Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 3 Sep 1868, p. 2

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H WNail Bx, ?m a.m BDay Rr. B:18 n« odn. 0 818 p. m. [ London M 8:49 p.a Wight Ex, 3:08 a.m _ | Night Bx. 3:28 a.m Waterloo Chronicle AKD FAKILY NEWSPAPER. Th: Quvirrea Sessrous lakes place on Tuswiay nevt. paper AT‘hsk Woouwmew acrrcuibrvurar Bhow will take plaee in Elurra m Thursda y 8th of October. Nova Seotria matters are abont the same as Inst week _ At lenat wwo ean see wo change for the better as yet . Tns Ruuwar By Liaw giving a large aâ€" wrounrt of Great Western Railway stock to the Webvagtoo Grey and and Bruce Railâ€" way | war ~ @dopted in HamRton on Taesday Inst by a vote of T20 to Bh The Ammarcas Aorrovertaisn, publish: d hx\Ornnr Indd & Co, New York, has come lo ham! with a very large amount of usefn| and interesting reading matter and m‘imm. It is A ‘wd papet tor the farmer and his family, Tur New York Mcdical College for we wen will begin their 8ixth Annual Term of twenty weeks, at their new Coltege in Tweifth Street, comer of second Avenue, the first Monday in Novemben For an= nouncements giving. fuill partionlare a4â€" dream with stampa the Dean, Mra CU. & Trare Leavy Retus Syitton as Portbows Going Eust Woing West Poramox mm Gusseuâ€"â€"It will be seen by an advertisement in another column that the Rev, Wun Mortey Punshon, M. A, the great english @rator will deliver a leoturs in Q@usiph oo Tuesday evening next The bare meniion of his name is auflstam to draw a erowded house and those of our rewmtara who wish to enjoy auch a rare opportunity of hearing hinm, wouht berter apply at once for ticketa, Losiern M. D , or the Socretary, Mrs, C. F. Wellim Box 730, N. Y. Thursday Morning, Sept 3. Tue Waveanoo Maakat for September will take place on Tuesday next We ex= pest to sse a large crowd of parnple in Town wn that day, ‘The farmers are now pretty well through with their heavy work and should take a day of reak We hope there: tors they will be present at the Market and be prepared to sell or buy what they have to spare or may need. . Puople of Watarioo County, keep up your Murket. Corrsapondences, 1810==182@58; The Mo dore Russian Drama; Letters and Bpeech wa of Leoa ®Faucher; Prines Heory \he Navigator; New Germany} ‘l\cm Obmrsh Leonard Beott & Co, pu Nyw York, Rutuvrou Ruviaw .â€"‘This excellent mas garine for July has been ressived. Con tantat: Buliin WitshersA; English Diction > atiee} The Aprchtyphal Goapeh ) Lyiton‘s tChroonteles and Charastors} Wellington‘s Tas beas Qi@arare of the Waterhs Buitaiion of Volunters has been removed from Berliv to Gait, Gail is in great glee. Barlin grumbles awd ssarsely know whou to blume. As Waterioo is minus a Vob unteser Cumpany, the peops here felt no m-mu intereat in the losality of the hpuarers and consequenily regarded the paiter with indiferessea We think howevren if other things could be shown 16 be duua) the coonty town should have proferenee in this afMuir. A Whoie Vintaos, named Bunnydale oo the Northprn Rulway, was destroyed by dre on Bumiay morning list, _ ‘The Are apread from . a neighboring woods where it had been so violently mging as to rewiet it altogether limmpossible to atop ib Rhe village was not lange, yor still, when nation sheds &e belongimng the Railway awre â€" jncluded with the other buildings, the Ioss is verygreat and will be severely foll by the people of that part of the country, Rxadn lhe new advertisements in to day‘s yreat many here did not sommence to ons till many yearse aften _ Had the Prmet‘ Corrmaqpv(lent comaulted the ‘Hisâ€" tory of Watcrloq‘ he would #ot have made CRiÂ¥BD Tritk RatesWway, ma a morning papen thouyh the evening adition ia still continued . _ The Arst copy of the morning edition made is appeatince on Monday last _ 1t is juat what we had rers sop to expect Bom the energy and apirit displayed by the publishers in the past, It is a larnge sheety, ehatiy printed with good tÂ¥pe, and in point of energy and liky in kearcely equailed in the Dowinionm We wish Messaire, Robartson & Cook every pos: sible auccess in their new enterp riam Reciproctrrnâ€"The Washington gov: ermment Anding that their foolish covrse im breaking up of the Rosiprosity wreaty with Canmis bas done their country more harm than it has doue us jand instead of driviug wa {into annekation has had the oppostts etfect They have given their exclusives wess a luir trial and, Reartily aick of it wes now ready to minks hew treaty on the bmsis of the obl. Mr. Rose, the Minister of Financa bas gons to Washington with a view to â€" negntiare for such a treaty. _ It the eftort auceseds reciprocal trade will banefit both countries Ru Not Comrgcr. â€"Ths Hamilton Times bhas a Corrsapondent in Watearlho who has given that paper some items on the sarly setilements the chameter of the people, &a Ha made a mistake in atating that thiscounty was oviginally settted by Gerrana and | afterwarda augmented By Seotch and Pennaylvanianma â€" The fricls are that the Pennaytvanians wers the Arat settiers and the Germabe, of whem there are now a *hur Toeo®to TraseraPbs is now fsaued _ i. s 4 & Ame..... Wail Br. = 10:25 a.m. Day Bi. _ #4% p.m. London N‘L 8:49 p.m If mine were the tate Which befell two persons in Afghanistan who were behaad: mt by ontet of the ameer for the benious erime of being newapaper correapoudents | do not think the readere of the Crronrt vrs would greatly auffler this week for the want of any intelligemes from the Capital, news being so very searte hersa _ \When I say that news is searce I only haif give you an idea of the atare of thingsa _ Why, Mr, Bditor, this article is in o great demand, and the demand so far exceeda the aupply, that some editors have manufsctured newas on their own mecount _ Nor is the imitas tion a bud one, for unleas one was well acâ€" quainted with the true commodity, he might eaaily be mistaken, _ Notwithatund ing that this is fact 1 will endeavor to give any jtems which I think may prove inlereat ng, A Bab Acoroest.â€"A few days ago a very sad affuir occurred here by winch two brothers hy the name of Smith loat their lives, Tt appeara that they were gn= ing to work and the one overtook the other on the traek of the Goand Trunk Raftwa\, They were ralting and it is supposed that, their attention being drawn off by a tmin Which was coming towards them, they did not notree that anoihor was coming from behind. ‘Fhe engine of this traim atruck and inatantly kiited them, Buvoxs Dxarit, =«On Wedneadny nfter> woon of list week, n man ealled Jsane Johnâ€" #on, while chopping wood, to all nppenr= aneea fainted. _ Dn Hampton was called in but by the time he arrived Johnson was dead, _ On the teatimony of Dr, Hampton, that Joauson died of heart disease, Coronâ€" er Riddly decicded an inquest wite nnneces sary. _ Let other Onronera note this, Pursworx.â€"=â€"On 8nunday Inat the Rev. W. Mortey Punshon, M. A., preached in Bm 8t W. M. Church of this city, ‘The house was Allet by a largs and bighly plenamt congregation, and the sermon war w well I would have to draw consjder®s bly on my imagination ‘to fungy that one could hear a much batter one. The Rovid. gentiemen soon starts on another lecturing and preaching txyp. Tus Trtas of the Express Robbera was reaumed on Saturday the 20th, aud was wlfourned to the &nd inat, "I‘un Duily Tregraph is about to stait a morning jJournal. Waatuer==stormy and delightfully cool. Buarrxas=fair everything tnken into accounb Wan mt Eunore is one of the probabili« ‘ tiea of the present day, ‘The Emperor of: the French, notwithstanding his decinertiona to the gontrmiry, is evidently prepared nndi anxious to havea war with Prussia wluilo“ the laiter country has many who do all they ean to b#ing mbout auch a staie of thinga, ‘The leading atateamen of Pruasia seem, howeven quite unwilling to engage In so formidable and uncertain an underta® king. They see that very Iiitkh can be yained by a war with Franew Louls Na: polson himself would doubthisa proter peace but be sees the atate of hia couniry almost neessaitutrs a foreign war to prevent aâ€"#V il outbreak, Hoe has twies averted civit‘war by enginging in a conflict with other nationsp amt may be diaposud to do so again.‘Those who imagine that he is afraid to join dasue with Pruamin are mistaken. . ‘There wis a time whon he dréaded the need‘!s gun, but that bime is pash He is now preprred with as good weapons of war ms Prussim We hope these men may yot see the groat wicks wdneas of wat and try to settle theiv trou« bles by the counsela of peace, | APPTV ® KJ @ly V A Naw Dis#ass.â€"<A Westetn nowapas ptlf h:lotll\m the prevalense olf‘n ne w di‘mluo gallad the pipaynipay, and thinks it poculing to that mm ‘37' do not know that the #Â¥aut dissase has imade its nppearince yet, but the remedy is in general use, ‘Tho dis sase is duscribed as follows: A ainlden depression of the dollsais dinix, a cnvh* in of the spinality of the back bonilua wad a I\olh\fi( alimmeaa in the immediate vieint ty of the diaphragim, may be regarmied ns *mpmm that the complaint is coming on, he following remedy will afford instant vrelieft Bpiritus vini Otard a i} augarim NTCS & a} leilms coolus, q r} shakink Â¥ige lemiert addua aprigua minlus duual and auckite cum strawuim. _ We have heard it asabd that it was worth while huv‘.ng the dissase for the aake of the remedy, _ ‘Thyre are other preacriptions . which mqÂ¥ be of vas, ‘Thus for the aqwimpiny which ma: mifeata itaelf by an alveolar exerushment of the fabeltae, and a sudden explostion of the selhipanium Aamoneg the minor deliords of the go yratrapua we should taket Yine Peruvil burki, bitterst, 1 om mgm albh vel aweetningue, conatéern 1 wnm framentt, vel obd ryeum ad lib. Aberue porime ty oineien Ti ult uns ‘ Nutmegii®s aprinklebus. mmus. _ . qge _ o iccame _ Wnar Hae Trovent t Wamâ€"«A pase emwer. by a wight train on tha Hudson River Rattroad tells as followat The ‘rnin Toronto Correspondenop . | TKR CATTLE DIURASR na rdstained at Greenbush for a littks while and, whits waitng, a cattle srain name on the other track and ntnnrnl Buchia nuias has aehtom been heard} chey bettowad, the sheep set up a bleating, and the hoga grnnted, until the paswengare were nearly crated One old fellow had .h%l for houre but this noise awoke bim. Rubbing bis eyes, he listened in amasoâ€" meht * (Good harven? says he, cwhat‘s thist‘ Peering into the darkneas without discerning anything, and listening rmore eritieally, he at Iastâ€" satiafied MmullLfmll set the “fi" mm\:'\\y the exclamaâ€" tioth (* \c‘ hy, this must be a political conmâ€" «o â€"â€"â€"on mm & 4 4) cliihc is i & Bmeess........ _ Travenbnmo on the PotvR®.=â€"An ove hing vontemporary aketches the travel!in hraatlitiea of the future? *When the mllms werves the continent of America is complats wh there: will be ernatant conveyances by means of railways and mauil packeta for passengers desiring to travel round the n urhmbil “m:d tour wil} be 22,000 imilea in length, will cost about £800, and will be rceomplished in about sighty dnln. The English touriat will be able to viait A merien Jq;a». China, Caylon and Rgvgt. He will eruas the Atlantic, North Paciic, and Indian Ovenna the Rec and Mediterransan Beas, the enntinent of Amenea, and the Deita of Bgypt _ He will be »ble to heave Bnghn:l, say the beginning of May,and to howme ugain about the iniddle of Our COlneinnati Correapondent visited some cattle yards about aix miles from that city to see the effects syinptoms &c., of this dreadful dissase, He reports as fol= Of all the writhings. groaninga contor= tions of body, produced by pain, 1 never aaw anything to equal the auffering amd . agony which L witnessed amony the cattle: infected with the Texas diseasa _ It is the maina which has made ita appearince in many localities all over the U. 3 and Canâ€" ada. _ You may not be troubled with it yet to any great extent, but just as sure ma xtock is brought into Canada trom the U, 8., just so sure do you run a dreadful risk of having a blight a scourge as dreadful and daevaating as ever fel| upon any people. o far no remedy, has been found, but every person bas on opinion of his own, and a sure remedy for it, but neither druga nor washas of any kind have made head way m« gainst it â€" ‘The excitement heare ia very great, and not much to be wondered at, as, beel, buiter and milk are, it is feared. to be numbered ameng the thinga that used to be, but now are no more fit for food, The necount given in laat . Sundny‘s Anguirer i I found to be correct in every particular and being of interest I send soms extracts in« ’ atead of giving a full report of my own, lowa t« * The fOrat aymptom observed in the ani« Amala aftucted is a dmogng of tha head, and ; a general listheasness followed by a severe: purging, which eontintes from twelve to vighteen hours when the animal begcomes eoative and there is no further pn=sage,. except in occasional casem a bard, nrid sub<. atange of a dark, bloody composition, but: noue of this aswbatance ia found in the intesâ€" tinea of the dead ammal ‘The stomach and all the larger Iintestinea being . filled with a yellowish, watery substance, interâ€" mixed with the undigeate) food of the atomach, #imultaneous with the drooping and languid condition of the aminal, red> diah brown ntta are 0 served upon the roots of the hair, #e well as minute prmusite® rsâ€" rembling in some foew characteratiocn the cummon cow liee and in othera tha dog tiek, and yet, in many other points, dissim« Mar trom inth. These ticks multiply in size and mirmber with a marvelona rapidity, and in a few hbours, as if lby mng(;. the whole body is beset by myriada of then they being found in by far the greatest numbera nbout the neek, brisket and with= ermm The insect, when fulkgrown and gorg» ed with blood, is nearly the amo of ugm?n of inllat, and, in \beneml sbape, preity much the same. hen the animal diea, theae lice, or whatever they apparently are, dte and full off}; but while Jf: animal is hvh.u it is impossible to dimengage them whole . ! A« death approrches, the victim beâ€" gomes btind and Lglm walking around in citule of some twelve or ffen paees in diâ€" ameter, which it continuea to do for half an hour narrowing it, or atriking of@f in a tang» ent for a title distance to deasnbe another, and so on until life is trembling upon the verye of extinetron, when it fails witha g.mn. biting Sercely on the ground or any rd mubstance, ,nming anything that eo.mu in hs ww.' n thodmo::hmrlblo‘ ;:mp tal @gony, atruggling and striking with its frst, umil all hgv.mr,‘ when it atiffens and looka like thg menger carease of somy atary» ed brwe, theugh &mi-flghl hours previous it waa ft for the butober‘a knifia A short time previous to death the blood atarta and apine through the akin cll over the body in fine atreama which continues throughout the nmfln of denth, an though it was per forata with Jvn'med wirea, » After denth the Aesh of the animal dues not present uny Emnllnr Appeatance, aaide from the plages where the blood bursis through the skin _ At each of theae places is a swollen place about the aliu of a qunil‘s ®g@gxp in the conter of which ts a slight pune» ture which extenda internally, BRnl upon opening the animal the lungs are fnunr‘ to be three times their natural site, and cone oated, A|l lh:Jmm wre Alled to repletion with dark elotted blood, and the Hbers and tmsves seem entirely decayed ani part npon the alightest strain. The heart and Hvor are |ikewine Alled in every artery and m with the same dark elotted or alimy , and thaliver tom seema decayed , and parts readily, â€" ‘The g-ll is not luas than fve times greater than the nataral size, and inâ€" atead of presenting a dark nmnhh Jfim and being Allted with .a thiek aubstatiin, comparatively aspeaking, is of a bright yel= low, and plethorie with a thin wintery Auid "The eavity of the horn, haif an hour previ« ous to death, is Blled with dark purple blood, but no sooner does death aipervene than they arg npt:m? dry, and all the upper half of the brain wnnomm and ahrinks away, so as to leave the cavity of the skull half empty. _ Tlhe bladder appare ently full of bloed, and the animal during lta auffering passem instead of uring, a dark, bloody, ahmy substance." Wuat Wovwurr ars Comtro to.=«Mrs, B Ondy Stanton writea from Mkaneatoles. N, YÂ¥.+ ‘Before the sun was n[;) this mor ningy Miss Anthony and two bright girla trom Brooklyn manned a amail sailing craft, and went u%lhe laka _ ‘They invited some m:‘( merchant princea to tike seats on , and remain quiet spectators of the scena Then rrrormed some very dificult evolutiona _ In one rather dungerous man« ceurre, A T‘smlomnn. becoming a little nervâ€" ou» was threntened with the #\la of Jonah, whien immediately brought him to order, 1t is truly melancholy to see how the young girle on all sideas are fAying from their aphers _ With base ball and boat clubs, gymnasiums, driving, awimming, and ern= queting, verily, the days of embroidetring and crachetingy n:llling and pufling, ar® tast pasming away . o 'I‘!uuwlmh of Germany, excepting a WATERLOO CHRONICLE AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Cork, _ Aufl .8.«â€"=â€"The corporation 6f the eity of Cork have adopted by a unanimous vote resolve, urging the G@overnnent to pardon and discharge all personsnoy serv. ing out sentences of imprisofitent for complicity in the Iate Fenian disturlances. Mnson Jynnen, the Inberal â€"candidite for Parhament â€" from Queen‘s Count»;, has been obliged to retire from the conteat . Reporta had been extenxively ctrsulted aâ€" mong the Catholls aupporters, that hy was a devoted partisian of Garabald1, md it was thought that ths would prove fatul to the success of the Liberal ticket in that portion of the country, BHe hat bien strongly opposed by t{m Dublin Noton which {u published these reports and cure | deimned him on account of his Ant‘«Roman Cntholie proclivitiea _ ‘The Dublin ZrisA. man und the Irish TÂ¥mes both censure the clectors of Queen‘s County for their bigo= try and intolernnceaa well as their lack of pvlzament in thus rendering necessary the withdrawal of one of lrorlnd‘l warmen‘ ‘ friends. Boully is aufturing severly from his ityuries nud Ns plrysteiims report that his conditon la groaing worae, _ 100000 wile railway meeldent, was resumed Dâ€"‘@y. The ratlwny officials reserved their edence ‘The son of the station master at Aergile testified that the dangar signuls we pro« perly diaplayed before the collision, ru. reported that the body of one of th dead hns been reoognized as that of Ayard Clarke, an American. _ _ 0_ 0 _ _ ?:z‘)n;'o:."So: 1.â€"The In&uut in the bolies of some of the victiims of theA bar= Manchesten, Bep. l.â€"Murrhy. th antt« COatholic ngitw tor, was arreated nnd ld in bonds to keep the peace, . Being utble to wive the neceasary securitiem he wirent to gaol, where he now remaine .. _ Lonvox, Bept. 1=â€"John Bright puishex this morning an address to the vors of Birm{nghuam, in which he nruu b de« atre for auch an extension of the ective franchise as will call into exercise ma of the enlightened Intelligence of the coitry, He denounces the principle of thdiree corned conatituencies aa applied to Biring« ham. He beheves that diseatublishent and dimendow ment ot the Insh Clrich would atrengthen both the onuse of Griaâ€" tranity and the constitution of t he coury Mr. "Bright closes by announcing htolf nehuonfl\{-\»ohho Frineiplu above set foth, wnd offeres himself ns a candidate forms election to the House of Commons rhe approching general eluotion, Wontax‘s lrtentorttv.«â€"In an _A | very definite erican exchange appears the following: ‘“‘h Many the _ subjectof a new assactation formed :::n:.u‘»:n:: Chienge which commenced laying t\ thodmtorh‘ foundation of a new Amaronian empire, | ably do so w the West !== tors any cort Th!{ have a new trouble in Ohlenr"h'h““' wh from the appearince of an extmordinar;}y (®] A IDM rasociation of men and women, who deer “l :;mpr A thuir misaion to be the foundation of a no\:“" cort Emrm\ to be governed by feminles thc"‘""" that hendquarters of the association to bw of‘““‘ nohe sourae, in COhteago. ‘The innd female m"m'" head of the movement, who has her head. 8 HK#® it .l|nnmn In a mysterious sanctumy, says, ""”"HT' that the new government is based upon ® BC Yn the ‘{ntertor power‘ of woman, 'Wom-n"‘;::'u)»! ho maya ahe, ‘ aro perfuct; they nro the pure®y 4 T5 ylp 7 of" God‘as creatures} \l::g lave an Interiq )4 |); & ® power that is enloula to sat all thihBq o1 .h A® right‘ Bhe anys that the government a, ) ,, "v"' ht hb iniliiedut imbiths Abcuisan mb ie ty /0 am|} be °°¢ j "J Joe w und out what a corn rewdly ~number many t|muund\’l“‘ toger is for l ng wilt have the asceudency, and th + â€"â€"oummnlly \ *CBb $ + 6 Eimmmmces........... Chicago Tribune aays thore is Bcartely _ A Liyguy Inuverrarto®, â€"Mr ©Miles rom|nent Bpiritunliat in the eitr or in UhO‘Reilly‘ thus ilustrated his views on ko&)- Bm. who has not given bis allegianes Bny guurd over a refractory woman :«â€"= We this government, and the women have @gotkre nvowedly, unalterably, and actively for over almost in a body, One of the ChiW oman‘s «Rights as advoonted b {!rn, nase Ambassadore lately remarked thi<tinton‘s paper, the Revolution, livut. very he was struck with the supertority of thoitan tha appearance of the p«g:: reminda women to the men in this country} And \tus of something amid by the Lord Chief shouk} think, on the whols, the beat thit Baron of Ireland, in some preliminary stage for the male autimal to do is subside. _ Fof a divoroe suit which we attended nonlfiy is a fuilure. twonty years ago in the Four Courts of cullll Dublin: Counsel for the defence set up a weary> M 7 a Km Plew that, even if the frcts were as chargâ€" A La«ft Baonsnon. â€"Madame ] :‘“ ed, the husband bad been culpably negligâ€" Chenu, who passed a brilliant .(:.mb':l"' ant, and was entitled to no relief * Why some yeara ago in aclened, l:" d i ilid he not take better care that no tampta« from the Faculty of Paria the ’h‘":" tion abould be thrown in her way P‘ ‘On Bachelor of !ct;nu. uc'.fl;d::“: t'n.hom this point,‘ said the !‘\ onn’ counsel, +1 am ‘ th as a f’:"'.!.f:'fm":fi"mn mntence. _ The examinat! 19804 to go to the fury, if your Lordship A L«ft Baonnrnorn â€"Madame Emn Chenu, who passed a brilliant examinati some years mgo in sctened, and obtain from the Faculty of Parisa the degree Bachelor of Sciance, came before the sat body last month as a ecandidate for hon in mathematical solence. The examinatl ranged over algebra, trigonometry, geott trieal nnnl‘y-h. mechanica, the integral a di#erential ealculuay astronomy, &e, 8 obtained her degree, | in mALA@MWUUR! MORERUOY _ S T0 IUCUCOOT O pleases,‘ --ownul '{" {h. â€" 17'_. "r_".‘.-...r metr M plaintif naturalâ€" m ::‘or.:'ll;:‘::fi .!:“"::fl& a lhm“ f, objected that no such plea could be adâ€" U iMerential ealeulu astronomy, d&e, _ 8 Mitted} mnd his objection was sustained b binined her degree, the Chisf Baron in a brief# technival 0 in{- 0 ®8 on, which became untechnical tommz ite mmmnmmscssss w cmllh & 6 â€"4 6 Aftrmmmemmm mss c mams C'M as fo“o'.: ‘And boaides all theae R. M. Hathcld, D. D. of Chicago, hlegal points, I may remark that the au a sllver wedding and a parochial teaâ€"mgestion of the counsel for defence is lmfi: The man who made the presentation apeecrous=â€"absolutely ludicrous, air Bir, a man thereof explaited that the gift was an eight ms eaaily and seoaibly stand guard dence that, even in Ohkarq some p-og%r a bushel of live fea in an opgn%uk. were bold enough to sustain a couple wht, unumpuofluurd a woman who deâ€" soukd live ‘“l'&" woenty=five years, _ jires to do wrong. CABLE NEWS A correspondent of theCincinnati Comâ€" mercial, wntinfi from Salt Lake City, says : It is not possible from a surface view, to learn much about the actual features of Mormonism. The traveller Raiting here a\ its capital sees only the prospects that lense, _ Balt Lake ought to Ln Culled the Brchard City, for it is more orchard than brick or mortar. Every dwelling is flanked by and embosomed in a waving flock of fruit trees. . From a distance the scene is a lako of brilliant verdure, dotted by houses except where the business atreet intrudes itâ€" self and divides the greennesg$ into halves, The traffic is nearly all concertrated on one avenue, and does not extend for more than four or tive squares. ‘PheMormon businesa houses look the most Aourishing, Many ntiles (under which bead must be inclu= $d the inevitable Hebrew dealers) have storesbut they can command none but the Gentite trade and that of the floating popuâ€" Iation, _ Some of the Mormon mercK:nu are very righ. _ Phev bave a habit of sell= ing for reasonable prices, which is destrucâ€" tive to the wolfish adventurers that keep shop elsewhere on the Pacific Coast, 1t is the custom of the heavy Mormon firms to lay in stocks for a whoie yeur, paying cash where any benefit is derived from it, _A# a result they control trade,and have banish> ed the harpies that think business another name for (rownright plunder, _ Burrounded an they are on all sidea by a wide desert belt, very thinly inhabited, the Mormon reltiements have but little trade with the outside world,; and the business ofSalt Lake City is limited to the wants of the Mormon communty.But few of its atores Inok rich, Its drinking saloons are but faw, dingy, and obscure; thay blage not with mirrors, senâ€" auous pictures, and cut glias A rake would {find it the stupidest place in the world, for dissipation has no haunts ‘The pille de joie, be she ever so well masked, is awiftly spoited, warned, and forced to quit the Ylneo. It she evades or deffes the warning, a souse in the Jordan, or a andden toaming of her furniture into the atreet, has been known to add emphusis to the notice to leave, ‘Technically the peoplea aro aulâ€" jects of the United States but in reality ol ced â€" 2 ie n EO n n c d never remminded of it, 'l'ho;{ have an origiâ€" nal wuy of looking at and doing things. They pay an income tax, use United States aa well as Mormon currency, and, on the whole, consider themselves on amicable terms with Brother Jonathanand his gaudy flag. But they do not vote for Presilent; Grant or Seymour is the same to them. The church is their solar syatem,and Brigh= am Young their guiding star _ Twice a year tho{ go through the formality of reâ€" electing him President, He gets a unaniâ€" mous vote, His voice for them is the word of fate. _ Nowhere in the world is thern a poteutite whose away is more absolute than that of Brigham Young, The Prophot has done well by his people, and has not neg: lected his own carnul affairs. Report hbas it that he is the third Jargest depositor in tlre Bank of England. Certain it is that hia wealth is enormous® and the sources of nccrealion inflnite, He has taken a conâ€" tract to grade ninety miles of the Union Pacific %uilmd wt thirty cents a cuble yard, _ His subcontractors do the work for twenty seven cents a yard, and theProphet pockets the odd miltion. When Mormon emigranta reach the end of the railroad, Brigham sends to his people an order for teamms to meet them. The teams promptly, are filled with freight, for tg: tranaportrtion of which the church gets paid, the emigrants footing it for the most part. â€" ‘The one man power has accomplishâ€" ed wanders mince it first nsserted itself, Fow Imve had as wide a scope for its exerâ€" ercise ns Brigham Young, and lave umt it with such hard, prastical sense and eco« nomy« If he is well to do in the world, so in the mass of his followers. He teaches them to work eariy and late, to live aimply and pluinly, to engage only the blodding, but certrin Iabor, .:5' to \‘reld the readienst obedience to the patriarchal voice. Tuke away from Mourmanism its vile blot of poâ€" lygamy, and it has proved itself to be one of the most progreasive and equable forms of government that bas left an impress on history . A uotoowe en it Corn bave kernels and some Colonels have corne. Vegetable corn grows on ears but animal sorn grows on feet at the other end of the body, Another kind of corn is acorn, theae g‘mq on onks ‘but there is a hoax about the neorn. The acorn is a corn with an incefinite nrticle, but the corn is a very definite urticle indeed. ‘Try it and ace _ Many a man when he has a corn wishes it was an mncorn _ Folkes that have corns sometimes send for m doctor, and it the dostor himself is corned, he wou‘t prob» ably do so well ns if he waan‘t, The doo tors any corhs ara produced by tight boots or shoe which is probably the reason why when a man is l|gct they eay he is corned. Af a farmer manages w-l(ho can got a good ;flenlof corn on ons mere; but I know a ntimer that has one corn that makes the plggest ncher on his furm, ‘The bigger crop | .f vegetable corn a man raises the better . e likes it, Another kind of corn is corn odgen â€" ‘The way it is made is very aim« : @ and is as follows (that is if you wai.t to ‘&.uo\') } Y:\u gn nlong the atreet and meet A man ‘who you know bas a corn, and who is a rough charneter, then you step on the loe that has the corn on it and see if you fton‘t have soms occasion to dodge, " In that wauy you will find out what a corn Arx Besay on Corx.â€"We find this very exbanative essay on the subject of corn ggo- ing through print, and here further its course for the Lneflt of science: Corna are of two kinds. Vegetable and animal Vegetable corn glrown in rows and animal gorns on toem â€" ‘There are several kinds of corn : there 1a unteorn, eapricorn, corn dodg» ers fiald corn and toe corn, which is the corn you feel most, lt is anid, 1 believe, thut g‘y»hon like corn, but persons baving orrna don‘t like to * go far‘ if they can help it â€" Corn bhave kornx and some Colonels Â¥righ@not Young and Mormonism. An Ohio schoolâ€"girl went through her caliathenic exercises at home for the amuseâ€" ment of the children. _A vouthful visitor with interast and pity on his countenance, asked her brother, *if that gal had fits ?‘ + No replied the lad, contemptuously, + that‘s gymnastc.‘ <Oh! ‘tis, hey /‘ said verdant y ‘ bow long has she had ‘em P‘ Marrsmo®tat, =â€"A New York mamimna. who has aucceeded in getting he?own seven daughters <weil of her hands,‘ has determined to extend to others the benefit of her + systein .‘ _ She is going to open a ‘elass‘ for the introduction of young ladies in the art of husbandcatching it is to be called the + School of Design l‘ It is auid that the reason why the Howâ€" landâ€"Governor Uaggain cannot be ventilat ed is beonuse llw” is n lady in the case, and it would he ungentlemanly and ungal= lant to tell the whole storv. _ ‘Phis is really mean; if there is no proof, ‘hv so at once; if there is proof in existence of MrHowland having sold himaclf, as many believe there is the proof should be fortheoming «even though the heavens slould full." A widow of Louisville eloped with a Emmining young marchant and set up ousekeeping in Indiana, only to find that her devotion was unappreciated, and, one morning, that her quasi hnaband had agnin eloped, this time with her daughter, aged seventeon, ‘ I mention my Cousin Tyro first in comâ€" pliance with the benthenish custom of our country, which says the * mald sex are the Lords ofCreation," and all the © softer sex," ma they see fit to call us, must stoop and bow to them, and even subrmit to «ll the epithets and sarcuams they may see fit to heap upon us; I declare it is too bad and I won‘t submit to it any lonzer! Although mnobrdy but poor plain cousin Betsy, yet 1 will stand tip for my rights and even the * Lords of Creation," the sensible ones I mean, will reapect me for it 1f «"worthy Tyro" hnd advertised somebody beside his only cousin it would not seem «o bad, but to run on his best friend, and ong who bas been more than a sister to him, is past en« durance; and without attempting to deny his foul slander, 1 will give a little of the other side of the picture and leave a dis« cern‘ng public to judge whether cousin Betay ls(g'ult all Tyro represents her to be; he would make the men think she is 18 plus 6 years, which is a slander, but when that " worthy cousin" sees an opportnnity he will intrmate that I am on the shady side of 30, and thus try to remove uny faâ€" vorable impress;ons I may make on one of his aex, and if I sbould live and die an old maid, who but Tyro will bé to blame? As to beauty , if 1 stood one lalf as Inng before imy mirror is I hate been compelled to stand over him, preparing his ba‘r and cravat to make a sepsation on Miss Prim, there might seem to be some cause for his witty sarcasms, but be well knows that the fimu obfect of thy life hus been to pleane im, and prepare him to make a favorable impression upon some one of the sex he likes so well to slander, _ lfin hbis gentle» tnanly (f) insinuntion respecting my teeth, he had said that when: anaughty boy, for a alight prevarication he lifted his foot and kicked out one of my teeth, and later, when Miss Prim refused his proposals, and like an angel of mercy, 1 tried to condole him, in a g: of rage he took the boot jack and throwing it violently knocked out two more of my teeth, he would have acted an honest part, _ As to accomplishments, that t worthy‘ knows well that L @an darn a s ockâ€" infig, sew on a button and mauke bread, and ouly for poor Betey he would not have a * darned sock," or a bulton on his whirt of lus â€"â€" now, and if now he is cougratulat« ing himself upon his fine apperrance and his conquests, he may just tharnk his desâ€" piged "eousin Betsy" for it all. If I cannot play charmingly on the piano, I can play usefully on the »pinning wheel, and I wouid ask Tyro if be has read all the books in his library 1 If so, he may seorn me for not being posted in alk my sheet music. If Tyro‘s eggs were sothetimes too hard and his toaat burnt to a crisp, it was only be= cause he could not be got out of bed in the ‘ mornin%to take them when all right, and cousin Betay was off blacking his boots to (make him ‘ehine," and as to razors, they have long aince heen exploded, for a time they were used vigorously on his soft viaage until he nucceedeg in getting a few strugg ling ‘onea‘ to gprout und now of course there in no more use for the sharp instiument. To Kiti Fures.â€"The best way to kill flies is to cont a piece of board with trea« clejand when full of vietmsto scrape them off and renew the operntion, This is infiâ€" nitely preferable toâ€"all the arsenicat prepaâ€" rations so nften recommended, since fiies will get awry from them and did on rome alimentary aubstance prepared for tman.and thus intreduce into it the poison which is the cause of their death. ‘The wickedest man in New York,‘ closâ€" ed his notorious d&nee hotise and placarded upon the door a notlce to the effect that it would ahortly be fitted up as a reform home for Mugdulens. He aitended a mission pmayer meelingr, and made a public decla ration of his reformantion and intention to fit up his former establishment at his own ex, Konu, as a home for such females as those eretofore in his employ who, desire to reâ€" form and Emminfinq to use his influence to nccomplish the reformation of that class 0° women, I might thus go through the whole list of nrticfu that a labouring man and his faâ€" inily consume, The fuct is that we are perâ€" mitted to enjoy lbut oneâ€"halfof the fruits of our Iabout ; the other half goes to the public treasury, For one months work in 18530 1 could clothe myself and family forone year, _ ‘To do the anme now I am obliged to work two nonths and a half. Hoping that in future Tyro will look at all classes in the world as they renlly are, nnd if he wishes to write, do it fairly, 4 ain obliged to remain his injured Covsin Bersy, Bravumize or Anxexatto«.â€"The Reâ€" public is an excellent country to be annex ed to, and the following excellentâ€" reasons persuading thereto, are specially recomâ€". mended to the notice of those few who talk annexation, For four day‘s work in buy a barrel of excellant equally good barrel now I eight duya . For a days work in 1850 L could tbuy fitteen pounds of colfae. For a days work now I can buy but five pounds. tÂ¥ s o e o t iss k 1. _For one days work in 1859 I could, buy five pounds of tem. For the same days werk 1 can now buy but two pounds _ For a doys work in 18590 1 could bu eight pounds of tobuero, For m days wor now I can get but three pounds, _~ _ ‘A Lnbouringirnnn‘writel the following to the B_nngo‘r, Me., Democratiâ€" _ For one day‘s work then 1 could bu: thirty potnds of sugar. For a day‘s wor now 1 can get but fifteen pounds, _ Ontario, 28th Aug.. 1868. My Cousin Tyro and Me. 1859, I could flour, For an have to work SBarrtoga should be a pious village. The town is running over with ministers. There are twentyâ€"seven at one hotel. Tuey are designated as the pious brigade, _ As arule, their hotel bills are paid by wealthy parishâ€" iouers, Bneezing is one of the things thev do strongly out West. A man in NevadaCity lately sneezed bis shoulder out of jornt, and it required the services of a surgeon and four strong men to restore it to its normal position, The Young Men‘s Christian Association of Montreal will memorimlizge the Provincial Synod for the suppression of ritualism in that cityâ€"â€"a singular interference with the liberty of the subject A Mrs, Flint sold a hen‘s egg in Chatâ€" ham, the other day, which was 8# inches by 7§ inches, and weighed 4§¢ ounces Mrs Flint herself weighes 337¢ pounds. â€" What a country this is, A Guelph paper announces that Mr. Fall bas murried MissWinter, It is to be hoped the umon was sensonable, Fall running after Winter was rather unusual, but probâ€" ably nothing will spring from itâ€"except equalls, Hamilton is in a had way . It has withâ€" in a week bad a murder, a seduction, a dismissed Chiel of Police,a charge of immoâ€" rality against ajudge, and an uphecaval of its society generally, During the dog days sausages are not in season, The New York Germans are going to get up free reading rooms Napokon wears a Panama straw bat, valued one hundred dollars. They are raming more potato bugs to the Aacre out west than potutoes. Fanny Fern boasts of having been the first, if not the ouly Ainerican womnan, who has ever received us much as 8100 per column for a newspaper story, lund Girls go to cburch to sing Psalms and see hims. ‘The New York Fenians are getting live ly again. The chatnpionship tendency does not seem to abats s€ all. He who throws out ouv:iciom should at once be suspected himself, Wilham B.Astor is worth one bundred and twenty million of dollars. Prentice guys woman was only a ‘side issue‘ in the work of creation . A democratic exchange says Grant is the ‘coming man‘â€"coming to grief. A, B MceNab, postmaster at Durham, has absconded to the States, with about £3000 Government money, Me leaves his wife and family behind, A grocer is like a highwayman when he lies in wait . Ihree of the ‘Toronto representatives in parliament are lrish . Frauk Blair can go longer without water than any mau in Missouri. The Elora Grammar School is going lown for waut of support, The ladies ofAckley,Missouri, have formâ€" ed a ‘Sociable Boeiety,‘ with a constituâ€" tion forbidding them to talk about their neighbors. . Guribaldi says to an English correspondâ€" entâ€"* ‘Fo attack Rome I merely await the moment that France sball come to blows with Prussia,‘ ‘The walkist fever does not abate ms the wenther grows cooler, Gen, Garmibaldi has resigned his seat in vue National Parli@rment . The Incrosseists from Montreal were cold: lv received at New York. For man who bas been rrtimed by woman there is no law @nd no judge, Ruskin, the eloquent art critic, thinks Governinent ought to take the railways, canals and telegraphs under its own imanâ€" agetnent, Pusey says be has not gone over to Roine. Walkerton is to have un agency of the merchant‘s Bank. The famous cattle yards of Chicago pen 140,000 cattle at once. The productive labor of the State of Massachusetts is over a million of dollars daily. ‘There are ni§hky-uven steamera sailing between New York and Europe, and all but one ure owned abroad. ‘The Wesleyan Methodists talk of erecting a new chursh at Toronto, capable of acomâ€" modating four thousand persons. A Toronto mechanic lins invented a lock for mail bags, &o., which is said to super« cede anything that has yet been invented. We advise some of our contemporuries to peruse thepeigth commandment. George Francis Train though in prisor for debt, is said to be worth aver $600,000. The eclipse of the sum caime off according to prograinine, on the other side of the world. The ‘kist o‘ whistlea‘ stolen from the St. Mary‘s Presbyterian Clhurch has been reâ€" Lurued . What is more interesting to a girl than to see unother gidd married 1 To get mar= ned herself. De Sioeckel, the Russian Minmster, ha« got the cash for Alaska, and remiited it to Bt, Petersburg, through New York. The whouping cough was very bad in Toronto last apring. ‘The cough is nearly all gone, but the hoops are as bad as ever. The English Government is urgently apâ€" pealed to,to take the railroad and telegraph inanagement of the kingdom into its hands, President Johnson will embark for Euâ€" rope on the fifth of next Maurch . O‘Rielly, Q. C.,.will couduct the Crown business ut the Ottawa Assszes, The youngest eity on the Pacific Railâ€" rond is Benton. It is thirty daya old and bas a population of four thousand. "I he Hartford Live Stock InguranceComâ€" mry hus had to suspend operations from osses, Flour market dull. Gold to day is 1.45. Toronto is 74 yeurs old. A bad gameâ€"Base ball. Rome has one newspaper. A hotel elevator"â€"the bar. Montreal hotels are crammed. First understand, then argue. Longstreet is in favor of Grant, Ruther set than follow examples. Hamilton beat Buffalo at base ball. Menken died of disease of the lungs. Chickens in Maryland have cholera A Nasbville editor comunitted suicide. A sour editorâ€"Lemon, of Brantford. Toronto is without a base ball club. Seward wants a renewal of Reciprocity. Boston drinks 1000 kegs of Tager a day }*Ilulf-penny postage is talked of in Engâ€" diisce([Cancous Jiems. Every Conzregation may obtain a Cemâ€" munion Service, an Organ, a Melodeon, & [ Bible, or a Life Insurance Policy for ite \Prstor, ur almost any other needful tbing, ‘by a club of slscuribers. J Send for a copy, enclosing 10 cents, to HENRY E. CHILD, } 41 Park Row, New York. (}= P. 8.â€"â€"Subscriptions received at this ulhce. 619â€"4 mor, Such a paper, ofering premiums of Sewâ€" ing Machines, Dictionaries, Appleten‘s Cyclopedia, Pianos. Organs for Churches, etc., mikes one of the beet papers for canâ€"> vaesers in the world. * _ to mammoth proportions. It is TtR® LARGEST RELIG1OUS PaPER !N THE WORLD. Is the leading organ of the Union Moreâ€" ment, and opposes ritua‘ism, close comâ€" munion, exclusiveness and church estate. It is the only paper that publishes Henay Waro Bercnrr‘s Sermons, which it does every week. just as they are delivered,â€" without qualifioation por correction by him. It advocates universal suffrage ; a union of christians ut the polle ; and the rights of labor, _ It bas the best Agricultural Departâ€" ment of any paper in the world ; publishes storie@ for the family. and for the destrucâ€" tion of social evile. Its editorial manageâ€" ment is impersonal; its writers and editors are from every branch of the church and from every grade of scciety. It has been aptly termed the freest organ of thought in the world Fall Wheat. .. Spring Wheat THECHURCH UNION. It is reported at Oitawa Lord Monck 1# not going to return to England this sumâ€" mer, but that be is to be continued in bis position as Governor General sometime longer. the Imperial Cubinet not deeming #t prudent to make a change at pre®ent. EBRB . lkc se l ks agakkks Barler ......0000lll.. Rve 56 lbe. ........... UOMB 2ll l sls kess Clover Seed........... Timcthy Seed......... Flux Seed...... ....... guner,................ priaiit in on Pork =...lllllll l ... H@Mm® . .22 .ls , se sls . Tallow .........0...... Potatoes ............. Wool per lb.. . ... se n +c Best Flour, Double Extra Family l"lgur, Extra.... Spring Wheat Flour .. .. Hexall Sout . .;iccrls.>%. Bran per Top.s....:««s Shorts: coxis.ierssraine Hay per ton ..... .... ORIDAE 2 2s i cveves en Remnninn in the Waterloo P.0. up to 1st of SEPTEMBER, 1868. Albrecht John Hagedorn Jacob Behrens Johan Kincel W H. Brown J . . Lloyd John Black Chas. Lappin J. H. C. Recking Anna Cath. Lalle L, Brogen Emanuel Lnnsdale Robt. Carge) Nathan McGinnes Jennie Cadwell Thos . Moyer Joseph Cavanagh Danicel Moyer Joseph Cautwel & Dickinson Magog A. Clemena Joseph Moare R. W. Devitt John Schuinacher Thoi Duerring Henry Steips A. Eix Heinrich Sweny Ben. Eiles Dr. Ogden Surarus David Father W. Schneider Daniel Gingrich Leah Suyder Lizsie Huehuergard George Sc{moider Jacob Harber Jacob Wagner Henry Hasenpflug J. Zimmermann Tob FJNHIS paper has been recently enlarged Married, in Salt Lake City, 16th ult., in the presence of the Rainis, Brifiham Yourg to Mrs.J. R. Martin,Miss Em‘ly P. Martin, Miss L. M. Pendergast, Mrs. R. M. Jenickâ€" son, Miss Susie P. Cleveland, all of the county of Berks, England. NJ‘Gard¢ In the last illnesss ol Geo,. Coleman, the doctor being late in an appointment, aE(:w gized to bis patient, saying that be had been called in to see a man who had fallen down & well Did bekick the bucket DoctcrZ gromned out George. TRE HOUSE is situated in the most deâ€" sirable location in Waterloo Village, and has connected with 4 a good Stuble and, an excellent Fruit Kitcher Garâ€" den _ The Pirno is a ne 4 octave inâ€" strument. . For furtber particulare apply at the Office of this paper. _ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. ABOUT two months ago, 6 Heifers, of which one is a muley, and one steer. Ieft the premises of the undersigned about 1} miles from Petersburg, on the road leadâ€" ing to Berlin. One oplhe Heifera is red and white. the others are mostly of a brown eolor. Any one bringing them back or giving information leading to their recovâ€" ery, wili be niubly_[e'_nivdcydt es Lecture to commence at 'IQ/P. M. Tickets. 50 Cents each, to be fiad trom F. Preet, Eq _ Apply at nnoe. A four year old son of Mr George Zimâ€" merman,. residing about one mhe west of Lnstowel, came upon a jug of whiskey which a number of workmen in a fheld were using, and drank a sufficient qtantity to cause his death iu a short time. W ATERLOO MARKELS On the 14th ult., by the Rev. Jame# ThomMr. Charles Maun, to M a Nan cy Burâ€" nett, third daughter of Jame Burnett, Esg.; of Woolwich, Ont. DWELLING HOUSE ! A Chicngo newsboy of 15 recently marâ€" ried there a widow of 35, who was balf drunk meanwhile; but the bov said he didn‘t care so long as be got a house and lot by the transaction. Besides be knows that divorce is an easy matter in Chicago. Champaign Country, llinois, cannot be a very pleasent place for a residence at the present moment, In the northersa part of it there is a tract of forty acres on which the unburied carcasses of more than five. hundred cattle which have died of the FTexan disease are decomposing. One of the numerous letter writers to the London press on the sermon question, speaks of the preaching he is accustomed to hear, as ‘the veriest platitudes wrapped tip in the utmost obscurity of verbosity.‘ â€" a NDREAS MILLER Wilmot, Sept. 2nd, 1808. 660:3t Waterloo , Sepl', 2nd, 1868. Cattle Strayed. PIANO FOR SALE. IN G U EL P H, W Avbertisements. " WILBERFORCE," P U NS H O N LIST OF LETTERS WILL LECTURE WarRrI&D: AND ON ON Hagedorn Jacob Kincel W H. Lloyd John Lappin J. H. C. Lalle L, Linnsdale Robt. McGinnes Jennie Moyer Joseph Moyer Joseph Magog A. Moare R. W. Schuinacher Thos, Steips A. Sweny Ben. Surarus Davic Schneider Daniel Suyder Lizsie Sc{moidor Jacob W . Wagner Henry Zimmermann Tobias C. KBMPF, P.M. obtain a Cemâ€" a Melodeon, a Policy for ite needful ibing, 50â€" $0.00â€" 0.00â€" 1.25 â€" 17â€" $1.20 1. 1.18 0-1 $5.00â€" 5.75 11 83â€" 90 .15â€" .80 75â€" _ 00 12

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