«* Vail 8x o:m‘ï¬n. Wail Ba. _ I:25 a.m. Day 8x.. 2:18 n.m Day Br. _ #4% p.m. do. 0 9: Nigh\ Bt. 2 &aterloo Chroutcle a*D PANTLY NRWSPAPEBR. Thwewiay. Marning, Oct. 29. , READ } READ !| REBAD ! ORKBAP!| CHKEAP | We have abways favored cheap post Aye “.‘ 'Pk'!“ph ratos, uh"‘ ab “ timy that in the long run this woertl inâ€" eresams the revanire ilerivedd Arm these sourtea of insome,. The more we study the operationa of these and other abmilnr institutiona the mare we fre couvinted of the enrreetmess of this prinvipla _ Were it not Pir the henvy astual expanse, incurred by the pamslnae of paper, we would easity be peratmda! that cheaprem in the price of newapupers wouh! be the correet principle tor pabiisher: to adapt me that, by largely Inorssthg the crrewhtion, wouh! not only conter the greatest pomible good on the gregatest poamble number bat would in trease the inflwence and in the long run henveitt thi Buaneint resources of the pub= TramtBa\yt Permix 3rarton as Pousows : \mflmmm Moaduay in linkes. Wo aha‘!t therefore make the venture with the following libera) uffer to the publtc. Tt mtes of this paperepublishel on th‘ Bnt page will bo strietly adkered to unless onetMer in campRed with to the Istters. We will aond this papner to new subscribers frun any thne betwean thisand New Year to the on | f 1489 for ONTL Y ONEB DOL: LAR TN ADYVANCE, and to all old aub» mwihem‘who pay bafate Janwary moxrt, for the samp.mte. ‘This linerw? offer is open UMWaw Youn ~Now is the thee to sib= seribe and send your doliare ! URAND TRUNK RAILWAY, ‘.b"â€˜ï¬ w | "MÂ¥, Phuit, ortarich, has patentad an in: ‘ vention lor the cheaper production of sait, lip evaposation instead boilings "Tha Makture of the Ontario Legisiature tiky4 plice next Theaiay, . Much import apt, buainess will be transacted during the | Abvinetes in the Ganatax Canadtax whirh has a ctreulmion amougat the most wonlthy farmers in this County: unequal lwt by any parer, Oalt at this 6ffice: ‘ I‘vnm Ametican Agriculturist for No=â€" resmwber haa renched ue _ It is a good nuim har, ~Bend tor it in Orange Jutbi & Co, New Yoark. Price B1.30 Greenbacksa ‘.‘Tmas Masous had a (estivalin Elora on Monday leat unc ht a good rime ail rownd. A wumher of the fraternity from n diatance were pragent . Whitiiek‘s Horteuitural Recorder is tha name o( @ monthly Magasine published in New York at 20 cans per Na: The conâ€" tenta ahow it to be of axneeding interest> ~Mun frvarxzss Enxorms.â€"The slection in Iuverneas took place on Thursday Inat rwaked in return otf Mr, Macdonald the Antisttston Cunididate by a narrow majork ty of $3 _ ‘I he total vote polled was 1028, ef which Blancharc receivel 088 and MeDonaht 9900 . Cantan® Waerantato®, â€"Several nawmes have ailremiy beena mentioned as probable enmiyintes for representing this Riding in the House 3# Common» and amangat other that of the Hon. Gea Brown We aboukt be glad to see Mr Brown elected to meveed the jamented De, Parker, Oare at this offiee tor ‘wheap Jnb Prinâ€" Burouans it Wareriooâ€"â€"Just as we go to presa o are informed that two mea, and rea wrimen have Intely come io town And areYooked upon aa rery suaprelous vharueters, Night before last am attempt war mate to break into a house on King Bit. Look your doore 5 Cring Rest Going Wret Avvenmee in the Cumemons Powanonr mt Gain â€"We tike ‘great pleasurs in informing onr readets that the cluquent Euglish Oritor, Rev. W. M. Punshon, M. A., will lecture in Gah Town Iall on Monduy avening next, on * Dantel in Babylom" ‘This is an opportunity rarely anjoyed by the. people of this County, and Bposcnar forthe Greamar Caxadtar,. A Mrerrre ofthe frienda of Vistoria U niveraity wilt ba heb\ in Coburg on Tues diy the toth of November at 10, a. m. That inatitution ia at present in ennaiderable Aoanojal ambartasentont in consequence of tha withhnbling of the uanal legtailative Marpr acmor. â€"At the Toronto aaaitea an netion war brught against uone Dr. HMyde by a Misa, Jgokson for amputating An amm above inataad of helow the elhow when tha mabt arm had beee )aterated in a thrmaking machina .A t many wits 4an8, Mfl'mmon‘w \n~}, ahor which the jary hemught in a ver diet of 8280 damages tor the plaint@. _ \ granta and it ia intemled to adopt some plan to provide for future contingences, Arsotnrmexre â€"Mn J. 8. Mactonald h a appointed A. W, Lauder Baq., M. P. P , Trustee for the Torontn Grey & Bruce R i1way Co. and Senator Alien to the amnine o« for the Toronts and Nipplaing Rail. way C _ The Gilobe Ends finit with thess Appiintmenta as it is reganted an infrings ent of the Intaepandence of Parliiment warning to « 0: (8 p. m xa, posuar for. 14 monaths! _ Call at many will go to Ga‘t to hear | Whndon D sotu p. m 1 Cig)t Bx. 3:18 a. m WDr, Parker, M. P. tor Contral W elling=‘ tom died on Satuniay afternoon last, from injuries received by an rechlemt, the partiâ€" culars of which woere givem in our last . | Dra, Alkine and Wright of Torontoy Rowlâ€"| by of Berihin, Hoxitt, Rerod and others Guelph did all in their power te aave his life but were unable to do so _ His death is deoply mournaat by personal and political friemis not only in Guelph, but thronghou the provinem _ He was born in the County of Simene and was at the time of his death in e frtisth year, His funseral took plwe ow Tuesday last and was very largely attended by friends and aquaintances, not only of Gneiph, but from Hamilton, Toron« to, Mall, Stratford and nther piacea, Dr, Parker was educated at Victoria Col loge, yraduated in medicine in Philadeiphi aad wus engaged in medical practice i Quelph for thirteen years Hoe was Ma of Gueipb in 1881. He was first ete to Papliament at the general election 1884, for the north rhting of Wellingts â€"»bsating Dr, Clarke, the former sentative, by several hundred votem _ Under the Comfaderntion of the Provinces, Wel= lington was divided into three ridinga; and at tha election Inat year, Dr, Parker was , returned to the Mouse of Commons for the for the Central riding by acclamation in ‘ politics he always mihared to the Reform: party, His narural abilitiesy excellent eduâ€" eation, and axtenaive reading, made him a correct, logical, amt inatructive speaker, His efforts in Purliamant were often remarâ€" ked for the thorough asquaintance with the subjeota under dissummion which they diaplayed, Me moved and aupported in an abla apeech the resolution ‘ reapecting Dn Taeppera mission to England which gave rise to the memorable debate in the House of Commons on the evening bafore the assasmination of the late Mr. D‘Arcy McQGee Dath the leaders in that dunbate have within a fow moant‘is met with violent deathaâ€"â€"one by the hand of the assassin; and the other by acerlent, Buiote ts Warmariooâ€"On Baturday morning Iast Mrs Yuaannah Charitos aged 19, wife of Mr Stephen Charkton aged 40, gommhter suterts by shooting herseif, We eopy the following particulars from the Hamotton Times, furniahed by a corteagonâ€" dent who war present atthe inquest hokd by toroner Waulden . For six weeks they have bean reaidenta of this place, and their previous history is but litttle known, save that the husband states he married hep last Jungary, in ~Brampton, after Ave \dun acequaintanee, and, _ that he has ainee found . her the possnasor of a most orstic temperament . On the wrorning of the drad a colored woman =â€"»Mrs Boott=â€"who had on differerit nsea> slons workedt=trapghe@m was at the house, and had heard her say. that she was joalous of ber ‘husband, andWbuld give him a blowing up for being out last nightâ€"=that she had a bad teinpor and that when angry would juat as sowm split open a parson‘s brains as not, and that aftersmards she felt morty, After Mrs: Seott had gone home ahe took ,breathast to her hushand at the Woglan Factory, where he was Aroman, aad thers hud a dispute, immediately after which sho went to Mrs, Seott‘s house and swid: ‘Come down quick my husband and 1 are guing to part, aiml I want you to id charge of some things for my moth : en‘ _ After some hesitation Mra. Beott went with her. and had just entered the kitchen, whan‘ the deceased went to a think as if to get, as Mra Boott thouight, some article for her, but insteml took up a harme piatol, of which there were three, and pointing it towards hee right breast, called to Mrs Beot who was lonking ount the window, to ‘look here,‘ which she did in time see the Aush and hsar her scream anâ€" ase har thiil Mro, Seott then ran frantically Into the street when a crowd soon collected, Upon entering the room where the dead was committed, it was found she was yet alive and raving, the ball having passed out utthe spinal column, through the wall against the aiding of the buikling. Bhe divd in about 20 minutes, The deciston Ir, of the jury was tu acsordunce with the a bore frcts; Deare or tng Rev, M. Warttso.â€"The many | frends of the Rev. Mithow Whiting will regret to hear that he died on ‘Pues day morning last in the seventieth year of his age, He was well and fivormbly known to thousands, in different parta of Canada who have been profted by hisearnest and and : hithful _ ininiatesial _ servicea. . Hir friends will be happy to leara . that his and DRATH QF DR. PARKER: was péace aml that amongst his last ntters anees were ! all is wel}© this faith ie firm in Obrist â€" He will be burtred tuâ€"day (Thurs day) in Galt at one p. m* when the Rev. W. 3 OGrifiin, of Gueiph, will preach a fu* Tun Beparate Sonoots in some parts ito not find ao much favor with those whom ther were intended to benaft as was at Arst expected . We notics that the Roman Catholies in Sarmia have broken up their Separate Mchoo! and seek to resenter the Unminon School, In Waterloo some of those who withdrew from the Cormnmon School and are paying taxes to support the Separate School, have bocome disgusted with it, and are now sending to the Central School, for which they have to pay feea, one man alona paying as high as a dollar a month, Ne:t year few, if any, in this place will be found supporting the Separate Ontrctoawc®. â€"The _ Hamilton Times aayat ‘ While Da Parker was lying on his deathâ€"bed in Gueiph, his brother, Rev W . R. Purkern Wesloyae Minister at Stans ateid, while rhling in Barnaton, Thursday , with his wife and child, had his carringe precipitated over a bank by bis horee tak â€" ing fright. Ma _ Purker received a contu. ston and out on his head, which were quite wrioun The others secaped serious injaâ€" O O 2 wWaATERLOO CHRONICLE Rtomt _ Raaotro.«â€"The â€" Phrenological Journal for November, containe Portrail« and â€" Biogmphical Sketchea of Max Mullet, the Philogical Scholar and Author; Isaac= Tavlor, the eminent writeer on Christian Kthics ; Sohiller, Chamiao, Gellert, Uhland, Heine, German Lyric Pocts} Isabella the late Queen of Spain; Mra T. McGath 107 yenrs o|d; Gounod the author of ‘ Faust,‘ besidea lively and instmotive articles and aketche®e on the Antiqaity of man; The play of Macbeth, Is man Imnmortw? Get. ting Rich; The (German Murderasa, Baro: nees Ebergenyi, as Culturo and Crime; The Crisis in her Lifey Emerson on the Kye; Recreation ve Stimulation ; Tohacco and Bakt heads; A good judge of Charac. ter; The New England Fisheries; May }Twim Marty? An Excellent number Terms @83 a year, Address 8. R, Wells ‘ Publisherâ€"889 Broadw ay, New York. A Lrranaay Treatâ€"Weo are pleased to learn that the Directors of the Berlin Meâ€" chanio‘s Instlute have effected an engageâ€" mant with Mr. Hanry Nicholls, the justly celebrated English eloentionist, to give one ofthis populat readings in the 8t Nicholas Hall, Bertin, on WednesiAy evening next. It is not often oor villagers have an oppor» tunity of hoaring selections from our stanâ€" ilam} authors read by so distivguished an eloutionist as Mr. Nicholls; and it is to be hoped they will show their appreciation of the efforts of the energetic managers of the Berlin Mecbanics Institute to procure an occrsional treat nf the kind by their presâ€" ence in the 8t Nicholns Hall in large uum> bars on the avuning reforred to. Wartsnâ€"â€"A reading room and sone tind of Literary or Social organization to benafl tha young men of this place, There is plenty of material here to get up a good literary society, a Y. M. 0. Association, or anything of the kind that may ba decided upon. Ifsome aetive yourg men would make a start in the matter, we are sure it woul} he susceasful, Berlin has a wide: awake and notive Mochagics Institute which la a great gredit to the Town. Why not have sumething of the, kind in Waterloo! Who will move! day momning last an ofd man, named Schopp, near 8t, Agatha; anmmitted suiâ€" clde by shooting bimself. 1t nppeara that he was somewhat given to drink and had frequant quarrels with a map who lived on his farm which he had rented. which, it is aupposed exmaperated hime an much as to cnuse him to take his life, Hoe was dem! when found with the mussle ofâ€"a pistol in his mouth, Rurther particularsy.have not yet reached um ©. Running Race, opon to all horsea, prize ©100, five entries, mile heata, best 2 in 4 R. Tracey‘s : Maggie Braide,‘ 1stâ€"870; EB 8 Bilton‘s + Lucy,‘ Snd «880; C, Clare‘\s + Norwigh Queen,‘ 8niIâ€"810. Watsauino Raors.â€"The mss came of on Â¥Frilay and Saturday last according to announcement large numbers of people a:> mongst whom the sporting fraternity saemed to predominate were present. ‘The following is an offivial list of the rusults of the two days ‘performances . Trotting Race, purse 830, six entries, beat 8 in 5. James Brown‘s ‘Tom Puine,} 1stâ€"â€"840; J Hirshe‘s ‘White Stocking,‘ 2od ©10, Beat timeâ€"3 2¢, Oct 14. Trotung Race, purse $100, beat 3 in 5. our eatriea _ P. Curran‘s ‘Maid of Honor, lit 870; J James‘ + Poisen,‘ 2ndâ€"820 ; <‘Tom Paine‘ and +Filora Temple,‘ disâ€" tanced, â€" Beat tineâ€"2 87h & Running Race, haif mile beats, Jnm 820 two entrics, best 2 in 3. _ Wim Grant‘a o Pmll Maid,‘ l1tâ€"â€"820; BE 8 Bilton‘s Lney,‘ 2nd=â€"=88. . Trotting Race for beaten horses, purse ©40, three entres, best 8 in 5. J Hamil‘s ‘Morgan,‘ 1atâ€"â€"824; John _ Skimmer‘s, * lh«‘ Park‘ maude 2ndâ€"815, Besitime «=8 1 Running Race for beaten horses, rmu ©40, four entries, best 2 in 8. F Clark‘s Norwich Queen,‘ lat â€"826; D Herbert‘s Maritanay) 8ud â€"$15, Buroton waar 81 Aoartaâ€"On Tues a «t selitte io a Saw Fraxcraco, Oct, 22.â€"A few alight |, tremora of eartbquake have been felt toâ€"day. |, The easualties do not exceed 30 _ Only 5 persens were killed, thnngh a fow mnrew] may die. A aurvey of the city ball showed ; the walls badly cracked and the arcber mostly ruined, _ The custom house, in ‘ which the â€" post office is located, is found habitable and has beon reâ€"oceupied, The | building occupied by the United States Courts opposite the Custom House is conâ€" | siderable injured. _ The new Morchanu1 | Exchange â€" on Caulifornia street is Aligi:tly injured. The ornamental work on the uk | of Oalifornia building was thrown down. | A hundred buildings in the city have been | more or less damaged. _ The Accidental | | and Cosmopolitan Hotels and the Pick and Russ Houses, the leading hotels of the city | lme injured very slightly, _ Very few buf{- | dings on the m{ld ground west oÂ¥ Montgoâ€"| \ mery street nre injured, . Businesa was reâ€". sumed toâ€"day. ‘ umed toâ€"day. The Herald‘s San Franciaco special aays that personal observation of the damage to buildings showa it be very great. _ Many must be taken down as they are unsafe: in the present condition, _ A number of build« I L 1 se en a e in?rhavo sunk several inches, and streets before level are uneven in many places, A ship anchored 15 miles out«ide felt the shock very hew»ily, and it was the same with veasels on the bay. Muny casualtios occurred from frantic eftorts to get out of the buildings. _ Some persons jumped out of the second story windows. _ This viciniâ€" ty appoars to huve been about the cemtre | cOUId D8 Npl‘ of the convulsion, _ South and East! porâ€" | "0‘*0“““'- 1 sons in the country noticed an upheaving | * Welly said wnd opening of the earth in several places, |Just ait here Large masaes of rocks severn| tona in weight | not, however, were detached and rolled down the bill and ; bill might be mountain side. _ Paersons here who were in | rived. Pers during the late earthquarke, stata the ' LitErary shock yeaterday to have been ms strong as | literary circ some of those l{ml destroyed so much life l volume of p« \and property there, and say that a recur; | I can learn rence omn shocks was all that was requé | thing ever I red to make the disuster fully as great. %3,- Canndian pc 00,000 will not cover the loss by damage | _ Coxsuarri to the buitdings. _ There are six killed and | of your rand many wounded. â€" Slight shocks have been | qha aad dise pocurring during the night, hbut confider98 } {olJowing sit is somewbat restored, yet the people ur@ | pured] “.,"h $ atill very nervous. _ _ ts _\ of six eage, Sax * Franoisuo, Oct 23. â€"From tle interior we learn Almeda county suffergd | most by the earthqunke. _ Fissures in the | earth were mado.(}rom which issued clouds | of dust and volumes of water _ Creeks | dry for several inontlis suddenly became . large stroama. _ Hot water and ateam also | ushed from the earth, _ ‘The villages of gun Leandro and Hngwnvd are . almost in ruins. The brickbuildings were all thrown down, and bundreds of tenements remdlered uninhabitable. _ The towns of Almoda, Brooklén and Oakland â€" suffered suverely, ‘m did Sin Jose and Redwood city, _ ‘The brick buildinga in the old iission of San Jose are a mass of ruina, _ Sucramento, | Stockton and Maryaville suffered . slightly, Te duinage in Petaluna, Healdsburg, | Santa Rosa, Valego, and Murtines war con: | aiderable, _ The shock extended southward â€" to Los Anyelos, but was light there and in T all the surrounding country. Our gity hall has been condemned, and will be demolishâ€" ed. Other city buildings were only alight. Point is condemned. _ ‘The custom house is very badly injured . _ J.arge numbers of labourers are ut work toâ€"day clearing up tho rubbish, â€" The total!oases will reach the neighbourhood of $2,000,00(M° : Neworseet‘s Youro Axmearca. â€"The j« venilea are full of glee the reception of an anlarged number of the popular little magn sine. More pictures, more stories, more pussios, more ot every thing that the chilâ€" dren are in love with, is involved in this jubilant event, which must have sent up the Young America subscriptior list like a arocket. Certainly there is no other ma= gasine like it for the young. Publication office, 473 Broadway, New York, Yearly, 81. 50. Faenoes. â€"The | imaterials and laborre: quirad to build and keep fences in reprir are among the h“'{ Kcmn ot furm exâ€" pense, ‘The cost of the land on which they stand is another item on which J. Harris. of Rochester, dascoursses as follows in the American Agriculturist. _ ‘How much land does an old.â€"fashioned fence occupy ? Lhave always thought it took up a good denl of land, but never had the euriosity to meaâ€" aure, But this summer we have been building a stone wall nlong the whole west a.de of gho farm, and after it was completed and the old fence removed, 1 was surprised at the quantity of land we bad guained . The ground, of course, might have been ploughed dloser to the fenve, but, taking the onse as it actully was the old rail fence, with stanes, weeds, rubblsh, ete, occupied a strip of land one rad wide. _ A feld tï¬ur- tyone rods long and thirtyâ€".one rods wide contrine about siz acram _ If sgrrounded hy such a fence, it wonld ooc;?u a_ little over three quarters of an acte of land. _A farm of one kundred and , sizty‘ acres so fenond would bave twenty mergw of land tiken cll‘t in this worse thanm uxu man«= ner, â€" Not only is use of the lan@slost, but it is in the mamjority of cases, a wursery of weeds and, in ploughing, mtl\ time is loat in turnhlng. and the *headlands a:;l corners are seldomm . properly: cultivaâ€" ted. California Earthqifakes. \ _ Toronto Correspondence. . Other cilg' buildings were On‘!y injured, The mnincmhocplul on Husxoartax Prosesatrty, â€"The frienda of Hun?uv will gladly learn thatâ€""plenty" aa â€" well as "perce is within its bounds." ‘This year‘s harvest is far nbove the average, though notquite up to that of last year, ‘The vintage will be more than usually fine. Industry pervades all classes, and numerous valuable undertakings are projected. . The f@nances have been favorablv affected by this prosperity, _ M. de Louyay sexpects a surpivs of G UUV,VVV NOE LSLUE AI _# cccurred during every one of the eighteen receding years; in one instance the ex pen»« Sh\m exveeded the receipts by nine million W Li Sue Smoas.â€"The coming woman, will she smoke! All glorified being, will she descend in a nicotinous cloud uvn us from the lap of perfucted ages, na Venus rose from the foam of the seat The quer tion is aakod inasmuch as Noston is now given over to the consumption of cigare by the fair, one dealer veportln& an average nurng:itiom sale of 300 in this direction, and tha eduities of smoking as compared with annffâ€"chowing hnviu“boon duly conâ€" aidered in the Philadelphia Evening Star, Will she amoke? If so, kissing het it be pres dioted , will not go by, but forthwith out of, tavor. â€" No she cheroots. _‘ A Newfguniiland dag trot is to come off in c.mx lhe nur; A Goon Jorz.â€"A great many poople‘ ‘think that setting type, reading proof and 1"-:; |other necessary things connected with i b?:m) | printing, are very eary and require but litâ€" afe: in | tle time to accomplish them. A good story ' buildâ€" |in point was told me the other day, the corâ€" ':’:" | rectness of which there can beâ€"no doubt. El:(h.; 1 A Wesleyan ‘clergy:mnn, now*‘ in Canada, same | wae once a Clerk in a book and printin raltiea | establishment in Englaad While engngog out of | in his usual duties one day, a young man ad out | entered and showed him a bible which was vicini.| minus some 20 lenves, asking him if the centre | could be re;:llacml by others and the booï¬ t perâ€" ; rebound. _ He was told it could, be done. eaving | <‘ Well," said he, * if you can do it I will places, |just ait here until it is finished." Hn did weight | not, however, as perbaps he feared his board ill and | bill might be presented before that time arâ€" fark in | Mved: AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Literary.â€"Soing nttention among the fiterary circleais Leing attracted by a new volume of poeme by Mr, Mauir, As far as I can learn, they are much superior to anyâ€" thing ever before given to the public by a Canndian poet. Consvarmios.â€"For the benefit of any | of your randers who may be suffering from . the saad disease of consumption, I give the following simple remedy, which inay be preâ€" \ pared with very little expense, Take the yolk of six egge, mix well with six teaspoon{ulls: of tnr; to this add six teaapoonsful of honey and tnix well; again add a Yint of white wine, say sbherry, and flavor the whole with any essence which may be thought agreeâ€" mble. The above was obtuineg from a farmer who says his wile was given up to die by the doctors one lung being alimost gone and the nther diseased ; sha is now in very good health and has been living some twentyâ€"five years since she began taking it â€" About two teaspoonsful a day is suffiâ€" cient except in very severe cases, Rev River.â€"At last Toronto has done saomething with regard to this Red River famine. At tha last me«ting of the Counâ€"| cil the following resolutions were put and carried :â€"That the sum of five hundred dollara be granted by this Council towards the relief of those in distress in the Red River settliement, andâ€"that His Worship,| the Mayor, be instructed to transmit lEo nbove amount to the proper authorities for distribution accordingly, and â€"That His Worship, the Mayor, be requested to insert a notice in the newspapers notifying the public that he will transmit to the s)mper authorities any subscriptions forwarded to him within the next two wesks, for the reâ€" lief of the sufferers at the Red River settle ment, together with the amount already granted by the Counci‘, Nosi®.â€"Tho Roman Catholics of this city have purchased a large building which they intend converting into a school for the boys and girls of Stanley Street. _ The movement deserves success, and Protestants might learn a valuable lesson from this nogle example. Y. M. C. A.â€"The Convention of the Y, M. C. A. of Cunada, is being held here this week, 8. 8. Anxtversary,â€"Tho annual 8. School Anniversary in connection with Berkeley 8t W . M. Church, was held last Sunday. In the morning Rev. N. Burâ€" wash, M. A, Professor in Victoria Uniâ€" versity, Cobourg, delivered an excellent sermon, In the evening Rev. Geo. H. Bridgman, M . A., of Hamilton, preached with his usual.ability, The audience, both morning and evening was lnr%o, eapecially in the evening, when it was almost impos sible to obtain even standing room, many being chiged to go nway. 18th Hussars.â€"It is intimated this noâ€" ble body of men will be reâ€"called to Engâ€" land in the Jpring. + Tus Eventsa Guopz appeared on Satur« duy for the wonderfully. chenp price of one cent. +.# Gastrnxmomio Tasres or â€" Retasine Sovzastoxs, â€"The following detailsa as reâ€" gards the gastronomic taates of reigning sovereigna are published in a Paris evening paper:â€" Napoleon I[L.â€"Abstemions, cauâ€" tious, never inaking the slightest remark to the servanta‘ inoderate crinker, but great amoker. The Emperor‘s kind and consiâ€" derate manner to every meinber of his household, bowever humble in position, is worthy of imitation . An old bachelor thinks that the traina ofladies‘ dresses are infornal machines from the fact that a blowing up took place directâ€" \ly after he put his frot on one. 1 Qn;on Victoria.â€" Abstemions, Puseyite, liking beef and pn-tlrly. Aleszander ILâ€"Hearts eater, connoisâ€" seur in wimlnrï¬dng Champagno and Burgundy, he is fond of game. VnctocL' Emmanvel. â€"Mighty hunter capital appetite, eats only white meat and emall game, drink.o the Cote d‘Or wines. His Austrian Majesty.â€"Silent at table, eats dark meat, especially mutton, and game, and drinks the national wines of Hungary and Bordeaux, _ lsabelia of Sclin.â€"(iruz appetite, preâ€" fers veal and white meats, drinks Spanis» wines and Bordeaux. * , _ His Prussian Majesty.â€"Good drinker, beef, mutton, biscuits, and »weet things A pleasuct and unaffected host, . _ The Bultan. â€"Partisan of strong meats, of rice, of pastry, of Eastern fruit and of Burgundy. How Rayeror Jownsox Lost ms Eye â€" A Washington correspondent snys it was done thus: A great many years a member of Congress from &orlh Cnma named Stanley was engnged in a quarrel with Henry A. Wise. _ A challenge passed. Stanley went out to Johnson‘s farm in Maâ€" ryland to take lessons in pistolâ€"shooting from Reverdy, and while they were firing a ball rehoundod from the mark and inflicted upon Mr. Johnson the mark that all his portraits will carry,. _ ‘The duel itself was compromised . Loxbos, Oct. 17.â€"Light shorks# of earth» uake were felt in various . plwces of Cork %ounty. Iretand, yesterday. Dusu®, Oct. 27.â€"The houke of A. M. Wigmore, nearCork, was enterdd last night by a body of men and a quantijyy of aams and ammmunition carried away. The culâ€" prits are supposed to be Fenians, Havrz®,; Oct 27,â€"The clasing â€" exercises ef the great â€" marine exposition are taking place here toâ€"lay, for this reason, the day is regurded as a holiday, and the markets arg not open for business, Paris,, Oct . 24. â€"The Avenir Nationale, the democratic national organ of this city, anys that Ferdinand has declined the offer of Hre ctown of Spain. The writer is cerâ€" tain â€" that the Duke of Montpensier would accept it ): _ _ Loxpos, Oct, 24. â€"Despatches received toâ€"day state that the authorities of Syduey have positive proof that the sbooting of Prince Alfred was (the result of a deeply laid plot. _ The details will be given to the public in a few days. _ _ , _ LoxBox, Oct, 25 .â€"=There is good reason to believe that the following is the substance of the proto¢ol which hys been agreed to by Mr, Johnson and Lord Stanley for the settlement of theAlnbama claims. A mixed commission, consisting of eight persons apâ€" pointed by Great Britain amd eight appionâ€" ted by the United Stutes, is to sit in tun- don and examine every claim presented,. whether English or Amerioas. Each case is to be argued by the claimant erther in person or by caansel, and the commission will make the final award, _ The question ot international law is to be referred to the arbitration of the Emperor of Russia, The \protocol now awnits the appreval of Secre= tary Seward . Loxpox, Ost. 25. (raidnight) â€"Great Britain, France and Italy hbave reoognized the Revolutionary â€" Government of Spain. Despatches received . toâ€"rightfrom Madrid report that bands in Alicante have proclaiâ€" med the Federal Republic. _ Disturbances have broken out in Mulaga and Granada, and troops have been despatched from Madâ€" rid to the latter place. LuxpoR, Oct, 26.â€"Mr. Gladstone has concluded his personal canvasa in South Lancashire, _ lt is believed that the minisâ€" try will only retirs before a lirge Liberal majority in the next House of Commons. The Swedish Polar expedition has reâ€" turned home, after penetrating 820d latiâ€" tude. Fuorgwor, Cct. 26.â€"A line of steamers between some part of Italy and New York is projected, to accommodate the increasing trade in fraits. Paurs, Oct, 26.â€"Later Rio Janiero adâ€" vices state that the U. S. Steamer Wasp, had arrived at Montevideoâ€"Having Mr. Washburn, the American Minister go Paraâ€" guay on beard,. Mr. Wasbhburn has proâ€" tested against the relation of the American legation at Ascension, by Parnguay 48 persons baving been unlawfully seiged there under the American fiug, A Lzssox ror Somepopy.â€"®Burleigh" writes from New York to the Journal: *« Leaning agninst one of the pillars of one | the hotels recently, 1 saw a well « dressed | young man, not over thirty ; he was drank. His friends, some of thein among our most || respoctable citizens, were trying to induce |. him to go home, _ Not lost to ull selfâ€"reâ€" spect, he saidâ€"â€""I‘m drunkâ€"1 won‘t go hoinge," _Two months ago he was reputed to be rich, _ His balance over in the bank was large. _ He could any day draw his check for ffty thanaand dollure, _ One of the suddon blows that upset the sthunchest craft struck him; he took to the bottle, and his end is easily predicted. _ One can count on his ten fingers the New York business men who for thirty years have had almost uninterrupted suceoss. _ But New York is full of wrecks of men who, because they could not pay their notes, have flung away character, talent, and all. _ In one of the tencinent houses in this city dwells a woâ€" man, one who, since 1 have been your corâ€" respondent, was & belle at Sauratoga. _ Her atory is the old oneâ€"â€"business reverses, the bon{e poverty and woe. _ Cn the floor of one of the most erowded tenement houses. covered with rags, the husband of this lndy was found by a nobleâ€"hearted man who oou%bl him out to save hitn if he could. And yet a few years ago he was one of the | [briglnmt merchants .‘ ‘The Knoxville Press and Herald of the: 16th offers the following premium on ironâ€" clad profanity ; ‘Any person who can swear fluently in the following languages can find employment for a few days at this office: English, Geriman, Weish, Cherokee, Yaws Yaw, Italian, Spanish;> Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, Portugose, Chinese, Japaâ€" nese, Mohegan, Iroquois, Irish, Scotch, Prussian and ‘Fuscarora‘ A French auditor of accounts in the seventeepth century was a great practical joker alt ‘his life, and even played a trick, after he had lost the power ofenjoying it for heleft four _ large candles to be carried ut his funeral, which had not been burning fifteen minutes bafore they wont off as fireâ€" works > > ‘‘The u'tpl% of half a million coming to J. Russgll Â¥oung, of the New York Tribune, from. o rich old uncle, iso‘t trueâ€"and pify ‘tisn‘t, Some mischievous Bohemian in New York manufactured it Mr. Young‘s uncle ain‘t rich, don‘t die, and besides he hasn‘t got nn{‘ But won‘t aomebodi' else‘s uncle dic and leave him the money The fiist Methodist Church edifice was erected near Buth, in England, 120 years, ngo, ‘In twentyâ€"two days from the {nying of the first stone, the building was up, inâ€" closed, and filled with worshippers. The opening hymn was furnished by Charles Wesley, beginning: t Arm of the Lord awake, awake!‘ The sermon was preached by Mr. Wesley, from the text, ( Marvel not, if the world hate you.‘ Among the latest items of news is the uory‘otsww a man desirous of clearing his " house of rats dippeid one in red pnint, nnd then cast hiin adrift. He became a auspicious character, and the others emigraâ€" ted en masse. At an agricultural dinner in England, a gentleman ruse to reply to the toast of ! The Ladics, when from the iadies‘ gallery came a voice, / Sit down, sir!‘ _ He did so with a thump, and one of Miss Becker‘s fo‘llow_ers se e og d mrose and responded to the tomst, fanning heraelf meantime, and giving the gorged agriculturiate a lecture on the impropriety Some of the German papers report that Mra. Lincoln is going to take up her resiâ€" dence at Frankfort on the Main, where her incense will enable her to live in much better style than in the United States. She will be received in a very Aattering manner in Germany, where Abraham Lincoln‘s of eating by themselves while the ladies whom they toasted looked on hungry . Rev. Rob. Collyer, Unitarian, of Chicage, on a recent visit to Boston, in rafering to the future life, prayed that men misht not be too much engrassed with thoughts of another state of existance, but make it their chief object to attend thoroughly and well to the business of this life . memory is received no less than in Ameri« CABLE NEWS Waiter Stanty is in Halifax; Mrs. Lincolo winters at Nice. Isabel/a has gone to England. Vermont has sizty ncademies Judge Drummond is recovering. GuiZot has compléted his 82nd year. Guelph has aban‘doned the siver dis count, James Gordon Benneit has a fortune of three millions. Tad Lincoln goés to sthool in Gerâ€" many‘ Berrano is the handsomest iwman in the Spanish army. Vallandighant baÂ¥ joinad the Church. Jobhn Allen fge not. John B. Gough convulses Kis audientes by imitating the + Grecian Bend.‘ . Kangaroo sausages are on the way to England from Austratia, A < Women‘s suftrage Convention ¢ is to be held in Boston the next mouth. The potato cfop of the State of New York is about 25,000,000 of bushel« George A. Mason is succeeding in put ting parties through at Aylmer, L. C. Stmsoutse ron ror thr: Gsrwman CaRaâ€" PtaAX, â€"Ooly one dollar for 14 months. It costs Vermont half a miltion a year to educate fifty thousand of her children.. â€" 'rl'hei Caiho‘ié ni Sorel '"'e' Vlry'irng to dis possess other parties of their land. Herschel V. Johnson is Vice President of the Georgia Swedenborgian Associaâ€" tion, A LITTLE OF EVERYTHHG: | "Atl Austriant authot, Henry Noo, has made Bismark the bere of a novel, which cnterely a Nno idea. Whelan confidem#y expects to get a new trial, He has been led to believe thut the Judges will decile ngrinst the ruling of Chief Justice Richards. A welcome event in John A‘s family is expected in December. So says the Preâ€" mier. Will the event affec@t@ the rate of excbange. According to an irrepressible New York editor, the London Times is one of the aâ€" blest © country newsprpers‘ be hads on the exchange list. Miss Seigul of the township of King was rttacked on the road by a mad dog and badly bitten in both banda. There are *# hopes of her recovery . An indignant orator at a recent political meeting , in refusing an sponent, thundered : ©Mr. Chairman, 1 scorn the allegation I defy the alligator,‘ Apvernssk in the German Caxapia® which has a circulation amongst the most wealthy farmers in this county unequaled by any paper. Mrs. â€" McDongall, _ wife of _ the Commissioner of Public Works, hbas been confined to bed for the lasttwo months, and is still seriously ill. | (George Albert Mason, indicted, at Aylâ€" mer, neatr Ottawa, for perjury, has been mer, near Ottawa, for perjury, has been set at liberty. The Judge quashed the proceedings, The whiskey detective is making it hot down east for < unlicensed victuallers.‘ A gentleman ‘unaccustomed to public speaking,‘ becoming embarassed, whispered to a friend : ‘Quick, quick, giveâ€"give me a word ! Upon which the other replied, ‘Yes, yes; what word do you want? A (;flmpnn)' of seventy @ermans paraded New York the other day, none of whom had a beard_ less _thar a long, The captain‘s whiskers reaehed hlkï¬(inm. . An Omaha despstch says, official re: turns from 20 counties give the Republiâ€" can majority of 1,954, Counties to be heard from will make the majority not lessthan 2,400; Republcan gains are 1,â€" 640. In the English registration of voters the name of a claimant was recently struck out because he described himself to be a ¢ gen« tieman,‘ when be was proved to be only a tailor. & A merchant who died suddenly leftAn bis desk a letter written to one of his corresâ€" pondents. His clerk a son uf Eriv, seeing it necessary to send the letter, wrote at the bottorm: ‘Since writing the above 1 have died. Though we seem grieved at the shortness of life in general, we are wishing every period of it at an end . _ ‘The minor longs to be of age, and then to be a man of business ; then to take up an estate; to attain to honâ€" ors, and then finally to retire. A sharp old gentleman traveling out West got a seat beside his wife in a crowâ€" ded car, by requesting the young man who sat.by ber, to ‘please watch that woman while he went into another car, as shg had fits ) Hon, John Casling on Monday shipped from Lom*nn to Cornwall for the Hon, John Savdfield McDonald a fine ram which took the first prize at the Michigan State Fair, and two Suffolk pigs, first premium of the Western Fair. If any our _ readers in Canada are heirs of Baronets Burke, Fletcher, Graham, Piers, Price, Roberts, or Wright, they wi‘l hear of something to their advantage by letting the fact be known in England. Buronets ofthese names are missing, and are ndverused for, Brigham Young presided over the Thir tyâ€"eighth Semiâ€"annual Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Saints, in the ‘Tabernacle, in Salt Lake City, on the 6th inst Jt was the first Gemeral Conâ€" terance held in Utah at which a full quorum of the Twelve Apostles were present The wife of a Ne#w York banker and the daughter of a Baltimore manufacturer, have been notified by the master of the Empress Engenie, that the permission formerly granted to them to appear at the Monday evening receptions of the Empress has been withdrawa,. Caugseâ€"Unbecom« ing dresses and unbecoming conduct at the last soiree in the Tuileries. Rrotprocttr.â€"The Portland Press reâ€" | marks that it is gratifying to learn that reâ€" | ciprocal trade with Canada is in a fair way to be restored, and, moreover, that it is to be restored on a proper basis. . The idea of effecting this result by concurrent legisâ€" lation will no doubt be found imPracticabI'-., because it would be dificult, is the first \ place, to get the legislative bodies of the two countries to agree upon the terms of‘ such an arrngement, avd, in the second “ place, after the arrangement was effected it | would always remain in the power of one | party to place the other by a simple act of repeal in a very awkwurd situation, The | time has now arrived when the renewa‘!| of the old treaty with certain reasonable | ‘modlflcutinm is earnestly desired by both | \ rurties. There will be an end of the senseâ€"| less Chinese policy that has checked the | industrical prosperity _ ef both countries without in any way benefitting either. Some \ 4 pvcvas sc ea anifee temmorary disadvants» . r&rlies. There will be an end of the senseâ€" ess Chinese policy that has checked the industrical prosperity _ ef both countries without in any way benefitting either. Some interests may sutfer temporAry disad vantaâ€" ges rom the admission of Canadian proâ€" ducts free of duty, but, on the whole, the people of the United States, and particularâ€" Iy of Mrine. will be immensely benefitâ€" ted. On the 13th inst. the wife of Mr. Tobias Bowman near St. Agatha, of a son. BORXN . . In Ayr, on Thursday the 14th inst., th@ wife of Rev. Dunean Mc Ruar of a som WMARRIED. On the 23rd inct., by the Rev, James Hill, Mr. George C: Clemens, eldert son of Mr. Stauffer Clemens, Waterlo0 , to Miss Isabelia Neill, stepâ€"daughter of Wm. Anders« son, Esq., Preston. Fall Wheat... Spring Whent . PeBs :.++« . «> Barler ......> Rye 56 lbs. ... Onte : .sssrps Clover Seed. .. Timothy SBeed. Flax Seed..... Buttér........ wWATERLOO MARKERTIS _ .. Fall Wheat, %$1.15 to $1.18; Amber, Wheat, $0.00 to 0.00:8pring Whent, §1¢ â€"« 02 to #1.11; Barley, $0. 85 to $1.06; Oste . 45c to 50¢c; Peas, 85¢ to 9)c; Clover Sead» > $0.00 to $0.00 ; Timothy Seed, $0,00 tag@ * 00; Hay, $11.00 to 12.00 ; Butter MM}"‘ 22¢; Egges 12¢ to 18¢; Potatows75¢ to 96e .: Gorirn Markers, O o8 <0 >Â¥ Fall Wheat per bushel, $1.15 â€"to $1.25; Spring Wheat, $1.00 to $ .0; Oats, 482 \to 52c, Peas, 80c to 85¢; Barley, .}.'Q‘\p"l $1.34; Potatocs 75¢ to 00c; Hay, 88 t,. iSlO’.OO: Butter, 18c to 20¢; Egge per don» > | 14c to 15¢; Pork, $5.00 to $7.00. «lzljz< 1 â€"Cf A ROAN COLORED COW, left Bow.â€" 4 . man‘s Hote! nearly ago. She may be known By having one {om partly brokâ€" en off. Any one returning hber will U‘ suitably rewarded . + ROBERT WEWITF ;. 2 Waterloo. Oct. 28th, 1868. 66D=â€"8% s « CoUNTY OF WATERLQO. } EX AMINA TIONK: Common School TOW N of BERLIN TUESDAY, Décamber 1st, 1868, = at 9 o‘clock a. m., fs the Exami Common School Te‘chcr\ nation of The Examination will Coqmence at 9 a.m. and elose at 8 p.m. _ _ No Teacher will be admitted ramination who has not previously to the undersigned for inspection by the , sa~ tisfactory Testimonials of good Moral Craraoâ€" ter ; such Testimonials to consistiof the Cexj. ficate of the Olergyman whese Ministratiom the Candidate tas attended ; and where the party bas taught« Common dchool, the certiâ€" fieate of the Trustess of said School. The tificate of Moral Chiacter to be Mï¬ by a potification Of %e class in whi candidate w;iahelb:o be _~:mhed. It will also requis!= that that ther are at least 18 years ‘:â€-ï¬â€˜n that they are at least 18 & being the earliest age at 'mfm“ be admirted by the Board. . All egse Mx cates must be entered with the UDirgis at least Tmuz» days before the day w‘l" tien. % IJ" Applicants in future who are not #b, jects of her Majesty either by birth or naturiy ization, will be required to produee â€"&" cartih cate of having taken the Oath of Alhm: to her Majesty before n Justice of the in accordance with the 13th aud 14th Victoria; cap. 48, soc. 20 of the Consolidated Statutes of Upper Canada ; such Certificate to be for= warded to the undersigned with_the other Tes= timonials. _ Applicants will also please state 'L.r' they wish to be examined in the Englil German Language. % COURT HOUSE,‘ MRRUSOIRUE Teachers and Trustees will take special no â€" tice that, in aceordance with a letter from Dr. Ryerson, the Board of Education fer the Coun« ty of Waterloo bas resolvéd that no Third (lass Certifi¢ates will be granted_ at proaching or at any future eh.n\-.&,‘-! eept on the particnlar request of n Sciieol Beeâ€" tion too poor to provide & Fitst or Bâ€"cond C 2 PA muia Mlsl sunlisaute un d lc l oi Pnd Eues Class Teacher. The Third Class -g»llg rauch furnish such Certificate from the tees of said Section, with the other Testimoni~ als required by the School Act, and no Third Class Teacher can have liberty: to teaca out "of the School Section for which he reoehtes the certifieate of the County Beard. oL covig l uoge. x: t ©eftIME®WE NT NOR WOOV MDDCOOC The Board will meet on Wednesday the 2nd day of December, 1868, to examine papers and grant certificates. CHARLES STANTON,â€" |, Secretary B. P .1.C.Â¥, Cogrt House, Berlin, October 28th, 1868 WHITLOCE‘S FTTorticultural Recorder To subscribers wishing to pmy at the end of the year, $3, if ordered by January 1st. 1869. Address The Whitlock d Exposition Exchange Co. 245 Broadway, N. Y. HE BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUQTâ€K for the County of Waterloo, ‘will meet The cheapest journal of tbe kind, pubiihed and the ouly ‘one giving the priceâ€"list of Trees, Vines and Plants i« * All Nurseries in One." 1t also containé a iist of the best implements for Farm. Garden and Hocseâ€" boid ; and its pages 8e filled with grtiâ€" cles from the best Rortic@ltural ana aigriâ€" cultural writers in toe world. . As a apeâ€" cial incucement. we offer to send one plant of either of the following varieties of En".' to all who sena in their names with $. 1. 50. Clarke Rasiberry. Davison‘s Thornlese Raepberry . Ellisdale Raspberty . Misâ€" sourt Mammoth Blackberry . Cl.oice Glaâ€" dialus, Choice Japan Lily. lona Grape Vine. Or, Two Early Wilson Blackbertyâ€" Two Kittatinny Blackberry. Or, to @NJ who will send 25 cents extra, to pMJ postâ€" ago. we will eend One pmnu{ of LEarly Rose Potato®®, The plants will be carefully packed and sent by mail, postâ€"paid. as carly in the \Autumn, or Spring 88 practicable . COW LOST. Htds Abbertiscments. $1.50 per annum in Advance Copies 20 cents. PREMIUM LIST. ANDREW 8. FULLER, Eprro® Gaur Marakers. 1N THE OF d that no Third inted. at c .g....\..fll’,l . of m Sclieo! Becâ€" Fitst or Bâ€"cond Class anplicants from the Trdsâ€" other Testimonmiâ€" t, and no Third ol. The m n whi 8 . they 'T.‘ .‘m UD Grsioned 6 at the HCr