goliath, takes his hearers by storm, andlead« them where he wills _ In his lofty strains, Le delights us with the rich flow of choice languâ€" age, and his luxuriant faney, which raus like clear stream through #mne green Od 1 n Macaulay.|" Horatins," and gave a portion of that Punshon‘s Lecture on Y rpoem in such thrilling style, and with so To show us in what kind of Macauliy‘s youthfol talents fi only had a Jwallac.o lanzto to paint it How one‘s imiagination revels in such a ecene, â€" Well inight the speaker ask © where is the limner who will preserve for us these features upon canviss ? Wha will puint the Claphim seet£" No wonder Macsulay be came great poet Macan Hannah Mc Rarley We «poetry for t poetry for s wiats at the fii lay was nbou wrote an enit N © Here Martyn lics ! in m The Christian hero found Religion, sorrowing o‘cr Points to the glorieas tso munes ar «the only inheritanse® ofi oanlojw ma raimes are not tl} | omlyâ€" inherifances | off rerk is o :hl!.lrcn. They da‘erit the q imities by j jy honare. which estates azo asquaired or se«tiered, and / Xfp Pryr y whrich men carve out names for thenr | by quoting alves, the prouder becauso they nite *eif gourht + : & * 1 won, _ Inflaences which are thrown around | ", ; S . , _ Mush ! the hem in the yeare of carly life are sital, alâ€" i Sare most craative, ia the futupe of thieir being. | The dark c Phe babe has Lbecome the Villeze Uamp | tear fen, or t‘ie crucl Clawwernouse; the dark! ]\I';M“Ck' blasphemer, or tho realy belper of yig | Aphch !0 w $18 , ; He is gone friendless: the poot or the amassionam,"| Parents shoall nomlers well this thought ‘ But ansal ha After specki ambridge, / an C preci«Uve au weh on Rich Bsq L M. P une â€"( LR3 1 Quarter et£" No wonder Macsulay b in auch m circle ns this _ As ay discovared his talent youm ay dscovared i.1s re savs that duan Palestin Lreakt«s ipper." Li id this biauks U pout 1we; A M vle t [ soil young when (age, [$2.00, if paid at the end of the year W hole Number 677 n 14 {r tle 1 in to EU it | poem in swch thrilling style, and with \ much dramatic power, as to co | fascinate his audience, and was gd | its conclusion with rapturous an«e (\rolon‘- ed applause. â€" Mesaid "it isas the kistomâ€" Ian l{ml Macaulay will be best remenberâ€" ed." Mr Punshon then amused us W & ’descriplion of his reviewâ€"reading, A8 ue ]goes through a course of medicine, in ‘ “pnparulion of this lecture, and how th | rarieus oapinions of the critiqaes, lud“q ?.}uced a sort of mental dyspepme, fre | which he had hardly yet recorered. Macauâ€" lay had made history readwble, and had awakened our armpathies for the wrouguf tha oppressed. [Te w/o wou‘d make others feel, muaxst feel li‘mseif, and .\hcuully'c {ervor bal been such as to thrill his read. ers with his joy and sorow. _ Mr Pansbos motitioned the one great defect in Maeauâ€" }'q" wu.('mg~, viowed from the Christian tatiindâ€"point, his negufiveress on the subâ€" [ject of religion, " _ JDhd it ever occur to him \that man were doeper thin they msemed # Did the solemn problems of the soul perâ€" plex hm‘ Fiuslly, Mr Punshon took us [ 19 the Poet‘s Corner in Westminster Abbey, jand spoka eloquently of the mighty dead |who tenose in that noble pile, gpey ‘and Shall dissolve ; And like the baseless fabric of a vision, Leave not a wreck behind .‘ Handel, seeming to listen to the notes of the mournful dirge, sobbing and Wailing down throagh the grand old arches; from is pedestal, the thoughtful face of Addiâ€" son looks down upon Mrseaulay‘s grave, and Cainpbel! gazes persively acros the transept, as i( he feit that the "Pleasures Of Hope" were gone forever. How quietly they sleop! llow grand and solemn the restingâ€"place of these great seuls. _ " And shall thy rtise, all these! Will there be a trumpet blast se Joud, none of them mflz refuse to hear it? Aud in that other we it is trme that gold is not the curremt eafn, rank is not hereditary, and one name OW i~ honared ?" & t Mr Punshon concladed his noble let by quoting part of the poetn written, m thought, " by the truest post of our timesg" Hush ! the dead march wails in the peoples cars, The dark crowd moves, and there are sobs and tears ; The black earth yawnsâ€"the morta} disep sdarg Ashes to ashesâ€"dust to dust ; e lc is gone who seemed so gmMâ€" Â¥o Goon Nature at tus Tapue.â€"To meet al the breakfastâ€"table father, inother, chilâ€" dren, all well. ought to bo a happiness to any heart; it should be a source of bumble gratitede, and should wake up the warme t feelings of our nature. Binme upon the eoutemptible and lowâ€"bred cur, whether pae reut or child, that can ever come to the breakfastâ€"table, where all the family have met in health, only to frown and whine and growl and fret; it is pnma;far:;eTHc:udcnw of a mean and grovelling und selfish and dezgraded nature, whencesoever the churl Iury have «pruug. _ Nor is it less reprehenâ€" sible to make such exhibitions at the teaâ€" table; for Lbefore the morning comes some of the little circle may be stricken with some deadly disease, to gather around that table not again for ever. Ciuldren in good health, if left to themâ€" solves at the table, become, after a few moutlhfuls, garrujous and nomy ; but if with= in at all reasonable or bearable bounds, it is better to Jet them alone; thev cat less, because ther do not cat so rapidly as if compelled to keep sifen:, while the very endubaration of spirits quickens the â€" circulaâ€" temn of the vnal fluids, and energizes diges, tion and asshinilaton. â€" Tue extremes of soâ€" cietv curiously incet in â€" this regard. _ ‘The tables of the rtch an l the nobles gknglend But speak mo more of his renown, Lay your earthly fancies down, Ard in the solemn teimmple leave him,â€" (Giod accept himâ€"Christ receive him, I should like to give all the poein, but it would require too much space. We colâ€" lect our enraptuired senses, and find we are nof in Westminater A bbey ; usic is am echo, an t has fled and & delusion, ‘F‘e say the lecture was eloquent, is to give an imperfeet idoa of Mr Punsbon‘s power, He must be heard to be appreciated. We are glad we can anticipate zlnn liter ary banquets from his eloquent lips and neif. venembic â€" with the honore of @anturies: Shakespeare, with his whtolded scroll, beare ing i« own immortal words, â€" " The cloud capt Tow‘rs, â€" The Gorgeous Palaces, The Solemn Temples, The Great Globe itself, Yea all which it inhabit, nd

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