Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 26 Nov 1868, p. 2

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() D N‘th places "been in suc lmth ‘"Hkuve bean . sene, who Tur Gernmar Camabrmet will be sent toâ€" naw anhacrtibere thirteen months fro one dullnt enaly . Bail Ra, 0:10 a.m. WNail Rr. _ In3Sa.m, Day Br. t:l8 »on =| Day Rr.__ i43 pm. do. _ B:l4 p.m. |Londom WT 6240 p.m. Wight Br, t:00 a.m _ | Night Bi 3:38 am. Tnue Teavers‘ Rtamination for this County commenesa on Tuesday next. See advt. Waterloo Ohronicle "ATDODTAXITLY NXEBWBPAPRR. Busscmar for the Citrowter®, only one doller cash fromâ€"now till tas and of 1889, BRush in youse esbacriprinn®» RLecrvax.â€"â€"Dr. Ormiston is to lecture in Qalt on Monday evening next betire the Young Men‘s Chrimtian Association, "Rim ‘Of Armstrong, McCras & Co., Wonl! Anurvai of the New Governot Gemeral : Rir John Young and family amrived in Naw York on Tuesday and will be in Otâ€" tawa tr=«lay, Unrar Jos Pmiurtreo of all kinds is done at the the oftice of this paper. New pressua, new type, and prices cheaper than Aourts Wautkp. â€"A nuimBer of netive awt enerystin business men can Ned im unaliage employment and guod wages by salling wAhomt dblky â€"at the Curonrens «»: RPunsosnwar.=â€"Mrand Mrs H. 5\ J. Jacksov atrived tonte from:â€" Rurope or Friday evenâ€" hig clam after an absence of three rmonths and a halt ‘They had an exceedingly rough vreyage on their return. ‘They seein very much pleased with their visit the ok} weart y. mild to l es | ~_, Ranwar Accident.«=On Monday even> ing last the su itsh at Cainsviile near Brants Tord was tarnet by some party as yor un» Inowe, and the mixed train going west tan ‘uthM The driver and Greman Jjamped of, Mr, Sunter, the driver, some how, in junping of, got umter the ears and The steamer Sitéer Spraey on her way up, and within eight miles of Bouthare» ton, broke her shaft and is perfectly dis« abled, so much to that she will not be able bo resume her brips Hiis season: Mhumrox has had a + A\shionable wedâ€" ding‘ in the ‘gnlorsd‘ Church, ‘The Times saya duvender Kids and orange blossoms were the predovainant feature of the cccaâ€" thon," _ KWurrah tor Hmatiton ! * Coubtneest to: Loan Mosorx, â€"The Duke of Buckingiaim hasseat a deapatch to Lordt Maonck, souveying to hiin Her Mejpaty‘s thanks forhitable adininiatratton St Cunadian athirs ducing an eventful periâ€" new suits of their own cloths to the Editors of that town for which our Tueky brethron express their‘ sincére thanks.. While we eagiitratainte the Editors or their good forâ€" Amums we cannot haip seeing that the: sonch bie dnaote will make a gend> thing of it. NRilt not some of our Waterloo Manutaotor dre take a hint, . Tus Borwavnowr Revrew. â€"The October nember of this Radical quarterly has been nweijyed frowm the office of the Leonard Buot Publishing Co. New York,. 1t contains the follbwing artueles >â€"Bybei‘s history of the French ravolution} Sentor on Trelund‘; Mindde frairy legends; Kinglake‘s invasion otttia OHiner:â€" Darwin on raritation ofani= wmak aud plants; The Prpacy and the Freonch. Rinpire;:tie agricuitumi labourers of Ragiand ; the Spanishâ€" Gipey ; The exâ€" wus tiiled inatant)y. ~The fretian escaped‘ Rrantro Coassre>â€"Wo loarn that it in the intentiba to orgnuase Evening Class= es at the Contral Schoo!l, for the beneAt of thiae whaoso time is occupled during the day,, who may be desirous of using. the water eveninga. for mental improvement, Puther than devoting them to a reokless «waste of time In Toronto, CGait, and ‘asher, places we notice thit Classes have !hn in suceesatul operation. In Toronto »they have been very Iargely aitended, and "Ruve been patronizsel by the leading eitiâ€" sene, who have also assisted their mainâ€" tainanee by contribating to the fundsa _ Ta Gail during the winter season for two years past the cinasses have been largely attended, Mr, King who was one of the prineipal mov ~â€"qsainerganizing the clasaes in Galt propases to take charge of the elasers here, and will "confine himeeif to instruction in writing, Tus Punraonseteat Jodrmat for Dbe eember contains a great variety ofinter aating miatter, Mustrated and otherwise, of which the followirg is a aample:â€"Henr Ruchefort, editor of the Paria Lunterne; De, Francis Williamsony Fruu Marie the moat useful of the Boglish aubjects, with drawing inâ€" certain cames. A|} information regarding these classos miny he abtmwined from those lemwliny the lnt, or himselt FAday eventog nert is the mixht of arganiaation We advrise attien« admnce â€" Mr. Joseecph B. Wehbar will tmke Brmen _ aad _ her workts on the battle Be‘d; Archrbishop Manting, the English Roman Primate, Rav Dr Bwokton ; Phren eingy in the Behool Room; The Body what is in King Buming a Wife; Notes on the Inhabitants of Brasily Retrospastion; To as others do; Farr Haven Harbor; Mirnculons Healing, An Ideal Chalden; BReligion and Nature: The Mink : Progrees in Go Aperation} A Reading soticitad. A new Vulmne the 40th, commences with the next number, Bubscribe now. ‘Terms B8 a year, or 30 conts a number, Addrem B. Râ€" Walls, $889 Broadway. Thursday Morning, Nov, 26. dance â€" Mr. Joseeph B. Wehbar will inke sharge of those wishing instruction in the SGnasp revinx nadkway, natre Léave Remara 8ratroi h FPorndwe : book â€"keeping A good dea! has been anid and written on the ngcssantty of a resenatructine of our School Law and Etueational mattore h general, â€" No subject is Beanght so pmi‘-‘ nentlv,.by petition and‘ etherwise, before the Leginiature as this. _ Aa alinost uui-i moua demaad for the diseandowment of Upper Canmia Collegecomes from all parts of Canada, and notwithatanding the strene. ous efforts of the Toronto preas, fdllowed by a very faw other papers of the amallest posmible influence and character, to write up that institution and nstsrepresent the true: issue hefore the Legininture, there in very little doubt but that Upper Canada College will sooner or Inter awouirmb to the jfust daâ€" mands of the Grammar Bchool ‘Feachers‘ Association, _ Wa have no doubt but that, a thorough inveatigation of its a@hire will so open the eyea of Miâ€"P, P‘s that they will have na hesitation in piacing that so called College on the same fuoting with other Grammar Schools. ‘The country can never be made to see the justice of edueating the sons of Tnronto genilemen at the expense of the whole of Ontario, There is also to be a considerable change in the Common Mchool lawa. A apecial report made by the Chief Superintendent to the Committese on Eduontion suggests a number of improvements os the present hw, many of which are likely to be adoptâ€" ed, We are unable as yet to give our readers many particulars on this point, but a few have ailready become public In the Arst pluce the committee arrived at the con. clusiua that Local SBuperintendents could be dispensed with altogethern and that the work now done by that nnmeroum class of sehool officialy shoukt be dene by a Counâ€" ty Supeiibtendant wlo, would bave the over sight ofall the Umamon, and albo of wll the Grammar Schoolw in counties too large to be thoroughly attended to by one County Superintendent it was thought an assistant might be employed. ‘The quesâ€" tiou was next discussed ma to what clase of persons should be employed as County Buperintendents, in ltew of those who hare generally acted as Local Superintendents, it was propssed, and probably it will be Unaily adopwr, that uil applicants for the aituation of County Buperintendent should uniergo an exaimination betore the Conn= sil of Publbes Instruction, or befere a comâ€" mittee uppointed by the Board, that all those who migbht be found duly qualifed for the office should receivre certificutes to that effect From the list of applicants helding such certificates the County Conneil are toâ€"nominate one person whom thoy déem k;:fl‘hml_flwflcum to the utenant.Governor in Counci, who wakes _the :phtmn. and the parson: thus appointed is to hoid office during the pleasure ot the Cro#n. The university Wamaar, the notorious murderer of M\ . MeGee, was brouglt, on Baturday last, from Ottawa to Tnronto, to undergo some legal proceas relative to the effort made . by his Counsel for a new triak On his arriâ€" val he wns lodged for safe keuping in ‘Toâ€" rento grol, On Monday he was brought before Chief Justice Richards, Justice Mor: fison and Adarm Wiliou, Queen‘s Bench, on a writ of ‘Habsas Corpus,‘ issued on qufation was to some up for dircusaion peaterday Uut up to going to press we have not vyet beard what desinasion the House caime to quent references to a hanging by the neek until dead, that cccurred in tiee reading of the decument, grated on the ears of ordiâ€" nary speéctatore with more appatent harshâ€" ness than: on : those of thie priioner, Tha Counsel ippearing© in the onse woreâ€"â€"for the prisotier, Hon, J H Camema; for the Onitario Government; Mr Christopher Rob mson, Q C; and for the Dominion Governâ€" ment, Mr J T Anoderson. Mr J H Came ron on behalf of the prisoner stated the leâ€" gal obligations & Whelan‘» tria), and Mr Robinson . made the rejoinder. Mr J H Carmeron then movod thut Monday, the 80th of November be fixed for the arga. ment, and that meanwhile the prisoner be committed to the custody of the Sheriff of York., This was agreed to, and the prison: er was sent back to gaol, it is rumoured that, in enae the present movement it Whaâ€" len‘s behalf be unseccessful, his counsel will petition for a repriave, in order to gain time to being the roatter b fore the Privy Coansil in Englund . Frutay last â€" Ao immense crowd waited at the gate of Orgoode Hlal} to see the criminâ€" al. : ‘Whelay, preserred his equanimity throughout the proceadings, and the freâ€" Demonset‘s Youru Awsaros,â€"â€"The ju= venilus ute fuil of giee over the reception of an eniniged sumber of this populat little inagamine.. More pietures, more atories, more puxales, more of everything that the chiktren are in leve with, is involved in this jJubilimt event, which must have seat up the Youse Amzntoa subscription list like a rocket â€" Certainly there is no other ma~ gazine like it for the yourg. Publication office, 473 Breadway, New York, Yearly, 81.30 Demonmer‘s Mowrnir Macasra for Decamber has been received at this office as usual filled with what will intersat the tair sex. Mend for aapecimen copy to W, Jenuings Demnreat, New York, Haxpsous Commmorton.«â€"=We have it from the Sarnin Obeerver that at the openâ€" ing of a new Presbylerino Church in that town, @n the 25th ult, tha callections a . mounted to the imunificent sum of over eeso. Tln's:n«h of a soeial hek} in the evening following netted $205. making a%«ht 81055 in aid of the building tanm} of the Church! Thistis an instance of Wherality seldom heard of Their new church i an exceedingly handsome enge«» coating over $18,000; and yet the congreâ€" guiionia neither very laurge nor very wealthy, young mon of a Oleveland dry mnnn e aaling for + Un har taP, 19 maing ho e yaass An Ohto girl nstonished the handsome WEW BICKOOL LA W . The Annual Meeting of the Members of the Wate ribe Oventy Rutual Fire Dnaurance Company, was held in the Office of the Company on Saturday 21st instant, _ John Hawke,. Keq., in the chair. ‘The Report of the Birectors and Financial Stutements of the Fmira and Village Branches baving been read to the meeting by the Secretary, the Chairman read the following Report ol the Auditors, To tus Dimzcrors or tus Warsraroo _ Co. Murvas Eme Ins. Company. @eattemen. â€"We, the undersigned, Auâ€" dibes, beg to report that we have examinâ€" ad the Books, Vlzmhom. and Statements of the above mnamed Company for the year ending November 18th, 1868, and have much pleasure in cerfif_\‘in%‘tu their cornect» neas aad also to the satisfret@ry way in which the Books are Rept by your valuable Becretary, ms well as by your Tremsuror, We also beg leave to report that on secount of having goge into a very detaiied audit of the :gon affaire, we necessurily spent more time than an ordinary audit would Jour B. SxrokgR,. Epuran Earn. A motion having been passed adopting the Report, Jolin L. Wideman awml Fred Colquhoun were chosen Srutineers to roâ€" gaive the ballot for the Election of Direc= have required, torm the result of which was that the folâ€" lowing gentlemen #ore elected in accordâ€" ande with the new charter, which provides that only five Directors shalt be eRoted anâ€" mually, and hoid Office for three years, viz: Moses Springer, Cyrus Bowers, Dr, Walâ€" den, Williamn Robinson, and Hamy D. Tye, Eaqrs John B. Snyder and Ephraim Erb ware reâ€" elected Auditors for the enâ€" suing year, A motion was put to the meeting ancd wnanimausly adopted, that the Report and Fiumacial Statements of the Company be priated for mrculation among the members. The businass of the meeting was brought tom close by a rote of thanks being tenderâ€" ed to the Chairman for the efficient manâ€" ner in which he had conducted the business of the meeting. We have great pleasure in watching the steady and growing progress of this Cowmâ€" pany, Last year there were 1984 Policies lsaued in the Farm Branch and 15847 in the Villnge Branch. We notice also that the Asseta of the Farm=©Branch, after paying off all Linbilities, are over $5000, and the Assets of the Village Branch over $8000 . We can without hesitation recommend the Waterino Insurance Company to our reaâ€" ders and the public generally, to be the cheapest and best conducted Company that we know of j The mewly elected Directors met imâ€" mediataly after the annual meeting, and Moséa Springer, Esq., M. P. P., was elect: ed President, and Uyrus Bowers, Esq» Vice Presitient, :untm:‘r:n.‘nvuuu&.\:!ru ro Reap. wan ndc., the, Lowmasi ournal, has the following, which ogr merchants and m , whocomplain so greatly of «dull %’ should read and ponder attentively, t + ;z'bnn been carrying on the Louisâ€" ville Journal between 38 and 37 yenrs. During all that timg, we have known no C it who ad«> m'abmim in the city to fail who ad vertised liberally. And we have known no one to succeed in ml eunsiderable, if even in a respectaiile degree, who didn‘t advertise libera!ly2 Do);‘ou telf us, on candiâ€" date for the custom of the community, that ou can‘t afford to advertise because your {mn-u-m Ab! wh{ is it dull? Listen ! and we will tell you . It is dull because you Jon‘t udnflL. and &ou don‘t adver tise because it is dull. the vacant cirâ€" ae is complete. We tell you, if you ars .‘1"'. to advertise that you my' do well, and, if you are doing well, advertise that you may do better, Bet high your mark of business success, and advertise up to it You can drnz i# you will, ever i’:a bard times. A liitle nerve is needod in aiverâ€" tising as well as in using any other effective moans of success, Your meno who have no more nerve than a wet rag advertise litâ€" te or not at al!, and they succeed little or pot at all, You may oupton that we are giving advice that we think would benefit eurselves, Yes, we do think that it would benefit us, but would beneft ) ou immense. ly wmore. Think a little and you will agree with us, : And if you do agree with use be wine enough to ret aceordingly.‘ Tar Metrzous.â€"A writer in the Hamilâ€" ton Times gives the following ar his exâ€" perience in the: stur gxuzing, on Friday night: About B /p m, a few straggling meâ€"| teors were seen, and the nuinber [rugunlly increased until midâ€"night, when the writer counted 30 in 15 minuteeâ€"these being uI‘: portion of what were actually falling, as the oye could only take in a small spnce: at one time. . ‘The direction of the meteors: at this time wae from north to south, runâ€" ninmg parailel with the earth _ Many rushâ€" ed up from below the horizom. ‘The wri~ ter retived at one a . m,, and agnin â€" turned out at five o‘clock, when the number of meteors had. still further increased and were pouring down direct from the szenith towards the earth, the great beit of meteors having risen to that position since midâ€" night, Bome presented the appenrance of ‘ Roman candles, lighting up the earth like Roman “'d'“'m'“"fl up the earth like a snocession of finshes fifix:lina; others were like famung rckets, ing . a long train of fire btbLl. again . ethers whic ernssed the fiâ€"ld of the milkyâ€"way left a hins line dumko% linhinld f::m; this was od pomx asit hi a moment a gnioa of gn-t nebula. The sky at this time was “:lm';:ddu::lh ;n illu= minated no y mete= orie Mh:;‘ch must aecompany the belt of ineteors in their wild fight around the sun . ‘The meteors continued to fall wntit daylight sbut: them out hom view. Many thousand fell in the course of the night. A youth, a son of Widow Clark at the sast end of Woodstock, was killed on Monâ€" dgay lnst by injuries received from horses that had become unmanagenbie, and ran of unwomeniy pharagraph : + If there is one veeupation which is more than another mere waste of time. L think it is for an aesive, labor competent woman to sit from moraing till night with a limped backed baby on her knees, devoting her whole nr-umu,»mwm-dpm- ting it 10 sleop.‘ bravaly to step the progres of the anissais but without atail apd in their mad cnreer was thrown bensath sbeir feet and kilied. He was about fourtsen yoare of ayze and a " WATERLOO CHRONICLE aND FAMILY NEWSPAPEE. FIRZE INSURANCR MXEETINGâ€" Olive Logan is being °!“§‘3‘!_°" for this Butorox. â€"On Thursday the 17th imst» a woman comntmitted surcide by cutting her throat while labouring under a fit of im« sanity Fravp.â€"A short time since, one of the coal merchants of this city went toa wholeâ€" sale dealer in the States and gave out that he was an Agent of the Ontario Governâ€" ment and authorized by them to purchase ceal, ‘The coal was iimnmecdiately sent, but our Toronto merchant sold it on his own nocount and didn‘t pay the money. Acâ€" eordingly on Siturday last he was brought before the Police Magistrate, but fuiling to appear, and as the prosecutor did not show himself the case wus put off until Monday, when the prosecutor withdrew his charge, saying he had been mistaken, Roppery.â€"A few evenings ago, while byo men were éngaged in a drunken ‘*‘apree," one of them kindly relioved the other of " trush" to the amount of $200. The next morning the one who conferred this favor was arrested, brought before the Magistrate, and is now in jail awaiting his trinl, Rertarove _ Irems. â€" Tho Missionary Meetings in connection with the Wesleyan body of this city were great suecesses. The Wesleyan Missionnry Society intend erect. ing a Church at Red River, Some $1,800 is already subscribed, The Roman Cathoâ€" lies held a grand concert in St, Michael‘s Cathedral on Thuraday evening the 17th, in aid of the St. Patrick‘s building on Dummer Str, spoken of some weeks ago. Rov, Mr Punshon is to lecture here in a few weeks _ Anniversary services were in the Bond Sireet Congregationat and Elin Street Methodist Churches last Sabbath. Parcramzxtary.â€"Blake‘s Bill to a! olish dual membership, has failed. ‘The debate on the subject of aid to Universities, is exâ€" pected to come off on Wednesday the 25th inat. Wiirciax arrived in this city on Suturday last, by the boon train, ‘The argument before the Judges is to tike plucs next Monday, Whelan is in good spirits and henlth. Exprazss Roposrs.â€"On Saturday last there was an attempt made to set aside the decision of the Magistrate with regard to the Express Robbers, The case was arâ€" gued but the Judges reserved their deciâ€" sion. Tas Exrress Ropaers, Mortin and Thompson, hnve been taken to Windsor where they will remain until the dudges de. cide their fute. We have always favored cheap post. age and telegrnph rates, believing at the time that in the long run this would in crease the aevenue derived from theso sourcea of income. The more we study the rpuntiom of these and other similar institutions the more we are convinced of the correctness of this principle, _ Were it nut for the heavy actual expense incurred by the purchase of paper, we would easily be persuaded that cheapness in the price of newspapers would be the correct principle for publishers to adopt as that, by largely increasing the circulation, would not only confer the greatest. possible good on the greateat possmible eumber, but would inâ€" erease the influence and in the long run benefit the financial resources of the pub lisher, Dr. Ryrzrson has intimuted that he will resign his office as Chief Superintendent of Education. _ It is likely he will retiro on a pension. Coxrearerr Biuts are in circulation. They are chiefly "ones" made to represent bills of a larger denomination. Kennzor gava his last performance, for the present, hare on Tuesday night. We shall therefore make the senture with the following liberal offer to the putâ€" lic, The rates of l?nin aper published on the frst page will be llrl[‘dr; edhered to unleas our offer is complied with to the letter, We will send this paper to new subscribers from auny time between this and New Yaar to the end of 1869 for ONLY ONE DOLâ€" LAR 1N ADVANCE, and to all old sulâ€" seribers, who pay before Jnnuurg nex‘, for the same rate, This liber»l offer is open till New Year. Now is the time to sub= scribe and send your dollars! News rrom time Gz:orotax Bar.â€"â€"The storm which blew so filercely bere in the former part of last week, seems to have been &[:‘nll over tha lakea. The Georgiun Bay especially felt it, and we learn from a passenoger that the Waubuno, on her downâ€" ward pnssage, suffered terrific weather.. Rho had on hoard a large stock of catile: and hogs, and as in such cireumstances it is particularly disadvantageous to hayo this species of cargo on board, it was thought advisable to quit of it _ Firat one ox was driven overbourd,then another and another, til all were swimiming about in the unnatu. ral element. _ ‘The bogs wers next taken in hund, and the deck was soon cleared of thero . But during the process there was one man on board whe watched the proceedâ€" inga with the most intereat, _ He was laborâ€" ing under a slight attack of the dissase callâ€" ed delirium tremens. _ As one animal afâ€" ter another disappenred, his eyes dilated more and more, till, when nearly all the hogs were overboard he ejaculated, ‘If all the animals are going, it‘s time I was goâ€" ing too!" and, auiting the action to the word, he vaulted over the bulwarks into the boiling sea . _ With the greatest difficulty be was reacued from his dangerous position, but at last he war‘got on board, and put to sleep. _ The mun had $1,500 in his pocket, _none of which was lost, Farre® Roraury.â€"It doss not seem Vaat exâ€"Queen Isabelin‘s party are very comfortable at Pau, where they enjoy the French _ Emperor‘s bospitalitiess They have discovared there is such a thing as public opinion, and . a public instinet of what vice ought to do, It has recently manifested itself in a way not to be misâ€" taken. ‘The guard of honor has been withdrawn from the roval residence, and orders have been given by the governor of the chateau thit the military sball disconâ€" tinue the usual silute when the Queen pasâ€" Avrrorwsrs Passso,â€"The following gentlemen were admitied as uttorneys at at ‘Toronto, on Sflnrdlé.! Charles l'zullor. Bimone; J. H. Jellett, Belleville, Mr. Alanâ€" dale, Toronto; W. J. Diamond, Belleville: John fiv Berlin; W J Rachardson, An:â€" caater: Waliter Dudicy, Newâ€"market; F caater; Waiter Dudicy, Newâ€"market; F W Munro, Toronto; J A Qusllette, Sandâ€" wich ; Robt J Hick, Jr. Oitawa. Hon. Mr. Macdougall has recovered from his regent illness . Toronto Correspondence. The Municipal Council of the Township of Wilmot met at Baden or the 21st inst Al the members presont, A Byâ€"Law was introdaced to appoint plaees for holding the Municipal Electiors Byâ€"Laws Nos. 157 and 158, respecting the division cf School Sections was read a third time and passed. The Township surreyor was inâ€" structed to inspect the road, concerning the peution of J R Roth and others, and to notify the parties whose fences are on the road that unlesas _ they remove them on or before the 15th day of May next, they will be dealt with as provided, In reference to the communication of Waterloo asking for a spécial committee to meet a like comâ€" mittee from the Township of Waterloo concerning the opening of townlive, the committee thinks as the season is unfavor= able for such work that said petition be laid over for the consideration of the new Counâ€" cil. The following nccounts were ordered to: be paid, viz:â€"W C Smith $44 50 for building bridge and turnpiking, bein‘s half of aaid contract; the same party $65 for reâ€" pairing bridge; J E Emery $13 56 for gravel; F B Brown $11 for balance on conâ€" tract; A Cressman $10 15 for gravel; the same porty #9 for filling approaches; P T Howl #11 60 for stone and gravel; J Finâ€" ley #30 for filling rowl; N Foster $25 for filling approaches; J Hays %8 for gravel; D Esheiman 85 70 for planks; J Y Sbants 827 A3 for planks; G A Reed 84 38 for gravel; J Nahrgang #27 75 for repairing bridges; J Bowman $10 67 for repniring culvert; Adam Doering, sen., $16 for building a new culvert; %‘red Gatzenmeier #300 as an advance on his contracta® 3 Bhantz $16 18 for repairing bridges; P Greierbeil 88 tor building culvert; S Y Shants $56 16 for repairing bridges; C Kraus $15 63 for culvert; M Pfanner 891 @5 for as per bill; A Shantz 82 50 for reâ€" pairing bridge; A Cress for reparring hill; Agidius Mosburger 82 50 for bailding culvert; L Snyder $2 25 for elm tree for culvert; P Dieholt $8 44 for gravel; John R Schmitt #340 forgravel; P Brough $192 for several several bridges. C Kraua was instructed to [.ll up the ap« pronches in his road division with gravel; and further that the Clerk be instructed to notify J Otto to remove all the timber on concession line in front of Lot No. 12, on or befere the 15th day ot May next. ‘I ho Townahip surveyor is to survey the Haysâ€" ville bridge before the 28th inst, The Council adjourned until the 28th instant, _ | A Hixt to Unrorviar Caxproatzs, â€"| In the wilder parts of the settJiements memâ€"| bers of legislature havo often been electsd, * not so much for their talents as for being | ‘gond bands at poker,‘ or ‘great on a spree,‘ | and one of thesa (‘the honourable gentleâ€" man fom Mariposa,‘) on getting up (o speak in the Culifornia legislature, and esâ€" saying severn| times without much effect, | was greeted with shouts of <Git out Oh! git out.‘ They mistook their man, howâ€" ever, for, as one of his supporters remarked before his election, ‘He min‘t much on the speak, but jist git him mad once, and he‘ll give ‘em fit«.‘ ‘Look ye hore, gentlemen,‘ he remarked, cocking a Derringer pistol,. ye may holler +Git out git out as long( as God‘ll let ye, but my speech is already begun, and the next man who shouts ‘Git i out‘ in the house will bring to his ears the: ominous click of amallâ€"arins What is it the genclemen wish, and what would they bave? Is my life so dear, or my perce so sweet, that it must be purchased at the exâ€" pense of incapacitating a few on ye for military gervice! No, sir ee l I know not what course others would take, but as for me, I will finish my apeech, or there‘ll be a dead senator found round these premises in about filteen seconds by the clock,.‘ He was allowed to finish at his leisure. How Mucu Maxure Do Ws Usz Ox Ax Acr®, â€"An acre of land contains 43, 500 square feet, 4,840 square yards, of 160 equnre rods. By those who have used guano, it is «aid 800 pounds is sufti clent to manure an rcre; 302 1â€"2 lbs, would give just one ounce avoirdupois to the square yard, One cubic yard would give m triie over one cubic inch to the square foot. _A cubic yard of highly conâ€" centrated manure like night soil, would â€" avenly and properly spread, manure an a cre very well, Acubrs yard of long maâ€" nure will weigh about 1,400 Tbs; a subic foot not far from 50 lbs, _A cord eontnins 128 eubic feet, a cord and a quarter would give about a eubic foot to the square rod, if liquid manure be used it would take 180 lbs, to give one gill to a square foot upon an acre, which would be equal to about 80 pipes or large hogsheads, _ [t would be quite uselul if farmers would be a little i more specific as to the amonnt of manure applied, Praxxing a Caxratox.â€"Gen, Grant reâ€" cently expressec to an army friend his utter contempt of the statesmen who are arging their 6wn merits as officoholders on him. He a1id that be would make up his Cubi. net after he had received a certificate . of election, a&nd then no one would knoa whon he bad decided upon until their names got into print, â€" ‘It‘s no use planning a camâ€" paign until you have a war,‘ said he, Dr. McCosh, a Scottish Professor, was inaugurated President of Princeton College, New Jersay, the other day, with great cerâ€" emony. â€" There was quite an ‘ovation‘ in his honor, the leading meu of the state and thousaands of persons from a distance being present _ ‘The students appeared in orange sashes and ribbons, which it appears are the colors of the college. A Mrs. Tucker, of Georgia, who has written a life of ‘Brick‘ Pomeroy, makes this singular statement : ‘His ears nre large and indionte the Democratic element of character .‘ A married woman in Wisconsin sava that when ber busband is a little drunk he kicks her, and when he is very drunk she kicks him, â€" She congratulates herse‘f that she does the greatest part of the kickâ€" ing. ~Bhonkyenboyhaus, which, being inter= proted, means Heâ€"thatâ€"buries=â€"theâ€"Earth, Chief of the Six Nations, has gone to New York to ergnge in masrcantile pursuits. Whether the firm name will be Shonkyonâ€" hoyhaus & Co., or. Heâ€"that.buriesâ€"theâ€" Earth & Co, is not yet divulgead. Itis said that it will requira only about 830 miles railroad to open a communicaâ€" tion between the Cantral Pacific Railroad, mneet the north end of Salt Lake, and the city of Portland, in Oregon, The whole distance between these points is 645 miles; but 315 miles can be traveled by steam on the Snake aud Columbia rivers. Federick William DNickens, latest surâ€" viving brother of Charles Dickens, died a few weeks ago at Darlington, England, He war a genial. goodâ€"humored gentleâ€" man, with ready fund of amecdote, and war a general favorite in society, ‘Two Brantford swells were fined last Wednesday for calling a man and a brother a + nigger,‘ Wilimmot Township Counedl. Loxpow, Nov. 21.â€"â€"At the reception of the Chinese Embassy given by the Queen, yesterday, Lord Stanloy introwduced Mr, Burlingame, who briefly addressed Her Majesty im the nante of the Emperor of Cbina, and expressed a desire that the health and happiness of the Queen and raople over whom she presided should be ong and lasting. â€" He spoke in the highest tefms of the coâ€"operation of the late Sir Frederic Bruce, who formerly represented Her Majesty at the Court of China, in the course of his address he made a graceâ€" ful allusion to the wellâ€"known friendship of Her Mjesty for the United States At the conclusion of his addres he presented a letter of credence from the Eimnperor of China. Her Majesty was evidently pleas d, ard read the document and addressed Mr. B, She said she was glad to welcome the Chinese Embassy to Great Britain. She expressed her belief that its object was a step in the right direction, Mr, B. then introduced lhis associate Minister and the Secretary to the Queen:. YThe interview throughout was marked by the utimost sordiality. At the magnificent luncheon afterward served in the Custle, Lord Stanley exâ€" pressed himself as perfectly in accord with Mr. Barlinghamie‘s sentiroents relative to China. Jt was true, he said, that oppoâ€" sition, originating in ignorance of the real object of the Chinese mission, coupled with a desire to adkere to the old tradition of British coercive policy, met Mr, Burlingâ€" ghame on his arrival in England, but this had all passed away. Mr. B. by his dig nified course, and feeling tha grandeur and importance of the high â€" trust confided to his care, hadfcouducted himself in such a inanner as to completely disarm opposition, and create not only a favorable opinion for China but for the United States; for, while acting as the representative of the Emperor of China, his digmfied bearing and progressive ideas exhibited him as a type of the _ represontative American. Lord Stanley concluded by expressing Ins belief that the cordial principles whuch are fast influencing the nations of the world have chunged foes to: friends. Loxpos, Nov. 21.â€"Attempts bave been made to organize universary obsequ;es in commemoration of the hanging of the Man chester Fenians in this city and Dublin eâ€"morrow, the flroeeedings will doubtless %rove abortive through the action of the government officials, _ _ _ _ _ Altogether the reception of the Chinese Embassy by Queen Victoria was most handsome, and calculated to impress the members of tha mission favorably in their idea of the British nation. % Edinburgh, Nov, 21.â€"Lord Justice Inglis was to day chosen Chan ellor of the University of Edinburgh over Hon Win: E. (iladstone. Lonlor, Nov. 2!.â€"At the Lincashire nomination of members for Parliament Hon. Wm. E. Gladstone was declared to have the majority on a show of hands. London, Nov. 22â€"Evening, â€"Election returns show that the Liberals have at lest 150 majority in a full House. It is estimated that they will have 120 majority on the amendment which will be proposed to the Parliamentary address in reply to the Queen‘s speach. Some people are disâ€" posed to think that such strength of mem bers willfbe dangerous to the Liberals, fearing that will tend to produce discord in the party, This apprebension is, per haps, imaginary, as nearly all the Liberals who have been wlected have pledged thean selves to their coustituents to sustain Mr. Gladstone. and the fate of the Adullamitew, who havye neanrly _ all came to griefis a warning to bolters. _ es Two fortunate results are considered to have been secured, viz: The displaeement of the Conservatives and the acquisition of power sufficient to exert a decisive pressurre in IHouse of Lords for pushing through the measures for the disesfablishment of the Irish Church, T‘he arristocratic section of the Whig party is churged with intrigueing to have Earl Granville invited by the Quaeen to forr a new ministry, and the Radicals are indignant at this underhanded course. _ The exclusion of Mr _ Osborne, Mr, Roeâ€" buck, and other eceentricâ€"individuals, is a matter of general coogratulatio®, _ Nor is the loss of the Conservative lawyers, inâ€" cluding the attorneyâ€"(General and Solicitorâ€" General much lainented. Regret is felt that none of the workingmen‘s candidates who faJled for want of money and organiâ€" zntion, will be in the House to represent that new element in the government. It is anticipated that the new House of Commons will be on the whole remarkably practical and businessâ€"like in character. The elections in the counties have not all been finished but they will ba comâ€" pleted before the end of this week. _ London, Nov. 22, eveâ€"\V\r. Burling« game and his miasion have gained groand daily, and his relation with Lord Lord Stanley are intimate and setisfactory. Advices from Paris state there ts a growmg discontent in France, consequent on the press seizures, â€" Prosecutions are arged by the government with unsparing energy. _ _ A despatch from Berlin states there is much surprise at the omission to consult the King ou the subject of his arbitration upon the Alabamy cluims. _ _Count Bismarck has recovered from his illneas, and resumes his post this week, Paris, Nov 22,â€"The Prince of Wales is at Comprigne _ Cl S Inteligence from Spain is to the effect that (Gen. Prim is charged with delaying the elections and reorgunizing the army, with the design of a corp de stat, and the establishment of an Empire. It is said that hand bills are freely circulated urging his elevation to the throne,. and that they emanate from his imediate friends, Vienna, Nov, 22. â€"The Hungarian offi« cial red book Denounces the disloyaliy prevalent in the Danubian Principalities to the Saltan‘s govornment, and says they have forferted their claims to the protecâ€" tion of the great powers. London, Nov. 24, evening.â€"The Rt Hon, Wm E Gladstone and kis Liberal colâ€" league, Mr Grenfell, have beenâ€"defeated in southâ€"west Lancashire. The vote stood as follows:â€"For Mr Cross, Conservative, 7,â€" 7830 ; for Mr C Turner, Conservative, 7,670 ; for Mr Giadstone, Liberal, 7,390; for Mr Grenfell, Liberal, 6,930. Tl.e financial trouble in New Brunswick has involved four or five large banks, and produced general panic Loose manageâ€" ment and dissensions among the stockâ€" holders in one oritwo of the banks seem to have brought about the crisis. Lately a Scottish clergyman who had lived 70 years a bachelor, induced a lady teacher, 50 jyears his junior, to marry him while he lay on his death bed, in order that his sudden whim to die a marrred man might be gratified, Seammon, of Chicago, proposes to build a £$750,000 up town hotel at the corner of Michigan Avenue and Congress street. A New Yorker stepped on a dog‘s tail, was biiten by the animal, and had the owner fined forty dollars fer the bite CABLE NEWS Brig ht eyesâ€"advertise, + i ::: 'g;:’rozz clbf "0‘:;"‘20:}“ rnett, publisher Of Mexico city is lighted with gas. [ j Rismarck is going to England . | fiAfl'fifED. % 4 2 |\ _ By the Rev. Mr. Kaessman of Berlin, on Alice Cary is sffent to a fi\uh.‘ the 24th inst., Mr Josiah Moyer, to Miss Hamilton wants a public clock, | Lydia Shaute, both of Waterloo T‘p. Spain adopts the decimal system. I DIED. Madame Dumas was a seansstress. 1' Suddenly, of beart affection, the 28rd Victor Hugo is a Spanish Viscount. ‘inst., Jobhn Miller, Eng., Barrister; Galt, Ferdinand declines the Spanish crown, | aged 50 years. Prussia will have to borrow this year. ; «qanepaseemenpnnpepngeeeeemnenaceeecnmmememmmmee omm Mutton is facelioualy styled ‘ cold wethâ€"| wWATERLOO MA RKE‘PS er. | Fall Whest......:*+~:«/.« UAb i A draw back to one‘s comfortâ€"a blis s;"i"!' V;;en Anrvass Hader ;_%gz 3% er. [PBRB â€" + +sras > se ns nicnr sns t The press has been decreed to Be free | Batler ......... ......... 1.05â€" 1.10 inSpain R_V0561bl-............... ?6- 06% f URLS â€" +â€"xcrririssascrers â€" Men of lettersâ€"the politicians of Novaâ€" Clover Seed........~...... $7.00â€" _ 0.00 Scotia, Timcthy Seed...~...c~..... 3.00â€" g-‘o)g The writ for Centre Wellington is mow| Flax Seed...... ...... ... alle yet issued. gt g;:.erJ,\/)‘e?&- :3) Cows ean be purchased at $40 a dozen Lard.................... 12â€" 16 in Texas. | Pork .................... . $5.80â€" 6.60 Good sleighing in Concori, N. H,, last| Hams...................... 12â€" _ 00 Wednesday. s TAIOW ::./.â€"»@serirz%r«s 79'- (1)3 Gutta percha houses are sa,gested for . ;0‘::0",. NB 2202 n1 250: 25 earthquake cowntries. \ Best yg:,,' Double Extra.... 3 00â€" 0.00 Boston is enthusiastic over the beauty of Mra. Scott Siddons . T‘welve pereent of English crimibals are under sixteen, About _ 1,000,000 American postage staimps# arg used daily, A full grown Ostrich raises $100 worth of feathers annually. When do iladies carry fire? When they bhave taper figers â€" A St. Louis laoy is circulating bef peâ€" tition for the Post Office in that city. Brazil has spent two hundred millons of dollars in fighting Paraguay. If brevity be the soul of wit, whata funâ€" ny thing the new fashioned coat wust be. Fifty fire busines houses in Chicago have just failed, The Empreas Eugenie is sgain said to be in an interesting condition, Engenie is giving aid and ¢omfort to high tortoisâ€"sbell combs, Five girls under 15, have been arteated in St. Louis for burglary, â€" In Jefferson County. Florida, they have an * Honest Club,‘ which administers jus tice on offenders with the whip. For President in‘72, Jno. T Hoffman, is already at the head of several Democraâ€" tic papers. There 1s a probability that Jones, the Dcleware murderer, will obtain a new trial. Howe‘s friends say he has not abandouâ€" ed repeal. he has only adopted anotbe plan lor securing it, The Woman‘s Right‘s Convention, m Boston, resolved to agitate at home and flonded the Housa with petitions. Take care of your plow and your plow will take care of you. Several members of the House ars in favor of superior education. . ‘The parents of some of them wern‘t. A male child, about to months old, was left in the waiting rooin of the Great Wee: tern Station Paris, on Friday. The Central Lunatic Asylum in Columâ€" bus, Onio, was burned and several patients perished. r Since its separation, in 1843. the Free Church of Scotland bas built 900 churches and raised $40,000,000. Robert Bonner has mlmirin%y made a present of his famous horse " Dexter," to General Grant . The typographic pupils in the Columbus Deaf and Dumb Asylum have begun the publication of ©The Mute‘s Chronicle,‘ A monument to Alexander Selkirk, the monarch of al he surveyed on Juan Ferâ€" nandez is projeeted. C. A. W. A. Nagel, editor of the Milâ€" wankee Herald (German), comunitied suiâ€" cide last week. The King of Sizam, Iately deceased , was n Bucdhist monk before his accevsion, and knew many languages. English Methodists are already makimg an effort to oecupy the field so providentiâ€" ally opened in Spain. Gen. Grant has been widely known as a ‘tanner.‘ He will soon for a shert time become a cabinet muker. A weekly paper speaks of a play which has been ‘divested of al exwberance which ure not evolved by pure pudicty England has three thowsand steam ploughs, Egypt two hundred, and the Unriâ€" ted States two.. A brakesman on the Grand Trunk was killed at Lachime. _ He fell off the owrs and the whole train passed over him. A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING. A Berlin engineer has invented a miliâ€" tary land torpedo, which he pretemds will blow up a whole battalion. An exchange, in publishing a love story, the title of which is ©Joy cometh in the morning,‘ printed it <Joe cometh in the morning.‘ American millers are invited to take part in a great fair, to be held in Lespic, Germany, next Mav. It is now a ‘lark‘ with London swells to go to the theatro so made up with stays and rouge and crinoline as to pass for feâ€" males. Fleas are so numerous in San Francisco that elegant © back weratchers‘ in ivory are a «eommon ornament of the parlor ta: ble. The bar of New York gave a dinner to Attorney General Evarts, at which Generâ€" al Grant was present and responded to a toast, Mark Twain‘s new book is entitled ‘The New Pilgrim‘s Progress‘ Its auâ€" thor, we believe, does not figure in it ss the Christian of the pilgrimage. A lady preacher in Chicago has anâ€" nounced that she does not believe in the doctrine of man‘s depravity. ‘This is thought to be very good, considering that it was uttered in Chicago. The Jeff Davis trial did not come off as expected. The belief is becoming general that the case will be postponed till Grant assumes office, when he will recommend the pardon of the defendant. . Dr Ryerson has given his nssurance to the Assembly Committee on Schools, that in recommending the appointment of a Minister of Public Instruction. he does not contemplate remaining in office himâ€" self, A newspaper biographer, trying to say his subject ‘was hardily able to bear the demise of his wife,‘ was made by the in exorable printer to say, © wear the ciiemise of his wife,‘ A storekeeper in Bowmanville found few days ago, in a firkin of butter, a stOne weighing 8§¢ lbs. This beats the Mount Foreat experimenter, who put in the potaâ€" toes, but unlike that individual the name of the person who sold the firkin is known . A A \ _ The postage on Haxrr«‘s Macazixu is 24 cents a yeat, in Chicago ha# ADâ€" which mus be paid at the subscriber‘s post office, does not believe in the | . *«* *ubscriptious sond from British Worth American 4 . rmc‘s M | _Prvvino"_!m_ul ‘be mccompanied with 24 cent« Apprio®A! , Best Flour, Double Extra Spring Wheat Flour .. .. By the Rev. Mr. Kaessman of Berlin, on the 24th inst., Mr Josiah Moyer, to Miss Lydia Shautz, both of Waterioo T‘p. DIED. Suddenly, of beart affection, the 28rd inst., John Miller, Eng., Barrister; Galt, aged 56 years. Hexall flour . Bran per Ton Shorts. . . ... Hay per ton . Onions . .... Fall Wheat, #1.15 to #1.18; Amber Wheat, $0.00 to 0.00; Spring Whent, 81. 00 to $1.05; Barley, $0, 85 to $1.05; Outs 45c to 50¢; Peas, 85¢ to 90¢; Clover Seed $0.00 to $0.00 ; Timothy Seed, $0,00 to80# 00; Hay, $11.00 to 12.00; Butter 20c to 22c ; Eggs 12¢ to 13¢; Potntoes 7 5¢ to 90¢ BORN. In Ingersoll, on Friday last, T3th ingf, the wife of Mr. J, S. Gurnett, publisher of the Chronicle, of a son, Fall Wheat per bushel, $1.15 to $1.25; Spring Wheat, $1.00 to $ .0; Oxta, 48e to 52c¢, Peas, 80¢ tossc;Bofin,.t.aw $1.34: Potatoes 75¢ to 00c;, Aay, $8 to $10.00; Butter, 18c to 20¢c; Eggw per des 14c to 15¢; Pork, $5.00 to $7.00. | next Session, to be beld at 8t. Jacobe, on the 11th day of | DECEMEEA next, for a Byâ€"Law to cloxe the Bireets in the _ Village of Bt. Jacobs, that is to may :â€"James Etreet, Eby Street the West balf of Jobn L iween the undersigred, 'QQ"' the name aed firm of E. & 8. S. SNIDBR, Millers, is this day dissolved by mutua consent. Mr. Blias Snider is authoriged to colleat alidabts due to the eaid firm,and will pay all claims against the same, â€" THE Partnership heretofere existing beâ€" iween the undersigred. under the | _ We can account for iis success ouly by the cimple fact | it meete pricisely the pepuiar taste, fernishing a | of pleasing and instructive readiag for llLâ€"h'lm TO THE PUBLIC. WETTT P-’ HIDCIRI® ARWINEL LNE '-'..' * Sigd.| ELIAS SNIDER, Sigd.| SAMUEL 8. SNIDEER. Wimnessâ€"Joux B. Sxiner. Waterloo, Nevember 1st, 1868. * _ _erous patronmge bestowed upon theâ€" late firm, would announce that be‘ will continue to carry on the generai. Milling business at the a’norloo Mills, and i#preâ€" pared at all times to pay the Higbest cash price for all kinds of Grain. ELIAS SNLIDER. Waterloo, Nov. 24th, 1868. 672â€" Last Warning. | _ Bubscriptions to Harpers Magarine, Weekty, and Basar, | to one address for ane year, $10 ; or, two of Harper‘s Perâ€" | todicals, to One address for one year, $7. Back 'Numben can be supplied ai any time & Complete Fet, now comprising Thirty seven Vobâ€" umes, in neat cloth binding will be sent by express, I freight at expense of purchaser, for $2 25 per volume. | Single volumes, by mall, postpaid, $3 00. Cloth cases, for | binding, 58 cents, by mail, postpait. _ __ _ DISSOLUTION OF PARTNEKRKSHIP PA RTIES indebted to the undersigned, either by Note or Accoait, and not desirous of paying eosts, must call and pry up before the 20th of December next, withâ€" out fail, to my successors in bu¢iners, Bowman Bros, a t the Old Stand . _ __ CAME to the farm of the undersigned ne@r Linwood, sbout three months ago a stray beifer about 3 years old. The owner can pay ¢xpenses and take it away. Street, Twentyâ€"five in width along the North side nlg* Street from King Street East me far ms the said Main Btrcet is mixtyâ€"feet wide at preseut, all of John R Bowâ€" men‘s gurvey a â€" _ _ â€" tpHE undersigne i , thankful for the genâ€" MICHAEL STRIOKER: Wellesly Nov. 24th 1868. N*rxc: T8 HEREBY given that application will be _ made to the Woolwich Township ( ouncil at the 2ndâ€"Queet Sfreet from Front Ptree! to Albert @treet, Imabel a »treet from Lot No. 169 to Lot No, 178. 8rd â€"Fanpy Btreet, from Queen Bireet West, " Ungquestionably the best sustained work of the kind in the World." TOBRB WUORE ! We must râ€"fer in terms of ealogy to the high tone and varied excellences of HamPrm‘s Macar®zâ€"a journ«l with a monthly crculation of about 170,000 copiesâ€"im whose pages are to be found some of the choicest light and general reading of the day, We spesk of this work as an evidence of the . culture of _ the . Ameriâ€" can People ; and the popularity it has mequired is meritâ€" 4. Rach } umber contains fully 144 pages of reading matter, appropriately illustrated with good woodâ€"culs ; Aand it combives in itself the racy nnnthli and the more phflm;rhlul quarterly. blended with the best features of the daily journal, It has great power in the disseminâ€" ation of a {,ve of pure lierature.Trumxex‘s to American Hxrper‘s Wagazine, one yenr....... . . .. . .$4.00 An Extre Copy of either tL Magazine, ‘Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Bub :Ehon at $4 each, in one remittante ; or Six Copics fot to prepay United Btates postage‘ . Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. "MUTUAL" FIRE INSURANCE COMP Guelph, 9th Nov. 1868 Miller‘s Castle Garden Saloon, GUELPH, on Monday, December 7th, 1868, Nov @th, 1868 Office of #his H A RP E R‘S New Monthly Magazine. Critical Notices of the Press ‘The most popil«r Monthly in the worldâ€"New Fork Stray KFeilfer. _ JOSEPH SCHAEFER. Waterloo, Nov. 26th, 1868. A7Bâ€" sUBSCRIPTIONS.â€"1869. TERMS,. HArct Abbertiscments, NGO@TICE. BBL: :srzasrarrncss UiLdBb Thent .:â€"...~..¢r«: 100 w NNN "s3â€"_ w sekk k2 .2 ul .6 .. 1,05â€" 1.30 K. s.l.lll......... 16â€" . 0# 50â€" 60 eed........c...... $7.00â€" _ 0.00 Beed..~...cc..... 3.00â€" g-l:g I:xÂ¥ias suxnskiks: â€" 0. .r/% 23 oo ie exterit, 12â€" 16 at ene o‘clock, P . M. CHARLES DAVIDSON, Gaur Markerg. ALL KIND8 OF pONE AT THK 1. E. BQWMAN, Towa. Cie Seoretary . 671â€" ( W

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