Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Oct 1868, p. 4

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Kite me not, ma charmanie mignonne! Draw me not near ma johie chere, Till you teil wme if youar shignom Is made up of gorpse & hait. Horrid stoties ow AMP going, To thing lovely woman‘s Ir9d8es; And egutovy worth the knowing Rawhe! boa«ts she has the knowltnge To revire the looks when spart, Some Professor of king‘s College, Ta igh\ hat to restore the hair. Vre. Borrodale tlsplar®t ® a Lot of regudish bair in court; "Pwas her own, though |=wyers mado & Jokse of it in womaton sport. Yours io gisss though Aupechuman, May have been, m; ;Dearest Lift, Cut from seme poot Indian womak With the eruel staiping knift Who woald sport a braid [though blacker Than the wing of crow or daw, Bright as Whiteby jer ot \aequer] Tora from some poor biseding squaw? Preasses cribbed from 1i ring carcade Are ao woree alternativ®; Nucses A‘ch both fair Aud dark, ad Soon as paupore ceare to live “.7“ towebing inchlent=â€" a Ridt (Whuty the Pavristand, Batubtay is the fare arite day for man yingh _ Puihiciana in the Btatee . call whiskey \ Qnngrets water.‘ h::nnm reaponai bility «d resaing the *‘\v do spieras make good corregpoits wemil ;. Besause they usuaily drop a lime by avery post. Corfferes that outric the raven. From the hospitais procesd; Aubure haie had tuie to sha ven From the doad=\t is Indeed! afee nach=like revelation Taink me aot Arastidtou» grow®, It 1 astogwith wepidation} . drinkentaat in jfolly. M&\n tine atrain, said one gentieman to anmthes, alluding ro the tones of a aitgter wa conscert the other evening. * Yen‘ said the countrmam who aat near} ‘but if he strwine much more he will bursh Au advertising tailow candie chandlet wodeal pannuunces that, without tatad ing theparagement to the suw he may conâ€" m\&m that his octagonal aperimaceâ€" t are the beat lights ever intented. â€" _A young Iwdy in reply to her father‘® .qwr;, why she dis not wear HAigrs i pat émho Angors said > Becanae, papa thay hurt ‘we when anybody squeetca my hand."Wh t ‘Duatwesa have you to have jyour hand equgaged?‘ + Certainly none, but still you Arow, papa one woull like to Mh\ aqueesing onder, ‘ \ hat it is a chap castsses ‘ KWoarbetbes. y u> Mo Rnow that we can apile on death wil‘ wrety wake us happy in lite, Oat the mattura of death and eternity righ, and this life is robbed of all Its datkness and ‘s Quige books when traveling stare you in ihe free at sm? tute, â€" The beat one howerer for a man in the journey of lifs is a goud roman. A drunken fellow got out of hix eateniaâ€" tion. and was dosing in tha atreet, when the beils roused by thair m!im( tor fre \Nine, tew eleten,. twelve thrbten, four. .mem‘) ered he well ifghis ian‘t laree than al aver huew i.‘ Manmara â€"â€"Bread Btofeâ€"â€"Raing vv-x day Gunpowrer=â€"Goes of easily, Bitt ho:â€"xsm nr‘\r‘flu hu'- ;:wmnnl m| . ty> hygte= trale in dysi ck Kntâ€"»l)nd abd ver im{:-mmmlvâ€" YVery %n\d V«mb(yim-!‘mdn w=radd y PCs utmegg=«]n gratar demand, Bria rntw-â€"l\vhl and lively. _ Leatâ€"=Yary eary. i emowgn 2e S W ‘Darting are thore tocks your swat‘ Maramosias Paste. â€"Really my dean‘ anid poor Mn Jones to his better half you have sadly disappointe! me _ I onue con: sttered | you | a 00 jare! af _ a _ wo cmant but you‘ve turne! out only a bit U» malvimamhial DaMew! o Thev my bve‘ ut atrigmmonial parte‘ . <Then ny love" was the reply. @uuaale yonrelf with tlm‘ plea that paato la very atheaive, and will arick to you as leng as you live‘ The wife of Thomas Crowa gave hirth to a danghter, this heing the seventeenth vime that Mrs Croga has murts her husband a W{ tutmer. _ Mr Orosm on this oveasion awii. + Amelia Jane‘= Mrs Croaa‘s christens w! natme in Amelin Janeâ€"* this is noi in he botwet s But it is hom, my dear‘ amid ihe wifk meekly. + Don‘t get angty, my love, we all have out lhtk ermanes t > Lear,‘ Mr. Thomas Om ymare] in hitterngsa of apint . Y o cia Jane, oW ohing ha yeen fimind bong enougho; if you have any . mor l lo eroues ty bean T shan‘t i\ sh. vaw Lo smmoft themd‘ any more !ole help you to sopor #orctry . ons EO io e ind ww . hands Not long after the rnlh had defare! this tranaitaey life Fridolinga was en 18 coutaors plate with great ponai rensas the counten ince of a be whiakared wl h-1 Hagtetted . yeung . Inan . ‘FrHdoling . my dean‘ sair ber mailen aunt, a vervy pmpr\ old Iagy, shon‘t look ao at youhn Frigly ;| he}1 think you are in love \mfihim.‘ Â¥ ) eant halp it, Aunt Bophi®,‘ repited Fricdeâ€"| in~ with tearmn in her lovely @y 8 -hh} etprtanion is 50 like Moppeta | Compartue witit . INerrvorrmas. â€"Count Bponneck, the confrtential wivisaar of the King of Gremee, in a gentleman of @fy, promamssed of exrmaordinary . presence of saiw d _ When he Ant went to Uregce, ke cad with him on boagd the steamar a power Commupiite srary .â€"A sentimental youre lwiy bost n wrh PMN w which ahe set sreat Â¥als, ~nm! which ahe fat with her 11 1 ECA ryl Nea Roma and 4‘&1\ in which bhe was woaoyoh )0 Pm clog one day fall over inx : \ o ouat No wmeck aaked the capâ€" t i he vesge‘ to mave the engines stojpe i0 toit Nis dour might ho saved , Your & Yswev,‘ seplied tha ie phain, "ny i at wéliiiine ane to atop onlv o when a omann io Mog Wenpoen .‘ NVor, welt‘ aaid the_count, ov} 1 an y Went ns nWeR M}“mb“ wter hoarnt a on mep abapped, &idd hath the comnt T 1 ! Wns Wc &ue his dovw were ; oRtano®s. mnee author wrote | drunken= } and the printer made him aay ,in â€" minutes | aftetward, Autunin Ploughing. | A correapondent swime Up the more pro= l }li“fi w vantagrea to ba derived from turn | ing over the soil in autdinn, under the folâ€" ) Dowingt heads :« | | _ 1, Augnat and September is a gvod time | | to min over vound out sod latnd, and mantre | it an| re=sg@d it at onee to iram obtain= | ]mq n vrop of hay the Pollowing year. |\ _ I. Ovtober and Nuvember is an ercel> |lent time to break up aod land for plantiug ‘ \nme i w l [ the following apring. | | 3 The wenther ia then cuol and bra \cing, and thre team atrong am! hearty for | the work ; while the wenther in the nprin! is more relaxing nnd teaimn leas able; an apring work being alw aya hnrrym'., it saves time to diapatch as much of the ploughing a* possible during the previous wha tWd a ts Y Fxvit Tra®s.â€"l. When fruit trees 00â€" nv the rmml. nothing elae ahoukd, . Fruitfuimess and growth of the tree cannot be axpected the sante yoars % There Is no plum that the cureniia will not take, though any kind may some times eagape for one year in one plnfm. «Pn tb 3 ‘“T i;;.&';\"ofl;.-*m not do much damâ€" agoe when stiff ¢lay ia heaped up romnd the wree a fout hhl\. â€" â€" â€" Mod law!, broken up late in antunn, _ 8, Pearblight still pussles the greates‘ men . The best rimedy known is to plant two for every one that ie .. _ 8. If you don‘t know how to prune tbon‘t hire a man from over the som tha knows leas than you co. . S "7 Don‘t cut off a big lower lintb, unleas you are a renter, and don‘t care what beâ€" comes of the tree when your time is out. 8, A (ree with tha limbs coming out Rear the ground is worth two troea trimmed up Ave foat ami worth four treea trimiimed up en feet, and so on till they are not werth anything. 0. ‘Trim down, not upm 1th Bhorten in uot lengthen up LL it you had your arm cut off you would fel it to yeur heart; a Wwee will not fee}, but rot to the hewrt . 12. Youw can‘t hirs a ganlener that kmows albatbont horthon\\wre ant agriewuitre Buchk a man can make more than ) ou eun aflond to give ; ant he knows it . Hhats to Farwiers â€"Don‘c bny a piano tot your daughters while your sons need a wo phl)on‘\ lat your horwea be reen atanding much at the iivem door}irt cen‘t look :d zht. Don‘t give the merhant a chance to dun you Prempt paymenta make indepenJent M# th 'K“nop wood fence® o-tmklly line fences} L\:‘ey promote yoou feelings among neiglâ€" "‘ T uo 1 W a A devent, substerial clothing fot your tlnb{ren makea tnem think better of thewnr aelves and keepa the docstors away Den‘t sparve your lamij if yeu uo, yOoW will grow lnuth Drant Buy patent rights to sell agnin, Don‘t become surty for hin whe waits for the sherif s ® ”‘Tl';-on have a yoke af oxen, don‘t be wshamed of thein, and give your note for a apain of horsem Reabt o ron Fanmat‘s Boys. â€"An in relligent awd thrifty farmer sayat== But for the cg=â€"operation of my boys i should have \ fattert, | worked hand and ao diut they. The vhlest is near twenly=â€"one and other boys \m the nelghberhood, younger, have left | their parentat mine atuek to ma when 1 | moet hemled their services [ attnbuted this reault to the fact that 1 have thed to. make home pleamant for them . I have Airk= ished them with attractive and useful read= iny?t amd when night comea and the way‘s | labot in ended, instead. of running with | ether boys to the mrilway atation and adâ€"= ‘| joiving tow ns they ?\thor wround the grâ€"at sl{nm'\ ard hecome absorbed in their booka | and papers.‘ Such is aubtantially the besti= .‘u\myotufi\rmu who has known how . | han| to atmigute for a Pooting on free . roi! .\ without a eapital is and how valuable and . | comparately cheap are the wide whneh good p| reuling brings to him Dunt min for a eonatable; you may get in and let the plow stamc Teach your boys to look up and forward, neveralown ot back war! . _ When the labors of the day aro past, let you! books and newspapeta invite the youngaters to the sitting=motth. Don‘t |â€"ave Q-“{\;em-\rf what should be written} it makes law awiin . A Rentucky gentieman has found a way tbo get rul of enckroach»& Hi« hnuse was my sterinualy rid of thein a few montha ago, awd he has atace dinscrere} them gathored in {vammiaa wimbers in ampty oystar cand, to whieb they had evilontly been attractiid by the edor. BuÂ¥ a tirmâ€"wagon betore a find tar ac ns mcametciccmattly. 4 s 0t B ts o+ scsctâ€"â€"â€"â€" cCc o_ _ tr Mechutr Preteotie. &#RPPRCXIAXL NOFCIXCH. U ab d nore pl’.‘l Making love is the most expensive of all vom turn< | amusement» _ The Airtation of ordinary ; , ar the fol )minl life is compnratively harmleas and _ | unimportant pursuit but the downright, |] rood time ‘lnrinu« business of making is about the 1 d mant‘® | ooatliest occupation to whish a man can deâ€" | _ obtain= | 4 t vote himself _ In other amusements a man | | an erce|. | may estimate his probable outiay ; in make | e plantiug ‘ Ing love he never knows where he may stop. |. | His reamon, his prudemce, hi« selfecontrol | h::(:\yb:; '\nml common aense all desert him at ones, the apring | He is no more inaater of his own netion» able ; l:! \ than the unlugky imortal who parmits him * myh\fm i\"ulf to be masinerisad on an public plat= l‘;hpf‘:\'i;:: ‘ lorm and then porforms a nerics of ludicrous , | avtions for \be amusement of a griuning . R .,,mm,_‘n'limcm A power so impalpable ma the mss tha | giances of a pair of bjue eyea will nmake the | e late over | moat elmnaiest and most obstinate of human | y killed by | heara get ap on his hind lags and strive to| ter that NOt | yuger h{meelf plensing to his owner and . e plonghed | tormentor, It is this intense desire to pleare. wJea in fine | which coits the lore maker 80 much, â€" He mellow seed | forgeta all other contideration. _ He will cal changea | neylivet his business, oftend his {rietdls, rom atmos» | quarre) with his relativea, and gunerally o#, sdevelop | make himself diaagreeabhs, ni! for the aake ol Purrow® | of pleasing this one person, When the in> wing ullus | numerable delicious plensures of «iandestine #mpm alBewtionlâ€"the amugghed letters, the arâ€" either wholâ€" | rangements about â€" the rustic post=offica, m inatorinal \ the pawlony me adonted i:\ ‘iha _cnrhlacpon‘- o SE s Lakd ; if yeu do, you ence, the secret teiagraphic signals sent | from the haif opene| wihdow in the moeit: | light, the emifty inpcmiom fot meeting, | the stojen, quick, artÂ¥ioug estatic inter , views the \nmlv-\ng and tearful partings, . the reiterated vows and pledgea the far off glances in church, the hu:u and fears and. delights of this divina ful yefor these imâ€"= palpable trenmires the lover in glmlflio.u.mw l»p Ww jgnoble and materiat bene which ligure as tha other alterpative‘ mow can be look othertwire than with seotu ‘om the sugyuations am| couttsel: ofpmz]cne:. . ind . 4. didiinbdudiiddib i iactihet ue senanh ut love making in its supreme form is | 1 only possible at the senside. Are we to ask | »hy stoly O¢ holegy for the reason I | f L it the ?mpmvp:rdw{‘ roduced by |] the saline breeges and brisk exervise which wakes the young maan‘s _ fancies lightly | um io lhm\{hh of love? Is it the inhain= |â€" tinn of hromiwe and fedine that quickena |. the {»\nm of the languid bel > and bright= ans her oye, and freshens ber cheek, and relvlera her ,,‘}"“' irromatible ! Or are the sentiment» of admiration and love called more forsibly into rol:y hby. the mental in= Auences of assnetatton t Hnvethe cliffs, and thn sea, nid the far horizon, and the bril=| liant sunsets the power of disaiputing.: the | deadening pettineas of city hfs? Whaterer the ie may be suggeated, the faet is car= tain, that flirtation is «imply rampant among familion at the seaaide} that the p«\tonion uf sasea rpeniag to genmine love makin g in very great indeed, and that nearly all the | love makers, if they atay long erough by. the arde of the sea, reanive to get mnrri«{ ‘| _ Love maan may fourish best at the seaâ€"cuast merely because there is more op: pertunity for it, Famlies <knowing each â€"| other gut more togethen to the exclusion of strangers, and there is lesa of that insunity » | of crushing several hondred ӎ'i" Into m room meant to hold twenty, which provents » | the posaibility of quiet chatting in town «| The amusements of the coast tewmpt p#ople to go out of duore} and the chances (f.nrlvd Caotes Colvmi. Eoo Vmememnenetns hy!\‘m\ door exgursions to poung geople deâ€" alrous of talking to ench other are intumer whis. There ars the picules out on the Ins land or along the shore, there are the boat ing excursiona the nmoi“g\.t a!ro\ls.'r\he mt P es io tw MA 16 4. hA idb aliinanr t 1 aitting at windows, and what : not _ Then the sea air makes old |\on‘1lo vary aleepy} and when papa has fallen aslo@p nher dinner, in biw easy chair, and when iwemina bw hnmnr drowaily, with glosad eysm over a book , love making prospers, And the ayit * bals of this freemmsonry ate wore patent at the seaahle than in the city, The gentle pressure of the hand which, in town, would only awaken a little amused mrpr‘u. at the semaile reveals tha atore of a long eonâ€" cealwd attuchment, The Aower whm Eaiâ€" ly wear at a cily ball , and which she drops, is proked up by Alfred, who carriea it in his Angem a little while witd then throws it awny carelesaly ; at the sensahde he is iu tor= | ture until he can bear it hame and put it in | wntor, thence to be tranaferred, next morn= | \~g, to a seeret carner of his dosk . | Agnin, if the love imaking be.clande tine. conat life offers it every possible advantage, 1 In town, young ladies are not aupposwd to %? out for hours nléne}; but at the sen side they ara ma free ns tha wind aud the nir: They cen go down lo the plor 10 see the | hont come h‘fl they oan go round to the | post office for letters, of to post léttebs. We | do nut, of course, refer to avueh towns ns | Newport, or Long Branch, or Cape May, whierhnm\d uftrme conat life onlgnod' r us : | as a nort of wdultemited eity lifo. But n,tlw we, o mene S s P 24 amall and quiet villagea which aboutul a= | long our mh.:r:, hu\«:l wh&:a are . now ‘ being plaked y families who have got tired of removing from New York only to fm} another New York by the sea, {unf ‘making is nourished by the wind and the main and the aun; and douriies in the most remarkible way, The city belle P“ down to brighten het complexion »nd renovate her constitution for the mext season} and to| while her pallid cheek is lninx‘aun- tanned, and her long hair pamlerad eriap by the seg water hnd the aun, sbe is suclenly Lunuuht in her own net, and from a barinless effort in firtation , lapses into the moat terâ€" CWEHL CR MEA ET Y Pn L C ribly anxious @sd snlemn love making . ‘ She forgets her harror of thriftioee sons}; her mother‘« primient counsels nre wholly i.monk For the Arat time in her Iife she abeys her natural impuise® and becomes all at onee tender, and womanly, Ahc [PUO This the sea breeges have done for her. That her love making may be proaperois and reach a happy climar imust ,he the wish of very one who recoghises the itife ference batween habitual Birtation and . the important erisis of ful Ing in love A ludy writer in the Broadway, in ab artivle entitled ‘Onmln?;‘uys in com« pnring women to ment * ough we were gertainly not sent into the work} solely to aupplement men‘s lives arvl to have no ori« ginal objects of our own, atill we cannot do without their likingy and it is only right that we shouh} set our watches by their time, They are clenrert beaded than we} leas projudiced, if leas mmitmk\\m mt;re 1 Nonde ut Luske Hemiar nev ) lite eE mt o e t without their liking} and it is only right| that we shoukt set our watches by their| time, They ore clearer beaded than wej. leas projudiced, if less conscientious, mate generoua when generous, andmore tender when temien _ When they lovre, \hoj‘ love hetter than we love, but less absorl “fi"" We give the whole of our lites 10 love, they keep one pottion of theire for work, and another Ror ambition, _ Still the half mea:» aure of a gallon in more than tha tull mer > sute of a pintt and weight for weight, the man‘s love is greater than the woman‘s .‘ W ATERLOO If a seaman should turn back every time ha epcountets a hamtswad, he would never makte a voraige,. 80 he who permits bimself to be bafied by adverss dmun:«nmu vd:t. l ol 00 t (La e â€"ubim Makicag Love. hoad way . in the voynige uf |\ Mercantile Reference Register , h orfinmd td PM T CTC NC quoitrs | by enabling its subscribers to attain faeMity and safety in the granting of credits, and the l ' t recovery of claims at all polats, havre to anâ€" | ; nounce they will, in September, 1868, publish ‘ | in one large quarto volume : | _ The Merchants Protetive Union Merchantile | \ Reference Register, coniaining, among ether | | things, the Names, Nuture of Bu-lunckAmOun | of Capital, Finangla\ Standiag, aad nnnf ne to Oredit,‘ of over 400,000 of the prife pal | merehants, traders, bankers, manufacturers, wnd public companies, in more than 30,000 of the clitles, towns, villages, aud settlements | throughout the United States, their territories, } aud the British Proginees of North America ; | and embrecing the must Important information t â€" attainable and negessary toenable the mer» .~ chant to mscertain at a glance the Capital, | Charnetor, aud Degree of Cre:it of such of his ! A : qustomers as are deemed worthy of any gradaâ€" | _| thun of ered‘t, comprising, als>, a Newtpaper \ Directory, coniaining the Utle, character, price i ° | and ‘-lnec of publication, with full particulars a | relative to each journal, being A eomglm & guide to the press of every county in the Unit« \ | ed Brates. o | _ The reports aud Information will be confined g | 19 those doemed worthy of some line of credit ; | and as the same will be based, so far ns Fne- e | licable, upon the wtitten sintements of the | parties themaelves, revised and corrected by ® ° well known and reliable legal correspondents II . whose character will prove a guarantee of the ", correctness of the information farnished by y | them, it is believed that the reports will prove & , more truthful and complete, and therefore; suâ€" * perior to, and of much greater value than any \ previoualy Iseued, T P AVATUACCOIR L LOBHâ€" Ho RFvsass: Heaiatar preou®y CECCCH By ald otf the Mercanfile Reference Register, busivess men will been abled to ascertain, *4 a â€" glance, the capital and gradation of credit, as compared with Bnancial worth, of nearly every Snvnhu\\, manufugturer, trader, and banker, withfa the aboveâ€"named territorial Iimtts. |\ _ On ot about the first of each month, subs» cribers will also receine the MontAly Chromicle, @ortaiming among other things, a record . of | anch !mportant changes In the name and con« anch !mgornnl CBnD@eRMECIOCMMOURCUUSCE dition of firm«, throwghont m‘umcy,vuae- C usc cb atien caf andh 94 00004 o8 cÂ¥ L o bbtei ulc Alinieniietet wue: panc d oeeut anbsequent to the R;mlhu\on of each halfâ€"yearly volume of the, srcantile Reference Register : 1 1 1 TW 18 PPE .7 UE MNERCHANTS! PROTEOTIVE UNION, trce CHEOXICLE AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Foundry ! 'I‘HB Submeribers would respetibelly in form their friends and the public iff A form their friends and the public it géneral, that they are now manufagturing, at Rimira, ail kinds of Agricultural Imple« men}a, such As THRASHING MACHINES! STEEL and CASTâ€"IRON PLOUGHS, gultiv..non. Dray Saws, Straw Cutters, 0.. &c. 0_ ie _ wl nex -“‘i"?to.y';vonhl eall the attention of the pub« lie to their Bolf{â€"â€"Regulating Grain Separator ! And also to their IMPROVED PITT‘3 PATENT HORSE. POWR®. _DlTF-El. PDCRNO! 0 1A Ab 44 B E Pleugbs, &o., &¢., all of which are kept on hand, or will be furnished at short netice. , REAL ESTATE! 'I‘HR subscriber offers to dispose of by privare saie, the followihg valuable property, vis :â€"â€" Lot 16 on 7 Con., Arran, 94 acres. Olenrtitle Lot 7, 1 Con.. do., 103 do. . do, Int??,. B, Amahel, 100 _ Trauafer T'lcl 8 A, _ " 100 Clear Deed, »0t 21. }3 Con., Bruce, 100 Clear Dend. Lot 3, 18 Con, ©_ 100 for Transfer. Lat 82, 7 Bldersiy 100 per Transfer, Lot 83, 7 * 100 6 6 Lot 37, D, w o0 1000 t 0 s Lot{ 9, 3, Saugeen AQ _ "‘Clear Deed Lot 4,2, * 100 _ Cleat Deed, Lot 14. 8, Keppe! _ 100 _ Clear Deed, Let 30, 7. Saugeen _ 120 â€" Clear Deed. Exoellent Bargains are Offered. EETVV BE EM CCC CR 00 1 anised to promote asd protect trade, . h Mc Clcl_ $.cubhe Exoellent Bargains are Offered. Applications are to be sent (if by lette® puostspatd,) to A, P. STARFORD, Normanton P, O., S e h Bruee Gounty, C;facc-n;d_Wnr:h;u;o. _No. 18 King St., next door to the * Gore Bank, wOOL DEPOT! lt:’c » constantly on hand a lurge and varied P * "Wepar / â€" Foreign and Domestic PORT ELâ€"GIN. wlhueh they wl ko!! chenp foeCASH or apâ€" reved paper . [Juaving unBsual (ncllitiea &r p.cchuh.fimd exiensive connections abgead \ho{ offer inlueements to purchakâ€" .nruqnn led by any other House in the wade. ~ L0 EXTENSIVE SALE wilt fed it to theit ir purrhasing else w here. t A\ or.dnn Sy n PeC U KUO m e A\\ erders by mail promptly attendâ€" edto and under the supery bton of an exâ€" perienced grader. 1+ o navis J"H. DAVIS & CO., THIS pleasant, t?reubh; and scicnatific preâ€" paration ts an (nd{spensibie article for the tollet. [t cleanses the scalp, renders the hair of a darker appearance, 18 nnl!{ applied, and wili not stafu the Anest linen, hose uting the Empire Halr Gloss wili And that it renderg the harshest and eoarsest hatr, soft, f“""' fine and beautiful, disposing it to stay in any posi« tion in which it is plac.d. 1t prevents the hair from falling Out, invigbrates and um&m-. it, and often Yrodueu a new growth of hair where it has already dlucromd. by inbigorate ing and restoring the skin, nerves, musclesâ€" bload veasels, and roofs of the hair. Price 25 cents, J. 8. Foss & Co. pngrhmn and sole .uwmnsr‘a, Sherb‘rogkn.l rovh:nbof Queâ€" ary, Bimpson o ., Montreal, Lymans m\n & 30.. ‘\‘g:u\o\ Whotvsale A gonts. ‘ Por\ k\gin, Jan 38n¢, 1868. Blliot & MANUFACTURENS Hunt‘s Emgi_r_e_Hsir (Hoss. Mamilton, UNION Woet® O 1 regn gnd UOH * WwooLus, HAMIL TON, _ EL. MRA to |h;,l_r intwrestto call before H. BURK/ June lith, 1867, at Or H. DAVIS, . BURKHOLDER, 68 «t ©‘Clear Deed, Cleat Deed, Clear Deed. Clear Deed. ?-\ and Tweeds,Scotch and (anadian Tweeds @!FANCY coATINGS, TROUSERINGS & VESTINGS, NEW TAILORING | ‘TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY of informing. \heie numecous cumetomers and the | public generally, that they have engazed the services of Mr. JOHN HAMILâ€" | TON, wliesenbilities ns a first Clasg Cutter â€"re sufficiently well known to require no pulfing, and that they are now prepared to OUTEITTING ESTABLISHMENT MAKKE UP CLOTHING TO ORDER ! 428 â€" A‘T PRICES THAT CANNOT BE BEAT West of England Broad Cloths 598â€" DYE â€" Most Pashidgnable Styles, =â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€" Waterloo, September 23r.l.‘i868 Springer ; Snyder‘s DRUG STORE! NEW GOODS! European & American Markets, They beg to call particulat attention to that part Waterloo Hardware HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ! Harvest Implements IMIQIENSE QUANTITIES ! Pssy tLlLAst R:Aadvâ€"dMAdE sLoOTtamég 1 First Class Goods ! W A TE R L O O . WATERLOO CUSTOM WORK: TEBUNDBRSIGNED bey‘ mnst public generally, that they aow CUSTOM WORK! Carding, Spinning, Weaving! TWEEDS, CLOTHS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, &o., &o. 'n‘LWovm also pay the highest price iu cash or trade for o9 MURRAY & BOCKUS. _ BOWMAN BROTHERS WATERLOO, Suly 16th, 18§8, which will be found the mout complete ever offered in this j Also a full supply of Waterloo, May 13th, 1808 Kcost Roeasonable Terms. of all kinds, â€"â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"~*~ ‘all at tho Waterloo Hardware Store | Immensé Stock FITLLING DRESSING & DYEING, > in the bnq possible mannuer, and on the POEH CEHEBHAFP and XVATEERLOU. We will always keep on hand a good assortment of 9 "*CL O C ®i . ED bey‘maneÂ¥ respectfolly to intimate to their friends and the that they mow prepared to do ALL KINDS â€"â€"ANDâ€" IN THE John McDougall. rfigu n;n{ 5 gsuCH as OF AT AT THE «45 of their Stock comptrisiag vicinity, 863â€" WATERLOO CABINET FAGTQ@§XÂ¥q¢: WOULD ANNOUNCE TO HIS FRIENDS and th in full operation his NEW AND EXT! Bedsteads, Chairs, Desks, Bureaus, Tables, Sofas, Lounges, SPINNING WHEELS, REEL®S, &0 &e. .0 ALL KINDS OW CABINET WARE All of whick ;ill be seld on reawonable terms. Me would especially make RoeyE PAAL Re has a full seut of Machinery w deo all btade of : rajeespy PLANING AND MATCHINGâ€" U ReaZ l4 CIH C id . PB P MECC Ee Oc iiesign iss LWUMBER of every disciipuon needed for building purposes. He eleo kepps on laad a Stock of t SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGB| &€.>| Is in excellent operation 653â€" INDIA & CHINA TEA COMPANY. PURE and GENUINE TE / 8. of splendid natural flas Company‘s Plantations in ASSAM, and on the alope ed with the finest products of CHINA. Only Two Qualities, viz. : TOc. or §1 per lb.. either Fine Housebold Tea, combining Streazth and Finest procurAbl@y, .........k k6 666 66 n n 6 o9 _ g*e Sold in Packets and Canisters by the Compan Town in Canada. 4 RVJ KK RIRLy RZ NB NA WRA Q 0 BA P e t t t s ECT J All onders for work in any of the abovre branches will be prompily filled. gyâ€" Remember the place, Waterloe, April #ih 1868 , HOME REPQTS, ‘anada Depot, No 48306 5.5 Alis l i hib d uds h ucA toatitâ€"Aline itb nfi in Jn 2 ult i e ied HIS STUTEAM SAW MILL! TRON FOR BLACKSMITHS, STEEL ~ Coal, Coal, Coal! Best. Blossburg $6.50 Ton . ; Felloes for Waggon Makers, Hubbs, Spokes, Bent Cutter Stuff, Oils Paints. Colours, Varnishes. BLACKSMITHS, WAGCON MAKERS, Cuu’mm_ ~I"~m Waterlen, December 4th, 1867 Tools, Tools, Tqpols! Cutlery, HAVE TIMRORTED the most extensire and varied Hardwage 8 gr sh d I in any eetablishment, and to cléemt it off rapkily. will diepose opl‘ig;?;{!:n‘m will cause competitors to stand aghaet and premble in dismay, while 1 rejoice the hearts and pocEeu of my GOOD FRIENDS THE PUBLLC. _ _ By. thirteen yeare close attention to business in Guelph. arnd by selling goode o# I have secured the largest Uurd:&rc Undersell any competition who BARCLAY SEWING MACHINE Without nnd!exc?tions the Barclay " Tactitred by the British A New Mardware ! is TNE BEgT IN TBE bowrNrON OF JANADA POR G@RY RRA L*RUCRPOSES. w1 0O} ~ An examination is merely requested, which will be to the @d:« vantage of those intending to purchase,. where he has constantly on hand a very large and full aseortment o Manufacturers of, and nOlesale & Hetail IN . $. COAL OIL by the Barrel or cat load, sold cheaper it can be bought elsewhere in Canada. io e 227 GUELPH, Sept. 220d, 1868 have again leased their old atand where public with every thing in their line on on hand and made to order, â€" CLUR®FiAN® mWde °00 furnished when required . SA WING, PLA NIN 1 Aasdet TRADE C(%;“‘Obsel~ve the Trade Mark BLAIR, May 20th, 18668. T done to order on BKRLIN, June the 19th, 1861 . & PgPQTS, LONDON AND LIV Depot, No. Q3,“Hds(iit‘a‘| S ALL â€"MACHINES â€" WABRANTED. wosres nzca‘mq t ns 4 T mpson & . Arld()l'lséo . JP nc alhidicthiedateiinsaint d +s t oc + JA T ; £ » ;. .r SMAULL PROPITPS,â€" . on and is pre‘plrc’d to do @any kind ef cusron s1ivÂ¥30(| LUMBER KEPT FOR SALZ. w umps$ BUILDING HARDWARE, Coal Oil, Lamps and Chimneys! WA BRCGEN ASsT LGENT FOR WATERLOO : D A V D DEV ITT, GENERAL MERCHANT. rPAkkLILSg, o NC South side of King Street, ;NSIVE CABINET FACTORX â€"; â€"@UCB ABâ€"â€" COFFINS mude toorder ; the Barclay Sewin i\d _ Sy‘ M: 1e British Americaa’ i & \< Machine Company, General Agent for the C by the Company‘s Animin idid natural flavor, imported direct from the and on the slopes of the HIMALA Y AS, biendâ€" M per lb .. eitber,ll?il.ACK. GREEN, er MIX$O ng Streazth and: Mlagot TO cents per Ib. T dollar =~ v the Company‘s Agents in every City and § â€" ie â€" atke Te C ABig C200 E20 C000 C do OPf Trade in Canada, aud am now miore Mfilna than ever to who may attempt to nvy@#t W business. s JOHN HORSMAN. they continue to eupply the trade and th reagonnble TERMS. J rade an o gonere yrst a &4 Pipes 1e public .gneull,, that hyhu ow on each Package. the shortest Notice. and East of the*Market Square. M. WEGENAST. of, and and a aplendid HEARSAM ‘oumâ€"yâ€" ;f \)\r’olarloo, Blair *4 M ARK . wake Rooyv® Shat Deal ers®s TRNVING, ing, Mabuâ€" _ > B18â€"Ig: then bMâ€" #68â€" 643â€"â€" 1M

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