Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 24 Sep 1868, p. 2

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D () M Wartiors at Wimbledon, W , C, Chow;t; & Ca, Tornnto, are the Canadian & gonte for this excelJunt Magasine, monial; A hitle Dinner at Greenwich; An American Watering. place and its Frequent erms; Long Vacation; Vimnts to Country Houses; How Vioiet got a Beau; The Houses; How Violet got a Beau; 'l‘b'o Happy Contession; Natal Sketches; Two Hour: in QGoaly The F‘hymnlog_v of the Fanny ; Music ; ] Our Leiter Box , Lounox Soctety for September contains : On the present State of the Market Matré Hoods of Burmah ; The Man arnd Brother; The Two Rubbia; Kings‘ Crowns and Fools‘ Cupa; At. Michaela‘ Night; Edmuand Brook ; The Face in the (Haas; Love‘s Queen; Bacon; Free Pre«tuce among the Quakers; The Fimances of the United States; Pandorm; Reviews and Literary Notices, I was the most fearful and destructive anrthquake of modern times. Ix Jaimmâ€"Two young scampe, who borâ€" rowed a horse and buggy from J. 8. Wearâ€" os, Berlin, and did uot return them as a greed, have been cnught and sent to Jail. It is supposed that they are the ones who atempted to bremk into the Fnotory of New Mustc rrom O. Drrson & Co.‘sâ€" We beg to acknowledge with thanks the reseipt from the publishers, O Ditson & Ca,, Boston, of the fullowing pieces of new munic:=â€"â€"My Own Sweet Woodland Rose, Bong & Chorus by Walter Nevilly; Jack & Gill Pulika by Ida F. Laonits; Inmor tellun, by Gungi; Bound Asleep Poika, by P. Hunout: HAttle Brown Jug, Song and Chorua, by Geo. Cooper; George Eraatus Tuas# Aruaxtic Montuiy for Ovinber has hean reeived from Measrs Ticknor and Fieid® Boston. Contents>~â€"Inebriate Aâ€" sylums, and a visit to One; Petroleum in Cousre BHurer‘s reply to Tyro‘s last is on the first page. We think this family quarrel has now been kept up long enough and therefore hope that these entertaining writers will change the subject when they noest write, We ghyily welcome contribu: tions from sither of them. Tre Grrat Eartuovaraâ€"The tor rble accounts of a most fearful sarthquake in South America, causing the death of 82,000 peonle and the destruction af many milftones of property, are fully confirmed, Randall, Farr & Co., Hespeler, on Thursâ€" Bta Henar Suitu, M. P, P, for Fromtenâ€" an died in Kingutom on Friday Inst He has heen in pubhe life a long time and ab ways belonged to the Conservative party . He trook sick lnst wiuter in Torvunto from '&lhml&lww. Tra Meetrtwo.â€"We call the attantion of the public to the Zion Church W. M. Tea imeetiny, advertisad in another onluma, and atremrly urge our friends to be present. A good time may be expecied. Remember the day, Tuesday next, at the Westeyan Ohnrch, two miles North of Preston. \ Fmowterao â€"The writ for this sounty, lutely represented in the Ontario Parhaâ€" ment by Sir Houry Smnith, is teeued. Mr John Breden, Mayor of Kingston, is John A.‘s candilate and will likely be elected without opposition. Proâ€"Nic.â€"A union picnic was held on Thursday last by the two Presbyterian Bumday Schools at Winterbourne, Good reftvabments, good apescher and 850 for & B. Library. t Bowiman, M. P,, aeted as Govetr‘s Laoy Boox for October is again br hand and for sale At the Buok Stores. For eigeance and heauty of illustrationa Orwtey alwaya holda the forrmoat place, Mr. Brtvo®®» lhas been appointed to re present Quebec ns Comuasioner for the Intersvionia! Railway., ‘The appointment e consilered very unpopular. Damonrsetr‘s Touxo Amartoa for Octr» ber is flle: with gnood things for the little onea Tormea, B1 30, Addressm W,. Jenâ€" mings Demorest, New York. Evear Satvroar is a most intermating and entertaining publieation of Tieknor & Fiekin, Bostor, It has the best of every> thing. The Levislature ot Ontann will be called tnguther for the dispaich of business on November 3rd, Reav our new advertisements in toâ€"day‘s papen Ench one apenks for iteeif â€" We have no douby Hut that all are true. Tra Parliaimentary excursioniate return: ed from Collingwuou on Tuemlay afternoon, Hon. Geq, Browu, Jinige Hagarty and Benator Macpherson artived home from Burja / Traunt Loave Ruxshin Srarms as Fourows t cw Kust Uviag West WMail l(l'.\o a. m Mail Rx. _ 10:25 a.m,. Day E1.\ t:18 ».m ' Day Bx. _ #:42 p.m. Co, _ @1# pom. | Lowlon ML 8:49 p. m. Night Et, 1:00 n.m | Night Bt. 4:28 mm. Knor Chure)y (Ghall, vullectrl 891 for the Rud River peoples €aterloo EChronicle £AFD PAKILY NBWSPAPRR _ Thurslay Morning, Sept. 24. CR aN iD N!K RAILW AY, â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"s40ge a snn y *n Market; The Voice be» O OCN IP9C,.fO* Sp °V WHG WADNGF, hs they nre liable to eat the chewed staike that are left, and in consuquenge ars troubled with the mad itch, soon as it is m ‘%ugl h has not the substance of ripe corn, still awine thrive very well on it, eating not only the soft ears and husks, but also the leaves and quite a portion of the staike, Care, however, ahouk! be taken not to let the cattle go into the yard or field where hoga are fed on corn cut up in this manner, as Eant Farrenmo or Hoos,â€"Farmen who have not already commenced to r: pare their hogs for market should tled. uaual to be u:n' the u-;‘}l";l;;-b:u: is hereby forbidden, and this synod ax see their disapprobation of the use dlm on the bcd':h'l‘nhhm d:':y vm ments omr su scart, or and hood, in uy‘:‘g public prayâ€" ara and in the minstration of the Holy Com munion, and declare their determination to vent, by every lawful meana, their introâ€" S:edu into the Church of thia Province .‘ This leaves the question of the use of the black gown in preaching still unsetâ€" | Rasoiymon, or Rirvartsa â€"The Proâ€" viiiéiai Synod, sitting in Montreal, ndo:l the Nlowi? resolution _ on Ritualism: Whervas,â€"The elevation of the elemenis in the clebration of the Hoiv Communion, the use of incense éum;DMu service,and the mizture of water with the racramental wine are illegal, the above mentioned prac tices are hereby forbidden in the Church of this Province: and. Wherama Tha Ru The use of Dictplined * * W hat they Say ;‘ Progression, Talking Women; Insanity To Correspondenta, etc, with large and oleâ€" gant Illustrationa, Only 80 cte a year, 8, R, Weile, New York. Baan Burxzo.â€"‘"he barn of Mr, C. McCuteheon, near Crosshil\, with its conâ€" tents, including the whols of the proceeds of the late harvest, was destroyed by fire on Sundnry aiternoon lust. Mo insurance. when it is lewered the water rushes into the excessively heated part and creates too much steam which makes it dangerous. It weighe about sight tone, and draws from 24 to 28 tons including itself. Its reguâ€" lar speed is four miles an hour Without mmuch dificuly it went in one day from Walkerton to Kincardine a distance of from 28 to 30 miles with a heavy Inad unit back the next day, â€"It is to be regretted that the enterprise has to be abandoned, at least lor the present . â€"COna. Tus Pursworoarcar Jourxar for Octo ber, contrins Potrmts and Bketches of Chas, Darwin, the eminent Naturalist; Eliâ€" sa Potter, the Union Nurse, of Charleston, 8. C., Madame Goddard, Mumcian; John Laird, bmkder of War Bl.ips or Rams; Who:are the Yankess! Beif Culture; The Turkoman Tribes: Among the the Orange Groves ; How to to Travelâ€"on River, Rail or Bean; An Amwermcan Dress for Ladies: ‘ Tr: Tracrrox® Enoix® which was this summer sent from England to Canada to run on the gravel roads between Gueliph, Walikerton and Kincardine has been sent to Hamilton to the Provincial Exhibition, where it will be offered for sale ‘On Friâ€" day the 18th inat, it passed throughCtifford na the Elora roud, where the writer had a eamversation with the person in charge of & _ ‘The erperiment has not been a success, owing to the atéep grades and the narmow and thin Inyer of gravel. The grmles are often one in nine; if thay wore not steapur than one in sixteen it wouk! work well The difficulty does not arise from a lack of powee sither in ascending or in descending but when one end of the boiler iatoo much . MIMdryndend‘ & Co, and Mesars Guldie, McCulloch & Co, Galt; and Mr Heny Furdiand, of Waterioo, who as usual has a splendil lot of robes, gloves, mitts, d&o. On Fueeday we viaited the Fair amd onâ€" | dewegredi in see as much as was posmile in | w single day, It was an exoellant time to examine the varioua articlea on exhibitlon | as the general public was not yet adenitted fnnd ma a conmequenee no ertwding, To nne seeing theae displays every year, they lnom anmewhat monotonons ,as al\ will adâ€" | mit, there is a great rameness in the articâ€" ‘ les shown at all the frirr, Of crurse there‘ ’un generally a great many new inventiona which the lucky inventors vainly attempt to make the wondering apectators balieve are superior in anything ever before oftered to the public, but an we cannot always see thair good points with the same interest ma their owners apparently do, we can not daâ€" rive unlimited pleasure therefrom ; still wa believe in giving all a fair chanee for fame | and fortune and therefore hope the show will not looge its interest and popularity, It would be utterly impossible with our limied spaee to give our readers a correct Idea of the whole exhibition, so we shall only make a few general remarka The | show of horses and cattle is sainl to be bet ter this year than any previous one, while other live atock is not so good. _ Agriculuu: ral implements and machinery of al! kinds were very numerous, showing that in this department at leaat Ontario is making proâ€" gresa . The display of fruit, roots and all kinds of vegetables was not better than usual though there were some very fine spesitnens in all these departments We did not regurd the fne art Jepartment any better than in former years in ‘rct the display inside of the Pulace fails consider ably behind some previous shows, We reâ€" gret that the wealthy County of Watarioo is so exeeedingly indifferentto being proâ€" perly represented at the Provincial With our large mills, extensive factories of al! kinds, excellent cropa of grain and fruit, and, in short, everything that is nocessary | to suocess in the matter, we surely think that a greater effort shouk! he made to do something at future shows by our County . | The only exhibitors from this County are ‘ Mr John Watson, of Ayr, who shows nl' large number Implemsents; Mesare, Luts | Baan The Exhibition commented in Mamilton on Tuewiry last am| will end to morrow. PROVINCIAL RZAINSITION. in doing so. One week of this ) weather is worth two weeks in . Many farmers who use nothing J CtCcR ons 0 uen ce + t m in o Horss nets should siways be used, while the poor brutes are so pestered with as regards bringing PrinceEdward‘s Island, New l’ann:ma:d British Columdia inâ€" to the Union. The fact is, it is doubtful whether Hir John and Bir George will suoâ€" ceed in keeping all the Provinces in the Unh‘:. ‘XL is admitted “ll nini;:éid cir cles that a new ty treaty are m Ilheould.ndpnl%ilt kwi(l dopend very much on Mr. Seward. A deathâ€"bed marriage has occurred in Obto. The bfldoroom had been morâ€" tally wounded in drunken fight, but his a ‘:n«d determined . not to give him up, and came to his beside at midnight, when the ceremony was performed. It is ramoured that Mr, Stewart Campâ€" bell has been sent on a mission to Prince Edward‘a Island. The '&:icy of the Goâ€" vernment has signally failed (although great promiess were made dufing the electiona) Bir John is an Irishman, aud the owner of a large eatate in the County of Cavan. Tuz New Goverxor â€"It is understoo# in Ottawa that Lord Moneck was advised on Saturday by a cable despatch, that Sir John YouBg bad'fiur. appointed Governor of Canada, Mr, Young is not expected to armve before Novimberon the 5th of which month Lord Monck leaves for Engâ€" land. The new Governor was born in 1807, so that he is how of the m?nubh age of 31. He was s Lord of the Tremauâ€" roy. 1841.4; Secretary the Trensury, 1844. hief Secretary for Ireland, 1852 M. P. for Unvan County, 1851â€"56; and Lord High Commissinee of the lonian lnhnds‘ 1855â€"0 ; has been Gotemor of New south Wales since 1860 ; war made a G, C, M, G. 1855; a K. C. B.. leso; mmhd,‘pl‘su‘ Adelaide Arabelia, daugheer of E. Dalton Eaq. and the Juta )fivgxim of Headfort, New Domwinivn is rapidly convinging the British American public that be is not the man for the emergency. All things con« sidered, we see safety only in a changea of administration, not in Rngland alone, but in Cannda also. _ In the meantime,we hope the expenditure of money on the Intercolo. nial Road will be made on such portions of the line as may aventually serve the purpose of a more central and feasible route than the one now aaid to hbe adopted by the existing government. Cunada does not need any more suchâ€"public worksâ€"as the Rideau énn&l, for instanceâ€"which route coat the Imperial Government a conaiderâ€" able sum ofpr.nom"y. but has never yet reâ€" paid the cost of simply keeping it in re The New York Aidion, speaking of this Dotrinion, -l{.: ‘The hc:pl:govmmon- tal &.q Jn the New Domimon couk! not have baeh managed with much less axill and jucdyment, during the past year, than they have been, and sither an carly chu:x‘o of ministry must ensue or an oventful disruption of the newly formed Dominion will actually become inevitable We are sorry to have to pen these words, but riewâ€" h\g.all the facts, coupled with the late un wise and injuâ€"ligious action of both the Coâ€" lonial Secretary and the Dominion Premier, we are unwilling‘y forced to this concluâ€" sion. Of course noeh.:x:olmlmu ; can now be effectad in C until l?nrliw- mentsâ€"â€"and that will doubtiess be deferred to as lute a date as possible; but we Iom ere that tm\?im change will be broug about in the Imperial regime, by which thy nation may secure the services of, at leaxt, a compatant Colonial Becretary, TheDuke of ams?.;rm has aln;udy u:bn.dmly} rovan his incompetency for that I?on. ';i_hh position, ud':'ho first Premier of the: pair‘ _ Waarner.â€"We had a cold snap here last week. § Coulnq;:;k:m , rather dull but there nra a the > time coming." Bumxiss among mm 1s o‘tlill gradually increasing, Ex»razses Roonertzs.â€"The Court met in the early part of laat week for the further Examination of the American expresa robâ€" bers. _ After some deliberationa, Den. Thompaon was released, there not being sufficieut evidence to extradite hin, though there can be no doubt of guilt _ The next day Dan Thompson was put in the witness box by the defence, the object for this war to show that the robbery was conducted without violence and with the privity of a servant of the Company, or, in other wonls, it was embersiement. _ If this is proved, then afcourse the case will not come under the Extradition Treuty and the prisoners muat, thervfore, be set at liberty, ‘Thomp: son mkno-lod? his part in the crime quite: bohily, and by his avidence strongly impliâ€" | cutes Putman P. Brown the expreas agent who gave such strong evidence .Sm Mortea ard 0. E Thompson in Iln?nt of the exaimination. _ ‘The case is agrin ad journed until Friday next, â€" _ Grorozax Bar Canatâ€"A large and inâ€" fluental meeting was held in"tro Music Hall on Friday evening the 10. inst The audience wae addressedt by Mr. Capreo! ; Jumes Beaty M. P. editor of the Leader and others, The report showed that English capitalists will go into the scheme if the reâ€" quisite amount of land be granted by our govrermment, _ _ _ paid for, _ Mr, Punshon enters heartily into the plan and with giving his poworfu} ansisâ€" tance for the accomplishment of the project Considernble excitement waa caused by the purchase as two other bodies were negotin» ting for the aquare. c Maotic Sguams.â€"For some time the Wealeyan Methodiats of this place have been considering the advisability of purâ€" chasing the fine lot known as Magill Square owned by the Bank of \iontreal, _ After due thought it was decided to purchase the equare for the price of $20,000 and Rev. Dr, Ryerson and A. W, Lauder M. P, P, aa representatuees of this body, came forâ€" wanl and paid the frat inatallment $5000 to Mr. MW. Yarker, agent of the Bank of Montreal here, _ The Methodista propase erecting a large represenative church, parâ€" annage, mission moins and other connexioâ€" nal buildings on this prperty as soon as it is Airrmorp Murpeapgâ€" Some ercitement was caused here a few days since by the atatement that a murde: had been commitâ€" ted by one Thos. Larkin, his wife being the vietim, _ Information was instantly given to the police and:an inquest called. _ From the avidance given at the said inquest, it appenred that Mrs Larkin had been of veâ€" ry intemperate habits, and that her death was caused partly from thia, and also from an accideut which befell her the duy prece. ding he»r death, _ The jury returned a verâ€" dict of accidental death. ‘ Arreurtep Burotarixs.â€" There were ##« attempted burgularies in the city last week, both of which, how»ver friled . New Yzar, â€"â€" By ancient calculatfome, on Wednesday evening of lust week the year 8680 began, and, in accordance with their uaua! custom, the Jews of this city met in their Synagogue to weloome the Rew Year. ‘*Toronto Correspondence. wWATERLOO CHRONICLE AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER, A atory is told at the expense of a pmm New York politician. That gentleman was once spinning an apparently interminable long yarn to President John« son, in the course of which he spoke of the opater as plenaant to eat, thong:o repulsive to look at _ ‘The President, who was perâ€" bhaps a trifie bored, bere interrupted, and taking his spectacles from his nose quaintly observed : ‘There was one thing to be said in favour of the oyster, and that war, it knew when to shut up.‘ . The feudal aristocracy of Austrin treats Baron von Beust and his colleagues of the Liberal Cabinet with the utinost disdain, His wife is not recognized by the highborn ladiea as their equal, and when they fi«ppen to meet her in public, they treat her with offensive rudeness. Faw weahb( aristoâ€" crats have ever set foot in Beust‘s house. When he issued invitations for his. first publc dinner, three fourths of them were returnecd. Maat of the Archdukes,~ too, treat Beust and Giskra with ridiculous Aawâ€" teur, The Archduke Albert who,aithough he won the battle of Custozsa, is by no means a clear headed man, published the other day an anonymous pampblet, in which ha said that Beust and Ki.s colleagues woukd certuinly destroy the Austriaa moâ€" narchy, and that the only salvation of the country was the restoration of the aristooraâ€" oy -n? the clergy to their former privileged and infuential position . Porraaxr.â€"A recent cenaus of the Mor mon settlement shows that of the whole number of children born, the proportion of femnles to males is as ninteen to twenty or nearly an equal number of both sexes. This is nature‘s protrst against Brigham Young‘s doctrine, and it is difficult to perâ€" ceive how he can prevent this hard, inconâ€" wovertible fraot, working‘ out the eventual ruin of his 3mm of polygamy. Either he must provide for an enormous immnigrl- tion of women that must continue indefiâ€" nitely in an increasing ratio, or he must get rid of a ‘::ut many more than half of the males are boru of Mormon paâ€" rents : for, as it is there are not women eâ€" nough togive the rising generation ofyoung: men one wife apiece. | in the bouse. He never invades the Ritchen, and would no more think of ‘Liowâ€" ing up‘ the servants than of ordering the dinner. He is innocent of a latch.key He lets the family go out of town once every year, while he _ remains at home with one ° knifs and fork, sita on a brown Holland chair, aleeps on a curtainâ€" leas bed, and a chorâ€"woman to wait on him, He is very easy and affectionate, keeping the wedding anniversary punc tually. or even hokling the baby in his !ap in an omnibus, HW runs on first to knock at the door when it is raining. He goe» outside if the carrings is fufi. He goes to bed first in cold wenther He gets up in the night to rock the cradle or anawer the dmgtll- He believes in bysterics, and is melted instantly by a teur. He patches up a quarrel with a velvet gown, and drives away the sulks with a trip to Central Purk. He never flies out about his buttons, or brings home friends to supper, His clothes never amell of tobacco, He reapects the curtain®s, and never amokes ‘change‘ when asked for i and never alludes to it afterward, He is not above carrying a Inrp bundle or acotton umbrella, Tras Mooge Husoaso.â€"He walkalont with his wife on a weekduy, and ‘is not afraid of a milliner‘s shop. He even has _ Bince the war of 1812 the career‘of the eity has been one of progress in population in commence, in manufactures, in wenlth, in education and in all those el: ments of a truly great and prosperous city, Its popu lation iju 1850 was 21,019; the‘last cegiaus reports a poFuhdon of 68,900;.. As éomâ€" pared. with ‘Toronto this city cannot boaat of such beautiful buildings nithough the general style is superior, _ ‘The streets, es: pecially Jefferson and Woodward ayenues, are the widest on the continentk _ * _ During the American Revolution Detroit was the Eud quarters of the British in the West. By the treaty of 1788 it was ceded to the A mericana, although it was cccupied by British troops until 1706. . During the war of 1812 the g}m was taken by the British; General Hull surrendering to a yreatly inferior force. _ llant fellows who he bmihogm; _ to grink were especially favored by the Great plnt._ uP s \ Dutroit remained in possession of the | French until the 4th of Eeptomber 1759 on which day our gallant Wolfs on the fpluinn of A braham achieved that too dearly bought victory, because hought with his blood, which bequenthed Canada and Miâ€" chigan to the British Crown, _ In 1763 the yeur of the tmt{ with France confirming the possession of this territory, Detroit was made famous by the siege of Pontiac that most desperute and skififul of all the Indian worriors _ ‘This event is graphicalâ€" ly described by Parkmnn. ‘The besicgers J’h played a comprehensiveness of plan, a lkih in execution and a persistence of purâ€" pose that finds no parelle! in Indian warâ€" fare, whilo Mijor Gladwin who was in commani of the town, won iinperishable renown by that skill, ability aad calm unâ€" filnching courage which is so charmctristic ol the true born Englishinan when naught but apparent destruction stares bim in the frec. He with his little band hell the place against an nrmg numberiug eight to one mgainal them. For four mouths the were cut off from all communication witi the forces the other ports on the lakes, but therm was no word of despair no thought of surrender and finally lg:nlho withdrew fearing the approachof reinforcement to the l Although as a eommercial city Detroit is of comparatively moderm growth, yet its | eventful history had its origin in the dim jtl-nmpnm'cy of the past. ‘The river on | which thecity is situated was visited by :mi-ionnrlu and voyageurs in the early tpnfl of the 17th century who were highly impressed with the fertility of the soil, the beauty of the scenery and the prandeur of the forests, _ Although it had pravioualy been a trading post yet it was not until the year 1701 that it became permanently settâ€" led, _ Its founder livesin history under the: euphonious name of Antoine de la motte Cudelliae,‘a man of noble birth, gallant courage, great capacity and withal possessâ€" ed of an ardent love of adventure and of, reatless ambition. _ He had obtuned por-‘ miasion from Louis XLV to:@stablish a coâ€" lony here and entered on his works with such spirit as aroused the {onlouny of his brother officers in Muntreal and Quebec ! through whose influence he was removed to Louisiana of which colony he wulpndol governor. Dutroit remained in possession of the My ambition is now to become a historian ; it takea its bend in quite a different direcâ€" tion, but a short sketch of the history of this city, interwoven as it is in its beginâ€" ning with the earlier days of our own Doâ€" minion, may not prove uninteresting, Detroit Correspondence. The New York Jenkinses are in search of : the Wickedest Woman in New York,» but the candidates are bewildering ly nu. A curate who believes that the lower orâ€" ders of the English clergy are underpaid, proposes a clericalstrike as a means of secur ing better wages. The match for the championship at bi hards between McDevitt and Dion was zayed at _ Chicage, _ MeDevitt deâ€" Dion by 1502 to 408 in nine inâ€" niogs, The New York Mail says that violet colored ink is in vogue among fashionnble young ladies The little secrets which these pretty creatures writa each other will thus be be kept inviolate, ~__ It is understood the Hon, Mesars. Cartier, M«Dougall and Campbell will compose the deleruon to Englund for arranging with the Imperial authorities the transfer ofthe Northwest Territory to (Canadla. The Government seem resolved to do everything by Commission, Thare were no less than four deaths by drowning, tow futal accidents, and two suiâ€" cides in Montreal last week, and 134 interâ€" ments in the Roman Catholic and Protesâ€" tant cemeteries, Bevernl feminine Fifth Avencodles in New _ York are setting their cups for the Grand Duke Alex. son of the Emperor of Russia, and whois soon expected in this country Sir, G. Cartier bas not named his nomi: nee as Railroad Commissioner for Quebec. Waish for Ontario, Chandler for New Brunswick, and Meredith of the State De. partment for Nova Sceotia, are looked on as certain of appointments. Marriage with a deceased wife‘s rister is attracting a good deal of nttention, ‘The Rev, John Laing, Presbyterian Minister at Cobourg has wrtiten a pamplet urging its legulity. k Serumo Nrwsrarsr Accounts.â€"The publisher of the 8t John Telegraph gives no tice to his delinquentadvertisers that on Saâ€" turday next, at the most public place in the city, their accounts will be sold at auction to the highest bidder, Harper‘s Weekly says thkat when General Grant was Intely in Chicago, he was asked by a friend whether Johnson was for him or for Seymour. Grant aniled and repliedâ€" ‘Well, I reckon that when he thinks of Seymour be‘s for me, and when he thinks of ma he‘s for Seymour, Rep River Distrrss.â€"The members of the Local Legislature: on the CAicora drew up _ a r‘)\ut.on to the Governâ€" ment of Ontario, asking hem to make a grant of $5,000 for the relief of the distress at Red River. Mr, James Parton is to follow up his two papers in the Atlantic Morthiy on smoking and drinking, with a third, in the October number, giving an account of a visit he has Intely made to one the inebri= ato asylum in New York If our local authorities are in doubt as to whether they should address Mr. Howlund as _‘ your l‘.yxcellency’or + your Honot,‘ we suggest that they reject both ind adopt the simple American title of < Gov‘ner.‘ My, Howland being an American himself will appresiate the delicaey of the compliâ€" ment. t A dandy at the White Sulphur Springs, V», bas a wardrobe, carried in soven Saraâ€" toga trunks,. containing 65 full suits of clothing, 12 dozen shirts, 25 goid and di: mond shirtâ€"sleeve buttons. 13 bromstpins, and enough rings tokeep two of his fingers as closely hooped xll the time as a wine cask. The Germans have hit upon a way of incm\sing the efficieney of leechea. _They raake an incision in the aide of the animal, which serves as an outlet The leach meanwhile continues vigorously sucking until the patient has parted with an ounce or even double that quantity of blood. The cutting is made on :Lo left side of the leech and at the moment when he bas nearly fillâ€" ed himablf to repletion. A parley has been held between the royâ€" al o&.oou and some of the rebo! leaders, result of which is not known A body of rebels 14,000 strong had gathered near Valladolid to intercept the Queen and prevent her from returning to Madrid, 'l‘l:o whole of Andalusia is in the hands of the revolutionists, 1t is ru« moured that the revolutionis are acting in aupport of the interest of the Duke of Manâ€" pensier , Great excitement prevailed in the city of Madrid, Jondon, Sept 21, midnightâ€"The fol. lowing news has been received from Spain :â€" The resignation of (@Gozaries, Brave and the members of the cabinet bave been nc. copted. _ nere 6f Ns cabinet has been accepted. A conference has been hel(f between the rebel leaders and some of the royal ofiâ€" cers. the ‘result of which is unknown. A body of rebels 14,000 strong has gathored near Valedoledo to interrupt the Queen and prevent Fer from returning to Madrid. The whole of Abdalusia is in the bands of the revolctionists It is rumored that the revolutionists are acting in support of the interests ot the Duke of Montpengier. Groat excitement prevails in the city of Maâ€" Berlin, Jept, 21â€"The King of Prussia has been reccived with great enthusiasm ou his iour through Hufiuein at the city of Hambugh where he is now etopping. Hamburgh, Sept. 21â€"King William of Prussia arrived in this city yeaterday, London, Sept. 21,â€"‘The followin news has been received from Spain. The resigâ€" nation of Gonzules Bravo and the memâ€" bers of his cabinet bas been accepted. London, Sept. 21.â€"Hon Anson Burlingâ€" hame and the Chinese Embassy have arâ€" rived tn this city, and are stopping at the Grosvehor Iotel!, Paris Sept, 21â€"Some repogts say that the rising in Spain is not a muvement of the Liberals alone, but is supported by all parties, It is stated that the revolntionists have failed at some points owing to the want of leaders. The rumour that Queen Isabella wWill nbdiaate is generally discroâ€" dited. Mhe Moniteir publishes the excitâ€" Ing | intelligeuce received yesterday from Spain and says the reported accessioff of some crewa the fleet at Mxdrid to the\ revlutionary movemnent gives gravity to the | news, bui the accounts so far received are . impefect _ It is certnin, however, that thel Gornalexâ€"Bravo Ministry _ has rasigned, and that Gen. Concha hos been sum: moned to ‘Madrid to form a new Cubiâ€" net. CABLE NEWS. The. English Press profess to be unable to comprehend why Mr. Watkin has been knighted, * Five hundred ladies on horseback formed Enrt of a Democratic procession at Council luffs lowa, Horses three abreast, and six to the team make one of the sensatiou styles at the waâ€" The threatened war between Napoleon and Bismarck is styled the next shooting match, Cameron has resigned his position Grandâ€"Master of tfi: Orange body Canada, The little Prince Imperial of France is to have his first statue erected by the city of Paris, Bwitzerland goes into the armies busiâ€" nessalgng with the rest of them. The ‘Elité Grecian Bend Skirts‘ are now advertised for aale atStewart‘s, The position of Napoleon is practicall that of 5:: ‘peace oficemf Euro[l:e. * A man in Lynn can make fifteen pairs of ladies gaiters in leas than ten hours. The Fifth Avenue Hotel will be managed on the Europeau plan alter this year. Napoleon wants to keei) down the Paris press, and strengthen that of the provinâ€" A New York milliner bas built a bonnet which is a marvel of cheappess at $125. It is supposed that Gottschulk was in the South American convulsion, Childs, of the Ledger, wants to buy out Bennett for ona twiflion in gold. France had thirty times the loan offered which the government asked for. ‘The greatest silver movement yetâ€"the destruction of the mines in Peru. Black velvet bands with gold bells is the last ornaments for Indies‘ throats. treaty . Tragedy Mr. Stephens to say thit since the publica® tion /% e aboveartic‘esve have m: de careâ€" ful inquiry into the truth of the charges therein made, and into bis conduct in the matiers referred to and have ascertained and believe there is not the slightest ground or fomndation for such charges and that his conduct in relation to the above transâ€" actions will bear the closest examination and scrutiny and has beenin every particular ‘eorroct‘ and proper, We hereby express our regret that we should have cast impuâ€" tations upon the character of a gentleman who hes for many years filled and now o¢â€" cupies positions of the highost trust and confidence both with private individual« and public corporations. We believe hi« proâ€" secution agninst us was not brought to reâ€" coverdamages in money but to vindicate his ; character and we acknowledge his readi~ ness to stay legal proceedings upon a pro per acknowledgement being made of the improperty of the articles in question. Should any of our exchanges have copied those articles they will please publish this apology, The dog days, according to the almanac, are over. ‘The heir to the Porsian throne has died of cholera The book trade shows signs of decided improvement. Every box in the Boston Postoffice is now a lock box, | Proféssor G:mgee wants to call the cattle disease apleanic fever. Five thousand tons of tobacco a year are used up in New York. All the respectable American papers say Whelan‘ssentence is just , papertk,, ;. _ | . O Portland pays $2,000,000 for water works, Orange satin petficoata have made their appearance in New York. first of the above articles and uot being satisfied with the secini as an apology , brought an action of libel against the pub: lisher of this journal and as we Lave aecerâ€" tained that we were misinformed, and that we were in the wrong we proposéd a settleâ€" ment of the agnatter to that gentleman‘s Bolicitors whgg:nmunicated with him and he has agreed to discoutinue@ts action upâ€" on payment of costs and this apology being published by us We consider it due to man had been so successful as Detective, it was & great pity that he should have left the Force, and very naturally enquired what reaâ€" sons he had forresigning. He then gavethe information upon which the article was founâ€" ded and requested us to publish it, declaring that he would be responsible for its correctness and would stand between us and harm. The inâ€" formation as to Mr. Stephens‘ leaving the coun try was given to Mr. Armstrong, in our hearâ€" ing, by the conductor who was on the train, We know the latter by sight and are all but certain as to his name, but, as weare not posâ€" tively so, we will withhold it until we cau give it without the liability of a mistake. This same comductor was not very choice in his expresâ€" sions of Mr Stephens in other respects, On the above information and request, we felt it our duty as a public journalist to expose what appeared to us to bea public wrong. . Mr. Stephens was a total stranger to us up to a few days ago; and we certainly could not have had any personal feeling in the matter. The whole questionwas a public one and was treaâ€" ted as such. Mr Stephens feels wronged and aggriered by the articlein question, and we now think we hare made the amende honorâ€" © Mr. B. Srtzem®«s.â€"In the month of Febâ€" uary last we bad an article in this paper on + our Detective Force,‘ in which the gentleman whose~ name heads this article comes in for prétty strong denunciation. _ We are glad to hear , for his own sake, that what we stated in our former article was notcorrect. The cirâ€" cumstances, of the case are that in going down on the train from Berlin to Toronto the week previous to the appearance of said arâ€" ticle, we fell‘into conversation with Mr. J. 8. Armstroug, who had lately left the Detective Force. Wlo had thought that as this gentleâ€" Sandford Fleming is in Halifax . London jr., sent $456 to Red River. Mark Twain is to lecture this Winter. A laÂ¥ge fall flest is expected at Quebec. The cold snap extends to Augusta Ga, The London . Times opposes the Chinese On the 12th of June of the same year the following was published in this paper. : The following parigriph, baving reforâ€" rence to Mr. Ezra Stephens appeared in this paper on the 27th of Febuary 1867. " The man Stevens who was acting as deâ€" tective on ‘the Grand Trunk, is reported to have been detected in a very fraudulent trensaction. It appears that he was authorâ€" ized to settle up the Doctor‘s bi‘ls and other claims made upon the company in connection with some of the late accidents, When a bil! was handed in he objeeted to it and offered only balf or twoâ€"thirds of the amounts proviâ€" ded it was receipted in full, He then charged the company with the full amount of the bills, making very large profits by the the transaction. He has been discovered and bas left for parts unkoown." ‘ APOLOGY TOE. S\‘EPHENS Mr Stephens having felt aggrieved by the upon tragedy is recorded in the ++ t + ++ , Eeqd. in NOTICE is hereby given that application will be made at rhe next Session of the Legislature of Ontario for an Act to incorporate the Ontario Mutual Life Asâ€" surance Company. C. M. TAYLOR, Insol vente. ON Wednesdiy the Second day of Deâ€" cember next, the undersigned will apâ€" ply to the Judge of the sud Court, for a dischurge under the said Act. Berlin, 24th September 1868. MOSES BILLINGS PERINE, JOSEPH SOUTHWORTH PERINE, WILLIAM DANFORTH PERINE, By Auexanver Miciar, 663 â€"10t, _ @ _ their Attorney ad litem. Domirion of Canada, ) In theCourtyCourt Province of Ontarin, }of the County of County of Waterloo. Wajrerloo. In the matter of Moses Billings Perine, Joseph Southworth Perine, and Wil« liam Danforth Perine, INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. door. The procceds to furnishing the W Berlin. Tea to be served at 1 o‘clock, P. M., utter which ADDRESSES will be delivered by Rev. Chas. Lave!l, M. A., Chairman of the District ; Rev. James Goodwin, o1 Peel ; Rev. J. W. German, of Elora, and others. A select Choir will be present to ennduct the mucic«! part of the entertainment. Tickets 26 cents each, to be had of the Committee at each appointment and at the AdCircnit Tea Meeting will (D. V.) be held on . TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, ZION W. M. CHURCH. By the Rev, Geo, H. Bridgman M. A. on Wadnesday the 16th inst, at the resiâ€" denoce of the bride‘s father, Wiliam Béeamer Bridgman Esq. of Smithville to Martha, fifth daughter of Wi‘liam Howard Esq. of the Township of Ancaster. In Hamilton, on the 22nd inst, by the Rev. George Henty Bridgman M, A. David _ Devitt, Esq. _ Merchant to hoii-a Lousia Krauser,‘qboth of Waterloo nt. BERLIN CIRCUIT TEA MEETING ! MARRIED. At Dundas on the 16th inst;, by the Rev. Alex. Sutherland, asssted by the Rev, G Henry Bridgman, M, A. Jas. Griffith, Esq. of Bn\utl%rd. to Hattie, third daughter on{ igh Moore, Esq. No Cards, Bismark has taken to eating opium by advice of his physicians; but he is not so sure of leaving it off when they tell him to. China contains 414,000,000 of people, and her external commerce amounts to £500,000,000 per year. Minister Reverdy Johnson has made his first public speech in England, and it provâ€" ed highly acceptable. WATERLOO MARKE‘EVS Two beligerent agmcultutists at a Mirâ€" souri fair, shot at each otherand killed a young woman. If ever negro women adopt the ‘Grecian band,‘ we shall have to change its name to the black crook. Alexander Dumas Iateiy atieaded a bull fight at Havre, accompanied by beautiful Spanish ladies. General Hardin, an exâ€"Confederate solâ€" dier, was killed near Savannah, Tennessee. He was suspected of being a Kuâ€"Klux, Secretary pro tem Waterloo, Sept. 9th, 1868. 661 â€" Howe is to be invited into Bir John‘s Cabinet as soon as Nova Scotia feeling is somewhat allay od. _ Moscow, as well as St. Petersburg, is in great danger of conflagration from the fires in the woods. A man in ‘Toronto named Peck raises youngsters by the bushel. He has now eight pecks, which equal two bushels. Cornelius Vanderbilt can draw his check for $6,000,000 any time, and get it cash ed too. _ We can‘t. Railway catastrophes are not yet wholly out of date. They are frequent angd fatal enough to keep the business alive, An action founded on a breach of proâ€" mise of marriage has been taken in the Superior Court, Montreal, for the large sum of $40,000. Waterloo, Sept. 23, â€"l'géé Street musicians in Paris are paid not to play, anc fellows go about who make much money by merely threatening music. â€" New York papers are reassuring fearâ€" ful oysier lovers whofear that the supply will fail at some future per‘ol. There is said to be not the slightest danger of such aca. lamity. There is a village in Switzerland, which is reached only by a series of saven Jadders fastened against the steep side of a mounâ€" tain which it stands. If the antis refuse «o0 follow Mr, Howe in giv'nq Confederation a fair trial, what song will be likely to become popular there 1 *Not for Joseph,‘ Several large brewers are experimen ting on the properties of strychnine. _ Jt is inaintained that, used, in small quanrtities, it effects a preat aaving in hops, besides beâ€" ing an admirable tonic! A husband in Chicago got locke] out at night, broke the window in a fit of anâ€" ger, cut an artery in his arm, and bled to death. 2) t It is estimated that the capital invested | in the dairy business, in the Bnited States | at the present time, is équal to six hundred | million of dollars, | It is reported that Paffick Buckler, who is under arrest as an accomplice of Wheâ€" lan‘s is crazy _ He does not seem to know his friends, and talks incoherently . NOTICE. dlclo Abberfisements. 1868, at the to be applied tewards Wesleyan Paursonage at H. YEAGLEY, l}fggrding Steward â€"â€"â€" | pS SEREBY GIVEN that after publication I hereof for six months successively in the Canada Gazeite, and for the saroe period in the q Berlin Telegraph and Waterloo Chromicle, both c8UO" | published in the County of Waterloo, in the ion of | Province of Canada, the undersigned wwill peâ€" et 10| tition the Legislature of the Dominion of Canâ€" e A+â€" ada, at its next sessions, for a Bill of divorce from his present wife, Jessie Ritchie Glepnie, 3 on &ccount of adultery. , ) tem JAMES GLENNIE. 661â€" Woolwich, 18th July, 1868 . 659â€"6m08 . ~ Fall and Winter BILL OF DIVORCKE NOTICEOF APPLICATION the following property, viz :â€" One half blood Mare, in foal, nine years old; 1 Mare seven years old, 1 Mare fire years old; 1 Horse ten years old; 1 Btua Colt 24 years old; 2 Spring borse colts; 3 Milch Cows; 1 Heifer two years old; 1 yearâ€" ling Heifer; 1 yearlin gtnr,- 1 Spring Calf; from 16 to 20 gbeep; 6 Pigs two montbe old; 2 Waggons; 1 double SI'elgh; 1 twoâ€"borse Carriage; 1 Cutter; 2 Caltivaâ€"« tore, 1 Corn Cultivator; 1 Plough; 2 Harâ€" rows; 1 Wheelbarrow; 1 Threshing hnhinq 1 Fanning Mill; 1 Hay Rack; 1 seft donble Harness: 1 sett Plough do.; 1 Cupboard; 1 Table; 2 Wood chests; 1 Bedstead; one Cooking Stove with Furniture and pia'c, 1 Box Stove witn pipe. 1Clock; 2 Weol Wheels; 2 Recls; 1 Shot Gun: 1 Carpenâ€" ter‘s work bench; 2 Turnip cutters; 1 bog scalder, 1 Sugar pan, 125 Sap buckets, one Grivdsione, a lot of 8â€"10 window Sash, 1 Grain cradle, 20 Geese, and a lot of other thinge usually fourd on a farm. Snle to commence at 10 o‘clock, A . M. Tirm«< :â€"All Sums of $4 und under, cash ; above that amouet (2 months credit on approved endorsed notes. Gro. Oariey. Aoctioneer. St. Jacobs, Sept. 15th, 1868 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1868, There will be soid by Public Auc.ion, on the farm of ibe undersigned, one mile West of 8t. Jacobs. on INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. Public Auction. THO.‘-I’. two valuable Lots on the North side of King Street. adjoining the English Church, and immediately opposite tho‘brill Shed, and also the Lot on the S treet leading from the Court House to the Station, at present occupied by Mr. Ww. Young as a garden. Terms reasonabk. For furtber inform®ation apply to Mr Wrs Young, Berlin, Mr_Jeremiah Hughes, Waâ€" terloo, or at the Office nf this paper. _ _ 663â€"101 Province of Ontario. ) Imthe County Court County of Waterloo. iof the County of Waterloo. s The unaersicned has filed a Deed of Composition and Discharge. executed by his Erediton, and on Qodnndny the Twentyâ€"fiith day of November next, be will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a confirmation thereof. Berlir., 15th September, 1868. JOHN D. MARTIN, nporeqieie c or s J T ATLOR & CDOTHIRR, ofpoiite MrÂ¥ ‘ Woolien Factory, King St. Waterlos. TOWN LOTS Bowman‘s Old Hotel Stand. One door North INSPECTION CGood0s5‘ FOR SALE IN BE R L I N. STAPLE & FANCY ; Berlin, Bept In the matter of John D. Maitin, CHEAPEST STORE Wuterloo, Sept. 23, 1868. wNoOoOW READY Bowman Brothers, NQOTICE BENJAMIN DETWILER, Adlk aify~ Duncan McColl, > BTOCKEK VALUABLE COMPLETE IN TOWN. 8th By Arcxaxerc® MicLa®, his Attorney ad litem. â€"THEâ€" FOR an Insolvent. Proprietot.

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