The Waterloo Chronicle ETERT . TMURSDAY MORNING, & CTanma o @éaacutcertox â€"81 .890 por annum a .auMoo. at the ond ofthe year, * Adve is {naected on nf0@erate er@h Ammfllflln'uhon writton ingqtructiona wil\ be insested uatilfarbid, and charged ae erdivg!y. . Allistiers on business musi be post paid or they will not be taken out the postâ€"office. Money -\-‘:: remived with perfact safety through the 1Office, in Bnnrmli.. Letâ€" rore onol cash, |f plased in thayhands of u{ t, will be ar tht® riak of tha pa Ihh&' w addressed to & The Edifor of the icle, Watertoo B. 0., Wuterâ€" loo County, Ontario." j NOC 3 M Eocm aeal Money u\n‘:: remirted through the Post Ofice, | M“m“"“ if pha asf p t, will be PETEA E. WY. MV TEN, Kqirto® Aa%D PusbiS@®®, _ k his off K | «i) ‘*% mep sir, opporits Hoitinai‘s @otel. PRN%[AN. Nurgeon ind ACCDTEIE!C! and Cgroner for the Cminiy af Waâ€" arioo. Whaterios Villinmm, _poyo OMdoe and Residence buek of Wiitiqgn | Fircher‘a store Purhmw. Burgson aad D'.SMOEN. o rs ho adutesiitOintetins .ifte, Abd PHWUI A N, Supg@en and Accoucheur Ki OON:.;C(mml'un Bioek, sorner al n¢ oundry . Streets,. ‘Berlin. Calls pn.u‘\' wonddg\o. \ E. ‘D. S. Howhsy, M. D. _ aa uvaint i N. Surgmon aud Accoucheur P"‘?UIAN. wCE io i and Coroner for the Canaty e ge O ‘Reseâ€"â€"Bn: a! ?er Araet, Uafmaita Factory . rlin‘"~* PHY!!OI.\N. Sm“:n LV aud i3 roner for the Co| loo. Ofise, at his residiehce, Beclinn w, Qasil Réebinson, M. R. 0. 3. Ed. Babtiand. @ of Relectic Mr of | and Liceatiate in Oawbu. Regidenceâ€"8 14 §0088, ol. 14.â€"No.40. ‘ _ Y fx4 PS Business Directory: __ \"Z._i!ae,nrsw.’torv- . H. BOWLBY, Pnucum. Sut Watsua‘s Hotel, m stet® 2M C pmmmx. and Corone B]ol to info ) â€u\!nlh Member 0f fhe Dental Asscola® ~â€"â€" demref Ontario, _ 1y, will geguive pron Gesienâ€"Over B weet; Berlin . T40 MB $ oi detrbendinn idb in TatoOtAN, | SURGBON and ACC0Uâ€" CORRUR, and Coroner tor Waterloo X- Waterloo, Ontario. tJ» Special on given to Acula aud Chronie discases. Eng places, w WOULD annonnce to will make Monut\!y ii‘ ‘;ï¬MMï¬I services. h‘â€i’on. lith. Bt. Jkcobs, 13th. Mawkerilie, l4th Watetloo, 5th to 10th Prégton, 11th. Member of the Dental Associâ€" _ ation of Ontario. _ _ ADUATE of the Ov\r.“;(utorumry llor and member of the "Boy»l Calâ€" e 18 of Veterinary Surgeans, Canada. apened an office at Hofman‘s Hote!, %r\m. where he will hï¬qmred to trsat all mads of discases btadifigeses, Cuttie Bagap, &s., on and afler thg,@/xth ef May New J wellery Shop I#° OMceâ€"3; Watertoo, Dat. Linwood, i6th. Mabztracts Teeth without pain by a newly remted prosess, and is prepared to take orâ€" gw any department of his profession. His permanent oficeis orer MUr Bohafer‘s or¢, King Bueet, Waterlon Watsrlos, Get. 12n¢, 1888, 1‘3‘ unders‘>>4 has much pleasure in an: mounting _ the inhabitants of Watertoo® ‘f auctoundi _ intre, that he bas ope8¢0 a Bhop, where s ho kept constantly on hand all kinds of \\ 5 ~!HB8, CLOCKS®, JEWBLâ€" LERY, &o.,4 Also a larg®e assortment of Albums, Pipe ~av holders, Perfumery, &s. RBPAIRI \ : i| kinds done on the shottâ€" aat notice. A: «(wetion guarranteed, RBPAIRI \ : i| kinds done 0 aat notice, a: «(vation Tmrnu IJ* aA cal| c ‘‘ally solicited MARRIAGE LIOENSES, W. waldon, Â¥rEAor®EY *Wm. ~G. LoUG@nAt, M. D., Waterto®, Aj ol sun, 1888 Hotei, Berlia. Paul Wil$0oM, j R3E FARRISE, &0 C I8 PUBLIASRH®D C faud 3 toand ERINARY SURGEON, 1. SPRrINO®RR. , if paid in advance.) Hughes M. D. Waliisiey, M. D., X, ‘uï¬tn and Accoucheut, n;rPr a Co. of W\\N:lou.. «tA the Houseluiely cccupied Pipe, M. I J n(ï¬ C e ‘v"\\}'l‘ : P Iaa nsS Catt o t thetss Cny > C~ w '(†*f)\'.“ Z}"{,f’? {‘f . %< P | Lk j *%a Â¥4/6" ’:.7“"\ I \RESky ) » h ) 4 0h \ : \‘\1,‘/ i.;’? ‘ s o Nes . io v}‘@i‘,.f; $ $ T.0 ' P 4 PV V C ’“‘\ m Pafa Mls 47 mime«s to the public that he Monut\ly visite at the follo w s he will attend to ali reauiring ervices. â€" He will be at 10th. Crossht‘l 11th. Blmira, 20th: Glenallan, 318%. M Hollin, i%ad. M,. WELLS, rlager & Seydecs Drng Btoraw . MOYER, I88URD BY on . &o. _ Ofice, at awhkavilie, Out 813 un@ Accouchent aad. Accouchenat €34â€" Arost, Weai{tom and Actourheut, ounty of Water> 0, Queen Bitest, 693 ,], and Graduate af Peausylvania, .“:-vconmorcial g 250 ol Watar AND FAMILY B. BO WMAN. ~». a mc §88 = LA o,f Waturive, Urrious ;tâ€"At the C Craw« A\"'g and C Cuurt House, Beriin, an gf Bowiby .‘ Androws, lins BARRISTBRS, Attornays at Law, Solicitors tm Chancery, Conveynucers, &6. OMc®e on Mill Street, adjoining the Dumfries Mitls, â€" Elmirs Ofee dagsâ€"Tuosdays & Thursdit}e Qlomailas Oiice sqoâ€"mny alteriate Wedâ€" | neéday . John £. Rose, LL. B., BARMSTSR and ATTORNEY AT LAW,. Solicitar in ‘Chancery, Notary Public, and Converanoset . i OrÂ¥ICRâ€" No. 78. King Street Rust, over u42 Westeyan Book Raom, Toronto CitA®. A. DURAND. (Geity Mucoh 26th, 1866 B.\l!ll{*1‘l§l{s and â€" Artotneyvacat Law. Sniioitors in Chanoury, Notaries, &0,, HambDton, O. W. Offteeâ€"BDaster â€" Buildmga, James Street, neatly opposlle Matiet . a. OHtstO LM. s. P.nA®UEM, M. A. LbBh.. Ham:lton, Sept. 1, 1818. 884â€" P. J. Gage & Bro., counNnT Y i ND Urefof\ P o asne nc ATTORNHYS and COUNSBLLORS at LA W, Suliqfljt.v\‘v-p in nmkr\lp‘l-'y. No« wariea Pubtic and Commi««:oner® lor sa Yer w\ States, No. 229 Bron lway, New York Room 17.â€"@nd tioor. P. 14. aag8. l w. w. aag®. BARRISTKR‘ ATTORNEY, sOLICT TOR IN CHANCKUY, Conveguncer, &¢, &o.. Benii®, Onturia. _ ., & UOfige on Quowm Street, nearly op»= peaite Ameri¢an Hotrt, Beclin, January, 1888,. 648â€" N. Gordon Bigelow, LL. B AT‘l‘ORNIY-A‘l‘-LAW. SOLLCITOR, &6., &o. Orriceâ€"Third door South of Post Ofce, Toronto Street, Toronto, Ont. 7Doyle & Squietr, BARNS‘I‘IR& & ATTORNEYS, Sollcitors in Chancery, &0,, Goderich, Ont ho 5ie um temmame amprong in novine on o tom | Ti utm mc snn s A * * Duncan McColl AtLOR & CLOTHIER, o%poclu Bricker‘s Woolien Factory, King 8t. Waterlca. Lromm AUOTIDNRER, for the County of Faterloo, Canadian Blogk, Berlin . Aa VOuusY o C c olay Ontarig.‘ Ey* He speaks QGerman languag**. L3 ~_ Henry Ferdinand; FyTANNER, MANUFACTUKER ofTRU3«â€" P\smox ABLEK â€"TAILOR. _ Upposite &:mm'c Huotel, King 8ur, Waturtoo. 6. d Anoln.. dn & _ io i a m d 4. _# ie 1 sus, carpns kGLOYBS;,Muarket Square Waterlon _ H hand OOKBINDER, bas removed to the House B of the lute Mr. Bindeuian, Youug Street, Beclit. 831« § Jacob S. Roos, MANUFACTURER of Boots rad Sh0Â¥8) af every de«sription. A large Stock of Bdots & Shoes always on handre. “e:SP vary dn w 1. B. Kilbornag, a3ugh of varrtfads Lto®yss®s very lo w __â€" Christian A. Saille, |“A8HION ABLB BARBER and HAbR GUTI ER, isagatn at his old atand, op= posite the Woollen Fuctory, Waterino Vil« Ingo. â€" Razsors and scissora yraund on the shortest noties. â€" All work warrented, March 28, 1866. 632« G_F.OR(;E YOGT, Proprietor, Bimire. Goodâ€" accommodatim for travellers ; enpital stabling and. an attentive Hostiers always in altendance,. . Choice Inquore, Cigura, &e. Charges moderate. Genesee House, ‘ (\nmmu Genesee and Main Streeats, a ) ahort distance from the Eastern n.:m‘ Buffalo, N. Y. _ ¥» The location is the beat in the city, and nevommeodations as good as in any Hote!, Tarms $2%a d48y,. and leas by the week . + . MTâ€" H .& J LATL, Proprietor West Montrose, Untario [ Formerly of Hamilion, qorNs® of York and King‘Stteets, Toâ€" ronte. First class accommodation and tensonable terms. Rivsy & Mar, Proprie> LOr®. * Anglo American Hotel, ‘ AND GBNRRAL STAGK OFFICER, Riâ€" wmira, Ontazio. The Table and Bar will always be supplied with the very best the Matke: affords. Excelient Btabling and an attentive Hostier, Charges moderâ€" ute. Chishoim & Lazter, OÂ¥ DBALEI, Waterlso Village, Oftario. K A large Stock of Hops eonstantly on M BEAVUY, Proprelor, PME Good accommodation for F tavattaca. The» Bar is alwa? ANM, Good aecommodation for Farmare aad tavattace. â€" The» Bar is alwayslseupplied with the very bestiof Liquers. OJ;N Vieetion in astradance: John Wanless. ~ RNSED AUOTIONEER, Tor Waterloo anaty, and General Agent.. :l.nurlool Durand & Philip, RV.! Rosoville Hotel, 'EOR.(zE W ARD, Proprietor. _ Goeod Lig and an attentive hostler. Alexander Millar, Royal Exchange Hotel, At the O&ce of the County | ey and Cierk of the Pence, | ‘dh\. andas the Law Office Androws, King Street, Berâ€"| + ‘sag i Gachon & Colquhouri, | ï¬:nvn-neem de., &o. a and Qlanallan., . Charles Stanton, Farmers‘ Arms Hotel, BEAUDY, Proprietor. Gue!pb, On\‘. the Peage tor the County wWwATERLOO, Andreow CEtzel, Ludwig Jagobs, 8t. Jacobs Hotel, F. B. Noewton, Revere House. ‘omini«woners for saverâ€" K Foick, W . D. Ruiia, Proprietor, oko, %. PUELIP 6321â€" . Waterloo, | Bag‘lish n&l £4A West &6 1 â€" TBB undofllgrgd, Naving assu agement of tha above well would aumounce to his many fri general pablic that he is at all t to receive guests and entertain best of his ability. _ _ Queen‘s Arms Hole!}. AND GENERAL SRAGK QFFICE, Glenâ€" allan, Ontario. _ Rvery attention to the TFants of the travelling community . Liquorgy of the ohoitest quality, Attentive hostlers alâ€" ways on hand . base Hewier. Proprietot. Eigin House. D CAMPBELL, Provrietor, Dundas, Ont. & This is the only tirstâ€"class house in Town. Onmnibus ruas to and from all the 1 N56 trains A)‘D Ganern| S )ntario Cho ang an a ttentive f Nfl. 20, Front Str.. Toron conveni@ntly «ituated in mart of the City, and ndpmer Depptaand Ste in Bout Bau moderai€! COR.‘?ER wt MeNub Square, Amailton, ( to Cars and Boats. 854 H. MoG COMMERCIAL HOiLkL, 1 on warmrcoo, oNmt. Photograph GKallery!® moassd 4 Apanpiipre Ee TF A.ND General Stage Oflee, Auan. Ont. This a firat oluss Hotel for the travel> ng community. ‘The Biif {« aapplicd with the boat of LiqtGaote UOnad stahling. and anreful Hostlers in nitendance,. Chuatges, Modernie. 2 qed Hd mt h ak BOW MAN‘S HOTEL ALLAN HOFFMAN, Propriotor. THE subscribet begs to inform the travellâ€" ing public in general, that he lins n®« sumed the manag@ment of the hote‘}. kept during the pnn:f.r by Mr, W. L. Bow man, and previéus to that by Mre. Henry W . Bowman, formearly thirty gears. avour« ably known to every one whn has had, ocenâ€" sion to travel through this Village. In asâ€" suming the management, the oproprietor would wish to intimate that it shall be his earnest and contlant endeavour &0 to conâ€" duct the establishment in question, as to thetit and rec#eive a gontinuranos of the favour cahown towards it for nearly one«third of a | gentury ‘\ul. He abai! apare no prir® nor expense In the effort in accomplish his object, gatiafied that he is justified in doing so hy tmk > | i the past as a guarantse for the future. | q The best and moat attentive of se vants .wili be k$B1 on the premises for tracel\ora. PAIN PAINT. Rossin House. xonrnas P. 3HE A RS, Lesseo an« ager, Toronto. Waterloo, Masch 5th, 1867, t ire Insurance Compa‘y HRAD OFFICE : WATERLOO VILLAGE, Anglo American Hotol pIVISION COURT! The Waterioo County Mutual J ME C EC ® C, G. TISDALE. utetloo, Murch 11, 1868, 633â€" Rochester House, t Markle‘s Hotel, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MOHNXING,. OCCOBER 1, 1865. JACKSON‘S "rown Hotel, ed; Naving assumed the man« tha above well known Hotel, o his many friends and the at he is at all times propared c and antertain ‘them to the WATERLOO, Stagn Hou«o, Warriaton, mire Liquors, Choice Cigars, y Hostier always o43 hu d A . (G. Maxxi.®, Proprictor JaMm Noln H. MoQraoxes, Prositor W. L. Bowwax, Manager, Roat Arms Hotel. a Jonxarax®. Proprictor ALLAN HOFFRFNAN. For 1868. No 2 No 3 No 4 No 5No 6 No 7, Toronto. Ont. _ Most ted in the buainess adpreent t« the R R. t Gaudings "Clurges Hewirr, Proprietor to Inform the travell> ral, that he hns n# t of the hote}. kept by Mr, W. L. Bow Streat an‘ Maket wW. IJ Oinnibus 1 Man \M 510â€" Ont. AMERICAN HOUSE, BERLIN, â€" ~ -_ONTARlO. '|‘HOSI~’. who nre desiraus of procuring guperior Photographs should eall upon the asubserniber who has purchased â€" the above Galiery nnd Is now prepired to supâ€" ply all the Intest novelties in either the Mk 1 woul o 'Cll‘blnet Card, Carte do visite, oR PoRCELAIN PLOTURE. Affording ns this Gnllery does hetier faci~ lities than avy in this part of the country, and having the Inrgeat and bost nrranged light n the Dominion, nIl who E\nlmnhc him ean rely upon lnving their orders eXeâ€" onted in the highest etyle and exeellence of the art. â€" . 2 ue s e Sma«ll nictures enlar q (Purtienlar wttention pwid t family gtoups. vr NE W JAMES C 100 Kijg 8 ToOnRromt‘:>, A N immonsely Inra "\ * nind latest «tyle HATS of every desor the p‘ace. â€" Opposite drila â€" s20 THE STAR SETZTTLE $100 â€" Sewinz Machine! fI‘IIE Star Shuttle Machine rhakeaa stitch nlike on both sides, that will not rip or migel, will do nII kinds. of work equnlly ns well ns any high priced Muachine, and is suited nlike for the Dress=Maker, Tailor Manufactuiret or Family . _ Mr, J. 6. Spa(â€" ‘ord having been nnp«~iv|h"l General Agent for the 8tar Muchine, wishes to engage a tas saad Inenl und traveiling Agents to ‘ord having been appointed General Agen for the 8tar Muchine, wishes to engage t few good loenl and / trave ling Asgents t whom gooi indueements will he ofFered. For burther particu ars aud Cisculurs nd Jreas Sb ce s anks Improvod Farm Proporty. Appfy to lYSF. STEWART MacGAUCHEN, Barmnater, Waterioo Vilage Reference, T. B. Kinronxs, West Montrore, Outarto WT consider the Stur Shurtle Mauchine to Ne the hest cheip (amily Sewing Machine, with which we are nequainted, it makes the gonuine Lock Stiteh ." kh ue oprt NU TT Mareh 19th, 1598 DR. COLBY‘S ANTLCOSTIC AND TONIC PILLS, A[KE a anfe and relicble remedy for all disâ€" eases of the stomach, Liver aud Bowels. They are no Quaek Medicine, puffed by high sounding testimonials from imaginary people, but are the result of furty yenrs ixperience of a firstâ€"class physician, and their extraordinary success is due to the fret that they answer oxâ€" wetly their name . The formula from which thoy are prepared, is based on sound, scienti= fe principles and has received the unqualified approbation of the medical profession q\‘hoy do not profess to be a cure nll, but for all diseasâ€" es arising from any dornn%’ement of the Stoâ€" mach, Liver, and Bowe‘s, they furnish an ef= fyctual remedy. â€" We havye in our possessiono ever oue hundred testimonials from physicians, who havre used thetn t« their practice, and, highly approve of them, among which are the qllowing : 1 1 P 1 popion en e are MONEY TO LEND, M iRnniw it The undersigned physicians cheerfully cerâ€" tify to the high professional standing of Dr Colby, of Standstead, one of the oldest and best physiclans, and to the excellent qualitfes of liis © ANTIâ€"COSTIVE and TONIC PILLS/ which we have nged in our practice, and high ly approves . . J H Gibson, M D, Dunham, C B. ( R Uotton, M D, Cownansville. Chas Brown, M D, Cowansville, 8 3 Foster, M D, Brome, J C Butler, M D, Waterloo. John Brskine, M D Water!00. ‘ Nopman Cleveland, M D, Burnstoi. N Jenkins, M D, Barnetou. C W Cowles, M D, Stinstead: John Meigs; M D Stanilstoad. . Joseph Breadon, M D, Surgeon, R N. Benjamin Damon, M D, Conticook Lemuel Riclmond, M D, Derby Line. § J Foss & Co.. Sherbrook, P 0., Sole Proâ€" prictors. Heury Thompson & Co., Montreal, Wholesale Agonts. April 2nd; 1808: {803) PADBNTED, MAY 1807 LLOYD‘S SPLENDID NEW BOUBLE NUAP, Europes and_ Ametica. o Europe on the one side and North Ameri ta on the other. Ahi@ Mip shows all the Instest dissover« 108, is bemutifuily engraved and coloured in «uperior style. PRICEâ€"ONLY G56. Sola by C. 4. TISDALE, Â¥ aterlo8. July 29th, 1869. 6535â€" coUNnTY OF wWATERLOO. THI WARDEN will, until further Notite, be in attondance at the Office of the Oonnlï¬ (Qlerk, Court House, Berlin, on the sEcoND TUKSDAY of every MONTH, and on the days of tha sittings of the Assize Gourts, General Quarter Beasions and County Canada Advertising Agency, M /_aara Ont. . is our Sole Agent fur proâ€" W WeAROEMERC e C 00 C s & T oronto, Ont . , is our Sole Agent for proâ€" curing American Advertisemente, and is muthorized also to receive Canadian Adâ€" vartisements for this waper. NOTICE. Inrge stock af the newsst tylow of N W SPRING scription . _ Don‘t forget wite the English Catheâ€" oA t ICT ISRAEL D. BOWMAN, AT [ MA W& TRAWICK: Morchant Tailors . H ST GERMAIN, Proprietor of the ilarged to life «izc. wid to (hildren and CNXNFEAEPIG 1I. E. MOORE sPAFrFORD OoP Ang. 21th 1st GLSs Box 450. Toronto County Clerk 636â€" 1 Bowmtn, ‘ Snyder. J | Bvidgepert «.mun, &\en_“ | Bock, Joh IF you want a Machine which you can alâ€" ways rely on, one that is alwaye in trim and never dis urbes your «pirit or rufes gour temper by imperfoct movements or inâ€" ferior materinl, then selust the GENXUINE SINGER _ It is simple, yet doee from the fneet to the contsest work with any kind of thread of thread, limen or cotton, coarse Of fine, runs easy, is ready to «tart at the slightest touch, and does not get out ol orâ€" der. d1 htu n{ways given the best satisfueâ€" tion and Bas nover lost an old fiiend, but j» contmonlly widding new oyes to its namâ€" heis, â€" ProoC is demanded. It shall be and ean fortheoming, if you gall on Moesere. John Ratz, John Foil J . Meyer, L, Simon, |C. Mogk,. Bimira;3 J. 6. Ament, C) M | Bowmrn. Heidelbor> : J._ Sittler, Elias \Snuder. J (Corrnd ; Adurh Murray, Beck, Pm on en in on eR it 1 C, Mogk. Bimira ; J. G. Ament, C M. Bowmin. Heidelborc c J._ Sittler, Elins Snyder. J (Corrmid ; Adu Murray, Beck, Buidgepcrt ; Jonas Biugeman, Juhn Hallâ€" mun, &\enj. Slminty, â€"Jona«: Shantz, Levi RBock, Johu Honetien, Israe! Soyder, Bli Shamz, Gorutltscb & Stein, and many others whom the undersigned | Agent, hus sold to? and who nre williog to tostify that the SINGER is the only reliable Machine in use sPINNING WHEELS | \RE manufactured and sold by the unâ€" 1 detsizned at Mr. M. Woegenaet‘s Cabinet Fretory, where a good agsortment is constautly kept on hand. _ Also Childreas The public wre reepectfully ‘requested to gall, z* All work warranted. ANDREW BOHLENDER. 650â€" oTTAWA CANCER INFIRMARY, Ottawa, Canada West, C ANCERS â€" C URED, By a New, but Certain, Npeedy,und narely Paintess process, and Wirn otr vas Usg or roe Kxire,. \ T[Il". cuge will be guaranteed. and as i | proof of this, no pay is required, until the care is comtmpletei â€" The moiment a canâ€" ceris discoyered. it should be cured, as it will cost leas ind is more speedily cured thin when of lougersetanding, and there i . wothing to gain and euerything to loge hy delay. â€" What now eman harmlass lum; in the breast. neek, eye lid or elsewhere or,aimull wart or sore on the lip, may in r few short months become a fhiedious, dis gusting. destroying thiase of discnse. If‘te quired, peferences can be given to partic® who have been cured many yenre since and who nre now sound and healthy, _ A) | communications promptly anawered. . No \ money required in advance; and none unt he cure is complete. _ _ Address Augost $1h, 1868, THECHURCH UNION MFYHIS paper has been r':can\\y' enlarged d d lobdnd thit bcan t F 1 4 _ to mammoth proportions. . Tr is uk LARGEST RELIGIOUS PaAPEN IN 18E WORWLD. Ia the leading organ of the Union: Moveâ€" ment, and opposes titua‘/ism, close com» munion, exclusiveness and church estate, It is the only prper that publishes Hexry Ware Beronen‘s Sermons, which it does every week. pust as they ire delivered â€" without qualifiontion or correction by him. 1t ndvocates universal suffrage ; a union of christian« at the polle; and the righgs of labor, â€" Ii has the best Agricaltural Departâ€" inent of iny: paper in the world ; publishes storie@ for the family. and for the deettuc» \tion of eoctnd evice. ~ Ite editotial mannige= ment is impersonal ; ite writers and editors wre from every branch of the chwch and from every grude of seciety, It has been aptly termed the freest organ of thought in the world Such a paper, ofering premiums of Sewâ€" #7 ns 4 Snd cas LARGE & SMALL ing Nachines, Dictonaries, . {pple{on" Cyclopedia, Pismos, Organs for Churches »i¢., mukes one of the beet papers for can vaesers in the world. 1 Aeam eb redias Oltawa, Dee I8ih, 1 867. Every Congregation may abtain a Camâ€"| munion Service, an Organ, a Melodeon, & Bible, or a Lile: Insuraince Policy for ite Pustor, or n‘most any other needful thing, by n club of stscurthera. Send for a copy, enclo«ing 10 cents, to ~HENRY E. CUILD, 41 Park Row, New York. f P. 8. â€"Substriptions received at this 69â€" 4inos aterloo, July 1st, 1868. FOR the immediate relief and permanent euro of Rheumatism, Sprains, Brniscs, Burns, Frost Bices, Lame Black. Side, Limbs or Stomach, Cramp, Numbness, of Limbs, Swelling of Joints, Sudden Colds, Diptheria; Sore Throat. ‘ JACOB‘S RHEUM ATIC LQqQULJ flas been before the public for upwards of twenty years, and such are its morits that it is now justly considered as An indispensiblé artiâ€" cle in every family where it is known. 20 Og_ _3 s« tha nnble attens M TeRAAA No t n cus i cle in every family where it is known. \ It has never been forced on the public atten» tion by fAnming advertisements of remarkable qures that never had any existence, but by its own peeuliar value as an unfailing remedy, it has worked its way into public favor Having a wonderful effect when taken inters nally, in quickening â€" tue circulation of the blood, it is invaluable: to persons predisposed to Paralysis, or subject to heart disease. | In cases of Dyspepsia, where food distresses, it affords prompt relief, and coutinued for a short time, sets everything right. 5 Uostrc c ta Aitmsen in eath Jacob‘s Rheumatic Liquid. Morep es n m ds ocoai td The name of the modicine is blown bottlo of the gennine, and the purj which it is intended, as well as the using, attached . C lC w As~ Mantrénl: Â¥ ‘.l}:ie.l'ar‘.y'."é;;{n'pvson & Co Agents, B J Foss & Co. Sole Proprictor.. SparksStreet and Muria Street, it a uo w Preston Mineral Baths, The North American H< S. CORNELL, yOB WORE | Office Jnufy, 1868 is Waggons. Weaving Spools. &6., &c. June 3rd, 1968 . MWoOdcctd, ‘roprictlor of th* JOIIX W ANL Preston Ont Dictionaries, _ Appleton‘s of this Paper ALL KINDS OF DOXE AT TRE ; Go., Montréal, Woolesale Go., Sherbrooke, P. Q:, PB oo dicine is blown in cach , and the purposes for as well as the mode of Hotel in connection L, Proprietor,. Wuterloo 656 â€" 651â€"3m How To Surep n Cnurow,â€"Assuming ‘ that it is a duty, let us consider the manner . of performing it â€" Like all Christian prac tices, there should be uniformity in the manner: It is an improper manner,. in perâ€" forming this duty, to nod, and for the plain renson that it nttracts too much attention. We are evoryi«-herf- tnught to avoid ostentaâ€" tious display in our w%mle worship. The \Pharisocs were condemuned for praying at the corners of the street, that they might l»e\ seon of men. â€" On the same principle, the nodding worshipper is making too pu\\licni display of his devotion«. | Nor is it proper to snore in the perfnrm:! aunee of this dutyâ€"â€"partly for the foregoing reasons t but matnly because it is a direct infraction of the golden rule, _ Suppos, for justanee, that your next n« iwlhbor is nsleep, by your snoring he will he disturbed, probâ€" l ally awakened. â€" This is not doing unto others as yon would they slould do unto )’()l\ ~ ‘To sleep with the head resting npon the nrms of the worghipper and the face buried in the caffs of his coat, is the most improper way of offertng aleep worship. First, be« enuse it is invjurious to the health, and maninly, \m-anz::-, it is a direct violation of tho] Scriptures, which commands us to let our light so shine thit men may profit by our example, Ir. this ense it is impossible to know whether the Olnstian worshipper is naleep or awake, _ It is a positive case of lukewarmnessâ€"neither the oae thing nor the othet. Trust your mother little one; In Life‘s morning just began You will find some grief, some Which perhaps my cause yoU But a mother‘s kiss can heal Many gricfs that children feel Trust your motherâ€"sack to D Grateful for her thoughful lox Trust your mother, noble youthâ€"â€" Turn not from the paths of truth; In Temptation‘s evil hour. Beek her ere it gains new power, She wil" never guide yon wrong; Faith in her will make you strong Trust your motherâ€" aiin io prove Worthy of ber fondest love. 7 Trust your Mother, naiden fair; Love will guide your steps with care Let no cloud e‘er come betweenâ€" Let no shadow efer be seen, Hiding from your mother‘s heart W hat may prove & poisonad dart; Trust your motherâ€" seck to prove Worthy of her faith and love. Loskur)â€"Thelocal _ of _ the Winona Republican, is the nuthor of the following startling little romance, entitled Lovely :‘â€" ut en onnies 1 T‘ was the ‘close of a beantiful summer‘n‘ evehing} the sun had just sank from view, leaving behind | that stream of golden haze that always alttends a Minnesota annset, Peflected Lore and there upon the fleeey clouds thit hting around the western horiâ€" zon as if to draw the mantle o‘er the close of day, and hush the world in calm, still night‘s repose, A maiden views the scene,. One whose sylph like from, benutiful counâ€" tenance,nuburn ringlets, and sparkling eyes, none could see but to love. _ Listen! she speaks. _ Hark / from those ruby lips there comes in â€" silvery accents, ‘Voe, just take your arms from around iny neck, so I can ow my nose.‘ Truat your Mother to the end, She will prove a cons(ant friend; If ‘tis gladness wings the hour, Share with her the joyful shower; Or if sorrow should oppress, She will smile and she will bless, O, be trnsting, loving, true; That she reay confide in you. Wanxixe To BHacngtors, â€"A worthy | couple who reside in the neighhnurhood‘ ofBishop Auckland, are accustomed to share betweon thein the somewhat onerous du.y of’ collecting at night their numerous offspring. | As soon as the clock tells the hour of repose, | out the good man sallies, up the high ways and by ways, in quést of his erratic progeny, The task of the wife is to receive them it [ Woime, to reckou them, and pmarghal them to roost. _ On n receat oceasion, on his r«-] turn home, after what he b«d supposed to be asuccessful expedition, the poor man was met at the door by his beiter hall, who vhus reported progress:! â€"â€"«It‘s of no usej thou imun out again; for I‘ve been to reckon the bairns, and there‘s nobbut thir= teen in bed.‘ The joke pinctical does not always end | as harmlas as in the case of the man who found, on riding up to the house of his beâ€" loved, that rival‘s borse was hitched at the gnte,. Unbhitching bim and giving him a very smart stroke with A rawhide, he walkâ€" ed in and enquired whose horse that was cantering down the street? It need not he snid thitg be found the coast clear at NEWSPAPE wâ€"om a 4e + some fears, vou teats, to nrove l love. . & O \\ï¬. , ns e }Q'\\: o N A N ‘i #*@Â¥ii * :,;'a.\‘ B |€ A (2 [ iL S l C VÂ¥4 + Goop â€" Maxtxts.â€" evidently wituessed died their causes, ] inax®tmis . whieh «00 heeducg in these crowded with a;.].\iv A gnml wife Is th inge ~di ds the n character and dest1 Muke inarriage 4 company. \‘ Never both manife: | _ Neverspeak lowd to ‘house is on fire. ! Never reflect on was done with the l the beat jadgment at | _ Let ench one str the wishes of the ot! \ _ Let self â€" abmega | and end of each. Marry into a differe ament from your ow n Marry in a faimiiy know n , The very nearest approach to ce felierty on earth is the wutual cult Never find 1: tain that a fa even â€" then _p lovinglv. Never tiknt with a past mistake Neglect the whole world bosrle than one another. Never allow a request to ha repe: + I forgot is never an acceptable Never make a rematrk at the «x the other; it is meawnness. Never part for a Jay withon words to think of during absence it may be that you will uot meet life. some people always looking out tor sliglits, | They eannot pay a visit, they cannot even | receive a friend, they carnnot carry on tbei daily intercourse of the family, withont sus pecting seme offsnce is designed . l‘hey} are as touchy as hair triggers. If they meet an agunintivee on the street who happens to be preoceupied with businese, they attribtite bis ibatraction to some motive, personal | to | theimmns«]vs and take uinbrag* neeerdingly . _ They Iny ou others the foult \nflhcir own inmitability. _ & fit of indiges tion inakes the in see impertinence in évery. loady they come in contact with, Innocent |. persons | who never thought of giving ofâ€"| fence, are astonished . to find some unfor | tunate word cf some n om>ntary t;‘x-itnrnity,‘: mistaken | for an dosu‘t, | To say the least, ) the bubit is unfortunate. _ It is far wiser to | take the more chnritable view of our feL} low beings, and not auppose a slight 1s in# tended, _ unless the neglect is open and d'1~\‘ roct. _ After all too, life trkes its hue, in a | great degree, from the color of our mrn" mind. 1( we are frank and generous, the | world treats us kindly. : If on the contraâ€"‘ ry, we are suspicious, men learp to be co.d | and cautious to us _ Let a person get the reputation â€" of being touchy, and â€" every ‘ body is un.ler inore or lees restraint, and in this way the chances of an imaginary of. fonse are vagily increpsed, People who fire up ensily miss a deal of bappinies. â€" Ther nundiced tempers destroy their ewn com. fort, as wel as that of their frendss, Tnev | hqye for eret some fincied slight to braood over. â€" The sunny, serene contentiment of |less selfish dispositions never visits them, ever tulk at one nnotl Looxinc ott ®or Surours.â€"There are Si":_" Court, Alfr ed Woollett ul\plic(l fur:mldl M the renewalof a license to a house in Gleave | L have it Street, _ Dr Day was in attendance, and | _ The | said â€"that Woollett was unaUle th nttwndgï¬!niiml, the court in{consequence of the great men.! hiatter a tal excitemment he was «uftering from. | Mr,| loser on Wy berghâ€"What is the mental ‘exv'iiom.-u{ | shou‘d ; in _ cousequence _ of! Witnes«â€"Drink <| Red 1i e was under the influence of drink, Mr, “ like wise ' . Lo. Excomremexr UccastonED Y estiva | Evixt,‘â€"â€"At the Livei and as he w (great langh sioned b_\' th complained of, Goop â€" Jox® . â€"Befare the Hos. Joln Hilliard Coameron left Ottawa, for the West, a somewbhat rich scene transpired in the Russel! House. A guutleman who bad just arrived thore on busines« from the West, and who never happened to become acquun‘el with Mr. Cameron, entered the Russell®House and prepared to make himself comfortable, _ As luck would have it, be took a seat hexide that of Mr. Caier. on. A friend,.who had known the sir m wer before, took a seat opposite biin, and after â€" the usual interchange of c tnents, opened the conversuton ith Mac, what do they thirk® of this t the WestZ? + What do they think trial? exclaimed the stmaoger, CC think that the two Camerons ought to D dragged through tha lake as long as lif retmained in their bodies; ind the Orange men s@wear that they vall hang Willar Cameron | without jadge or jury | the mo ment he returnss | The sirimger went 0 to describe the indignation ready to Lburs on the heada of the Camerons the momet they showe! their frces amonast thrir ol friends. As may well be supposed, th stranger folt gomewhat erest fallon in a fo momants later: when he was taken ash ‘ and told ibat he had been ea ying all this i the very face of the Hon,. Joim Hilim \ Cameron himself, Why didn‘t you strike the dog with the butt of your musket?" asked a captsin of an lrish â€" private, who had pinned a savage mastif to the ground with In« bayonet, + Sure, and so L wud. plase yer Hono ; the basts bud ruu ut me wid bik tw‘ ‘ W a past best 0t the time ve to yie will uot meet again in Aaston®p avy ax Txrkr At the Liverpsol Licen without loving | absence ; hmnvlosl At. ($2.00, if paid at IAD bLu UI "~" «& *"" Wliole Nurmber 66 4 the daily fleneat to lomestic if paid at the end of the year m \him | thus less in thoir adtiet1 wintaw â€" My «toch, it pausted ; but God, ‘lmw saints iwe hay willsoon give me a & not dieappointed . _ him jn the evening We have frequently observed that many of our proininent Lewyers are sond of dogs â€"â€"perhaps it is because they can treat & dog as some of them do n witnea«â€"brawl mt him an‘d abuse hbim, «and then make bim arawer to their call and bark when they give the word, . One of out lawyers had a fine dog stolen from him a few days ago, and he hit upoti 4 plan to get him back ata trifing expensé. He put an adâ€" caett jiiing ex100®â€" . A vertisement in one of the papers offering & reward of $100 for the return of the dog, which he described. lnstead, of putting lis own name to the advertisement, he | used that of a friend Before 10 o‘clock | the next morning this friend received & call from a man who led the lawyer‘s | dog f ll Her‘« your dog, said the man; 1 warkt the | £100 reward. h | _ That ie not my dog; that dog belongs to iLav\ yer Brief, and if you don‘t want to be {atrested for larceny, you had better take |liim home. i se n es & | 8103 | 7 he man did aot widt to be arresied, but Ueft anddenly, and the lawyer recovered | his dog. LATOTT MEDTICY i t t3 9ua The man took the dog to the Iawyet and clairbed to the reward. _ That‘s my dog, said (N6 JAW YCTV stolen from me; I offered no rew! him; but 1 think L shall have you a for i'ia\ving stolen property sion. â€" dinner wort thinking be set hefore hi) sisting of al which _ the . 6 38 onmiins db ioi ce ern, _ Marlbotough , _ and otdered _ & linner worth hi« money.> The landlard, thinking be would be a profitable ensatomer aet before him a most excellent repast couâ€" sisting of all the dlelicacies o‘ the season, to which _ the travelef _ did ample justice. When hbe had finished the landlord precenâ€" ted. his <dittle bill,? and hig guest ten. dered him a sixpence, f iffaw is this? nsaked the the hoat; ‘gpour dinner c & Not sa,° prafl!lv order and I assure L have in the The Jandlord, trimiged, thought it tiatter ahy further, A Trewgxpâ€"ts Turno.â€"Dr Normanm Meleod , in his aceount of his visit to Inâ€" dia, given in the Assembly of the Church of Scotland, said: 1 one day met one of theâ€" ten â€" missionaries from A meriea and I asked him why be didn‘t belong w tiis great ho?‘y of the A meriean portion of the churches l;-iw'ing in Jiudia He Nphvd that there were differences betweer them that â€"could not admit of nnion. _ + Prav‘ I what fre those differences‘ < Well,‘ he sard ©thore w one tregiendous thing. â€"they \sing hyina. That is m worthy a manh as Ujves,â€"â€" i imost eveellont man L then a«ked it he would onot. in eonsequenee nf these differences. _ wors!ip Josus _ Christ: snth ' 1 T s Curk.â€" whaut are these ditfercnces, â€" cthore «0 one fregicndous sing hy ina. That is m ocve lj ve,â€"â€" i inost eveellont man. it he would_ onot in eonseq differences, _ wors!ip Josus theim. /‘ YÂ¥ s‘ he r»‘!']w‘]. * A 1 could not help saying that Prabminisam 1 ban ever scei A Powerrce Syeaupr.â€"L A Powerrce Syet ter the celebrated D ahle to lay before the ewenlateg papers, the folowing (SMRMCE certificate, he was so overrun with cugâ€" tomers tha he had to employ (weaty &sâ€" sistants tofill his bottles, and ten to scll them over the country : + Dear Doetor, I will be 175 years old next Ociober, _ For ninety four venrs 1 hive been an invahd, unable to atir except when ifnoved by & lever; bnt n yeiu ago last Ti irsiay 1 heard of the Granientar Syrup. d bought & bot tle. gmelt the cork and fouad inyself a new U him of a breah fast t ve me Ds to pay you maid inqui 1P hR P . half w trour. = ‘4n 9 rated _ the young Iudy : w0 â€" rhe rest of the day 1_’ on lay, he and ua visit some of not esough thiat A young lr.iy eme _ condith ro and cheat von (his ene 10);, that A traveller called at Castle Tavâ€" eoenent (04 his? ansked the the host; omes to 15s, 94 . answored the tther; ‘I exâ€" «d a disner worth my money, this« sizxpence,is ali the money world,‘ rd, finding that he was vie it it was useless to argue the ther, and cansented to be the conditionâ€"that the guest «l cheat the landlord of the Chis enemy) out Of a dinber yetp.â€"]In one woek af. Dr, Taundergnst was the pu|-lu', in the widest the â€" following U Enafide plied, + under protest," ing that was the worst ever scen in )rtda. the other, 4 cheatâ€" is m.vrning. and he a Visit. wiek, she re] l1 engage t AIn half «n Iwdy t amuo# «) < Well,‘ he sard lous thing.â€"tbey _ worthy a man as man. I then a«ked Ansequence of these loesus â€" Christ with in your w d ye o what a new a half louble follow 9t uh MU «l n et