Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 22 Oct 1868, p. 1

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H Woritle~â€"81.30, if paid in advance] Vol. 14.â€"No. 48. Ad reevibeqen Ad PM bae u+ Soube ts o will be jnsertednatilforbid, ..':‘ .T:.:}'::‘ .m%' ~do “‘v r hflfl an Ausiness wust be Or \hap@il}anihe.imken utmm lmn“mmnd with perfect safety throegh se Post Office, in Bills. Letâ€" Nore sagipaing cach . if placed in tha, handa af m“. wwill be. at the :‘fi.&m w addresmed to * | E MM Waterice P. 0., Water+ u ryâ€" kuse=A=copes3* T wrtor 0h 5 avyryayin ba .:m ma ».f..«’.‘r{'..";'.... Advertisements idkbhrid ba Modetate cerme Pn I° I h rgean wj PobbkAact 4 ""E;nomby. M. Pyooo _ C ;mpe' geon and, Accoutchent enc i t‘h:.c‘;uqcfx\‘\’um Odbsoâ€"BndntRoonary stgent, Wak tlidin tCta®, U roner h‘,“. ge, ut hi 0 (-o' 1 P@lhfl- artova‘s He PFRRAf E* â€" n .A Wwhiting, M. D., PR\‘N& \Â¥, Surgeos and Ae&f\mbu. aad _l%&ma-nw-g ::nuuh;oo, 30 m | NH t . for y sash by g Ihhl-“. path 6'3‘3"‘ Bs is Nib Rasin e x ostâ€" "gor; GAbent. ____ 8. M. WELL® 0 0 vexpasuasy, suagent, _ _ Linwood| t dth. He artmols Tesi® ~without pain by a new!ly n vreated nfroceasy AnWi is prepared io take or= dere for any department nt\L professions .; ,(, _ KJ® Ris permanent oficeias over \t Sohoofer‘s TOITAN,‘SArgeo® anit Acebuaheur; \roner m'fivi b‘":!ty of Wateeâ€" I:.“. ge, ut his Fehidsdce, Qisan Q%fl, "*"~G. Lount M.®.,©_ = P&A”fl ‘!W\ &n W‘“. at rteun‘s Hote!, Hawksvilie, Onu. 613 snmmmmenahh, hob e C) 0 6142 in d gilge o =â€"â€" .© DoL.MWailmsioy, M. D., Member of thy Dental Asscola The _;‘W bhuicll erkrrt "thursoat morixe, LKNY , ‘iyi,¢#%~aAted‘a lirgu assortment of Am-h“r-. v en Rolbere, Pertanery, ho. _ REPAIRIX®:|_â€"â€" u1 kinds done on the short» m M a «d 109 ‘& telire: c opuielly qulieted. on C P very lo w New! I8wehery" BHov C pN, WATBRLOO, . o O . -...\oppom:ona‘nn'l oa‘a > Won. MBÂ¥ .anderaigncd has much pleasure in an 8 ing .0 the unlmfi’m of Waterlog LrntRNAeP 2 sounte=," thas be us opened 1 jams % ~ on of Ontario, Ah# the priBite that ho nser two iNigamnrt € ux Rubce SomF. ""ah *~Ԥ, L.‘ Mughos, M: *‘ ‘Rusiness. Diteotory ALNUR A af avey & ® esw C e O o oo i n foyalti ie ¢ k #Oeu pied ‘v,.Ontarie.‘"‘ TOel o ind â€"â€" t icb & RM ‘~* 1BR of Boats rad / MA &# Engder‘s Grist Mill. ~‘atign. _ A large Stock n';::"tnuh:n”ugd! Daterloo | Eihe¢ Rpray,"‘ ‘Alt ‘.o_\'!m:l?lflh tArO Bimira, 20th, T}lenmnn, #1¢4. Aollin, ##24. and Agcouchene tory. _ | .. Business Directory, ntly on hand C®, JBWELâ€" store, King "to Larieh Wid‘edia modiion : ®tables ®hd wtens Mve Hostiepa, _ . \‘~ ‘‘5014 Bufaia, en Im t J NMRNER GQenesee and Muin Str TX e nipidane, td t in m any LWA RAINATHIEPARA: enpluaP etrBting nhiâ€"hi! attent ivé Haduinbs Wways in artiendanuei:~ Choles® Liquors, nhmn,gy\-. fihwnq fl"mfi\ YSLR Offiee, Potonto BJ i DbtuntAk MEColk . _ » .« FTNAILOR & (CLOTHIBR, opposite Britik=r‘s T "Wholten FaÂ¥tory, An.‘.S.‘ Watertso. : shorteat noties. ‘All work warranted,; [ Maroh 28, 186¢. Bnfiflng Abtotneys atbLaw, Solititaors in Ohabtery, Conreyancers, &o. Ofice o8 Mall l\no\.&nhlu the Dum{riss Muls, OMA®. aA. DURAND, P CKO0 . 8. PRIMIP Gait, Murch, 26th, 1868 : bB2â€" V fonté, fl%l‘ dlaw» ‘ arcommodation and tensonable torims Rtkty & Mav, 'MQT pre. wV)l“ "“dv r": TE fe en 1‘ ~â€"VTohn E. Rosd, hL. B., ‘BAnntsrsn and ,\1"roms§ At *®" LAW, Soiicime in Chareery, Notary w Alexander Milar, BARRL\TER. ATTORNEY, SOL!CIâ€" TOR [IN.CHANCRHY, Converancor. Co , &o., Benii®, Ontarin,. 4« Ofige.on Qirsen Street, nearly op= pomls Amerisa® Hote!. L Public, and Converance Ormoeâ€" No. Th King Steet East, over Vn:o;_., Boo_k Raom, Toronto, wall the 3 mds M + _ Bovagnyp Hyt®‘q Kit 8ip) wjo'x.u. C F. B. Ne;anon. OP, DE ALE!t, Waterloo Village, Ontario, A l giock of H Niy ow E!“é ; arge 3 of Hopa constan x'o_‘- winiltom, C\ VWV t OMew#wâ€"Lnater Buildinga, James Street atly nprpe@ttTs" Mark at . B.â€"CMEHKO bat ; 8. FiLATIER, s A) L1 ths Mamilto®y Sept : 1, 1888, 84 4mâ€" ~‘‘ Ww‘"#. sowlsy, _ _ scoOUnNTY ATTORNEY, mld American A Sna"Maef 1 The locatian is the beut To UA cronmmateriser an wredns --\_,_!M‘ Toome 82 a tay, and lese hy f I@ym@;fiT ' ;O:n}f}. fl‘n .mn:"‘i!m;.mod':‘:i{c‘::nm N: Bordor Bigetow, LL. B. MorBÂ¥â€"Ar.haw, sobicttor, $s k. &o. Ormerâ€"Third ‘door South of Pos BORGE VOGT, Pmprietor, Rim{ra d.K> Felcks _ (co1" TORxsRn «t0OTDNNRT, for the Codaly â€"of ‘Vaterloo, Canadiaa ‘Bloaky‘Berlin. Dlfil‘ & squter, ARRISTERS & ATTORNRYS, Solleitors ~Chishoim & Lazior, â€" ARRISTERS | and â€" Artorneve¢t t iw, _Quricitors jn,. Chancery, Nosariea;sq., in Chandeey; &6., Goderich, Ont. mira, Ontadtd; ©‘The Table and P radhinp dA ies verfndct a in AMendanueii Chéle® Linnora. aP Farmer®® ArmaHotel, y nEA DY,; *p',\q_tor.‘(l!olpb. Ont Ro Ex s Kr3 * sb.??&nnfi:?:_.’f?.: 1 94 T AOteaitenes BOSTNâ€"rOrit <~â€"myâ€"gmemny \\ FOR SBALE UHEAP. 8; Adweobs! Hateh _: Durand & Philig, Genesee House, Ludwig Jacobs; ARSHIP for the Brivish , B BJ JATE, Proprighe" FAMILY reet, Toronto, Ont. W ATERLOO, and Muin Streets,; n Lak #9i0; s \imtaaro® / tuibus Bar r‘ Waterian, Wolun{l«\. Atrep and Beace. t will be Cound an e€celient and immediate h. * remedy for Rlhenmatiam, Netraigia, Nervouas Headâ€" neba . AIntinmntions, Enraolye, Conâ€" ~ » _ Amoted Jojints raud Musclek Painâ€" * . oful Swallingh Callosttienof tha M l“lc-nh. Sproina, â€" Frost Bites, Woerkness in the Buuky 1 ,bflnn in the Side or Breast and all dinr Pnaes cunsed by ‘ Colt or Exjo. t . als Brm, to be lind in all Drugytsts 14 the snid Counties: C, G. TISDALE. C Wuteris9, Murch 11, tees,. Basâ€"â€" PAIN PAINT. 'l‘fll’ untlersigned hae the exeluaive rrght to minnfactura and sell Jackâ€" son‘s® galebrated Prin Paint in the Connties Fall and Winter Goods, i o nc snn 1 . nelh iC * Hesite t Gisy e C 1 io Insurance Compa‘y mutis‘ HRAb orrrdof : 1 WATERLOO YILLAGE, Ont. ~ ‘King Streat, Borlin, 1 HAYBR ow o hand an |mmpnae Stogk: of R R “"!ll.‘ln‘ UE Mfiu. Moscow ...;, Baloam Pilot, Mixzed Mit , tterns,_ Silk Velvet Veslk, _ rHEEEST aTOCK of TWzED; AND QGunaeral Stage , Ofice, Ama, Ont, P This a firat cluas Hoté! ?nr the travelâ€" ing community. ‘The Rari« aupplied Wwith the brat ef Liquors. Gnod stabting. amd enreful Ho«tlers in attendanee. Chargos, Modernie. 6 r i Queen‘s Arms Hotel, ND GENERAL SRAGKB OPPICR Glex A allan, Ontaito. Kver} attention to the ants of the travelling community. _ Liquors é e chottest quallty. Attentive hostlers al« f x"ou hakd . Wds lb s af Waloa pIVISION COURT! TBI undetilgoed, hbaving assumed the manâ€" agemient of the above 'fl”‘""" Hotel, would anrounte to his many friends and the Reneral public that he is at all times prepared to ';;iv"."g't;.‘{ii;i.".{i.&infm”' m to thi best of his alllitg. h _ w. k. Bownax, Manager, . :«{, Baleap Pilot, Mixed Mithose, | TROWBERING of the newert sty‘et am! â€"_ patterns, Sill: Velvat Veste, . READYâ€"MADE CLOTRING AND Genern| Staze House, Hoarriatan, )ntario. Chows Liquore, Chnige GCigars, wnc an attentive Hosti#r alwaye da hord. a» A. 6. Manan®, Proprictor. D CAMPBELL, Proprietor, Dundas, On}. & This is the only firstâ€"ohss Wouse in Town. Omuibus rums to and ‘rom all the trains. * 8536 b54 to Cars and Boata Anglo American Hotel, Coatflm ol MidNab Street abo #tacke! ) Rquare, Aamoilton, C. W,. rJ®Omaibus > M. TAYLOR, Secretary, JOHN $HUH, Trensurer. EREMIAH HUGHES, Inspector and Genera) Agent; j 8Bbâ€" _ BOARD OF DIREGTORS | Moaks SPrmrokx db b.0,, Witartos. JouN Bs Buronn, ts Nionouaa KiarR: 4 H, F..J. Jackson, Berlin, Jacos K. Kars. Preaton. Waurer Guinaronts, Aye, \Jown Avout®, Nâ€"w HumbUrg. J W. Wanroen, Mil)., Weitentep Villago WaHas ixos, Wollesiey Townadhip. Paerea Wryoka, Elmira. _ .. The Waterloo County Mutual 1. E. Bowata®, M. P., 8t. Jnceba«. H wiy sxyo®r, Warerloo Township. Joshue 8. Bowt a #, 64 1| Cyave Bowena, +4 BamURL SHAXTE * __ _ MOSRS SPRINGER, President. «Meury & John Nahrgang, aln CL 0 ddrriternt Tx-\:p! on‘ Khand . 2*» All kinds of ORths® takdd KORGE P, SHEARS, Lessea anl Man aget, Toronto. _ ‘Business Directiry, COMMERCIAL HOTEL, WATERLOO, ONT. A DV ERTIS BE All kinds of ORMthe® takdw to : 6rder / For 1868. _ Nol No 2No 3No 4 No 5No 6 No 7, w Alsoa |nrre|Biock of" JACKSON‘S Markle‘s tfote} Rossin House. Crown Hotel. Jaxt s Jonxsto®, Proprietor. iigln Hotlse, econaisting of H. McCaiacxk®®, Proprietar oONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 22, 1868. in Tmte RdÂ¥r. Ha#it:, Eroprittob; Soae t e o en o aeul O tones Syais .yiP BE a safg and relioble remody for alt ,d}r {\. enses of the stomach, Liver and Bowe 1 hey are no Quack Medicine, puffed by v;flg\ sounding testimonial« from imaginary peoyple;! but are theâ€"rosult of forty years ixperiente ot a fAirstâ€"elass physician, gnd their extraordinacy success is due to the frct that they anawer exâ€" actly their namo." The Formnia frqom yhlc‘li,‘ they are prepared, is based on smn.z, scientiâ€" Me principes nnd has received the inqualified approbation of the medion! profeasion “they do hot pnYrgnkto be a cnre all, but for all discasâ€" es mrising ffot any nunnfimont '3[ the. Staâ€" manh: Livar and Hownla\ thee Pnenlsh a08 .h For further particulnes and Circulars adâ€" dress J. B. SPAFPFORD. + Box 450. Referpnres, I\ B. Kirnonx®, Toronto. u/m Montrose, Ontario, 00..1{"01;'":, Court AOus®, Gerin, on‘ 170 BEOOND:|TUESDAY oferery. MONTH, and, on the fdays .of tha sittings of u.: ze gm:::' Genecal Quarter Sessiong and Cuunty Courts. & . Moyer, HBditor and Pqplisngr. 3 $20 THE STAR SHUTTLE $100 Sewins: Machine! rI\HE Star Shuttle Machine mukes a atitch nlike on both sidee, thut will not rip or ravel, will do nlt kinde of work equally ma well ns any high priced MHchine, und is anited nlike for the Dres««Maker, Tnilor, Muanufneturer or Enmily. _ Mr. J. E. Spafâ€" lord having been appointed General Agont for the Rtur Machine, wishes to engnage n Vew good loen! nnd traveiling Agents to whom good indueements will be offered. BEJomm, Aug. 21th, 1967, WE eonsider the Stur Shimtle Mnéhinge to be hh hrat tRhuarp MmilÂ¥ Seine Machine, with which we nre :\n-qn»gimezfl, it mukes the gennine "hoek StiteRi" â€" 0 1 0 0) 0| MAWE TRNWICR, (605) Merchant Tailors. RR. COLBV‘S ANTLUCOSTIC AND TOXIG PiLt.8 rneh‘ Liver, and Bigwe‘s, they rurnlzh at «h ectual nmedg. We have in our possessiond ever one hundred testimonials from physicians, who have used thein in their practiee, and; hlflhly approve of them;. among whigh are the ollowing : _ s dral ‘The undersigned physicians choorfully cor tify to the high professional ltnndlns of Dr. Colby; of Rtandsterd, one of the oldést and best pbysiciane, and to the excelleont qualities of his * ANTIâ€"COBTIVB and TONTO 1’”‘[.8.’ which are have used in our practige, aht high, CoOUNTY OF WATERLOO. THI b Affording ne this Gnllery does hetter frci‘ lities thin affy in this part of the colintry, And having the Intge®t III‘Y{ Bogt ArFarged light in the Dominion, nI! ivhi prtrdni#e him eanm rely mpon having their ordeve exeâ€" euted in the highest etyle and excellence of the nrt. JAMCFS II. ROCGERNS‘ \N inmensely large atock of the newest AA _ and Intert «tyler of NE WV SPRING HATS of every doscriptien. Don‘t furget the pluce. Opposite the lnglish Catheâ€" P Sntall pictures enlarged to life size ; Purtieular atteXtion paid to Children and family groups. â€" II. E. MOORE. 100 King@ Sirget Fnet, Tororto, olrrar:o |y lfprove. al J H. Gibson, M D, Dinkham, C R, ; § O E Cotton, MD, CowanstHle.‘ Chas Brown, M D, ‘Cawanevrilit, B 8 Foster, M D; Brome, J C Butler, M D, Waterloo. John Ernk‘nn, M D Water\oo,. Norman Cleve‘anid, M D, Barnston,. N Jenkins, M D, Barnstou. j 0 W Cowles, M‘D, Stanstead, John Melge; M D Standstoad. + Joseph Breadon, M D, Surgeon, R N. ‘ BenJamin Damou, M D, Conticook Lemuel Richmond, M D, Derby Line. 8 J Foss & Co., Bherbrook. P O., Sole Proâ€" rletors. Henry Thompson & ‘Co., Montreal, t%chulo Agents, * Thi« Mup shows ulf the Insteat digeover« 1e8, i8 huutf:‘un‘y engraved and goloured in weperlor aty le. > o0 * 1 ‘PRICEâ€"ONL Y $5. f Sold by ~ ‘C u. TISDALE, 1 * § lt ut *Waterion. Juty 30th, 1868. I e ‘6a5â€" 1 55A 0n‘ j anet , ) Canads Advertising Agency, The Ontario i * Photograph éallory !y_S_EWING E_Aflmgs: 'I‘HOSE whino ate desirotis f:s procuring tuperlor Phoipgraphd should eatt upon the. subscriber who Ea\l purchaied | the Above Galiery and is now prepared to supâ€" ply all the latrest novelties in either the Or _ * . Europe and America,. U PRREOETETE MR C P C PW P./f Toronto, Ont., is our Sole igomgfor roâ€" | gp * zs ""â€"» "n curing American Advertisements m?d is JOB WORK 1 muthorized also to receive Cuuiu Adâ€" DONE AT TRE vertisements for this NEW BOUBLE MAP, EKurope on the one side and North Ameri ga on the other, Oonml{ COlerk‘s Office, Beriin,June 27th, 1808, Oabinet Card, Carte de visite, . ORPORCELAIN PICTURE®, NCECW H A T§ I AMERICAN HOUSE, BERLIN, * > â€" ONTARIO. Improvad Farm Property. April 2ud; 1868 PBeflin, $4}th March, 1868 Mnceh 10th, 1868 ® u04 MONEY TO LEND, PATENWID, MAY 1807. Ajiply to H !‘ L » uMh"IO‘l‘br r,'-,t-’. Y Busiress Directory. NOTICEHE. . LLOYD‘S SPLENDID m ow I 14 lé\BAEL D. BOWM AN, STEWART MacGACHEN, Barmster, Waterion V iiage, oN AT Gounty Clerk: |1 636â€" §5092+ :;:I Henry, Simpson & Co., Montreal, Woolesale and, ‘Agents, 8 J Foss & Co., Sherbrooke, P. Q:, L1 2 2| Bole Proprietor. ; i _'h\ho North American Hotel in eonnection. W Cetmenacon" By a New, but Carftain, Speedy.and narely Pain‘ess process, and Wire otr tns Usg or tar Kxirs. TIIE ennp will be gmmranteed. and ns a proof ol this, no pay is required, until the cure is complete. ‘The moment a canâ€" ceria discovered, it should be cured, ns it will cost lees nnd is mare specdily cured than when of louger standing, and there i. nathisg to gain and suerything to lose by delay. Wohat Now semen harmlass lum}; in the hreast. nock,. ege lid or olsowhgr ot small wiart or sore an the lip. may fh e fow :finr_t monthe become n Liedious, dis gneting. destroying mnssof disonse. Ifre q!]ire],ro-l'\'rcnvccfl can be given to partie® Having a wonderful effect when takem interâ€" pally, in quickening tue circulation ef the blood, i is Sn,n}u% e te persons predispesed to Pu:_l;s‘m, or '|_d ec!. to h‘on} disease. T1 ‘The name of the medicine is blown in each bottle of the gémnine, and the purposes fer which it is‘intended, as well as the mode of using, attached. _ © _ __ quired, references can be given to partie» who linve been cured many yenre since ithd ‘who nre now sound and healthy. _ A! communiention@ promptly anewored. No money required in advance, and none untt! he cuts is complete. THE CHURCH UNION cases 6f byn"pepuiu,_'hhore food "distresses, i affords prompt reliof, and continued for a schort time, sets everything right. _ j _ JACOB‘S RHEUMATIC LIQUID Has been‘ before the "public"for upwards of twenty years, and such are its merits that it is now justly,considered as an indispensible artiâ€" cle iu every.family where it is known. ‘ It has hever been forced on the public atterâ€" tion by flaming ‘advertisements of remarkable Cures that never bad any existemce, bnt by its bwn peeuliar value as an unfailing remedy, it has worked its way into public favor . bf 24 6040 mmmminad) ) * 'l‘H ifi ‘gnper has been racently enlarged ~ jo mnummoth proportions. Ir is TRe cakowar rmerrorous pPare® tm tm® worlp, l the feWding ‘organ of the Union Mevreâ€" ment, and bppoAe® rithw‘ism, close .comâ€" musion, exclésivents« rtad church estate,. It inthe only paper that publishea Henry Waro Bexousr‘® Sermons,, which it does every week. jnst as they \\re delivered.â€" withait qmnldfi:)nh'!ih bt snrFéction by him.‘ lt ndvééatea univerea] shffrage ; a whlon of christiana »t the polxln';_l\m{!fihe rights of Inbor. |: t has the hes Agtighitural Departâ€" ment of nny paper in the world ; p\\hliuhu storiea for the family, and for the tE®tTheâ€" tion ‘of socinl.evi‘a. ~ Ita ediratj¢1 mÂ¥And gres ment ts impersonal; its writera an‘d ‘e]ign’rl nre from every branchof the churgh and from «#ery grnde of society, It has heen ‘@ptly termed the freedt nrgan of thought in the world. â€" deauc oTTAWA CANCER INFIRMARY, CANCERS C URED Ottawa, Canada West, Su%h a paper; offering premiams st Kew> ing Anchines, Dictionnries, Appletan‘s Cyglopedia, Pinvos, Ofunna for Churches, ete., mhkes one of the bret papers for oa@hâ€" yneser® in the world. . M IF you want a Machine which you can alâ€" ways rely on}; one that is always in trim and never diy‘ tirbes your «pirit or tuffles foour tempor hr fmperf»et moveBt-n\n or in= lerior. material, then sclect the GENUINE SINGER _ It is simple, yot doee from the fineat to the coarsest work with any kind of thread of thread, linen or cotton, coarse or fine, runa enky} is rendy to etart at the elightest touch, ind does not get out oforâ€" der. _ lt has alwnays given the best satisfucâ€" tion and bas neyer tost an old friend, but is tantintally adding new ones to its numâ€" beis, _ Proof is demanded. It shull be nnd enn fortheoming, if you call on Mesere. éohn Ratz,.John Fell, J.. Mgyer, L. Simon, . Mogk. Eimira ) E. 8. Amem, C. M. Bowmnn,. Heideiberg ; J. ‘Sittler, EIinn] Snvder, J Corrhd ; Adam Murrny, Beck, Bridgepert i Jonas Bingeman, John Hallâ€" than, Benj. Shantz, Jonas Shantz, Levi| Bock, Johu ‘Honetich, Isract Snyder, Elil Shantz, Gottlicb & Stoin, and many athers ‘ whom the undersigned Agent, has sold to;. and who are willing to reatify that the: SINGER is the only reliable Machine in use . The public nre reapectfuilly requested to call, _ (77= All work warranied, ______ ANDREW BOHLENPER, Kvery |Compregation may obtain a Cemâ€" munion Service, an Orénh, a‘Melodeon, a Bible, or a Life Insumnce ,\"oliry for its Pnator, or n!most nny nther needful thing, by n elub of stweambers. Sund for a copy, enclosing 10 cents, 18 HENRY E. CHILD, > < Al Park Row, New York. (g> P . S.+=Subscriptiops recceived at this _ , 69â€" 4moe \RE manufactured and sold hy the unâ€" 4 dersigned at Mr, M. Wegenaet‘s Cabinet Factory, where a good asanrtment is coustantly kept on hand. _ Also SPINNING WHEELS ! Childrons Waggons ”W“evé;/lng * Spools. &0., &o. Jacob‘s Rhéumatic Liquid. Ouutya, Deg [8ih, 1867. Jamprary, 1868. Waterloo, Jutly 1s1, 1868. Address > Augost 5th, 18689, . §., ctonn®Erm, Proprietor, Wm&d. 1998 ‘ Business Directory. LARGE & SMALL Dr. WOOod, SparkaStrect and Maria Street, ~ "Proston Ont Proprietor of th» ALL KINbS or JOUN WANLESS WaterIno 656 â€" 651 â€"3m go on and on a« if the sermon had n;\ly just commenced! Furtker was it fuir, afcer coming to the end of a pathatic description, which T vefture to say nimeâ€"tenths of the congregation . took to be the end of the aerâ€" moan, to use the words ‘ And now, in the nceustomed tone, which caused me and some others to rise with commendable alnâ€" crity, and yet to follow them up, not with the wellknown formul«, but with * Once agiin 2 Ts Swennssorgz:ay Doorninz â€"Ac cording to Swedenborg, there are three henvens, consisting of three ordemufapgels; the first distinguished for love, the second for wislom, and the last for ebedience. All angels have lived on carth; none were creâ€" ated such. They are men and women in every respect; they marry, and live in soâ€" cieties in cities and countries just as in the world , but in happines« and glory ineffable. All in whom love to (Ged and man is the ruling prineiple, go to heaven at denth. Between heaven and hell a perfeet equiliâ€" brinm is maintaimed. _ As there are three heavens, there are three hells, and every angelic society has an infernal antagonist Hell, as a whole »s called the devil and saâ€" tan; there is no individual bearing that name,. . All in whom selfâ€"love is the ruling motive, go to hell. Thers is no resurreeâ€" tion of the,earthly body, Every one passâ€" es to his final lot at death; some make a short acjourn in an intermediate state, deâ€" signated the world of spirits, where the good are cured of their auperficial infirmiâ€" ties and intollectual mistn{:s, and the evil reject all their pretences to gond, Uxrair Preactmso.â€"A correspondent of a contemporaty, protesting ngainst the prenching of long sermons, dwels With # particular sense of injary upon the tactics employed â€" last Sunday by his own clergyâ€" man. +1 appeal.‘ he mays, * to you and to the pubiic, whether this was f«ir, viz: to aay + Laally,‘ then after a long interval, * Finally;‘ then * Time permils me to any no mere than these Inat werds; then. _ "To ednclude;‘ then + Just once more;‘ and yet TewPeraxos anp Scoorss.â€"Of Temâ€" perance;‘ @s ah element of visible success. the world Has probably heard enough, until it Bhall be prepared to receive a nobler idEa tDAW i8 how provelent of what Temâ€" perence is: To abstain from intexication, nnn{,ihe _like filthy sensunlitiem is quite rig it=ab abstaining from theft and murâ€" der 1«} blit ‘Pemperanee implies far tnore than this , H@ is not temmperate . whose chief delight is in the gratification of liis appetiftes, K$ maiter how innecent in thetnâ€" gclres; le it not teimpérate who indulges a cratiog for nny thing thiat inpairs his capacity fol gtbefuh)\'é‘ss, or his moral inâ€" finence ovek tho6é .arpund him. ‘The amoking Barsoh | ahid, the wine bibbing doctor are, in a xfinm’ view, as clearly in(euipernte as the forlore victin of imeâ€" briety who stuggers by the door of the chiireh and dies of defirium tremens under Jt‘e enre of the docter, Lirtus QOreat xsxy,.â€"â€"Napoleon the Great, wearing bigh:heeled boots, stomi before the picture of Alexamder by the pairâ€" ter Davit, and, taking out J\is anuif box with apparent satisfactron. aaid ; *Alh Alex: ander was shorter than [ am|!‘ It is curious how many great men Rave been short menâ€"the reason probably is, that where so little inatter is wasted en tha legs, thare is more put into the brains; Oh I Â¥now all the traek and cou‘d tell By thesinking and «well of the sound When it darted through weods, or toiled up a Mary their errands be; Somejourney for trafic and gain, Some go to the gloomy chambers of death, And some te the bridal train Now the sound floated free on the air; Now it died round the eurve of a hill; Now lost to the air a deep roeky pass; But the mad thing was rushing on still, Plunglufi through bintPness and mist; Sending wild‘larums before; Howling like demon of darkness let loose From Acheron‘s fery shore. Nearer and nenrer it comes, Leuder the crash and the ronr, Bearing the precious load of life , Two kundred souls and more, And now it goes by at a leap, Wild the weird flashes it throws ! Out of thick darkness it comes in its flight, And into thick darkness it goes‘ Plunging through diarkriess and fog; Screnming its signals before; Searching the night with its eye of flame, And flling the earth with its roar, i. that some farost chiof, From his ancient woodland nest, Might peer through the night, and eateh the wild light Of the monster troubling his res t, Here are eyes heavy with sledp; Here bright with the light of leve, In joy and in tears, with hopes and with fears, On through the darkness they move: Plunging through blackness and fog; Sending loud signals before, Senrching the night with its eye of flame, And filling the earth with its roar And now all the winAings are Basged, And out it comes on te the plain, Shaking the earth as it tears along Through the midnight blackness and rain The woild was murky and still, The air was loaded with damp, And en the felds of the mist It came, The noise of this iren tramp. As I lay awake in the‘right Ard heard the pattering‘rain, Faintly 1 cangh* the,rumbling sound Of the eoming .wht train, & ootry. *‘ IneSfontam Thanm ~ grade, C 5 Or teaped o‘er a bridge at a bok#d , NEWSPAPER. C~o us a x & . . 6 M , . ‘ $ e f € ll \\7 <\- * A ‘\\! C Ry I .: 2 /‘ â€" m T vil | | n ' B \Hw K t % C . it. 4 l |® lt n M + 3 . 8 \;5“ d v':‘::“:\, i.“ ‘ Q";\:’ U > “.;1;\7\ + ,\b“ / <l‘. & ‘ Trs Rat Qursrioxs â€"hot Burns is philomopher. He says: ¢ Mr Bergk calls a fat an animial! Now éerervyhody of an\ senge kmows that rat is a yetmiit. . wouldn be ‘kill n rat if he found bhe in his cell«.? Of course he weaidi Bif would fie lull a _On the whole; we like @: 8: Convenâ€" tioms, and recommend their contimuance. The wext one is to be held in Belleville. The kindness and hospitality of the people of St. C., together with the beauy of the town and the lovliness of the weather, ren: tered this one of the most pleasant weeks ef our eventful ]ires, Oct ., 1868. Law A«repore. â€"You hnva all heard of Counsellor Higgina, of the state of â€"â€"â€", who died many yeara ago. | He, was .exâ€" ceedingly adroit in defending a prisoner, and would sometimes laugh down an indictment for asamall offence, A fellow (one SBmith)being on trial for stealing a urkey, the counsellior atteinpted to give a humene turn to the affair. _ ‘Why; gentle= men of the jury,‘ siad he, ‘this is realy a very smallaffair; 1 wonder any ons would bring such a ecomplaint into court; if we are going on st this mite, we shall have business ensugh o@ oar handa. _ Why, i recollect when J warin college, that nothing was imofe cotiimon than to go oat foraging. We used to have many a gool supper in this way. We ‘did not get the poultrv too often in the sama place. and there was mo barm dome, no fault found.‘ _ Notwithstanâ€" ding this appeal, the jury convicted the prisoner. | _ After the court arose, one of the jury, a plain old fatmer, meeting the counseller, complunented "hire n his ingenuity, ‘And now, aquire,‘ anid he, fixing rutber a know. ing look npon hiin, ‘I should fike to ask you one question: which_ road do you take in going lrome, the upper or the lowert‘ ‘The lower,‘ said the counsellor. *We‘}; then, it‘s no matter; t only â€" wanted to observe that if yon were going my way I would just jog on before and lock up mv berâ€"house.‘ Of course he weaid. Bif would fhie lull a «ll to he horse lr he found one UI H;:,.:'u'urd, Hr even 3'|niiv|‘||‘, in hia parlor? Of course hs would not. |islinam t Why? â€" Because a horse is af Animal, Lnt| Quite 11 a rat ain‘t. 1 know rat«,‘ Prett® good log ‘M ter d ie for Kit tery eXir: ess, â€" About six hundrod delegites and visitors reported themse|ves, AJthough there were only about five hundied ptesent This Convention was held in the Weslegâ€" an Chureh, which proved to be fat too stnall to comfortably seat the crowds that resoried thither, espocially in the evenings Niest of the delegate® neeynied the bady of the Church, and did all of the rpeaking of a public charneter; but we did observe a few delegates in the gallery, and moticed that they did a good deal of talking in n privrate kind of way. _ An effort was made to make the Centention as practical as fos: sible. Hence there were exhibited before the Cenvention a rmodel Bible class, r texchers‘ meeting, aw infint class; &c Many excellent speeches ware made upon the practical working of S. Schfols A mass meeting was held in the drill Khed, on Thursday, and was Jargely atterndedâ€"_Dr. Duryea and Rev. J. H. Vincent, of New York, lent much interest to the Convention by their addresses,. _ _ _ On Tuesday we rambled East, and as the §. 8. Convention was assembled in St. Catharines, we resolved to lay over a ‘day or two in that beautiful towsn. _ At the 8St. Catherines station there was a great deâ€" roand fer busses, but ta our astonishment these were all under the control of ane man, and it was with great difficulty that one could be obtained. But this <tate of things did not long cemtinue, No man possesses sufficient power to eontrai St C., for a long time, in this respect. _ We soon found that other dvases couid be obtained with leas trouble and with rmuch more saâ€" tisfaction, The Convention was a great sueâ€" Drear Coro®roix:â€"Here we are in Hamilton on our return from a week‘s ramble Kaset, _ We left our native town on Monday last resolved to throw off dull care, see, hear, taate and feel al} we could, and to go in for a good time generally, We spent Monday night in this city. The clhief object of attractinm: of a _ piiblic charsetgr was a Sabbath School Anniversary, held in the Centenarty Chorch, and so being seriously inclined, to the Church we went It w*s eatimated that over two thousand persons were assembled iX th@t spacious building. The‘ singing was much better than we usually hear on such occasiotis, but the speaking, &5 we‘ saw things, was indifferent. _ Much time was â€"«pent in urg>. ing the importancse of having children trained . _ Who denubts this? “’hnt #ou‘d a child be netrained 1 What would anyâ€" thing be untrnined ? The developement of the different capreities of different children was also dwelt mpon it large _ But wh_v} waste time this at such meetings? What: we nsk weuld a chill he undereloped 1 What would enything be und«veinpe«“1 What a pity that public speakers on such oceasions should waste their Hine in exâ€" pressing trite, commenplace words and thoughts and in retailing ‘«ilfy nnecTlotes instead of aiming at the intellectual and spiritual elevation of those whom they u«l-1 dreew. LETTER FROM TWO RAMBLERS [8$2.00, if paid at the end of the year W hole Nu mber 867 A six foot Vermonter, om lns fiest trip from the smoke of his father‘s chimine ; put up at a firstâ€"clis« hotel, room on the fourth floor. _ While asleep, bootblack gews his boots, along with a number of other« . About one o‘clock he awoke, and wisking to go off he began Inoking for them ; but not finding then, out into the hall he went and with both hiands on his knees, comâ€" meneed yelling at the top of n« voice. The servants rushed out to see what was ste matier, and getting to the scefie of #6. bon, began to atk : t What‘s the matter? T waat iny boots replisd the Vermonâ€" ter. twaive ©What number ? referrinw to the roor Six footer cries a reler A B S George Koend Orlean»Pi sn mxanhtore OA fterd of Mex ebitrea wit The elitor 1« one of the happieat animal¢ in the known world, He can go to the cirews, afterndon and evening, without pagâ€" ing a cent; also to inques(® and hangings . â€"â€"He has a free ticket to_ fiehice and strawberry festita‘s; geia wedding cake sent him, and, sometimes pets a hcking, but uot often, for he can take things heek, the next issna. which he generally dogs: L never knew only ene editot to get Tickt. His paper busted that day; and he souldh‘t take nothing beck . One day a fashionablephysician at aome wateringâ€"place brouwght Dumas his album, and insisted upon a trife from the Lion, wheo found himself fuirly eaught m the tole. Dumas wrote, «n the smiling physgian, noddng to hi« adimring friend, looked overthe author‘s shoulder, lgolln \ing Dumas pen, he read:â€" _ I Nor was it long. _ He found empicyers Who nppreciated and;honored his integrity ; anc he found, too as years went on, that business built on the ffrim timbers of truth &n | uprightness canand must prosper; and; , moreover that jf its imaterial elements dis solve before the undiscerried chances oftrade , there is still left the fine gold of tree manâ€" â€" hooc which fortune cannot "give or tewâ€" fortune take away: THe Eprtor. â€"A lcllonllmy'l compasi on ‘l‘lie RElitot ran as follows, in a schoo not fat from Cincinati i The nugrg shonkeeper was not long id taking lis new clerk to task, and senlded hm soundly fer his stypidity. _ ‘Truth -il{ do well enough for a country store, blit we need shrewilness to get along Th the city. _ Will you do ousiness ray way of your ow n?" eaid the man in a heat, +I will give you twentyâ€"four hour# to decide,‘ _ _The young man wert to the todgings of his friend that night with a heavy henrt, ‘I Adin qalled upgh to give up either myr. clmracter or my situation,‘ cried Hopking with tears in his eyes, what shall I do 1‘ The atruggle was short. No comtprominé with conscience,thrt was the decision of the friendiams and moneyless boyâ€"no comproâ€" mige with conscience. Aepe ofee oys Lo in p ooo late id e dn ie | dn r l said his friefl4! ‘atid dd hot be discouraged you will find one fall soen‘ l 8 tery eXiraor ~ Two young men wentte Cincinnati, a few years xy0, to wek for a @situaton, â€" ‘Dhey were poor and â€" cependant, hut thad gaood principles and good munnvers, and with that capatal made their atast in life. _ Hopâ€" king soon found « clerkship at a dry gaods stofe, attd his Friend in ane of . the leading banlkt @torea of _ the city. Hopkina had bardly befome used to his new duties when ie integtity was put to the test in a say he lenst | fÂ¥pecte; . ~HH, Amplayer one Inorhlhg thled to sell a dress tma . enstes mer by «leclaring that. he offered it tn below cost, | The . lady .secemed to -lnm his woed, when the storekeeper . cnlled lug' new clerk to make gaood his words, _ Hopâ€" kins carefully examined the costâ€"mark, and then agked, ‘Mr, Bradstreet, do you wisli me to tell this Jady the trath ‘ 1 ‘Than,‘ replied the clerk; ‘I m@nli\?‘ that the dress did not eost what you €ay it did ‘Certnimly.‘ aaid the @lhopkeeper witkh & wink,whiek nieant, ‘(No, indeed; of course I don‘t,‘ . . ‘Come and share mny room and my little salary until you can .hnd _nqut!s.e} plnce,; e in ht o e \M heeks f 1 p it, supposing uf his boot, inquired the servant, ar | _ sol>«â€" number replied the Vermonâ€" thery had l 1 a New

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