Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 20 Aug 1868, p. 3

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H MbR ‘i::gf gm% 0 sety y "@n'mm y Rto A!&OM FACH RALb IN =bove with some #good and in= NB ung work s Aflm‘}‘â€"{’“q t‘o her ?:nl(\!lly amd rewt PROBCt R ¢ :%B.-: n popping the question QUIOK%A_.R})F‘-T\» her parents and AMLBR E\'dfi'\.:%'?fi‘m to?hur!h and go | 6 i trimony . mauies ied wedinl it unlh syoutoe m k fihfl you have assurted | «rout aBou+ FACRâ€"From the haunts | 'IA‘M you fl‘th: when single t yout own home. ADVA}:Q‘ A‘lla“& your young wife, and call on BOWMAN BRAOQTHERS, __ King Btreet, Waterioo, _ And exammhe the best and cheapust Stock bvae offered in Waterioo Viltage, taeiltates tho process of mthlnf. by x game, reducing al\ in flamation=â€" path and spasmodi¢ adtion and is dure t0 Reguiate the Bowebn Mdn in mothers, it will give rest to pqmlmp?:nd relinf ::\l health g your ins _ We bare puat up and sotd this article for U errml n abls to other medicine=mever has it Mited l.n"t mfi Instange to offect a cure, when timely used. Never did we know ab instance of dissatisfacs by any one who nged it. On the contrar F\N%:d with its o&nflhn, and xl a"#u"' d J .&.9"‘ X Ti this mate h . .3 & t= Tor "WHAT mfl KNOW," after years of l rhin rein Beriin | Ti maishe on nfi Remember the Staad, ons doot of Bowman‘s old Hote! Stand . B E A L | N CountyGrammar School TuUuITION PREE ! ’mxb a cents Irmmum:&-mm can alâ€" We ‘Taver diharb ds your apith ‘or rartiee tour tember by imperfhet moverments or in= matriculation in Law, Medicine, or Arts. C. A. NBEVILLB, M, A . _â€"__ m wnniows Hoothi Syru for ehilldlmgn teething. P h« on ddle ; BH. 4. BHUBRR, ‘I‘L those indebred to the Estate of the ate Jacob Ihl\m\?;;hhor by Note rr at, are call to sett m&- Busthses -tm.ni: ::m: to be wouud :h at onee. ‘Those who Regiser to do to will have to take the conâ€" "*****" ryAAG HOFFMAN, NOTICE TO PAY UP. '"Giiikiffi}i! Â¥ are T6A P lm‘ ; & 10A804n \â€" T EBE A S ! BOWMAN BROS, lamn’l Old Hotel Stand, â€" Street, Waterioo, Farm for Sale. NR IW-‘I offers to_sell b n dafey. netoin ho ® Loadi t flv:: Bank to Koâ€"â€" ,m‘\‘nbom A m.thl&o‘:' the latter plage. |~ ontains about 30 nerss exceilent laad > Agticultural parposes, hfim}l ‘_ml buildings, a nevers Preston P. O . Waiertse T‘p, J 1 ; !1;, 1868 _ ¢531=â€"3m Remember the Stand, nekt dont to 208 H‘ “a‘umum’!“t:" o. apes ondon 441 Bt. Paul Btree )lonu'.‘l:fiuds. STUTGARS, Coffees uy JOHN WaNLKS8, Waterlod . Augeit 8th, 1888, _ _ B58â€" Joly ath,18¢8. Berlin: Juae i"\n, 1888,. rl thllshthl cup of Tea ra Griddle; where can you get such an article ? AT for children teething. nce, and our Reputation fof the u?.f mmh vhe&m In alMost Instance where the infant is sufferin alb and erhanation, reltef wi:l be Pou: on or twently minutes after the syrup is o Anvoltges tor uaing will ascompany sclin Olilmr Behoo! wil!l reasâ€" bte on Monday, August 10th ar 9 ?\M!\ the liberality of the Trusâ€" has been made FREE to County outaide the Corporation of Those desirous of attending the W ATERLOO. They always keep Goods, Groceries, kery, Glassware, &o, wit find this a very suitable antebing. prepared fye reaching or for &o., &o,, &o. in‘ o0A t .f; i H.p(?‘lZE&lN& tury. our Reputation fot the t the world. BottiG. Principal . A“"‘l ¢38â€" AUCTION SALE ! 'I‘I' UNDBRBIONRD bege to inform his customers and the public in general, that he has just received a large Stock of new The following are the GOOD® just received t 300 Pleces Fancey Prints, frora 9¢. and upwards ; French Meri« no frous 80¢, and upwards ; 20 yards Factor:r Cotton for 81 ; Checked Bhinin% from t6e. and u%m s } 12 yards Print for 81 ; 10 yards soft linish Bleached Cotton for $1; Merinos & Orleans, all colours and priceés, Ladies‘ Mantles, Shawls, Stock« ings and Gloves, Straw Hats and Trirgmings, _ Ailso a large Stook of Springer ; Snyder‘s DRUG STORE! suich as Coffee, the beat 5 Ibs. for 81 ; 20 lbs, Currants for #1 ; &0 lbs. Rice for #1 ; Oat Meal, Cortn Meal, Buck Wheat Inchtding a large lot of Btraw G@oocs, Hoop SBkirts, &o,, damaged by water, the whole of which will be sold New Staple and Fancy Goods, NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! t=2" WITHOUT RESERVEHE. 73# The sale will commeénee at 10 a. m,, on Thursday "fhonting the 6th August, and continue daily until further notice, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE! Harvest Implements IMMENSE QUANTITIES ! DRY G0O0OODS, &c., Montreal MHouse / Waterloo Hardware Fresh â€"Groceries |! European & American Markets, First Class Goods! NEW GOODS ! Watertos, July tet 1862. &0 lbs. Rice MQEl ; Oat Meal, Cortn Meal, Buck Wheat Flour &¢, TEA, SUGAR, Dried Apples, Sytup, Also Grookery and Qlasawware. B2a»* The highest market prico will be pard for all kin ts of Produce, _ Berling Auguat 5th, 1888 WATBRLOO, July 15th, 1868. W A TE R L O O . of all kinds, . Call at the Waterloo Hardware Store | vVmR VY LOUW PRICERSE. WATERLOO HOUSE. & VC O . 6 . B M A. L I N , GRELAT John McDougall. which will be sold at At thir AT THB WILLILAM FISCHER. AT THR AT WATERLOO CHRONICLE AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. JOHN BOND. gol=4mo a PARTIBS, indebted to me on Book asâ€" counts, are hereb{ respectfailly reâ€" quested to call @nd settle the same, either by Cush or Note, with my swecessore, > Remember â€"Canadian Block is the place to buy Qoouds cheap. Cail and antisfy yourself. J, 0. HUNSICKER Berlin, July %8th, 1868. Insolvent Act of 1864 County of Perth. §of Ferth. _ In the matter of WILLIAM WILSON, an Insolvent. ON SATURDAY the twelfth day of Sepâ€" tember next, at ten o‘clook in the forg= noon, the undersignes will apply to the Judge of the aaid Court for a discharge under the said Act: WILLIAM WILSON, Dated at Stratford this 20th day of June, 1808. CHEAPEST THING OUT CANNING FRUIT and Pancy Goo.ts, which he will sell cheap for cash or for Butter, Egga, and all «ale> able produce will he taken in cxchange for Qoods nt the highest market prices, _ Province of Ontario, 2 In the County Court by Cush or Note, with mg succe Bowmuan Brothors, at the Old Stand. New Books, Stationeries, The Very Best o d ing h I nn!l’prov?r‘::a.:upp';;‘afo:o fi:.;o .:'r'."’.:fi out. All other kinds to be had ! THR undersigned has removed his On s tatio Book Store a few doors West in the same Block, wilmro ho has attached a ot of and is constantly receiving new Grogerius, and ail kinds of PATENT CLAMP! Bowman â€" Brothers, WATERLOO. NeXt door to Bownian‘s Old Hotel Stand, New Groceries, BOWMAN BROTHERS, WW«iTERLOO. THE BEST BARGAINS ko and Se06o THR Dress Goods ! PRINTS. &C. DON‘T FPALL TO SEBE ! Give them a call and satiafy yourself t that it is NO HUMBUG'?} FREEPORT A C A D E M Y ! Exraxaws.â€"Board, per week $7.00 to $2. Room rent, per Week 12}0, Incidental expons« 08 ;lm Term 500. Puition, per Terra $4. All the above expenses must be pald in ad> â€" ‘The Text Books used in the Academy can be abtained in the Villago. . There will be a pubs lio examination at the close of each Term. _ The Siudeonts Ylll be required to observe ali the rules of the Institation, and the strictest guardianship will be exersised orer them . Boakn» or Dmnpfor.-nw. A. B. Shork, Prosident ; Rev. G. Plowman, Vise President ; Rev. J. B, Bubtichter, Sogretiry ; Mr. R. B. Snyder, Treasucer, 1. L. Bowman, Biq., Prias LARGE STOCK * AT T!!l! Institution ts located at the Village of Freeport, on the Grand River, in the Couhty of Waterloo, and l{mrlnu of Ontario. It is in a heaithy and delighttul _vn ot the Comntry, A sound moral and nllfloul Influâ€" ence prevails in the community. _ It is of easy aocess, being four miles from Preston Statton on the Great Western Rail ng, and also four milea §om Berlin Station on the Grand Trunk. Daily Stages run each way between Preston and )Ihrlln, passing through Freeport. The Academy is under the control of an orâ€" ganisation called the "Freeport Educational Sovliety," The building is being enlarged and Atted up with converient rooms, so as to provide acâ€" commodation for a large number of Students. Bach room will be furnished with a stove. There will be a Boakding Hull in conmection with the Tnatitution . The h‘:l‘lovblnl branches wI:lPl;o 1:;1'::1‘!. v::t â€"â€"Rngt ram Geog metic, .lm Gmmq, and "ooktkbm and Latin L and Vocal c [gv‘ll armgmcu.; There will also be waakly Rhotorionl arxarelsea and Soriptural DRESS GOODS$ ! Prints, Shawls, Parasols, DRESS TRIMMINGS,&c IN WATERLOO ! The leading object.fs to do good by providin taclities for nl:!:rnl aud lmomm{ \_r':\!nlng. F There are three Terms in the Academic Year of twelre weeks each, gommeneing as fol lows: First Term, the First ‘l‘\md? Ih September, Becond Term, the First Tuesday in December. Thied Term, \ho_ Becond Tuesday in Mar oh.A WPMEs Manaomns. â€"Rev. J, B. Bowman, Rev, H, !(‘,mgp.jlo_v. l));»B: Sherk, Mr Amos Weaver, Mr weekly Rhotorical exersises and Soriptural lessons. â€" _ â€" C uce 00 > JOSBEPH SOHA®FER K. B. Cash preferred, BOWMAN BROS, Waterl00, June 10 h, 1888 648â€"â€" Freeport, August 14th, 1868. REMOVAL ! NGOTICEI. Those new and beautiful to be had from them. Rugk orreneo Wwitn tn &# AL8O AT 1Â¥ Tak wan() Pm Bg Woobs & Frâ€"mER, is Attorney‘s ad hitern. ARD AT DAVID DRVITTS, 651=10.. 80 ’l Iy 'co'mpsrix"(ifliv{{éiim'u_ii» ASSAM, and on the dlopés of the HIMAITA Y AS, blendâ€" ed with the finest products of CHINA. © Only Two Qualities, viz. > 70c,. or $1 per [b., either BLACK, GREEN, or MIXED. + _ Fine Householit Tea, combining Streagth and Rlavor, T70 conta per lb. Finest DrOCUIAbDIG:â€" . srr css ces cssc orrcrsces css ciall 1 Oollar .o3 . t# Bold in Packets and Cunisters by the Company‘s Agents in every City and Town in Cahada,. 6 uy (KGy_ Oserve the Lrade Mark on each Package. 4J1}) PURE antd GENUINE TEA 8, of aplendid rataral â€"fl*,\vor, imported direct from the Companvy‘s Plantations in ASSAM. and on the dlonés of the HIMALA Y AS, blendâ€" » p 9 L + 9 A I ; P 0 & â€" INDIA & CHINA TEA COMPANY,. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS Fall & Winter Goods THE uhdorlixnod, Rrecutors of the lato ABRAHAM 8. CLEMENS, offer to sell by private Sale, that valuable and do-‘ sirable K‘m‘m in the Township of Waterloo, at present occupied by Mr Danic! Bergey, gptrjoln(n.n the Firm of the Rev. Josoph Hayey, It contains about 74 acres of the very beat of land for Agricultural purposes. It is situated only four ntiles from Ureston and two from Breslau, and has on it a good Fruit Orchard, good binldings, water, &c. Terms can be ascertained by application to THE COTTONS having been bought before the late rise in the Cotton Market are Remarkably Cheap. THBE NEW GOODS macoay swins mownne READY MADE CLOTHING ! SPRING GOODS! Waterloo ‘T+p, July 1st 1868. (OPENED A CONSIDERABLE PORTION! ‘The undersigned offers to sell on reasonâ€" able terms two dwelling houses aad a carâ€" renpor shop in Hahover. One of the nbovo w a new brick house, two‘storiés hi‘gh, atâ€" fording every posaihle convenience and deâ€" sirable for a rasidence; the other is friume and rery beautifully situated, For terms, &0., apply to the, proptietor, + THOMAS QUICRFALL, Neustadt, March 30th 1868. HOFFMAN‘S NEW BLOCK, B 2 L L X N . KERR, BROWN & MACKENZIE, LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK | arocerRiEs, HARDWARE, GLAS8, PUTTY, PAINTS, OIL, TURPENTINE, VARNISH, â€" HAMILTON, ONTARIO, Beg to inform thett Customers and the Trade gcnerallly that they have A HFlecelving Daily Additions Houses, Lots and Ogrpen‘ter LARGE & SMALL fa famover, townt? Grey, SPINNING WHEELS ! DRYVY â€" G O O D S, Waterlon,; Deceriber €th, 1867. Berlin, April 29th, 1868 BERLIN, October 22nd. 1867,. During the . HAMILTON, March 18th 1868. suitable for the Spring and Summer, CHK MAP POEHR CA S EC: Come and see them. _ The liighest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. . W. H. G. KNOWLES. FARM FOR SALE, During : Isaac Hofiman Is now prepared ‘to show to the generous public the TRADE. GeREAT ATTUTRAOTION GEO, H. CLEMENS, ABRAHAM D, CLEMKEN®S, d&e., &e., ever offered in Berlin. | Call and inspect for yourselves. Farmers Prodtice taken fh eÂ¥chatige; @ R R IV E D. Mr. DA V ID DEV ILTT, GENERAL MERCHANT. LGENT FOR WATERLOO : Also, a nice assortment of Executors . Preston P. 0. 6. 631 ~2m TO THEIR STOCK p <# & va r AND WILL BE oFr THEIR AT or | ARE_ manufactured and sold by the unâ€" dersigned at Mr. M. Wegenaet‘s Cabinet Factory, where a good assortment is constantly kept on hand. _ Also MONTREAL HOUSE! A SCHOLARSHIP for _ the _ Britist American Commercial College, Toronâ€" 0. _ Appiyat the office ol this paper. coTTtoOoN Gooons The public are respectfully requested to call, (7» All work warranted. ANDREW BOHLENDER . Childrens Waggons. Weaving Spools. &0., &o. IF YOU WANT _ CHEAP Waterloo, July 1°t, 1868. FOR SALE CHEAP. BERLIN. go To THE MARK. 518â€"1y 651â€"3m 642â€" 612â€" on harid and ntade to ord furnishied whién required As all the nbove Goods are. bought in the best Marker pursghasers will find it to their mnterest to buy wWhore the best B CALL AT THE SEWING MACHINE DEPOT:! W¢WnhO1esaloe d Hoetall Doalors sSAWING, PLANING & TURNING, $100,000. HARDWARE SALE, $100,000 â€" IN GUELPE The GROCERY Department A C PA KEFEILILGGG, O N C., An examination is mercly requested, which will be to the ad< vantage of those intending to purchase. now second to none in the World, as has been proved at the Paris Exhibition where competing with the best manufactures in Europe and America, this Machine took the FIRST PRIZE. A lh!'gpn;\:\-d.!a‘njlrgduclloh not unly‘ much better than any other foreign importation, but very Next door to Mr. Uhrstadt‘s Store, opposite Snyder‘s Grist Mill, where all styles of Machines are constantly kept on liand, and may be seen in operation, and where specimens so work may be seen . KJ"* All kinds of MACHLINE SEWING done to order at the Waterloo Sewing Machine Store Simpson & Aldous ! The : much CHEAPER Cut Naile ‘$3 25¢ Yer Keg T. Hinges, 8c gor b. Bana 1)oor and Gate Hinges. 8¢ per lb. Window Glases, $2 20¢ per box Ka@> ALL MACHINES WARRANTED. 3# I would aall the attention of Cradle Mak â€" ers to my large Stock of Cradle Scythes, #ssorted from‘ 46 to 32 inches, which 4 shall sell very creap this Season, and J Credit given‘ to good men. . JOHN HORSMAN + i N ‘L'Hl"'\"\l 22100y NOC PMC UVs :?5!':'3:3::511\:::‘.“" Parss %83 per sett | And every article required at rates equally Tools ol"'l'll‘d&cfilflfbhd «it the siume cheap Low. 3 Key::!"'l?iell' Locks, 30¢ & doren 4 Sli‘uon,duzg(;n\ly sold at 25¢ and 50¢, for Hon Pad Cut’fa‘r'c, 1po « seit }gozl‘(e.tl'KWi:;-, from b¢ upwards oreé Bhive Bed Fustoners 15¢ per seit Shst, S¢ per Ib. > And all Goods will be sold at proportionntely Low Prices. Dress Goods, »‘ancy Goods ! Large Importations Stock of Dry Goods! WANZER SEWING MACHINES, A large Stock of Grindstones on haud of firstâ€"rate quality and cheap. For Carpenters t Makers. COTTON G00i»8 Without and exr:ez{)tions the Barclay Sewing Machine Manu« factured by the British American Sewing â€" Machine Company, ~"~ ~+mmEOn _ o Sewing Machines: O EVCP O ©C. SPRING & SUMMER GO0D5 ! BERLIN, June the 19th, 1867 Commercial Block, Waterloe, April i 1808 WATERLOO, Aug. 24th, 1867 April 1st, 1868. BLAIR, May 20th, 1868 is also completo. > Call and see one of te best and largest Stocks of Goods in this part of the country. Those intending to purchase a Sewing Machine will find AVE NOW ON HAND AN IMMENSE STOCK OF gLL KINDS ol GOODS The EZlardware Importer, GU ELPH. usually found in a General Store. _ The IS THE BEST IN THE DOMINION OF TANADA FOR GENERAL PURPOSRS TO CRADLE MAKERS. DODDps & CADWELL, WARRANT THEM Prints, &c., &c., (%» ALL OF wWHICH WILL BB soLD vERY cfERp J OHN SHUH & Co. F U RN ILT U R E, Will be sold Ch Ffaving become the Sole Agents of the celebrated JOHN HQORSMAN, is unusuaily large, comprising most beautiful done to order on the shortest,Notice: T waal on of Cradle Makâ€" 17 in., $2 75 per se < _ _ > 0 "0 Cradle Scythes, | Springs, 10j per Ib ter inches, which golru Ruspe, 14 in., 374¢c each * C s 5 ellows, 30 in., $12, 32 in, $12 75e *‘ * this Season, and do /x in., $13) 60 in., $14 60, > +. m t 0 35 in., $18 70 ?HEK Mould Board Steel. 56 pér !b. | men. x « Bokton" Carriage Bands, eitver, 84; 90¢ ; IN HORSMAN. 3¢, $1 20; 4, $1 30 ; 44, $1 60 ; 6 in., haud $1 75¢ per sett. l::;?e. on besdit Boiled Qil, §! per gal. 1 : Turpentine, 75¢ per gal. j s a (':arnhh No. 1. $1 50 per ga‘!. and hrome Greéen 25¢ per Ib. cabine‘l do Yellow, 25¢ per Ib. 8. ’ Ultramarine Blue, 25¢ per lb i on ‘Celflliul Biue, 10¢ per |b. . fce"" 283 per sett | All[:l(‘t;:!'(‘v) article required al rates equally JOHN HORSMAN, Manufacturers of, and COFFINS made to order and a splendid (Feneral Agent tor tie County of Wauterloo, Blnlr'.l’. 0. 645â€" heaper than for nutty years, (s) a 1N Iron, $2 25¢ per 100 lbs . Bieigh Sboe Stee!, 44c per lb. Spring Steel, 5¢ per lb. & Cast Steel 16¢ pef Ib. . Axles, 1 in., $2 25¢, 14 in., $2 25¢, 14 in $2 50 pe} gett _ _ e Hllr_PQ_unl}‘l in., $2 50c, 1 in., PODDS & CADWELL. MOSES BECHTEL, )11X CA N

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